770-946-3127 Life’s Journey return service requested Service Times: Sunday School 9...


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Berea Christian Church 37 Woolsey Road Hampton, GA 30228 770-946-3127 return service requested

Service Times: Sunday School 9:30 a.m.

Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Meal 6:00 p.m.

Directions For

Life’s Journey


2 3 Daughters of the King

4 5 Minute to Win It - Jungle

6 Ladies of Faith Movie Day

7 8 Men’s Breakfast

9 10 11 12 Josh Faulkner w/Relentless Ministries

13 14 15 Food Pantry

16 Homecoming

17 18 19 20 High Milers w/Tracy Fleming

21 22

23 24 25 26 27 28 29

30 31



Prayer List: page 2 August Ministries: page 3

Time for a Vacation !: page 4 Best? Worst? Strong? or High Time!: page 5

Homecoming: page 6 Students/Children’s Ministry: page 7

Youth Lock-In


vāˈkāSH(ə)n,vəˈkāSH(ə)n/ noun 1.a period of suspension of work, study, or other activity, usually used for rest, recreation, or travel; recess or holiday; a time of rejuvenation


Center on PrayerR. C. Oakley; Bobby Johnston; Vic Whited; Darlene Augard; Diane Cathcart; Joanie Snow; Laura Eidson; Keith Exum; Steve & Beverly Stewart; Maria Lamb; Corrine Carpenter; Mary Kate McMahan; Robert Zagwyn; Judy & Robbie Kendall; Rose Anderson; Shirley Hughes; Harry Boss; David Fontana;

Remember Our Shut-Ins Coralice Henderson - Atlanta Evelyn Hines - Newnan Mary Johnson - Home John McMahan - Home Alice Pendley - Benton Village Ina Stanley - Home Elinor Crowe - Golden Crest Jack & Barbara Hiers - Cunnin Elinor Reams - Dacula Frank Standard - Home

Average Attendance & Giving July Attendance: 130

Monthly Giving for July: General: $ 18,789.54 Missions: $ 2,358.96

Family & Friends June Echols; Signa Yingling; Bolin family; Zelda Burger; Carol Wallace; Debra Jinks; Tom Lewis; Ted Brusaw; Blanche Misek; Byron Hawkins; Amy Garcia; Thomas Morgan; Lewis Davis; Iris Mojica; Roger Blythe; Ken Dozier; Phillip Grizzard; Butch & Joann Traywick; Mack Jones; Carl Hudson; Lavonne Yates; Dean Hill; Rachel Price; Jesse Cook; Erin Hunter; Ester Martinez; Paul Taylor; Jessica Leverette; Pullin family; Annette Hamilton; Plug Jones; Dorothy Love; Willie Powell; William Ray, Jr.; Brian Anderson; Buck Jones; Marion Karle; Kim Baker; Eric Carlson; Patsy Mack; Elaine Allen; Chole Major; Emory Williams; J R Smith; Michelle Bristol; Olivia Stone; Dan McBrayer; Justin Bentley; Sandra Woods; Russell Hayes; Spencer McDaniel; Ansley Fleetwood; Leroy Fulton; Ernest & Donna Walker; William Chiles; Nadine Jennings; Jamie Wolske; Mary Long; Lynn Moore; Robertson family; Clyde Kendall; Laverne Chapman; Mary Lorenzen; Carl Jackson; Caleb Ketting; Eric Hatcher; Katie & Auranina Reyes; Frances Jones

Just for Kids - Meet us in the Children’s Building





FF Minute to Win It GAME NIGHT

AUGUST 5 7:00 P.M.

Wednesday, August 12th Josh Faulkner will our special guest, The Faulkners feel called by God to move their family to Nicaragua. They will be joining in the fight against human trafficking and raising awareness in remote villages throughout the country while building relationships to share the Gospel of Jesus! A love offering will be collected.

For all Middle & High school s t u d e n t s . L e a v i n g o n Thursday the 24th at 9:00 am and returning on Saturday the 26th at 12:00 pm. Cost will be $50.00 per student.


Sunday 8/2 Sunday 8/9 10:30 Nursery: Tara Garner & Katie Adair 10:30 Nursery: Connie Ricks & Shelley Stone 10:30 Pre-school: Carol Dudley & Michelle Pece 10:30 Pre-School: Bobby & Clara Johnston Sunday 8/16 Sunday 8/23 10:30 Nursery: Christie Bowen & Celeste Daniel 10:30 Nursery: Lisa Sneed & Caitlin Tigner 10:30 Pre-School: Roy & Debbie Lewis 10:30 Pre-School: Jeremy & Joanna Lange

Sunday 8/30 10:30 Nursery: Michelle Pece 10:30 Toddler: Stacey Jones


Saturday … August 8 All men, all ages are encouraged to

meet us in the Fellowship Hall at 8:00 a.m. An awesome breakfast followed by time of prayer, fellowship and studying

God’s Promise.


