526 My EDTC Journey Growth Assessment MWieding Final



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  • Running head: GROWTH ASSESSMENT 1

    My Educational Technology Journey

    Michelle A. Wieding

    Azusa Pacific University

  • Term Course Title Professor What I learned Term 1 Spring I

    511 Foundations in educational Technology

    Dr. Kathleen Bacer Sakai Adobe PDF APA Basics Google Hangouts Digital Citizenship Social Bookmarking

    Term 1 Spring I

    571 Curriculum Foundations Valarie Suffern Learning Theories Technology applications Curriculum Guides Voice Thread

    Term 2 Spring II

    517 Telecommunications Joe Bruzzese Browsers/Extensions Google Drive and Docs Twitter Blogs Skype Website building Google Hangouts: Video

    Term 2 Spring II

    527 Special Topics in Educational Technology

    Barry Bettger Assistive Technologies, RSS PLN Resource evaluation

    Term 3 Summer

    518 Global Learning/Cross-Cultural Classrooms

    Dr. Kathleen Bacer GLP Learning Structures Telecollaborative

    eNotebookTerm 3 Summer

    524 Instructional Design and Development

    Kathryn Price Blogger UBD Principles of Design

    Term 4 Fall I

    521 Digital Imagery/ Learning Environments

    Doyle Potter Adobe Photoshop Premiere

    Term 4 Fall I

    523 Educational Applications of Information Design and Hypermedia

    Laura Silva Information Architecture Podcasting GLP Website design

    Term 5 Fall II

    515 Emerging Trends in Technology Dr. James Brown MOOC MARP BYOD/BYOA Trends

    Term 5 Fall II

    520Applications of Technology-Supported Curricular Tools

    Elizabeth Silver SIP Excel Data Manipulation Implementation Plan

    Term 6 Spring I

    526 Practicum in Educational Application of Technology

    Dr. Kathleen Bacer TelecollaborativeeNotebook

    Growth Assessment ePortfolio Cadre Website

    Term 6 Spring I

    572 Advanced Educational Psychology Dr. James Brown Brain Rules

    History of Coursework



    Personal Growth I have, for a long time felt that I have my beliefs and my personal understanding of myself

    sorted out. The last year at APU has introduced challenges that were unexpected. Upon

    enrollment at APU, I did not realize that I would be studying scripture in addition to the content

    of the program. Being asked to open up about my familial challenges and possible shortcomings

    in my own faith gave me the opportunity to learn more about my personal beliefs, strengthening


    Receiving my welcome package that included the Bible, I thought was sweet gift; little did I

    know that I would actually be reading and using it as part of my curriculum. Initially I was rather

    perturbed by this fact as I felt forced to read, reflect and openly share in what I felt was a very

    private matter. I have found through the forums and required readings that I have learned new

    things about myself, as well as, strengthened some of my beliefs by articulating them verbally.

    I grew up in the Catholic Church and attended parochial school. When I came of age, I made

    the personal choice that my beliefs and my faith in God would be something that was mine and

    mine alone. I kept it to myself and only minimally discussed it with my husband. It was not a

    topic amongst friends, or family. I have found through the forums and readings a strengthening

    of my personal faith and a voice to defend what can sometimes be unpopular views.

    Lastly, anyone who has read my faith posts will know that in this last year my parents have,

    through no fault of their own, put me through the wringer. I have had to rely on my extended

    family as well as the APU forums as a place to vent and talk through my feelings. I had to

    depend more heavily on God, family and myself knowing that it was going to take everything we

    all had to make it through the overwhelming difficult obstacles in our way.

    Overall, through all of the trials I have encountered at APU, I was initially feeling obstinate

    toward the process. I am however grateful for the opportunity, albeit kicking and often


    screaming, and have grown in my faith. The one thing that I balked at most in the beginning is

    the one place from which I found prompts that touched my heart and opened areas of me that I

    had not known possible.

    Professional Growth

    As an educator in the program, I have made tremendous ground in instructional strategies and

    technology infusion in my curriculum and extracurricular activities. I have these opportunities

    since I am an advisor at my school, as well as a member of various committees. All of these

    things are miraculous to me considering a lack of technology background.

    As someone whose educational discipline is tactile and not technology based, my selection of

    a technology program came as a great surprise to many, including myself. I cannot even being to

    express how I have grown personally in my use of technology beyond even acceptance. In both

    my personal and professional life I am never more than an arms reach away from one of the

    many devices I use for life and work.

    In the classroom, at first I struggled to find ways to integrate technology to make use of the

    1:1 Chrome books that were implemented in my district. Now students not only find themselves

    using technology in a ceramics class, but using it on a regular basis via my BlogSpot, Twitter,

    Padlet, Socrative, You Tube, and so many others. Recently, I have even used technology as a

    modified teaching method when I was physically unable to provided hands on demonstrations.

    As a result of this experiment, I have found that my students are not only performing to the level

    desired and historically evidenced, but also they do so with greater enthusiasm. They have

    continued to search out information and tutorials via technology using the various tools and

    groups that I have shared with them, further inspiring them to excel.


