800 DS KPDS GRAMER KEL ME SORULARI.doc) 2 KPDS-ÜDS-YDS 1) Sponsorship is being increasingly allowed...


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1) Sponsorship is being increasingly allowed in schools provided it is regarded as being ------- with educational curricula.

A) considerate B) predictable C) decisive D) compatible E) provocative

2) As the new field worker will be working in

close ------- with several others, make sure you select someone with agreeable personality.

A) uniformity B) suspicion C) collaboration D) discretion E) productivity

3) The discovery of a ------- cancer-causing

chemical in foods like crisps, chips and cereals caused shockwaves around the world when it hit the headlines earlier this year.

A) completely B) potentially C) constantly D) radically E) remarkably

4) The study of the situation covers a great

deal of relevant material, but does not tackle the real issues ------ enough.

A) disturbingly B) outrageously C) vaguely D) adequately E) currently

5) The recent recovery in palm oil production

in Southeast Asia has lead to a / an ----- decline in all vegetable oil prices.

A) dense B) tentative C) clumsy D) abstract E) dramatic

6) At present, the rate of economic growth is

very satisfactory, but ------ when foreign competition makes itself felt, this will not be the case.

A) enthusiastically B) eventually C) considerably D) effectively E) preferably

7) Serbian ------ in Bosnia has been strongly condemned by the civilised world, but little serious action has been taken against it.

A) conduct B) settlement C) investment D) treaty E) compliment

8) In view of the severe economic recession,

his appointment to this office was regarded as highly ------ .

A) refutable B) persuasive C) compulsory D) appropriate E) considerable

9) In a child, curiosity normally suggests

intelligence and is welcomed; but an ------ adult is best avoided.

A) indefinite B) indulgent C) indecisive D) impartial E) inquisitive

10) I am not ------ that the proposal actually will

lead to an improvement in the situation.

A) impressed B) deterred C) convinced D) refrained E) intrusive

11) It is a society that is ------ to waging war on

all forms of environmental pollution.

A) regarded B) preferred C) referred D) committed E) upheld

12) Many of the pictures sent from outer space

are presently on ------ in the public library.

A) duty B) display C) account D) exchange E) reinforcement

13) Organizations are often said to be theatres

in which people ------ roles in dramas, and psychic prisons, or political arenas.

A) perform B) allege C) reinforce D) presume E) betray

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14) The objective of this project is to increase the depth of awareness and understanding in the world about the causes and consequences of the HIV epidemic through ------ policies and programmes.

A) innovative B) decadent C) meagre D) ambiguous E) poignant

15) Launched as the new regulatory authority

for the country’s banking and financial sector, the National Financial Services Management will extend its activities so as ------ to cover more than 40% of the national economy.

A) exceptionally B) ultimately C) inherently D) fluently E) apparently

16) To the ------ of those who believe that the

new policy will help for the company to get over the long lasting recession, it proved to be far worse than the previous one.

A) competition B) optimism C) respect D) sanction E) despair

17) In what is viewed as a major diplomatic ------

by Türkiye, Syria agreed to Turkish demands that it abandon its support for Kurdish Workers' Party (PKK) guerrillas.

A) distinction B) execution C) failure D) victory E) pretension

18) Governments throughout the world ------ that the welfare of their people depends on the economic strength and wealth of the community.

A) enlighten B) commence C) assume D) castigate E) accomplish

19) Many early peoples who had not yet learned

to catch fish, hunt game, or till the soil ------ lived chiefly on roots, berries and nuts.

A) undoubtedly B) inconsistently C) supremely D) exceedingly E) randomly

20) He devised an ------ scheme whereby the rate of unemployment in the country could be brought down sharply.

A) irrelevant B) unstable C) ingenious D) unfamed E) illegible

21) Due to the far-reaching research and the

speedy innovations during the past few years, the computer system we bought only last year is now ------, and therefore we have to purchase a new one.

A) unmatched B) obsolete C) temporary D) transitional E) deceased

22) In the 19th century, the mechanization of printing ------ the means for meeting the increased demand for books in industrialized societies.

A) prevailed B) alluded C) provided D) achieved E) predicted

23) Although the Germanic tribes that forcibly migrated into southern and western Europe in the 5th century were ------ converted to Christianity, they retained many of their customs and ways of life.

A) extremely B) likely

C) ultimately D) indispensably E) favourably

24) She is the oldest person in the village, 92

years to be precise, and has a ------ world of advice for everyone.

A) fanciful B) credible C) faithful D) futile E) kindly

25) Space research is largely a branch of pure

science, independent of any applications which ------ from it.

A) enforce B) reduce C) insure D) restore E) stem

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26) The most effective way to reduce the destructiveness of earthquakes is to design and construct buildings and other structures capable of ------- strong shaking.

A) withstanding B) upholding C) embittering D) suspending E) swaying

27) When the author moved to Tucson, Arizona,

in 1992, his ------ was retirement in a climate less harsh than his native, Chicago.

A) withdrawal B) prosperity C) rate D) goal E) avidity

28) It is a curious ------ that the moon exactly

does cover the sun’s disk during a total eclipse seen from the earth.

A) coincidence B) opportunity C) convenience D) resemblance E) comparison

29) It now appears that while US leaders are still

willing for the nation to exert itself abroad and give large amounts of foreign assistance, the American public is ------ to go along with these policies.

A) spontaneous B) unsteady C) reluctant D) competitive E) deliberate

30) The range of measures permitting workers

to reduce their working hours or to take a career break is ------ broad in Belgium; most measures are non-obligatory and are based on incentives.

A) relatively B) unequivocally C) respectively D) successively E) sarcastically

31) Microstructural features in metals ------

affect what happens on a larger scale, particularly when systems are pushed to their limits.

A) randomly B) profoundly C) cautiously D) thoughtfully E) recklessly

32) English is quite an easy language to ------ ; nevertheless, several other languages, including Dutch and Latin, ------ characteristics which make this far more difficult.

A) practice / exclude B) exempt / undermine C) reproach / cover D) automate / contain E) verify / appreciate

33) As he has persistently withstood all kinds of

political coercion on this issue for so long, it is unlikely that he would ------ at this stage.

A) reinforce B) dispose C) compete D) graduate E) relent

34) There are many ways of ------ the

incapacitated from buildings : by lift, carrying or putting people in temporary refuges to await rescue.

A) refuting B) exempting C) evacuating D) undermining E) confirming

35) The Civil War came as a climax to a long

series of quarrels between the North and South over the ------ of the United States Constitution.

A) occurrence B) interpretation C) equivalence D) reference E) liability

36) Even allowing the inflation, the prices are

------ more expensive than last year, and as a result, I'm certain that almost no one will be able to afford them.

A) slightly B) scarcely C) elaborately D) considerably E) completely

37) Amongst the issues causing bridge

engineers much difficulty, the most significant ones are those of ------ and repair.

A) maintenance B) enhancement C) evaluation D) perception E) peculiarity

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38) Until the introduction of the practice prepared by DETR, there was ------ in the environmental monitoring of chemical accidents, with different methodologies producing variable results.

A) acclimatisation B) expenditure C) redundancy D) precaution E) inconsistency

39) Since words alone may fail to convey an

idea, teachers often ------ such visual aids as pictures, charts, and films.

A) facilitate B) employ C) exhaust D) acquire E) amend

40) As both private industry and government

departments tend to concentrate on ------ results, there is steady shift of scientists from pure to the applied field.

A) lawful B) optional C) partial D) immediate E) harmonious

41) Many members of the medical profession

are of the opinion that laughter, a common element of everyday life, has ------ therapeutic effects on the body.

A) hilarious B) ridiculous C) awkward D) morbid E) valuable

42) The fact that safety belts save lives is both

------ obvious and also supported by impressive amount of evidence.

A) permanently B) purposefully C) conclusively D) appropriately E) excessively

43) Founded to promote the art, science, and

practice of rehabilitation care for the people with disabilities, the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) was ------ called the American College of Radiology and Psychology.

A) originally B) imaginatively C) adequately D) obscurely E) eventually

44) As we approach the challenge of the millennium date change, more information is emerging about the potential ------ and pitfalls that might face the country.

A) perils B) guards C) aides D) comrades E) protections

45) According to the newspaper, the parliament

are working on a ------ that will abolish all higher education entrance exams.

A) refusal B) proposal C) disposal D) hindrance E) horizon

46) One major aim of the new constitution is to

prevent the ------ of power by any majority.

A) misuse B) compromise C) completion D) issue E) existence

47) I thoroughly enjoyed the lecture; it wasn't

------, but it wasn't too scholarly, either.

A) oversimplified B) underestimated C) overemphatic D) underrated E) overdue

48) As far as we are concerned, the evidence

put before the court was not ------ enough to convict the man.

A) subsequent B) conclusive C) adamant D) earnest E) consecutive

49) His poetic output may not be large but,

nevertheless, Ted Hughes is generally regarded as one of the ------ poets of our time.

A) distinguished B) excessive C) prolific D) extensive E) futile

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50) Through the winter, the bank rates were reasonably steady, but they have started to ------ again.

A) fluctuate B) exchange C) improve D) incline E) intensify

51) The criticism he made concerning the annual fiscal report was ------ to the point.

A) remarkably B) immediately C) incessantly D) preferably E) incompetently

52) We will repeat the experiment twice in order

to ------ the results.

A) vanish B) spill C) verify D) sneak E) pinch

53) Diplomatic relations between the two

countries, which were ------ during the war, have not yet been restored.

A) defeated B) established C) severed D) determined E) featured

54) People who are constantly in the public eye

must learn to remain ------ in the face of criticism.

A) composed B) resultant C) appreciated D) outrageous E) restored

55) They raised no ------ to his prolonged leave

of absence since they didn't want to lose him altogether.

A) refutation B) refusal C) objection D) refund E) compulsion

56) As the conditions of the expedition are likely

to be severe, you had better take necessary ------ .

A) trials B) precautions C) efforts D) objections E) attempts

57) It was felt that the EU had ------ on a programme of economic change that the member states could not sustain.

A) surpassed B) relieved C) embarked D) specified E) retired

58) To be a leader, it is not enough to be

hardworking and knowledgeable; one must also be able to inspire ------ .

A) denial B) restraint C) discretion D) confidence E) reservation

59) The two major political parties in Britain are

currently ------ to extreme and radically different approaches to the solution of Britain's economic problems.

A) referred B) obsessed C) committed D) implied E) meant

60) I have looked through the report, but I must

admit, only ------ .

A) carefully B) thoroughly C) superficially D) seriously E) experimentally

61) The rise in energy ------ has led to a

reduction in the amount of fossil fuels that the world must use.

A) redundancy B) efficiency C) consumption D) suitability E) conformity

62) I believe that leaders must make an effort to

stay open-minded and try to ------ another person's point of view.

A) deplore B) recover C) forecast D) insist E) appreciate

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63) We must find some way to give them a fairly complete and realistic picture of the situation, but without ------ them too much.

A) depressing B) intimidating C) restricting D) complementing E) embittering

64) Any child left to its own devices for too long

is likely to ------ on some dangerous enterprise.

A) assert B) entice C) embark D) reproach E) reduce

65) Foot and mouth disease, also called aftosa, is a highly contagious viral disease affecting ------ all cloven footed mammals, including cattle, sheep, goats, and swine.

A) practically B) haphazardly C) secretly D) hardly E) swiftly

66) Industry as a whole was badly affected by

the restrictions, but it was the high technology sector that suffered most ------ .

A) blatantly B) randomly C) reasonably D) tightly E) acutely

67) The stars visible at night are ------ distant,

which is why they appear only as tiny points of light.

A) commonly B) eventually C) immensely D) intensively E) specially

68) Her parents spend their summers in the

south, but their ------ residence, a luxury apartment, is in İstanbul.

A) favourable B) traditional C) previous D) permanent E) ordinary

69) One defect seems inherent in a purely classical education –namely, a too ------ emphasis on the past.

A) recurrent B) repressive C) coherent D) exclusive E) deceptive

70) The Kodak Company now faces stiff ------

both from abroad and from rival firms at home.

A) renovation B) competition C) investment D) commerce E) recession

71) Many people think of the United States as a

young country, yet it has the oldest written ------ among the major nations of the world.

A) involvement B) concession C) proposition D) treaty E) constitution

72) A few people enjoyed the exhibition, but the

majority were clearly ----- .

A) restrained B) admirable C) impartial D) disappointed E) relieved

73) Thanks to various advances in modern

medicine, certain diseases that were seemingly incurable now ------ treatment.

A) consist of B) yield to C) interfere with D) stem from E) result from

74) Although the partners seem to be in full agreement on matters of management, there is actually a ------ difference of opinion among them.

A) smooth B) abundant C) flexible D) vast E) relentless

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75) Admittedly, the engineer's report was relatively unimaginative, but it was, on the whole, ------ .

A) accurate B) irrelevant C) vacant D) deceptive E) wealthy

76) He has behaved ------ on many occasions, so

this instance of impoliteness is hardly surprising.

A) shyly B) endearingly C) sensitively D) readily E) inconsiderately

77) At the meeting, even though he spoke well,

he was unable to ------ the other members.

A) complete B) persuade C) reinterpret D) agree E) dispute

78) The United States has long prided itself on

being a melting pot of culturally ------ peoples.

A) diverse B) redundant C) incoherent D) entire E) substantial

79) It is ------ ten years since AIDS caught the world's attention.

A) formidably B) generously C) pertinently D) roughly E) inevitably

80) As a result of the continuing economic

recession, a huge ------ in the budget seems inevitable.

A) redundancy B) improvement C) profit D) distinction E) deficit

81) When the rate of exchange began to rise

again, he felt ------ to call a meeting of the financial staff.

A) obliged B) blamed C) consumed D) omitted E) rewarded

82) The new ceramics, which have little in common with the chinaware we use in our kitchens everyday, are being used ------ in engines and electronics.

A) depressingly B) seemingly C) increasingly D) discouragingly E) obligingly

83) When they called Mr. Smith to head office, I

am quite sure it was not their ------ to promote him to branch manager.

A) avidity B) impression C) prediction D) disposition E) intention

84) Locke Hobbes and Rousseau were concerned in their writings with the question of a proper ------ between the public good and the right of individuals to exercise free will.

A) balance B) demonstration C) responsibility D) interest E) solidarity

85) If we are serious about suppressing

terrorism, we shall have to ------ stronger measures than those currently in practice.

A) require B) revise C) adopt D) abduct E) suspend

86) I am horrified at the turn things have taken

and am convinced that he is ------ of much better treatment than that which he is receiving.

A) rebutting B) deserving C) defending D) safeguarding E) indulging

87) When an unknown but gifted artist is finally

recognized, his paintings can become valuable ------ in the future.

A) rates B) accounts C) sales D) interests E) assets

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88) The journalists asked the Prime Minister so many questions that finally he felt it necessary to ------ the statement.

A) propose B) refrain C) clarify D) undermine E) exempt

89) Geological activity in this region has

produced a landscape that is at once ------ and forbidding.

A) wasteful B) cautious C) discreet D) susceptible E) rugged

90) The medieval struggle between secular and

religious power came to a ------ in the 14th century with the rise of nationalism and the increased prominence of lawyers, both royalist and canon.

A) influence B) popularity C) climax D) summit E) dedication

91) It is ------ surprising that the art of ancient

America remains the most mysterious and the least accessible.

A) urgently B) vaguely C) indifferently D) elaborately E) hardly

92) Bartok was influenced as much by the

musical innovations of Debussy and Stravinsky as by East European, ------ Hungarian, folk music.

A) exceedingly B) notably C) appropriately D) vehemently E) adequately

93) The argument he has put forward is hardly

------ with the information we have so far received on the case.

A) reflective B) representative C) arbitrary D) resistant E) compatible

94) If the situation in Somalia improves, a significant part of the allied forces will be ------ .

A) enclosed B) withdrawn C) encouraged D) recruited E) sustained

95) More than 4,500 years ago, the -------

Egyptians prepared the first paper from the fibrous stems of papyrus, a grass-like plant.

A) ancient B) outdated C) fallacious D) mystical E) communal

96) Few, if any, of the statements made could be

------ substantiated by concrete experimental evidence.

A) intentionally B) successively C) restrictedly D) impressively E) conclusively

97) The British entry into the European

Community has ------ a new line of policy.

A) negotiated B) confined C) resented D) constituted E) refunded

98) Dependence by primitive humans on their

environment would not have permitted them to be ------ the effects of the surrounding world on them.

A) intrigued by B) protected from C) indifferent about D) surprised by E) knowledgeable about

99) When the world population ------ the 5-billion

milestone in 1987, the United Nations estimated that it would not stabilize until the record mark was doubled late in the 21st century.

A) surpassed B) defeated C) remarked D) conceded E) generated

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100) At the opening night of the new production of Aida the guest soprano gave a superb, a truly ------ performance.

A) dazzling B) declining C) disappointing D) recalling E) degrading

101) The topics included in the conference

programme are not as ------ as one might have hoped.

