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The 504 Services Plan:

Who Needs One? How do I Implement It?

SAISD Dyslexia, Section 504 Department 2014-2015 School Year

Purpose of Section 504

Equal education opportunity for all students

Accomplished by providing appropriate accommodations to eligible

disabled students

Equal opportunity to participate in school extracurricular and non academic


Who Needs a Plan?

Any student who has: A physical or mental impairment (dyslexia, ADHD, asthma, diabetes,

food allergies, etc.) that substantially limits learning or another major life activity (seeing, hearing, walking, communicating, working, etc.)

A record of such an impairment

Is “regarded as” having such an impairment

Substantial limitation means the student is experiencing

serious difficulty meeting minimum academic requirements,

behavioral expectations , or a combination of both.

Now What Do I Do?

• Contact your RtI coordinator to begin the process of identifying the eligible student as 504.

• Work with coordinator to move through the RtI process.

• Provide interventions to student as determined in RtI meetings.

• Once student qualifies for 504, create Services Plan and provide accommodations.

If parent provides documentation of a medical condition,

contact your coordinator so that process can be expedited.

How Do I Make a Good 504 Service Plan?

• Review the accommodations listed in the service plan

• Think carefully about your student’s specific needs

• Select the accommodations that would benefit your student the most (only

mark ones that are not already available to all students)



• Consistently implement the selected accommodations

504 Services PlanThe following accommodations are available to students as needed. Mark only those needed in each content area. For example, Oral Testing in math, science, and social studies; Shortened Assignments in reading, writing, and math; Cooling-off period in all areas.

Oral Testing

Oral Response

Other Testing Accommodation (type?)

Taped Texts

Taped lecture

Note-taking assistance

Extended Time (by %)

Shortened Assignment (by %)

Peer assistance/tutoring

Reduced paper/pencil tasks

Use of calculator

Preferential seating

Assignment notebook

Organizational strategies (type?)

Re-teach difficult concepts

Use of manipulatives

Team teaching

Supplemental materials

Cooling-off period

Progress reports (frequency?)


504 Scenarios

How to Match Needs to Accommodations

Scenarios: Dyslexia

Susie is a second grader who was recently identified as having dyslexia. She has good listening comprehension skills and enjoys participating orally in class. She loves to draw and has strong math computation skills. However, she reads at a beginning first grade level and can only identify a few sight words. She knows all her letter sounds but has difficulty transferring that knowledge to sounding out words which leads to poor fluency. When she writes, she often transposes the sequence of letters in words. She also has difficulty remembering spelling patterns. In content areas, she understands the underlying concepts and can orally explain her work but has trouble completing the written part of assignments.

Matching Needs to Accommodations


• Identifying sight words

• Poor fluency


• Shortened assignment

• Peer assistance

• Taped text

• Extended time


• Reduce weekly list from 10 to 5 words

• Peer reads texts to student

• Student listens to texts while others read

• Student given extra time to read assignments

Matching Needs to Accommodations cont.


• Spelling

• Completing written work


• Shortened assignment

• Other

• Extended time


• Reduce number of spelling words

• Don’t count off for spelling in content area writing

• Give 50% more time to complete written work or can take work home to complete and return next day

Scenarios: ADHD

Angel is diagnosed with ADHD. When he is on medication he

blends in with the class and functions on grade level academically.

However, when he is not on medication he is unable to focus or

complete tasks. He constantly fidgets and cannot stay in his seat.

He bothers the students around him and gets in trouble in PE,

Music, and the cafeteria.

Matching Needs to Accommodations

NEED• Fidgets

• Bothers others in class

• Not completing assignments

• Trouble in PE/Music/Cafeteria


• Preferential seating

• Preferential seating

• Other (timer)

• Behavior Contract


• Sit close to teacher

• Move to area of class where student has space to move without disturbing others

• Set timer for student to complete assignment

• See Section 504 Behavior Intervention Plan

Scenarios: Asthma

Mark’s asthma requires him to go to the nurse twice daily for nebulizer

treatments. He is usually gone 20 to 30 minutes each time during core

instruction. He also carries an inhaler with him at all times to use as necessary.

He often misses two or three days of school at a time when he has a severe

bout of asthma. He is restricted from strenuous physical activities and cannot

go outside at all when allergens that trigger his asthma are in the air.

Matching Needs to Accommodations


• Missing core instruction for nurse visits

• Excessive absences

• Restricted physical activity/Cannot go outside


• Extended time

• Assignment notebook

• Other


• Student given extra time to complete assignments without penalty

• List of daily assignments to complete

• Options for non-strenuous activities/indoor activities during recess and PE


• Failure to maintain and implement Section 504 policies and

procedures can result in:

complaint investigations, compliance reviews, and enforcement proceedings by the Office for Civil Rights (OCR).

federal funding can be terminated.

parents filing due process hearing request and initiating court proceedings.

Questions or Concerns?

Contact your campus Section 504 Coordinator

Dyslexia, Section 504 Department Phone: 210-554-2570 Fax: 210-354-3538

Leticia Carrasco lcarrasco@saisd.net

Sr. Coordinator

Cynthia Sosa, Department Secretary

Iris Nannen, Department Clerk

PowerPoint created byMichelle Augello, MAT, MRT

Mary Lou Garza, MS, MRT

Vivian Zotz, MA

San Antonio Independent School District

