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Complete Dossier for ELTACS Master Trainer Course Participants









ICC/EUROLTA Certification

Task 1:


Theme: Talking about vacation.

Table of Contents:

Description of the area 2Description of class and course 3Topic 3Aims of the lesson 3Personal aims 3Procedure 3Conclusions 4Self-evaluation 4Lesson plan 5Attachments 8

Description of the area

This area deals with the analysis of phonology, grammatical and lexical structures and the use

of related basic terminology. Embodied in this area is the target language description (system

of abstract elements, constructions and rules) and appropriate terminology. It also includes

the analysis of learning materials as well as the delivery of clear and effective explanations

to help students to understand better. Furthermore, it considers the effective use of reference

materials and the awareness of language systems differences.

2. Description of class and course


This group is made up by 25 students, 19 girls and 6 boys. Their ages range between 18

and 22 years old. Their English level is basic and corresponds to A1. Students have not enough

command of the language (English) since they have studied in Public Schools, where students most of the time do

not take advantage of learning a new language.

This group has English class on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. to 10:40 a.m.

3. Topic

“Present Progressive”

4. Aims of the lesson

Talking about vacations

5. Personal aims

To help students to develop self-confidence to talk with others in L2 through a lively and

encouraging lesson.

6. Procedure

Before the class started, I pasted pictures depicting people performing different action activities (Attachment).

1. Cut up Worksheet 8 into activities, or make your own. One student comes to the front of the class, draws a piece of paper with an activity on it, and acts out the activity silently. The class tries to guess what he/she is doing.

The Ice breaker was a good start because students were very participative in the miming activity.

2. The students can take turns acting out the activities, or you can divide the class into teams. A student from each team presents the activity to his/her team. If the team guesses correctly in the allotted time (30 seconds), the

team scores a point. You may also allow the other team to “steal” after the time limit is up. This keeps all students involved.

NOTE: If you make up your own activities rather than using the worksheet, make the activities involved. “Jumping” is too easy even for low levels. “Jumping on your left foot” is better.

Also, they drew a mind map in order to review the topic of the previous class.

Another ice breaker you could use is to play the Lyric “Lemon Tree” so the students have to fill in the blanks using the verbs that end in –ing form.

All the students were involved, they sang and practice the pronunciation and spelling rules.


The discovery activity went well as the students were able to understand the concept

of “present progressive” for describing actions that are taking place at the moment. I used different colorful papers to highlight the interrogative, negative and affirmative form.

The personalization stage fulfilled its purpose, which was to help students to see the practical

use of this grammar structure in their daily lives. In addition they wrote down some paragraphs guessing what

their families or relatives were doing at the moment of the class.

7. Conclusions

This lesson gave students a lot of opportunities to practice the grammar structure and the

Pronunciation & spelling. Furthermore, they acknowledged the importance of being able to describe the situations

or activities that are happening at the moment.

The use of music, realia and miming help students understand better the topic and they got fun while learning


8. Self-Evaluation

In spite the fact that students understood the grammar point and succeeded in the

correct use of present progressive, I think that I should have brought extra material and more classroom

arrangement tips.

Lesson Plan


Subject : Idioma Extranjero 1 Time: 60 minutes Level: A1 Student: 25


Language or grammar objective

Present progressive (affirmative, interrogative and negative form)

Functional objective Talking about vacations

5 minutes Warm-up activity Teacher organizes small teams by giving them a number from 1 to 3, so we can have 3 teams of 5 students each one.

Teacher sets the game. Teacher gives a puzzle to each team. Then teacher gives the instructions.

1. Give each team a puzzle.2. Teacher explains the rules of the game. “You’re going to make the

puzzle while the music is playing. The first team who finishes the puzzle is the winner, and there is a prize”.

7.5 minutes Vocabulary to be elicited

Vocabulary Referent Concept questions

Run Miming Where do you run? Who runs in the morning?

Read Miming /Realia

What do you read? Where do you usually read?

Eat Miming How many times do you eat in a day? What time do you eat


Dance Miming Where do you dance? Who likes to dance?

Play soccer Miming Who plays soccer in the classroom? When do you play soccer?

5 minutes Focus question Where is Armi?

10 minutes Presentation plan Teacher shows a Power Point presentation on board to explain inductively the meaning and structure of the PRESENT PROGRESSIVE. Teacher reads the 2 uses of the present progressive. Then, students choose the best option according to the uses of present continuous.

Teacher explains the present progressive structure using color papers with positive and negative sentences.

8 minutes All activities and Activity 1. Put the words and phrases in the correct order to form sentences,


instructions using the present progressive.

1) Susana / writing /a / is / letter2) taking / Alex and Joe / classes / are / karate3) isn’t / Paola / this / working / week4) are / videogames / playing / they5) aren’t / sandwiches / making / Alice and Conchita

10 minutes Activity 2. Complete the sentences using the words in the box. Use Present Progressive in affirmative or negative form.

drink / eat / watch / work / do

1) I can’t watch TV. I _________ my homework.2) Dora is in the kitchen. She _________ soda.3) Joe is on a diet this month. He _________ cake or cookies.4) Shhh! Cocoyeyo ______________ a really good show on TV.5) Mike __________ in the International Office. He likes his job.

