
Citation preview

Kiefer, AnselmAnselm Kiefer at the Louvre 30

Raysse, Martial Ex-Voto 30 Great Departure, The 30Homero Presto 30Intra Muros 30 Jésus-Cola 30Martial Extra Mild Camembert 30Lotel des Folles Fatma 30 My Little Heart 30Little Dance 30Pig Music 30 Portrait Electro Machin Chose 30Re-Fatma 30 Beneath a Tree Perched 30

SOCIAL ISSUES Cate, The 33Diary of a Mother 33 Family Doctor: Putting into Woes 33Mothers of Europe 33 Muslims in France 33Nanny Wanted Desperately 33 Nanook of the North 34Read? Write? Why not me! 33The Silent Enemy 34They Just Turned 80 34Thorn in the Heart, The 34Weapon of Choice 34When Women Get Involved 34

Kiarostami, AbbasABC Africa 33

Pietro, Marcello Bocca del Lupo, La 33Crossing the Line 33

Dolto, Françoise Once Upon a Time, Françoise Dolto 34Speech,The Dolto Legacy 34

HISTORY / CURRENT AFFAIRSAfrica True Face 37Half a Life 37Itchkeri Kenti 37Land of Wandering Souls, The 38 Leadersheep 40Paris under water 40Pacific Mediators, The 40Raising Cain 40S-21: The Khmer Rouge Killing Machine 38The Fall of the Romanov Dynasty 37The Man with a Camera (aka Living Russia) 40

Jia, Zhang-KeI Wish I Knew 37

Nelson MandelaReconciliation – Mandela’s Miracle 40

World War II14 Accounts of Auschwitz 40Shoah by Bullets 40

LITERATUREWriter’s StoriesDe Luca, Erri 43Kourouma, Ahmadou 43Lobo Antunes, Antonio 43O’Brien, Edna 43Quignard, Pascal 43

NATUREChildren of the Whale, The 43Horses and Men 43To The Sea (Alamar) 43Nanook of the North 43The Silent Enemy 43

CULINARY Bon Appétit 44Gaston Lenôtre, Gentleman Pâtissier 44



Bresson, Robert The Models of Pickpocket 7

Chabrol, ClaudeClaude Chabrol, The Artisan 7

Charles ChaplinCharles Chaplin: The Legendof a Century 7Chaplin ABC 7Chaplin Today series 7

Clouzot, Henri-GeorgesHenri-Georges Clouzot’s Inferno 8

Fellini, Federico Fellini, I Am a Born Liar 10

Güney, Yilmaz Behind the Wall 10

Kiarostami, Abbas10 on Ten 15ABC Africa 15A Week with Kiarostami 15Abbas Kiarostami: The Art of Living 15Kiarostami by Kiarostami 15Ten Days with Abbas Kiarostami 15

Kieslowski, KrzysztofKieslowski, A Polish Director 17Kieslowski - The Cinema Lesson 17

Lynch, David Lynch (one) 10

Rampling, CharlotteThe Look 18

Woo, John A Bullet in the Plate 10

Film HistoryExtraordinary Voyage, The 13Hollywood Confidential 13Learning to Talk 13Movies Dream in Colour 13Requiem For Billy The Kid 13

DANCE / MUSIC / LIVE PERFORMANCEBartabas Around Mazeppa 21Battuta 21Centaur and the Animal, The 21Chimere 21Eclipse 21Equestrian Cabaret, The 21Loungta, The Wind Horses 21Mares of the Night, The 21

Mares of the Night,The Tale of the Creation 21On the Path of the Centaur 21Triptyc 21

Bartabas & the Equestrian Show Academy of VersaillesZingaro Revisited 21Amazons of Versailles, The 21Carolyn Carlson & Bartabas, We Were Horses 21Equestrian Liturgy 22Equestrian Path, The 22Equestrian Recital 22Rebirth of the Equestrian Show Academy of Versailles, The 22 Time is on your Side 22

Béjart, MauriceBéjart into the Light 22Best of Béjart 22

Forsythe, WilliamOne Flat Thing Reproduced 22

Kuti, FemiFemi Kuti: Live at the Shrine 22

Louboutin, ChristianFEU (Fire) IN 3D! 22

McGregor, WayneA Moment in Time 22A Thought in Movement - Going Somewhere 22

Preljocaj, Angelin & Karlheinz StockhausenEldorado Creation 25Eldorado 25 Stockhausen/Preljocaj (Conversation) 25 Snow White 25

Saura, CarlosArgentina 25Carlos Saura and the Dance 25

Rock / Reggae / Break DanceNoise 25Rocksteady - The Roots of Reggae 25Turn it Loose 27

ARTCartier-Bresson, HenriVictory of Life 29Spain Will Live 29The Return 29California Impressions 29Southern Exposures 29Contacts: HCB 29A Day in the Studio of HCB 29The Modern Adventure 29The World of Henri Cartier-Bresson 29Lest We Forget: Letter to Mamadou Bâ 29HCB, The Impassioned Eye 29

Gilbert & George With Gilbert and George 29




ROBERT BRESSONTHE MODELS OF PICKPOCKETDirector: Babette Mangolte France / 2003 / Colour / 52’ & 90’ / Portrait

The Models of Pickpocket takes a look at the leadactors in Pickpocket whose lives were to irrevocablychange following the making of Robert Bresson’sfilm Pickpocket (1959).

CLAUDE CHABROLCLAUDE CHABROL, THE ARTISANDirector: Patrick Le GallFrance / 2002 / Colour / 52’ / Portrait

Director Claude Chabrol’s films shine with a unique,easily identifiable flavour. This documentary seeksto define the director’s personality through hiswork.

Charles CHAPLINCHARLIE CHAPLIN: THE LEGEND OF A CENTURYDirector: Frédéric MartinFrance / 2014 / Colour / 52’ & 90’ / Portrait

On February 7th 1914, Charles Chaplin wore for thefirst time the costume, the hat and the cane thatmade him one of the most famous movie characterin the history of cinema: the Tramp. One hundredyears later, this documentary goes through rare archive material including letters and personnalbelonging of Charles Chaplin to reveal how this legendary director and actor embodied the American dream and became America's own private nightmare at the same time.

CHAPLIN ABCFrance / 2009 / 26’ / Colour

A montage of Charles Chaplin‘s greatest moments.Classic and hilarious clips take us through the alphabet.

