40k Codex Inquisition


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Codex: Space Wolves

By Torga_DW

Version 1.2

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1 Inquisitor Lord 40 points

Unit WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Inquisitor Lord

4 4 3 3 3 4 3 10 6+

Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: Laspistol, Chainsword, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades

Division: Must choose Ordo Malleus (Daemon Hunter), Ordo

Hereticus (Witch Hunter) or Ordo Xenos (Alien


Faction: Must choose Radical or Puritan.

Options: -Replace laspistol with hellpistol for +1 point, bolt pistol

for +2 points, plasma pistol for +10 points or Storm Shield

for +10 points.

-Replace chainsword with power weapon for +10 points,

power fist for +20 points, lightning claw for 20 points,

thunder hammer for +25 points, force weapon for +30

points, null rod for +20 points or eviscerator for +25 points.

-Replace either weapon with lasgun for 1 point, hellgun for

2 points, bolter for 5 points, storm bolter for 10 points or a

combi-weapon for +15 points.

-Replace both weapons with a pair of lightning claws for 25


-Take psycannon bolts for +10 points.

-Take flak armour for +2 points, carapace armour for +5

points, power armour for +10 points or artificer armour for

+15 points.

-Take psychic hood for +20 points.

-Take emperor’s tarot for +10 points.

-Take inquisitorial mandate for +30 points.


-Take purity seals for +5 points.

-Take melta bombs for +5 points.

-Take a refractor field for +15 points or a rosarius for +25


Special Rules: -Independent Character

-Iron Will

Transport: May select a Chimera or Rhino as a transport.


Ordo Malleus Special Options

-Replace either weapon with a psycannon for +30 points, incinerator for +20 points,

daemon hammer for +30 points.

-Take a grimoire of true names for +10 points.

-Take sacred incense for +10 points.

-Take unguents of warding for + 20 points.

-Take consecrated scrolls for +5 points.

-Become a psyker, choosing one of the following powers:

-Destroy Daemon for +15 points

-Hammerhand for +10 points

-Holocaust for +20 points

-Sanctuary for +15 points

-Scourging for +20 points

-Word of the Emperor for +10 points

-Puritan Inquisitor Lords may choose Grey Knights as allies instead of the normal


-Radical Inquisitor Lords may replace their chainsword with a daemon weapon for +40


-Radical Inquisitors or Inquisitor Lords may take a book of pain for +25 points.

-Radical Inquisitors or Inquisitor Lords may take a shard of the monolith for +20 points.


Ordo Hereticus Special Options

-Replace chainsword with brazier of holy fire for +10 points.

-Take psyocculum for +3 points.

-Take psi-tracker for +15 points.

-Take hexagrammic wards for +5 points.

-Take book of saint lucius for +5 points.

-Puritan Inquisitor Lords may choose Sisters of Battle as allies instead of the normal


-Radical Inquisitors or Inquisitor Lords may become a psyker, choosing one of the

following powers:

-Divine Pronouncement for +30 points

-Hammer of the Witches for +20 points

-Hammerhand for +10 points

-His Will Be Done for +15 points

-Purgatus (Inquisitor Lords only) for +15 points

-Scourging for +20 points

-Word of the Emperor for +10 points


Ordo Xenos Special Options

-Replace las pistol with needle pistol for +5 points.

-Replace chainsword with c’tan phase blade for +20 points.

-Take Digital Weapons for +10 points.

-Become a psyker, choosing one of the following powers:

-Stasis Shell for + 15 points

-Hammerhand for +10 points

-Battle Fury for +15 points

-Glory for +15 points

-Tangle for +15 points

-Word of the Emperor for +10 points

-Puritan Inquisitor Lords may choose Death Watch as allies instead of the normal


-Radical Inquisitors and Inquisitor Lords may do something or other



Inquisitor 20 points

Unit WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv


4 4 3 3 2 2 3 8 6+

Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: Laspistol, Chainsword, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades

Division: Must choose Ordo Malleus (Daemon Hunter), Ordo

Hereticus (Witch Hunter) or Ordo Xenos (Alien


Faction: Must choose Radical or Puritan. If same Division as

Inquisitor Lord, must choose same Faction as well.

Options: -Replace laspistol with hellpistol for +1 point, bolt pistol

for +2 points, plasma pistol for +10 points or Storm Shield

for +10 points.