15 minutes Production activities Teacher asks students to imagine they are on vacation. Students work individually and answer these questions:

Where are you? What are you doing?( 2 activities)

Then, teacher asks students to work in pairs, and have to agree in only one place and 2 activities for both of them.

Teacher goes back to the slide where the e-mail is. He will introduce the parts of the e-mail (opening, body, closing).

Students write an e-mail to their teacher following the e-mail structure from the focus question exercise. Students have to go to the computer lab in order to do the activity.

Motivation Need In order to produce the activity, students will have to think about the place they want to go and the activities they are doing.

Value Teacher will give three extra-points to all the students who send the email to the teacher one day before the next class.

Expectation Teacher will create the belief to each student that at the end of the class they will be able to write an e-mail expressing their activities they are doing at the moment. Besides students will gain confidence about communicating in a foreign language even they are in basic levels.





What are they doing? – Present progressive

Put students into groups of four or five. Give each group a set of cards face down. Students take turns to take a card and mime what s/he is doing. The winner takes the card.



He’s phoning his wife.


She’s washing her hair.


They’re dancing.



They’re having an argument.


She’s waiting for a train.


They’re getting married.


He’s cleaning the stairs.


She’s running a race.


It’s raining.



They’re studying English.


She’s thinking about her dog.


He’s watching a sad movie.



She’s brushing her hair.


He’s riding a camel.


They’re playing computer games.


She’s sunbathing.


He’s cooking spaghetti.


She’s feeding her cat.


He’s learning to drive


She’s taking a photo.


It’s snowing.




Listen to the song Lemon Tree by Fool's Garden and complete the sentences with the Present

Participle to form the Present Continuous tense.

I'm______________here in a boring room It's just another rainy Sunday afternoon I'm__________my time I got nothing to do I'm______around I'm __________for you but nothing ever happens - and I wonder


Listen to the song Lemon Tree by Fool's Garden and complete the sentences

with the Present Participle to form the Present Continuous tense.

I'm______________here in a boring room It's just another rainy Sunday afternoon I'm__________my time I got nothing to do I'm______around I'm __________for you but


I'm__________around in my car I'm______________too fast I'm ___________too far I'd like to change my point of view

I feel so lonely I'm ___________for you but nothing ever happens - and I wonderI wonder how I wonder why yesterday you told me 'bout the blue blue sky and all tall that I can see is just a yellow lemon-tree I'm _________my head up and down I'm turning turning turning turning turning around and all that I can see is just another lemon-treeI'm______here I miss the power

I'd like to go out, take a shower but there's a heavy cloud inside my head I feel so tired put myself into bed where nothing ever happens - and I wonder

Isolation - is not good for me Isolation - I don't want to sit on a lemon-tree

I'm_____around in a desert of joy

Baby, anyhow I'll get another toy and every thing will happen -and you'll wonder

I wonder how I wonder why yesterday you told me 'bout the blue blue sky and all tall that I can see is just a yellow lemon-treeI'm my head up and down I'm turning turning turning turning turning around and all that I can see is just another lemon-tree

nothing ever happens - and I wonder

I'm__________around in my car I'm______________too fast I'm ___________too far I'd like to change my point of view

I feel so lonely I'm ___________for you but nothing ever happens - and I wonderI wonder how I wonder why yesterday you told me 'bout the blue blue sky and all tall that I can see is just a yellow lemon-tree I'm _________my head up and down I'm turning turning turning turning turning around and all that I can see is just another lemon-treeI'm______here I miss the power

I'd like to go out, take a shower but there's a heavy cloud inside my head I feel so tired put myself into bed where nothing ever happens - and I wonder

Isolation - is not good for me Isolation - I don't want to sit on a lemon-tree

I'm_____around in a desert of joy

Baby, anyhow I'll get another toy and every thing will happen -and you'll wonder

I wonder how I wonder why yesterday you told me 'bout the blue blue sky and all tall that I can see is just a yellow lemon-treeI'm my head up and down I'm turning turning turning turning turning around and all that I can see is just another lemon-tree





Activity: Where is Armi?

Reading activity

Hi Lorenzo!!

It’s Monday, so we are taking Wanda’s class. How are you?

My brother is in the kitchen. He is eating a delicious hamburger. He isn’t reading his book.

My father is dancing with my mom, and my dog cowboy is running in the yard. My sister is playing soccer with her friends. They’re not good at playing, but they’re having fun. Fortunately they are very patient.

How are things with you?

Love, Armi.

Present Progressive


The present progressive can indicate:

a)things happening at the moment


1. I am reading a good book (Affirmative sentence)

2. Amy is eating a hamburger.

3. My mom is NOT dancing right now. (Negative sentence)

4. We are NOT studying English.

5. Is My mom eating a hamburger? (Interrogative sentence)





Theme: What are the different learning styles?

- Identify the different learning styles in order to develop

students’ autonomy as well as to improve not only their

English level but in any other subject.


