30 Days of prayer - Missionary Church, Inc


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―Mathew 9:37-38: Then he said to his disciples, ―The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.‖

Luke 10:2: ―He told them, ―The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field‖.

A Daily Guide

Denominational Prayer Committee


■ Focus of the week: ―The harvest is plentiful…‖ The spiritual harvest.

■ Prayer for today: Today, we start praying together that the Lord of the harvest would send out workers into his harvest field. ―Lord, send laborers into your harvest and let us see at the end of the month a new generation of laborers ready to do their job.‖

■ Scripture for meditation: Luke 11:1: ―One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, ―Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.‖

a. Jesus gave us an example of a man of prayer. b. We must come to Jesus to teach us to pray.

■ General M.C. Requests…

a. Ask God to raise an army of prayer warriors praying together. b. Ask God to give us the ability to see the spiritual harvest. c. Ask God to give us a Revival of his Spirit.

■ Pray for…*

a. Bill and Margaret Hossler b. Timothy and Sonya

Valentino c. Darrell Schlabach d. Steve and Raina Sisson e. Bob and Donna Ransom f. Jeff and Christina Getz g. Dan and Becky

Riemenschneider h. Greg and Sara Getz i. Ron and Phyllis Phipps

j. Clyde and Sharon Moore k. José and Ana Méndez l. Neil and Laurenna Rinehart m. Cy Staller n. Tom and Elsie Murphy o. David and Brenda Mann p. Sam and Kathy Birkey q. Martín and Sonia Roman r. Chuck and Sandy

Koenemann s. Larry and Annette Salsbury

t. John Rzendzian u. Michael and Dodi McGlynn v. Alejandro and María Alcalá w. Jonathan and Delores Boyer x. Brian and Deborah

Reinhardt y. Richard and Nancy

Fledderjohann z. Doug and Diane Tindall

■ Journal prompts for today (A tool for personal reflection and integration). One idea, Bible verse, or story that made an impression on me…

__________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

■ What‘s next? a. Pray intensely b. Ask God to give you names of people for prayer. Especially ask God to raise up some of them for ministry. c. Ask God to teach you the skills to be a good leader.

*The names listed each day under “Pray for…” are denominational and district leaders, pastors and missionaries and their spouses.

Day 1 – Saturday, October 1


■ Focus of the week: ―The harvest is plentiful…‖ The spiritual harvest.

■ Prayer for today: God give us the ability to see the harvest. Open our spiritual eyes so that we see as you see, long for what you love. Let us be like you, Lord.

■ Scripture for meditation: John 4:35: ―Don‘t you have a saying, ―It‘s still four months until harvest‘? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.‖

a. A reflection: What do we think about the harvest? b. An invitation: What does Jesus ask us to do?

Open our eyes Look at the fields

Recognize that is the time for harvest

■ General M.C. requests…

a. Give us your vision and love for the harvest. b. Help us to lift our eyes to the place where you have positioned us. c. Involve every region, district, church and faithful believer in profound intercessory prayer. d. Give us a good plan that integrates all the initiatives for prayer in the Missionary Church. e. Add more prayer coordinators and give us the ability to learn to pray together. f. Give us your love for the harvest.

■ Pray for…

a. Michael and Sherri Reynolds

b. Wayne and Carolyn Allen c. Lee and Deanna DeTurk d. Janet Bilyew e. Diana Boyer f. Chuck and Alana

Carpenter g. Ann Colwell

h. Betty Godt i. Pat Lister j. Terri Maucher k. Diane Norris l. Jennifer Platt m. Diane Rodocker n. Tami Swymeler o. Pat Warren p. Mike and Carol Peters

q. Richard and Angela Sterwerf

r. Marc and Patti Sweeney s. Gary and Marcia Oser t. Rob and Amy Dauber u. Jerry and Tamara Francis v. Brad and Kathryn Reineke w. Jack and Marina Goss x. Jack and Patricia Teeple

■ Journal prompts for today (A tool for personal reflection and integration). A new idea I encountered today is…






■ What‘s next?

a. Focus your time to grow spiritually. b. Go deep in your devotional life. c. As you grow spiritually, help others to grow as you do.

Day 2 – Sunday, October 2


■ Focus of the week: ―The harvest is plentiful…‖ The spiritual harvest.

■ Prayer for today: ―Jesus, send us to the harvest fields of the world, in the same way that you were sent by your Father. Give me the will and desire to love as you love the lost world that is around me.‖ ■ Scripture for meditation: John 17:18: ―As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world.‖

a. The model for sending: The way the Father sent Jesus. b. Our prayer about being sent: Send us, Jesus, as you were sent.

With your love and compassion With your authority and power ■ General M.C. requests…

a. Lord, talk to me this day. b. Lord raise up an active network of intercessors throughout the Missionary Church. c. Ask every church in the denomination to participate in at least one 24 hour prayer focus. d. Review and improve our prayer resources on the web. e. Give us the power to grow in making disciples and to be a good witness to the lost world. f. Give us the power to intercede for the recruiting and developing of more workers for the harvest.

■ Pray for…

a. Steve and Terri Cramer b. Dennis and Karla

Engbrecht c. Wayne Gerber d. Timothy and Sally Erdel e. William and Jeanette

Craig f. Kent Fishel g. Jack and Joni French h. Ted and Beth Wilson i. Patrick and Angela Bellar

j. Rob and Jody Fasnacht k. Kenyon and Donna Kaehr l. Raymond Carl and Shirley

Koop m. Peter Chongburn Ma n. Myron and Dawn

McConville o. Dwight and Debra

Metzger p. Rick and Joyce Hart q. Tim and Darlene White

r. Richard and Iris McIntosh s. Norman and Roberta

Hayes t. Marshall and Betty

Metzger u. Sam and Jennifer


v. David and Carol Dyck

■ Journal prompts for today (A tool for personal reflection and integration). One thing that made me uncomfortable today was . . .






■ What‘s next? a. Pray that God will free your time to help others. b. Make time available for making disciples. c. Remember that there are no shortcuts for discipleship.

Day 3 – Monday, October 3


■ Focus of the week: ―The harvest is plentiful…‖ The spiritual harvest.

■ Prayer for today: God, I am here before thee praying that you send workers into the harvest. Send me if you desire it, I am ready. I give everything to you, let me be the answer of my own prayer.

■ Scripture for meditation: Luke 10:2: ―He told them, ―The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.‖

a. The size of the harvest: ―plentiful‖ b. The number of workers: ―few‖. c. The charge recommended by Jesus: Ask the Lord of the harvest…to send out workers into his harvest field.

■ General M.C. requests…

a. Give us a new and passionate commitment to evangelize the lost and make disciples. b. Challenge us, our districts, regions and local churches to aggressively implement proper strategies to multiply

corporate and personal evangelism and to make and multiply disciples. c. Help our districts, regions, and denomination to achieve an average annual growth of 15% conversions. Help

our churches to be able to maintain an annual average growth of 10 % conversions. d. Grant that our Denomination and Districts/Regions have 15% of our people involved in the making of disciples

and that every existing Church has 10 % of their people involved in making disciples. ■ Pray for…

a. Doug and Diane Tindall b. Darin and Hyun Ju

Nielsen c. Steven and Sue Jones d. Todd and Marti Habegger e. Michael and Cindy Gilbert f. Steve and Raina Sisson g. Adam and Mary

Henderson h. Tom and Sandi Blaylock

i. Jimmy and Myriam Santiago

j. Sara and Kenton Scantlin k. Brian More l. Sarah and Andrew

Lawrence m. Jose and Olivia Del C.