A) obsessed B) illuminated C) preoccupied D) varied E) disposed

102) Throughout most of human history,

people's movements on land were ------ to those speeds and distances that could be attained by walking.

A) affiliated B) acquired C) promoted D) restricted E) inclined

103) The French physicist Jean-Antoine Nollet is

------ with the earliest recorded observation of osmosis in 1748.

A) fortified B) credited C) satisfied D) competed E) detained

104) On the third day after the shipwreck, they

gave up all hope of finding any ------ .

A) deserters B) conclusions C) survivors D) suppliers E) discrepancies

105) The allocation made by the budget committee can be used ------ to finance work on child health.

A) plainly B) excessively C) extremely D) remarkably E) solely

106) Since the firm has been found negligent by the court, his claim for ------ for the accident has been accepted.

A) compensation B) reduction C) employment D) relevance E) cooperation

107) I don't approve of the methods he is using,

but his ------ aim, as regards the project, is admirable.

A) conclusive B) ultimate C) controversial D) convenient E) deplorable

108) If he gets this ------, it will help him to

recover his self-confidence.

A) accuracy B) exposure C) promotion D) activity E) procedure

109) In 1883, before the electron was discovered,

the Swedish physicist and chemist Svante August Arrhenius ------ the existence of ions in solutions in order to explain electrolysis.

A) improved B) reassessed C) awakened D) alleged E) postulated

110) The testimony of the last witness ------ the

accused off all suspicion.

A) induces B) removes C) clears D) surmounts E) exposes

111) By all means, give all the medical details,

but do ------ from giving any names.

A) relent B) excuse C) deny D) refrain E) respect

112) Mark's warm and humorous personality ------

everyone at the conference.

A) enhanced B) frightened C) confirmed D) captivated E) disgusted

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113) An election in which all members of a political party are ------ to select candidates is called a direct primary.

A) excluded B) separated C) distinguished D) entitled E) assessed

114) The most common type of government in

the 20th century, representative democracy ------ in Western Europe, North and South America, Australia, New Zealand, Egypt, and Japan.

A) prevails B) reinforces C) commits D) enacts E) stabilizes

115) President Bush's special envoy, Zalmay

Khalilzad, has stressed that any military movement or combat in Northern Iraq should be under the overall ------ of the US-led coalition.

A) supply B) reliance C) priority D) phase E) command

116) Although balloons had been used for

military purposes for some time, the ------ use of the airplane as a weapon during World War I was especially troubling.

A) prevalent B) equivalent C) indifferent D) resultant E) resistant

117) The mirrors used in Greco-Roman antiquity

and throughout the European Middle Ages were simply ------ convex disks of metal, either bronze, tin, or silver, that reflected light off their highly polished surfaces.

A) instantly B) densely C) slightly D) utterly E) steadily

118) The behaviour of light seems to have

interested ancient philosophers, but without ------ them to experiment.

A) disbanding B) discouraging C) damaging D) stimulating E) frustrating

119) Even when his reputation was in ------, almost everyone was willing to admit that he had genius.

A) retaliation B) eclipse C) ascendancy D) differentiation E) rebuttal

120) No one can say for sure how ------ the

awards have been.

A) determined B) effective C) reducible D) effervescent E) inborn

121) On the foundry, liquid hydrogen must be

stored in large stainless steel tanks with double walls filled with ------ and evacuated to a high vacuum.

A) grit B) device C) insulation D) instrument E) sediment

122) That is our firm's ------ that the new law

should be implemented immediately.

A) proficiency B) consensus C) struggle D) aggression E) regulation

123) As she suffered from digestive troubles

after too much eating and drinking during the holiday, the doctor insisted on a strict ------ .

A) diet B) plot C) dent D) rife E) deck

124) One should never ------ in the disputes of

neighbours; the best policy is to keep out of other people's affairs.

A) interact B) leave C) interfere D) entail E) implicate

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125) The theme of that play is quite complicated, but the actual ------ of the story is quite simple.

A) summary B) stage C) abbreviation D) surrounding E) frame

126) Physically speaking, the Pacific Basin

includes not only all those countries bordering on the Pacific coast, but also the Pacific island nations ------ across the ocean.

A) adopted B) based C) grafted D) scattered E) expanded

127) At the beginning of the 20th century, Albert

Einstein developed the theory of relativity, ------ that Newtonian mechanics could not be applied to bodies moving at speeds close to the speed of light

A) alleviating B) demonstrating C) admonishing D) regarding E) expanding

128) The ambitious staff of the language learning

centre have shown great ------ in performing their duties.

A) gaiety B) efficiency C) vitality D) outcome E) consistency

129) In the operation of nuclear reactors, great

care is exercised to protect personnel in the area and to ------ instruments that are sensitive.

A) persist B) creep C) anticipate D) eliminate E) safeguard

130) When Newton arrived in Cambridge in 1661,

the movement now known as the scientific revolution was well advanced, and many of the works ------ to modern science had appeared.

A) basic B) indulgent C) intrinsic D) brave E) strict

131) The field of statistical thermodynamics provides a deeper understanding of such ------ as temperature, vapour pressure, and diffusion.

A) resolutions B) applications C) reductions D) spectacles E) phenomena

132) Today's social security system is ------

popular, partly because it is universal and partly because retirement benefits are related to contributions, so most people feel the system is fair.

A) extremely B) likely C) eventually D) indispensably E) favorably

133) Census taking was not a widespread

practice before 1800, so it is impossible to trace the history of world urbanization with any ------ until the 19th century.

A) expansion B) observance C) rejection D) precision E) capacity

134) It is a book rich in ideas and beauty, a

material that ------ and tries to answer great fundamental questions and demands the most active reading one is capable of.

A) raises B) attains C) casts D) alludes E) accomplishes

135) By the time the ------ child enters school

today, he has already spent more hours learning about his world from TV than he will spend in a classroom learning a college degree.

A) parsimonious B) average C) transitional D) temporary E) vulnerable

136) Judging from her recent speeches to the

public, the Prime Minister seems to be trying to ------ the confidence of her people.

A) execute B) remunerate C) dispatch D) regain E) affect

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137) In the 1990s and early 21st century chemical weapons became a growing ------ among many nations, as a result of which an international agreement called the Chemical Weapons Convention came into force in 1997.

A) concern B) defect C) altitude D) notice E) feature

138) Many local authorities are ------ opposed to

the introduction of comprehensive schooling despite the disadvantage of having undereducated people.

A) bitterly B) deliberately C) abruptly D) conventionally E) sardonically

139) Because he had researched the subject so

------, he was able to answer all the questions he was asked effortlessly.

A) permanently B) practically C) exhaustively D) unequivocally E) genuinely

140) The authors tried to meet the ------,

nevertheless, there were only twenty four hours remaining and they knew that it would be impossible to complete the novel.

A) deadline B) circulation C) illiteracy D) entertainment E) donation

141) Architectural pressure groups fought

unsatisfactorily to save a terrace of 18th century houses from ------ .

A) construction B) evolution C) maturation D) enlargement E) demolition

142) A complete reconstruction of the origin and

development of the atmosphere would include details of its size and composition at all times during the 4,500,000,000 years since the ------ of the Earth.

A) formation B) distribution C) hesitation D) redemption E) occurrence

143) Some analysts ------ that a U.S.-led invasion of Iraq without Turkey would not only substantially weaken administration claims of international support but also do critical long-term damage to relations with an important NATO and Muslim-populated ally.

A) maintain B) disapprove C) compliment D) finalize E) validate

144) The government has recently made one

million dollars ------ for research grants concerning the prediction of earthquake.

A) condition B) available C) suitable D) consideration E) vulnerable

145) The ozone layer may still act like a

protective blanket, but scientists continue to worry about the sun’s ------ lethal effects.

A) potentially B) equivalently C) indifferently D) approximately E) abruptly

146) They have had to agree to provide free

lunches, but obviously they have done so ------ .

A) faultlessly B) precisely C) exceedingly D) reluctantly E) extraordinarily

147) Unfortunately, few children behave in such a

------ manner towards the elderly and infirm.

A) ridiculous B) considerate C) restricted D) fragile E) progressive

148) The development of the experimental

method to verify theories had the ------ effect and there was a rapid increase in scientific knowledge.

A) adverse B) reluctant C) appropriate D) erroneous E) partial

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149) We will have to hire more workers soon; we can’t put it off ------ .

A) plainly B) supremely C) emphatically D) intensely E) indefinitely

150) When births outnumber deaths, the

population increases; when the ------ occurs, then it falls.

A) opposite B) growth C) share D) rate E) decrease

151) Industry is slowly realising that the manner

in which waste products are ------ of is of vital importance to the environment.

A) forwarded B) exposed C) composed D) disposed E) restored

152) Discourse analysis is ------ labour intensive and time consuming, transcription of audio tapes alone being a challenging task.

A) extremely B) radically C) reluctantly D) coherently E) incessantly

153) People from rural Asia, where breast and

colon cancers are rare, ------ get more likely to contract those diseases after moving to the United States.

A) widely B) totally C) gradually D) extensively E) exceedingly

154) In 1990, the ------ of HIV infection in South

Africa and Thailand were both less than one percent; however, today, Thailand's rate is 2.15 percent; South Africa's is 19.94 percent.

A) measurement B) derivation C) establishment D) extension E) frequency

155) Champions of the green movement regard the internal combustion machine as one of the biggest ------ in history.

A) disasters B) rejections C) admissions D) denials E) sensations

156) It shouldn't be forgotten that,

notwithstanding the great prosperity of the people, Canada's initial political problem remains the relationship between her English and French speaking ------ .

A) surroundings B) combinations C) circumstances D) communities E) personalities

157) The general feeling in the court was that

several of the witnesses were ------ information that could have a direct bearing upon the case.

A) expressing B) avoiding C) withholding D) disrupting E) declining

158) The river Danube rises in Germany and ------

through central Europe and into the Black Sea.

A) cruises B) spreads C) flows D) conducts E) covers

159) Today, a wide spectrum of biological

scientists are needed to develop the biotechnology of the next millenium and to ensure the ------ of life on our planet.

A) explanation B) process C) exhaustion D) duration E) conservation

160) The distinction between a language and a

dialect is a ------ difficult one.

A) precisely B) notoriously C) compulsively D) suitably E) flexibly

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161) Prior to the first European settlement of Australia, the Aborigines numbered about 300,000, whereas their ------ populace is estimated about 125,000 130,000.

A) versatile B) current C) mutual D) rigid E) erratic

162) The move toward a press free of partisan

------- started in France with the founding of La Presse in 1836 by Émile de Girardin.

A) sentiment B) emotion C) movement D) validity E) prosperity

163) I was ------ beyond words when I saw the

picture of a baby elephant in National Geographic magazine.

A) moved B) lost C) relieved D) struck E) alerted

164) Poor countries lack well-developed clusters;

they compete in the world market with inexpensive labour and natural ------ .

A) resources B) requirements C) intellects D) distresses E) solicitations

165) While some smaller EU countries have

roughly halved their official gold reserves, the three with the largest holdings —Germany, France and Italy— have maintained theirs ------ unchanged, as have Spain and Portugal and also the UK.

A) exhaustively B) fundamentally C) indispensably D) indubitably E) virtually

166) Theories ------- the nature, origin, and extent

of human knowledge make up the area of philosophy called epistemology

A) consisting B) submitting C) devising D) respecting E) concerning

167) According to experts, many of the chemicals used in conventional waste treatment ------ add to the pollution of the water supply.

A) accurately B) daringly C) actually D) considerately E) relevantly

168) If we are to ------ the essence of today's new

economy, we must look at it from a perspective that reaches further back than the experiences of the past few years.

A) propound B) compel C) advocate D) grasp E) submit

169) Until the invention of printing, the public

had to be ------- with whatever information it was given by official sources, or it had to make do with hearsay and rumor.

A) dedicated B) satisfied C) thrilled D) amazed E) stunned

170) Until recently, psychiatrists ------ that there

must be a single reason for drinking alcohol and therefore looked first for differences between those who drank and those who did not.

A) distributed B) embellished C) resolved D) assumed E) discharged

171) The Carnegie Endowment for International

Peace seeks an individual to launch a research project on the information revolution and its ------ on international affairs.

A) impact B) involvement C) reference D) linkage E) comparison

172) Unlike Europe’s stone castles and

cathedrals, America’s historical buildings are often wood-framed and so subject to ------ from moisture and insects.

A) caution B) deficiency C) damage D) obsession E) frustration

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173) In earlier times, when human population sizes were small and modern technology was developing, the effects of human activities on natural populations seldom seemed ------ .

A) persuasive B) respectable C) arguable D) significant E) unfailing

174) Many of the critics clearly regarded several

of the paintings on ------ as of poor quality.

A) discovery B) display C) occasion D) approval E) account

175) It was decided at the board meeting that

more funds should be allocated to getting the firm’s products ------ more widely.

A) publicised B) priced C) curtailed D) expanded E) confirmed

176) The report issued by the National Health

Council draws attention to the hazards of ------ to rays.

A) resistance B) involvement C) confinement D) exposure E) implication

177) In every culture throughout recorded

history, human beings have ------ powerful tales to help explain the inexplicable.

A) sought B) departed C) sprung D) woven E) revealed

178) There’s nothing very brilliant about the

report, but he has ------ collected all the data needed.

A) infectiously B) recklessly C) considerably D) restrictively E) conscientiously

179) What really surprised everybody was that he saved the company from bankruptcy quite ------ .

A) decidedly B) relatively C) scarcely D) unhurriedly E) competently

180) Russia has a fleet of 250 nuclear

submarines, 170 of which are ------ out of service.

A) radically B) explicitly C) indiscriminately D) currently E) conclusively

181) The first great theorist of dramatic art was Aristo, whose ------ of tragedy in “The Poetics” has dominated critical thought ever since.

A) solution B) reference C) discussion D) recognition E) allusion

182) Their state assets were ------ to foreign

capital at bargain prices.

A) available B) unreliable C) recurrent D) constant E) ultimate

183) The whole of society may suffer if its

government is attacked; ------- the entire body is harmed if the brain is damaged. A) otherwise B) similarly C) on the other hand D) nevertheless E) however

184) Osteoclasts are cells that ------- bone in the

normal course of bone replenishment.

A) show off B) pull through C) break down D) put out E) cut off

185) The findings indicate that there is a lower

------- of cancer among vegetarians.

A) incidence B) disturbance C) decline D) reversal E) replacement

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186) Scientists are ------- biotechnology to develop highly effective drugs in the fight against currently incurable diseases.

A) invading B) justifying C) exerting D) retaining E) utilizing

187) ------ its focus on how language is used to

achieve goals, discourse analysis may also be useful in exploring areas of persuasion, ideology, and conflict.

A) On account of B) On behalf of C) In connection with D) In addition to E) By dint of

188) The relationship between smoking and lung

cancer has been heatedly discussed for many years, but until recently the evidence about it has been both ------- and conflicting.

A) exemplary B) susceptible C) compatible D) fragmentary E) confident

189) Medical science is advancing at such a pace

that it is virtually impossible to ------- all the latest developments even within one's own specialist field.

A) take up B) keep up with C) carry out D) pull out of E) look down on

190) Patients seeking to ------- scars have several

options, depending on the depth of the scar.

A) get rid of B) sort out C) take back D) get along with E) fold over

191) Atoms are ------- of electrons and a nucleus

containing protons and neutrons.

A) joined B) linked C) composed D) kept E) completed

192) Visibility depends ------- upon the concentration of water or dust particles in the air.

A) rapidly B) obstinately C) instantly D) suitably E) chiefly

193) This magazine is designed to help satellite

equipment buyers make more ------- purchasing decisions and keep ahead of new developments.

A) representative B) obscure C) foreseen D) informed E) indifferent

194) He was discharged from hospital but was

advised to return after a month for further ------- . A) treatment B) recovery C) admission D) diagnosis E) expansion

195) Science requires the testing of its ideas or theories to see if its predictions are ------- by experiment.

A) made up B) borne out C) closed in D) put off E) sorted out

196) Radioactivity was discovered in 1896 by

Becquerel, who noticed that salts containing uranium ------- radiations.

A) got off B) held up C) sent off D) came up with E) turned away

197) In the past, too, people relied on plant

substances to ------- a wide range of illnesses A) recover B) undermine C) infect D) cure E) restrain

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198) Some women are ------- troubled with backache as they get older. A) relevantly B) consecutively C) continually D) sufficiently E) reluctantly

199) A poorly-planned vegetarian diet will

typically be ------- in iron, zinc and calcium. A) unhealthy B) deficient C) varied D) nutritious E) essential

200) The subject of statics is ------- the calculation of the forces acting on and within structures that are in equilibrium.