Table of Contents:


1. Description of the area 20

2. Description of class and course 20

3. Topic 20

4. Aims of the lesson 20

5. Personal aims 20

6. Procedure 21

7. Conclusions 21

8. Self evaluation 22

9. Lesson plan 23

10.Attachments 24


1. Descriptions of the area

This dossier belongs to Language and culture. The following topics dealt with this area:

How to correct mistakes Use social forms - how adults learn a language Which are the different learner types? Learning strategies and learner autonomy Progress tests Application of theoretical knowledge in authentic situations

We will try to cover the topics how to correct mistakes and which are the different learner types? All the previous, in the content of Educational contexts of learning and teaching (awareness of the educational experiences that learners bring into the classroom).

2. Description of class and course

This course is the same group taught in the previous lesson. They are students of A1 level. In the group there are twenty seven students between the ages of 18 and 22, twenty males and 7 females. They have had two quarters together now in courses of 60 hours long each. One class takes place in the classroom and the other one takes place in the English Laboratory.

The group meets on Mondays and Thursdays from 7:00 a.m to 8:40 a.m. The course book is OpenMind 1 A, units 5-8 (Macmillan Press). The reasons for joining the course were to communicate with friends abroad, for travelling purposes and to keep active.

3. Topic

The topic we chose is: Which are the different learner types?

4. Aims of the lesson

- To identify the different learner types and apply the appropriate technique and resources to achieve their students’ learning.

- To apply the previous acquired knowledge in order to solve possible classroom problems

5. Personal aims


- To provide an interesting, lively lesson that students will enjoy.- To take into account and incorporate into my teaching the educational

experiences my students have had previously.- To provide for individual learner styles and strategies in my teaching- To encourage and motivate my students to improve, being aware of

different types of their learning styles and motivations.

6. Procedure

First the teacher will brainstorm the way students prefer to study and how they learn or remember things. Teacher will write students’ comments’ on the board.

After that, Ss will draw a mind map by organizing the comments on the board according to similarities among them and they will add an extra one for each category.

Ss will work in small groups to talk about their maps. Then, the whole class analyzes the findings.

Teacher will provide students with a Learning Style Questionnaire which will be answered honestly by them. Once they identify their style according to the results on test, they will talk about them.

Next, students share the information with their classmates basically saying what kind of students they usually are in the English class. Also, they share what possible problems they might have in class, in terms of different types of multiple intelligence they would be.

After sharing ideas students suggest possible solutions to the different problems in discussion.

Teacher goes through the book; “How to teach English” by Jeremy Harmer, in the topic; How to be a good learner, teacher explains the paragraph so that the students can compare or create new solutions based in what they have heard and understood from the teacher explanation.

As a wrap up students organize a learning strategy for assignments or autonomy activities they do to improve their English and share their results in the next class.

In pairs, students will be given a set of phrases each and they will do the suggested activity. APPENDIX 2

7. Conclusions


It is necessary to break the class routine and reflect with our students on metacognition. This kind of practice helps the students not only in the English class but in their other subjects. Everybody should know the type of learner they are to facilitate his/her learning process because they become aware of what works or doesn’t work with themselves when studying a new language.

8. Self Evaluation

I tried to make this lesson interesting and varied, providing material which would appeal to all learner types. I considered important to help my students to know their learning style and their type of multiple intelligence they could be. At the end of the lesson every student knew their learning style and the possible activities they may use to develop their autonomy as well as to improve not only their English level but in any other subject. I my opinion, I could have worked some short sketches to make this lesson more interesting and dynamic.




Students will be able to identify the different learner types and apply the appropriate technique and resources to achieve their own learning.

Brainstorming: T will ask Ss for the way they prefer to study and how they learn or remember things. T will write students’ comments’ on the board.

Ss will draw a mind map by organizing the comments on the board according to similarities among them and they will add an extra one for each category.

Ss will work in small groups to talk about their maps. Then, the whole class analyze the findings.

Teacher will provide students with a Learning Style Questionnaire which will be answered honestly by them. http://people.usd.edu/~bwjames/tut/learning-style/



Students apply the previous acquired knowledge in order to solve possible classroom problems

BRAINSTORM; students share what possible problems they might have in class, in terms of different types of students, they share information with classmates.

After sharing ideas students suggest possible solutions to the different problems in discussion.

Teacher goes through the book; “How to teach English” by Jeremy Harmer, in the topic; How to be a good learner, he explains the paragraph and compare or create new solutions based in what students have read.

As a wrap up students organize a learning strategy for assignments or autonomy activities they do to improve their English and share their results in the next class.

In pairs, students will be given a set of phrases each and they will do the suggested

activity. (Attachment 2)

Hand out 1

10. Attachments

1. What's YOUR Learning Style?http://people.usd.edu/~bwjames/tut/learning-style/

What's Your Learning Style

For these questions, choose the first answer that comes to mind and selecton a,b, or c. Don't spend too much time thinking about any one question.

