5 seo factors that drive conversion centric web designs



Conversion centric web designs follow certain principles and goals. They are interesting to learn about because all of these are incorporated into the general elements that make every web design.

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5 SEO Factors that Drive Conversion

Centric Web Designs

This is a kind of an SEO technique, where you design a frame in order to direct all attention on a particular feature and trap the viewer until one converts.

The technique of encapsulation can be done with anything, be it the images, the graphics, the testimonials or even as small as a CTA button. Color plays an important factor in encapsulation.


Colors have always been an important aesthetic when it comes to evoking the right kind of emotion from the audience.

This is about persuading viewers and subtlety nudging them to take a desired action.

The action could be anything that you want the customers to take. Such as – buying, signing or maybe clicking to the next page.

Contrasting Colors

These are like visual indicators, the purpose of which is to take a viewer’s attention to the expected conversion focal spot.

While using arrows can be a simple technique used to draw the line of sight, other methods are the implementation of the right graphic positions to direct the attention subtly.

Directional Clues

White spacing helps to create a kind of natural balance. It prevents any kind of unwanted clusters that can spell disaster from using too many elements on the same page.

This prevents the visitor from getting swayed away by multiple actions at the same time – a kind of disaster that will ultimately result in no conversion. 

White Spaces

A website design is incomplete without some kind of social proof. People like to feel like belonging to a particular group and social proofs help to fulfill this.

These can be anything like case studies, endorsements; user generated content or even reviews.

Social Proof

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