41173772 Object Oriented Programming With C




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Chapter 4

Object Oriented Programming with C#

• A Class is a customer user-defined type that is composed of data and functions that act on this data.



string fullName

int empID

float currPay



Employee(string fullName, int empID, float currPay)

void GiveBonus(float amout)

Void DisplayStats();

Method Overloading• When a class has a set of identically named members that differ by the

number or type of parameters, the member in question is said to be overloaded.Eg:

class Triangle{

public void Draw( int x, int y, int height, int width);public void Draw( float x, float y, float height, float

width);public void Draw(Point upperLeft, Point bottomRight);public Draw (Rect r);

}• When a class member is overloaded, the return type alone is not unique

enough.public float GetX();public int GetX();

Self Reference

• “this” keyword• This keyword is used whenever the reference is to be made to the

current object.• Static member functions of a type cannot use “this” keyword.

public Employee(string FullName, int empID, float currPay){

this.fullName = FullName;this.empID = empID;this.currPay = currPay;this.empSSN = ssn;


public Employee(string fullName) : this(fullName, 3333, 0.0F) { }

Default public Interface

• Set of public members that are directly accessible from an object variable. – Method visibility – units that model the behavior of the

class.– Properties visibility – Accessor and mutator functions– Field Data visibility - Data

– Type visibility – which parts of the system can create type themselves. If not specified, it is assumed to be internal.

public class HelloClass


}– This would mean that all .Net assemblies can use this

class.– Any .NET type can be defined to have public or

internal visibility.

using System;namespace Hellotypes{

internal struct x{

private int myX;public int GetMyX() { return myX;}public x(int x) {myX = x;}

}internal enum Letters{a=0, b=1, c=2}

public class HelloClass{

public static int Main(string[] args){

X theX = new X(26);Console.WriteLine(“{0}\n{1}”, theX.GetMyX(), Letters.b.toString());return 0;


Pillars of OOP

• Encapsulation: how well does this language hide the object’s internal implementation?

• Inheritance: How does the language promote code reuse?– (Classical) Is-a – Eg: Hexagon-shape-object

– has-a relationship –Eg: car-radio

• Polymorphism: How does this language let you treat related objects in a similar way?– Classical – Base class defines a set of members that can be overridden

by subclass. Eg; Draw

– Ad-hoc – Late binding


• Black box programming• An object’s internal data should not be directly

accessible from an object instance.– public– private– protected– protected internal

• Define the data fields as private– Define a pair of accessor and mutator methods– Define a named property

using system;public class Department{

private string departname;// Accessor.public string GetDepartname(){

return departname;}// Mutator.public void SetDepartname( string a){

departname=a;}public static int Main(string[] args){

Department d = new Department(); d.SetDepartname("ELECTRONICS"); Console.WriteLine("The Department is :"+d.GetDepartname()); return 0;


public string Name


get { return fullName; }

set { fullName = value;}


// Property for the empID.

public int EmpID


get {return empID;}



empID = value;



// Property for the currPay.

public float Pay


get {return currPay;}

set {currPay = value;}


class TimePeriod{ private double seconds;

public double Hours { get { return seconds / 3600; } set { seconds = value * 3600; } }}class Program{ static void Main() { TimePeriod t = new TimePeriod();

// Assigning the Hours property causes the 'set' accessor to be called. t.Hours = 24;

// Evaluating the Hours property causes the 'get' accessor to be called. System.Console.WriteLine("Time in hours: " + t.Hours); }}

• Write a C# class Student with the following attributes– usn (string)– attendance (int)– internalMarks (float)

• Create mutators and accessors to access usn and attendance.

• Create a property to access internalMarks. • The attendance and internalMarks returned should be in

percentage. (assume total no of classes = 60 and Max internal = 25)

• Write a main function that to demonstrate the usage.