-Replace chainsword with power weapon for +10 points,

power fist for +20 points, lightning claw for 20 points,

thunder hammer for +25 points, force weapon for +30

points, null rod for +20 points or eviscerator for +25 points.

-Replace either weapon with lasgun for 1 point, hellgun for

2 points, bolter for 5 points, storm bolter for 10 points or a

combi-weapon for +15 points.

-Replace both weapons with a pair of lightning claws for 25


-Take psycannon bolts for +10 points.

-Take flak armour for +2 points, carapace armour for +5

points, power armour for +10 points or artificer armour for

+15 points.

-Take psychic hood for +20 points.

-Take purity seals for +5 points.

-Take melta bombs for +5 points.


-Take a refractor field for +15 points or a rosarius for +25


Special Rules: -Independent Character

Transport: May select a Chimera or Rhino as a transport.

0-1 Officio Assassinorum Operative 105 points per model

Unit WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Culexus Assassin

5 5 4 4 2 5 3 10 ---


Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: Etherium, Animus Speculum, Psyk-Out Grenades

Special Rules: -Psychic Abomination


-Psyker Assassin

-Life Drain




0-1 Officio Assassinorum Operative 120 points per model

Unit WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Callidus Assassin

5 5 4 4 2 5 3 10 ---


Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: C’tan Phase Sword, Neural Shredder, Polymorphine,

Poison Blades

Special Rules: -Hit and Run

-A Word in Your Ear





0-1 Officio Assassinorum Operative 95 points per model

Unit WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Eversor Assassin

5 5 4 4 2 5 3 10 ---


Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: Executioner Pistol, Power Weapon, Melta Bombs, Neuro-

Gauntlet, Combat Drugs

Special Rules: -Fast Shot

-Bio Meltdown




0-1 Officio Assassinorum Operative 110 points per model

Unit WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Vindicare Assassin

5 5 4 4 2 5 3 10 ---


Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: Exitus Rifle, Exitus Pistol, Spy Mask, Stealth Suit

Special Rules: -Marksman




Death-Cult Assassins 40 points per model

Unit WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

1-3 Death Cult Assassins

5 4 4 3 2 5 2 8 ---


Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: Power Weapon, Chainsword

Special Rules: -No Formation






Inquisitorial Storm Troopers 10 points per model

Unit WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

5-10 Storm Troopers

3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 4+


3 4 3 3 1 3 2 8 4+

Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: Hellgun, Targeter, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades

Options: -Two models may replace their hellgun with a flamer at +5

points, a meltagun at +10 points, a plasma gun at +10

points or a grenade launcher at +10 points.

-Upgrade one storm trooper to a veteran for +10 points.

The veteran can select up to 50 points worth of Inquisitor


Transport: May select a Chimera or Rhino as a dedicated transport.

Faithful 5 points per model

Unit WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

10-20 Faithful

3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 6+


3 3 3 3 1 3 2 7 6+


4 3 3 3 2 3 2 8 6+

Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: Laspistol, Chainsword

Options: -One in five models may be upgraded to a fanatic at +5

points each. Fanatics may be given an eviscerator for +15


-One model may be upgraded to a demagogue for +10

points. He may be given up to 25 points worth of Inquisitor


-Two models may replace their chainsword with the

following: plasma gun at +8 points, flamer at +6 points,


meltagun at +10 points, heavy stubber at +3 points or

grenade launcher at +5 points.

Special Rules: -Fearless

Fast Attack

Arco-Flagellants 35 points per model

Unit WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv


4 0 4 5 1 4 1 /


8 ---


Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: Power Weapon

Special Rules: -Fearless

-Dangerous to Know

-Implant Injectors

Heavy Support

Penitent Engines

Long Fang Pack 18 points per model

Unit WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

3-5 Long Fangs

4 4 4 4 1 4 1 9 3+

Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Frag grenades, Krak grenades

Options: -One model must be upgraded to Pack Leader for +18


-Remaining models must each be armed with one of the

following: heavy bolter or multi-melta for +15 points,

missile launcher for +20 points, plasma cannon for +25

points, or lascannon for +35 points.


Special Rules: -And They Shall Know No Fear

-Fire Control

-Acute Senses


-No Matter The Odds

Transport: May select a Drop Pod, Rhino or Razorback as a dedicated


Land Raider 250 points

Unit Type BS F S R

Land Raider

Tank 4 14 14 14

Special Rules: -Power of the Machine Spirit

-Assault Vehicle

Wargear: -Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter

-Two Twin-Linked Lascannons

-Smoke Launchers


Options: -Take pintle-mounted storm bolter for +5 points.

