6-1(part 1) ush


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Ch.6 Sec.1 (Part 1)

Need to Know

Explain how the govt dealt with slavery in the new territories acquired from Mexico

Explain how the Fugitive Slave Act divided the North & South

The Wilmot Proviso

Wilmot Proviso – Said all territory gained from the War with Mexico could not contain slavery

Popular Sovereignty – Let the citizens of each new territory decide whether to allow slavery

Free – Soil Party – Political party that formed with the goal of abolishing slavery

Struggle for a Compromise

Gold Rush in California Gold found at Sutters Mill in 1849 People from all over the country rushed to

California Adventurers nicknamed “Forty-Niners” California decided to apply for statehood

Slave States vs. Free States 15 slave states & 15 free states Secession – A state that removes itself from

their union

Compromise of 1850

California becomes a free state Popular Sovereignty will be used to

determine slavery in new territories Texas gains new border into Mexico Slavery abolished in Washington D.C. Fugitive Slave Act would be strictly


Fugitive Slave Act

Fugitive Slave Act Slaveholders or slave catchers needed only to

point out alleged runaways to arrest them Slaves would be brought before a federal

commissioner to decide their fate Anyone who harbored a slave or refused to

help catch one could be thrown in jail

The Underground Railroad