León n. José and Emilia Vargas o. Clinton and Tonya Faupel p. Brent and Vicki Cliffton

q. Silvino Contreras r. Victor and Evelyn Muniz s. Doug and Ruth Ann Dafoe t. Don and Melanie Riley u. Jeffrey and Shelly Martin v. Tom and Elizabeth

Schwind w. Jon and Bethann Ranous x. Tim and Linda Smith y. Warren and Diane Banks z. Jeff and Julia McKinnon

■ Journal prompts for today (A tool for personal reflection and integration). The effort that I am willing to put into this month and into my own spiritual formation during this time is best described by the word (words) . . .






■ What‘s next? a. Pray together with your disciple that God would send laborers into the harvest. b. Be ready, the Lord is calling you these days.

Day 4 – Tuesday, October 4


■ Focus of the week: ―The harvest is plentiful…‖ The spiritual harvest.

■ Prayer for today: ―Lord, I want to be obedient to your command to go into the harvest. Use me. I want to be part of preaching the gospel to every creature.―

■ Scripture for meditation: Mark 16:15: ―He said to them, Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”

a. What--We should go into the harvest. ―Go‖ The mandate. b. Where--We should go to all the harvest: ―into all the world‖, ―to all creation. c. Why--We should go into the harvest and preach the gospel.

■ General M.C. requests…

a. Pray for pastors across the denomination that are currently doing one on one discipleship and pray that they will be willing to coach pastors who are not.

b. Pray for pastors who have never been discipled and are reticent to get involved in discipleship because of fear or lack of understanding.

c. Give us a movement of making disciples and multiplying disciples that form vibrant communities for Jesus. d. Ask God to help us win 37,000 new believers in the next five years.

■ Pray for…

a. Joseph and Janet Weyer b. Carlos and Sandra Rivera c. Stephen and Rebecca

Lane d. Tyler and Cindy Boyer e. Janice and David Brandes f. Jason and Melanie Carter g. David and Beth Dummer h. Daniel and Jenny Hays i. Stanley and Pat Olsen

j. Brandon and Amy Smith k. Jeff Van Etten l. James and Cheryl Young m. Wayne and Ollie Okamoto n. Cheryl and Jim Stewart o. Tom and Patty Schakat p. Tim and Anita Bohm q. Tony and Kendra Darr r. Don and Donna Burleson s. Craig and Lauri Hislope

t. Mark and Sheryl Douras u. Ron Ecklebarger v. Tracy Bodey w. Rex and Jenny Stump x. Daniel and Stacey

Vandock y. John and Connie

Lockwood z. Ken and Eloise Moore

■ Journal prompts for today (A tool for personal reflection and integration). The prayer I most want to pray right now is . . .






■ What‘s next? a. Practice what you know. Skills are the result of knowledge plus practice. b. Give to your disciples opportunities to experience ministry. Rely on God when you delegate to others.

Day 5 – Wednesday, October 5


■ Focus of the week: ―The harvest is plentiful…‖ The spiritual harvest.

■ Prayer for today: ―Help us to have the same heart as you, Father God; a heart that is willing to do anything that needed to reach at least one soul that is lost and far from You.‖

■ Scripture for meditation: Luke 15:3-7: ―

3 Then Jesus told them this parable:

4 ―Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them.

Doesn‘t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? 5 And when he finds it,

he joyfully puts it on his shoulders 6 and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‗Rejoice

with me; I have found my lost sheep.‘ 7 I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one

sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.‖ a. The need: Find the lost sheep. b. The goal: Find the lost sheep and bring them back into the fold. Look for those who need repentance. c. The result:: Joy on earth and joy in heaven.

■ General M.C. requests…

a. That in 5 years we will have 9,500 members of the Missionary Church who are making disciples and whose disciples are also making disciples.

b. That the local church develop strategies to evangelize and make disciples. c. For the growth and development of pastoral leadership and lay leadership. d. That God will give us strategies for planting local churches, districts and regions.

■ Pray for…

a. Marvin and Sue Claassen b. Jared Gregory c. Roberto and Rocío

Cifuentes d. Leslie and Karen Martin e. Craig and Blythe Anthony f. James and Lisa Ulrich g. Gerald and Violet

Ringenberg h. William and Susan Lyne i. Noah and Renee Buehner

j. Chad and Monica Cook k. David and Jane Foster l. Mark and Laurie Weston m. Kris and Sandy

McPherson n. Max and Cathy Haines o. Abby and Andy Lehman p. Jim and Mary Carol

Schwartz q. Gareth and Rosemary


r. Mike and Beth Wilson s. Jeff and Christine Getz t. Edwin and Carmen Colon u. Tim and Sonya Valentino v. Carl and Pamela Leipold w. Steve Helsley x. Connie and Terry Farr y. Benedicto Agtani z. Munamunnungu Kwame

■ Journal prompts for today (A tool for personal reflection and integration). Record your reflections about new things you learned today about two people in your life.






■ What‘s next? a. Read 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and pray that all the qualities of a leader are a reality in your life.

b. To encourage your disciples when they fail. Good men do not focus on their own greatness.

Day 6 – Thursday, October 6


■ Focus of the week: ―The harvest is plentiful…‖ The spiritual harvest.

■ Prayer for today: ―Make me your witness everywhere-- in my home, my neighborhood, my work and my church. Give me the ability to trust your Spirit to help me witness. Let me be a witness not just in my country but to all corners of the earth.‖

■ Scripture for meditation: Acts 1:8: ―But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.‖

a. The power for being able to witness: The Holy Spirit. b. The call to witness: ―You will be‖. c. The scope of the witness: From where I am to the ends of the earth.

■ General M.C. requests…

a. Give us a specific vision of the ministry (and appropriate goals) for each local church and give us a strong pastoral leadership.

b. Help us start 45 new domestic churches this year and to have a total of 250 new churches in five years. c. Give us 25 new national districts to accommodate the growth we are seeking. d. Help us launch multiplication movements of evangelism, discipleship and new churches in 20 major domestic

population centers. ■ Pray for…

a. Wilton and Sharon Hull b. Keith and Cindy Rupp c. J. and Brandi Braunstein d. Matt and Kathleen

Nussbaum e. Noah and Renee Buehner f. Chad and Monica Cook g. David and Jane Foster h. Mark and Laurie Weston i. Max and Cathy Haines

j. Abby and Andy Lehman k. Jim and Mary Carol

Schwartz l. Mike and Beth Wilson m. Wilton and Sharon Hull n. Keith and Cindy Rupp o. Gary and Kay Aupperle p. Matthew and Barbara

Hartsell q. Janice and Lex Hunter

r. Rich Shingler s. Dwiguna Vijay surabhi t. Dorothy Seek u. Cleonir and Cremilda

Rabelo v. Horacio Santos w. Alvaro Luna x. Juan Cruz y. Joao B. de Almeida

■ Journal prompts for today (A tool for personal reflection and integration). My spiritual lesson today is…






■ What‘s next? a. Take care of your character and attitudes. b. Correct your disciple with love and perseverance. His attitudes toward God and his neighbor will determine the

value of his service.

Day 7 – Friday, October 7


■ Focus of the week: ―The harvest is plentiful…‖ The spiritual harvest.

■ Prayer for today: ―As I am go to the harvest give me the ability to trust you, your message, and your power. Give me the faith to heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead and cast out demons in your name.―

■ Scripture for meditation: Matthew 10:7-8: ―As you go, proclaim this message: ‗The kingdom of heaven has come near.‘

8 Heal the sick, raise the

dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.‖ a. All are called to go and preach. b. All are called to preach about the ―kingdom of Heaven‖. c. All are called to show the power of the Kingdom of God.