Question 1When you study for a test, would you rather

a) read notes, read headings in a book, and look at diagrams and illustrations.

b) have someone ask you questions, or repeat facts silently to yourself.

c) write things out on index cards and make models or diagrams. Question 2

Which of these do you do when you listen to music?

a) daydream (see things that go with the music)

b) hum along

c) move with the music, tap your foot, etc. Question 3

When you work at solving a problem do you

a) make a list, organize the steps, and check them off as they are done

b) make a few phone calls and talk to friends or experts

c) make a model of the problem or walk through all the steps in your mind Question 4

When you read for fun, do you prefer

a) a travel book with a lot of pictures in it

b) a mystery book with a lot of conversation in it

c) a book where you answer questions and solve problems Question 5

To learn how a computer works, would you rather

a) watch a movie about it

b) listen to someone explain it

c) take the computer apart and try to figure it out for yourself Question 6

You have just entered a science museum, what will you do first?

a) look around and find a map showing the locations of the various exhibits


b) talk to a museum guide and ask about exhibits

c) go into the first exhibit that looks interesting, and read directions later Question 7

What kind of restaurant would you rather not go to?

a) one with the lights too bright

b) one with the music too loud

c) one with uncomfortable chairs Question 8

Would you rather go to

a) an art class

b) a music class

c) an exercise class Question 9

Which are you most likely to do when you are happy?

a) grin

b) shout with joy

c) jump for joy Question 10

If you were at a party, what would you be most likely to remember the next day?

a) the faces of the people there, but not the names

b) the names but not the faces

c) the things you did and said while you were there Question 11

When you see the word "d - o - g", what do you do first?

a) think of a picture of a particular dog

b) say the word "dog" to yourself silently

c) sense the feeling of being with a dog (petting it, running with it, etc.) Question 12

When you tell a story, would you rather

a) write it

b) tell it out loud

c) act it out Question 13

What is most distracting for you when you are trying to concentrate?

a) visual distractions

b) noises

c) other sensations like, hunger, tight shoes, or worry Question 14



What are you most likely to do when you are angry?

a) scowl

b) shout or "blow up"

c) stomp off and slam doors Question 15

When you aren't sure how to spell a word, which of these are you most likely to do?

a) write it out to see if it looks right

b) sound it out

c) write it out to see if it feels right Question 16

Which are you most likely to do when standing in a long line at the movies?

a) look at posters advertising other movies

b) talk to the person next to you

c) tap your foot or move around in some other way

Total your a's, b's, and c's

Three Different Learning Styles

If you scored mostly a's you may have a visual learning style. You learn by seeing and looking.

Visual Learners

take numerous detailed notes tend to sit in the front are usually neat and clean often close their eyes to visualize or remember something find something to watch if they are bored like to see what they are learning benefit from illustrations and presentations that use color are attracted to written or spoken language rich in imagery prefer stimuli to be isolated from auditory and kinesthetic distraction find passive surroundings ideal

If you scored mostly b's, you may have an auditory learning style. You learn by hearing and listening. Auditory Learners

sit where they can hear but needn't pay attention to what is happening in front



may not coordinate colors or clothes, but can explain why they are wearing what they are wearing and why

hum or talk to themselves or others when bored acquire knowledge by reading aloud remember by verbalizing lessons to themselves (if they don't they have difficulty reading

maps or diagrams or handling conceptual assignments like mathematics).

If you had mostly c's, you may have a kinesthetic learning style. You learn by touching and doing. Kinesthetic Learners

need to be active and take frequent breaks speak with their hands and with gestures remember what was done, but have difficulty recalling what was said or seen find reasons to tinker or move when bored rely on what they can directly experience or perform activities such as cooking, construction, engineering and art help them perceive and learn enjoy field trips and tasks that involve manipulating materials sit near the door or someplace else where they can easily get up and move around are uncomfortable in classrooms where they lack opportunities for hands-on experience communicate by touching and appreciate physically expressed encouragement, such as a pat

on the back.

ICC/EUROLTA Certification Task 3




Theme: Describing people’s talents and personalities

To be able to describe people’s personalities by using positive and

negative adjectives as well as to describe their talents and abilities.

Table of Contents:


1. Description of the area 28



2. Description of class and course 28

3. Topic 28

4. Aims of the lesson 28

5. Personal aims 28

6. Procedure 29

7. Conclusions 29

8. Self evaluation 30

9. Lesson plan 31-32

10.Attachments 33-35

1. Descriptions of the area

This dossier belongs to Language Learning Process. The following topics dealt with this area:

How to correct mistakes Use social forms - how adults learn a language Which are the different learner types?



Learning strategies and learner autonomy Progress tests Application of theoretical knowledge in authentic situations

We will try to cover two topics: how to correct mistakes and the application of theoretical knowledge in authentic situations.

2. Description of class and course

This course is for students of A1 level. In the group there are twenty seven students between the ages of 18 and 22, twenty males and 7 females. They have had two quarters now together in courses of 60 hours long each. One class takes place in the classroom and the other one takes place in the English Laboratory.

The group meets on Mondays and Thursdays from 7:00 a.m to 8:40 a.m. The course book is OpenMind 1 A, units 5 - 8 (Macmillan Press). The reasons for joining the course were to communicate with friends abroad, for travelling purposes and to keep active.

3. Topic

The topic we chose is: describing people’s personalities and talents

4. Aims of the lesson- To revise and practice personality adjectives.- To describe people’s personalities through pictures.- To promote peer correction among the students.- To write and tell people’s talents and abilities.

5. Personal aims-- To provide an interesting, lively lesson that students will enjoy.- To take into account and incorporate into my teaching the educational

experiences my students have had previously- To design my lessons with my students' needs and interests in mind in

order to make it interesting, lively and motivating.- To give my students feedback on their language competence in a way that

is appropriate and helpful (i.e. error correction) taking into account the stage of language development they are as well as the stage aim we are trying to achieve in a particular stage of a lesson.

