25...Anderson, Steve Caldwell, Terry Hawley, Gord Miller, Seyi Odewale, Jim Palmer, Steve Plett,...


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2019/2020 Annual ReportFoothills Alliance Church


VISION PRAYERO God, we long, with all our hearts, for a transforming journey with you where you are making us to be a people who know you, love others, reach neighbours and serve the world.

General (Ministry) Fund$1,895

Building Fund$550

Missions Fund$450

Justice & Compassion Fund$125

General (Ministry) Fund

PersonnelMinistryFacilitiesAdministrationDistrictTransfers to Building and MissionsSurplus (Deficit)

The General Fund supports the main ministries and functions of the church, including the cost of day to day operations. In Apr 2020 the board asked donors to redirect all giving to the general fund. The board transferred $237K from the general fund to the building and missions funds in Q2 2020. Personnel expenditure of $1,438 is net of federal grants of $160 for a total personnel expenditure of $1,598. The 2019-2020 deficit of $80K will be covered by prior year surpluses.

Building Fund

Bank Loan RepaymentCapital Facility UpgradesBuilding Fund Emergency ReserveBuilding Fund Cash Reserve

Three quarters of the Building Fund is used to make our mortgage payments which will continue until Nov 2025 based on the current schedule. The rest of the Building Fund is used to complete planned (preventative) and unplanned (unexpected repairs) capital projects required to maintain our building and technology assets. With Covid we paid only interest for the months Apr, May andJune. For 2020-2021 we paid only interest for Jul and Aug. Remaining mortgage balance as of June 30 2020 is $2.1M. Actual Total includes $150K transfer from the General Fund, $514k less $150k = $364 that was donated directly to the Building Fund.

Justice & Compassion Fund

The Justice and Compassion Fund is used to relieve poverty, restore dignity, work against injustice and help promote the kingdom reign of Jesus. Historically, a staff salary has been incorporated into the Fund budget used to oversee and administer it. In 2019-2020, the staff salary has been incorporated into the General Fund along with other personnel salaries. The Justice and Compassion Fund is now a flow through fund where all monies go directly to supporting its mandate.

Missions Fund

Global AdvanceFFIW*Camp ChamisallCanadian Ministries

*FFIW - Foothills Family International Workers

The Missions Fund is a flow-through fund where all monies go directly to supporting global impact efforts in Canada and worldwide.Donations are per policy as follows: 70% to Global Advance, 20% to Foothills Family International Workers Fund (FFIWF), 5% to Camp Chamisall and 5% to Canadian Ministries. Actual Total includes $87K transfer from the General Fund, $430k less $87k = $343k that was donated directly to the Missions Fund.

















OPENING PRAYER – Terry Hawley, Board Chair, welcomed those in attendance. Karen Vine, one of our Elders, opened the meeting in prayer, including the Foothills Prayer.

CALL TO ORDER – Terry Hawley called the meeting to order, and then read 1 Peter 4:7-11. We prayed around the tables to thank God for his love, sacrifice, and care for us and his Church, and to pray for Foothills, and Pastor Ian Trigg finished this time with a concluding prayer. He introduced Nick Kennedy, former intern, now pastor with our students/youth; Shawn McCaig, intern from Ambrose; congratulated Lawrence Stalder on being named Layman of the Year by the WCD; and thanked Tereasa Basaraba for all her work on our behalf.

ADOPTION OF AGENDAMoved by Miriam Charter, seconded by Lawrence Stalder, to adopt the agenda as circulated. Carried.

APPROVAL OF 2018 ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES DATED JUNE 10, 2018Moved by Lawrence Stalder, seconded by Doreen Randshuizen, to approve the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting Minutes (June 10, 2018) as circulated. Carried.

NOMINATING COMMITTEE REPORT Sandra Stephenson presented the report of the Nominating Committee. Those being nominated for the 2019/20 Board of Elders are: Allen Adrian, Sharon Anderson, Steve Caldwell, Terry Hawley, Gord Miller, Seyi Odewale, Jim Palmer, Steve Plett, Lawrence Stalder, Mandy Trask, and Karen Vine. This results in eleven Elders; though we usually have ten, the bylaws allow a maximum of 12, and an additional one was added to enable continuity of roles as Elders move off the Board in the next couple of years. Moved by Steve Plett, seconded by Kathy van Westenbrugge, to adopt the Nominating Committee report as presented. Carried.

LEAD PASTOR’S REPORTAdditional highlights: Gratitude for staff behind all the ways volunteers serve Upcoming highlights in four areas:

Knowing God — Soul Care to be offered in October; “Hearing God” component of prayer ministryLoving Others — Increased life groupsReaching Neighbours — Continuing growth in Alpha;intentionally reaching out to indigenous neighboursServing the World — Numbers 13 recommendations for missions involvement by Foothills Glacier Ridge Church is thriving. Foothills has coped with the loss of those going to Glacier Ridge.