■ General M.C. requests…

a. Give us 250 new churches in the next five years. b. Help us to reach 18,750 new people for the Kingdom of God in the next five years. c. Help us to expand our current organizational structure to a regional one that will allow more rapid growth and


■ Pray for… a. Timothy and Kathy

O‘Sullivan b. Rochelle and Paul Wickey c. Rob and Toni Witzig d. Dominica and Kim

Francese e. Mark and Mary Beers f. Brian and Sheri Beall g. Byron Von Gunten h. Duane and Megan Burris i. Steve and Sarah Cresse

j. Keith and LeAnne Koteskey

k. Peter and Crista Eicher l. Patrick and Lori Garmire m. Kerry Huffman n. Dennis and Shari Rowe o. Brent and Lacey Salsbury p. Richard Carpenter q. Roy and Gail Kohler r. David and Gwen DeSelm s. Becky Baker

t. Gerald and Jessica Coleman

u. Joe and Robin Collins v. Kelly and Suzan Fair w. Judite and Amaro Biscaia x. Claudio and Lisandra Da

Costa y. Jose M. de Acevedo Jr. z. Gustavo and Carmen


■ Journal prompts for today (A tool for personal reflection and integration). Write about your weekly prayer time…






■ What‘s next?

a. Be intentional in giving the Word of God to others.

b. May God give us the ability to work together. Knowing how to work like a team allows us to be able to work well with the body of Christ.

Day 8 – Saturday, October 8


■ Focus of the week: ―But the workers are few…‖ The need for workers in the spiritual harvest.

■ Prayer for today: ―Lord, I'm your worker! Thanks for making me part of the extension of your kingdom. Since the time I became a Christian, You have counted me as part of your living army on earth.‖

■ Scripture for meditation 1 Corinthians 15:58: ―Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.‖

a. Christian workers: They stand firm. They do not let anything move them. b. Christian workers: Always give themselves fully to work to the Lord.‖ c. Christian worker: Knows his labor in the Lord is not in vain.

■ General M.C. requests…

a. For the ability to recruit and develop more catalytic leaders who are spiritually passionate, entrepreneurial, and missional.

b. Those catalytic leaders would lead us in planting 250 new churches over the next in five years, and lead new movements of evangelism / discipleship in 20 major centers of population, thus helping us to form 25 new national districts, and 25 new international movements of evangelism and discipleship.

■ Pray for…

a. Wayne Feay b. Carol and Gary Harrold c. William and Pamela

Hickle d. Joe and Stephanie Johns e. Mark and Amy Mays f. Kirk and Shawn McKinley g. Gordon and Tonya Miller h. Keith and LeAnn

Reynolds i. Robbie and Joy Sondag j. Robert and Karleen Martin

k. William and Ronnette Armstrong

l. Mark and Sarah Masloob m. Cole and Lindsay May n. David and Nancy Binkley o. Scott and Terry

Richardson p. Doug and Kim Beutler q. Volfi and Zoila

Valenzuela r. Thomas and Kimberly


s. Josh and Brenda Keim t. Patrick and Ginny Ryan u. Edielson De Sousa v. Andrew and Dyonne

Bennett w. Roy and Valerie Graham x. Margarita and Ludovino

Collado y. Kate Lilly z. Mezilvoix and Nicole


■ Journal prompts for today (A tool for personal reflection and integration). Something to confess? __________





■ What‘s next

a. Encourage others to recognize that they are truly God's workers. b. Give them a chance to meet other workers who also enrich them. We all need others to help us grow and develop maturity.

Day 9 – Sunday, October 9


■ Focus of the week: ―But the workers are few…‖ The need for workers in the spiritual harvest.

■ Prayer for today: ―Let me follow the example of Jesus in everything and learn to serve others before myself‖.

■ Scripture for meditation Mark 10:45: ―For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.‖

a. Follow the example of Jesus: The Son of Man… b. Serve like him: Did not come to be served… c. Do His work: Work to rescue many…

■ General M.C. requests… a. Teach us how to strengthen the local churches. b. Give us strategies for getting the local church to evangelize and make disciples. Change the way we think about

and approach pastoral ministry and the leadership of the congregations so we can move toward a focus on the making of disciples.

c. Reveal to us strategies for the planting of churches, districts and regions. d. Help me become a person who is a disciple who makes disciples who multiply.

■ Pray for… a. Kenton and Sara Scantlin b. Ronald and Laura

Williams c. Scott and Janelle

Amstutz d. Brian and Christa Arant e. David and Joleen

Biberstein f. Andy and Amy Binkley g. Alan and Tammy Bugg h. Eric and Amanda


i. Kevin and Natalie Frauhiger

j. Nathan and Trisha Haywood

k. Jeremy and Jennifer Hudgin

l. Becky and Judd Johnson m. Deb and Dave Parish n. Natalie and Tyler Ward o. Ken and Julie Westra p. Gary and Kelly Rowland q. John and Sonja Lyons

r. William and Sally Lepley s. Ray and Arlene Harrison t. Lee and Amber Houtz u. Sarah and Andrew

Lawrence v. Kelley and Kelly Sewell w. Felipe and Ursula Arias x. Samuel and Janet

Romero y. Alcesse and Solan

Mednard z. Alcir and Sonia de Sa

■ Journal prompts for today (A tool for personal reflection and integration). Are there sins to be renounced? Are there things to be confessed and forgiven? Have you surrendered these things to God?






■ What‘s next?

a. Show someone how to serve in a practical way. Do not forget that you learn more by failures than successes. Do not fear that those you promote may make mistakes.

b. Acknowledge your mistakes and sins. By doing so, those who follow you will also learn to be honest about their

mistakes and sins.

Day 10 – Monday, October 10


■ Focus of the week: ―But the workers are few…‖ The need for workers in the spiritual harvest.

■ Prayer for today: ―I want to be a servant and to become a servant of others. Remove from me all dominating attitudes; form in me a humble spirit; keep my heart contrite and humble before you‖.

■ Scripture for meditation Matthew 20:26-27: “Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant,

27 and

whoever wants to be first must be your slave.‖ What are the standards of service for serving Jesus? …

a. Who's the greatest? The servant. b. Who's first? The slave.

■ General M.C. requests…

a. Give us the power to love, to be involved and to be a witness to the lost world that you love. b. Open the heart of the lost to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. c. Give us the power to make disciples. d. Give us the power to intercede for, to recruit and to develop more ―laborers for the harvest.‖ e. Tear down any enemy fortress that is preventing the extension of your kingdom. f. ―Thy kingdom come among us and Thy will be done in our country.‖

■ Pray for…

a. Jon and Nancy Swanson b. Janna and Randy

Worthmann c. Marsha and Steve Wright d. Victor and María Martinez e. Richard and Cathy Hall f. John and Cheryl Morgan g. Kendrick and Christine

Snyder h. Crystal and Cornel Waltz i. James and Sharon Taylor

j. Gene and Marti Deverick k. Brian and Debbie Eicher l. Linda and Steve Hilligoss m. Nate and Grace Patterson n. Sharon and James Taylor o. Michael and Cynthia

Gilbert p. Clark and Michele Stoller q. Tim and Nicole Zurcher r. Jeff and Tanya Elliott s. Autumn Walters

t. Freddy Marrugo and Millie u. Daniel and Richele

Binkley v. Jeffrey and Linda

Horsman w. Brian and Kristi Henry x. Adan and Holly Koehler y. Prosper and Venite

Dormeus z. Wilbert and Anne Marie


■ Journal prompts for today (A tool for personal reflection and integration). How is God calling you from deep in your heart today?






■ What‘s next?

a. Choose two or three people that you can equip and serve better. b. When approaching others always find a word to edify them.