CHAPLIN TODAY series France / 2002 / Colour / 10 x 26’

Limelight by Bernardo BertolucciDirector: Edgardo Cozarinsky

“When I see the end of Limelight again, I feel closeto doing something which, alas, doesn’t happento me often: crying.” Bernardo Bertolucci

Monsieur Verdoux by Claude ChabrolDirector: Bernard Eisenschitz

“What’s amazing in Verdoux is the fact that thewomen he kills are ugly and unbearable.”Claude Chabrol

The Great Dictator by Costa-GavrasDirector: Serge Toubiana

“With The Great Dictator, Chaplin, a moviemakerand in a way, a clown, takes a look at history andthe future whereas the world’s great spiritual andpolitical leaders don’t see a thing.” Costa-Gavras

Modern Times by Luc and Jean-Pierre DardenneDirector: Philippe Truffault

“When Charlie is caught in the cogwheels of themachine, it’s like film winding through the gears ofa camera.” Luc and Jean-Pierre Dardenne

A King in New York by Jim JarmuschDirector: Jérôme de Missolz

“It really is an angry film, embued with a certaindarkness and venom in its message. And that mes-sage is a very powerful one.” Jim Jarmusch

The Kid by Abbas KiarostamiDirector: Alain Bergala

“Chaplin has an extraordinary way of telling stories. The problem today is that people have forgotten how to tell a story.” Abbas Kiarostami

The Circus by Emir KusturicaDirector: François Ede

“He was, I would say, inventing life, another life.That’s why his cinema was so big and they used tosay 'bigger than life'." Emir Kusturica

City Lights by Peter LordDirector: Serge Bromberg

“The fact that we know Chaplin from childhood,maybe that does mean, as viewers, that we’requite literally taken back to that first viewing expe-rience.” Peter Lord

The Gold Rush by Idrissa OuedraogoDirector: Serge Le Peron

“In Chaplin’s films, you don’t see skin colour, youdon’t see a white man. You just see emotions.”Idrissa Ouedraogo

A Woman in Paris by Liv UllmannDirector: Mathias Ledoux

“It doesn’t show a good man or a bad man, agood woman or a bad woman. It shows a humanbeing.” Liv Ullmann





Henri-Georges CLOUZOTHENRI-GEORGES CLOUZOT'S INFERNODirectors: Serge Bromberg and Ruxandra MedreaFrance / 2009 / Colour / 94 / DocumentaryCANNES 2009: OFFICIAL SELECTION - CLASSICSTORONTO 2009: OFFICIAL SELECTIONNYFF 2009: OFFICIAL SELECTIONCESAR AWARDS 2010: BEST DOCUMENTARYIn 1964, Henri-Georges Clouzot's production ofL'Enfer came to a halt. The footage, forgottenfor over half a century, were recently found andare more breathtaking than legend had pre-dicted, telling us of what would have been aunique film, an ill-fated film production, and ofHenri-Georges Clouzot himself.




Federico FELLINIFELLINI, I AM A BORN LIARDirector: Damian PettigrewFrance - Italy - UK / 2002 / Colour / 101’ / PortraitFeaturing: Federico Fellini, Roberto Benigni, Donald SutherlandBANFF 2002: BEST ART DOCUMENTARYBased on a series of interviews with Fellini, this entertaining portrait explores the mythical director’sworld.

Yılmaz GÜNEY BEHIND THE WALLDirector: Patrick BlossierFrance / 1983 / Colour / 76’ / Making ofAn eye-witness account of the production of The Wall (1982), during which Yılmaz Güney and hiscrew shut themselves off from the outside world, inan attempt to recreate a penal atmosphere.

Abbas KIAROSTAMISee pages 14-15

Krzysztof KIESLOWSKISee pages 16-17

David LYNCH LYNCH (ONE)Director: BlackandwhiteCast: David LynchUSA / 2008 / Colour / 85’ / PortraitA rare glimpse into the fascinating mind of one ofcinema's greatest directors. Footage was gatheredover a two year period and documents DavidLynch's many creative interests as well as his passionfor filmmaking. We ride along with David as hemakes his latest film, INLAND EMPIRE, witnessing hisstruggles and triumphs. His courage to delve intothe unknown becomes an inspiration to us all.

Charlotte RAMPLINGSee pages 18-19

John WOOA BULLET IN THE PLATEDirector: Caroline Vié-ToussaintFrance / 2002 / Colour / 52’ / Portrait

A journey into John Woo’s world, from his formerlocal Los Angeles Chinese supermarket, to his styleand directing that would influence so many otherfilmmakers.

1110 LYNCH (ONE)

FILM HISTORYTHE EXTRAORDINARY VOYAGEDirectors: Serge Bromberg, Éric LangeFrance / 2011 / Colour / 52’ / DocumentaryEveryone knows the image of the rocket in the eyeof the moon. But where does it come from? Filmedin 1902, 6 years after the invention of cinema, byGeorges Méliès, A Trip To The Moon was the firstblockbuster in the history of cinema, but it has beenforgotten ever since.In 1993, the discovery of a print of the film in colouris the start of the most sophisticated and expensiverestoration in the history of cinema: 12 years ofwork, the latest technologies involved, a multi-national plan for an impossible resurrection.

HOLLYWOOD CONFIDENTIALDirectors: Robert and Clara KuperbergFrance / 2002 / Colour / 52’ / DocumentaryHollywood Confidential explores the mafia's roadto taking control over Hollywood in the 1930s, explaining how the studios found themselves takenhostage by gangsters.

LEARNING TO TALKDirector: Éric Lange France / 2003 / Colour / 52’ / DocumentaryContrary to normal belief, films did not suddenly become 'talkies' in 1927 with the release of The JazzSinger. This fascinating adventure is truly a technicaland artistic saga whose sources trace back evenbeyond the birth of cinema. From much-lauded films accompanied by singersor pianists, to machines that make noise with a syn-chronized phonograph, from Edison to CamilleSaint-Saëns, passing by Mussolini (!), we discover amultitude of practices worthy of the Lépine competition, as well as figures one might not expect, but who have yet all contributed, in theirown way, to this great adventure.

MOVIES DREAM IN COLORDirector: Éric Lange France / 2003 / Colour / 52’ / DocumentarySince the birth of cinema, certain voices have risenup to point out that this new, highly acclaimedmedia only really offers a sad representation of reality. Everything there is grey. It is the shadow oflife, and not life itself, that the cinematographerpresents by missing a certain element capable of giving him complete reality: colour.Movies Dream In Color retraces the true history ofthe birth of colour cinema. This quest, in which researchers and producers are driven to reproducethis elusive color, is an incredible adventure inwhich art and science combine. Whether crazy orincredibly complicated, numerous procedures, oneafter another, attempted to resolve, often in vain,this problem. From the first films colored in by handup to blockbusters filmed in Technicolor.

