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国外 SCI 投稿常识




美国《科学文献索引》( SCI ) 美国《工程索引》 ( EI ) 美国《化学文摘》 ( CA ) 英国《科学文摘》 ( SA ) 日本科技文献速报 ( CBST ) 俄罗斯《文摘杂志》 ( PЖ[AJ] )

SCI 影响因子排名 ISI IF Ranking :

美国科技信息协会 Institute for Scientific Information ( ISI ) 对世界 7831 种专业杂志 提供的影响因子 Impact Factor (IF )排名 , 包括:

1 ) SCI IF 年度排名 Annual Ranking 2 )学科内排名 Journal Ranking Within Discipline ( IRK

):满分 = 1 3 ) 1971-2002 ISI 杂志影响因子平均分 Average Journal Im

pact Factor over all years of ISI quotation ( JIF )

中国进入以上检索系统的生物医学杂志: 《中华医学杂志 ( 英文版 ) 》中华医学会 Chinese Medical Journal 《中国药理学报》中国药理学会 Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 《生物医学与环境科学》中国疾病预防控制中心 Biomedical And Environmental Science 《生理学报》中国生理学会 中国科学院上海生理研究所 Chinese Journal Of Physiology 《中国科学 C- 生命科学》中国科学院 Science In China Series C-Life Science

与国外 SCI 杂志比较:NEW ENGL J MED 1.0 20.08 新英格兰内科杂志 (美, 1831 )LANCET 0.99 12.32柳叶刀 (英, 1823 )CHINESE MED J – PEKING中华医学杂志 0.12 0.14

NATURE 1.0 20.68 自然(英, 1869 ) SCIENCE 0.99 14.68 科学(美, 1880 )CHINESE SCIENCE BULL 中国科学通报(中科

院, 1950 ) 0.50 0.20

成功关键: Pathways to success

创新点 originality

语言 Language

医学科研论文的基本结构与要求: 1 .标题 Title 2 .摘要 Abstract 3 .引言 Introduction 4 .材料与方法 Materials and Methods 5 .结论 Results 6 .讨论 Discussion 7 .致谢 Acknowledgements 8 .参考文献 References

医学科研论文的结构与要求:9 . 插图说明 Figure legends10 .插图 Figures11 .表格 Tables12 .照片和说明 Plates and explanations

1. 引言 Introduction背景 – 说明研究问题的目前总体情况或

历史意义 – 说明研究的意义或必要性进展 – 说明先有发现、报告或研究目的 – 说明本研究的目的范围 – 说明要研究问题的具体范围

2. 材料与方法 Materialsand Methods 研究设计 ( study design )→ 研究对象性质 ( identity )→ 处理 / 干预方法 ( intervention )→ 测定 / 观察手段 ( measurement )

→ 统计分析( statistics )


•知情同意 Informed consent•伦理委员会 Ethics committee•动物保护 Animal protection

3. 结果 Results 让研究的客观结果说话,不要添枝加叶 Let your results speak for thems

elves and don’t embellish

4. 讨论 Discussion• 简要说明研究背景 background• 简要介绍总的发现 general findings• 介绍具体要点 introduction of points• 与先有发现(若有)进行比较 comparison i

n the context of other studies• 意义 suggested meaning• 结论 conclusion • 前瞻研究 future studies

5. 致谢 Acknowledgements

• 致谢词和致谢方式必须征得受谢人或单位的同意

6. 参考文献 References


7. 插图说明 Figure legends

• 插图另页双行打印 Type out legends for illustrations ▲using double spacing ▲ starting on a separate page

8. 图表 Figures and Tables

• 插图要按杂志的版面大小比例进行压缩;不要把插图拍成照片

Design your figures for the appropriate reduction

投稿文件排列顺序:• 1. 附信(给编辑部的信) Cover letter• 2. 标题页 Title page• 3. 摘要页 Abstract page• 4. 正文 (无姓名、单位、地址) Body • 5. 图表说明 Figure legends• 6. 图表 Figures and Tables

1. 附信 Cover letter / letter to the editors

1 )投稿愿望 (greetings)

2 )本研究或发现的意义 (significance of the new finding)

3 )对内容重复问题( redundancy ),病人隐私权问题( privacy ),知情同意问题( informed consent )及其他需要说明的问题加以说明

5) 对研究成果可能引起的利益冲突 ( interest conflict ) 或法律纠纷 (legal liability) 问题,如多中心研究的成果归属问题,与资助单位的利益分配问题,加以说明

6 )所有作者的签名 (signature) ,超过 25个作者时,签名到第 25个作者

7 )其他要说明的问题

8 )写信人,即通讯作者( corresponding author )的详细地址和联系方式,包括电话、传真和 E-mail

复信示例 A cover letterDear Editors:

Would you please kindly accept our manuscript entitled Discrete effects of cardiac norepinephrine on post-ischemic myocardial dysfunction in hypertensive rats? 【投稿愿望】

We think that the most interesting result of this study is that different degrees of cardiac norepienphrine reduction in hypertrophied hearts led to quite different patterns of recovery in posat-ischemic heart function. Since reduction of cardiac norephrine with reserpine did not result in depressed myocardial contractility, it is of potential importance when such interference is utilized to deter further dysfunction in hearts during ischemia. 【本研究的意义】