A) taken care of B) turned up C) kept off D) given rise to E) concerned with

201) I don't know how the nurse ------- the

constant demands of that elderly patient. A) thinks over B) changes over C) turns on D) wakes up E) puts up with

202) As he has taken those antibiotics, it will be

very difficult to ------- just what the problem is. A) turn up B) give up C) put down D) find out E) look up

203) The brain and spinal cord ------- the central

nervous system. A) stand for B) turn down C) make up D) get on E) count on

204) Air pollution is obviously one of the major

--------- of city life. A) references B) disadvantages C) attempts D) definitions E) expressions

205) The lawyer submitted to the court several documents to --------- his point of view. A) support B) overcome C) refrain D) improve E) alienate

206) The latest figures concerning the company's

sales are certainly very --------- . A) determined B) intensive C) emphatic D) reluctant E) disturbing

207) On Tuesday, I'll be able to let you know

----- how many people will be attending the conference. A) mostly B) fortunately C) comparatively D) precisely E) immensely

208) From the evidence, it seems pretty obvious

that someone --------- the office sometime during the night. A) found out B) took after C) broke into D) made out E) ran up

209) If it rains, the football match will be ---------

until next week. A) given out B) put off C) turned off D) run through E) taken on

210) For the chemists of the 18th and 19th

centuries, an understanding of the chemical nature of food was a major ------- . A) objective B) agreement C) submission D) significance E) estimation

211) The green button on the far left of the

machine ------- the volume. A) interferes B) discloses C) regulates D) allows E) arises

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212) You should have attended that lecture on durability testing of fibres; it really was most ------- . A) irrelevant B) stimulating C) dull D) reluctant E) feasible

213) His forecast turned out to be ------- accurate

considering how little information he had to work on. A) lately B) effortlessly C) intentionally D) surprisingly E) heavily

214) The new engineer is highly knowledgeable,

but can we ------- him to lead the team successfully? A) run on B) put on C) make on D) take up E) rely on

215) Many of the lesser developed countries find

it hard to ------- the more developed ones, due to the rapid advances in technology there. A) make up for B) keep up with C) look out for D) turn upon E) run through

216) Many experiments ------- blood composition

are carried out in this laboratory. A) related to B) led from C) followed through D) contained in E) denied by

217) --------- obesity results basically from an

excess of calories, in some instances, genetic background may be a contributing factor. A) Since B) However C) Nevertheless D) Even though E) Unless

218) It may have something to do with the rising price of medicines, but certainly --------- people are beginning to show an interest in natural remedies. A) as many more B) the more C) the most D) as many E) more and more

219) Each year, large amounts of

carbonmonoxide are --------- into the atmosphere by automobiles and factories. A) absorbed B) emitted C) exchanged D) repulsed E) compelled

220) The first two paragraphs --------- the

particular requirements of the digital environment as the source of data and as a means of producing maps and other visualisations. A) lay emphasis on B) run out of C) break through D) stop short of E) look down on

221) Syndicalism embodies the idea that

workers, through direct action, --------- a general strike, should seize control over the means of production and hence gain political power.

A) especially B) previously C) tremendously D) respectfully E) consistently

222) Even in developed countries, it is not

unusual to see wage and job -------- against women.

A) separation B) difference C) discrimination D) insurance E) diversity

223) The origins of stress vary from person to

person, and people --------- differently to stressful events.

A) refer B) rely C) adopt D) react E) appeal

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224) This hotel certainly offers a high standard of service at --------- rates. A) contemporary B) competitive C) relative D) conceivable E) reliable

225) I'm sure the boy is not really backward, but

it is certainly difficult for him to --------- the other students in his class.

A) pull up B) make up for C) keep up with D) turn down E) take over

226) Every community in the world recognizes

certain activities as crimes, and has developed its own way of --------- them.

A) depending on B) looking after C) breaking into D) making for E) dealing with

227) The visitors ware taken to the airport, and

there they were --------- by the assistant manager.

A) made off B) seen off C) put through D) turned out E) looked over

228) The top research universities in the U.S.A. are ------- the fact that women researchers are encountering substantial barriers to career advancement. A) waiting for B) pulling out of C) facing up to D) trying out E) turning up

229) His doctor ------- advising him to take it easy

for a while and stop all overtime but he didn't listen. A) made up B) kept on C) ran through D) left out E) played down

230) I'm afraid I can't ------- the signature on this

painting, but it has been signed. A) make out B) take out C) find out D) turn back E) put down

231) Our understanding of the development of behaviour has long been hampered by the tendency to ------- sharply between "innate" and "acquired" behaviour.

A) exclude B) separate C) distinguish D) infer E) assess

232) Owing to the shortages in some building

materials and labour ------- in some trades, the building industry began to make more use of prefabricated. A) components B) immunity C) reliably D) cavity E) scarcity

233) In a blizzard, the ------- of very low

temperatures, strong wind and suffocating snow often proves fatal. A) expectation B) endurance C) engagement D) consistence E) combination

234) As regards the proposals for the treaty on

economic cooperation, my government has certain --------- concerning them. A) complications B) reservations C) disturbances D) restrictions E) predictions

235) The ------- concerning total disarmament

have broken down without leading any fruitful results. A) intentions B) complaints C) negotiations D) commitments E) involvements

236) A well-organized company that knows its

products are of a high standard does not fear ------- . A) conversion B) concentration C) competition D) departure E) pretension

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237) Nearly half of the world's countries have ----- capital punishment in law or in practice, and some two dozen of them have done so formally since 1980s. A) accused B) abolished C) executed D) entailed E) frustrated

238) A hundred years ago the chestnut ------ a quarter

of the hardwood trees in America.

A) turned down B) got through C) made up D) made out E) put down

239) Fats can only be ------- for energy by aerobic


A) set up B) cut out C) put on D) broken down E) turned off

240) You should ------- this treatment for a further

week by which time recovery will be complete.

A) take off B) bring in C) run on D) put up with E) keep to

241) The main focus of the study that will be ------

by a multidisciplinary team will be the genes and proteins of organisms within the context of their informational pathways or networks.

A) looked for B) carried out C) made out D) let down E) brought up

242) During the measles epidemic, it was observed that the disease had developed a ------- to certain drugs that had once been effective.

A) resistance B) risk C) denial D) scheme E) condition

243) Our metabolism ------- most of the carbohydrates we have either into glucose or into glycogen.

A) breaks B) deducts C) converts D) destroys E) collaborates

244) It is a fact that moderate amounts of sugar

are usually not harmful but, taken in excess, sugar can be ------ to our health.

A) vulnerable B) nutritious C) preferable D) preventive E) detrimental

245) In his fiction, William Faulkner uses a

complex literary style that seems to ------- his intricate themes of good and evil.

A) fit in with B) clear out C) put up with D) make out E) take after

246) The government has ------- a set of new

policies and measures which are designed to combat violence in big towns.

A) got off B) found out C) let down D) taken down E) worked out

247) The judge quickly ------- his notes before

sentencing the accused.

A) took over B) made up C) looked through D) put off E) found out

248) When Shakespeare died in Stradford in

1660, no collected ------- of his plays had been published.

A) title B) edition C) section D) print E) manuscript

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249) British supermarkets have more political influence than ------- any other corporate sector in Britain.

A) often B) immediately C) almost D) fairly E) quite

250) Several international treaties and conferences have -------- the prohibition of chemical warfare.

A) put up with B) looked down C) turned off D) filled in E) dealt with

251) Reflex behaviour is ------- ; it arises

automatically in response to an appropriate stimulus.

A) insignificant B) invalid C) insufficient D) involuntary E) inadequate

252) To increase its exports, the company is ------

highly motivated professionals with experience in international trade.

A) applying B) replacing C) agreeing D) holding E) seeking

253) Iron is one of the most abundant minerals and

the most ------ to weathering.

A) resistant B) reliable C) convenient D) reluctant E) indifferent

254) Water and air pollution could one day

endanger the world's -------- of oxygen.

A) recovery B) supply C) extinction D) exploitation E) decline

255) The physicians are ------- pleased with the progress the patient is making, and she may leave hospital tomorrow.

A) randomly B) slowly C) successfully D) carefully E) nearly

256) When he referred in his speech to "bio-complexity" most of the audience were surprised and -------- what that word meant.

A) expected B) suspected C) wondered D) improved E) rejected

257) No plan is ever perfect, and strategists are

------- trying to refine their plans for the future technological innovations.

A) uniformly B) formerly C) mentally D) constantly E) equally

258) The proposal put forward by the research

assistant was immediately -------- by the committee and the studies will shortly go into effect.

A) made for B) taken up C) ruled out D) put off E) turned back

259) Over one million wheat farmers in France

have been -------- business following the import of heavily subsidised wheat from Italy.

A) put out of B) brought up to C) made up for D) played down to E) shown up to

260) If the ------- of profits falls in one area of

activity, entrepreneurs may move their resources to an industry where the returns are higher. A) phase B) liability C) level D) supply E) policy

261) Almost all the villages in New Guinea are

surrounded by shrubby zones where people have -------- the original rain forest and planted gardens.

A) kept out B) wrapped up C) made up D) cleared away E) sealed off

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262) In many countries training for industry has always been considered to be ------- the concern of industry itself, not of the state. A) socially B) primarily C) suitably D) firmly E) reputedly

263) Recent studies have shown that smokers

are more ------- to common colds and flu than non-smokers. A) feasible B) susceptible C) applicable D) reliable E) responsible

264) Even quite late in the twentieth century,

many men assumed that entry into certain professions was their ------- right. A) independent B) exclusive C) adequate D) excessive E) confidential

265) Evidence of racial bias in sentencing helped to convince certain states in America to ------ capital punishment in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

A) keep down B) rule against C) put out D) point out E) break through

266) In Britain the prime minister is still

appointed by the sovereign, but the latter's ----- in the selection process may now be said to be merely nominal. A) explanation B) process C) exhaustion D) conservation E) participation

267) He admits that he has not yet fully-------- the

true implications or the logical conclusions of his startling discovery.

A) given back B) thought out C) played down D) taken over E) backed out

268) ------- populated, rural Northumberland is one of the most unspoiled countries in England. A) Sparsely B) Nearly C) Primarily D) Suitably E) Efficiently

269) Anti-lock brakes (ABS) help you to maintain

steering control of your car even while braking on ------- roads. A) lonesome B) fast C) reckless D) slippery E) stagnant

270) Few would ------- that corporations,

especially the multinational ones, are enormously powerful.

A) involve B) resume C) promise D) disdain E) deny

271) No -------- authority has the right to dictate whether a state shall adopt a socialist or a capitalist economic policy.

A) comprehensive B) outside C) reputable D) irresponsible E) compulsive

272) Natural disasters have been defined as

ecological disruptions exceeding the adjustment capacity of a community and ------- outside assistance.

A) stepping up B) putting up with C) look after D) calling for E) dealing with

273) A basic ------- of amphibious warfare is undoubtedly command of the sea. A) withdrawal B) involvement C) determination D) concession E) requirement

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274) Bacteria have remarkable capacity for ------- tolerance to previously lethal drugs. A) acquiring B) denouncing C) deceiving D) repudiating E) recovering

275) If you want that post you'd better apply

quickly; the last day for ------- applications is Friday. A) reversing B) withholding C) enforcing D) submitting E) committing

276) In this paper I should like to report some of

the results of an ------- study of two hundred London families. A) extreme B) intrinsic C) intensive D) emphatic E) apparent

277) For the present, the party is expected to put

its differences aside and campaign ------- for a victory at the forthcoming elections. A) vigorously B) awkwardly C) precisely D) distinctly E) reluctantly

278) Industry has developed rapidly in certain countries as raw materials are ------- available there.

A) repeatedly B) scarcely C) consequently D) abundantly E) indefinitely

279) I wasn't at all impressed by the ------- he

gave me. A) distribution B) explanation C) determination D) complication E) negotiation

280) The problem of how to ------- the vast quantities of waste we produce requires our urgent attention. A) bring up B) win over C) find out D) put off E) deal with

281) Once the children have grown up I shall start travelling again, and I'm really ------- that. A) passing on to B) waiting up for C) looking forward to D) making up for E) going along with

282) The United Kingdom has made significant

contributions to the world economy, ----- in technology and industry. A) especially B) likely C) eventually D) indispensably E) favourably

283) Our challenge is to ------- our clients with the best possible advice and support, enabling them to take the right direction at both strategic and operational levels. A) expand B) consult C) improve D) provide E) respect

284) Since most of the world’s commercial apples lack genetic diversity, they are unable to ------- a disease or a pest. A) put away B) hold up C) fight off D) get off E) break out

285) The 1990s have seen a general ------- in aid

to poor countries, largely because of fiscal pressures in many rich countries. A) consumption B) decline C) contingency D) conviction E) expenditure

286) The whole business of having meals at fixed

------- is nothing but a social convention and, in modern life, a matter of convenience. A) approaches B) substances C) intervals D) requirements E) proportions

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287) The ------- was not a happy one at the time, but looking back on it I suppose I’m glad it occurred. A) improvement B) regression C) encounter D) intention E) compromise

288) Questions of race, ethnicity, and religion

have been a ------- source of conflict in American education. A) previous B) perennial C) vulnerable D) naughty E) casual

289) The contemporary world economy differs

------- from what the traditional economic theorists of the 1930s envisaged. A) primarily B) likely C) conversely D) profoundly E) intimately

290) When the rate of exchange began to rise

again, he felt --------- to call a meeting of the financial staff. A) obliged B) blamed C) consumed D) omitted E) rewarded

291) Since the 1950s modern dance in Europe

and America has ------- a vigorous process of creativity. A) cast B) explored C) constituted D) relaxed E) followed

292) The assassination by terrorists of Signor Aldo Moro, five times Prime Minister of Italy, in May 1978 was ------- by everyone as an act of barbarism. A) applauded B) appealed C) reiterated D) condemned E) restrained

293) The recent economic figures --------- that the country is slowly coming out of the crisis. A) commit B) imply C) incur D) evolve E) invoke

294) In recent years ------- complex and persistent

problems in economic and social fields have led people to wonder why once comfortable answers no longer seem adequate to today’s questions. A) generously B) inadvertently C) increasingly D) ingeniously E) leisurely

295) I was greatly impressed by the way the

judge conducted the trial, --------- when it came to summing up the case. A) particularly B) completely C) sufficiently D) effectively E) respectively

296) Asthma is a common ------ in which the airways lining the lung become inflamed. A) diagnosis B) disease C) fury D) patient E) recovery

297) I was astonished to learn how such an

experienced man as Dr. Foster could ------ by her tricks.

A) looked up B) found out C) run over D) made up E) taken in

298) After that last incident, even the manager

admits that we can ------ their services.

A) go on B) do without C) put out D) show off E) break into

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299) Because of their high toxic contents, none of these chemicals can ----- be permitted for export to any country. A) fruitfully B) adequately C) presently D) notoriously E) equivocally

300) People curious to get some idea of what it is

like to be black in a country ----- by whites need look no further than Dennis Williams’s new novel “Crossover”. A) tempted B) undermined C) perpetrated D) run E) deemed

301) From the report released today it appears that oil tankers suffer their major ------- on their return journeys. A) spills B) costs C) repairs D) drills E) crews

302) It is plain that the United Nations will not lift

the sanctions unless the Iraqi government fully ------- with the Security Council resolutions. A) matches B) elaborates C) complies D) resumes E) accomplishes

303) When the chairman tried to explain his

views to the shareholders at the ------- general meeting, he was shouted down by them with cries of “Resign!”. A) annual B) minimal C) essential D) ultimate E) recurrent

304) The Jewish immigrants, who ------- the boat

in England, formed the bulk of the ethnic groups arriving in a country historically wary of foreigners. A) took after B) got off C) turned up D) made up E) showed off

305) Progress in materials research is ------- to overcoming such problems as the finiteness of the world’s resources and possible shortages of strategic materials. A) crucial B) inexpensive C) adamant D) subversive E) subsequent

306) I don’t know how we are going to ------- the

expected surge of immigrants into the country. A) run through B) cope with C) put out D) take down E) look over

307) He was rather ------ when he learned that his

proposal had been turned down.

A) hurried on B) sent away C) found out D) seen to E) put out

308) At the board meeting, his suggestion was

------ as it seemed politically controversial.

A) put out B) taken out C) held in D) burst into E) cast aside

309) Despite the gusty wind they were able to put

out the fire before it ------ .

A) fell off B) was taken into account C) was held out D) got out of hand E) broke up

310) Following the bomb explosion in the shopping centre, the police have been warning people to ------ any suspicious looking parcels.

A) rely on B) run through C) take over D) watch out for E) send for

311) I can’t ------ the signature of the oil paint, but

it has been signed.

A) make out B) turn out C) turn over D) find out E) take up

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312) Before I send this article to the editor, I would be grateful if you could ------ it for me.

A) watch out B) look up C) break through D) take over E) go through

313) I had my doubts about her when I took her

on, but now I’m pleased to say that she has ------ to be a talented executive.

A) taken up B) run over C) turned out D) made out E) carried on

314) The operation weakened him, but he’ll shortly ------ now that he knows he is coming out of hospital.

A) watch out for B) put through C) keep up with D) made up E) pull through

315) If a part of the city is ------- residential use, no one may build a factory there.

A) borne down B) made for C) taken out D) zoned for E) checked with

316) One of the disadvantages of growing older

is that you never seem to have the opportunity to ------ all of the sports you would like to.

