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5 Steps Guide 2.0 with Laurette Willis, CHC

“For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your

spirit, which are God’s” (1 Corinthians 6:20).

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www.NewYouDetox.com | Laurette Willis, CHC | PraiseMoves.com © 2013 | 800-211-8446

Hello and welcome! I’m Laurette Willis, founder of PraiseMoves Fitness Ministry and a Certified Health Coach (which I LOVE!). As a Health Coach with a Biblical perspective, I have a unique way of approaching health and wellness. I teach whole-person wellness. What’s that? Many diets and fitness programs focus only on the physical body. Good results may occur but seldom last—because they’ve only addressed one part of you. I believe that for lasting change and the greatest benefits, we must include ALL parts of you—spirit, soul and body. You are a three-part being. You are a spirit (the real you, made in the image of God according to Genesis 1:27). You have a soul (your mind, will and emotions); and you live in a body (your “earth suit,” and the temple of the Holy Spirit of God, according to 1 Corinthians 6:19). The apostle Paul made this distinction: “May your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thess. 5:23). I will not give you a diet plan and say, “Ta-ta!” I will help you look at all the different areas of your life, in addition to the food on your plate, and help create the plan that will bring you success. I want to help you to say a final goodbye to diets. You can ditch them forever because as of this moment I will share with you my secrets and tips to achieve the health, vitality and weight you may have been chasing after for years. Get ready to implement my 5 Simple Tips 2.0 to help you LOOK AND FEEL FABULOUS, no matter your age or how many times you’ve tried (and “failed”) in the past! No more talking about calories, carbs or fats. That’s over. If you are ready to ditch the diets, feel better and look at food in a new way, you are in the right place. I am thrilled you’re here!


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I was living on “Someday Isle.”

“Someday I’ll start focusing on my

health. Someday I’ll lose the excess

weight and start feeling better.

Someday I’ll learn how to feed my

family healthier foods.”

Smiling on the outside...

You’re sure it will be tomorrow, or

Monday, or before your birthday.

You promise that “one of these

days” you will start to focus on your

health. Somehow that day always slips through your fingers. And the days keep

passing by. You have a really busy life and taking care of yourself has not only

dropped further down the “to do” list, it fell off of it.



When I was struggling with overeating and hating myself, I was always so tired,

both literally and figuratively. I was tired of feeling unbalanced. I was tired of

not having the energy to enjoy my life to the fullest. Mostly, I was tired of

feeling like I was failing at being all I know the Lord created me to be.

“There has GOT to be a better way. There’s got to be an answer. And there

has got to be a way I can do this, feel good about myself and my relationship

with the Lord – AND help others who are struggling like I am!”

I may have looked okay on the outside, but on the inside I felt angry, moody,

and felt generally overwhelmed by life.

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www.NewYouDetox.com | Laurette Willis, CHC | PraiseMoves.com © 2013 | 800-211-8446

We all live busy lives. We may not all have the same story but I promise you that I know this one thing to be true. The fact that this busy pace will never really slow down is the reality we have to face. So, waiting for the perfect moment to get our health and our lives in order is not a plan that will succeed.

What to Do? Confused? There is SO much information out there. “Which way should I turn?” I wondered. I needed to make the right choices in a broad sense (healthy/whole foods instead of processed junk), but also the right choices for me from a Biblical perspective. Once I began to better understand how my body reacted to certain foods, and I began to incorporate new, healthful food choices, I suddenly realized—this feels GOOD! I felt energetic, happy, confident, and I was looking better, more radiant and alive!

Health & Fitness with a Biblical Worldview

During my Health Coach studies at Beyond Organic University with Jordan Rubin (from a Biblical worldview, which was vitally important to me), and as an author of Christian health & nutrition books and PraiseMoves fitness DVDs for Harvest House Publishers & Destiny Image, I learned there is a direct link between the food we put into our bodies and our health. I started to appreciate that the reasons I made the food choices I did came from a

deeper level than merely physical hunger. My emotions played a part, as did the image I had of myself. That’s where becoming more familiar with God’s Word started making a huge impact on my life—changing me from the inside-out.

