452 Presentation


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  • 7/28/2019 452 Presentation


    Software Testing 452Wordpress for Android

  • 7/28/2019 452 Presentation


    A popular blogging website The Android App is Open source Programmed in Java Can post, view, and edit content

    What is Wordpress?

  • 7/28/2019 452 Presentation


    We restricted our testing to the Androidapplication

    Other platforms of the app are not

    within our scope We tested the primary features of the



  • 7/28/2019 452 Presentation


    New Post New Page Post Comment

    Post Video Post Photo View Post

    Primary Features

    View Comment View Page Edit Post

    Edit Comment Delete Post Delete Comment

  • 7/28/2019 452 Presentation


    Eclipse as our workspace Android Virtual Device

    Android Development Tools are used towork with android Our project uses the ADT eclipse plugin

    with SDK 13 which is Android 3.2


  • 7/28/2019 452 Presentation


    Code review of NewAccount.java class Used by every user at least once

    but not very much so it could be

    improved Quality was pretty good Very few comments, hard to follow Variables had vague names

    Static Analysis

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    Eclipse plugin for static code analysis There were some surprising results

    Found a string comparison bug Found a null pointer bug


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    FindBugs - String Comparison

  • 7/28/2019 452 Presentation


    FindBugs - Null Pointer

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    We could not access the true specificationdocument Found a final description of what was

    included in the app

    The addition of a "featured image" wasemphasized.

    We were successful on posting afeatured image by following the strictinstructions

    Specification Document Analysis

  • 7/28/2019 452 Presentation


    AndroidTestCase augmented version of JUnit Java Components vs Android components testActivity vs testClass

    Unit Testing

  • 7/28/2019 452 Presentation


    Unit Testing Example

  • 7/28/2019 452 Presentation


    Overall not useful

    Most of the Wordpress web service logicexists on the server. The Android appmerely provides another interface. The classes reference the actual web

    application The android application just generates

    views if certain conditions are met

    There is not much local logic

    Unit Testing

  • 7/28/2019 452 Presentation


    Consistency Everything was consistent: color and layout Creating and editing have similar interfaces

    makes changing blog content simple

    Consistent with Wordpress website UI

    Correctness Pretty good app crashed once when overloaded with


    Usability Testing

  • 7/28/2019 452 Presentation


    Correctness If app crashed in middle of long post, entire

    content would be lost

    Usefulness very useful for on-the-go blogger Many reviews describe mobile usefulness

    Usability Testing Continued

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    App meets the Android design guidelines "When people use your app for the first

    time, they should intuitively grasp themost important features" Wordpress definitely meets this expectation

    Very simple to use and very intuitive

    Usability Testing Continued

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    The use of icons in the app was great! The icons were intuitive Every action had an icon

    Colors are dark text on light background

    Accessibility Testing

  • 7/28/2019 452 Presentation


    The app was given to someone with low-

    vision and they were able to navigate easily Talkback failed to speak appropriate text main screen buttons were all spoken as

    "WordPress" many buttons had no Talkback names post titles and text were not spoken

    Accessibility Testing Continued

  • 7/28/2019 452 Presentation


    Allowed us to cover most of the program

    Issue with adding a video Took a very long time - more than expected with

    similar apps on same device No progress indicator - misleading

    On the edit page screen, sometimes when hittingthe back button the keyboard disappears and alarge text box remains Requires hitting back again

    confusing for users

    Black Box Testing

  • 7/28/2019 452 Presentation


    Tested extreme data values andsituations

    Purpose to see how the app reacts

    inserted 21-page title with 1 char of content program allowed this surprisingly Significantly slows down app when viewing

    aggregate posts Maybe consider title-character limits

    Malicious Testing

  • 7/28/2019 452 Presentation


    Was interesting because most androiddevices try to maintain stress themselves

    While running the app it could take aphone call

    Also while writing a post and receiving acall, content remains ready to be posted Very good feature, would be annoying to re-


    Stress Testing

  • 7/28/2019 452 Presentation


    We used dumb fuzz testing all inputs random

    Tool we used is Monkey Generates random UI events and logs errors Events are clicks, touches, gestures, etc. Random, but in a repeatable manner

    We used 700 random input events monkey -p org.wordpress.android-v 700

    behaved well

    Fuzz Testing

  • 7/28/2019 452 Presentation


    Android Lint and Database Injection

    plugins Test basic and common security faults Found XML and database vulnerabilities There were some cases of injecting code

    into the database which could either breakit or affect user information

    Security Testing

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    Happened late in the testing process

    because a newer version of the app wasreleased Re-ran our tests most passed

    some had to be tweaked to reflectchanges in the app

    Not really useful because difficult unit testshad to be rewritten

    Regression Testing

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    Mutation Testing Not much logic to alter

    Load Testing Did not have enough users to test app at the same

    time, not enough resources Makes more sense for WordPress server

    Coverage Testing Tools would be little use for our few unit tests

    Testing Methods Not Used

  • 7/28/2019 452 Presentation


    Educational Value learned a lot about Android UI libraries, the

    Android Developer Tools, Virtual Devices, and howAndroid apps work

    Risks building the program on the computers,

    understanding code, scheduling meetings, workingwith new technology, and testing everything we



  • 7/28/2019 452 Presentation


    Reporting Errors

    WordPress app developers appreciate feedback Made blog for reporting problems

    General App Quality Overall quality was pretty good

    Performed very well

    Conclusion Continued