C# Inheritance Support

using System;

public class Employee


// protected data for kids.

protected string fullName;

protected int empID;

private float currPay;


namespace Employees{

public class Manager : Employee{

private ulong numberOfOptions;public ulong NumbOpts {

get {return numberOfOptions;}set { numberOfOptions = value;}

}}public class SalesPerson : Employee{

protected int numberOfSales;public int NumbSales {

get {return numberOfSales;}set { numberOfSales = value;}



public static int Main(string[] args)


SalesPerson stan = new SalesPerson();

stan.EmpID = 100;

stan.setFullName("Stan the Man");

stan.NumbSales = 42;

stan.currPay; //Error

return 0;


public class Radio


public void TurnOn(bool on)





Console.WriteLine("Quiet time...");



public class Car {

private int currSpeed;private int maxSpeed;private string petName;bool carIsDead;public Car() {

maxSpeed = 100;carIsDead = false;

}public Car(string name, int max, int curr) {

currSpeed = curr;maxSpeed = max;petName = name;carIsDead = false;

}// A car has-a radio.private Radio theMusicBox = new Radio();

public void CrankTunes(bool state){

// Tell the radio play (or not).// Delegate request to inner object.theMusicBox.TurnOn(state);

}public void SpeedUp(int delta){

// If the car is dead, just say so...if(carIsDead){

Console.WriteLine("{0} is out of order....", petName );}else // Not dead, speed up. {

currSpeed += delta;if(currSpeed >= maxSpeed) {

Console.WriteLine("Sorry, {0} has overheated...", petName );carIsDead = true;


Console.WriteLine("=> CurrSpeed = {0}", currSpeed); } }

public class CarApp{

public static int Main(string[] args){

// Make a car.Car c1;c1 = new Car("SlugBug", 100, 10);

// Jam some tunes.Console.WriteLine("***** Turing on radio for SlugBug *****");c1.CrankTunes(true);

// Speed up.Console.WriteLine("\n***** Speeding up *****");for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)


// Shut down.Console.WriteLine("\n***** Turing off radio for SlugBug *****");c1.CrankTunes(false);return 0;

} }

• Create a namespace college

• Base class: Person – Attributes: name, address, Phone

• Derived class: Student– Attributes: usn, branch, subjectsTaken

• Derived class: Teacher– Attributes: subjectTaught,

• Helper class: Subject– Attributes: SubjectName, MaxAtt, MaxIM

• Create a Main function to – create an instance of a student, initialize it to your details. – create an instance of a teacher, initialize it to a teacher’s details.– Display all the details.

using System;namespace College{ public class Person { protected string name; protected string address; protected string phone; public Person(string newName, string newAddress, string newPhone) { this.name = newName; this.address = newAddress; this.phone = newPhone; } public string getName() { return name; } public string getAddress() { return address; } public string getPhone() { return phone; } }

class Subject { private string subjectName; private int MaxAtt; private int MaxIM; public Subject(string newSubjectName, int newMaxAtt, int newMaxIM) { this.subjectName = newSubjectName; this.MaxAtt = newMaxAtt; this.MaxIM = newMaxIM; } public string getsubjectName() { return subjectName; } public int getMaxAtt() { return MaxAtt; } public int getMaxIM() { return MaxIM; } }

class Student : Person { private string usn; private string branch; private Subject subjectsTaken;

public Student(string newName, string newAddress, string newPhone, string newUsn, string newBranch, Subject mySubject): base(newName, newAddress, newPhone)

{ this.usn = newUsn; this.branch = newBranch; this.subjectsTaken = mySubject;


public string getUsn() { return usn; } public string getBranch() { return branch; } public Subject getSubjectTaken() { return subjectsTaken; } }

class Teacher : Person { private Subject SubjectTaught; public Teacher(string newName, string newAddress, string newPhone, Subject

mySubject) : base(newName, newAddress, newPhone) { this.SubjectTaught = mySubject; } public Subject getSubjectTaught() { return SubjectTaught; } }

class StudentApp { public static void Main() { Subject cSharp = new Subject("C#", 64, 25); Student stud1 = new Student("Sujatha", "Anandnagar", "9885655627", "1AT02CS007", "CSE",

cSharp); Teacher t1 = new Teacher("Seema", "Hebbal", "080-765676", cSharp);

Console.WriteLine("Student Name:" + stud1.getName()); Console.WriteLine("Student Address:"+stud1.getAddress()); Console.WriteLine("Student Phone:" + stud1.getPhone()); Console.WriteLine("Student USN:" + stud1.getUsn()); Console.WriteLine("Student branch:" + stud1.getBranch()); Console.WriteLine("Student Subject Taken:" + stud1.getSubjectTaken().getsubjectName());

Console.WriteLine("Teacher Name:" + t1.getName()); Console.WriteLine("Teacher Address:" + t1.getAddress()); Console.WriteLine("Teacher Phone:" + t1.getPhone()); Console.WriteLine("Teacher Subject Taught:" + t1.getSubjectTaught().getsubjectName()); Console.Read(); } }}


