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Social marketing is the “darling” of today’s advertising world, and with

good reason. Social sites like Twitter and Facebook have hundreds of

millions of users, many of whom are active nearly every day. There are

few other advertising venues where you can reach so many people so

easily and for so little money.

In fact, social marketing doesn’t have to cost you a penny. Sure, you can

use Facebook Ads to expand your reach, but this isn’t necessary. Just

some good old fashioned elbow grease and you’re in business!

The sad thing is that most people don’t know how to use social marketing

effectively. Thus, they think it’s not worth it, and that social marketing is a

load of bologna. That could not be further from the truth! Used correctly,

social marketing can be one of the most effective ways to advertise,

especially given the fact that it can be used for free.

In this report, you’re going to learn some of the best ways to use social

marketing effectively, and how you can turn your social media campaigns

into massive traffic sources!

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Facebook is definitely one of the most effective marketing outlets when

used correctly. The trouble is that most people don’t know how to use it


It’s actually quite simple to market correctly on Facebook. The main thing

is to realize that people don’t become your fan on Facebook to receive a

constant barrage of promotional messages. They join because they

genuinely like you, or because they want to receive news and updates

from you occasionally.

Create a Fan Page

The first thing you need to do is create a fan page. Don’t try to market

using your main Facebook, because you can only have 5,000 “friends” on a

standard Facebook account. You can create your Facebook fan page on

your main account, but just don’t add your fans as “friends”. Instead,

direct them to your fan page.

It’s simple to set up a fan page. Just log into your Facebook account and

look in the menu on the left side. If you don’t see “Pages”, the click

“More” to expand the menu and locate and click “Pages”.

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Once you’ve done this, click the “+ Create a Page” button at the top right

of the screen. This will allow you to create a new fan page. You won’t be

able to give it a custom name until you get 25 people to like it, so that’s

your first goal. Try to find 25 people to click the “Like” button on your new

fan page, and then click “Edit Page” from your fan page.

Click “Basic Information” in the menu on the left, and locate the

“Username” section. This will let you set a custom username for your fan

page. That way, people can go to

http://www.facebook.com/yourusername instead of the long URL with

numbers you get by default. This is important, because it will make is

easier for people to get to your page by typing it in.

Getting Fans

There are several good ways to attract people to your fan page. You can

post it in your forum signature on various forums, and of course, on your

own websites and blogs. However, another great way to get fans is to join

various Facebook groups in your niche and “Like” other fan pages in your

niche and post requests there for people to like your page.

Be very careful when you do this, because some group owners and fan

page owners will see this as spam. They might end up banning you from

their group if you do this often. Do it once, and do it very politely!

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You can also endear yourself to other page owners and group owners by

promoting their pages on yours. A good way to do this is that once you

build a nice following, post something like this:

“Shout outs to Group Name, Group Name and Group Name!”

If you type this into your status, you can click the name to link the text:


This will allow you to link directly to the group (or fan page) so people can

easily visit it. If you do this, the owners of those groups will occasionally

reciprocate, sending you more fans by posting on their page on your


Operating a Successful Page

In order to run a fan page successfully, there are a few things you need to

make sure you do. First, of course, you must make sure to provide some

sort of value to your fans. This could be in the form of coupons and

discounts, free stuff, giveaways, information, news updates in your niche,


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Make sure you don’t spam them to death! Be careful to post only one or

twice per day, and only post promotional messages a couple of times per

week. You definitely do not want to upset people by posting marketing

messages too often!

Also, be extremely careful about posting regarding religion, politics, or

other potentially controversial topics. You could alienate a large portion of

your fan base if you do this.

It’s extremely important to stay as neutral and professional as possible in

front of your fans. Everything you do will potentially be scrutinized by

everyone, so be careful not to offend anyone, and to keep things

professional and friendly.

When you do post promotional messages, be sure to add a few words

letting people know a bit about what you’re linking to.