Day 11 – Tuesday, October 11


■ Focus of the week: ―But the workers are few…‖ The need for workers in the spiritual harvest.

■ Prayer for today: Above all, when I serve you God, let me just share Christ. I want to represent Him with all His authority and power, but also with deep love and appreciation for what He has done for me.‖ ■ Scripture for meditation Philippians 1:15-18: ―

15 It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill.

16 The latter

do so out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. 17

The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains.

18 But what does it matter?

The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice.‖ How do we preach about Jesus?

a. We preach out of goodwill, not envy and rivalry. b. We preach out of love, not for selfish ambition.

c. We preach Christ with joy.

■ General M.C. requests…

Let me be an answer to the prayer for the five priorities of the Missionary Church: 1. Help me be an intercessor 2. Help me evangelize and disciple. 3. Help me strengthen the local church. 4. Help me to be involved in planting new churches and districts. 5. Help our denomination recruit catalytic leaders.

■ Pray for… a. Jim and Amy Elias b. Gary and Stephanie Hahn c. David and Michelle

Rowland d. Steven and Lindsay

Showers e. Sam and Mary Smith f. Joel and Lindsey Gregory g. Kent and Barbara Green h. Ramon and Liliana


i. Tulio and Carol Durán j. Dale and Edie Leinbach k. Mark and Dinah Bayliff l. Jeff and Jean Gerig m. Dave and Carol dyck n. Glenna and Dale Stout o. Debbie and John Kaly p. James and Elaine Snyder q. Joy and Steve

Reichenbach r. Jeff and Jennie Warner

s. Mark and Judy Masterson t. Gary and Marcia Marks u. Ron and Tonya Garner v. Jeff and Donna Kephart w. Joel and Helen Gentz x. Robert and Michelle

Caldwell y. Jeff and Beth Yates z. John and Torri Dutton

■ Journal prompts for today (A tool for personal reflection and integration). Describe a moment of spiritual transformation that glorified God…






■ What‘s next?

a. Take your student disciple to a workshop or discipleship seminar with all the expenses covered! b. Reach out to others, giving Word of encouragement. If someone comes to you with a God-inspired dream, help

him to fly, trusting the Lord. c. Develop a spiritual discipline with your disciple.

Day 12 – Wednesday, October 12


■ Focus of the week: ―But the workers are few…‖ The need for workers in the spiritual harvest.

■ Prayer for today: ―Lord, when I pray for the need for workers I want to be able to say honest, ―Here I am.‖ Also, I want to trust you to train me and put your words in my mouth to extend Your kingdom.‖

■ Scripture for meditation Exodus 3:4: ―When the LORD saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, Moses! Moses! And Moses said, Here I am.‖

a. God is the one who initiates the call for ministry. b. God is the one who calls us in the midst of what we are doing. c. God is the one who calls us individually (by our name). d. God is the one who awaits our response (and Moses said, ―Here I am‖).

■ General M.C. requests…

a. Make us part of the goal of reaching 37,000 new believers in the next five years. b. Help our leaders district, regional, national) to use 50% of their time to help local churches develop and

implement their vision of ministry and goals. c. Use us to reach our goal of 45 new churches in 2011.

■ Pray for…

a. Terry and Constance Farr b. Nathanael and Sonya

Naugle c. Brad and Julie Rapp d. Roland and Kathy Cadle e. David and Shirley Foor f. Joseph and Candice

Himes g. Emidio Payero h. Tom and Cyndee Brink i. Clifford Voss II

j. Jeff and Deborah Tomlian k. Scott and Karmen

Kennedy l. Raymond and Abby

Trevino m. James Winter Sr. n. Rony Cisneros o. Travis and Jill Mullen p. Bruce and Joyce Linhart q. Duane and Peggy Hunt r. Mark and Kristie Nelson

s. Jonathan Hunt t. Paul and Vivian Malson u. Jared Edgar v. Jose and Doris Santos w. Diogenes and Elizabeth

Morales x. Oscar Dellep y. Edilberto Suayero and

Ada z. Antonio and Betty León

■ Journal prompts for today (A tool for personal reflection and integration). The most recent time I prayed for the Lord to lead was…






■ What‘s next?

a. I commit myself to have deep communion with my Lord, wife and children. b. I discipline myself to pray daily at least ____________ hours/minutes.

Day 13 – Thursday, October 13


■ Focus of the week: ―But the workers are few…‖ The need for workers in the spiritual harvest.

■ Prayer for today: ―I am amazed to know that you have called me to bear much fruit. I want to remain in you and have Your words in me so that I can ask whatever I wish, and it will be done for your glory.‖

■ Scripture for meditation John 15:16: ―You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you‖. No doubt that God has called us to bear much fruit:

a. He called you by personal choice. b. He called to go and bear much fruit. c. He called you, but He wants you to depend totally on Him.

■ General M.C. requests…

a. To continue developing a Global Network of disciple makers. b. That revival would overtake our churches. c. For those churches who are in the middle of conflict and division.

■ Pray for…

a. Erwin Ayala b. Diego and Ogdhaly Mira c. Randy Kennedy and

Señora. d. West Kennedy e. Bienvenido and Millie

Díaz f. Steve and Lynn Zurcher g. Jerry and Karen Terui h. Niles and Aileen


i. Glen Shimabukuro j. Jon and Jennifer Irving k. Dwight Kobayashi l. Daniel and Yolanda

Kikawa m. David Poole n. Mark and JoAnn Morimoto o. Calvin and Joy Chinen p. Charis Chinen q. Daniel Chinen r. Ellie and Becca Kapihe

s. Jed and Judi Young t. Niles and Aileen

Kageyama u. Matthew Metzger v. Jordon Pearson w. Ryan and Dinah Claytor x. Jon and Jennifer Irving y. Jerry Terui

■ Journal prompts for today (A tool for personal reflection and integration). When it comes to showing love, holy love, I find myself…






■ What‘s next?

a. I will learn how to be a good mentor. b. I will have fellowship with other pastors of my denominational family even if I have to overcome some barriers.

Day 14 – Friday, October 14


■ Focus of the week: ―Ask the Lord of the Harvest…‖ Prayer is central to a bountiful harvest.

■ Prayer for today: ―God, help me to make prayer a priority in my life, and to especially tpray for harvesters to go into the harvest field.‖

■ Scripture for meditation Luke 6:13: ―When morning came, he called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them, whom he also designated apostles.‖ God needs you…

a. ―to serve today…‖ This is your day to serve, God watches over you. b. ―He called his disciples…‖. Today is the day of need. God is calling you today. c. ―And chose…‖ He knows you, He is choosing you. d. ―Also designated them as apostles…‖ He commissioned you. You are sent.

■ General M.C. requests…

a. To reach a goal of 24 hours of prayer for every Church in 2011. b. That our 30 days of prayer for harvesters would ―bring us abundant fruit of people.‖ c. For a continuing revival at Bethel College. d. For revival in our Country and in our churches.

■ Pray for…

a. Daryl and Claudie Yamada

b. Anthony and Sharon Hawthorne

c. Bryan and Julie Suzui d. Steven and Dyne Peich e. Scott and Bonnie Duncan f. Mark and Michelle Allen g. Jeremiah and Cherilee

Curran h. Sean and Kimberly


i. Miguel Santos j. Mark and Rene Gillming k. Todd Hahn l. Dan and Mary

Southerland m. Paul and Shannon Mints n. Reagan Farish o. David Hewitt p. Beto Pena q. Brian Swiggart r. James and Brenda Keller

s. Larry and Cora VanSlambrook

t. Michael and Sharon Cadrette

u. Harlan and Karen Gingrich

v. Alan and Kim Yerke w. Laurie and Bill Shaffer x. Christina and Dan

Crocker y. Tom and Sandi Blaylock z. Stan and Shirley Liechty

■ Journal prompts for today (A tool for personal reflection and integration). My deepest desires are…





__________ ■ What‘s next?

a. Check your call to service and meet the new challenges that God is giving to you. b. Ask God for friends‘ names and acquaintances and make a list and pray for them.