A) catch sight of B) make room for C) lose track of D) take part in E) set sail to

317) Aristotelianism ------ a geocentric view of the universe and dealt with nature in qualitative rather than quantitative terms.

A) held out B) got about C) rested on D) sorted out E) worn off

318) No one knows when the oil wells of the world will ------, but what is certain is that before they do, alternative sources of energy must be developed.

A) dry up B) run up C) back off D) drop off E) lay over

319) The Congress have ------ a big problem in

their economic policy: the unions won’t co-operate, and management doesn’t approve of what they are trying to do.

A) looked down upon B) cut down on C) fit up to D) got away with E) come up against

320) The manager who was said to have revealed

the plans so as to get financial benefit ------ after the criticism from the share-holders.

A) set up B) stood for C) stepped down D) got over E) broke up

321) It has become a fashion among famous

people to use some of their money to ------ needy people.

A) comply with B) run for C) call off D) provide for E) sort out

322) In our national policies, we should -------

growth of all sectors of our economy and not just the export sector.

A) keep pace with B) run out of C) lay emphasis on D) take advantage of E) bear in mind

323) Medical professionals have always ------

visual analysis to provide clues about a patients condition.

A) run through B) relied on C) caught up with D) watched out for E) put out

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324) Before the meeting begins, it'd be advisable to remind him that he's not, on any account, to ------ the subject of unemployment.

A) look through B) take back C) bring up D) break out E) make out

325) I heard that this morning someone ------, but

you were out and they left.

A) paid in B) joined in C) called by D) got by E) passed out

326) Among the Maori of New Zealand, each community has developed its own way of ------ crimes and has chosen a number of different punishments to match them.

A) holding up B) coming along C) dealing with D) paying for E) taking over

327) The population of the underdeveloped

countries is growing so fast that the agricultural activities there are unable to ------ the progressively rising demand for food.

A) keep up with B) make sure of C) look out for D) bring up E) sort out

328) When sulfur dioxide emissions from electric

power plants ------- particles of water in the atmosphere, they fall to ground as acid rain or snow.

A) combine with B) range from C) rely upon D) compose of E) put ahead

329) The two archaeologists have tried hard to

read the inscription in old Latin, but I do not suppose they have ------ what it literally means.

A) got away with B) written off C) taken after D) made out E) brought up

330) It is hard for a tiger, especially an inexperienced one, to ------ how to attack an animal that is facing it.

A) figure out B) keep away C) rule out D) fall back E) run over

331) I will be calling in at their office tomorrow,

so I can ------ those documents for you if you like.

A) cut down B) bring about C) put across D) pick up E) wipe out

332) Because critical periods occur throughout

pregrancy, a woman should continuously ------ her health.

A) keep in with B) put up with C) find out D) take good care of E) look up to

333) His theory seems, at first, to be plausible,

but the facts in his research don't ------ .

A) turn up B) add up C) take after D) make up E) back out

334) Babies of our age are healthier and better

------ than those of the past and far fewer of them die in infancy.

A) disposed of B) fed up C) rounded up D) looked into E) cared for

335) Before the plane ------ , the flight attendant told everyone to fasten their seat belts and put their chairs in an upright position.

A) borne out B) closed in C) turned up D) took off E) got down

336) The atmosphere ------ the earth as if it were a huge roof.

A) breaks up B) makes for C) hangs over D) puts off E) runs over

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337) Popular protest and extensive media coverage finally helped ------ change in the country's environmental policies.

A) keep off B) rule out C) bring about D) point out E) break up

338) In the introduction to this book, the writer

------ a foreign policy that makes world peace the top priority.

A) calls for B) holds out C) keeps up D) puts on E) brings about

339) This radio station is based in Chicago,

which is 60 miles from here. That is why the broadcast doesn't ------ clearly.

A) turn down B) get through C) come in D) make off E) put down

340) Whatever the pressures put upon him, I think it is highly unlikely that James would ever ------ anyone.

A) walk away with B) give in to C) make up for D) get away with E) fall through

341) In the early twentieth century, a number of scientists, who had been trained as physicists, were interested in the study of biological organisms, and their efforts ------ the field we now call “molecular biology”.

A) took leave of B) made up for C) gave rise to D) showed up E) fell part

342) I don't know how we are going to ------ the

expected surge of immigrants into the country.

A) run through B) cope with C) put out D) take down E) look over

343) In Ethiopia, primitive farming practices and uncontrolled clearing of natural vegetation have transformed much of the country’s highlands ------- bare landscapes, but all destroyed ------- erosion. A) above / of B) for / with C) into / by D) in / under E) to / at

344) Though only a handful of savants were even

------ Newton's existence, he had arrived at the point where he had become the leading mathematician in Europe.

A) exposed to B) aware of C) content with D) capable of E) appropriate for

345) He's basically a very realient person, so you

can be sure he'll soon ------ this disappointment.

A) make out B) put through C) get over D) look up E) give up

346) In an effort to ------ the rate of inflation, many

banks have raised their interest rates.

A) run out of B) watch out C) stand by D) put out E) keep up with

347) I would like to open a private old people's

home but I don't know yet how to ------ it.

A) look through B) set about C) rush open D) put on E) turn on

348) As my secretary will be away for a couple of

days, would you be kind enough to ------ my correspondence?

A) play back B) bring off C) take care of D) return to E) turn off

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349) The committee has ------ the matter, but they have found no irregularities.

A) looked into B) taken off C) played down D) stood for E) made up

350) Due to industrialization and colonization,

the nineteenth century ------ the greatest expansion of wealth the world had ever known.

A) brought about B) put off C) held up D) gave in E) set off

351) For legal reasons, our lawyer wants to ------

the papers thoroughly before we sign them.

A) go over B) write off C) take in D) pull together E) check out

352) As soon as the leak in the tank was noticed,

one of the engineers was naturally ------ .

A) taken after B) run down C) made out D) sent for E) turned up

353) There ------- many efforts to eradicate

racism, but very little success ------- . A) were / had been achieved B) had been / would have been achieved C) have been / has been achieved D) are / was achieved E) may be / will have been achieved

354) Evaporation ------- the process by which a solid or liquid ------- into vapour by heat. A) had been / resolved B) was / had resolved C) has been / was resolved D) may be / has resolved E) is / is resolved

355) The Etruscans, who ------- a great part of Italy about 900 BC, ------- from Asia Minor. A) had colonised / originally came B) colonised / had originally come C) were colonised / have originally come D) have colonised / originally come E) were colonising / might originally come

356) He ------- his paper by saying that the entire history of human race ---- by transfers of cultural and technological advance from one civilisation to another. A) concluded / had been marked B) concludes / would have been marked C) has concluded / was marked D) had concluded / is marked E) will conclude / was being marked

357) Economic recession and rising

unemployment, coupled ------- continued increases ------- retail food prices, have curtailed consumption. A) with / in B) through / through C) by / for D) at / about E) within / over

358) The advance in the steel industry has been

marked ------- a progressive increase ------- size, complexity and capital outlay. A) at / of B) with / to C) over / from D) by / in E) under / through

359) He is diplomatically qualified ------- to

negotiate for a mutual reduction of the armed forces in the region. A) enough B) though C) as well as D) not only E) also

360) We ----- no problems whatsoever with the

dam since it ---- forty years ago. A) had / has been constructed B) have had / was constructed C) had had / had been constructed D) are having / is constructed E) were having / was being constructed

361) I was forced to admit that there was a drop

in sales towards the end of the year --------- he had predicted. A) such as B) even so C) in case D) just as E) so far as

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362) The orders were that we ------- the area within hours to prevent further loss of life. A) had evacuated B) have to evacuate C) will have evacuated D) had to evacuate E) shall have to evacuate

363) The Deputy Prime Minister announced that it was ------- early to propose amendments in the legislation concerning industrial relations. A) as well as B) just so C) just as D) as soon as E) as yet too

364) The answer to the question ------- great art can exist independently of religion will, ------, depend on society’s moral and aesthetic values. A) what / in the same way B) even if / in due course C) whether / to a large extent D) so that / in short E) since / now and again

365) Clifford Goertz, probably ------- famous

anthropologist in the world today, has revolutionised the way anthropology is taught on campuses. A) more B) most C) the most D) the more E) a

366) Activists are those in a political movement

who insist on taking active steps towards their objectives ------- merely putting forward an action program. A) in order to B) rather than C) as far as D) in that E) so long as

367) The very idea of establishing a literary

‘canon’ has become -------- controversial that the people running the Library of America have wisely avoided using the term. A) too B) as C) such D) so E) more

368) Thailand has lost half of its forests ------- its population has ------- doubled in recent decades. A) as / more than B) just as / mostly C) so as / soon D) in case / quite E) because of / much

369) As he was not satisfied with the contents of

the document, he declined to sign it, and none of the members attempted to persuade him to, ------- . A) also B) too C) as well D) either E) yet

370) Under these circumstances he should never

have been allowed to take charge of the operation --------- he was the most senior of the officers available. A) why ever B) whether C) even though D) whenever E) so that

371) When the relief workers reached the scene

of the disaster, they immediately began to help --------- who could do nothing for -------- . A) that / himself B) them / their C) those / themselves D) these / ourselves E) us / yourself

372) Holding a yellow umbrella in his hand, he

said he didn’t know ------- it was, and added that it was not ------- . A) which / him B) whose / his C) who / her D) whom / us E) that / theirs

373) They haven’t met for twelve years or more,

but I understand they still write to --------- at a regular interval. A) the other B) each other C) themselves D) the others E) one other

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374) It was foolish of me to turn down such an offer; in fact ------- I think about it, ------- I regret it. A) as much / so much more B) the more / as much C) much / as much D) the most / so much E) the more / the more

375) The scheme has been --------- consideration

for a long time now, but I doubt whether it will ever be put --------- effect. A) under / into B) within / through C) for / to D) in / off E) over / ever

376) It was --------- his efforts that the two sides

finally agreed to hold talks --------- the principles of economic cooperation. A) by / through B) ever / for C) through / on D) with / at E) without / from

377) Why can’t you admit that --------- hard he

works, he will never manage to achieve what his elder brother has achieved? A) unless B) whatsoever C) though D) whenever E) however

378) Many more people would doubtlessly have

attended the debate --------- they had known in advance who the principal speakers were. A) if only B) while C) since D) after E) until

379) If our delegates hadn’t shown themselves

willing to come to terms, those from other countries ------- . A) would be, too. B) wouldn’t have, either. C) had not, either. D) have had, too. E) would have, too.

380) In recent decades the efficiency of the United Nations --------- by a growing number of countries. A) will have been questioned B) was questioned C) had been questioned D) would be questioned E) has been questioned

381) They set up a liaison office in East Africa for

marketing their goods but now they wish they --------- so. A) had not done B) have not done C) would not do D) would not have done E) never do

382) As the decade ------- to wind down, Mark

Morris ------- as our century’s youngest great choreographer. A) has begun / had stood B) will begin / is standing C) was beginning / has stood D) begins / stands E) is beginning / has been standing

383) As ------- of our employees can afford cars of

------- own, they all have to rely on public transport. A) few / them B) some / his C) none / their D) most / our E) many / its

384) Private investments play ------ important a part in

the country’s long-running economic expansion ------ no government dares to increase taxation on personal savings. A) too / that B) such / as C) much / so D) so / that E) as / as

385) It seems likely that, by the end of the week, the costs involved in the construction of the bridge --------- by the Ministry. A) would have been announced B) would be announced C) are being announced D) will have been announced E) have been announced

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386) In the past few months, our company director ------- more mettle than most industrialists ------- in an entire career. A) had shown / have done B) showed / would do C) shows / did D) was showing / may have done E) has shown / do

387) If they ------- what sort of a person he was,

they ------- him their support. A) would know / didn’t give B) knew / won’t give C) had known / wouldn’t have given D) would have known / hadn’t given E) have known / haven’t given

388) Of the many attempts that ------- to regulate

language one way or another, very few ------ . A) were made / had succeeded B) have been made / have succeeded C) are made / succeeded D) could have been made / will succeed E) are being made / may have succeeded

389) I don’t imagine he wrote the speech -------

but ------- did so, certainly made a good job of it. A) for them / whomsoever B) of his / somebody C) by him / they D) himself / whoever E) themselves / whichever

390) His proposals ------- the new social security

policy seems more viable than any of the others. A) by way of B) due to C) owing to D) in case of E) as regards

391) There are situations ------- the best way to

heal the patient is to help him die peacefully. A) from where B) in that C) whence D) for whom E) in which

392) Had they apologised for deliberately overcharging me, I ----- a complaint with the Consumers’ rights Office. A) will not have filed B) may not have filed C) would not have filed D) was not filing E) may not file

393) An acorn, left to itself becomes an oak, and a geneticist ------- its DNA to make it grow into an elm may justly be said ------- with its natural course. A) altering / to have interfered B) having altered / to interfere C) to alter / having interfered D) being altered / interfered E) to have altered / to be interfering

394) He’s certainly going to recommend that the changes in the structure of the company be introduced step by step, and ------- . A) so I am B) so am I C) so do I D) I do, too E) I also do

395) Do you really believe that the party

programme ------- it now stands, is democratic ------- to influence the vote in our favour. A) as / enough B) since / also C) where / as well D) such as / too E) that / even

396) ------- the recent rise in unemployment

largely affects eastern Germany, there is considerable unrest in western Germany, too. A) Since B) In case C) Although D) Unless E) Until

397) ------- he was campaigning for relection last

year, he promised that ------- relected, he would undertake to restructure the party. A) Wherever / lest B) Because / while C) As / since D) While / unless E) When / if

398) ------ the terms of the forthcoming trade

agreement, Japan wins parity ------- the United States. A) Through / above B) By / of C) From / from D) Under / with E) After / over

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399) We have yet to take ------- consideration the problem of how large future national armies should eventually be, regardless ------- their current size. A) onto / at B) in / in C) for / with D) under / from E) into / of

400) Of all the policies put into effect by the

Thatcher governments, ------- controversial was the economic one. A) most B) the more C) the most D) more E) mostly

401) If the others hadn’t voted in favor of the

younger candidate, I probably wouldn’t have done so ------- . A) even B) either C) too D) also E) as well

402) Scientists rely on computers to model

phenomena ------- would ------- be difficult to observe. A) whereby / in case B) such as / nonetheless C) which / nevertheless D) that / otherwise E) so that / in fact

403) The lawyer decided to call ------- of the witnesses only and paid no attention to ------- . A) both / others B) the two / any other C) two / the others D) some / another E) any / some others

404) ------- the embargo imposed on us is lifted in

the near future, we can’t hope for any economic recovery. A) Whereas B) While C) Because D) In case E) Unless

405) We are prevented ------- completing the project ------- time due to unforeseen circumstances. A) from / on B) in / by C) by / in D) at / over E) for / about

406) Several experts were working on the project,

and each came up with some interesting proposals, and naturally ------- claimed that ------- was the best. A) many / each B) some / its C) we / it D) each / his E) all / he

407) Today the expansion of knowledge in

astronomy, physics, chemistry, and biology is ------- vast and complex, and multiplying ------- quickly to be mastered fully. A) so / that B) too / too C) just as / as D) as well / as E) so / so

408) The Hollywood studio system in film

making, which began ------- 1920 and flourished from the early 1930s ------- the 1950s is unique in Western culture. A) throughout / into B) around / through C) by / until D) within / over E) along / till

409) ------- proving useful in many scientific

fields, computers-generated knowledge, ------- Professor Hayes acknowledges, is not without pitfalls. A) Although / because B) Since / while C) While / as D) As long as / even if E) Once / whether or not

410) ------- suggestion he may make as regards

the tax rate, let’s not give any response ------- we have discussed the matter thoroughly together.

A) However / when B) Whyever / after C) Whatsoever / while D) Whatever / until E) Whenever / before

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411) Most newspapers are of the opinion that if a majority of Scots really ------- independence, the British Parliament has no option but ------- to their wishes.

A) did want / had acceded B) wanted / have acceded C) had wanted / would have acceded D) do want / to accede E) would have wanted / acceded

412) For a hundred years or so, some critics ------- that poetry is dying and all that time poets ------- poems that later generations recognise as great.

A) have maintained / have been writing B) maintained / wrote C) had maintained / were writing D) maintain / are writing E) would maintain / had been writing

413) What I ------- is that we ------- to think seriously about a thorough reform in the legal system.

A) have proposed / should have begun B) had proposed / were beginning C) am proposing / begin D) was proposing / have begun E) proposed / had begun

414) When the Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli ------- a map of Mars in 1877, he ------- a large number of straight linear features, which he called “canali” that is “channels”.

A) publishes / has noted B) had published / was noting C) has published / notes D) published / noted E) would have published / had noted

415) If we ------- the terms of the contract, all the paint-work in the building ------- finished by the 5th of next month.

A) are to meet / will have to be B) were meeting / will be C) met / would have had to be D) had met / is being E) will meet / was being

416) We are confident that the management and the workforce will get on well together as long as ------- respects ------- .