Another way to potentially advertise is to post a picture related to your

add and then “tag” people in it. Some people tag celebrities in their

photos, hoping some of that celebrity’s fans will see the post, but this is

untargeted, not to mention rude. Instead, only tag people you believe will

be interested in what you’re offering.

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The other social media site that really matters is Twitter. Twitter was once

the black sheep of social media. People couldn’t understand the appeal of

Twitter, because you could only post very short messages. Soon, however,

people realized this WAS the appeal. Being limited makes it fast and easy

to use the platform.

Finding Twitter Followers

Twitter isn’t quite like Facebook. On Facebook, it’s simple to find like-

minded people just by hanging out in various niche-based groups and fan


The best way to quickly get a boost in followers on Twitter is to browse

various Twitter directories and find people and follow them. Many will

follow you back. You can also add yourself to the directories while you’re


Here are a few Twitter directories:

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Once you have some followers, people will begin to find you and follow

you through those other people. You’ll notice that the more followers you

have, the faster your followers will grow.

You should also post a link to your Twitter in your forum signatures, and

on your websites and blogs. This won’t generally get you a tremendous

number of followers, but it will help some.

Be careful not to follow too many people. You could get banned if you

follow too many people too quickly. You need to have at least 25-50% as

many people following you as people you follow, so once you follow

around 100 people, give it a rest until you get at least 50 people to follow


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Effective Twitter Marketing

Marketing on Twitter can be tricky. It’s hard to be noticed on Twitter,

because posts fly by very quickly if you have a lot of people you follow.

Most people who follow you will be following a lot of people, so it won’t

be easy for your posts to stand out.

This means you will need to post fairly often in order to get noticed. The

trick is to make sure you’re not posting marketing messages every time.

Instead, post useful tips, news updates, and other useful information very

often. That way, people will deliberately look for your posts.

It is very, very important to build relationships on Twitter. Whenever you

see one of your followers post a message that looks particular important,

re-tweet (RT) it for them. They will usually notice, especially if you make

sure to include their @.

An effective re-tweet will look something like this:

RT @username: Their message goes here.

When you re-tweet messages for your followers, they will notice. Pretty

soon, they will start doing it for you, as well. This will effectively increase

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your reach by leaps and bounds, because you will instantly access the

followers of everyone who re-tweets your message!

This is why it is so important to make contacts on Twitter and become

friends with them. Standard followers won’t help your marketing, but

friends will!

Spend time getting to know some of your followers, especially those who

have a large number of followers. They could end up being your closest

marketing allies.

Viral Marketing on Twitter

When people re-tweet your messages, they could go viral. If you create an

effective viral marketing campaign, Twitter is the perfect place to launch


The platform makes it very easy for people to send out messages.

Facebook does, too, but not quite so much as Twitter. Thus, creating

something people will want to share is a very effective tool for Twitter.

Once a few people tweet it to their followers, it will generally start making

the rounds very quickly!

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You can also occasionally ask people to tweet your messages. Don’t do

this often, or they will get tired of it. Just do it when you have something

very important, like a viral campaign.

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Cross Posting

It is extremely useful to cross post your messages to both Twitter and

Facebook simultaneously. You can easily do this by using a program like

Hoot Suite. (http://www.hootsuite.com)

Hoot Suite

Hoot Suite is free for the basic version, which is all you really need unless

you’re managing multiple accounts on multiple social platforms. It will

allow you to post a message to both Twitter and Facebook with one click,

and you can also track your status updates within one admin area.

You probably do not want to use Hoot Suite to post every single message

to both platforms. People will often tweet dozens of times per day, and

folks are used to that. However, posting that often on Facebook will upset


Instead, use Hoot Suite to cross post only your most important messages,

such as promotional messages and very important news and updates. You

can also use is to post only to Twitter, although this isn’t really necessary.

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It can be useful if you’d rather not keep logging into multiple sites, though.

You might want to use Hoot Suite exclusively to save time. Just be sure to

select only Twitter for your tweets.


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