REQUIEM FOR BILLY THE KIDDirector: Anne FeinsilberProduced by Jean-Jacques BeneixFrance / 2006 / Colour / 86’ / PortraitFeaturing: Kris KristoffersonCANNES 2006: OFFICIAL SELECTION - OUT OF COMPETITIONIn 2004, a sheriff exhumes Billy the Kid’s body andinvestigates his death. Somewhere between traditional documentary and fiction, Requiem ForBilly The Kid takes us a road trip into the AmericanWest.




Abbas KIAROSTAMI10 ON TENDirector: Abbas KiarostamiIran / 2004 / Colour / 87’ / Making of

Tracing the steps of Ten, director Kiarostami im-merses us in his creative process and deliversan incisive reflection on cinema.

ABC AFRICADirector: Abbas KiarostamiIran - France / 2001 / Colour / 84’ / Documentary - DramaCANNES 2001: OFFICIAL SELECTIONUganda, March 2000. Invited by United Nation'sInternational Fund for Agricultural Development,Abbas Kiarostami and his assistant Seilollah Samadian arrive in Kampala. For ten days, theirDV cameras capture and caress the faces ofthousands of children, all orphaned by parentshaving died of AIDS. It records tears and laughter,music and silence, life and death. It is a witnessto Africa's sunny resilience in the face of sufferingand disease.“Kiarostami comes close here to his idea of a"poetic cinema" indebted more to poetry andmusic.” Variety

A WEEK WITH KIAROSTAMIDirector: Yuji MoharaJapan / 1999 / Colour / 52’ & 90’ / Making of

Filmed during the production of The Wind WillCarry Us, this documentary gives evidence toAbbas Kiarostami’s subtle approach to film-making.

ABBAS KIAROSTAMI: THE ART OF LIVINGDirectors: Pat Collins and Fergus DalyIreland / 2003 / Colour / 55’ / Portrait

An engaging overview of its subject’s career,lovingly made by Irish documentary filmmakerPat Collins in collaboration with film critic Fergus Daly.

KIAROSTAMI BY KIAROSTAMIDirector: Mojdeh FamiliFrance / 2002 / Colour / 52’ / Making of

Abbas Kiarostami comments on a few scenesfrom The Wind Will Carry Us (Special Jury Prize,Venice 1999).

10 DAYS WITH ABBAS KIAROSTAMIDirector: Brigitte DelpechFrance / 2003 / Colour / 52’ / Portrait

In September of 2003, Abbas Kiarostami lead aworkshop on filmmaking and directing during10 days in Turin, organized by the National FilmMuseum. This documentary follows this workshopand its participants.


KRZYSZTOF KIESLOWSKIKIESLOWSKI, A POLISH DIRECTORDirector: Luc LagierFrance / 2005 / Colour / 26’ / Portrait

A documentary tracking the early works ofKrzysztof Kieslowski, from The Scar to The DoubleLife of Véronique.

KIESLOWSKI - THE CINEMA LESSONDirector: Dominique RabourdinFrance / 1994 / Colour / 26’ / Making of

As he watches a few scenes, Krzysztof Kieslowskiexplains, frame by frame, how Three Colors:Blue, White and Red were created, shot andedited.



CHARLOTTE RAMPLINGTHE LOOKDirector: Angelina MaccaroneFrance - Germany / 2011 / Colour / 94’ / PortraitCANNES 2011: CANNES CLASSICSMore than any other woman, Charlotte Ramplingepitomizes sexual liberation, from the swingingsixties when she was a young woman in fashion-able Chelsea, to the attractive mature womanthat she is today.




BARTABASAROUND MAZEPPADirector: Emmanuel DescombesFrance / 1993 / Colour / 52’ / Making of

A behind the scenes look at Bartabas’ first featurefilm, this making-of highlights his passionate relationship with horses, which gave birth to thisflamboyant film.

BATTUTADirector: BartabasFrance / 2006 / Colour / 67’ / Music - Live performance

The show draws its inspiration from the Gypsies, fromthe relationship between life and spirituality,connected to the feeling of freedom that promptsand guides us. The cast of horses are carried awayby two groups of Romanian musicians.

THE EQUESTRIAN CABARETDirector: Jacques Malaterre France / 1990 / Colour / 70’ / Live performance

An editing of live performances shot between 1984and 1990.

THE CENTAUR AND THE ANIMALDirector: Bartabas and Constance VargioniFrance / 2013 / Colour / 64’ / Live Performance

A centaur appears in the dreams of every rider. Inthe secret dread of every man looms an animal.Bartabas’ new adventure follows this abrupt andunexplored tightrope walk. Alongside Ko Murobushi,a prodigious expert in the resolutely kamikaze formof Japanese butoh, he does away with the codesof equestrian performance and enters into a ceremonial that both confronts you and urges youto live in the moment.

CHIMÈREDirector: Laurent PortesFrance / 2003 / Colour / 27’ / Live performance

How Bartabas’ third show Chimère began in theheart of India.

ÉCLIPSEDirector: BartabasFrance / 1998 / Colour / 59’ / Live performance

Two dancers breathe their grace into the show,while the riders and their horses move in harmony.A world of contrasts accompanied by Koreanrhythms.

LOUNGTA, THE WIND HORSESDirectors: Bartabas and Sylvain BergèreFrance / 2003 / Colour / 59’ / Live performance

Inspired by the Tantric Gyuto Monestary, Bartabasdelivers on amazing show.

THE MARES OF THE NIGHTDirector : Michel ViotteFrance / 2008 / Colour / 75’ / Live performance

80 horses, 100 riders, dancers and acrobats, waterand fire works on the floating stage of the Bassin deNeptune in Versailles Castle!

THE MARES OF THE NIGHT – THE TALE OF A CREATIONDirector : Michel ViotteFrance / 2008 / Colour / 53’ / Making of

A making of the show The Mares of the Night.

ON THE PATH OF THE CENTAURDirector: Jean-Luc GunstFrance / 2013 / Colour / 51' / Making of

A making of the show The Centaur and the Animal.

TRIPTYKDirector: BartabasFrance / 2000 / Color / 79’ / Live performance

For the first time, Bartabas builds up his horse and riders dance on written music: "The Rite of Spring”and "The Symphony of Psalms” by Stravinsky and"Dialogue de l'ombre double" by Pierre Boulez.