6. Procedure

First of all, the teacher will do a review of: occupations, expressing opinions, third person –s , listening for specific information, which were cover in previous units.



After that, the teacher will write the words talent and talented on the board. These words are cognates in our students’ language. Ask students which word is an adjective (talented) and which one is a noun (talent). Establish that a talented person has many talents. Then, the teacher will elicit a few examples of well-known talented people (e.g., movie stars, musicians, and athletes). Elicit one or two sentences using the word talented, I think Brad Pitt is talented actor. This is also an opportunity to recycle some of the occupations vocabulary from previous units.

Next, the teacher will show students some flash cards about personality adjectives. Teacher will say each word aloud, students will repeat them correctly pronounced and stressed.Then, teacher will elicit a description of each adjective from students.Using Brad Pit example, teacher will ask about his personality, students will describe according to what they know about him:E.g. Brad Pitt can act very beautifully. He can produce movies. He is flexible, adaptable, freedom loving, joyful, youthful, open-minded, extroverted, sincere and friendly.

After that, students will answer activities 1A and 1B on students’ book page 68. Teacher and students check answers together.

Then, students will listen to a conversation. They have to get specific information to complete a job reference.

Next, in trios, students will google a talented person. They will register the information in a format similar to the one on the previous activities. As soon as they finish, they will prepare a power point presentation in which they will include reference pictures or key words/phrase to help them remember information. The format must be give to the teacher at the end of the presentation. They must mention: personal information, personality descriptions, and their talents and/or abilities. To finish the class, teacher and students will make a feedback on the presenters’ performances highlighting pronunciation.To promote students’ autonomy, they will answer some worksheets.

7. Conclusions

I would say the main purpose of the lesson was to check students understanding and how they peer corrected when presenting their stories. We achieved our goal because this activity worked well, students detected when a classmate mispronounced a regular verb in past tense or irregular verbs conjugated wrongly. On the other hand, students wrote and shared to the class their past experience.

8. Self Evaluation

It is completely different the result we get when we plan a lesson carefully, taking into account the kind of group we have and their learning styles. They



used visuals to practice speaking, so they practice listening, too. They also practice their writing when doing their past experience paragraph. It was a great lesson for me and my students because we learned different things from what they have lived.

ICC/EUROLTA Certification Task 4





The student will be able to retell a story through pictures and also they

should be able to talk about a past experience.

Table of Contents:




1. Description of the area 33

2. Description of class and course 33

3. Topic 33

4. Aims of the lesson 33

5. Personal aims 33

6. Procedure 34

7. Conclusions 34

8. Self evaluation 35

9. Lesson plan 36

10.Attachments 38

1. Descriptions of the area

This dossier belongs to Language Teaching. The following topics dealt with this area:



Use of social forms Speaking activities How do I present a grammar structure? Micro - peer teaching Pronunciation training Using pictures in a language classroom Difficult classroom situations Progress tests The use of media - e-learning/blended learning Encouraging and motivating the students to learn and use the language Using authentic materials How do I teach vocabulary?

We will try to cover the topics: How do I present grammar structure and teaching vocabulary.

2. Description of class and course

They are students of A1 level. In this group there are fourteen students between the ages of 18 and 22, thirteen males and 1 female. They have had two quarters together in courses of 60 hours long each. One class takes place in the classroom and the other one takes place in the English Laboratory.

The group meets on Tuesday mornings from 7:00 a.m to 8:40 a.m. and Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. to 10:40 a.m. The course book is OpenMind 1 A, units 9-10 (Macmillan Press). The reasons for joining the course were to communicate with friends abroad, for travelling purposes and to keep active.

3. Topic

The topic we chose is: A past experience.

4. Aims of the lesson- To introduce separable phrasal two word verbs.- To describe house chores in a written way.

5. Personal aims

- To manage a class effectively in a wide variety of contexts taking into consideration the learners' needs and levels of language competence as well as mixed abilities

- To clarify the meaning of new vocabulary through the use of different means and I am able to check that the students have understood

- To provide an interesting, lively lesson that students will enjoy.

6. Procedure



A. Teacher elicits vocabulary from students about house chores but he only will write two word verbs related to the topic, on the board. Possible answers could be:

Pick up, throw away, put away, clean up, hang up

B. Teacher elicits how they divide the housework to get some examples.C. Teacher writes the examples on the board so the students inductively

understand the structure for two word separable verbs.

e.g. I usually put away my shoes. I usually put them away.

I always clean up my house in the morning. I always clean it up in the morning.

D. Teacher explains how to structure the separable verb correctly.

- Teacher gives a worksheet for students to answer individually.- Do exercises on phrasal verbs on this web page: http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/phrasal-verbs- In pairs, students are given 10 two separable word verbs and 40 pieces of paper to write 10 sentences following the next structure.

Subject (S) + 2 word verb (Verb and its particle) + Direct Object (DO) + Complement (C)

Then they will have to turn the same sentences by using the appropriate object pronoun to substitute the DO in the following structure.

S + Verb + DO + particle + Complement

Teacher asks students to write a 60 word paragraph using at least six different phrasal verbs learnt along this session.

1Homework will be to answer Eurocsys Level A1.2 Activity 3.

