5M Alli Civilization


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By Allison Keeler

The United States is run by the President, Congress, and the Supreme Court. The President is someone who is chosen by the public by voting. Mount Rushmore hasfour famous Presidents sculpted on a wall of rock. The Presidents are: George Washington,Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, andAbraham Lincoln.

The government is founded on the Constitution. The Constitution was written by our founding fathers. The Constitution is written so additional amendments could be added if needed.

Because people from many cultures have come to this country, we have a large variety of music and musicians: such as Elvis, Beach Boys, Frank Sinatra, Lady Gaga, Louie Armstrong, etc.

Our country loves movies. We make movies about many different subjects. There is even a large city that is known for being the center of film culture which is Hollywood.

The Written language is very important to America. Many famous documents were written to show America’s determination against the British. The Common Sense pamphlet was written to convince Americans to fight against the British.

Edgar Allan Poe was a famous AmericanWriter and Poet. He wrote many works such as The Raven, The Tell-Tale Heart, The Black Cat, A Dream Within a Dream, etc.

The phone was invented by Alexander Bell in Boston in 1876. Originally phones needed wires to connect to each other. Now we have cell phones that travel anywhere and can even surf the web.

In WWII, America created the nuclear bomb. It creates a very large amount of energy by splitting an atom. It was first used as a weapon against the Japanese. Today it has many more uses, such as power and medical.

Mormonism was founded by Joseph Smith in America in the 1820s. It is similar to Christianity. Utah was founded by Mormons to have a place to worship freely.

The Amish are a group of Christians known for their simple life styles. They dress in plain cloths and often refuse to use modern technology. When they turn 18 they are given one year to use technology. After that year they can either choose to stay Amish or join the modern world.

In America, the social structure is based mostly on money. There is the upper, middle, and lower class. Today, most of the population exists in the middle class.

Because the American class system is based on money, and not set at birth, people have the ability to change their social class in their life time. This is why America is often called the land of dreams. Many immigrants come to America to start a new life, and give their children the chance of a better life.

Cows are a very important animal in America for providing food. They are almost every where in America. They produce many food products such as: beef, cheese, and milk.

Many different crops are grown across the country, such as potatoes, corn, grapes, etc. However America also trades around the world and supplies food to many other nations.