Student Name:Sujatha

Student Address:Anandnagar

Student Phone:9885655627

Student USN:1AT02CS007

Student branch:CSE

Student Subject Taken:C#

Teacher Name:Seema

Teacher Address:Hebbal

Teacher Phone:080-765676

Teacher Subject Taught:C#

A C# property actually maps to a get_/set_ pair. (The reverse is not true)Eg:

public class Employee{

private string empSSN;public string SSN

{get { return empSSN;}set{ empSSN = value;}


//ERRORpublic string get_SSN()

{ return empSSN;}

public string set_SSN(string val){empsSN = val;}


Read-Only and Write-Only properties

• To configure a read-only property, simply build a property without a corresponding set block.

• If you wish to have write-only property, omit the get block.

public class Employee{

private string empSSN;public Employee(string FullName, int empID, float currPay, string ssn){

this.fullName = FullName;this.empID = empID;this.currPay = currPay;this.empSSN = ssn;

}public string SSN { get { return empSSN;}}


Static properties

public class Employee{

private static string companyName;

public static string Company{

get { return companyName;}set { companyName = value;}


//Usage: Employee.Company = “Infosys Inc”;Console.WriteLine(“The folks work at {0}”, Employee.Company);

Static Constructor

• Static constructors can be used to assign values to static data• This assignment always happens by default.

public class Employee{

private static string companyName;static Employee(){

companyName = “Infosys Inc”;}

}//UsageConsole.WriteLine (“These folks work at {0}”, Employee.Company);

Read-Only fields (Psudo encapsulation)

public class Employee{

public readonly string SSNField;public Employee(string FullName, int empID, float currPay, string ssn){

this.fullName = FullName;this.empID = empID;this.currPay = currPay;this.empSSN = ssn;this.SSNField = ssn;


//ErrorEmployee brenner = new Employee();brenner.SSNField = “666-66-666”;

Preventing Inheritance

public sealed class PTSalesPerson : SalesPerson


Public PTSalesPerson(string fullName, int empID, float currPay, string ssn, int numberOfSales)






Public class ReallyPTSalesPerson: PTSalesPerson

Containment and Delegation (has-a) relationship

• Eg: Car, radio

Nested Type Definitions public class Car{

private class Radio{

public void TurnOn(bool on){

if (on) Console.WriteLine(“Jamming…”);

elseConsole.WriteLine(“Quiet Time…”);

}}private Radio theMusicBox = new Radio();


• Nested type could be public or private (Not true for other types)• Car$Radio

C# Polymorphic supportpublic class Employee


protected string fullName;

protected int empID;

protected float currPay;

protected string empSSN;

public Employee(string FullName, int empID, float currPay, string ssn)


this.fullName = FullName;

this.empID = empID;

this.currPay = currPay;

this.empSSN = ssn;


public void GiveBonus(float amount)


currPay + = amount;



public class SalesPerson : Employee{

protected int numberOfSales;

public SalesPerson(string FullName, int empID, float currPay, string ssn, int numbOfSales)

: base(FullName, empID, currPay, ssn){

numberOfSales = numbOfSales;}


public class Manager : Employee{

private ulong numberOfOptions;

public Manager(string FullName, int empID,

float currPay, string ssn, ulong numbOfOpts)

: base(FullName, empID, currPay, ssn)


// This point of data belongs with us!

numberOfOptions = numbOfOpts;



Manager Chucky = new Manager(“Chucky”, 92, 10000, “333-33-3333”, 9000);


SalesPerson fran= new Manager(“Fran”, 93, 3000, “999-99-9999”, 31);


public class Employee


protected string fullName;

protected int empID;

protected float currPay;

protected string empSSN;

public Employee(string FullName, int empID, float currPay, string ssn)


this.fullName = FullName;

this.empID = empID;

this.currPay = currPay;

this.empSSN = ssn;


public virtual void GiveBonus(float amount)


currPay + = amount;



public class SalesPerson : Employee{

protected int numberOfSales;

public SalesPerson(string FullName, int empID, float currPay, string ssn, int numbOfSales)

: base(FullName, empID, currPay, ssn){

numberOfSales = numbOfSales;}public override void GiveBonus(float amount){

int salesBonus = 0;

if(numberOfSales >= 0 && numberOfSales <= 100) salesBonus = 10;

else if(numberOfSales >= 101 && numberOfSales <= 200)salesBonus = 15;

elsesalesBonus = 20; // Anything greater than


base.GiveBonus(amount * salesBonus);}


public class Manager : Employee


private ulong numberOfOptions;

public Manager(string FullName, int empID,

float currPay, string ssn, ulong numbOfOpts)

: base(FullName, empID, currPay, ssn)


// This point of data belongs with us!

numberOfOptions = numbOfOpts;


public override void GiveBonus(float amount)


// Increase salary.