-Take hunter-killer missile for +15 points.

-Take extra armour for +15 points.

Transport Capacity: -10 models

-marines in terminator armour count as two models

Land Raider Crusader 250 points

Unit Type BS F S R

Land Raider Crusader

Tank 4 14 14 14

Special Rules: -Power of the Machine Spirit

-Assault Vehicle

Wargear: -Twin-Linked Assault Cannon

-Two Hurricane Bolters


-Frag Assault Launcher

-Smoke Launchers


Options: -Take pintle-mounted storm bolter for +5 points.

-Take hunter-killer missile for +15 points.

-Take extra armour for +15 points.


Transport Capacity: -16 models

-marines in terminator armour count as two models

Whirlwind 85 points

Unit Type BS F S R


Tank 4 11 11 10

Wargear: -Whirlwind Missile Launcher

-Smoke Launchers


Options: -Take pintle-mounted storm bolter for +5 points.

-Take hunter-killer missile for +15 points.

-Take a dozer blade for +5 points.

-Take extra armour for +15 points.

Predator 85 points

Unit Type BS F S R


Tank 4 13 11 10

Wargear: -Autocannon

-Smoke Launchers


Options: -Take pintle-mounted storm bolter for +5 points.

-Take hunter-killer missile for +15 points.

-Take a dozer blade for +5 points.

-Take extra armour for +15 points.

-Replace autocannon with twin-linked lascannon for +35


-Take side sponsons with heavy bolters for +25 points, or

lascannons for +60 points.


Vindicator 125 points

Unit Type BS F S R


Tank 4 13 11 10

Wargear: -Demolisher Cannon

-Storm Bolter

-Smoke Launchers


Options: -Take pintle-mounted storm bolter for +5 points.

-Take hunter-killer missile for +15 points.

-Take a dozer blade for +5 points.

-Take extra armour for +15 points.

Dedicated Transports

Rhino 35 points

Unit Type BS F S R


Tank 4 11 11 10

Special Rules: -Repair

Wargear: -Storm Bolter

-Smoke Launchers


Options: -Take pintle-mounted storm bolter for +5 points.

-Take hunter-killer missile for +15 points.

-Take a dozer blade for +5 points.

-Take extra armour for +15 points.


Transport Capacity: -10 models

-may not carry marines in terminator armour

Razorback 45 points

Unit Type BS F S R


Tank 4 11 11 10

Wargear: -Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter

-Smoke Launchers


Options: -Take pintle-mounted storm bolter for +5 points.

-Take hunter-killer missile for +15 points.

-Take a dozer blade for +5 points.

-Take extra armour for +15 points.

-Replace twin-linked heavy bolter with twin-linked

lascannon for +30 points.

Transport Capacity: -6 models

-may not carry marines in terminator armour

Drop Pod 50 points

Unit Type BS F S R

Drop Pod

Open-Topped 2 12 12 12

Special Rules: -Inertial Guidance System


Wargear: -Storm Bolter

Transport Capacity: -10 models

-marines in terminator armour count as two models

-dreadnoughts count as ten models


Inquisitorial Henchmen

An Inquisitor or Inquisitor Lord may take Inquisitorial Henchmen as a retinue,

forming a squad with them. They only take the character’s slot on the force organization

chart, not an additional one. An Inquisitor may take up to six Henchmen, while an

Inquisitor Lord must take a minimum of three with a maximum of twelve. No more than

three of any one type of Henchman may be included in a retinue. Any profile increases

due to a Henchman remain in effect, even if the Henchman is removed from play.

Familiar 5 points

Unit WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv


3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 6+

Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: Chainsword

Special Rules: If an Inquisitor has one or more Familiars in his retinue, he

benefits from +1 Initiative. For each Familiar the Inquisitor

has, he may purchase one more psychic power than

normally allowed. However, he may still only use one

power per turn. If the Inquisitor is removed from play, any


Familiars he has are also removed from play. If the familiar

is removed, the Inquisitor’s psychic powers are unaffected.

