3 Steps Forward, 2 Steps Back Kyra Cavanaugh, President Re-Engaging Employees with Six Aspects of...



Source: Congressional Budget Office In 2017

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3 Steps Forward, 2 Steps Back Kyra Cavanaugh, President Re-Engaging Employees with Six Aspects of Team Life Source: Congressional Budget Office In 2017 In 2019 In 2020 By 2021 GenerationsApprox. Age in 2022In Labor Force Z0 to MM Y / Millennials20 to MM X35 to MM Trailing Boomers55 to MM Leading Boomers65 to MM In 2022 What about talent strategy? We have over-engineered the HR process and its not going to get us where we need to go. CHRO, Professional Services Firm Albert Einstein was right.. We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. Conversation Connection Conversation Connection Conversation Connection Conversation Connection Managers reported improvements in: Productivity Customer service Comfort with team working flexibly Team functioning Teammates believed: Organizational support for work/life improved There was less emphasis on face time, work as priority over family, and expectations of 24/7 availability Conversations about what? 1.Creating efficiency and capacity in work processes 2.Building competencies for leading and managing people in this new world of work What are you expecting out of people on your team that they arent delivering? What crazy-making behaviors need to stop to reduce overwork and burnout? What new ways of working could you incorporate into your engagement? How could you make it work? What is wasting time and how can it be eliminated or reduced? What expectations do you have around how the team communicates and collaborates? Are you meeting them? What is the state of your working relationships? Are you connecting, trusting and having fun? 26 Team Alignment Approach Consider Six Tools Identify Opportunities Initiate Conversation Develop Solutions Make a plan Learn More 1.Buy new book at this conference 2.Check out free resources at whoworkswherebook.com 3.Visit workplaceflex.org to watch manager videos and get copy of study 4.Watch webinar series at our YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/Life MeetsWork https://www.youtube.com/user/Life MeetsWork 5.Contact me at or