Parts of the present results were presented at the 11th Japan-China Joint Meeting on Pharmacology held in China on 25-27

Aug. 2000 and will be published in the form of abstract in the journal Acta Pharmacologica Sinica by the end of this year. Here enclosed are three copies of the abstract submitted to Acta Pharmacologica Sinica. The present work is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. 【对内容重复等问题加以说明】

Thank you very much

Sincerely yours,

CHEN Hong, MD, PhD


2. 标题页 Title page 根据 URMSBJ 要求,论文标题及有关著录内容应单独双行打印,称为“标题页”( Title page ),放在附信 (cover letter) 之后、摘要页 (abstract page) 之前,其内容包括:

标题页 Title page1) 标题 ( Title of the article )

1) 所有作者的姓名及其最高学位、所属单位( name of each author,the highest academic degree and institutional affiliation )

标题页 Title page3) 弃权者(若有)( disclaimers, if an

y )

4) 研究工作的归属部门或单位名称( the name of the department and institution to which the work should be attributed )

标题页 Title page5) 负责通讯和校稿作者的姓名和详细地址

( the name and address of the author responsible for correspondence and proof about the manuscript )

标题页 Title page6) 申请副本联系人姓名和地址( the na

me and address of the author to whom requests for reprints (offprint) should be addressed ); Offprints are not offered free of charge!

标题页 Title page7) 不超过 40个字母(包括间隔)的页眉

标题( a short running head of no more than 40 letters and spaces at the foot of the title page )

标题页 Title page8) 资助、设备、药品来源( sources of s

upport in the form of grants, equipment, drugs, or all of these )


• Article title Enhancement of fractionated bone marrow transplantation on hematopoietic cell homing in a mice allogeneic model1 Yingsong Xiang1, Suping Sun1, Jianming Cai1, Mingfeng Xiang2, Gusheng Tang1 and Xuetao Cao3 1 Department of Radiation & Nuclear Medicine, Second Military Medical University, 800 Xiangyin Road, Shanghai 200433, P.R.China. 2 De

partment of Surgery, Second Affiliated Hospital, Jiangxi Medical University, Nanchang 331400, P. R. China. 3 Department of Immunology, Second Military Medical University, 800 Xiangyin Road, Shanghai 200433, P.R.China.

• Keywords: hematopoietic stem cells, apoptosis, transplantation, stem cell homing.

• Running Head: Bone marrow transplantation

• Word Count: Abstract: 218; Text: 3279

• Address for Correspondence: Yingsong Xiang, Department of Radiation Medicine, Second Military Medical University, 800 Xiangyin Road, Shanghai 200433 P.R. China. Tel: (+86 21) 25070357, FAX: (+86 21) 2507 0356. E-mail: lh6549@sh163.net

• Footnotes 1 Supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (39600077 and 39770329) and the National High Biotechn

ology Foundation of China (Z200103).

• Abbreviations Allo-, allogeneic; BM, bone marrow; BMC, bone marrow cells; BMT, bone marrow transplantation; CFC, colony forming cells; CFU, colony

forming units; Fr-BMT, fractionated bone marrow transplantation; HSC, hematopoietic stem cells; Syn-, syngeneic; UCB, umbilical cord blood.

3. 摘要页 Abstract page• 1. 论文标题 Title

• 2. 论文摘要 Abstract

• 3. 关键词 key / indexing words

4.打印与投稿 Print and submission网上投稿 E-mail邮递投稿 Hard copy by post

1 ) A4 纸2 )四周空 2.5cm边3 )双行打印 double spacing4 )硬信封 hard envelope5 )付款 payment

5. 修稿时限

• 1个月:按时发表• 2个月:择期发表• 3个月:重新审稿

6. 投稿常用术语• Corresponding/correspondence author : 通讯作者,负责联系出版、校稿事宜的作者

• author for copy requests : 副本索取作者• academic degree : 学位,如M.D., Ph.D., RN• academic title : 职称,如教授( full professor ),副教授

( associate professor ),教授助理( assistant professor ),职称不能作论文署名用

• a cover letter/letter to the editors : 附信• a running head / title : 页眉标题,约 5个英文单词

投稿常用术语• legends : 插图说明,应与插图分开,另页打印• unmounted prints : 不加装帧的照片• hard copy: 硬文本,即打印或复印文本,按编辑部

要求提供印数• double spacing : 双行(打印),即送审的英文稿件要以空两行的格式打印

• prime reviewer / referee : 初审者,即负责稿件初审的专家,一般 3-5人

copyright transfer : 版权转让:一般来说,稿件被接受的同时,其版权同时转让给了该杂志

投稿常用术语• authorship : 著作权,参加研究的所有作者,包括

没有署名的作者,都具有著作权• authorship responsibility : 作者责任,有两层意

思: 1 )作者必须是参加研究或部分研究的人,对所作研究是知情的; 2 )作者必须对所做的研究负责

• patients’ rights to privacy : 病人隐私权• informed consent : 知情同意(书),在进行新药,



• 第二军医大学外语教研室• 基础部 1号楼 7楼•电话: 25070288 / 25070290•联系人:姜老师•时间:周 1-5 上午