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www.NewYouDetox.com | Laurette Willis, CHC | PraiseMoves.com © 2013 | 800-211-8446

I’ve been blessed to study numerous dietary theories and I also had the opportunity to study under respected teachers such as Jordan Rubin (NY Times bestselling author of 22 books including “The Maker’s Diet,” and founder of Garden of Life supplements and Beyond Organic foods). What I have learned has changed my life.

THE OLD ME vs. THE NEW ME I struggled with weight issues for years (since I was a chubby 6 year-old). I was a compulsive overeater, alcoholic, smoker—you-name-it. My life was totally out of control—and I felt horrible. I tried so many diets and programs, but nothing worked long-term—until I made a few simple changes. I am going to share those changes with you. If you are reading this and wondering what is going to help you go from THE OLD YOU TO THE NEW YOU, then get ready, because TODAY is the day I will share what has worked for me, to help set you on your path to success!

Let’s Begin! Here are the 5 Simple Steps:


Eat Simple and Eat “Clean.” The more simply you eat, the better you will feel. Eating simple combinations of foods you will not only lose weight, but you will also experience and achieve the following:

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www.NewYouDetox.com | Laurette Willis, CHC | PraiseMoves.com © 2013 | 800-211-8446

� Weight loss

� Clear skin

� Mental acuity

� Reduced stress

� Increased energy

� Improved immune function

� Better digestion

� Reduced cravings

When you add foods that are green to your plate, they nourish your body and give you life. These foods strengthen your immune system, providing you with more energy. Choose greens such as spinach, Swiss chard, and kale to name a few; the darker the better. If you do not like your greens or you are a green newbie, then try starting this step by eating celery, cucumber and lettuce. Remember that veggies are life-giving, and even taking veggie baby steps is better than nothing! You will see and feel small improvements that will accumulate over time. I promise!


Exercise is so important for a healthy body. Whether you are running half

marathons or just working up to a twenty-minute walk

around your neighborhood, move your body! The benefits

of raising your heart rate and perspiring a bit (or a lot) are

countless and proven.

Find a form of exercise you like because it’s not fun if you

have to talk yourself into it every single day. Try running,

walking (see http://PowerPromises.com ), tennis, fitness

videos, PraiseMoves (Christian alternative to yoga at

http://PraiseMoves.com ), or try a new class at your gym.

Variety will help keep you motivated and interested.

A good all-around schedule could look like: 2-3 cardio

sessions per week such as running, kickboxing, cycling, MIRA! (an alternative

to Zumba at http://MIRAdance.com ), 2 strength training sessions per week,

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www.NewYouDetox.com | Laurette Willis, CHC | PraiseMoves.com © 2013 | 800-211-8446

and one spirit/soul/body class such as PraiseMoves (there are Certified

PraiseMoves Instructors all over the world!).

Beginners should strive for three workouts per week, 20-30 minutes per

session. Experienced, very active adults should have a goal of 6 workouts per

week, 60 minutes per session. Each week should have a rest day.

Enlist a Workout Buddy

Well, don’t take Lucy & Ethel’s advice

here! C’mon girls, you know it’s more

fun and you are more accountable if

you have a buddy. And that goes for

Ricky & Fred, too!

When you hit a hard day, and feel like

“vegging out on the couch,” put on

your sneakers and tell yourself “I’ll just

do TEN MINUTES!” You might find

after ten minutes that you are ready for more.

Remind yourself that exercise releases endorphins into your body, which makes

you a happier person. Exercise also helps you build muscle, have more energy

and lose weight, which I believe will make you a happier person, too!

Sweating out your body’s toxins will give you more mental clarity, clearer skin,

more energy and a healthier body, too!




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www.NewYouDetox.com | Laurette Willis, CHC | PraiseMoves.com © 2013 | 800-211-8446


Try to practice stress reduction at least 10

minutes per day. Just like exercise, you need

to find something that works for you.