Hierophant 15 points

Unit WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv


3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 6+

Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: Laspistol, Chainsword

Special Rules: If an Inquisitor has one or more Hierophants in his retinue,

he gains +1 Leadership, to a maximum of 10. Enemy units

wishing to assault a unit including a Hierophant must roll

dice for their Assault range as if they were moving in

difficult terrain. If the Inquisitor has two or more

Hierophants in his retinue, enemy units within 6” of his

unit are at -1 Leadership in addition to any other modifiers.

Acolyte 8 points

Unit WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv


3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 6+

Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: Laspistol, Chainsword

Special Rules: If an Inquisitor with an Acolyte Henchman suffers a

wound, he may allocate the wound to the Acolyte. This

must be done before any saving throws are attempted.

Each Acolyte in an Inquititor’s retinue can purchase up to

15 points of equipment from the Inquisitor’s Wargear


Warrior 10 points

Unit WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Veteran Guardsman

3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 4+


Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: Hellgun, Hellpistol, Targeter, Frag Grenades, Krak


Options: Replace hellgun with hellpistol and close combat weapon

for free, shotgun for free, flamer at +5 points, plasma gun

at +10 points, meltagun at +10 points, grenade launcher at

+10 points or sniper rifle at +10 points.

Special Rules: The Inquisitor gains +1 Weapon Skill if he has any

warriors in his retinue.

Warrior 20 points

Unit WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv


4 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 4+

Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: Power Sword, Suppression Shield, Frag Grenades, Krak


Special Rules: The Inquisitor gains +1 Weapon Skill if he has any

warriors in his retinue.

Warrior 25 points

Unit WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Combat Servitor

4 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 4+

Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: Power Fist, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades


Special Rules: The Inquisitor gains +1 Weapon Skill if he has any

warriors in his retinue.

Warrior 25 points

Unit WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Gun Servitor

3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 4+

Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: Heavy Bolter, Targeter

Options: Replace heavy bolter with multi-melta for +10 points or

plasma cannon for +20 points.

Special Rules: The Inquisitor gains +1 Weapon Skill if he has any

warriors in his retinue.

Sage 10 points

Unit WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv


3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 6+

Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: Laspistol

Special Rules: If accompanied by a Sage, the Inquisitor benefits from +1

Ballistic Skill. If he has more than one Sage in his retinue,

the Inquisitor or a member of his retinue may re-roll a

failed roll to hit during the Shooting phase, although he

must accept the second result.

Mystic 6 points

Unit WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv


3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 6+

Unit Type: Infantry


Wargear: Laspistol

Special Rules: If a Deep Striking unit enters play within 4D6” of an

Inquisitor with a Mystic Henchman (roll when each unit

enters play), both he and the rest of the retinue may

immediately take a ‘free’ shot at them. These shots are

taken before the enemy unit moves, as an exception to the

normal turn sequence, and the unit counts as stationary.

Aside from this, the normal shooting rules apply. If the

inquisitor has two or more Mystics in his retinue, he may

instead nominate one unit with a model within 12” of him

to immediately take these ‘free’ shots at the enemy unit that

has entered play.

Penitent 8 points

Unit WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv


3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 6+

Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: Chainsword

Special Rules: If an Inquisitor with a Penitent in his retinue comes under

attack from a psychic power of any description, its energy

may be dissipated through the Penitent. The Inquisitor and

his retinue benefit from a 4+ save against the effects of any

and every psychic power directed against them or including

them in its area of effect. If the save is passed, the power

has no effect. If an Inquisitor’s retinue contains more than

one Penitent, then this save rises to 2+. Note that if the

Inquisitor is equipped with a psychic hood then he may use

either his Penitent or the psychic hood to attempt to nullify

the enemy power, but not both. Ranged attacks from

Daemons are counted as psychic powers by the Penitent.


Chirurgeon 12 points

Unit WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Combat Servitor

3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 6+

Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: Laspistol

Special Rules: If accompanied by a Chirurgeon, an Inqiusitor may ignore

the first wound he takes each turn so long as it was not caused by a shooting attack that

causes Instant Death or a close combat attack that allows no Armour save. If an Inquisitor

has more than one Chirurgeon in his retinue then he may ignore the first wound he takes

each turn, regardless of whether it causes Instant Death or was from a close combat

weapon that allows no Armour save.

Special Rules

No Formation

The members of this unit operate independently during the game and may not join units

or ride in vehicles unless stated otherwise in their special rules. This means they do not

require unit coherency and are unaffected by unit losses in any way, such as morale tests.

They cannot capture objectives.