Day 15 – Saturday, October 15


■ Focus of the week: ―Ask the Lord of the Harvest…‖ Prayer is central to a bountiful harvest. ■ Prayer for today: ―God, give those working in the harvest fields a bountiful harvest.‖

■ Scripture for meditation: Acts 13:2-3

―While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, ‗Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul

for the work to which I have called them‘. So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent

them off.‖

a. Worship, fasting and prayer set the stage for God to set apart Barnabas and Saul. b. Jesus commanded us to pray to God, the Lord of the Harvest, for laborers.. .

■ General M.C. Requests…

a. Ask God to encourage and energize the prayer coordinators of each of our local churches. b. Pray that God will help you be consistent and persistent in prayer. c. Pray for the denominational committees strategizing to accomplish each of the 5-year goals.

■ Pray for… a. Donald and Debbie Embury b. John and Colleen D'Arcy c. Bob and Laura Sweeney d. J. T. and Trisha Mabe f. Charles and Joyce Green, Jr. g. Carlton (Bud) and Jane Freed h. Allen and Sally Sudmann i. James and Ruby Jordan j. Reggie and Sue Courliss

k. Gerald and Marilyn Lerche l. Thomas and Rita Knight m. Glenn and Audrey Bearss n. Heriberto and Margarita

Magallon o. Martin and Sonia Roman p. Ken and Connie Smeader q. Margarito and Gabriela


r. Gerald and Lorraine Sims s. Curtis and Kathy Alexander t.. Joe and Evelyn Purdy u. Rick and Robyn Ferguson v. Josh and Raelyn Hossler w. Dean and Kendra Landry x. Fred and Glenice Becknell y. Robert and Lois Johnson

■ Journal prompts for today (a tool for personal reflection and integration): What is God saying to me about my prayers

for the harvest?

________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ■ What‘s next?

a. Pray specifically for laborers for the harvest b. Ask God what part He wants you to play in the answer to your prayer.

Day 16 – Sunday, October 16


■ Focus of the week: ―Ask the Lord of the Harvest…‖ Prayer is central to a bountiful harvest.

■ Prayer for today: ―I want to hear what is in your heart, Lord. I want my prayer to be aligned with your will.‖.

■ Scripture for meditation: John 15:7: ―If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.‖ a. Our lives must be connected to Jesus if we want to receive answers from Him b. We must also be spending time in His word so that we know what we should ask. c. If we meet these two conditions He has promised to answer our prayers because our prayers will be aligned

with his heart. ■ General M.C. Requests…

a. Ask God to raise up harvesters all across the globe in our Missionary Churches. b. Pray that we will see at least a 15% conversion growth in each of our districts within the next five years. c. Ask God to give us a passion for evangelizing the lost.

■ Pray for…

a. Stephen H. and Linda Beigle

b. Phil and Tamara Whetstone

c. Brian and Becky Dake d. Jeffery and Shalon

Hossler e. Dale and Marie Hamrick f. Larry and Cora

VanSlambrook g. Jon and Jodi Sherry h. Paul and Lynn Melcher i. Tim and Barbara Patch

j. Karl and Christine Yoder k. Douglas and Karen

Connelly l. Owen and Donna Recor m. Matt and Suellen Maloney n. Harold and Donna Sever o. Cliff and Janet Batterbee p. Brent and Val Kriesch q. Anthony and Brenda

Ferriell r. Carlos and Elizabeth


s. Andrew and Ramona Petro

t. David and Marybelle Miller

u. Wyatt and Joy Smith v. Bob and Dawn

Thompson w. Brian and Christine

Bontrager x. Ben and Judy Brick y. David and Ruth Forrester z. Scott and Patricia


■ Journal prompts for today (a tool for personal reflection and integration): What is God teaching me about abiding, or remaining connected to Him and His Word? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

■ What‘s next? a. Spend time today telling God how much you love him. b. Help your disciple develop a regular habit of studying God‘s Word

Day 17 – Monday, October 17


■ Focus of the week: ―Ask the Lord of the Harvest…‖ Prayer is central to a bountiful harvest.

■ Prayer for today: ―I want to please you with my life. Search my heart and help me to respond in obedience to what you show me.‖

■ Scripture for meditation: 1 John 3:21-22: ―Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God and receive from him anything we ask, because we obey his commands and do what pleases him.‖ a. A clean heart allows us to come in confidence to God b. God wants to answer the prayers of His obedient children. c. When we please Him He delights to hear and answer our prayers.

■ General M.C. Requests…

a. Seek God for the lost in your community. b. Pray that God will help our leaders to prioritize their time so that they can disciple non-believers as well as new

Christians. c. Pray that at least 10% of the people in your church will be involved in making disciples.

■ Pray for…

a. Jeff and Angela Turner b. Ray and Cheryl Adams c. Kirk and Virginia Kimble d. Joel and Rebecca Potter e. Tim and Cheri Bauer f. David and Jodi Lilly g. Dathen and Dawn Foust h. Larry Secor i. James and Tami Wilson j. Adam and Cora DeMike k. Stephen and Tina Roussos l. Brad and Sue Klason m. Christopher and Shana Knight

n. Bob and Janet Renner o. Brad and Tara Thornton p. Paul and Ruth Erdel q. Roderick and Lorraine Hoffman r. Michael and Kathleen Cain s. Norman L. and Linda Fuller t. Lance and Stephanie Witham u. Gary D. and Linda Hinkle v. Terry and Peggy Powell w. David and Julie Swihart x. Marlin and Chris Walterhouse y. Evelio and Elsy Quinonez

■ Journal prompts for today (a tool for personal reflection and integration): Two specific things I can do to please God today are… ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

■ What‘s next? a. With your disciple model being obedient to one of God‘s commands. b. Do something today that will please your spouse and that will also please God.

Day 18 – Tuesday, October 18


■ Focus of the week: ―Ask the Lord of the Harvest…‖ Prayer is central to a bountiful harvest.

■ Prayer for today: ―Increase my faith today. I want to expect answers to my prayers, not merely wish for them.‖

■ Scripture for meditation:

James 1:6-8 ―But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown

and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man,

unstable in all he does.‖

a. God honors faith when we pray. b. The man who doubts is double-minded. c. He is carried back and forth by his unbelief and is not stable in his Christian walk.

■ General M.C. Requests…

a. Ask God to give our pastors an enlarged vision and a renewed passion for their ministry. b. Ask God for wisdom as each region and district review their programs and initiatives to determine their

effectiveness. c. Pray for all those who serve in our national office.

■ Pray for…

a. Kevin and Andrea Skaggs b. David and Elena Hackney c. Jeff and Robin Truex d. Bradley and Liz Reimer e. Patrick and Josie Puglisi f. Chris and Kim Beall g. Rick and Carlyn Schultz h. Michael and Holly Kalling i. Ronald and Carol Drake j. Dwayne and Rhonda Potteiger k. Kenneth and Josephine Fetter l. Ryan and Robin Yazel m. Jason and Terri Nicholls n. Brad and Kelsey Bullock

o. David and Lauren Blue p. Paul and Laresa Commons q. Brian and Tina Baughman r. Amado and Marina Lopez, s. Jim and Nancy Beeler t. Mario and Matilde Delgado u. Harry Squires v. Cory and Crystal Weatherton w. George and Jacqueline Milliman x. Brian and Nicci Colby y. Charlie and Debbie Keller z. David and Ruth Ann Waid

■ Journal prompts for today (a tool for personal reflection and integration): Write down two or three requests that only God can answer… ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

■ What‘s next? a. Ask God what one thing you can do today that is a step of faith. b. Discuss with your disciple the importance of faith in prayer.