A) the other / another B) both / itself C) the one / another D) everyone / themselves E) each / the other

417) The term "aborigines" signifies the original inhabitants of any country, ------- the native tribes of Australia.

A) with regard to B) due to C) in spite of D) in particular E) according to

418) Today the United States, still by far ------- prosperous country in the world, is increasing its working hours ------- creating a more positive balance between work and leisure time.

A) the more / as well as B) most / in spite of C) more / than D) the most / instead of E) the / just as

419) The telephone is at the centre of innovative technologies ------- may alter forever ------- we receive and use information.

A) which / but B) so that / since C) that / how D) as / although E) whereas / in case

420) The editor thought that the new series of articles would prove very popular, but actually hardly ------- seems to have been impressed by it.

A) nobody B) anyone C) the other D) any other E) somebody

421) The report presents a general overview of

the problems that ------- when a disaster ------ nation.

A) would have been encountered / will hit B) are encountered / will hit C) have been encountered / had hit D) had been encountered / was being hit E) will be encountered / hits

422) There have been some art critics who ------- in depreciation of Van Gogh that he ------- a draughtsman all his life.

A) had maintained / has remained B) have maintained / remained C) were maintaining / had remained D) maintained / would have remained E) will maintain / remains

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423) The Romanian Privatisation Authority announced last week that Renault of France ------- to be the sole bidder for a majority stake in the national car company, Dacia, which ------- cheap cars for the domestic market.

A) would turn out / had made B) has turned out / made C) would have turned out / is making D) is turning out / has made E) might turn out / makes

424) Fish farming in the world seems to be

destined to expand, but it is ------- early to predict the likely extent of growth in this field.

A) as well B) enough C) too D) as E) so far

425) Although the American writer Katherine

Anne Porter used a variety of places ------- the setting of her short stories and novels, she frequently came ------- to the scenes of her early days.

A) through / over B) within / in C) for / back D) without / for E) under / up

426) British TV is still stuck ------- a regulatory structure designed ------ a bygone age.

A) with / for B) off / within C) up / in D) away / by E) through / over

427) In developing new collective defence policies, America and her European allies will ------ be drawn closer together ------ drift irreversibly apart.

A) either / or B) not only / but also C) so / that D) both / and E) just as / so

428) Originally the sonnet was an Italian poetical

form which attained great popularity in the Renaissance, and ---- it was natural, ----- not essential, for Shakespeare and his contemporaries to use it.

A) while / though B) since / however C) furthermore / rather than D) already / even E) hence / if

429) The book of "A Thousand and One Nights" is a collection of fascinating tales of the Orient, of Mixed Indian, Persian, Arabic, and Egyptian origination, and first ----- in Europe by Antoine Galland's French translation in the early eighteenth century.

A) having known B) to know C) to be known D) made known E) to be made known

430) At the Brussels meeting over the last weekend Madeleine Albright, The American secretary of State, ------- her allies that future NATO missions ------- them further afield, but not all over the world.

A) assures / is taking B) has assured / will have taken C) assured / would take D) had assured / took E) was assuring / will take

431) They claim that their aim is to establish long term cooperation ------- their customers, ------ a basis of partnership and mutual trust.

A) for / over B) with / on C) by / through D) from / in E) among / for

432) In their discussions concerning the proposed defence strategies, NATO diplomats found they could not agree ------- what the alliance was ---- , what weapons it would threaten to use and in what circumstances.

A) on / for B) about / into C) with / over D) by / about E) before / through

433) The collapse of Rome left ------- its wake a large variety of ethnic communities ------- which modern European states emerged.

A) before / of B) at / through C) over / by D) in / from E) within / with

434) Marxism ------- an important movement in Britain even though it ------- its origin here.

A) would never have been / takes B) had never been / would take C) never was / has taken D) would never be / would have taken E) has never been / took

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435) Germany’s weight in the European Union is known, ------- what is not known, even to the Germans themselves, is ------- they are to use it.

A) but / how B) in case / because C) unless / why D) lest / until E) otherwise / where

436) Edward Gibbon’s great book The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire informs us ------- mankind’s predilection for faction, augmented by environmental and cultural differences, is ------- determines history.

A) why / that B) as / whereby C) that / what D) how / whoever E) so that / whatever

437) It won’t be easy to find a replacement for him, for ------- takes over is likely to meet the same fate.

A) what B) which C) wherever D) whoever E) whichever

438) The majority of ------- are apprehensive about new computer programmes, until we’ve actually tried them out for ------- .

A) him / himself B) us / ourselves C) them / themselves D) ours / us E) theirs / ours

439) The history of the Venetian Republic ------- to an end in 1797 when Venice ------- over to Austria by Napoleon.

A) was coming / would have been handed B) came / was handed C) had come / has been handed D) comes / had been handed E) would come / was being handed

440) More than half of the 850 asylum seekers currently detained in Britain ------- in prison with no right of appeal, even though the vast majority ------- with any offence, let alone convicted.

A) were held / are not charged B) are being held / have not been charged C) have been held / would not be charged D) being held / had not been charged E) will be held / were not being charged

441) Over the past two decades, the Corsicans ------ their idyllic island, which was wrested by France from the Genoese in 1768, ------ into terrorism, corruption and economic decline.

A) have seen / sink B) had seen / sank C) saw / to sink D) would have seen / had sunk E) would see / had been sinking

442) For observers of international politics,

March 1998 ------- as a month when the world’s superpower relations ------- a hopeful new turn.

A) will be remembered / may have taken B) had been remembered / would have taken C) may be remembered / took D) has been remembered / would take E) would be remembered / will have taken

443) Apparently, the talks held between the two governments concerning the prevention of drug-trafficking have not been constructive ------- to produce any positive results.

A) just B) as well C) also D) enough E) so that

444) As far as I remember, it was in China that they first met and got interested in the dam project, -------?

A) don’t I B) wasn’t it C) do I D) was it E) did they

445) The East European countries are strongly

convinced that European Economic aid, ------- welcome, is not a substitute for market access and eventual membership of the European Union.

A) just as B) lest C) since D) when E) though

446) One gathers from the press that a large

majority of the people are not in favour of the impeachment proceedings, and, frankly, I’m not, ------- .

A) either B) too C) also D) as well E) even so

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447) The fundamental problem for North Africa is that the region has ------ people ------ the arid environment can support.

A) not only / but also B) so many / that C) such / as D) more / than E) as much / as

448) I did manage to keep my temper, but I

couldn't refrain ------ pointing ------ that what he had done was wrong.

A) in / at B) at / to C) by / away D) for / off E) from / out

449) It ------- a mistake to think that all bacteria

are harmful, for, without some species, we ------- for long.

A) is / had not survived B) would be / could not survive C) will be / have not survived D) has been / would not have survived E) had been / did not survive

450) Over the last few years, consumer interest

in organic agriculture ------ up dramatically, and demand ------ currently ahead of supply.

A) has shot / is B) shot / was C) had shot / had been D) is shooting / has been E) was shooting / would be

451) Orwell ------- at that moment that when the

white man ------- tyrant it is his own freedom that he destroys.

A) perceived / would turn B) has perceived / turned C) had perceived / has turned D) would perceive / will turn E) perceived / turns

452) Great natural disasters cause -------

widespread death ------ massive social disruption and outbreaks of epidemic disease.

A) much / as B) so much / that C) not only / but also D) as / as E) no sooner / than

453) Though they had ----- government backing ----- a potential home market, the company poured billions of dollars into the project and lost everything.

A) with / less B) neither / nor C) some / any D) no / without E) few / more

454) Thesiger's passionate belief that traditional societies around the world ------- against the modern onslaught ------- fierce criticism.

A) were protected / will attract B) have been protected / had attracted C) are being protected / was attracting D) ought to be protected / has attracted E) would have been protected / would attract

455) All the reports ----- handed in last week, but some of them still ------- me.

A) should have been / haven't reached B) were / didn't reach C) have been / won't reach D) had been / didn't reach E) would have been / don't reach

456) David Dickinson’s new play is a fairy-tale romance, ------- a pregnant woman searches for the father of her child during a torrential rainstorm.

A) who B) by whom C) that D) in which E) whose

457) The true ecologist need not be a specialist at all, ------- his views should reflect the practical wisdom of ordinary people.

A) for B) where C) whether D) in case E) that

458) ------ half of the budget of the US National Institute on Ageing is spent on research into Alzheimer’s disease.

A) More of B) Rather than C) Other D) The most E) As much as

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459) More importantly, Dobson's book is a reminder of ------- powerful and radical green thinking can be.

A) ever so B) how far C) wherever D) much more E) just how

460) You didn't have to invite all those people out for lunch, so why ------?

A) didn't you B) did you C) have you D) haven't you E) don't you

461) This poem is generally supposed ----- in the fifteenth century, but some people date it even earlier. A) being composed B) to be composed C) to have been composed D) having been composed E) to have composed

462) The failure so far to produce evidence of life on any planet but ------- has given continued strength to the belief in the uniqueness of Earth.

A) us B) their C) ours D) our E) them

463) He ------- that the forests ------- to their natural inhabitants, that is, to all varieties of living things.

A) suggests / be returned B) suggested / to be returned C) has suggested / to have been returned D) had suggested / are being returned E) would have suggested / return

464) With the help of satellite images, the Indonesian government ------ that it is the timber companies which ------ the mass destruction of their rain forests.

A) will show / would have caused B) would have shown / had caused C) had shown / were causing D) shows / had been causing E) has shown / are causing

465) By the late 1980s, a surge of prosperity ------ across southeast Asia, but in some countries of the region the economic structure ------ sufficiently to the benefit from this trend.

A) would sweep / could not have developed B) would have swept / has not developed C) was sweeping / had not developed D) has swept / was not developed E) could have swept / was not developing

466) The ridicule that ------- upon him by leading scientists of the day ------- to the novelty of his thinking.

A) is being heaped / would testify B) has been heaped / testified C) had heaped / has testified D) was heaping / had testified E) was heaped / testifies

467) When I ------- as a fully licensed geneticist in 96, I thought I knew everything there was ------- about genetics.

A) had been graduated / to be known B) graduated / to know C) was graduated / to have known D) have been graduated / known E) have graduated / to have been known

468) Perhaps these people are ------- ignorant to realize ------- serious a threat these fertilizers are to their health.

A) more / than B) so / why C) as much / as D) too / just how E) not only / but also

469) I would have thought that only ----- naive worker could be deceived by ------- assurances.

A) the more / neither B) a most / each C) the most / such D) a much / any E) most / same

470) The motive was ------- aesthetic and social ------- they sought to bring good design within the reach of the ordinary man.

A) so / in that B) both / because C) just as / that D) as much / as E) too / therefore

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471) He said I was submitting my application form rather late, but now I find ------- have still not submitted ------- .

A) most / their B) none / any C) many / it D) others / theirs E) a few / these

472) In order to understand the implications of research ------- brain development one has to make a systematic study ------- what children know.

A) on / into B) for / by C) through / beyond D) over / at E) after / before

473) The arrival of Europeans in America dislocated traditional ways of life and altered the world ------- recognition.

A) for B) beyond C) at D) off E) from

474) I sent an mail to everyone in the department, asking for articles for this special issue, but ------- there has been no response.

A) so long B) on time C) until then D) even later E) so far

475) The crisis is particularly serious ------- a whole series of related issues ranging from unemployment to health benefits are involved.

A) so as B) as well as C) in order that D) as for E) since

476) He felt that soil drainage should be kept to a minimum ------- much of the rainfall could be retained ------- soil moisture.

A) so that / as B) even though / such as C) whereas / like D) whereby / such E) whether / or

477) If we are to prevent the flow of toxic materials into the water reservoirs of the country, there is no other possible scheme available, ------- ?

A) isn't it B) aren't we C) is there D) isn't there E) are we

478) It looks ------- the hiring committee isn't impressed by his qualifications, and I don't think the manager of the company is, ------- .

A) like / also B) as if / either C) so that / as well D) though / too E) just as / neither

479) If he ------ the conditions of the insurance policy carefully, he ------- that it did not cover such eventualities.

A) has read / realised B) reads / has realised C) is reading / realises D) were reading / had realised E) had read / would have realised

480) Ever since the advent of industrialisation,

social scientists -------- the term "the masses" to "the people".

A) have preferred B) had preferred C) will have preferred D) would have preferred E) would prefer

481) In the 1960s, the modernist idea that there

------ only one authentic style for the modern age ----- in favour of the ideas of the plurality of styles.

A) could be / will have been rejected B) can be / is rejected C) could have been / is being rejected D) could be / was rejected E) can be / would be rejected

482) When photography first appeared, some

people predicted that it -------- the death of painting.

A) will have caused B) will cause C) would have caused D) caused E) would cause

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483) In the end, he admitted that he -------- the fire -------- at such a speed.

A) hadn't expected / to spread B) didn't expect / to have spread C) wasn't expecting / spreading D) hadn't been expecting / having spread E) wouldn't expect / to be spreading

484) The name Adonis was given -------- a stream

rising in Mount Lebanon which runs red -------- the soil of the hills after a sudden fall of rain.

A) in / by B) for / in C) at / from D) to / with E) by / over

485) In the Franco-Prussian war, balloons were

used to maintain the city's contacts -------- the outside world ------- the siege of Paris.

A) from / over B) with / during C) for / at D) through / in E) out of / under

486) The sustaining role of the family may go

unappreciated ------- the younger members, but the older ones are fully aware -------- its value.

A) for / from B) by / of C) from / off D) to / by E) with / into

487) Wellington's abandonment of an attempt to

make a Tory government was not -------- due to the threats of civil war -------- to Peel's refusal to join a Tory government.

A) so far / as if B) as / as C) as much / than D) so much / as E) even / more

488) Income tax can be fitted more closely to the

individual taxpayer's ability than -------- tax.

A) any other B) any C) other D) some E) one another

489) The occupational psychologist is often regarded by industrialists as being-------- academic to serve any practical purpose.

A) too much B) so C) too D) more E) as much

490) In the works of many twentieth-century

dramatists, it is possible to see ------- the individual writer's ideas and experience ------ some of the social and political developments of his period.

A) as much / as B) not only / but also C) only / such as D) more / than E) whether / or

491) --------- Henri Toulous Lautrec, a French

painter who was happy to design posters and to illustrate books, many modern artists have found it necessary to supplement their incomes in various ways.

A) Due to B) Firstly C) Despite D) In case of E) Like

492) Many of the company's shareholders felt

that such a drastic change in policy was unnecessary, and ------- .

A) I would, too B) neither did I C) so did I D) I wouldn't either E) I don't either

493) ------- the past few decades South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong have achieved the fastest rates ------- economic growth the world has ever seen.

A) Within / at B) During / of C) In / over D) After / in E) Over / about

494) The works of the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates commonly known as the "Hippocratic Collection", consist ------- about 70 works, ------- which only a relatively small number are possible by him.

A) in / for B) for / in C) of / of D) at / about E) by / within

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495) ------- the computerized Dutch auction system, the flower industry gets flowers into our homes when they are still ------- their best.

A) Under / at B) At / in C) From / with D) Until / to E) Within / for

496) Diesel engines are more efficient than

gasoline engines ------- the fact that a larger proportion of the fuel used is burned.

A) consequently B) following C) owing to D) contrary to E) so that

497) The great bulk of industrial work nowadays involves the use of machines, and it is certain that mechanization will proceed ------ in the future.

A) as well as B) on the other hand C) just as D) ever since E) further still

498) Let's take the ferry to Bandırma from where

it's only a short drive to Bursa, ------- driving all the way from İstanbul to Bursa.

A) as well as B) more than C) besides D) instead of E) except for

499) Few things ------- unnerved the Spanish

conquerors of the New World ------- the prospect of death on Aztec sacrificial stone.

A) as / as B) so / as C) not only / but also D) neither / nor E) so / that

500) Some anthropologists think that man today

is ------- honest -------- he was hundreds and thousands of years ago.

A) much / as B) the less / than C) the least / of D) little / as E) less / than

501) Until the eighteenth century comparative linguistic studies did not progress ------- beyond the stage where ancient Greek and Roman grammarians had left them.

A) so much as B) too much C) either D) very much E) just in case

502) Julius Caesar ------- a great historian if the

making of history ------- him the time and the inclination to write it.

A) could be / could have allowed B) would be / allowed C) had been / would have allowed D) would have been / could allow E) could have been / had allowed

503) Early in 1940, when Europe was already at

war, Hitler ------- the sale of uranium from the Czech mines he ------- over.

A) has banned / has taken B) had banned / took C) banned / had taken D) bans / was taking E) was banning / had been taking

504) Physics, as it ------- at the end of the

nineteenth century, ------- to as classical physics.

A) has been known / might be referred B) is known / has been C) had been known / had been referred D) was known / is referred E) might have been known / was referred

505) Sometimes people select certain foods that

they believe ------- their physical appearance and avoid those they believe ------- detrimental.

A) have improved / would have been B) are improving / were C) improve / might be D) improved / had been E) would have improved / have been

506) Much health education in recent years ------- towards the view that heavy drinker ------- subject for amusement but for practical help.

