4GM MSC Malaysia APICTA 2012 Award. Team Member JUNNYROCK TANKK


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MSC Malaysia APICTA 2012 Award

Team Member



recycle bingo

what is recycle bingo?


technology and tool used

Windows Phone SDKBing Map SDK

WCF web servicesSQL Azure Database

Visual Studio 2010

Facebook Developer API

windows azureapp architecture

entity logics

service logics

WCF service SQL Azure database

who are the users?

green horngreen rangergreen





special feature


payment loggamification

sms post

let’s rock

why we doing this?


•inconvenient•community influences•couldn’t foresee the benefit•low efficiency for collector

by using our application,

green horn

locate recycle bin easilyincrease self-awarenessinfluencing the community

green collector

distance less, petrol lesssave time and human resource efficient collectioncreate entrepreneurship chance

green ranger

create a recycling communitysetup more drop off pointgain extra income

so we might know,one hand clap makes no noise

thanks for watching

- Find recycle as an interesting activity- Contribute in saving the world from pollution- Can make recycle as a habit and influence family and friends together - Throw rubbish in a proper way- Avoid from getting fined because of not recycling( in certain countries)-save the environment

green horn

- Educate others of how to recycle in a proper way- Earn extra income in a more convenient way- Successfully encouraged people to recycle- Competition between rangers could increase the rate of recycle- Create entrepreneurship opportunity for others - Enhance the economy of country- Providing facilities to others so that to counter the laziness of the people to recycle so that they would realize that recycle is just a tick of thumb

green ranger

green collector

- Distance less , petrol less- Save time and effort - Amount of collection would be appending- Business expansion and increase income- Business viability

The more recycle bin that setup by Green Ranger , the more easier for Green Horn to find a place to throw their rubbish. With this linkage, people could exhibit their concerns to the world and make recycle as their habits. Besides that, Green Collector can also gain benefit from Green Ranger where they can earn more income as they can collect the recyclables from the Green Ranger more frequently and together with promising amount of collection. Thus, this can lead the Green Collector to earn more in future. By the way, every people could be an entrepreneur as long as they becoming a Green Ranger by setting up the recycle bin. When they are having their own recycle bin, they are not only can collect their own recycle items, but they can also encourage people to throw recyclables into their recycle bin. As a result, Green Ranger can earn more money and recycle more frequently. This is a win- win-win situation where Green Horn can throw their rubbish in a proper way, Green Ranger can earn more extra returns and Green Collector can collect more recyclable items and generate more returns for business.(closing script)