Day 19 – Wednesday, October 19


■ Focus of the week: ―Ask the Lord of the harvest…‖ Prayer is central to a bountiful harvest.

■ Prayer for today: ―Forgive me for those times I have failed to persevere in prayer. Fill my heart with holy desperation for the things that break your heart.‖

■ Scripture for meditation: Luke 11:5 –8 ―Then he said to them, ‗Suppose one of you has a friend, and he goes to him at midnight and says, `Friend, lend me three loaves of bread, because a friend of mine on a journey has come to me, and I have nothing to set before him.' Then the one inside answers, `Don't bother me. The door is already locked, and my children are with me in bed. I can't get up and give you anything.' I tell you, though he will not get up and give him the bread because he is his friend, yet because of the man's boldness he will get up and give him as much as he needs. So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.‘‖

a. The friend was hesitant to answer. b. The friend gave in when than man was persistent. c. God is not hesitant to answer. d. He invites us to ask, seek and knock.

■ General M.C. Requests…

a. Pray for our regional and district superintendents. b. Pray for our missionaries. c. Ask God to raise up new leaders from the ―next generation‖..

■ Pray for…

a. Paul and Marsha Metzger b. Terry and Susan

Neumayer c. Lloyd and Myrtice George d. Byron and Cindy Maynard e. Darren and Kristine

Pettifor f. Thomas Burgett g. David and Barbara

Nicholls h. Bryan and Pamela Balasa

i. Dan and Rhonda Miller j. Robert and Linda Loar k. Bob and Janet Renner l. Kenneth and Jan

Bontreger m. James and Pam Merillat n. Donald and Mary Snell o. Gregory and Sara Getz p. John and Annette Eastis q. Jeff and Kim Krabach r. Phil and Kyle Stahly

s. Jim and Debra Wood t. Zach and Holly Bayer u. Tudor and Mary Lance v. Michael and Sherrie

Lander w. Dave Leach x. John P. and Trudy

Hansbrough y. Charles and Joy Polk z. Paul Barrett

■ Journal prompts for today (a tool for personal reflection and integration): God has taught me the following about prayer this week.… _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

■ What‘s next? a. Check your prayer list to see if there is someone you have missed. b. Praise God today that He invites us to pray.

Day 20 – Thursday, October 20


■ Focus of the week: ―Ask the Lord of the harvest…‖ Prayer is central to a bountiful harvest.

■ Prayer for today: ―Remind me daily to make prayer a lifestyle, not just a moment in my schedule.‖

■ Scripture for meditation:

1Thess. 5:16-18: ―Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.‖

a. God‘s will is for us to be joyful. b. He wants us to be continually in touch with Him. c. He wants us to be thankful in all circumstances. d. This is possible when we are ―in Christ Jesus‖.

■ General M.C. Requests…

a. Pray for wisdom for those responsible for communication between the denomination, regions, districts and local churches.

b. Pray for your pastor as he seeks to implement the vision of your local church. c. Pray that God will enlarge and clarify the vision of your pastor.

■ Pray for…

a. Matthew and Brittany Baughman b. Dennis and Kathleen Bobbert c. Alberto and Wilma Rodriguez d. Francisco and Abigail Muriel e. Roberto and Iris Cruz f. Angel G. and Myricelis Sierra g. Victor and Ines Perez h. Emilio Sanabria and Ines Roman i. Antolino and Sonia Alvarez j. Wilfredo Muniz k. Gladys Zeno l. Gilberto and Nidia Feliciano m. Keilas and Eveliny Martinez

n. Miguel and Julia Molina o. Sergio and Sonia Chaparro p. Evelyn Velez q. Axel Marantas r. Isabel and Sandra Caraballo s. Sonia Noemi Soto t. Armando Zapata Resto u. Angel Benitez v. Dominga and Josue Hernandez w. Angel and Maria Rivera x. Jose Rivera and Ilia Ramos y. Victor M. and Winny Padilla z. Maria E. Caraballo

■ Journal prompts for today (a tool for personal reflection and integration): Write down two things you are joyful about

and two reasons to give thanks today in addition to your other prayer requests.…

_________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

■ What‘s next? a. Consider how you can make prayer a lifestyle, always keeping in touch with the Lord.. b. Look for reasons to rejoice and be thankful since Christ is in your life.

Day 21 – Friday, October 21


■ Focus of the week: ―Ask the Lord of the harvest…‖ Prayer is central to a bountiful harvest.

■ Prayer for today: ―May your word be well received today as your servants share it with others.‖

■ Scripture for meditation:

2 Thess. 3:1 ―Finally, brothers, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored, just as it was with you.‖

a. We need to pray for those preaching the Word. b. We need to pray for the rapid spread of the gospel. c. We need to pray that there will be a good response to it. d. We are reminded that the message was also shared with us by a believer.

■ General M.C. Requests…

a. Pray for the director and his assistants in World Partners. b. Pray for the churches in our denomination that are in the process of being planted right now. c. Ask God to encourage and guide the pastors of these new church plants.

■ Pray for…

a. Luz and Efrain Matos b. Pedro A and Elsie Semidey c. Jose A and Evibell Maldonado d. Sandra and Pablo Oyola e. Samuel and Mary Morant f. Carlos Perez g. Edwin and Ruth Nieves h. Israel and Gloria Cortes i. Edgar and Betzaida Padilla j. Noemi Caraballo k. Ana and Jimmy Laureano l. Francisco and Abigail Muriel m. Teodoro and Janice Escobar

n. Jose and Marta Portillo o. Jose Luis and Azeneth Fernandez p. Andre and Alby Gonzalez q. Ruben and Aracely De La Cruz r. Miguel and Elizabeth Ramos s. Michael and Caryn McCaskill t. Chris and Adrienne Coggins u. Simon and Rosa Villalobos v. Nelson and Marbin Torres w. Mario y Vanessa Sccaffetti x. Sunday and Helen Uwah y. Alfonso and Enedelia Trevino z. Anselmo and Maria Nilda Guerrero

■ Journal prompts for today (a tool for personal reflection and integration): What unreached people groups might you be

praying for today? What missionaries or national leaders might need encouragement today? Write down what God has

told you about your part in the harvest.

_________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

■ What‘s next? a. Pray that the missionaries you know and support will be effective in their ministry. b. Pray especially for those who are seeking to reach the unreached areas of the world.

Day 22 – Saturday, October 22


■ Focus of the week: ―to send out workers into his harvest field…‖ Workers are key to bringing in the harvest.

■ Prayer for today: ―May your word be well received today as Your servants share it with others.‖

■ Scripture for meditation:

Romans 10:14 –15 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"

a. People will not call on one they do not believe in. b. Someone must tell them so that they can hear and believe. c. Those who go must be sent. d. It is a blessing to be able to share the good news!

■ General M.C. Requests…

a. Intercede for those churches in our denomination that are not growing, that God will send revival. b. Pray for the faculty and staff at Bethel College. c. Pray for the growth and development of those recently touched with revival at Bethel College.