Donations are always needed to keep our food pantry running. We always in need of volunteers, see April Greer if you can help in any way.


Daughters of the King - August 3 All ladies are invited to join us at 6:45 at Cheddars on Jonesboro Rd., for a night of Fellowship & Fun.

Ladies of Faith - August 6 All ladies are encouraged to join

us at 11:00 in the Fellowship Hall.

After a short devotion is out to

lunch. Then we’ll come back for

“Movie Day”. Bring your

favorite movie and join us.

High Milers -August 20 The Third Thursday in August, Tracy Flemin, who was recently featured in an “In Touch Ministry” video, will return to Berea to share recent opportunities in China. By the way, you will get a glimpse of our Joe Yeater in the video. Be Ye Here !!!

Stephen & Chelsie (Boyd) Odom

Stephen & Chelsie have made their home in Branson, Missouri since 2012. They both currently work at Little Opry Theatre and the God & Country Theatre, starring 3 different production. Stephen & Chelsea are both a part of the worship team at Ozark Mountain Community Church in Blue Eye Missouri.

Homecoming has always been a special day at Berea and this year will be no different, with a large pitch-in lunch following worship services. Join us Sunday, August 16th and bring your friends, co-workers, family and neighbors.


! Charles!Dickens!in!his!Tale!of!Two!Cities!says!“It!was!the!best!of!times,!it!was!the!worst!of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!times”!:!then!the!French!Revolution!bust!onto!the!pages!history!! ! I!don’t!know!if!our!times!are!the!best!or!the!worst,!but!they!are!sure!in!the!running!for!the!strangest!of!times.!!!! When!the!Supreme!Court!considered!DOMA!in!2013!they!basically!said!marriage!was!a!!!!!!!!!!!!!!consideration! of! the! States,! not! the! Federal.! ! When! the! topic! of! homosexual! marriage! was!revisited! in! 2015! they! declared!marriage! is! under! the! auspices! of! the! Federal! not! the! States.!!Now,!we!have!“Sanctuary!cities”!for!illegals!:!Federal!law!will!not!be!enforced.! !But!during!the!civil!rights!movement!there!were!no!“Segregated!cities”!where!the!law!would!not!be!enforced.!!Consistency,!thou!art!a! jewel.! !Strange!are!the!times!to!say!the! least.! !My!brother:in:law,!Bob!Moorehead,!describes!our!times!in!this!way:!!!!! We!have! taller! buildings!but! shorter! tempers;! !wider! freeways!but!narrower! viewpoints;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!we!spend!more!but!have!less,!we!buy!more!but!enjoy!it!less;!we!have!bigger!houses!and!smaller!families;!more!conveniences,!yet!less!time;!we!have!more!degrees!but!less!sense;!more!knowledge!but!less!judgment;!more!experts,!yet!more!problems;!we!have!more!gadgets!but!less!satisfaction;!more!medicine,! yet! less!wellness;!we! take!more! vitamins! but! see! fewer! results.! !We! drink! too!much,!smoke!too!much,!spend!too!recklessly,!laugh!too!little,!drive!too!fast,!get!too!angry!quickly,!stay!up!too!late,!get!up!too!tired,!read!too!seldom,!watch!too!much!TV!and!pray!too!seldom.!! We!have!multiplied!our!possessions,but!reduced!our!values;!we!fly!in!faster!planes!to!arrive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!there!quicker,!to!do! less!and!return!sooner;!we!sign!more!contracts!only!to!realize!fewer!profits;!we!talk!too!much;!love!too!seldom!and!lie!too!often.!!We’ve!learned!how!to!make!a!living,!but!not!a!life;!we’ve!added!years!to!life,!not!life!to!years.! !We’ve!been!all!the!way!to!the!moon!and!back,!but!have!trouble!crossing!the!street!to!meet!the!new!neighbor.!!We’ve!conquered!outer!space,!but!not!inner!space;!we!make!faster!planes,!but!longer!lines;!we!learned!to!rush,!but!not!to!wait!,!we!have!more!weapons,!but!less!peace;!higher!incomes,!but!lower!morals;!more!parties,!but!less!fun;!more!acquaintances,!but!fewer!friends;!more!effort,!but!less!success.!!We!build!more!computers!to!add!more!information,!but!have!less!communication,!drive!smaller!cars!that!have!bigger!problems,!build!larger!factories!that!produce!less.!!We’ve!become!long!on!quantity,!but!short!on!quality.!! There!are!the!times!of!fast!foods!and!slow!digestion;!tall!men,!but!short!character;!steep!in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!profits,!but! shallow!relationships.! ! These!are! times!of!world!peace,!but!domestic!warfare;!more!leisure!and!less!fun;!higher!postage!but!slower!mail;!more!kinds!of!food,!but!less!nutrition.!!These!are!days!of!two!incomes,!but!more!divorces;!these!are!times!of!fancier!houses,!but!broken!homes.!!these!are!days!of!quick!trips,!disposable!diapers,!cartridge! living,!throwCaway!morality,!oneCnight!stands,!overweight!bodies!and!pills!that!do!everything!from!cheer,!to!prevent,!quiet!or!kill.! !It!is!a!time!when!there!is!much!in!the!show!window!and!nothing!in!the!stock!room.! !Indeed,!these!are!the!times.!! Strange!times!for!sure!!!It’s!time!for!us!to!heed!Paul’s!admonition!to!the!Romans!“It’s!high!!!!!!!!!!!!!!time! to! awake! out! of! sleep,! for! the! time! of! our! salvation! is! nearer! now! that! when! we! first!believed.! ! The! night! is! nearly! over,! the! day! is! almost! here.”! ! Do! you! need! to! forgive! or! seek!forgiveness?! !Are!there!relationships!that!need!restored?! !Or!a! friend!or! family!member!to!be!won!to!Christ?!!It’s!high!time!to!“Git!er!done!”!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! --Dennis