A) has been directed / is not B) was being directed / wouldn't be C) is directed / won't be D) had been directed / was not E) is being directed / hasn't been

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507) It is not unusual for advertising campaigns ------- even before the new products ------- onto the market.

A) to have been launched / have come B) to be launched / come C) being launched / will come D) having been launched / are coming E) to have been launched / will have come

508) Galileo originated the method of controlled experiment ------- now forms the basis of scientific investigation.

A) what B) who C) where D) whom E) which

509) Unfortunately, the world's forest -------- at

such a rate that the remaining tropical rainforests ------- by the middle of the century.

A) will be logged / would have been destroyed B) has been logged / is destroyed C) is being logged / will have been destroyed D) was being logged / is being destroyed E) would be logged / were being destroyed

510) The continuing controversy -------- in 1924 by

P. Hubble, who found that the great spiral nebula in Andromeda -------- Cepheld variables.

A) was being settled / has contained B) has been settled / contains C) had been settled / contained D) was settled / contained E) would be settled / contain

511) If weather forecasters -------- warnings of

storms on time telecommunications companies -------- to take steps to protect their satellites.

A) could have provided / had been able B) could be providing / will be able C) can provide / would have been able D) could have provided / should be able E) could provide / would be able

512) Up to the present time, oceanographers ------

lots of seafloor mountains they -------- existed.

A) were finding / don't know B) have found / haven't known C) are finding / didn't know D) will find / wouldn't know E) will have found / hadn't know

513) It was the first canal of the US artificial waterways built -------- the Great Lakes with sea.

A) connecting B) to be connected C) to have connected D) to connect E) having connected

514) Had she realised just how potentially

dangerous her discovery was, she would surely have suppressed it, ------?

A) didn't she B) wouldn't she C) hadn't she D) wasn't it E) wouldn't it

515) The prohibition -------- growing some sorts of

plants without official permission prevents farmers -------- growing anything by any means.

A) over / over B) in / to C) from / through D) on / from E) of / by

516) ------ what extent does her book deal ----- the

problem of light pollution?

A) To / with B) On / to C) With / about D) For / in E) At / by

517) There is a discussion -------- sending a bacterium, genetically engineered to digest atomic wastes -------- a space shuttle to Mars.

A) about / over B) of / on C) for / with D) for / after E) over / from

518) The laboratory team endeavours ------ to generate power as efficiently and cheaply as possible, ----- to apply it economically.

A) so / unless B) even / just as C) not only / but also D) as much / as if E) most / that

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519) Chemical industry in the world developed very quickly from 1935 ------, especially in the organic sector of the industry.

A) onwards B) upwards C) afterwards D) outwards E) towards

520) ------- any outside impacts, certain chemical

impurities would make such explosives unstable if they were kept in warm conditions.

A) Involving B) Including C) In case D) Contrary to E) Even without

521) --------- just simply transmitting voice, the

Joint Testical Radios System (JTRS), as the Pentagon refers to it, will also be able to carry video and data transmissions simultaneously.

A) Rather than B) According to C) Due to D) In contrast to E) In spite of

522) Repair and maintenance are perhaps the

most important ones of the numerous tasks -------- engineers are responsible for in time of a disaster.

A) by which B) what for C) which D) that E) for whom

523) Meanwhile, unemployment ------- a vast scale

hit basic industries, and a series of strikes emphasised the contrast ------- labour ideals and post-war effects.

A) through / through B) in / over C) to / among D) over / under E) on / between

524) The Janissaries were mainly recruited -------

conquered Christian lands and gained great power ------- Süleyman The Magnificent in the 16th century.

A) across / after B) from / over C) within / by D) in / under E) over / before

525) The union of Great Britain and Ireland finally came ------- force ------- 1st , January, 1980, through ambitious efforts of wise politicians.

A) by / until B) at / at C) into / on D) with / through E) on / in

526) In the States, a person travelling 10 miles to

work every day by train instead of by car saves ------- 34 gallons of petrol per year.

A) as much as B) the most C) so much more D) equal to E) even more

527) The new organisation ------- advises private

enterprises on their staff problems, ------ gives vocational advice to school leavers.

A) both / but B) thus / also C) more / and D) even / so E) not only / but also

528) ------- business plans were failing to

materialise, while ------ were progressing at a very high speed.

A) Those / each B) All / either C) Each / another D) Some / others E) Any / none

529) ------- fighting the bitterly cold temperatures,

any explorer attempting to do researches in the Arctic has ------- to battle with the strong tidal pull on the ice.

A) Besides / also B) As well as / even so C) In spite of / as much D) Including / moreover E) Contrary to / nevertheless

530) Although every philosopher since Plato ------

the relationship between humour and laughter, Freud ------- the first person to put forward a conclusive theory.

A) has considered / was B) considered / would be C) was considering / is D) would consider / has been E) has been considering / had been

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531) When I accidentally broke Mr. SeyfiHoca’s antique bowl, he made me feel as if I ------- a criminal.

A) am being B) have been C) am D) were E) had been

532) Without doubt the position of the smaller

enterprises ------- only slightly even if all these changes ------- .

A) has improved / had been introduced B) would improve / were introduced C) will improve / would be introduced D) improved / have been introduced E) would have improved / will be introduced

533) The authorities in Malaysia ------- that the country's highly qualified young researchers -------- by foreign companies as cheap labour.

A) are worrying / were used B) were worried / have been used C) are worried / are being used D) worry / had been used E) have worried / will have been used

534) William Shakespeare is considered to have

been the most important literary person in Britain although, as we -------, there ------- many other English poets and novelists before him.

A) know / were B) have known / had been C) knew / have been D) had known / are E) might have known / would have been

535) Despite the fact that several people made

similar suggestions, ------- of Mr. SeyfiHoca were met with ------- approval.

A) some / all B) those / everyone's C) any / his D) most / ours E) which / nobody's

536) It is almost impossible to find another

couple ------ opinions on every matter are the same.

A) which B) who C) that D) whose E) what

537) Scientists estimate that the wildlife will be ------- danger of extinction within forty years as long as numbers diminish ------- this rate.

A) in / at B) by / on C) over / from D) under / from E) at / throughout

538) All cells, whether they come from animals,

plants or bacteria, contain ------- elements in very nearly ------ proportions.

A) more / than B) the more / more C) some / the most D) the same / the same E) the other / the most

539) Recommendations to reduce several

diseases' risks cover ------- screening ------- intervention.

A) either / but B) more / than C) such / that D) some / just as E) both / and

540) Under suitable circumstances, unsaturated

fats, such as those found in olive oil, are usually liquid, ------- saturated fats, such as those found in butter, are solid.

A) whereas B) besides C) unless D) whether E) as far as

541) France, which is one of the largest market

for mobile phones, plans to limit their use ----- growing concern about the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the brain.

A) in order to B) as a result of C) despite D) by means of E) in terms of

542) -------- two-thirds of the energy an average

person spends every day supports the body's metabolic activities.

A) Much of B) Provided C) At least D) Such as E) So

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543) In his book the psychiatrist Martin Grotjohn claims that ------- a baby begins to smile and laugh, ------ intelligent he or she is likely to prove it.

A) the earlier / the more B) as early / as much C) earlier / more D) the earliest / the most E) as early as / the most

544) If there ------- and delay in getting her to

hospital, the consequence of the event ------ fatal.

A) is / would have been B) were / will have been C) has been / is D) will be / would be E) had been / could have been

545) The use of preservatives in food

manufacturing ------- steadily over the past few decades and ------- no signs of abating.

A) had risen / would show B) would rise / will show C) has risen / shows D) would have risen / had shown E) rose / will show

546) Provided that he ------- reasonable care of himself, the old man has every chance of ------- a complete recovery.

A) has taken / having been made B) took / having made C) will take / being made D) takes / making E) was taking / having to make

547) A new booklet ------- which ------ to give the

interested layman an overall picture of contemporary medicine.

A) is being published / will have been

designed B) has been published / has been designed C) had been published / had designed D) would have been published / designed E) will have published / is being designed

548) When their body size is considered,

mammals and birds have much larger brains than ------- .

A) that other vertebrates have B) are other vertebrates C) other vertebrates do D) other vertebrates are E) another vertebrate can

549) Workers who inhale large quantities ------- manganese dust ------- a long period of time, may show symptoms of a brain disease.

A) from / during B) out of / in C) by / before D) of / over E) through / after

550) Some diseases are caused ------- a

singlcelled parasite that invades the red blood cells ------- its host.

A) from / in B) through / from C) of / of D) out of / in E) by / of

551) The problem with antiseptics is that -------

killing germs, they ------- kill the surrounding tissues.

A) far / from B) so far as / too C) as much as / both D) besides / as well E) as well as / also

552) Beethoven’s seventeen string quartettes hold ------- the same position in chamber music ------- his symphonies hold in the orchestral repertoire.

A) as / that B) much / as C) quite / whether D) just / what E) thus / than

553) Post offices don't have enough space to cope ------- the tremendous increase ------- demand for PO boxes.

A) with / in B) on / of C) up / for D) for / upon E) through / from

554) Even prior to the 1930's, Swedish banks played an important role ----- the financing ------- long-term industrial projects.

A) at / for B) for / in C) in / of D) by / with E) into / over

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555) In Belgium, compensation ------- accidents at work and occupational illness is exclusively the concern ------- employers.

A) over / from B) in / by C) from / for D) for / of E) at / over

556) More than ------- invention of the last eighty years or so, television has been the most harmful to family life.

A) some other B) another C) the other D) any more E) any other

557) Our sales are down again this month, -------

A) and they also are B) and so are theirs C) and neither are theirs D) but theirs aren't either E) but they are too

558) Several important ports, ------- export timber, are situated on the shores of the White Sea.

A) most of which B) that many of them C) those which D) whichever of them E) of which they

559) Once the occupying forces -------, many seemingly innocent people were accused of ------- with the enemy.

A) were leaving / to have been collaborated B) were leaving /collaborated C) have left / being collaborating D) will leave / collaborating E) had left / having collaborating

560) Although the metropolitan theatres ------- a

monopoly there for a long time, recently several private theatres -------

A) would hold / are being opened B) had hold / had been opened C) were holding / will be opened D) held / have been opened E) have held / were opened

561) In 1906 at Boğazköy, several thousand

cuneiform tablets ------- and most of them ------- now on exhibit in the Anatolian civilizations museum in Ankara.

A) have been discovered / were B) were discovered / are C) have been discovered / had been D) would have been discovered / are being E) had discovered / have been

562) One oil company, in particular, claims -------its best to balance economic progress with environmental care and social responsibility.

A) to be done B) having done C) doing D) having been done E) to have done

563) Had it not been for the variety and flexibility of its trades, Huddersfield, like so many of the other textile towns, ------- into a decline in the 20th century.

A) was going B) had gone C) would have gone D) would go E) had been gone

564) ------- the letters written by so many parents, the headmaster agreed not to expel the boys.

A) In response to B) With reference to C) In case of D) Apart from E) Pertaining to

565) Henry VII's foreign policy was unheroic and unspectacular, ------- did he go to war and that was when he invaded France.

A) this once B) never before C) once again D) only once E) once more

566) Bennett's novel “The Old Wives's Tale” is the one ------- he is likely to be best known by posterity.

A) whose B) for whom C) by which D) in which E) that

567) Infectious diseases are those which are caused ------- an invasion of the body ------- organisms from outside.

A) by / by B) through / with C) over / through D) in / without E) upon / within

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568) He looked ------- nervously ------- his shoulder hoping that no one was paying him any attention.

A) out / of B) up / through C) back / over D) down / from E) in / for

569) We know nothing at all about the company's new chairman ------- that he's just had his fiftieth birthday.

A) since B) instead C) in case D) on condition E) except

570) ------- wins will be expected to take the rest of us for a meal.

A) Whoever B) Who C) Whomever D) Whomsoever E) Whatever

571) Today, ------- rapid transportation and communications, the whole world is becoming one community with common economic interests.

A) as long as B) in spite of C) just as D) because of E) such as

572) Of all the drugs that have been prescribed so far, this has proved to be ------- effective one.

A) most B) the most C) more D) just as E) the more

573) Of course nobody knows what the outcome of the election -------, but at the moment Malcolm ------- as the most likely candidate.

A) would have been / is being regarded B) is / has been regarded C) was / would have been regarded D) will be / is regarded E) has been / has been regarded

574) The doctors are of the opinion that if the disorder ------- a few months earlier, it ------- treated successfully.

A) had been diagnosed / could have been B) were diagnosed / would be C) has been diagnosed / will be D) is being diagnosed / is being E) were to be diagnosed / has been

575) He's certainly going to recommend that the changes in the structure of the company be introduced step by step, and ------- .

A) so I am B) so am I C) so do I D) I do, too E) I also do

576) Several members of the research team haven't handed in their reports yet, and I must admit I haven't --------- .

A) as well B) too C) either D) also E) neither

577) Acid rain only became a --------- environmental issue in the 1980s following groundbreaking studies in the 1970s.

A) previous B) deceitful C) reckless D) destructive E) prominent

578) Using the dam to genarate power would not --------- the treaty with the neighbouring country, but diverting water out of the river.

A) intimidate B) betray C) violate D) convert E) fetch

579) The --------- that terrorists use the money from regions that finance them to their target country are often identical to those used by criminal gangs.

A) regulations B) methods C) provisions D) laws E) admissions

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580) In the wake of yet another financial scandal, the chief accountant handed in his --------- to the director.

A) retirement B) redundancy C) promotion D) resignation E) vacancy

581) The American constitution with its various constraints --------- to protect citizens can actually shield criminals.

A) discovered B) complained C) persuaded D) designed E) displayed

582) The foreman has a way of making most people do what he wants, but somehow I don't think he'll manage to --------- the new director!

A) get around B) make up for C) turn over D) keep up with E) rule out

583) The man who created the firs computer virus has been sentenced to 20 months in an American federal prison, it is generally agreed that he has been --------- very lightly.

A) shown upon B) let off C) taken down D) given up E) brought in

584) The members of the special commissions on crime, some of --------- were appointed by the mayor, still meet on a regular basis.

A) that B) whose C) whom D) who E) which

585) --------- the Civil War, those years turned out to be golden era for the manganese industry.

A) Despite B) Obviously C) Although D) Pertaining to E) Nevertheless

586) Unfortunately, --------- stamping out the drugs trade, these programs are simply forcing drug growers to move into more inaccessible regions.

A) besides B) rather than C) in addition to D) due to E) as for

587) Indeed, the situation is such that chairman has finally promised to implement --------- the committee recommends.

A) whoever B) however C) if ever D) as ever E) whatever

588) Unfortunately, --------- current productivity growth looks impressive, the rise in profits over the coming years is likely to prove disappointing.

A) since B) just as C) even though D) if E) which

589) The biggest accounting issue raised --------- the energy company is --------- accounting standards.

A) by / over B) to / to C) for / under D) through / within E) from / into

590) Crying which starts, --------- birth, is an alarm system that attracts the parent and it can be switched off --------- parental attention.

A) with / for B) at / by C) for / with D) from / on E) by / through

591) Since 1998, US federal government has more than doubled its spending --------- defence --------- biological weapons and chemical weapons.

A) for / with B) of / to C) on / against D) in / from E) with / over

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592) Items --------- display in this museum were obtained --------- mosques, Turkish baths, fountains and caravanserais dating back to the Ottoman period.

A) on / from B) in / by C) for / out of D) within / of E) with / at

593) Following Fours Mars mission losses, an independent report paints a very clear picture of --------- what ails the US space program, --------- what must be done fix to it.

A) whether / through B) either / or C) how / and D) thus / that E) not only / but also

594) Basically a country has two objectives in

imposing tariffs; one is to raise revenue for government, --------- is to protect home industries by raising the price of competing goods from abroad.

A) other B) both C) another D) the other E) each

595) This part of Africa is growing greener again --------- that families who fled to wetter coastal regions are starting to go home.

A) so far B) to such an extent C) even so D) as a result E) even more

596) While the parades for the opening of parliament --------- , the president --------- a sobering message for his countrymen.

A) had rehearsed / prepared B) have been rehearsed / has prepared C) were being rehearsed / was preparing D) are rehearsing / is preparing E) had been rehearsed / would prepare

597) Though we still --------- a long way to go, a lot of --------- in developing now medical procedures to deal with diseased issue.

A) had had / had been accomplished B) had / has been accomplished C) have had / was accomplished D) are having / was being accomplished E) have / is being accomplished

598) Soon customs officers --------- to use X-ray technology --------- cavities in vehicles for drugs.

A) have been able / having scanned B) are able / scanned C) were able / to be scanned D) will be able / to scan E) would have been able to / to have scanned

599) As acquisition opportunities within the EU --------- less, western European energy companies --------- to turn eastwards in the hunt for expansion opportunities.

A) grow / are being forced B) will grow / would have been forced C) are growing / would be forced D) have grown / had been forced E) grew / have been forced

600) If Britain --------- the euro, say in 2006, the stability pact --------- highly important.