// And give some new stock options...

Random r = new Random();

numberOfOptions += (ulong)r.Next(500);



Manager Chucky = new Manager(“Chucky”, 92, 10000, “333-33-3333”, 9000);


SalesPerson fran= new Manager(“Fran”, 93, 3000, “999-99-9999”, 31);


abstract Classes and abstract methods• You can directly create instances of Employee• This is rather odd.• Better design would be to prevent the ability to directly

create a new Employee instance. • Once a class is abstract, it may contain any number of

abstract methods• Abstract methods can be used when a method is to be

defined that does not supply a default implementation.

abstract public class Employee{






Void Draw()



namespace Shapes{

public abstract class Shape{

protected string petName;

// Constructors.public Shape(){petName = "NoName";}public Shape(string s){

this.petName = s;}

public virtual void Draw(){


public string PetName{

get {return this.petName;}set {this.petName = value;}


public class Circle : Shape


public Circle(){}

// Call base class constructor.

public Circle(string name): base(name){}

// Circle does not override draw


public class Hexagon : Shape{

public Hexagon(){}public Hexagon(string name): base(name){}

public override void Draw(){Console.WriteLine("Drawing " + PetName + " the



public class ShapesApp{ public static int Main(string[] args) {

// The C# base class pointer trick.Shape[] s = {new Hexagon(), new Circle(), new Hexagon("Mick"),

new Circle("Beth"), new Hexagon("Linda")};

for(int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++){



namespace Shapes{

public abstract class Shape{

protected string petName;

// Constructors.public Shape(){petName = "NoName";}public Shape(string s){

this.petName = s;}

public abstract void Draw();

public string PetName{

get {return this.petName;}set {this.petName = value;}


public class Circle : Shape


public Circle(){}

// Call base class constructor.

public Circle(string name): base(name){}

public override void Draw()


Console.WriteLine("Drawing " + PetName + " the Circle");



public class Hexagon : Shape{

public Hexagon(){}public Hexagon(string name): base(name){}

public override void Draw(){Console.WriteLine("Drawing " + PetName + " the



public class ShapesApp{ public static int Main(string[] args) {

// The C# base class pointer trick.Shape[] s = {new Hexagon(), new Circle(), new Hexagon("Mick"),

new Circle("Beth"), new Hexagon("Linda")};

for(int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++){



Versioning• C# allows derived classes to contain methods with the same name as base

class methods.

• The base class method must be defined virtual.

• If the method in the derived class is not preceded by new or override keywords, the compiler will issue a warning and the method will behave as if the new keyword were present.

• If the method in the derived class is preceded with the new keyword, the method is defined as being independent of the method in the base class.

• If the method in the derived class is preceded with the override keyword, objects of the derived class will call that method rather than the base class method.

• The base class method can be called from within the derived class using the base keyword.

• The override, virtual, and new keywords can also be applied to properties, indexers, and events.

public class MyBase { public virtual string Meth1() { return "MyBase-Meth1"; } public virtual string Meth2() { return "MyBase-Meth2"; } public virtual string Meth3() { return "MyBase-Meth3"; }}


class MyDerived : MyBase { // Overrides the virtual method Meth1 using the override keyword: public override string Meth1() { return "MyDerived-Meth1"; }

// Explicitly hide the virtual method Meth2 using the new keyword public new string Meth2() { return "MyDerived-Meth2"; }

// Because no keyword is specified in the following declaration // a warning will be issued to alert the programmer that // the method hides the inherited member MyBase.Meth3(): public string Meth3() { return "MyDerived-Meth3"; }

public static void Main() { MyDerived mD = new MyDerived(); MyBase mB = (MyBase) mD;

System.Console.WriteLine(mB.Meth1()); System.Console.WriteLine(mB.Meth2()); System.Console.WriteLine(mB.Meth3());}