■ Pray for…

a. Jose and Rosa De Jesus Cruz

b. Ramiro and Zulema Cantu c. Alberto and Nora Jimenez d. Tito and Josephine

Sanabria e. Daniel and Oralia

Carrizales f. Francisco and Juana

Gonzales, Jr g. Hugo and Eunice Moya h. Dewey and Judy Wells

i. Sean and Lauri Azzaro j. Guadalupe and Joani

Cervera k. Jose Angel and Maria

Chavero l. G. Michael and Judy

Livingston m. Douglas and Wendi

Posey n. Paul and Kay Kirk o. Len and Diana Sunukjian p. Toby and Rosa Lazo

q. Norm Wakefield r. L. Mike and Kristi Clack s. Jim and Rebecca

Hoogenboom t. Diego and Claudia

Montilla u. Ed and Cori Jenewein v. John Katagi w. Edwin and Meri Recinos x. Dennis W. and Leesa

Bellesi y. Chris and Marla Schmaltz

■ Journal prompts for today (a tool for personal reflection and integration): In these verses today God has taught me... _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ ■ What‘s next?

a. Teach your disciple the importance of sharing the good news with someone else. b. Go with him to share his faith with one of his friends.

Day 23 – Sunday, October 23


■ Focus of the week: ―to send out workers into his harvest field…‖ Workers are key to bringing in the harvest.

■ Prayer for today: Remove the barriers in the lives of those You have called into the harvest field.

■ Scripture for meditation:

Jeremiah 1:6-8 "Ah, Sovereign LORD," I said, "I do not know how to speak; I am only a child." But the LORD said to me, "Do not say, `I am only a child.' You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you," declares the LORD.

a. Jeremiah had a ready excuse when God called him. What are my excuses? b. The Lord did not accept his excuse. c. God reaffirmed his call. d. God gave Jeremiah encouragement and promised His presence would be with him. e. God‘s presence is also promised to us.

■ General M.C. Requests…

a. Ask God to provide the finances necessary to achieve the growth goals of the denomination. b. Pray for those who are charged with the responsibility to handle Missionary Church finances. c. Seek God‘s blessing on the Missionary Church.

■ Pray for…

a. Walter y Rossanna Herrera

b. Gregory H. and Betsy Harris

c. Andrew and Grace Tae Oon Suk

d. David and Sharon Kim e. Nemias and Gloria

Hernandez f. Frank F. and Erma Franco g. Chuck and Rosie Perez h. Ron and Kathy Seidel i. Jim and Sandy Mackinga j. Christopher Fukunaga

k. Jorge and Monica Fuentes

l. Woo Sung "Abraham" Chung

m. Eun Jong Park n. Clement and Clarice

Muwele o. Philip and Helenice

Castellanos p. Luis and Edith Mejia q. Edgar and Lolita Florendo r. Steven and Kelly

Bagdanov s. Louis and Faith DeLuca

t. James and Marcia Hyland u. Chris and Josephine

Stevens v. Moon and Kimmie Ju Kim w. Viorel and Florentina

Lacatus x. Roy and Jill Shinn y. Ricardo and Victoria

Rivera z. John and Paula


■ Journal prompts for today (a tool for personal reflection and integration): Are there excuses I have made for not doing

what God has called me to do? What are they?

_________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ ■ What‘s next?

a. Walk in obedience to what God is leading you to do today. b. Go with confidence, knowing He is with you.

Day 24 – Monday, October 24


■ Focus of the week: ―to send out workers into his harvest field…‖ Workers are key to bringing in the harvest.

■ Prayer for today: ―May I count all things loss except the privilege of following you with my whole heart‖

■ Scripture for meditation:

Luke 14:26-27 "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters--yes, even his own life--he cannot be my disciple. And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.‖

a. God‘s call to commitment is very high. He must have first place. b. No other considerations have a place; only follow Him.. c. Christ carried His cross to rescue you. d. He calls us to make a similar sacrifice to rescue others.

■ General M.C. Requests…

a. Pray for churches that are searching for new pastors. b. Ask God to raise up new pastors that are spiritually passionate and focused on the mission of God‘s kingdom. c. Pray for those who train, and coach the new pastors in the Missionary Church.

■ Pray for…

a. Bruce and Daria Greene, III b. Jim and Jenny Firth c. James Gehrke d. Sam and Toni Gallucci e. Dave and Amy Teixeira f. Jason and Sara McConahy g. Kevin and Susan Wolfe h. Aaron and Rita Santini i. Willie and Lisa O'Burke j. Dan and Nancy Harty k. Mark and Rene Gillming l. Victor and Robin Crawford m. Drew and Mabry Jackson

n. Terry R. and Deborah Booth o. Russ and Christa Johnson p. Mark and Christie Stevens q. Ramiro y Rosario Cipriano r. Jim Campbell, Jr. s. Timothy and Cathy Mattingly t. Bert and Cheryl Jones u. W. Dennis and Terri Sharp v. Jim and Jennie Falleti w. Shane and Susan Schlesman x. Eun and Hyeong Young Hong y. Allen and Doris Tyndall z. Dan and Jan Palmer

■ Journal prompts for today (a tool for personal reflection and integration): What cross must I carry in order to rescue others in the harvest field? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

■ What‘s next? a. Prayerfully review your priorities in light of today‘s Scripture meditation. b. Urgently ask God to send out additional workers into the harvest field

Day 25 – Tuesday, October 25


■ Focus of the week: ―to send out workers into his harvest field…‖ Workers are key to bringing in the harvest.

■ Prayer for today: ―Teach me to obey immediately whatever You show me to do.‖

■ Scripture for meditation: Ecclesiastes 11:4: ―Whoever watches the wind will not plant; whoever looks at the clouds will not reap.‖

a. If we wait for perfect weather we will never plant. b. If we‘re worried about getting wet we will not harvest. c. We must ―work while it is day because the night is coming.‖

■ General M.C. Requests…

a. Pray for the district conferences held throughout the year as they plan and cast vision for 2011 and beyond. b. Pray for the General Conference that will be held in Dallas in July. c. Ask God to protect our denominational leaders as they travel throughout the year.

■ Pray for…

a. Kevin and Julie Beasley b. Oris and Elizabeth Guillaume c. Peter and Anita Paye d. Fritznel and Marie Noelzil e. Jean and Mireille Dupervil f. Junnus Clay g. Hector and Monserrate Soto h. Joshua and Julie Roberts i. Timothy and Andrea Skinner j. Melina and Efren Macias k. Francisco and Rosa Ramirez l. Ryan and Hayley Smith m. Matthew and Jamie Metzger

n. Tyler and Laure Liu o. Paul and Amy Schultz p. Jim and Dawn Anderson q. Bruce and Dawn Cluckie r. Jeremy and Mindie Tice s. Robyn Moore t. Adel and Iman (missionaries in an undisclosed

location) u. John and Julie Gerig v. Janyne Johnston w. Jim and Olya Mendenhall x. Flossie Epley y. Tim and Jeannie Johnson

■ Journal prompts for today (a tool for personal reflection and integration): Circumstances that may be hindering me from doing God‘s work are… _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

■ What‘s next? a. Make a list, in the order of importance of what God is asking you to accomplish. b. Share your list with your disciple and encourage your disciple to also make a list. c. Share your list with your prayer partner and ask that person to hold you accountable.

Day 26 – Wednesday, October 26


■ Focus of the week: ―to send out workers into his harvest field…‖ Workers are key to bringing in the harvest.

■ Prayer for today: ―Help me to glorify You by bearing fruit for Your Kingdom.‖

■ Scripture for meditation:

John 15:5-6, 8 "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned…This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples‖.

a. The ability to bear fruit comes from the vine. b. A branch that does not bear fruit is unhealthy and useless. c. We are expected to bear much fruit. d. This brings glory to the Father.

■ General M.C. Requests…

a. Ask God for open hearts on the part of these who are being evangelized. b. Pray for your pastor that he can clearly discern the leading of the Holy Spirit. c. Pray also for our denominational leaders that they will know God‘s leading.