ZINGARO REVISITEDDirector: BartabasFrance / 2010 / Colour / 87’ / Live performanceMONTREAL WORLD FILM FESTIVAL 2010: OFFICIAL SELECTIONA full-length feature celebrating the 25th anniversaryof Zingaro Theatre created by the equestrian artistBartabas. Through the years Bartabas has createda new form of theatre; a subtle blend of equestrianchoreography and world music. His riders exploreworld civilisations,skilfully marrying glitzy entertain-ment with poetry."Zingaro Revisited will fill you with joy." Le Monde

BARTABAS & THE EQUESTRIAN SHOW ACADEMY OF VERSAILLESTHE AMAZONS OF VERSAILLESDirector: Jackie BastideFrance / 2013 / Colour / 65’ / Live performance

Inside the intimacy of this unique ballet corps, dis-cover the close link that bounds the female ridersto their horses.

CAROLYN CARLSON & BARTABAS, WE WERE HORSESDirector: Laurent Portes France / 2011 / Colour / 52’ / Live performance

The encounter between two creators giving birthto an extraordinary show gathering 16 dancersand 12 riders, combining the power of dance andthe magic of horse riding.














EQUESTRIAN LITURGYDirector: Laurent PortesFrance / 2009 / Colour / 52' / Live performance

Extraordinary scenery in the historical Abbeychurch in Saint-Ouen, Rouen - Normandy with performances choreographed by Bartabas andinspired by the musical masterpieces of Bach, Prokofiev and Messiaen.

THE EQUESTRIAN PATHDirector: BartabasFrance / 2012 / Colour / 65’ / Live performanceThe latest opus choreographed by Bartabas andperformed by the talented riders in the prestigiousGrand Stables of Château de Versailles.

EQUESTRIAN RECITALDirector: Franck GuérinFrance / 2006 / Colour / 52’ / Music - Live performanceInspired by the music of Bach, an elegant showperfomed in 2006 in Lyon, featuring the world-famous piano soloist Alexandre Tharaud.

THE REBIRTH OF THE EQUESTRIAN SHOW ACADEMY OF VERSAILLESDirector: Joël FargesFrance / 2003 / Colour / 52’ / PortraitAn encounter with Bartabas, founder of the Academy in 2003 and the story of the metamor-phosis of these stables steeped in history.

TIME IS ON YOUR SIDEDirector: François CaudalFrance / 2012 / Colour / 21’ / Live performanceUnder the impressive glass roof of the Grand Palaisin Paris, a unique production of Bartabas inspiredby Ravel’s famous Bolero.

MAURICE BÉJARTBÉJART INTO THE LIGHTDirector: Marcel SchupbachSwitzerland / 2002 / Colour / 52’ & 95’ / Portrait VENICE 2002: OFFICIAL SELECTIONA moving, frank portrait of Maurice Béjart duringthe labyrinthine creation of a new show, a balletnamed “Light”.

BEST OF BÉJART Director: Gilles AmadoFrance / 2006 / Colour / 90’ / Music - Live performanceSumming up the major works throughout MauriceBéjart's luminous career, Best of Béjart is centred onthe theme of love, accompanied by music fromJacques Brel, Barbara, U2, Queen, Berlioz, Stravinskyand costumes designed by Versace.

WILLIAM FORSYTHEONE FLAT THING, REPRODUCEDDirector: Thierry De MeyFrance / 2006 / Colour / 26’ / Music - Live performance

One hour of bonus are available with this film.

FEMI KUTIFEMI KUTI - LIVE AT THE SHRINEDirector: Raphaël FrydmanFrance / 2005 / Colour / 90’ / Music - Live performance

For the first time, a live performance was recordedat the Shrine in Lagos, Nigeria. This unique docu-mentary also shows Femi Kuti’s struggle in Nigeria.

CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTINFEU (Fire) IN 3D!Director: Bruno Hullin France / 2012 / Colour / 80’ / Dance - Live performance Music: David Lynch, Swizz Beatz, Natacha AtlasAfter having received a number of “Guest Creatures”on its mythical stage such as Dita Von Teese, it isChristian Louboutin’s turn to take over Le CrazyHorse. The famous creator of the red sole revisits theCrazy show.The 3D effects added during post production likesequins, water, flames and smoke reinforce the im-mersion. “We draw the eye as close to the body,the muscles, the emotions and the sensuality aspossible” says director Bruno Hullin, 3D expert.

WAYNE McGREGORA MOMENT IN TIMEDirector: Catherine MaximoffFrance / 2010 / Colour / 30’ / Music - Live performanceOne of McGregor’s latest performances.“If any artist has defined the decade - it’s Wayne McGregor.” The Times“He’s doing some of the most exciting work in balleton the planet.” The New York Times

A THOUGHT IN MOVEMENT / GOING SOMEWHEREDirector: Catherine MaximoffFrance / 2010 / Colour / 52’ & 80’ / DocumentaryWayne McGregor never looks behind. This Britishchoreographer multiplies experiences that aresources of infinite experimentation and improvement.Illustrated by fantastic and even extreme choreographic clips, this documentary makes usdiscover this passionate artist and contagiouscreativity. Since dancers from his company are alsohis research material, he feeds them: during aworkshop led by a doctor in neurology or during hisresidence in a small British town’s high school, dancers turn out to be researchers themselves.














ANGELIN PRELJOCAJ & KARLHEINZ STOCKHAUSENELDORADO CREATION (SONNTAGS ABSCHIED)Director: Olivier Assayas France / 2008 / Colour / 90' / Portrait Music: Karlheinz Stockhausen

Fascinated by the world of the famous choreogra-pher Angelin Preljocaj, director Olivier Assayas attempts to reveal the secrets behind the creationby capturing the moments of joy and anguish inthis ambitious new piece.

ELDORADO (SONNTAGS ABSCHIED)Director: Olivier Assayas France / 2008 / Colour / 42' / Music - Live performanceMusic: Karlheinz Stockhausen

Live footage of the complete choreography byAngelin Preljocaj, based on Karlheinz Stockhausen'spiece “Sonntags Abschied”.

STOCKHAUSEN/PRELJOCAJ (CONVERSATIONS)France / 2008 / Colour / 52' / Portrait Director: Olivier Assayas

Olivier Assayas enables us to discover the world ofcreation and the art of the renowned Germancomposer who influenced a generation of musiciansfrom the Beatles to Björk.

SNOW WHITEDirector: Angelin PreljocajFrance / 2010 / Colour / 90' / Music - Live performance

Snow White is the latest creation from the acclaimedPreljocaj ballet, a great contemporary romanticballet, based on the Grimm brothers’ classic fairytale.Angelin Preljocaj's trademark modern choreographyis accompanied by fashion giant Jean Paul Gaultier'sdesign and music by Gustav Mahler. Over 140.000tickets sold worldwide!