7. Conclusions

This lesson was focused on more on grammar and teaching vocabulary. It was a little traditionalist but we tried to combine the types of exercises into printed and on the internet. Students performed all the activities well. It not very easy to comprehend this lesson at first but all the activities work well, specially the one where students formed sentenced on the pieces of paper.

8. Self Evaluation

This lesson plan was a different group. All my students are professionals so it was easier for them to understand the lesson beside it was taught in a very small group. It also helped to have internet access because it facilitated the



activities to make it more interesting and to get their result automatically. I felt all the activities worked as hoped.


9. LESSON PLAN “House Chores”

THEME: House choresOBJECTIVE: The student will be use two word verbs and object pronouns in different context.NUMBER OF STUDENTS:Four DATE:

stages Actividades Técnicas Recursos Duración

Warm-up A. Teacher elicits vocabulary from students about house chores but he only will write two word verbs related to the topic, on the board. Possible answers could be:

Pick up, throw away, put away, clean up, hang up

B. Teacher elicits how they divide the housework to get some examples.

C. Teacher writes the examples on the board so the students inductively understand the structure for two word separable verbs.

e.g. I usually pick up my clothe.

I usually pick them up.

I always clean up my house in the morning.

I always clean it up in the morning.

D. Teacher explains how to structure the separable verb correctly.


Writing in a piece of paper

Student Book

Piece of paper

5 minutes

5 minutes

5 minutes

15 minutes

Exercise Teacher gives a worksheet for students to answer individually.

Do exercises on phrasal verbs on this web page: http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/phrasal-verbs

Writing sentence


Pieces of paper


15 minutes

15 minutes

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In pairs, students are given 10 two separable word verbs and 40 pieces of paper to write 10 sentences following the next structure. Subject (S) + 2 word verb (Verb and its particle) + Direct Object (DO) + Complement (C)

Then they will have to turn the same sentences by using the appropriate object pronoun to substitute the DO in the following structure.

S + Verb + DO + particle + Complement

20 minutes

Production Teacher ask students to write a 60 word paragraph using at least six different phrasal verbs learnt along this session.

a. Homework will be to answer Eurocsys Level A2.1 Activity 3.

Internet access 20 minutes

39/ 60

10. AttachmentsWeb pages:* http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/phrasal-verbs* Eurocsys student account


I. Complete the sentences with the following words.armchair, clean, closet, hang, putI always (1) ____________ up the house in the morning. I never (2) ____________ my clothes up in the (3) ____________ at night. I (4) ____________ away my things when I get up. Then I sit in my favorite (5) ____________ in the living room and I read the newspaper.II. Write the words in the correct order.(1) feng shui / is teaching / Karen / today / us _____________________________________________ (2) away / clothes / Did / put / you / your / ? _____________________________________________(3) Did / hang / them / up / you / ? _____________________________________________(4) I / my things / off / picked / things / the floor / up _____________________________________________(5) can / her / I / my / room / show ____________________________________________III. Circle the correct words.Henry! It's very late. Go to your room and (1) clean it up / clean up it / it clean up now. Then (2) away throw the things / throw away them / throw away the things you don't need. We can (3) away give them / give away them / give them away. Mark (4) an invitation sent you / sent an invitation you / sent you an invitation to his party next week. We have to buy (5) a present him / him a present / buy him it.

ICC/EUROLTA Certification Task 5



Presenting a biography through a mind web

9. LESSON PLAN “Describing people’s talents and personalities”

THEME: Describing people’s personalitiesOBJECTIVE: The student will be able to talk about others’ talents and describe their personalities.NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 27 DATE:

Contenidos Actividades Técnicas Recursos DuraciónREVIEW o The teacher will do a review of: occupations,

expressing opinions, third person –s, and listening for specific information which were cover in previous units.

o After that, the teacher will write the words talent and talented on the board and will ask students which word is an adjective (talented) and which one is a noun (talent). (teacher will establish that a talented person has many talents)

o Then, the teacher will elicit a few examples of well-known talented people (e.g., movie stars, musicians, and athletes)

o S/he will elicit one or two sentences using the word talented. E.g. I think Brad Pitt is talented actor. (opportunity to recycle occupations vocabulary)







10 minutes

10 minutes

30 minutes

Warm up o The teacher will show students some flash cards about personality adjectives. Teacher will say each word aloud, students will repeat them correctly pronounced and stressed.

o Then, teacher will elicit a description of each adjective from students.

o Using Brad Pit example, teacher will ask about his personality, students will describe according to what





Flashcards Markers

Students’ notebooks

15 Minutes

43/ 60

they know about him:E.g. Brad Pitt can act very beautifully. He can produce movies. He is flexible, adaptable, freedom loving, joyful, youthful, open-minded, extroverted, sincere and friendly.

Explanation and production

o After that, students will answer activities 1A and 1B on students’ book page 68. Teacher and students check answers together.

o Teacher will explain the use of can / can’t and the position of the adjectives within a sentence.

o Then, students will listen to a conversation. They have to get specific information to complete a job reference. (activity 2A p. 68)

o In groups of 5, students will google a talented person. They will register the information in a format similar to the one on the previous activities.

o Using the information found, students will prepare a power point presentation in which they will include reference pictures and/or key words/phrase to help them remember information (the format must be give to the teacher at the end of the presentation) [during the presentation, students must mention: personal information, personality descriptions, and their talents and/or abilities)

o To finish the class, teacher and students will make a feedback on the presenters’ performances highlighting pronunciation.

o To promote students’ autonomy, they will answer some worksheets at home or in their free time.