As little as 10 minutes per day of doing

something to relax and focus on the Lord has

HUGE health benefits.

You will be amazed by the immediate results

you can achieve. A sense of calm and mental

clarity are critical in a busy day to strengthen

your focus and help you to make better choices for your health and well-being.

Don’t pass over Step Three too quickly.

I recommend gentle deep breathing exercises, sitting quietly with a cup of tea

and your Bible (even 10 minutes is a great start).

Biblical meditation, prayer, journaling,

praise and worship, reading over

personal goals you have written, sitting

outside in the sun, or going for a quick

walk are just a few ideas.

Try an instant access product like

“Soaking in the Psalms,” which you can

find at http://ChristianMeditation.info

I have also created a FREE Christian

Meditation Kit & Video Lessons at:



Christian Meditation is ACTIVE, not passive!

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www.NewYouDetox.com | Laurette Willis, CHC | PraiseMoves.com © 2013 | 800-211-8446


Food can either make you glow and give you endless energy, or it can make you feel tired, bloated and generally blah. So my #4 secret tip is to give yourself the gift of Healthy Foods & Clean Eating. Clean Eating is about giving your body a rest from the typical foods that you eat everyday. I call this my secret weapon or a

Mini Reboot.

Try it for one day and just see how

much better you feel!

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www.NewYouDetox.com | Laurette Willis, CHC | PraiseMoves.com © 2013 | 800-211-8446

The One-Day Fall Reboot Menu:

Upon waking: drink warm water with the juice of a lemon Breakfast: Cranberry Bliss Detox Smoothie (from the New You Detox)

1 cup coconut milk, rice milk or almond milk

1 cup mixed berries

1/4 cup unsweetened Cranberry juice concentrate

¼ avocado, peeled and pitted

1-2 Tablespoon ground flax or chia seeds

1 teaspoon ginger

Ice (optional)

Combine all ingredients in blender; blend

until smooth

Note: To warm your smoothie add ¼ teaspoon

of cinnamon, nutmeg or clove. By adding a

warming spice, you are warming your

digestion. If you feel cold from drinking your

smoothie or juice, then have a hot cup of

dandelion or chamomile tea with raw honey to

warm your digestion.

You can add extra protein to any Smoothie by including either a scoop of your favorite protein powder (I like Garden of Life’s Raw Protein w/cacao and their Perfect Food Raw—check your local health food store or VitaminShoppe.com). I also recommend Terrain Omega or EA Live Sprouted 7 from www.Visit.MyBeyondOrganic.com)


~ 1 apple with 10 raw almonds

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Lunch Serves 1

2 cups mixed greens

3 tablespoons hemp seeds (or ground flax or chia seeds)

1 apple cut into small pieces

½ avocado

1/4 cup raisins (or ¼ cup goji berries)

handful of fresh parsley


2 tablespoons Braggs Raw Apple Cider Vinegar

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

juice from a lemon

Mix all salad ingredients in a bowl and toss with dressing.


~ 1 pear and 10 raw walnuts

Dinner Serves 2

Superfood Berry Baby Salad

4 cups spring mix or spinach

1 cup garbanzo beans

1 pear, cored and grated

¼ cup cranberries (or ½ cup strawberries)

4 tablespoons balsamic or raw apple cider vinegar

Add your mixed greens and grated pear to a bowl. Add the berries, garbanzo beans and

toss with balsamic or raw apple cider vinegar.

Rest of the evening: Drink pure spring water, or sparkling water with a twist of lemon. You may also have herb teas with a little stevia to sweeten (peppermint, chamomile and Sleepytime teas are great and sooooo soothing!). Light a candle, get one of your devotional books and a cup of comforting tea and relax in the tub. A few drops of lavender oil in the bath is lovely, as is some Epsom salts if muscles are a bit sore. Ahhhhhhhhhhh...

Before Bed

~ Drink chamomile tea with lemon and raw honey

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• Start a journal to document this amazing process.

