805 CC101 AFM DD 2 Valuation of Assets Under Lease


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  • 8/12/2019 805 CC101 AFM DD 2 Valuation of Assets Under Lease


    Valuation of Assetsunder

    Finance Lease

  • 8/12/2019 805 CC101 AFM DD 2 Valuation of Assets Under Lease


    Finance lease

    Accounting treatment of assets under finance leaseis dealt with in AS-19, Leases.

    Lessor :- The one who gives asset on lease.

    Lessee :- The one who takes asset on lease.

    A lease is an agreement by which the lessorconveys to the lessee to use the asset for a agreedperiod of time, in return for a payment or series ofpayments.

  • 8/12/2019 805 CC101 AFM DD 2 Valuation of Assets Under Lease


    Finance lease

    The lease is known as a finance lease if therisks & rewards arising from ownership of theasset are also transferred.

    Risk may include possibility of technologicalobsolescence.

    Rewards may include gains from appreciationin value & sub-leasing rights.

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    Finance lease

    Ownership is not transferred in case of a


    Ownership might get transferred at the end of

    lease period if stated so in the lease


  • 8/12/2019 805 CC101 AFM DD 2 Valuation of Assets Under Lease


    Accounting treatment of

    leased asset.

    In case of a finance lease, even though the

    ownership is not transferred, the benefits of

    the asset are used by the lessee.

    Thus, prudence (substance over form) says

    that leased assets should be accounted for

    as if they are owned by the lessee.

  • 8/12/2019 805 CC101 AFM DD 2 Valuation of Assets Under Lease


    Accounting treatment of

    leased asset.

    Thus, leased asset is recognised as asset inthe balance sheet.

    Plus, the lease is also recognised as aliability in balance sheet.

    The P & L A/c is debited by the financialcharge (interest) of the lease and also by thedepreciation charged on fixed asset.

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    Accounting treatment of

    leased asset.

    The lease as liability & asset will be shown at

    a value:

    Whichever is lower:

    Fair value of asset

    Present value of minimum lease payments

    Depreciation is calculated as per the rules ofAS-6.

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    Accounting treatment of

    leased asset.

    Period for which depreciation is charged:

    When transfer of When transfer ofOwnership is clear ownership not clear

    Useful life whichever is lowerOf the asset - lease term

    - useful life of asset

  • 8/12/2019 805 CC101 AFM DD 2 Valuation of Assets Under Lease


    Accounting treatment of

    leased asset.

    Present value of minimum lease payments

    = Initial Payment + equal lease payments

    PVAF yearsinterest

  • 8/12/2019 805 CC101 AFM DD 2 Valuation of Assets Under Lease


    Accounting treatment of

    leased asset.

    Position under income tax act:

    Depreciation on leased assets is not recognised

    The lease rentals are treated as revenue

    expenses and allowed in full computation of

    taxable income.

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    Intangible assets

    Intangible assets are non-monetary assets

    without physical substance, held for use in

    production or supply of goods or services, for

    rental to others, or for administrative


  • 8/12/2019 805 CC101 AFM DD 2 Valuation of Assets Under Lease


    Intangible assets



    Copyrights, patents and other industrial property

    rights, service and operating rights. Know-how: design, prototypes, new processes or

    systems, recipes, formulae, models.

    Licenses and franchises.

    Computer software Mastheads and publishing titles

    Motion picture films

  • 8/12/2019 805 CC101 AFM DD 2 Valuation of Assets Under Lease


    Intangible assets

    Two types of intangible assets

    Intangible assets acquired in a business purchase


    Internally generated intangible assets (AS-26).

  • 8/12/2019 805 CC101 AFM DD 2 Valuation of Assets Under Lease



    According to AS-10, whenever a business is

    acquired for a price which is in excess of fair

    value of the net assets of the business taken

    over, the excess is termed as goodwill.

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    Goodwill arises from:

    Business connections

    Brands and trade names


    Quality of employees

    Internal systems

    Loyalty of customers, etc.

  • 8/12/2019 805 CC101 AFM DD 2 Valuation of Assets Under Lease


    Other intangible assets

    acquired in business purchase

    In business acquisition, excess price paid

    leads to goodwill intangible.

    But, at times part of this excess amount may

    be on account of other intangible assets.

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    Internally generated intangible


    Internally generated intangible assets are thoseexpenditures which are incurred to generate futureeconomic benefits.

    Such assets are not shown as intangible assets inthe balance sheet but are understood or implied tobe intangible asset. E.g.: advertising, training, start-up, research & development, etc.

    Such expenses are divided into two phases: Research


  • 8/12/2019 805 CC101 AFM DD 2 Valuation of Assets Under Lease


    Internally generated intangible


    Research refers to the original and planned

    investigation undertaken with the prospect of

    gaining new scientific or technical knowledge.

    Development is the process of application of

    research findings which actually leads to

    producing better materials, products,processes, systems, services, etc.

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    Internally generated intangible

    assets Intangible asset arising during research is not

    recognised in the financial statements.

    Intangible asset arising from development should be

    recognised if the enterprise can demonstrate all of thefollowing:

    Technical feasibility

    Intention to use or sell the asset

    Technical, financial and other resources to use theasset.

    Ability to measure the expenditure incurred on itsdevelopment.

    How asset would generate probable future economic


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    Internally generated intangible



    Cost of an internally generated intangible asset is

    the total of expenditure incurred on it from the

    time it is first recognised as an intangible asset.


    Amortisation is the systematic allocation ofdepreciable amount of an intangible asset over

    the useful life of the asset.

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    Impairment of Assets

    Impairment of assets is dealt with in AS-28,

    impairment of asset

    Some times the assets of a company become

    less useful or productive due reasons like

    technical obsolescence, higher competition,

    change in consumer preference, lowerdemand, etc.

  • 8/12/2019 805 CC101 AFM DD 2 Valuation of Assets Under Lease


    Impairment of Assets

    In such cases, market value of such assets would

    considerably fall in comparison of the NBV.

    Thus continuing to record such assets at highvalues is not prudent as it would not reflect the true

    and fair financial position of the firm.

    Thus it becomes necessary to calculate the

    impairment loss.

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    Impairment of Assets

    An asset is said to be impaired when it is

    recorded in the balance sheet at an amount

    higher than its recoverable amount.

    i.e. carrying amount > recoverable amount.

    Recoverable amount refers to

    Higher of

    Net selling price

    Value in use

  • 8/12/2019 805 CC101 AFM DD 2 Valuation of Assets Under Lease


    Impairment of Assets

    Value in use

    Present value of estimated future cash flows expected to

    arise from the use of the asset and from its disposal at end

    of its life.

    The impairment loss will be shown as a charge in

    P & L A/c.

    And asset and its depreciation would now be shown

    at the recoverable amount instead of NBV.