Moved by Ken Chapman, seconded by Sandy Palmer, to accept the Pastor’s report as included in the Annual Report and verbally highlighted by Ian Trigg. Carried.

Those being nominated for the Nominating Committee are Susie Epp and Sandra Stevenson. Moved by Lawrence Stalder, seconded by Gord Miller, that Susie Epp and Sandra Stevenson be members from the congregation on the Nominating Committee for the year 2019/20. Carried.

ELECTION OF ELDERS a) Appointment of Tellers.Moved by Karen Vine, seconded by Lawrence Stalder, to appoint Ken Stuart, Jim Lees, Marilyn Wallace, and Eleanor Protheroe as tellers for the Board of Elders election. Carried

b) Vote and Collection of Ballots. Ballots were distributed by the Tellers to the members in attendance and collected.

TREASURER’S REPORT: BUDGET Jim Palmer presented highlights from the Treasurer’s Budget Report, some of which was circulated previously to the membership and congregation.

Questions:• Foothills Alliance Preschool and Kindergarten is a separate entity with separate budget.• Is there a BOE-approved policy with guidelines for rental groups? Yes.• Do we have term limits for staff members to allow for turnover and

the hiring of promising young staff? Longer-term employees receive higher wages, a budget consideration. Discussed often in Personnel Committee, but no fixed terms currently. Regular evaluations. “Senior” or l ong-term staff lend maturity and stability; need to balance with younger staff.

• Additional Special giving opportunities— Slide reflects giving to approved special offerings. Congregation supports additional missions besides what is in budget.

• Could JCC fund be applied to Glacier Ridge? Has been discussed by BOE, Policies limit what JCC can be used for; CRA has rules for prudent use. BOE can change policy and can take this point under consideration.

• Surprise at “intense” support of GRC; why are they not “launched” and selfsupporting? WCD Launch process explained in FACs.

• Suggestion to present a balance sheet; very complicated; best available on a request basis for those who are

• interested. We are audited annually, with good reports.• Suggestion to limit projects instead of trying to fund

multiple causes. There is a tension between finance and faith. Fixed-cost funds (General Fund, mortgage) are doing okay. The “flow-through” funds (Missions, Compassion) do not distribute more than is taken in; if we don’t receive the budgeted amount, we don’t spend it.

MOTION 1APPROVAL OF F INANCIAL RESULTS—Moved by J im Lees , seconded by Ferdinand Randshuizen, that the report on the 2018-19 Foothills Alliance Church financial results be accepted as presented. Carried.

MOTION 2APPROVAL OF BUDGET—Moved by Seyi Odewale, seconded by Stan Bradford, that the 2019-20 Budget for Foothills Alliance Church be approved as presented. Carried.

MOTION 3APPROVAL OF 2019-20 BUDGET FOR HORIZON CHURCH—Moved by Mandy Trask, seconded by Sandy Palmer, that the 2019-20 Budget for Horizon Church beapproved as presented. Carried.

MOTION 4APPROVAL OF 201920 BUDGET FOR GLACIER RIDGE CHURCH—Moved by Seyi Odewale, seconded by Karen Vine, that the 2019-20 Budget for Glacier Ridge Church be approved as presented. Carried.

MOTION 5APPOINTMENT OF AUDITORS—Moved by Greg Young, seconded by Lawrence Stalder, that Retzlaff and Wong be appointed auditors for the 2018-19 financial statements. Carried.

Thanks was extended to Jim Palmer for his work as Treasurer.

RESULTS OF ELDER ELECTION — Terry Hawley announced that the following were elected to the Board of Elders for the year 2019/20: Allen Adrian, Sharon Anderson, Steve Caldwell, Terry Hawley, Gord Miller, Seyi Odewale, Jim Palmer, Steve Plett, Lawrence Stalder, Mandy Trask, and Karen Vine.

MOTION FOR THE DISPOSITION OF BALLOTS — Moved by Stan Bradford, seconded by Doug Fowler, that the ballots used for the election of Elders and members of the Nominating Committee be destroyed. Carried.

PRAYER OF CONSECRATION Gordon Fowler reviewed the characteristics of overseers (Elders) from Ephesians and led a prayer of consecration over the newly elected Board.

Gord Miller closed the meeting in prayer.

ADJOURNMENT — Moved by Terry Hawley, seconded by Doug Fowler, to adjourn the meeting. Carried.