Practice: Individual


Listening for specific information

Group work

Collaborative work

Production stage


Students’ book

Whiteboard / markers

CD player / students’ book

Internet / computer



15 minutes Explanation20 minutes Pair work

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45/ 60

10. Attachments


1. Descriptions of the area

This dossier belongs to Language Teaching. The following topics dealt with this area:

Use of social forms How do we draw up a lesson plan? How do I present a grammar structure? Micro-peer teaching Pronunciation training Using pictures in a language classroom Difficult classroom situations Progress tests The use of media e-learning/ blended learning Positive, yet constructive feedback Explaining assessment criteria to students Preparing materials (for class and online)

We will try to cover the topic:.explaining assessment criteria to students

2. Description of class and course

This course is for students of A2 level. In the group there are only four adult students between the ages of 30 to 40, the four of them are males. They have had three quarters together in courses of 60 hours long each. There two sessions per week of 1.40 hours long each.

The group meets on Monday and Friday from 1:00 p.m to 2:40 p.m. The course book is OpenMind 2, units 1-4 (Macmillan Press). The reasons for joining the course were to communicate with friends abroad, for working purposes..

3. Topic

The topic we chose is: Writing a biography through a mind web and presenting it orally. “Famous people to remember”

4. Aims of the lesson

To evaluate my students’ progress.


5. Personal aims

- To use various ways of conducting a course evaluation.

6. Procedure

Teacher explains production and performance evaluations by reading and giving clear instructions and checking students understanding. As next:

For production evaluation: Students should…

1. Choose a dead famous person you want to write about.2. Look for important information about he/she. Date of birth Place of birth His/her childhood/family members First job or main achievements Other achievements or relevant information about him/her. Later life such as: retired, died.3. Elaborate a word- web to help you out in your paragraph compositions.

(see example on page 115 OpenMind 1 student book)Write a first, second or final draft of it between 120 and 130 words.

Then teacher explains Performance evaluations, checking students’ understanding and giving the following instructions.

1. Choose a dead famous person you want to talk about.2. Look for important information about he/she. Date of birth Place of birth His/her childhood/family members First job or main achievements Other achievements or relevant information about him/her. Later life such as: retired, died.3. Elaborate a word- web to help you out in your exposition to the class. (see

example on page 115 OpenMind 1 student book)4. Practice your presentation in chronological order to verify your

pronunciation and fluency. Ask for help if necessary before your presentation but not on the same day.

Bring your word-web on evaluation day to present it in front of the class (in the lab)

Note. It will be necessary that students to do their mind-word first of all to help them in both tasks.

7. Conclusions

When we give clear instructions to our students on the way the will be evaluated either in the form or in the content. We expect to have a fair


evaluation. Students know exactly what to do and how to do it. We can easily identify the grammar, vocabulary, and other language features during the students’ performances so we can give better feedback o congratulations.

8. Self Evaluation

I could have asked my students to include the source or information so I can see that they didn’t cheat. During this process half of the group had to do the evaluation again because I discovered they had cheated but in the second chanced they followed the instructions and improved their performances and productions. They had to research the information in Spanish web pages.



THEME: Famous People to remember

OBJECTIVE: The student will practice listening and understand PER/PRO instructions in order to do it.


Contenidos Actividades Técnicas Recursos Duración


Ask the students to do their mind-word first of all to help them in both tasks.

Exposition Projector 30 minutes

Explain PER, check understanding and give the example. Exposition A photocopy of each instruction

30 minutes

Explain PRO instructions and check understanding. Exposition A photocopy of each instruction

30 minutes

50/ 60

10. Attachments



Objetivo de la actividad The student is able to say the biography of a famous dead person.


 A biographyThe students will elaborate a word web to explain a famous dead artist biography.  

Instrucciones 4. Choose a dead famous person you want to talk about.5. Look for important information about he/she.

Date of birth Place of birth His/her childhood/family members First job or main achievements Other achievements or relevant information about him/her. Later life such as: retired, died.

6. Elaborate a word- web to help you out in your exposition to the class. (see example on page 115 OpenMind 1 student book)

7. Practice your presentation in chronological order to verify your pronuntiation and fluency. Ask for help if necessary before your presentation but not on the same day.

8. Bring your word-web on Thursday July 7th to present it in front of the class (in the lab)


1. General aspects: a)Biography presented in a word-web

5 1. Explained relevant information: dates, places, childhood, main achievements and later life in chronological order.


2. Length of the presentation for minimun 3 minutes

10 2. Used ‘simple past’ tense correctly 20

3. Enough volume of voice 10 3.Was fluent and pronounced words, regular and irregular verbs correctly


4. Make eye contact to the audience 55. Paid attention as audience 10

Actividad MA1.3 P2A7PRO

52/ 60

LISTA DE COTEJO Objetivo de la actividad

The student is able to write a short biography about a famous dead person.


 A biographyThe students will write a biography of a famous dead person they chose.  