CARLOS SAURAARGENTINADirector: Carlos SauraSpain - Argentina - France / 2015 / Colour / 90’ /Music

Argentina explores the heart of traditional Argentinemusic via amazingly choregraphed tableaux retracing a history rich in very original culture. Theunique approch of its mise en scene and the richnessof the documentary images from various regionsof the country gracefully mixed with awe-inspiringtraditionnal songs performed by the greatest singersmake it an new reference. Both poetic and fascinating, this documentary by Carlos Saura callson the entire history of a country set to the tune ofguitars and accordions.

CARLOS SAURA AND THE DANCEDirector: Saura MedranoSpain / 2003 / Colour / 52’ / Portrait

The dreams and doubts of Carlos Saura, one ofSpain’s most distinguished filmmakers, he directsthe new ballet by Aida Gomez.60 minutes bonus material available.

ROCKNOISE Director: Olivier AssayasFrance / 2005 / Colour / 115' / Live performanceFeaturing: Sonic Youth, Afel Bocoum, Marie Modiano, Metric, Jeanne Balibar and more!

Since 1983, the Art Rock Festival in St Brieuc, mixingstyles and subjects, has distinguished itself as oneof the major events on the French music scene. InJune 2005, the very prestigious "Carte Blanche" wasoffered to Olivier Assayas. During one night, twostages at the festival played host to collaboratorsand friends of the director, an eclectic programmingof concerts, lectures and experimental cinema. Thisexclusive documentary is a virtual laboratory ofimages blending in with sound.

REGGAEROCKSTEADY - THE ROOTS OF REGGAEDirector: Stascha BaderSwitzerland - Canada / 2009 / Colour / 94' / PortraitSLAMDANCE 2010: OFFICIAL SELECTIONThe greatest singers and musicians of Jamaica'sGolden Age of music, Rocksteady, come togetherafter 40 years to record an album of their greatesthits, to perform together again at a reunionconcert in Kingston, and to tell their story. Featuringsongs such as “You Don't Love Me Anymore, No NoNo”, “The Tide is High” and “Rivers of Babylon” performed at the legendary Tuff Gong Studios inJamaica by artists such as Hopeton Lewis, DawnPenn and Marcia Griffiths and with rare interviewswith among others Rita Marley, Wilburn StrangerCole, Ken Boothe and Derrick Morgan.







BREAK DANCETURN IT LOOSEDirector: Alastair SiddonsUnited Kingdom / 2009 / Colour / 97' / Live performanceEDINBURGH 2009: OFFICIAL SELECTIONGIJON 2009: ENFANTS TERRIBLES AUDIENCEAWARD 2009In September 2007, 16 of the world’s best b-boys battled one on one in a disused powerstation in the heart of Soweto, South Africa, todetermine who would be the next worldchampion.




HENRI CARTIER-BRESSONVICTORY OF LIFEDirectors: Henri Cartier-Bresson with Herbert KlineFrance / 1937 / B&W / 47’ / Documentary

A documentary on Spanish hospitals.

SPAIN WILL LIVEDirector: Henri Cartier-BressonFrance / 1938 / B&W / 44’ / DocumentaryComments: Georges Sadoul

Documentary on the Spanish Civil War and its post-war years.

THE RETURNDirector: Henri Cartier-BressonFrance / 1944-45 / B&W / 33’ / Documentary

A film about the war prisoners in Germany and theirdifficulties to return to liberty and life. This is withouta doubt the film in which Cartier-Bresson immersedhimself the most.

CALIFORNIA IMPRESSIONSDirector: Henri Cartier-BressonFrance / 1969-70 / Colour / 25’ / Documentary

A documentary that is particular in its ironic toneand the movements of the camera.

SOUTHERN EXPOSURESDirector: Henri Cartier-BressonFrance / 1969-70 / Colour / 25’ / Documentary

These two documentaries are travel books, basedon the visual splendour and strength of the images.With these films, Cartier-Bresson tried to captureUSA in the late 1960s, during the Vietnam War.

CONTACTS: HCBDirector: Robert DelpireFrance / 1994 / Colour/ 12’ / Documentary

Henri Cartier-Bresson (HCB)’s contact sheets. Farbeyond the photographic surface, his contactsheets reveal the depth of his particular look on theworld.

A DAY IN THE STUDIO OF HCBDirector: Caroline Thiénot BarbeyFrance / 2005 / Colour / 16’ / Documentary

Henri Cartier-Bresson (HCB) is captured on filmwhile drawing and painting. An open reflection onthe creation of art.

THE MODERN ADVENTUREDirector: Roger KahaneFrance / 1962 / B&W / 29’ / Portrait

The artist at work. With his astute look and his Leicahidden in his hand, the photographer approachesand ambushes his prey.

THE WORLD OF HENRI CARTIER-BRESSONDirector: Robert DelpireFrance / 1967 / Colour / 22’ / Documentary

A composition focusing entirely on Henri Cartier-Bresson’s most famous pictures, accompanied byDiego Masson’s original music score.

LEST WE FORGET: LETTER TO MAMADOU BÂDirector: Martine FranckFrance / 1991 / B&W / 3’ / Documentary

Henri Cartier-Bresson writes a letter to the Presidentof Mauritania, to express his anger about the murderof Mamadou Bâ, a young shepherd, killed by national guards.

HCB, THE IMPASSIONED EYEDirector: Heinz BütlerFrance / 2003 / Colour / 52’ / PortraitFeaturing: Robert Delpire, Elliott Erwitt, Isabelle Huppert, Josef Koudelka, Arthur Millerand Ferdinando Scianna

One of the last films shot with the photographer.Henri Cartier-Bresson comments on several of hisphotographs.Available in French and in English.

GILBERT & GEORGEWITH GILBERT AND GEORGEDirector: Julian ColeUK / 2008 / Colour / 104' / Portrait

Julian Cole has known the artists Gilbert & Georgesince 1986, when he posed for the pair as a model.Some time after, he decided to make a film aboutthem. And so, eighteen years ago, he began filming the footage that now appears in this cine-matic portrait describing the duo’s career– from itsmodest beginnings to their current status as highearners and stars of the art world.







ANSELM KIEFERANSELM KIEFER IN THE LOUVREDirector: Jean-Luc PerreardFrance / 2008 / Colour / 26’ / Documentary

Contemporary artist Anselm Kiefer proposes a visitof the Louvre Museum from a very personal pointof view. A confrontation of modern art and its his-torical roots through the thoughts and experienceof one of today's most talented contemporary ar-tists.