This has been a year like no other for us all! I’ve joked many times that “I must have slept in that morning at Bible College when they taught us how to lead the church in a season of pandemic!” I also missed the addendum on “how to write an annual report message in a season of pandemic!” Our world changed forever when we decided, during thesecond week of March, that all our public ministries would be temporarily suspended. We had no idea how long this would last. Our best guess was that there would be no public gatherings until at least midway through the summer but here we are in October, slowly beginning to open up again.

There’s so much I could say about this season but let me shorten it to a profound sense of gratitude. First to the One who said, “I will build my church and the very gates of hell will not prevail against it.” If I didn’t believe in a good and kind and sovereign God, I’d easily succumb to the conspiracy theorist’s judgment that this whole COVID thing is a giant social experiment to inflict chaos on us all! But I do believe in a good and kind God and believe he still has all things in control. He has been so faithful and so gracious and so present and I am so thankful.

I’m also beyond grateful for our leadership team at Foothills, both staff and Elders. Our team stepped up to the challenge of providing online ministry with great passion, creativity and enthusiasm. So many have worked so hard that it would take pages to mention them all but please know that we have been profoundly blessed with amazing leadership from our Elders and Staff that truly matches the biblical truth: “For such a time as this!”

To find ways to say thank you to the Foothills family is no small challenge. Financially, last April our Board allowed us to reach into our reserve fund to keep our minstries moving forward. Remarkably, by the gracious hand of God, and your generous giving, we not only didn’t need to access any of our reserves, but actually added to that reserve fund. God’s faithfulness and your extravagant generosity continue to amaze me!

But it’s not just our finances that brings me gratitude. It has been the many expressions of prayer, kindness, support and hope that has truly added wind to my sails these past seven months. I’m thrilled with the manner in which our children’s ministry team, under Heather Malkinson’s leadership, found a way to run 7 camps for kids this summer. I’m grateful for how Patti Love and her team have carried on our vibrant Intercultural Ministry online. Our youth adult ministry team leaders have truly stepped up to find ways to care for the youth and adults of our church. I’m so thankful for Jerry and the volunteers who found a way for us to complete last Spring’s Alpha and get the Fall session launched.

I say it often but I so love being your pastor and feel so blessed by God to be a part of such a caring, trusting, encouraging church family.

So while I think we’ve mostly survived many of the potential perils of the pandemic, the question of “what’s next?” is clearly before us. As you know, we are early into our relaunching of ministries and weekend services. We are meeting live for our Sunday morning services with the best protocols and practices we know to provide the safest experience for our family.In addition, we continue to provide the best weekend online church experience. Rebecca Schnell, our Worship Arts Director, and her team have given so much and worked so hard – we are all greatly indebted to them. The majority of our ministries are happening this Fall, most in-person and some online. I’m so grateful for the creativity and passion of our Pastors and lay leaders who are makingthis happen.

We still don’t how long we will live in a world caught in a pandemic. The implications of this reality will continue to impact us deeply. Yet our passion to find pathways to enable people to know God and love others and reach neighbours and serve the world are just as important to us as ever. We will not shy away from finding creative ways to help people grow in their experience with God and in their discovery of authentic biblical community. The call to serve others in our church and in our community has never been clearer and more necessary than it is right now. Here are a few other priorities before us right now:

• To increase our focus on volunteer engagement and training • To develop a plan to eliminate our mortgage (currently sitting at $2.1 million) • To foster new and manageable strategies to grow us as disciples of Jesus • To support our parents in influencing their children to follow Jesus • To continue to develop strategies in reaching and serving our community – especially in our Justice and Compassion Ministry and our Intercultural Ministries • For each ministry to develop a clear discipleship strategy • To see the Alpha ministry continue to expand in both numbers and impact • To address impending replacement of the HVAC system for our roof top units in the original building

We don’t want to be presumptuous about what the future holds but nor do we want to live in a holding pattern as we see how ministry canhappen in a pandemic world. God is still sovereign and still committed to building his church. We prayerfully anticipate all He longs to do both in us and through us as we extend the heart and will of Jesus to those in our community. Thanks for your prayers and your faithfulness. Greater is he who is in us that he who is in the world. He is building his church and it is so exciting to see that happen. Thank you for your faithfulness and your prayers. It is such a privilege to serve Jesus alongside of each of you!

Bless you and let us continue to be a blessing to our neighbours and our community!Pastor Ian



Foothills, like many other churches, has been profoundly impacted by COVID-19. In March, we had the challenging task of connecting with our Foothills family and friends, while being mandated to stop in-person meetings and practice physical distancing.