A) will be joining / is becoming B) has joined / will have become C) will have joined / will become D) would join / has become E) were to join / would become

601) Whatever else --------- the British Empire for so long, it was not Britain's education system.

A) was sustained B) has sustained C) sustains D) sustained E) to have sustained

602) Studies of the survivors of the atomic bomb blasts and radiation accidents have --------- demonstrated the leukemogenic effect of radiation.

A) reluctantly B) properly C) sensitively D) unmistakably E) understandably

603) Malnutrition and undernutrition are not ------- to the Third World; they also occur in affluent societies.

A) exposed B) permitted C) restricted D) disposed E) convinced

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604) In the past 25 years, new knowledge about cancer has led to changes in dietary --------- for the public.

A) disorders B) admissions C) obligations D) obsessions E) recommendations

605) Biotechnology offers opportunities to improve the quality and --------- value of foods.

A) nutritional B) conditional C) collective D) deceptive E) complacent

606) Our paediatrician said we should always --------- her if the little boy’s temperature continued for more than 24 hours.

A) come across B) get in touch with C) look forward to D) make up to E) look into

607) Only after a great deal of pressure had been --------- the registrar did he agree to give up the recovery ward in favour of a second operating theatre.

A) weighed up B) taken to C) put on D) brought down E) turned over

608) He claims he has --------- a cure for the common cold, but I don’t suppose he has.

A) waited for B) made sure of C) put through D) taken care of E) come up with

609) Over morphological lesions are relatively late manifestations of nutritional disorder and may be preceded --------- long periods of time --------- functional deficits.

A) through / to B) in / from C) for / by D) over / for E) at / through

610) If Julie --------- herself like that while we were away, she --------- from anorexia nervosa today.

A) hasn’t starved / wouldn’t suffer B) didn’t starve / isn’t suffering C) hadn’t starved / wouldn’t be suffering D) wouldn’t starve / won’t be suffering E) wasn’t starving / isn’t suffering

611) Health Watch, which, initially at least, --------- by pharmaceutical companies, --------- an aggressive campaign against natural medicines.

A) was financed / is waging B) had financed / was waging C) has been financed / had waged D) was being financed / had been waging E) will be financed / would wage

612) From time to time, many different theories of heredity --------- , only some of which --------- valid now.

A) had been advanced / had been B) were advanced / would be C) are advanced / were D) have been advanced / are E) will be advanced / would be

613) It would be foolish of them not --------- genetic advice as their first child was abnormal.

A) to seek B) having sought C) to have sought D) seeking E) being sought

614) The students who ------- a top grade in pharmacology were admitted to postgraduate studies.

A) have received B) had received C) receive D) will receive E) are receiving

615) Depression could be one of the fastest growing ailments of the 21st century, --------- young and unmarried people most --------- risk.

A) about / in B) for / from C) through / of D) of / on E) with / at

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616) Unfortunately, adults don’t usually offer early adolescents --------- warm indulgence and social protection than they provided a decade earlier.

A) too B) as much C) more D) the same E) such as

617) Many of my colleagues work with radiation, but they don’t seem to have been adversely affected by it, and --------- .

A) neither do I B) I have too C) neither was I D) nor was I E) nor did I

618) In Africa, the irresponsible sewage discharge of an exclusive hotel gradually put an end to the seafood harvest on --------- a local village depended for its livelihood.

A) that B) which C) what D) where E) whom

619) The inquiry into the foot and mouth epidemic will bring together veterinary scientists, virologists and epidemiologists --------- the representatives of farming and consumer groups.

A) as well as B) such as C) especially D) as to as E) but for

620) Scientists wondered --------- Dolly, the cloned sheep, would live a normal life span --------- simply live out the remaining years of the sheep from which she had been cloned.

A) more / than B) so / that C) whether / or D) neither / nor E) just / as

621) Professional tennis, which got its start in 1926 when the French player Suzanne Lenglen --------- 50,000 US dollars for a tour, only --------- full recognition in 1960.

A) had been paid / has received B) was paid / received C) has been paid / would receive D) is paid / receives E) would be paid / had received

622) Once the director --------- just how much was at stake, he --------- immediate steps to deal with the dispute.

A) realizes / will take B) has realized / had taken C) had realized / took D) realized / takes E) would realize / has taken

623) The once radical notion that birds ---------

from dinosaurs --------- stronger and stronger since palaeontologists first started taking it seriously a couple of decades ago.

A) have descended / grew B) had descended / had grown C) descend / is growing D) descended / has grown E) are descending / was growing

624) Throughout his term in office, President

Clinton --------- by allegations relating to the White-water real estate deal in which he and his wife, Hillary Clinton, --------- prior to the 1999 election.

A) is dogged / are involved B) had been dogged / were involved C) was dogged / had been involved D) has been dogged / have been involved E) was being dogged / may have been

involved 625) The essays taken together tell the story of

how the US became an economic power --------- a scale unprecedented --------- history.

A) for / with B) at / by C) with / from D) thought / at E) on / in

626) --------- the surprise of the archaeologists,

the structures turned out to be the remains --------- two domed tombs, each over a thousand years old.

A) At / from B) For / by C) With / over D) To / of E) By / through

627) More than 29 million Africans are now

infected with HIV, and the disease is killing --------- Africans --------- all the continent's wars combined.

A) so many / as B) either / or C) more / than D) not only / but also E) both / and

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628) He did --------- better in the interview --------- any of the other applicants.

A) much / as B) rather / than C) as / for D) still / with E) far / from

629) Geographical Information System tools

provide specialised functions for spatial data input, processing, analysis and output, --------- Database Management System tools provide more advanced functions for storing and managing large spatial databases.

A) that B) due to C) while D) whether E) in that

630) Photosynthesis is the process --------- green

plants manufacture carbohydrates, using the energy of sunlight.

A) as when B) on which C) where D) by which E) since

631) -------- economic development projects in

developing countries are carefully thought out and implemented, they can actually contribute to environmental deterioration.

A) Provided that B) Unless C) Since D) So long as E) Whenever

632) Until the time of World War II, it --------- that

human beings --------- to the requirements of technological systems with great ease.

A) is assumed / adapted B) has been assumed / were adapting C) was assumed / are adapting D) had been assumed / could adapt E) assumed / have adapted

633) In his acknowledgement, the writer thanked

his wife for the support she --------- him while he --------- the book.

A) had given / was writing B) gave / is writing C) gives / has been writing D) has given / will be writing E) was giving / had written

634) Since Swedish industrial relationships -------- so many fundamental changes, it is hardly surprising that the existence of a "Swedish model" --------- .

A) were undergoing / will be questioned B) underwent / has been questioned C) had undergone / had been questioned D) are undergoing / was being questioned E) have undergone / is being questioned

635) If it --------- for the severe air pollution of

1952, which was responsible for 4,000 deaths, the UK Clean Air Act of 1956 --------- .

A) weren't / hadn't been passed B) was not / won't be passed C) hadn't been / wouldn't have been passed D) wouldn't be / hadn't been passed E) isn't / was not passed

636) ---------- corporations grow in size and diversity, the difficulty of managing employee relations increases.

A) Lest B) In case C) Whether D) So that E) As

637) --------- had so many people complained so

loudly for so little cause.

A) Only once B) For the first time C) At the beginning D) Up to this time E) From the start

638) Multinational companies account for ---------

60 per cent of trade in manufactured goods in the developed world.

A) so much B) no less than C) rather than D) as far as E) by no means

639) The period --------- which Margaret Mae

painted the Amazon flora coincided --------- the time when the Amazon rain forest was being destroyed.

A) on / from B) in / at C) at / on D) during / with E) for / by

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640) Some delicate fruits and vegetables need to ripen gradually as they make their way ------- producer nations to consumer markets ------- the globe.

A) from / around B) with / on C) for / in D) of / over E) through / through

641) The purpose of this bridge project is ---------

to eliminate the cause of such accidents --------- to keep traffic moving at a steady rate.

A) only / but also B) both / and C) not only / and D) as much / than E) so / as

642) The term "man-machine system" fell

somewhat into disrepute and was replaced by "person-machine system" --------- the need to avoid sexist language.

A) contrary to B) despite C) in case of D) in accordance with E) instead of

643) The slavery issue was --------- one reason

--------- the northern and southern states fought against each other during the US Civil War.

A) on the other hand / which B) as such / whereas C) only / why D) moreover / that E) thus / in that

644) The United Nations has, on numerous

occasions, tried to assert its authority to mediate a dispute between nations, --------- has often been ineffective --------- the nations involved refused to acknowledge the right of the United Nations to intervene.

A) yet / that B) but / because C) either / or D) therefore / because of E) however / as far as

645) This is not a new theory; quite a lot of scientists ------- on it for several decades.

A) would have worked B) had worked C) have been working D) would work E) have to work

646) If the equipment ------- us on time, we ------- the bridge by now.

A) would have reached / could complete B) reached / had completed C) reaches / will have completed D) will reach / can complete E) had reached / could have completed

647) Unfortunately there was an electricity cut

just as we ------- the new computer.

A) are installing B) would install C) have installed D) were installing E) will install

648) It is recommended that you wear a helmet in

this part of the plant, but it's up to you; you ------- .

A) have got to B) will have to C) shouldn't have D) need to E) don't have to

649) ------- a piece of metal is denser than water, it

sinks in water.

A) Because of B) While C) Since D) Despite E) Therefore

650) ------- he was aware of the dangers of this

kind of research, he still continued with the project.

A) If B) Even though C) So that D) Whereas E) However

651) ------- the semester is over, Dr. Baines will

supervise the sinking of the shaft as it seems likely that they'll strike oil.

A) In order that B) As a result C) If only D) Once E) In case

652) It took him several months to set ------- the

experiment, but results are beginning to come ------- now.

A) up / in B) off / over C) in / up D) over / out E) back / through

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653) Obviously, during the Second World War, many scientists were involved ------- the development of new weapons.

A) by B) in C) at D) through E) about

654) An honorary degree will be conferred upon

the physicist ------- contributions to energy studies have proved the most beneficial.

A) which B) who C) whose D) that E) whom

655) Is that the professor ------- received the

Nobel Prize in chemistry?

A) whom B) whose C) where D) which E) who

656) Diary farming has received a lot of coverage

in the media lately, ------ on account of the dry season ------- because of the radiation scare.

A) both / more than B) more / even so C) only / also D) not only / but also E) such / as well as

657) Thanks to improvements in car design, -------

of the power produced is wasted in friction ------- was formerly the case.

A) far less / than B) as much / as C) a little / than D) little / than E) more / as

658) As regards the decision to modernize the

mines in the region, here is a report which contains ------- relevant information.

A) another B) any C) many D) a E) some

659) If I --------- a similar kind of research, I ---------

on just two decades. A) will do / concentrate B) had done / concentrated C) have done / would have concentrated D) were doing / would concentrate E) did / will concentrate

660) The committee --------- the question for nearly an hour, and still hasn't come to a decision.

A) has been discussing B) had discussed C) will discuss D) is discussing E) would discuss

661) Towards the end of the 5th century, many

political and social changes --------- in Europe which --------- all countries profoundly.

A) had been occurring / had affected B) were occurring / have affected C) have occurred / will affect D) had occurred / would affect E) occurred / affected

662) Before I read Freud, I --------- dreams were of

so much significance.

A) haven't thought B) wouldn't think C) didn't think D) don't think E) wouldn't have thought

663) --------- the critics, the film is almost as good

as the novel itself.

A) With regard to B) According to C) Owing to D) Concerning E) In comparison to

664) It is thought to be basically a Hittite

settlement --------- there are some traces of earlier civilisations.

A) in spite of B) even so C) instead D) even though E) in case

665) The next meeting will be held ---------

February, probably --------- the second Tuesday of the month.

A) in / on B) in / at C) at / in D) on / at E) at / on

666) Venice is joined to the mainland --------- road

and railway viaducts.

A) from B) over C) by D) on E) off

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667) The conference was a great disappointment; in fact, it was quite --------- I have ever attended.

A) the worst B) as bad as C) worse than D) so bad E) the worse

668) The Sumerian King Ur-Anger was a great

ruler --------- dominions extended from the Gulf to the Mediterranean.

A) whom B) who C) which D) whose E) that

669) In advertising it is important to decide --------

you are aiming to attract.

A) by whom B) whoever C) who D) which E) whose

670) I told him that the ultimate responsibility for

solving the problem was not ------- but ------- .

A) us / theirs B) his / me C) her / yours D) him / ours E) mine / his

671) He said he would apply for the job

immediately after he returned, --------- ?

A) did he B) didn't he C) would he D) hadn't he E) wouldn't he

672) The last exhibition I went to was ---------

crowded that I could hardly see anything .

A) as B) too C) more D) so E) very

673) Before Alexander Fleming ------- penicillin, a great many people ------- of meningitis.

A) has discovered / would die B) discovered / died C) will discover / have died D) would discover / died E) was discovering / were dying

674) When the new hospital ------- in March, you ------- one of the first patients to be admitted.

A) opened / have been B) will open / will be C) has opened / can have been D) is opening / are E) opens / will be

675) Don't take him into the operating room until

the anaesthetist ------- you to.

A) tells B) will tell C) tell D) can tell E) told

676) Of all the medicines we have tested, this is

obviously ------- effective.

A) much B) more C) less D) a little E) the most

677) The nurse claimed that it wasn't -------

responsibility but the doctor's.

A) herself B) herself C) theirs D) her E) himself

678) If you had followed the doctor's advice, you

------- a complete recovery by this time.

A) would make B) would have made C) had made D) will make E) were making

679) ------- she gave up smoking, she has enjoyed

the best of health.

A) Although B) If C) Since D) For E) When

680) Millions of children in these third world

countries will suffer and die ------- these infectious diseases remain uncontrolled.

A) if B) unless C) as soon as D) however E) so as

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681) He was advised not to discontinue this medicine ------- this might bring a recurrence of the complaint.

A) so that B) despite C) until D) as E) due to

682) The patient was not satisfied ------- the

treatment he received.

A) on B) for C) of D) from E) with

683) Be sure ------- take a look ------- the article on

infant mortality rates.

A) in / of B) to / at C) of / for D) for / up E) by / from

684) AIDS is a disease ------- has given rise to

much speculation.

A) whom B) whose C) what D) which E) who

685) A lot of people want to become surgeons,

but ------- make the grade.

A) few B) not much C) very little D) any E) all

686) A drug of this kind is ------- dangerous to be

sold without a prescription.

A) as B) just C) too D) so E) enough

687) Acetic acid is used as a food ------- and

flavouring material, and also in the manufacture of white lead.

A) preservative B) decay C) absorption D) solution E) process

688) Researchers disagree ------- whether a large ocean ever existed on Mars, but one thing is certain : Martian geology is turning ------- to be strange and complex.

A) of / round B) in / over C) for / up D) on / out E) about / in

689) Species become endangered and even

extinct ------- a variety of reasons, many of which are related ------- human activities.

A) within / of B) for / to C) with / for D) in / with E) over / through

690) Some scientists ------- us that the thermal

blanket around the globe ------- the average temperature of the earth to rise.

A) were warning / has caused B) have been warning / was causing C) have warned / may cause D) had warmed / caused E) warn / will have caused

691) A theory ------- only when a hypothesis -------

by consistent results from many observations or experiments.

A) may have been developed / was being

supported B) can be developed / has been supported C) will be developed / was supported D) has been developed / had been supported E) had been developed / might have been

supported 692) If transport costs ------- into consideration at

the outset, the plant ------- far from its present site.

A) will be taken / are being built B) were taken / had been built C) have been taken / have been built D) were being taken / will be built E) had been taken / would have been built

693) The first laser ------- in 1960 by Maiman

almost half a century after the publication of Einstein's theory of radiation which ------- the possibility of laser operation.

A) has been demonstrated / had shown B) had been demonstrated / showed C) was demonstrated / showed D) demonstrates / was shown E) was being demonstrated / shows

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694) The advent of nuclear power------- the trend to use water-power on a large scale, and hydroelectric installations ------- in all industrial countries with water power potential.

A) has not halted / are being built B) did not halt / are built C) would not halt / will be built D) will not halt / were being built E) had not halted / would be built

695) ------- many diverse animal forms exist ------- exceptions can be found to almost any definition of an animal.

A) So / as B) As / as C) Whether / so D) So / that E) Neither / nor

696) Products ------- diverse ------- rubber,

tobacco, coffee, chocolate and aromatic oils for perfumes come from flowering plants.

A) too / than B) as / as C) both / than D) either / or E) not only / but also

697) The writers of this article seem to assume

the nuclear plants conform with safety requirements ------- the fact that violations are constantly being reported

A) in case B) although C) against D) concerning E) despite

698) Pile foundations are costly and normally

economic only ------- commercial structures on valuable sites.

A) in the manner of B) in the case of C) in place of D) in fulfilment of E) in accordance with

699) The South African government has

committed a further sum of money to the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT), ------- enables the construction of this giant telescope to commence next year.

A) which B) thus C) by which D) whose E) for whom

700) Heat is transferred from ------- object ------- by conductions, convection and radiation.