MyDerived-Meth1 MyBase-Meth2 MyBase-Meth3

Casting between Types

• Implicit cast operations

• //Manager “is-a” object• Object frank = new Manager(“Frank”, 9, 40000, “111-11-1111”, 5);

• //Manager “is-a” Employee• Employee moonunit= new Manager(“MoonUnit”, 9, 40000, “111-15-1111”,


• //PTSalesPerson is a SalesPerson• SalesPerson jill = new PTSalesPerson(“Jill”, 834, 4000, “145-11-1111”, 5);

• First law of Casting: • When two classes are related by a “is-a” relationship, it is always safe

to reference a derived class using a base class reference.

public class TheMachine(){

Public static void FireThisPerson(Employee e){

//Remove from database//Get key and pencil sharpener from fired Employee


Employee moonunit= new Manager(“MoonUnit”, 9, 40000, “111-15-1111”, 5);TheMachine.FireThisPerson(moonunit);

SalesPerson jill = new PTSalesPerson(“Jill”, 834, 4000, “145-11-1111”, 5);TheMachine.FireThisPerson(jill)

Object frank = new Manager(“Frank”, 9, 40000, “111-11-1111”, 5);TheMachine.FireThisPerson(frank); //Error

You cannot treat a base type reference as a derived type without first performing an explicit cast !


Determining the Type of Employee

public class TheMachine{

public static void FireThisPerson(Employee e){

if (e is SalesPerson){Console.WriteLine(“Lost a salesperson names {0}”, e.getfullName());Console.WriteLine(“{0} made {1} sales…”, e.GetFullName,


if (e is Manager){Console.WriteLine(“Lost a Manager names {0}”, e.getfullName());Console.WriteLine(“{0} had {1} stock options…”, e.GetFullName,



public class TheMachine{

public static void FireThisPerson(Employee e){

SalesPerson p = e as SalesPerson;if (p != null){Console.WriteLine(“Lost a salesperson names {0}”, p.getfullName());Console.WriteLine(“{0} made {1} sales…”, p.getFullName(),


Manager m = e as Manager;if (m != null){

Console.WriteLine(“Lost a Manager names {0}”, m.getfullName());

Console.WriteLine(“{0} had {1} stock options…”, m.getFullName(), m.NumbOpts);

} } } }

Numerical casts

• int x = 30000;• byte b = (byte) x; //Loss of information, so cast explicitly

• byte b = 30;• int x = b; //No loss

1. The present population of two countries, namely My Country and Your Country are 817 million and 1.088 billion respectively. Their rates of population growth are 2.1% and 1.3% respectively. Write a C# program that determines the number of years until the population of My Country exceeds that of your country.

2. Enter two non-zero numbers. Write a program in C# to display the highest common factor and lowest common multiple.

3. Write a program to display the Fibonacci series up to N in C#.

4. Design a C# program to define a structure:

Student<USN, Name, Marks, Branch> Here, Branch is of type enum, with members <CSE, ISE, ELNS, EE, IT>.

Add Appropriate constructor and also a method to hike the marks by 10% to only CSE students. Show creation of some student objects and the way to call these methods.

1. When a class has a set of identically named members that differ by the return types, the method is said to be overloaded (True/False)

2. ________ keyword is used for self-reference in C#

3. All static members of a class can refer to themselves using the this keyword.

4. Point out the error in this code, if any.class Employee


int empID;

public Employee(int empID) { this.empID = empID;}

public Employee():this(007){}


5. What is a the default Public Interface of a Type?

6. A Type can have the visibility ___________ or _________

7. _____________ pillar of OOP lets you extend the behavior of a class.

8. What is Classical inheritance?

9. What is Classical Polymorphism?

10. Give one keyword in C# that enforces Encapsulation.

11. What are accessor and mutator functions?

12. Write a Property to provide readonly access this Datafield.

private int empID;

13. The Properties map to _____ and __________ methods.

14. A static constructor can be used to ___________________

15. How can read-only Fields be declared?

16. Multiple inheritance is supported by C# (True/False)

17. _________ keyword can be used to Prevent Inheritance.

18. __________ relationship is also known as Containment/Delegation model.

19. Nested Types can have visibility _________

20. A base class can enforce Polymorphism using the ________ keyword.

21. What are abstract classes?

22. ________ keyword is prefixed to a method is it needs to break its relationship with the base class.

23. _________ operators are used to determine the “type of” an object.

24. Numerical casts from smaller numerical type to higher numerical type should be explicit. (true/False)