Instrucciones 9. Choose a dead famous person you want to write about.10. Look for important information about he/she.

Date of birth Place of birth His/her childhood/family members First job or main achievements Other achievements or relevant information about him/her. Later life such as: retired, died.

11. Elaborate a word- web to help you out in your paragraph compositions. (see example on page 115 OpenMind 1 student book)

12. Write a first, second or final draft of it between 120 and 130 words.


1. General aspects: a) Do it in handwriting no by computer.b) Use black ink.c) Put a picture of the person at the top of the paged) Write your full name and English group on the back of the same sheet of paper.

10 1. Contains relevant information: dates, places, childhood, main achievements and later life.


2. Write an original title of your biography. example: The king of pop: Michael Jackson

10 2. Wrote the events in ‘simple past’ tense correctly.


3. Organize the info into paragraphs 10 3. Respected punctuation marks and is written without spelling mistakes or erasures or amendments


4. Hand it on July 3rd in our class schedule.


ICC/EUROLTA Certification Task 6

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54/ 60

Table of Contents:


1. Description of the area 54

2. Description of class and course 55

3. Topic 55

4. Aims of the lesson 55

5. Personal aims 55

6. Procedure 56

7. Conclusions 56

8. Self evaluation 56

9. Lesson plan 57

10.Attachments 59

1. Descriptions of the area

This dossier belongs to Self-Assessment and Development. The following topics dealt with this area:

55/ 60

Micro-peer teaching Feedback rules Difficult classroom situations Progress tests Continuous self-assessment in e.g. learning diary Setting targets for learning at the beginning of the course (or at the end,

based on feedback, for further improvement)

We will try to cover the topic

2. Description of class and course

This course will be given to my coworkers. They are full and part time teachers who teach bachelor students to the different fields. Only the full time teachers are graduated and have a degree on language teaching but the part time teachers have TKT or ICELTS courses. About their experiences, it varies from 2 to more than 10 year teaching to university students.

We are a total of 15 teacher for this course.

The session will be given at the end of the present quarter (in December) as part of teachers end season workshops.

3. Topic

The topic we chose is: “How to Give Effective Feedback to Your Students”

4. Aims of the lesson

Teacher will analyze the three major reviews have much to say about how the teachers, can give good feedback.

5. Personal aims

- To give constructive feedback tools to my colleagues

6. Procedure

Brain storm how we usually give feedback to our English students: moment, the environment, length, indivually or in groups.

Teachers exchange experiences on how their feedback techniques have worked.By using prezi web page. Teacher expose about the following topics:

A. Feedback and overview.

56/ 60

B. Types of feedback and their purposes.

Source of information:http://www.ascd.org/publications/books/108019/chapters/Feedback@-An-Overview.aspx

Trainer forms teams of four people to perform different situations: one of them is going to be the instructor and the others are going to be students. They will receive feedback in some the following ways: Oral and written. Individually or in groups, positive or negative. Situations may vary.

All participants take notes to share with the rest or the group in a plenary in which the main purpose is going to be how to give feedback in these levels:

• Feedback about the task• Feedback about the processing of the task• Feedback about self-regulation• Feedback about the self as a person

7. Conclusions

Feedback is an important component of the formative assessment process. Formative assessment gives information to teachers and students about how students are doing relative to classroom learning goals. From the student's point of view, the formative assessment "script" reads like this: "What knowledge or skills do I aim to develop? How close am I now? What do I need to do next?" Giving good feedback is one of the skills teachers need to master as part of good formative assessment. Other formative assessment skills include having clear learning targets, crafting clear lessons and assignments that communicate those targets to students, and—usually after giving good feedback—helping students learn how to formulate new goals for themselves and action plans that will lead to achievement of those goals.

8. Self Evaluation

I think feedback is an activity that few teachers take seriously. I hadn’t thought that much about it until this moment in which I was looking for information to plan my lesson for the teachers’ workshop that I pretend to teach soon.


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THEME: “How to Give Effective Feedback to Your Students”OBJECTIVE: Teacher will analyze the three major reviews have much to say about how the teachers, can give good feedback. NUMBER OF STUDENTS:Fifteen DATE:

stages Actividades Técnicas Recursos DuraciónWarm-up Brain storm how we usually give feedback to our English students:

moment, the environment, length, individually or in groups. Teachers exchange experiences on how their feedback techniques have worked.

Small groups Projector 20 minutes

Exposition By using prezi web page. Teacher expose about the following topics:

A. Feedback an overview.B. Types of feedback and their purposes.

Source of information:http://www.ascd.org/publications/books/108019/chapters/Feedback@-An-Overview.aspx

Exposition Internet access

30 minutes

Practice Trainer form team of four people to perform different situations: one of them is going to be the instructor and the others are going to be students. They will receive feedback in some the following ways: Oral and written. Individually or in groups, positive or negative. Situations may vary.

All participants take notes to share with the rest or the group in a plenary in which the main purpose is going to be how to give feedback in these levels:

Team work: Small sketches

Group discussion

Pieces of paper with situations on it.

Sheet of paper

30 minutes

20 minutes

58/ 60

Feedback about the task Feedback about the processing of the task Feedback about self-regulation Feedback about the self as a person

59/ 60




Adapted by: Fabiola Pérez Palma.