■ Pray for…

a. Jeff and Shauna Spence II b. Joy Ayabe c. Lyle and Rebecca Reffey d. Don and Marla Bettinger e. Shaun and Angela Futch f. Paul Chon and Young Choi g. Chris and Wendy DeLong h. Marc and Kami Gavilanez i. Edward and Hia Kim j. Ruthanne Mahone k. Dave and Dorcas McDeavitt l. David and Marisa Mishkin m. Jonathan and Kari Steffen

n. Leanne Carter o. Rich and Judy Witmer p. Rick and Madara Dugan q. Josh and Sarah Hawkins r. Janette Metzger s. Sheri Walters t. David and Grace McBrier u. Dennis and Linda Collins v. Randall and Carolyn Fudge w. Rebecca Cox x. Don and Judy Day y. Timothy and Susana Gretschmann z. Mark and Carla Hanson

■ Journal prompts for today (a tool for personal reflection and integration): Steps I can take to become more attached to Jesus are… _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ ■ What‘s next?

a. Consider whether or not you are taking enough time to ―remain‖ in the vine. b. Listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit as He guides you in the harvest field. c. Ask God to show you the harvest and give you your assignment in it.

Day 27 – Thursday, October 27


■ Focus of the week: ―to send out workers into his harvest field…‖ Workers are key to bringing in the harvest.

■ Prayer for today: ―Lord, help me have an opportunity to share my faith with someone today who will, in turn, share it with others.‖ ■ Scripture for meditation: I Timothy 2:2 ―And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others‖.

a. Paul had shared these truths with Timothy b. Timothy was to entrust them to other reliable men c. These men would then be qualified to teach others d. We must think about how we can multiply ourselves through our disciples, who will also multiply themselves.

Each generation must pass on the truth to the next. ■ General M.C. Requests…

a. Continue to ask God to raise up harvesters for the spiritual harvest field. b. Pray that God will clearly show you your part in the harvest. c. Ask God to call many of our youth to serve in the harvest field.

■ Pray for…

a. Howard and Ruth Moser b. Nathan and Amy Moser c. Mike and Carol Bishop d. David and Lolly Erdel e. Stuart and Bev Olson f. Roy and Marabeth

Ringenberg g. Tim and Ruth Stuck h. Jorge and Michelle

Maldonado, Jr. i. Allen and Erin Wagler j. Joe and Dianna Wenger

k. Jon and Amy Bruney l. Stephen and Gayle

Burgstahler m. Ryan and Johanna

Flemming n. James E. and Susan

Smith o. Brent and Cindy Poe p. Bill and Geneva

Richardson q. Matthew and Elizabeth


r. Craig and Tammy Lambright

s. Earl and Sara Smith t. Wyatt and Joy Smith u. Brent and Trish Danielson v. Angel and Marilyn Crespo w. Carl and Sheila Galloway x. Roderick and Lorraine

Hoffman y. Chris and Melissa Garner z. William D. and Sylvia


■ Journal prompts for today (a tool for personal reflection and integration): The reliable men or women I will pour my time, energy and knowledge into are… _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ ■ What‘s next?

a. Ask God to give you reliable disciples to develop into mature multiplying people of God. b. Give those you believe to be reliable men or women an assignment, like a chapter to read, or to keep a journal

for the week, to test their commitment.

c. Once they‘ve completed their assignments, focus your attention on helping them grow and multiply.

Day 28 – Friday, October 28


■ Focus of the week: ―to send out workers into his harvest field…‖ Workers are key to bringing in the harvest.

■ Prayer for today: ―Help me do my part to see your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.‖ ■ Scripture for meditation: Matthew 24:14 ―And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come‖. Revelation 7:9 After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands.

a. The gospel must be preached to the whole world before the end will come. b. In Revelation John sees the fulfillment of that prophecy with people from every nation, tribe, people and

language standing before the throne. c. Note: There are still about 1500 people groups without the Word translated into their language and about as

many unreached people groups. There is still a great task before us. ■ General M.C. Requests…

a. Pray that God will overcome any barriers in your life that prevent you from making disciples. b. Ask God to use the Missionary Church to launch disciple-making movements around the world. c. Pray for protection for the harvesters.

■ Pray for

a. Nat and Donna Brown

b. Bob and Donna Eagle

c. Keith and Ann Fisher

d. Steve and Sheila Harrigan

e. Jim and Karen Heck

f. William and Debbie Jones

g. Phil and Jan Logan

h. James and Missy Bayer

i. Jeremy and Ann LeVan

j. Joe and Jeanne Focht

k. Amado and Marina Lopez

l. John and Tammy Gregory

m. Gary Kauffman

n. David J. and Christy Engbrecht

■ Journal prompts for today (a tool for personal reflection and integration): The two passages of Scripture today challenge me to… _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

■ What‘s next? a. Pray for the church planters in America today and pray for more of them.. a. Pray for the missionaries you know personally.

b. Be prepared to share your testimony with someone today.

Day 29 – Saturday, October 29


■ Focus of the week: Luke 10:17 The seventy-two returned with joy and said, "Lord, even the demons submit to us in

your name." – Celebrate God‘s answer to our prayer!!

■ Prayer for today: Thank you, Lord, for raising up harvester for the harvest field! ■ Scripture for meditation: Exodus 23:16 "Celebrate the Feast of Harvest with the firstfruits of the crops you sow in your field. "Celebrate the Feast of Ingathering at the end of the year, when you gather in your crops from the field.‖

a. God commanded a celebration of the harvest in the Old Testament. b. They celebrated both the firstfruits and the completion of the harvest. c. The celebration was in gratitude to God for the harvest. d. Today let us celebrate God‘s answer to our prayer for reapers in the harvest field.

■ General M.C. Requests…

a. Thank God for answering prayer for harvesters. b. Praise Him for calling you to have a part in the harvest. c. Celebrate His faithfulness and celebrate the harvest..

■ Pray for

a. Terry and Heather Murray b. Janet Nickel c. Alan and Kris Steiner

d. Larry Yarger e. Stan and Valli Yoder

■ Journal prompts for today (a tool for personal reflection and integration): What has God done in and through me for the harvest that I can celebrate today? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

■ What‘s next? a. Determine your next steps to help complete the harvest. a. Discuss with your disciple the things God has shown you over these last 30 days. b. CELEBRATE God‘s answer to your prayer for harvesters!!

Day 30 – Sunday, October 30


■ Focus of the week: ―To send out workers into his harvest field…‖ – ―Workers are the key to bringing in the harvest‖ ■ Prayer for today: Here I am Lord; send ME to the Harvest field! ■ Scripture for meditation:

a. Look at the harvest – John 4:35: It is our responsibility to gaze on the vast harvest yet untouched. Pray that

God will help you truly see lost and hurting people all around you.

b. Go into the harvest – John 17:18: Jesus sends us into the harvest fields of the world in the same manner in

which His Father sent him. Pray that God will give you a willingness to lovingly move out into the lost world

around you.

c. Bring in the harvest – Luke 10:2: The term ―harvest‖ implies an ingathering. Bringing people into God‘s

Kingdom is the ultimate goal. However, ministering to the needs of people is an important part of the salvation

message (Matt 9:35-37).

■ General M.C. Requests…

Pray using this verse from the Bible: ―But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.‖ Acts 1:8

■ Journal prompts for today (a tool for personal reflection and integration): Are you ready for taking some steps by faith? Please write some details… _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

■ What‘s next?

a. Start having your own disciples. b. Offer yourself to God daily.

Day 31 – Monday, October 1 Day 31 – Monday, October 31