Time for a Vacation! Janet & I just returned from a week-long vacation in the Blue Ridge Mountains. We stayed in Murphy, NC and took in many of the local attractions, and visited some “off-the-beaten-path” locations. All in all, it was a much needed break from our more than busy day-to-day life. I know many of you are doing, or have done, the same this summer. Vacations are a time to step back and get a new perspective. A time to rejuvenate and refresh the spirit. While we should never take any “time-off” from our Spiritual Walk, or even the Spiritual Battles we are called into as a soldier of the cross, it’s always good when we can step back and get a fresh perspective. Sometimes that comes with a new incite into scripture, or a new appreciation for a well loved worship song. Sometimes it comes from reading an inspirational book or movie. It might even come through inspiring words others have put to paper, allowing us to read them and be refreshed and energized for battle. I have a couple of such “go-to” readings. We recently experienced one of them through a video during our Sunday morning prayer service as we heard the words, (and voice) of S.M. Lockeridge’s expressive “That’s My King.” I cannot hear it without being energized. Another of my favorites is entitled “Faith Confession.” It’s written by Dr. Bob Morehead, (my uncle) and is excerpted in his book, Words Aptly Spoken. You may have read this before, but it’s my hope that as you read it again, you too will be refreshed, restored, challenged and energized for battle. "I’m part of the 'Fellowship of the Unashamed.' I have the Holy Spirit and His power. The die has been cast. I have stepped over the line. The decision has been made. I’m a disciple of Jesus Christ.

I won't look back, let up, slow down, back away or be still. My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, and my future is secure.

I’m done with low living, sight-walking, self-seeking, unbent knees, unfulfilled goals, worldly talking, chintzy giving, and narrow visions!

I no longer need praise, position, or popularity. I don't have to be right, recognized, regarded, or rewarded. I now live by presence, lean by faith, love by patience, lift by prayer, and labor by power.

My direction is set, my pace is fast, my goal is Heaven, my road is narrow, my way is rough. My companions are few, my God is reliable, and my mission is clear. I can’t be bought, compromised, deterred, distracted, discouraged, disillusioned, or delayed.

I won’t flinch in the face of the Foe, cringe in the crucible of challenge, tarry at the table of the Tempter, pander at the pool of popularity, or meander in the maze of mediocrity.

I won't give up, back up, let up, or shut up--until I've reached up, preached up, prayed up, paid up, stored up, and stayed up--for the cause of Christ.

I’m a disciple of Jesus Christ. I must keep going until He returns, keep giving until I drop, keep preaching until all know Him, and keep working until He comes. And when He comes to get His own, I will have no problem recognizing Him--and He’ll have no problem recognizing me. My colors will be clear. And I’ll be ready."

Thanks, Uncle Bob. I know I needed to hear that – and I suspect others did too!