MARTIAL RAYSSE Director: Martial RaysseFrance / 1966-2008 / Colour / Art videos

The internationally-renowned painter and sculptorand brilliant representative of new Realism andPop Art since the 60’s, Martial Raysse is also a film-maker.“To record a poetic inspiration in its truest form without concern for conventional formalism. Withregards to poets, I would say that it's a film thatwould be to film what insomnia is to sleep. Then finally, imagine the end of an absolutely captivatingfilm. Suddenly, the image leaps from the screenand meanders along the neighbouring wall; theimage starts to fade and the spectators rise to theirfeet so as not to miss anything...” Martial Raysse





DIARY OF A MOTHERDirectors: Yaël Cohen, Natacha Nisic, Annick Redolfi, Emmanuelle SapinFrance / 2002 / Colour / 15 x 13' / Documentary

Mothers talk about their perception of pregnancy.

MOTHERS OF EUROPEFrance / 2003 / Colour / 12 x 13’ / Documentary

The daily lives of European families in various European countries: Germany, Spain, Greece, Hun-gary, Eire, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal,UK, Sweden.

NANNY WANTED DESPERATELYFrance / 2004 / Colour / 12 x 13' / Documentary

A series about different kinds of child care today,from the most classic collective childcare centreto some more original ones.

THE CATEDirector: Muriel CoulinFrance / 2000 / Colour / 26’ & 56’ / Documentary

A documentary on children learning the meaningof spirituality while going into 6th grade.

FAMILY DOCTOR: PUTTING INTO WOESDirector: Paule ZajdermannFrance / 2001 / Colour / 52’ / Documentary

An exploration of the vast territory which is the relationship between the general practioner andhis/her patient.

MUSLIMS IN FRANCEDirectors: Emmanuelle Sapin and Sébastien JousseFrance / 2000 / Colour / 52’ / Documentary

A new understanding of French Muslims, who describe their everyday life with Islam and theirplace in the secular France.

READ? WRITE? WHY NOT ME!Director: Gisèle Gelbert France / 2006 / Colour / 280' / Documentary

Gisèle Gelbert is a physician, specialized in neurologyand aphasiology (linguistic problems resulting frombrain damage). She found out that some childrenhaving big trouble reading, writing and speaking,linguistic anomalies identical to aphasic adults. Hermethod allowed her to cure with success countlesschildren considered as “irrecoverable”.

ABBAS KIAROSTAMIABC AFRICADirector: Abbas KiarostamiIran/France / 2001 / Colour / 84’ / Documentary -DramaCANNES 2001: OFFICIAL SELECTIONUganda, March 2000. At the request of the UN's International Fund for Agricultural Development,Abbas Kiarostami and his assistant Seilollah Samadianarrive in Kampala. For ten days, their DV camerascapture and caress the faces of thousands of chil-dren, all orphans whose parents have died of AIDS.It records tears and laughter, music and silence, lifeand death. It is a witness to Africa's sunny resilienceto so much suffering and disease.“Kiarostami comes close here to his idea of a "poeticcinema" indebted more to poetry and music.” Variety

PIETRO MARCELLOCROSSING THE LINEDirector: Pietro MarcelloItaly / 2007 / Colour / 60' / Documentary - DramaVENICE 2007: OFFICIAL SELECTIONCrossing The Line is a journey across Italy set to therhythm of long-distance express trains, long aban-doned to a destiny of slow decay, as they cross theItalian peninsula from South to North and backagain, in a trip spanning night and day. It is a succession of landscapes, buildings, faces, dialects,voices and lives which blend together onboard thetrains.

LA BOCCA DEL LUPODirector: Pietro MarcelloItaly / 2009 / Colour / 76' / Documentary - DramaTORINO 2009: BEST FILM - FIPRESCI AWARDBERLIN 2010: CALIGARI AWARD, TEDDY AWARDBAFICI 2009: SPECIAL JURY AWARDFIPRESCI 2009: BEST FILM AWARDA man returns home after a long absence. He getsoff the train in a grey port city. The city is now in decline, straining to uphold its former glory. In a modest apartment in the Ghetto of the old quarter,waiting for him for years is a cold dinner and his lifecompanion. Mary and Enzo have been waitingand wanting each other since they first met behindbars, when they sent each other silent messages,recorded on hidden tapes.







THEY JUST TURNED 80Director: Samuel BollendorfFrance / 2002 / Colour / 52’ / Documentary

A geriatric ward in a hospital where the staff try torestore a taste for life to the people who prolongtheir existence beyond space and time.

THE SILENT ENEMYDirector: H.P. CarverUSA / 1930 / Silent with original music and talkingprologue / Tinted / 87’ / Documentary

For the Ojibways, an Indian tribe, the lack of deersto hunt means Hunger, the silent enemy. The tribedecides to leave their land, heading North despitethe danger, with the hope of finding the game theyneed.

WEAPON OF CHOICEDirector: Florence TranFrance / 2012 / Colour / 43’ / Documentary

Before and after the popular uprising that led tothe fall of Hosni Mubarak, a new generation ofEgyptian filmmakers started using their « weaponof choice » – their cameras – as a tool for revealingthe truth. More than ever a crucial weapon of resistance, filming breaks the law of silence andmakes sense out of the confusion that now rulesEgypt.Weapon of Choice shows how filmmakers, throughfiction, documentary or citizen journalism, take action in the long and difficult process of transfor-mation that is Revolution.

WHEN WOMEN GET INVOLVEDDirector: Paule ZajdermannFrance / 2003 / Colour / 52' / Portraits

A documentary about the history of women's rightsthroughout the 20th century seen through personaltestimonies from mothers and daughters.

FRANCOISE DOLTOONCE UPON A TIME, FRANÇOISE DOLTODirector: Gérard Chouchan France / 1987 / Colour / 104’ / Documentary

In 1986, producer Marin Karmitz is eager to recordconversations with the great thinkers of the 20th

century. Famous French paediatrician and psy-choanalyst Françoise Dolto (1908-1988) agrees togive several interviews. With her particular vision ofthe child, her humor and her inimitable gift to turnpsychoanalytic theories simple, Françoise Doltocontributed to change the way society looks atchildren.

SPEECH, THE DOLTO LEGACYDirector: Vincent BlanchetFrance / 2004 / Colour / 90’ / Documentary

Two years spent in the core of one of the most innovating educational projects of the last 30 years:the Neuville School imagined by Fabienne d’Ortoli,Michel Amram and famous French paediatricianFrançoise Dolto. A school where each child is anessential element of the project.A unique documentary that shakes the Frencheduction system.

