7 the Rnodaj Syst




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  • 7/18/2019 7 the Rnodaj Syst


    the rnodaj system


    the rnodaj roleplaying game is not about moving around a map to fnd hidden

    treasures or anything like that sure you !an still fnd hidden treasures and

    there are still pu""les and there are still monster fghts but i !reated this o#

    o$ a roleplaying game i on!e played and !hanged it a lot this game %as

    inspired by dungeon s&uad a $ree to play and do%nload pen and paper rpg

    o# the internet i am in!luding %ith this roleplaying game a list o$ &uests $or

    you and your party to play


    D* armor +, gold

    D- armor .,, gold

    D/ armor .+, gold

    D., armor 0,, gold

    D.0 armor 0+, gold

    D0, armor 1,, gold

    D.0 melee %eapon 0+, gold

    D0, melee %eapon 1,, gold

    D.0 ranged %eapon 0+, gold

    D0, ranged %eapon 1,, gold

    D.0 any spell 0+, gold

    D0, any spell 1,, gold


    human4 melee fghting: +4 ranged fghting: +4 magi! %ielding: +4

    el$4 melee fghting: *4 ranged fghting: -4 magi! %ielding: +4

    d%ar$4 melee fghting: 54 ranged fghting: 14 magi! %ielding: 14

    dragon6born4 melee fghting: 74 ranged fghting: .4 magi! %ielding: 74

    fre golem4 melee fghting: .14 ranged fghting: .4 magi! %ielding: .4

    %ater golem4 melee fghting: .4 ranged fghting: .14 magi! %ielding: .4

  • 7/18/2019 7 the Rnodaj Syst


    air golem4 melee fghting: .4 ranged fghting: .4 magi! %ielding: .14

    tiger6man4 melee fghting: -4 ranged fghting: *4 magi! %ielding: -4

    ')3CI28 29I8ITI3':

    human4 %eapon adaptiveness you !hoose one %eapon to go up one rank$rom D* to D- et!;

    el$4 %ood sense %henever you enter a $orest4 all o$ your stats shoot up

  • 7/18/2019 7 the Rnodaj Syst



    ?32)ON 8I'T

    any s%ords4 or a@es or any melee %eapon variation

    any bo%s4 or !rossbo%s4 or any ranged %eapon variation

    spell sub6division;

    Aireball: does the damage rolled plus your stats times 0 usable only on!e per


    8ightning: does the damage rolled plus your stats usable on!e per monster

    =agi! shield: blo!ks damage e&ual to your roll plus your magi! stats doesnt

    go a%ay until !ompletely destroyed usable only on!e per adventure

    stun: stuns the enemy $or ho% ever many turns you roll plus your statsdivided by three usable on!e per monster

    i!e: $ree"es the enemy $or one turn and does the damage rolled plus your

    stats usable on!e per battle

    meteor strike: smashes the enemy %ith a meteor roll the di!e add your stats

    and multiply it by 0 usable on!e per adventure

    plasma: ele!tro!utes the enemy4 and does the damage rolled plus your stats

    minus 1

    earth %all: blo!ks the enemy $rom doing any damage to you blo!ks ho%ever

    mu!h damage is rolled plus your stats goes a%ay a$ter the battle usable

    on!e per battle

    C(2R2CT3R CR32TION:








  • 7/18/2019 7 the Rnodaj Syst



    (ealth points .+

    &uest . $or the rnodaj system

    BfnallyB you think to yoursel$ Bour frst &uest as a team a very ri!h man ran

    into to%n the other day and said he %as being !hased by the %orld>s greatest

    assasin>s he o#ered to pay us .,, gold ea!h i think it %as a %orthy deal

    !onsidering ho% long %e have been training $or this momentB the man is

    $ollo%ing you around and %ill never leave your side %hen you turn around

    you see an ent start %alking to%ards the man you are supposed to be


    i$ you !hoose to atta!k it4 its stats are4 hp *,4 atta!k *4 it drops ., gold ea!h;

    i$ you !hoose to try and !onvin!e it not to atta!k him you roll the 0, sided

    die it must !ome out at a / or higher;

    i$ you !hoose to grab the man and run a%ay roll the 0, sided die it must

    !ome out at a ., or higher;

    a$ter the en!ounter %ith the ent you !an take the man lets !all him veigar;

    to his house or you !an take him to the !astle be!ause the king has agreed to

    prote!t him

    i$ you take him to his house;

    you fnd a suit o$ iron knight armor and a

  • 7/18/2019 7 the Rnodaj Syst


    i$ you !hoose to !onvin!e him to leave the building and es!ape the guild o$

    assasins you must roll a 0, sided die you must roll a ., or higher;

    a$ter the en!ounter %ith the %i"ard assasin you determine that there is only

    one possible pla!e that the guild o$ assasins !ould be hiding the $orest o$

    monsters you %alk into the $orest and see that or!s4 goblins4 lea$ golems4

    and various other monsters are living in this $orest then one o$ the or!s see>s

    you and pulls out his oddly glo%ing s%ord and !harges you

    i$ you !hoose to fght it his stats are4 hp 1+4 atta!k * he drops * gold per

    player and a oddly glo%ing s%ord %ith a button on the bottom %ith the same

    seal that you sa% the assasin %i"ard jump through at veigar>s house i$ you

    press it you get su!ked into a portal that takes you to the guild o$ assasins;

    i$ you !hoose to try and talk it out o$ atta!king you it presses the button on

    the bottom o$ its s%ord and opens a portal then he grabs you and jumps in

    and takes you to the guild o$ assasins;

    %hen you open your eyes you see that you are !hained up on the %all in the

    guild o$ assasins home base as you look around you see an assasin %ith an

    a@e dive at you but the a@e $alls out o$ his hand and !hops one o$ you out

    the most po%er$ul;

    i$ you !hoose to fght him his stats are4 hp 1,4 atta!k 1;

    i$ you !hoose to dodge around and get him to !hop out the other players

    %ith his a@e to do that you must roll a 0, sided die you must roll an / or


    a$ter the battle %ith the assasin you see the storeroom you go into the

    storeroom and see that there is an already set bomb that %as almost

    detonatedbut there %as a rotting !orpse %ith the detonator and a kni$e in itsne!k lying ne@t to the e@it you press the detonator and run out the e@it the

    building e@plodes and you go ba!k to veigar he is barely alive and he is

    surrounded by the bodies o$ the dead assasins that tried to kill him then he

    says Bthank you here is your .,, gold ea!h no% i$ you e@!use me i am

    going to live the rest o$ my li$e in pea!eB

  • 7/18/2019 7 the Rnodaj Syst


    the &uest ends you %in everyone be!omes level 0

    i$ you !hoose to run a%ay through the guild seal to the guild o$ assasins and

    let veigar deal %ith the assasin you must roll a 0, sided die you must roll a

    .5 or 0,;

    i$ you take him to the !astle;

    you get atta!ked by all the guards at on!e

    i$ you fght them their stats are4 hp +,4 atta!k -;

    you take him to his house look up to taking him to his house

    i$ you take veigar to his house you must roll a 0, sided die4 you must roll an

    eleven or higher;

    look up to taking him to his house