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This course enables participants to become risk management professionals (Foundations level).The training and exam are based on the ISO 31000 risk management standard which can be used byorganizations of any size, any industry, and any sector.

In this intensive three-day course, participants develop competence in the foundations of the ISO 31000risk management standard. Based on in-depth teaching, practical exercises and quiz questions thattest their aptitude, participants acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to pass the stringent exam.They do so by becoming familiar with the vocabulary, principles, framework and the risk managementprocess proposed in the ISO 31000 standard.

During the course, we will present the ISO 31000 Risk Management Principles and Guidelines and itstwo companions, the ISO Guide 73:2009, and the IEC/ISO 31010:2009 Risk Assessment Techniques.

To understand the vocabulary, principles, framework and risk management process in accordancewith ISO 31000.

To understand the bene ts of ISO 31000 as an internationally-recognized standard adopted bymore than 40 countries.

To acquire the competence to communicate effectively about ISO 31000 with peoplehaving different backgrounds and experience in risk management.


Understand the risk management vocabulary as de ned by ISO 31000.

Understand the bene ts of risk management to an organization.

Understand the ISO 31000 risk management principles and how they the riskmanagement framework and process.

A quiz and review on the elements learned during the day

Day 2: The risk management framework and process according to ISO 31000

Understand the risk management framework at a high level

Detailed presentation of the risk management process

Risk identi cation, risk analysis, risk evaluation and risk treatment

Risk assessment tools recommended in IEC/ISO 31010

Risk communication

Risk monitoring and review

A quiz and review on the elements learned during the day

Day 3 morning: Overall review

Overall review : Testing your knowledge with sample exam questions

Information regarding the validation procedure of G31000 pertaining to the ISO 31000 certi cation- foundations level

Exam on the foundations of ISO 31000 (duration: 2 hours)






Attendees should read the ISO 31000 risk management standard before the course, especially thevocabulary, the principles, the framework and the process proposed in the ISO 31000 standard. Itcould be purchased on the ISO website below :ISO 31000:2009 Risk management - Principles and guidelines: http://www.iso.org/iso/catalogue_detail?csnumber=43170

The training session is based on theory and practical examples

Lectures include examples from real scenarios

Review exercises to assist with exam preparation

The number of training participants is limited so they may bene t from the exercises

The exam to become “Certi ed ISO 31000 Risk management professional” meets therequirements of ISO/IEC 17024 standard designed to harmonize the process ofpersonnel worldwide.

Fundamental concepts

Terms and de nitions

Principles of risk management

The risk management framework

The risk management process

Duration: 2 hours for 80 multiple-choice questions

A certi cate of “Certi ed ISO 31000 Risk management professional” will be issued to participantswho successfully pass the exam and comply with all the other requirements related to thiscredential.

REGISTER: Please complete this form and email it back to:registration@G31000conference.org with a copy to Ersoy.Aksoy@G31000.ae



Bank details

Account details

Bank name : RAK BankBank address : Sheikh Zayed road branch, PO Box 1531 Dubai UAE

Account name : GME31000 Middle East Management ConsultanciesIBAN (Dirhams) : AE960400000122524429001Account number (Dirhams) : 0122524429001IBAN (US$) : AE690400000122524429002Account number (US$) : 0122524429002SWIFT/BIC : NRAKAEAK