A) either / to others B) each / from the rest C) any / with another D) some / through others E) one / to another

701) The recent rise in drug addiction ------- young people has been given publicity in the media ------- all proportion to the size of the problem.

A) with / through B) for / over C) in / above D) among / out of E) between / from

702) The mentally-handicapped have difficulty in

coping ------- tasks that are well ------- the capabilities of the average person.

A) under / over B) to / beyond C) with / within D) through into E) along / above

703) By the end of the week, he ------- the first

stage of the treatment, and we'll know then if he ------- well to it.

A) would have completed / responded B) has completed / was responding C) will have completed / is responding D) is completing / has responded E) will complete / will respond

704) The successful education of children with speech defects involves ------- all means of approach.

A) to explore B) exploring C) having explored D) having been explored E) to have explored

705) If they ------- the child to the hospital a little earlier, these complications ------- .

A) would have brought / wouldn't develop B) would bring / won't develop C) have brought / haven't developed D) brought / hadn't developed E) had brought / would not have developed

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706) Pure carbolic acid on a suspected rabies ------- wound the incubation period which probably won't kill all the viruses; so its use ------- into general disfavour among doctors.

A) may prolong / has fallen B) might prolong / had fallen C) might have prolonged / might have fallen D) will prolong / fell E) would prolong / would have fallen

707) The healthy individual possesses means of

arresting minor haemorrhages; if this ------- so, trivial cuts ------- to a fatal loss of blood.

A) was not / have led B) were not / would lead C) is not / led D) will not be / would have led E) would not be / had led

708) In recent years the trend in the study of

child development has been an increased emphasis on the processes underlying the changes, ------- simple descriptions of age changes.

A) as if B) just as C) rather than D) even so E) such as

709) Poisoning ------- drug overdose is a frequent

and still increasing cause of admission to hospital.

A) according to B) due to C) on behalf of D) in excess of E) in spite of

710) Dizziness is a distressing symptom in

advanced old age, and alarms relatives ------- the patient.

A) no less than B) as little as C) in accordance with D) consequent on E) in case of

711) Bacteria are ------- small that they can -------

be seen under a microscope.

A) very / rather B) too / hardly C) as / thus D) so / only E) much / just

712) The brain is a part of the body ------- very little is known and even less is understood.

A) which B) from what C) where D) of whose E) about which

713) The remedies they use in the East are very

different from those we use in the West; ------- rely more on the natural properties of herbs and plants while ------- are more chemically orientated.

A) to them / to us B) they / us C) their / we D) theirs / ours E) themselves / ourselves

714) In hay fever, the symptoms vary from one

patient ------- , and treatment will also vary.

A) and to others B) to the other C) and to another D) to another E) to others

715) Naturally I will come to you for advice

whenever I feel in need of ------- .

A) them B) one C) some D) none E) a few

716) We’ve had some pretty good directors over

the years, but Dr. Radcliff is ------- the most capable of them.

A) by far B) over all C) just so D) as much E) too much

717) The committee showed their wholehearted

approval of the designs he submitted, and ------- .

A) me, too B) so did I C) so have I D) so we do E) we also have

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718) The other climbers were all for giving up the attempt, but it was ------- impossible to convince him of the need to do so.

A) too B) such C) quite D) as E) much

719) Could this possibly be the firm’s new buyer

-------- reputation it we are to believe the newspapers, is not quite what it should be?

A) whom B) which C) whatever D) what E) whose

720) ------- takes on the task of investigating

these particular allegations is going to run into a lot of difficulties.

A) Someone B) Anyone C) Whatsoever D) Whoever E) Whichever

721) His scheme, with all its shortcomings, will

inevitably be pushed through ------- we can produce one, by Tuesday, which is obviously much more feasible.

A) how B) so that C) unless D) moreover E) in case

722) ------- he gives the appearance of sincerity

and reliability, just remember that you can’t trust him an inch.

A) That B) As far as C) Nevertheless D) So E) Though

723) On that occasion, he really was ------- luck:

It was as if every thing had combined ------- him.

A) up to / through B) away from / behind C) out of / against D) into / upon E) on to / over

724) Few sociologists will admit that a city is distinct ------- a village merely ------- the number of its inhabitants.

A) of / for B) from / by C) to / over D) in / through E) off / in

725) Water has a moderating effect on

temperature, ------- summer and midday heat, and winter and midnight cold.

A) diminished B) having diminished C) to diminish D) being diminished E) diminishing

726) When that happened, their hopes -------

because the army ------- its most trusted leaders.

A) wane / would lose B) are waning / loses C) waned / had lost D) ware waning / has lost E) have waned / lost

727) They ------- the advantages and the

disadvantages of the takeover when I ------- them an hour or so later.

A) will discuss / would rejoin B) have discussed / am rejoining C) are discussing / will rejoin D) were discussing / rejoined E) would discuss / had rejoined

728) We still ------- that any changes in the law

along these lines ------- to our advantage.

A) had believed / will have been B) believed / had been C) have believed / would be D) would believe / were being E) believe / will be

729) In calculators, calculations ---------- entirely

with integers yield exact results as long as the numbers ---------- too big for the space allotted.

A) doing / were not B) having done / have not been C) to have been done / would not have been D) done / are not E) to be done / will not be

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730) Twenty years ago, the study aging -------- as somewhat misdirected, but now it ------- into an important science.

A) was regarded / has developed B) had been regarded / would develop C) has been regarded / would be developing D) would have been regarded / had

developed E) was being regarded / has been developing

731) In some ways, we know little more about the

planets than -------- the ancients who worshipped them.

A) had done B) have done C) do D) would do E) did

732) The first stage of the new factory project -------- last year, and work on the second phase------- well now.

A) had been completed / would progress B) was completed / is progressing C) would have been completed / was

progressing D) has been completed / will progress E) was being completed / has progressed

733) While the battle ------ out in the open, the technological capability of the coalition forces ------- them to lead.

A) had been fought / was giving B) was fought / would give C) was being fought / gave D) would have been fought / will give E) is being fought / has given

734) Dwindling oil reserves and concerns -------

exhaust emissions have heightened the search ------ more sustainable sources.

A) into / with B) through / into C) about / at D) over / for E) for / by

735) The World Commission on Dams found that,

----- average, large dams exceed their budged ------ 56 %.

A) of / up B) in / off C) for / under D) by / from E) on / by

736) The interiors of planets are totally inaccessible, --------- what we know about them comes from indirect measurements and analysis.

A) so B) whereas C) even though D) since E) so as

737) It was not long ------- the design deficiencies

of the room became apparent.

A) as if B) before C) until D) wherever E) unless

738) In every forensic laboratory there should be

------- with the basic training to make sense of botanical evidence.

A) each B) anyone C) someone D) one another E) them

739) The centre conducted the study -------

identify priority areas for conservation.

A) in order to B) as well as C) with respect to D) due to E) with reference to

740) The next model the company produced was

well-engineered and finely built ,-----, it never became popular and sales were poor.

A) on the contrary B) even so C) just as D) such as E) in accordance with

741) In 1994, seven countries signed and accord,

agreeing to guidelines designed to minimize the ------ of salmon farming on wild fish in the north Atlantic.

A) relevance B) establishment C) impact D) perception E) improvement

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742) Had this 70 m.-long asteroid entered the Earth’s atmosphere, it could have -------- a large city.

A) reconciled B) inflated C) captured D) destroyed E) erupted

743) India has dozens of half-completed water

projects, not to mention a ------, centuries-old infrastructure of forgotten local water-supply systems.

A) perishable B) stable C) vast D) predominant E) sensitive

744) Researchers attending the World Water

Forum in Kyoto last year argued that collecting and using water more ------- would lessen the need for more dams.

A) efficiently B) plentifully C) wastefully D) remarkably E) speedily

745) Apparently the drop in farm incomes had

nothing to -------- the introduction of modern farming methods.

A) close down B) make out C) sort out D) force out E) do with

746) Most of our exposure to organic mercury

------- eating oily fish such as tuna.

A) plays up B) turns into C) comes from D) finds out E) puts up with

747) Since the equator is the closest place ------

earth to the sun, the atmosphere ------ it absorbs the most solar energy. A) in / at B) of / through C) with / across D) at / over E) on / around

748) Because the plateau was so far ------ sea level, when we finally reached it, we had difficulty ------ breathing. A) below / with B) under / about C) from / for D) above / in E) over / at

749) My parents are taking me to the theatre this

evening to ------ my being ill when they had a party last week.

A) go down with B) keep in touch with C) make up for D) take no notice of E) take part in

750) It is important for people who lead an

inactive life to ------ a sport like swimming or swimming.

A) break down B) take up C) call off D) put out E) make off

751) Although it cannot be proven scientifically,

presumably the expansion of the universe will ------ as it approaches a critical radius.

A) slow down B) cool down C) build up D) filter out E) go off

752) Schizophrenia, a behavioural ------, may well be triggered by genetic predisposition, stress, drugs, or infections.

A) inclination B) disorder C) diagnosis D) inhibition E) transplantation

753) The phone call must have been about

something urgent, considering how ------ the bewildered teacher left after it.

A) abruptly B) joyfully C) exclusively D) hesitantly E) reluctantly

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754) The cut on your leg looks very nasty. I genuinely recommend that you get ------ medical attention. A) constant B) relentless C) immediate D) adjacent E) punctual

755) Calculus, an elegant and economical

symbolic system, can ------ complex problems to simple terms.

A) reduce B) make C) raise D) aggravate E) alleviate

756) I think Jack ---- moving to a quieter area when he ---- next summer.

A) has considered / will retire B) considered / will have retired C) will be considering / retire D) is considering / retires E) had considered / is retiring

757) Whereas in 1975 only one in every ten new

enterprises ------ by woman, in 1989 this figure ------ to one in three.

A) established / was increased B) was established / had increased C) was establishing / would increase D) had been established / increased E) would establish / was increasing

758) Although the scientific community had hoped that the field of transplantation ------, the shortage of organ donors has curtailed research.

A) has progressed B) would progress C) must have progressed D) is progressing E) had progressed

759) ------ a small specimen of the embryonic

fluid is removed from a fetus, it will be possible to determine whether the baby will be born with the birth defects.

A) Unless B) Contrary to C) In pursuit of D) Irrespective of E) If

760) Jane wasn’t actually feeling fit enough to work overtime; -------- , she did it as she was in dire need of money.

A) therefore B) besides C) nonetheless D) despite E) on the other hand

761) ------ he wouldn’t wait at the door for ages, I

put the key under the mat for my new flatmate, who had left home in a hurry, yesterday. A) In order that B) Hence C) In view of D) In case E) On grounds of

762) There are 20 species of wild roses in North

America, -------- have prickly stems, pinnate leaves, and large flowers that usually smell sweetly. A) none of whose B) much of which C) some of whom D) all of which E) both of which

763) Frost occurs in valleys and on low grounds -------- on adjacent hills.

A) more frequently than B) as frequent as C) too frequent D) frequently enough E) so frequent that

764) Gunpowder, in some ways the most effective of ------ the explosive materials, is a mixture of potassium nitrate, charcoal, and sulphur.

A) none B) the whole C) all D) many E) every

765) If it receives enough rain at the proper time,

hay will grow quickly, ------ grass.

A) like B) such as C) as D) similar E) alike

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766) Although it can be derived ------ oil, coal, and tar, kerosene is usually produced ------ refining it from petroleum.

A) from / by B) in / from C) at / on D) near / along E) within / beneath

767) Although no country has ------ folk music

------ that of any other, it is significant that similar songs exist among widely separated people.

A) more / like B) the same / as C) so / as D) less / much E) such / that

768) Your father should not put so much

pressure on you. He must not choose your friends, ------ .

A) too B) as well C) neither D) either E) though

769) I don’t suppose the election results will

reflect the true reaction of the public to the government in power, ------ ?

A) do I B) will it C) won’t they D) don’t I E) will they

770) Many countries ---- the world are gearing up

to help the people affected ---- the tsunami.

A) across / on B) below / with C) off / from D) around / by E) on / upon

771) Physical geographers study soil because of its fundamental position ---- the ecosystem and its impact ---- human activities. A) above / upon B) in / on C) from / at D) over / inside E) on / within

772) There were some beach huts here only a few days ago, but they were ------ by the flood. A) carried out B) pointed out C) poured down D) swept away E) taken up

773) Climate shifts could disrupt farming and ---- thousands of species of animals and plants.

A) make up B) wear off C) wipe out D) eat away E) put across

774) The Lakota nation of Native Americans still

dispute the USA’s ownership of the Black Hills, referring to it as an occupied ------ .

A) territory B) line C) situation D) vacancy E) regime

775) On the Aleutian Islands, the land rises abruptly from level coasts to ---- mountains.

A) lengthy B) plain C) steep D) keen E) flexible

776) We had to ---- from the war when the attack

of the enemy intensified.

A) refrain B) retain C) remain D) belong E) persist

777) The senator ---- denied allegations of

anything improper that had taken place.

A) highly B) admittedly C) considerably D) accurately E) strongly

778) Cat allergen is one of the main causes of

childhood allergies, asthma and ---- respiratory diseases as bronchitis.

A) the like B) some C) such other D) also E) the other

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779) Children have difficulty ------- numbers ------- two until the age of three or four.

A) in grasping / as many as B) to grasp / as big as C) grasping / greater than D) having grasped / fewer E) of grasping / less than

780) The safest approach -------- your entire corporation against security threats from roaming users is -------- a quarantine-oriented technology.

A) protecting / including B) to protect / to include C) for protecting / having included D) of protecting / included E) to be protecting / being included

781) Tourists -------- when large numbers of

middle class people -------- to join the more wealthy aristocratic travellers.

A) have originated / had begun B) had originated / began C) could have originated / have begun D) originated / began E) were originating / are beginning

782) The wounded hunter -------- on the ground

for almost an hour when, coincidentally, he -------- by another hunter, who must have keen eyes.

A) has been lying / is spotting B) has lain / will be spotted C) will have lain / had been spotted D) had been lying / was spotted E) was lying / spotted

783) As the tree was too high to climb, the

mischievous boys ---------- their ball down only by throwing sticks at it.

A) would have knocked B) were able to knock C) will have to knock D) may have knocked E) could knock

784) Certain serious diseases can be

successfully treated -------- detected in an initial stage.

A) unless B) if C) even when D) before E) after

785) ---------- you have made minimal progress, it is by no means the kind of progress that you need to make.

A) What B) Despite C) In addition to D) On behalf of E) While

786) Soils are the result of -------- interacting

processes -------- bring different materials together.

A) a few / by which B) such / as C) some / that D) most of / which E) a good deal of / in which

787) I’m ready to do ---------- I can do to help you -

------- your hardship.

A) anything / overcome B) whatever / overcoming C) what / to be overcoming D) that / to have overcome E) nothing / having overcome

788) Despite my insistence, Adam didn’t tell me

-------- he didn’t like me or my family.

A) why B) even if C) whose D) whether E) about whom

789) She keeps saying that she has got --------

patience with kids, but forgets that she didn’t have -------- before she gave birth to her own kids.

A) enough / as much B) too many / any C) such / none D) so / some E) more / neither

790) If I -------- the choice of making either an oral or a written report, I -------- the second alternative.

A) gave / could pick B) had been given / might pick C) would have given / had picked D) have been giving / will pick E) were given / would pick

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791) A combination of imagination and determination -------- Peter -------- entirely new lines of research concerned with the way animals survive extreme environmental conditions

A) allow / developing B) have allowed / being developed C) were allowed / to have developed D) allowed / to develop E) will allow / to be developing

792) The scientist who -------- Dolly the sheep, the world’s first cloned mammal, -------- a licence on Tuesday to clone human embryos for medical research.

A) has created / has been granted B) had created / granted C) created / was granted D) will be creating / has granted E) used to create / had been granted

793) My mother is making a steady recovery from flu and ------- hospital by next week.

A) should be able to leave B) is leaving C) has left D) will have been left E) must have left

794) -------- a celebrity arrives in Istanbul, the first

question reporters ask them is ------- they like Istanbul.

A) During / whether B) Every time / how C) Whenever / what D) Until / if E) When / wherever

795) The results of last weekend’s poll have -------

to be announced and officials say it could be -------- week before they are.

A) so far / every B) still / each C) already / every other D) even / most E) yet / another

796) She failed to get anyone to repair the taps for her at the weekend, -------- could she do it on her own.

A) as B) nor C) only if D) so E) though

797) The neutral mutation rate is known -------- widely along human chromosomes, -------- to mutational hot and cold regions.

A) to be varying / to lead B) varying / led C) to have varied / being led D) having varied / having led E) to vary / leading

798) You would not expect anyone -------- intelligent to make ------ stupid mistake, but he did so.

A) so / that B) too / such C) as / as D) more / than E) too much / those

799) I don’t suppose you are telling us the true

version of the story, ----------?

A) do I B) are you C) can you D) will you E) aren’t you

800) Some people argue that certain oriental

relaxation techniques ------- yoga and meditation are extremely effective in the treatment of high blood pressure.

A) so B) just as C) such as D) both E) also

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