• Realize that you are going to shed what is not helping you physically and


• Eat/drink every 3 hours to stabilize your blood sugar.

• If you want to boost your detox experience, feel free to get a little “crazy”

and add some Superfoods like spirulina or chlorophyll to your juices or

smoothies for extra energy.

• Regular bowel movements are important for proper detoxification. If you

are not “going” then try drinking senna tea or more lemon water to better

support your liver and alkalize your body.


• Take a bath each night with Epsom salts. Try adding a few drops of

essential lavender oil.

• Make sure you are sweating out the toxins. Try light exercises like

jumping on a rebounder, sitting in a sauna, PraiseMoves or swimming.


• Clean out the junk from the refrigerator and the pantry. This process will

really help you to get mentally prepared to change your body and change

your life.

• Get support. Find a friend to do the 1-Day Reboot (or New You Detox)

with you.

• Set a goal and write it down where you see it every day. Try a Post-it note

on your bathroom mirror, too (I do that with scriptures, too!).

• Remember to have fun, laugh more, be a bit of a kid again, and commit to

your well-being.

• Incorporate five minutes into your day to simply stop and reflect, meditate

on the goodness of the Lord and His Word, and be thankful for your life.

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• Ditch old ideas that are not helpful to you – such as the negative things

you say about and to yourself (Ask yourself, “Is that a word from the Lord

sent to bless me?” – if it is not, you know it either comes from old,

negative programming—or from the enemy of your soul. And he’s a liar!)

• Here’s what I say to reprogram my mind from a negative thought pattern

to a promise from God in the Bible instead. I base this scriptural

affirmation on 2nd

Corinthians 10:5: “I cast down that vain, negative

imagination and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge

of God, and I bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ

– obedience to the Word of the living God!” And then I say what our

Father God says about it instead! Our New You Detox is *loaded* with

wonderful scripture-based affirmations you can say about yourself, and so

is Power Promises. I LOVE the Word of God!!!

• Rest

• Hydrate

• Believe in the Lord—He has already given you ALL things which pertain

to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him (2 Peter 1:3) – ALL

things pertaining to life and godliness means ALL things!

• Forgive others – it sets YOU free, and is vital if you want to experience

lasting change in your life. If difficult for you to do, ask God to forgive

that person through you (it doesn’t mean what they did is okay, it just sets

you free from the poison of bitterness, and enables you to have your

prayers answered). Jesus would not have said we must do it if He did not

intend to help us forgive others – you CAN do it by faith (no matter how

you feel).

• Love more—love on purpose.

• ENJOY the new and refreshed you!

And Step #5...

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STEP FIVE – BE A LABEL DETECTIVE For the next week, before you eat something from a package or put something into your shopping cart I want you to READ THE LABEL. If you see a list of ingredients you cannot pronounce, let alone spell – put it down and walk away. If your grandmother would not recognize those ingredients, put it down and walk away. So many foods have pretty packaging with nice words like ‘natural,’ ‘healthy’, ‘low-fat’, and ‘whole grain’. Unfortunately, that is just marketing. The truth resides in that food label. All of those man-made chemicals and additives are keeping you from attaining your goals. Most healthy, whole foods do not come with labels at all – think fruit, vegetables, proteins. This is where you will find the fuel for your body. Start with the labels and see how your choices become clearer and clearer.

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• “Physically, I lost 7 pounds! I feel lean, trim and the bloating went away ~ Praise

God! I was hoping and praying for a jump start for a new healthy way of eating

and that's what happened :-) Thank you Laurette ♥” —Tammy Parlin, FL

• “Thank you, Laurette. You are a blessing and have helped me so much. Thanks

for helping me identify the foods that affect me. This has taught me to try new

foods and I found out that I actually liked them! I could really see which foods

give me more energy.” —Brenda W., TX

• “I'm going to an Operation Christmas Child team lunch today and we're to bring a

sack lunch. I've packed one slice of whole wheat bread with several seeds and

topped with sunflower butter and banana slices. Several garden tomatoes round it

out. I'm eating the Superfood quinoa breakfast often and the Raw Breakfast

smoothies. I offered a Green Thunder smoothie to a house guest and to my

husband and they both drank it. Last night, we had the Cranberry Sorbet for

dessert--I'm only serving your recipes for dessert now and my husband, who is

diabetic, is enjoying everything we eat!