ROBERT FLAHERTYNANOOK OF THE NORTHDirector: Robert FlahertyUSA / 1922 / Silent with music / B&W / 87’ / Documentary

A story of life and love in the actual Arctic that documents one year in the life of Nanook, an Eskimo, and his family. Nanook Of The Northdescribes the life of a group barely touched by industrial technology. This film is considered the firstfeature-length documentary.“Flaherty turned out to be a great ethnologist.”Jean-Luc Godard“Nanook remains a masterpiece.” André Bazin“Flaherty inspired many filmmakers.”The New Yorker

MICHEL GONDRYTHE THORN IN THE HEARTDirector: Michel GondryFrance / 2009 / Colour / 83’ / PortraitCANNES 2009: OFFICIAL SELECTION - OUT OF COMPETITIONMichel Gondry's aunt Suzette was a school teacherfrom 1952 to 1986. She tells Michel what it was liketo be a teacher at that time in a rural and isolatedpart of France. Little by little, Michel discovers familystories he was totally unaware of. Using his camera,he explores them in a subtle but very emotionalway.






AFRICA TRUE FACEDirector: Jean ChouxFrance / 1930 / B&W / 65’ / Documentary

Baron Gourgaud presents Africa True Face, in theland of the “blood drinkers”. A documentary of the1930s across Africa, from Port Said to Cape ofGood Hope and Saint Helena. Discover animals ofthe jungle, elephant and lion hunting, Masai andpygmy tribes and visit South African diamondmines and Napoleon last home in Saint Helena.

THE FALL OF THE ROMANOV DYNASTYDirector: Esfir ShubRussia / 1927 / B&W / 87’ / Documentary

Using archival news footage, Esfir Shub pieces together a chronology of Russia, from 1913 to 1917.She introduces leaders of the Duma, gentry andpeasants, soldiers and sailors, the bourgeoisie, andthe Czar. In May of 1913, Europe's crowned headscome to Petrograd to celebrate 300 years of Romanov rule even as most of them prepare forwar. As war erupts, so does Russia: strikes in Petrogradand marches in Moscow threaten the regime. TheDuma tries to survive, seeking accommodationwith the Soviets. March 4, 1917, Nicholas abdicates.March 27, there is a mass funeral in Petrograd forthose who died in the struggle to bring down theRomanovs. Then, Lenin returns from exile.

HALF A LIFE (MOURIR À 30 ANS)Director: Romain GoupilFrance / 1982 / B&W / 95’ / DramaCANNES 1982: GOLDEN CAMERA / YOUTH PRIZECÉSARS 1983: BEST 1ST FILM1965, during the Vietnam War. Romain and Michelare best friends. Well aware of the damage doneby wars, they create a students' committee andjoin the French communist revolutionary youth. InMay 1968, during the conflict, Romain and Micheljoin in, fighting on the barricades. As the years pass,they find themselves overcome by disillusionment.And then, on May 23rd 1978, Michel kills himself.

ITCHKERI KENTI (THE SONS OF CHECHNYA)Director: Florent MarcieFrance / 2006 / Colour / 145’ / Documentary

In 1996, during the first Chechnyan war, a youngFrench director travels Chechnya in the cold ofwinter to meet those “indomitable Chechens", apeople in resistance.

JIA ZHANG-KEI WISH I KNEW (SHANGHAI CHUAN QI)Director: Jia Zhang-KeChina / 2010 / Colour / 119’ / Documentary - DramaFeaturing: Zhao TaoCANNES 2010: UN CERTAIN REGARDLOCARNO 2010: RETROSPECTIVETORONTO 2010: MASTERSIDFA 2010: OFFICIAL SELECTIONShanghai, a fast-changing metropolis, a port citywhere people come and go. Shanghai has hostedall kinds of people – revolutionaries, capitalists, politicians, soldiers, artists, and gangsters. Shanghaihas also hosted revolutions, assassinations, love stories. After the Chinese Communists’ victory in1949, thousands of Shanghaiers left for Hong Kongand Taiwan. To leave meant being separated fromhome for thirty years; to stay meant sufferingthrough the Cultural Revolution and China’s otherpolitical disasters. Eighteen people from these threecities - Shanghai, Taipei and Hong Kong- recall theirlives in Shanghai. Their personal experiences, likeeighteen chapters of a novel, tell stories of Shanghailives from the 1930s to 2010. An eternally wanderingsoul returns to Shanghai and, walking along thebanks of the Huangpu River, awakens to all thechanges the city has undergone.






RITHY PANHS-21: THE KHMER ROUGE KILLING MACHINECambodia / 2002 / Colour / 59’ & 101’ / DocumentaryCANNES 2003: FRANÇOIS CHALAIS AWARDEUROPEAN FILM AWARD 2003: BEST DOCUMENTARYVALLADOLID 2003: TOP PRIZELEIPZIG 2003: GOLDEN DOVE - INTERNATIONAL CRITICS PRIZE HONG KONG 2004: HUMANITARIAN AWARDDOCLISBOA 2004: JURY GRAND PRIX SPECIAL ALBERT LONDRES DE L'AUDIOVISUEL AWARD 2004In the detention centre called S-21, located inthe heart of Phnom Penh, some 17 000 prisonerswere tortured, interrogated and then sent to beexecuted at the Killing Fields, between 1975and 1979.



LEADERSHEEPDirector: Christian RouaudFrance / 2011 / Colour / 118’ / DocumentaryCANNES 2011: OUT OF COMPETITIONCÉSAR AWARDS 2012: BEST DOCUMENTARYThe Larzac struggle is the story of one territory, oneliving space, one landscape’s defense. One justhas to walk around this plateau to understand how much its inhabitants settled therefor generations or not, couldn’t give it up withoutfighting. Scarcely has a social conflict been so dee-ply ingrained in a land, scarcely has a struggleplace attract so many people on a few square ki-lometers.

THE MAN WITH A CAMERA(aka LIVING RUSSIA)Director: Dziga VertovRussia / 1929 / Silent with music / B&W / 66’ / Documentary

A cameraman travels around Odessa with a camera slung over his shoulder, documentingurban life with dazzling inventiveness.

PARIS UNDER WATERDirector: Michel RoyerFrance / 2004 / Silent / B&W / 52’ / Documentary

A panorama of the great flooding of Paris, January29th 1910. How would it be if it happened today?With unique recently-discovered dramatic scenesof the 1910 drama.