    Professionally, I am constantly amazed at how my education here at APU has at times

    exceeded that of the Tech Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA). I have been able to share my

    knowledge and experiences, which has not gone unrecognized, as I have become an active

    member of my school sites tech team, attended technology conferences, and even taught

    professional development to my peers. Having gained the respect and recognition has brought

    forth even more opportunities for me as I am being asked to generate another professional

    development, as well as attend the ISTE conference as a teacher representative for my district.

    While I initially enrolled in a masters program to move diagonally on the pay scale, I have

    received so much more. I never expected to find myself actually using technology, let alone

    helping other educators at my school and district in doing so. Although this may be premature, if

    the current trend continues, I may have found a second iteration of my career.

    Technical Growth

    My technical proficiency starting point was abysmal to say the least. I documented this fact in

    a first semester paper called, My Starting Point: ED TECH Proficiency (Wieding, 2014). In the

    last year, I have had to release my fears and at first, force myself to use the technology as part of

    the program. In fact, looking back at the person I was, I cant even figure out what in the world

    made me choose Educational Technology as a course of study; it seems like the absolute worst

    choice for who I was then. As a result of the program, I am a different person today. My life and

    career are surrounded by technology and I cannot imagine a different way of operating.

    I took a test in the first semester, and the results show that I had a 59% technical proficiency,

    which surprised me, considering how little I knew (ProProfs, 2011). Before writing this paper, I

    retook the original test, and was not surprised this time with a 90%, which shows growth on an

    empirical level. I also retook both the Technology User Survey and was classified as Novice


    before but now find myself as an Experienced User (The Innovative Educator, 2006). The

    Massachusetts Technology self-assessment tool, while it had many unchecked boxes before, had

    only 9/109 of the standards listed that I felt deficient at today (Massachusetts Department of

    Elementary and Secondary Education, 2011). I am amazed at the comparison showing how

    much I have progressed.

    While in the program at APU, I was exposed to software-based technologies like Photoshop,

    and Acrobat, and those experiences helped me in many ways. However, the area in which I feel I

    had growth was web-based applications and cloud services. Through the use of Google Drive

    and Blogger, I have reinvented my classroom environment procedures and redefined the learning

    experiences for my students. In effect, I have begun to flatten my classroom, and they are using

    the technology to take their learning beyond what we create on a daily basis but into the world.

    Where I have grown most, however, as far as abilities and experiences has been as a result of

    the programs design of learning in a sink or swim environment of technology usage. This has

    equipped me with the skills and ability to research, finding the tools I need to adapt and use

    technology in problem solving and innovative ways both inside and outside of my classroom.

    This is the most beneficial area of growth because no matter what new technology is introduced,

    I will have the ability to function with ease and without fear or hesitation of tech deficiencies.

    The journey I embarked upon a year ago to improve my technological skills and remove my

    fears is far from over. Being that technology is constantly evolving and changing the world that

    we work and live in. I feel as though this journey has only begun. The progress that I have made

    as a student at Azusa Pacific University has equipped me with the tools to continue to grow as a

    life long learner serving as an inspiration to my colleagues, students and family.

  • Life Long Learning Plan

    This last year, I served as a role model to both my students and members of my family when I

    returned to college after nearly 14years. But does one have to go to college to continue to learn

    and grow? I say, certainly not. I have learned via the program that living in the 21st century

    digital world that there is a wealth of information and tools available for us to continue our

    educational aspiration whether how big or small they are, and they are right at our fingertips.

    The reality is, what I have learned today will have changed tomorrow, especially when

    talking about technology. To keep apprized on the changes and continue my learning journey, I

    plan to continue to maintain a presence in various groups in my PLN including Twitter, Edmodo,

    Google+, and iEarn looking for ways to connect and collaborate with other teachers and artists. I

    have come to believe deeply that my students and I can learn and be inspired by the work of

    others through these connections.

    I see my future growth in the district tech teams as well. As a current active member, I will

    continue to attend monthly meetings, spend my Sunday evenings in Hangouts, learn and share

    new applications, and attend conferences. I feel the most important part of learning about

    technology is helping others. While I already have presented PD to my colleagues and am doing

    so here again in the coming month, I aim to become a Google Certified Teacher and hopefully be

    a presenter at GAFE Summits.


    As the program at APU comes to an end, I see this journey in educational technology only

    beginning. The program has given me the confidence through knowledge and skill attainment in

    working with technology and provided me with varied learning experiences that have already

    changed my teaching, and earned me recognition as a leader with in my school.




    Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. (2011). Technology Self-

    Assessment Tool (TSAT) - Office of Digital Learning. Retrieved from


    ProProfs (2011, August 1). Technical Proficiency Assessment. Retrieved from


    The Innovative Educator (2006). Technology User Survey. Retrieved from


    Wieding, M. (2014). My Starting Point: ED TECH Proficiency. Unpublished manuscript,

    Department of Education, Azusa Pacific University, http://apu.edu, Retrieved from


    Title Page: My Educational Technology Journey History of CourseworkPersonal Growth Professional Growth Technical Growth Life Long Learning PlanConclusion