“So we do go ‘off the wagon’ at times, but can jump right back on, thanks to our

New You Detox program recipes and information. Glory be to God!!! :-)”

—Jo Ann Memming, Prairie Village, KS

• “Laurette’s “New You Detox” program is changing my life. I had been in the

dumps for quite some time, feeling out of control and unable to pull myself out of

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the pit. I had cried out to God, ‘How long must I be without help from heaven?’ I

had lost my way. His answer came to me through the ‘New You’ program.

“Within the first few days of the program, my energy levels increased and I was

bounding up and down stairs. Stiffness that I had felt in my joints was gone. As

my eating habits came under control, I became energized to work on other areas

of my life as well, and began to take dominion in my environment and in my daily

tasks. My joy level began to soar each day that I did the program.

“I needed a mentor, someone to walk alongside me. The ‘New You Detox’

program told me what to eat and provided fun and exciting real-foods, life-

sustaining recipes. The daily emails from Laurette were an encouragement and

kept me on target. I am learning habits and routines that I will take with me for

the rest of my life. My joy level is soaring as I experience the rich and abundant

life that Jesus promised. I’m so excited to be on this wonderful journey!”

—Dianna, Mora, MN

• “Hi Laurette!

“Thank you for all the encouraging emails. I have decided to

stay on the detox for a little longer as I am really enjoying it!

“To start with I was a little apprehensive as I was on an eating

plan last year (one over here that is helping lots of people lose

weight) and didn't really like it as I was told off for not eating

enough. Despite my size it is not for the love of food but a

mixture of stress and not eating that has contributed to my

weight gain. I found on that eating plan I felt really bloated and

awful when I ate what they were recommending.

“The foods on the New You Detox are great. The recipes you have given me are

so simple with mixes of food that I would never have dreamt of putting together

which I am really enjoying.

“I am really enjoying the recipes and feeling really good. This past couple of

weeks have been really busy! I was not able to measure last week but I know I

have now lost over 26 inches and people are starting to notice, which is good.

“Thank you again it is brilliant to have so many recipes that I really enjoy. It was

exactly what I was looking for. God bless for now—will give you the results of

my measure next week. Thank you for all your help and support during this time.

With love and blessings” —Diane, Belfast, Northern Ireland

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• “Bottom line: I have lost 55 lbs. and have more energy than I ever dreamed I

could have at 58 years of age. I actually feel great every day, sleep well every

night and work rings around my co-workers and friends!”

—Julie Wood, Tulsa, OK

• “I am a Registered Nurse with 31+ years of active nursing and a Doctor of

Naturopathic Ministry. My husband, Dr. Ron Anderson, and I have shared

Laurette’s teachings on health and fitness with our clients.”

–Pam Anderson, DNM, RN, AHNA, CNHP New Horizons Natural Healthcare.


Check out our seasonal Detox at http://NewYouDetox.com Laurette Willis, Founder of PraiseMoves Fitness Ministry Offering Faith & Fitness products, PraiseMoves Classes around the World and specialized Training to become a Certified PraiseMoves Instructor *live* or Online! Visit us at http://PraiseMoves.com Email: info@praisemoves.com * Phone: 800-211-8446 Facebook: http://facebook.com/PraiseMovesFan Twitter: http://twitter.com/Fit4Christ Become a Certified Health Coach or Preferred Customer with Beyond Organic: http://Visit.MyBeyondOrganic.com Free Christian Meditation Kit & Videos: http://ChristianMeditationKit.com

I look forward to working with you! I would love to help you effectively lose weight, detox with ease, and achieve boundless energy. With love ~ Laurette ☺☺☺☺