THE PACIFIC MEDIATORSDirector: Charles BelmontFrance / 1997 / Colour / 115' / Documentary

April 1988: In a far remote French island of the Pacific (New Caledonia), there is an outburst of violence. The situation rapidly deteriorates. Civil waris looming. Seven persons from radically differentbackgrounds are to be the mediators in this crisis.

RAISING CAINDirector: Pierre HodgsonFrance / 2005 / Colour / 100' / Documentary

While investigating current labour struggles, a manponders the disturbing political and social gap bet-ween Europe and America.

NELSON MANDELARECONCILIATION – MANDELA’S MIRACLE Director: Michael Henry WilsonUSA / 2011 / Colour / 52’ & 88’ / DocumentaryFeaturing: Clint EastwoodHOLLYWOOD FILM FESTIVAL2010: BEST DOCUMENTARYLOS ANGELES CONSCIOUS FILM FESTIVAL 2011: GLOBAL IMPACT AWARDNelson Mandela was once considered a terroristby the apartheid government. Reconciliation detailsevents leading up to what South African’s coinedMandela’s miracle, a strategy that prevented abloodbath and shepherded in a peaceful transitionto a democracy. It is driven by the notion that eventhe most terrible tyranny can be overcome throughreconciliation, as both the oppressed and the oppressors need to be liberated from the vice-gripof blind prejudice and injustice. The film highlightstestimonials from Desmond Tutu, F.W. de Klerk,Ahmed Kathrada, Zindzi Mandela, Francois Pienaar,prison wardens, bodyguards, etc. along with potentarchival footage. Woven into the story are interviewswith Clint Eastwood on the set of Invictus, whostates with a simple elegance, “the world needsmore people like Mandela”.

WORLD WAR II14 ACCOUNTS OF AUSCHWITZDirector: Caroline RouletFrance / 2002 / Colour / 14 x 26’ / Documentary

The nightmare of being deported is described in 14testimonies from Jews arrested in France and sentto the infamous Auschwitz concentration camp.

SHOAH BY BULLETSDirector: Romain IcardFrance / 2008 / Colour / 85' / Documentary

Shoah by Bullets reveals a chapter of the « final solution » that is generally misunderstood or evenunknown: the stories of the hundreds of thousandsof Jews murdered by gun shot by Nazis during theinvasion of the Soviet Union.





WRITERS’ STORIESERRI DE LUCADirector: Robert BoberFrance / 2001 / Colour / 26’ / Portrait

A journey to Ischia and Rome, two key places understand the true writer’s universe.

AHMADOU KOUROUMADirector: Joël CalmettesFrance / 2001 / Colour / 26’ / Portrait

This trip to Abidjan reveals Kourouma’s world andshows us how Abidjan’s Malinké tradition comesacross in everyday life.

ANTONIO LOBO ANTUNESDirector: Evelyne RagotFrance / 2001 / Colour / 26’ / Portrait

The director establishes a link between Lisbon, thesetting of all his books, and the closed, ritualisticworld of this mysterious writer.

EDNA O’BRIANDirector: Jérôme de MissolzFrance / 2001 / Colour / 26’ / Portrait

An insight into Ireland’s primitive landscapes andviolent nature enables us to get right inside the writer’s world. A wonderful profile.

PASCAL QUIGNARDDirector: Jacques Malaterre France / 2001 / Colour / 26’ / Portrait

As the director observes the writing ritual and collects the writer’s words without comments, wediscover the wellknown but reclusive Pascal Quignard.



THE CHILDREN OF THE WHALEDirector: Frédéric Tonolli France / 2008 / Colour / 110' / Documentary

A powerful documentary about an ancestral nation: the Chukchee who live in eastern Siberia.In winter, the temperature can drop to minus 62°and the sun only shines a few hours a day. Their culture is organized around whale hunting, a traditionand a symbol of their unity.

HORSES AND MENDirector: Jacques MalaterreFrance / 1993 / Colour / 54’ / Documentary

A portrayal of the sensuality of horses' bodies andmovements.

NANOOK OF THE NORTHDirector: Robert FlahertyUSA / 1922 / Silent with music / B&W / 87’ / Documentary

A story of life and love in the actual Arctic that documents one year in the life of Nanook, an Eskimo, and his family. Nanook Of The North describesthe life of a group barely touched by industrialtechnology. This film is considered the first feature-length documentary.“Flaherty turned out to be a great ethnologist.” Jean-Luc Godard“Nanook remains a masterpiece.” André Bazin“Flaherty inspired many filmmakers.”The New Yorker

THE SILENT ENEMYDirector: H.P. CarverUSA / 1930 / Silent with original music and talkingprologue / Tinted / 87’ / Documentary

For the Ojibways, an Indian tribe, the lack of deersto hunt means Hunger, the silent enemy. The tribedecides to leave their land, heading North despitethe danger, with the hope of finding the game theyneed.

TO THE SEA (ALAMAR)Director: Pedro Gonzalez-RubíoCast: Jorge Machado, Natan Machado Palombini,Roberta PalombiniMexico / 2009 / Colour / 70’ / Documentary - DramaTORONTO 2009: DISCOVERYROTTERDAM 2010: TIGER AWARDBERLIN 2010: OPENING FILM GENERATION K PLUSKARLOVY VARY 2010: OFFICIAL SELECTIONTHESSALONIKI 2010: OFFICIAL SELECTIONA father of Mayan origins and his son Natan spendtheir last days together before Natan returns to livewith his Italian mother in Rome. Spending their daysat sea, their relationship grows as they connect withlife above and below the surface of the sea."The relationship of the men both with each otherand with the world they inhabit is portrayed withsubtlety, expertise and great humanity. I lovedevery frame of it." Time Out London







GASTON LENÔTREGASTON LENÔTRE, GENTLEMAN PÂTISSIERDirector: Jacques Pessis France / 2006 / Colour / 51’ / Documentary

From his modest Normandy origins to the greatestinternational and Parisian addresses, famousFrench pastry chef Gaston Lenôtre tells about him-self, his passion for pâtisserie, his conquest of Paris inthe 1950s and then of the world (his group is nowpresent in 40 countries).

JEAN-LUC PETITRENAUDBON APPÉTIT Directors: Carole Ghilini, Christian Haeerig, Guillaume Pont, Pascal Gonzales, Christian Béranger, Vincent MayFrance / 2007 / Colour / 21 x 26', 2 x 52' / Documentary

Join French Jean-Luc Petitrenaud journalist repor-ter on his travels across France. Passionate aboutgood food but above all by people, the famousfood columnist celebrates conviviality, tradition andauthenticity. Each program is a delightful culinaryexploration!