Our pastors moved their studies, groups and one-on-one meetings online. Our worship team worked diligently to create an engaging online experience. Here are some of the ways we saw God at work in our ministries:


Average weekly LIVESTREAMS between March 1 to September 13 (relaunch)

2,315 People attendedChristmas Eve Service

1,599 People attendedEaster Service online



Life Groups successfullymoved online

Total ministry events and meetings


22 Young Adults wentto Camp Nakamun

858 150+Alpha attendees online

EASTER SERVICES - A DEEPER LOOK:Churches across Alberta were mandated to stop in-person services in March. Foothills had just started rehearsals for their annual Easter production, which reached a record of 4,825 people last year. With less than a month notice, Foothills had to find a way to engage people online.

With Good Friday and Easter quickly approaching, some churches in Calgary made the difficult decision to cancel their services. The worship and pastoral team at Foothills banded together, deciding to create an unforgettable online experience. Even though Foothills encountered a significant challenge, we were able to reach into more than 1,500 homes.

More than

Students participating inweekly Zoom life groups

110+ 440Students engaged on YouTube

Pounds of non-perishable food items donated to Foothills Justice and Compassion partner organizations

3500+Women connected at DayBreak and womenconnect


12 Women walked together each week through Nose Hill

Women came to Spring Studies50



Made 53 SCRUB BAGS for nursesand 90 FACE MASKS for Ambrose University

Lunches handed out by Foothills volunteers through Brown Bagging for Calgary Kids

669Community events booked at Foothills


Brown Bagging for Calgary Kids - A DEEPER LOOK:Because of COVID-19, Brown Bagging for Calgary Kids had to look different this year. Instead, we created Enter and Exit lines for families picking up lunches.

Through this program, an additional 345 lunches were prepared at Foothills for other locations in the NW.



100+ People servedthrough Justice and Compassion Fund

Foothills Family International Workers supported & prayed for

Quilts and Afghans made for the Louise Dean School

for teen moms


Participants and volunteers attended online classes in Intercultural Ministries from March - October.

Mercy Meals volunteers30

$296,778 To the GlobalAdvance Fund

$12,004 Christmas Eve offering


• 1065 users the first weekend of The 2020 Project• 561 in the last seven days• 318 average users per day• 583 average users per week


We ran a survey for two weeks from Jan 4-18, where we assessed people’s Bible reading disciplines. The project’s purpose was to develop a Bible reading discipline to better hear the voice of God. We received 506 responses with a 95 percent confidence level.

Findings at a glance:• Bible reading habits affect church attendance• Bible reading habits affect how connected they

feel to God

Click HERE for full survey results.

“I believe God guided our church leaders to do the 2020 project, as in our isolation we have more time than ever before. It is special to be spending much treasured time with God in his word & in prayer.” - The 2020 Project user



The 2019 – 2020 Foothills Alliance Nominating Committee consists of: Susie Epp(congregant), Sandra Stephenson (congregant), Karen Vine (elder), Allen Adrian (elder) and Ian Trigg (lead pastor). The Nominating Committee’s mandate is to “nominate sufficient qualified candidates to fill the number of specified board positions. Women and men are eligible to be elected as elders provided they meet all other qualifications in the bylaws. The Nominating Committee is allowed to present as many candidates as it finds suitable. The Nominating Committee is responsible to ensure that all persons being nominated for eldership meet the qualifications required by Scripture, as well as required by the Local Church Constitution and Bylaws. The nominating process involves meeting several times for candidate interviews and prayerful consideration. Prayer and reflection inform each step. With COVID-19 restrictions relating to in-person meetings, the board has decided to allow our members to vote via proxy. The management of the proxy is a task for tellers. The tellers are required before the AGM to manage the proxy vote. The board asked the Nominating Committee to bring forward names for members willing to be tellers for the 2020 AGM. The Nominating Committee hasrecommended these tellers for the 2020 AGM, which has been approved by the board. Motion: The Nominating Committee moved that Chris Boelcke, George Coutts, Ken Draper, Dave Anderson be appointed as tellers for the 2020 AGM. The board asks the members to approve these named tellers.

Foothills Elders are elected for one-year terms, for a maximum of six consecutive terms. The Nominating Committee has thoroughly vetted the following candidates and asserts that they meet the qualifications required by Scripture, the Local Church Constitution, our Policies and our Bylaws. The NominatingCommittee nominates sufficient qualified candidates to fill the number of specified board positions, and strongly endorses that our membership elect the following proposed nominees:

Matt grew up in a Christian home in Red Deer, Alta. After graduating from the University of Alberta with a Bilingual Degree in Commerce, he spent time living and working in Edmonton, Toronto and Orlando. Matt has attended Foothills since 2013, shortly after moving to Calgary. He has served on the Global Impact Team, in our Student’s Ministries as a Youth Leader and as a Life Group Leader. Matt is employed as an Analyst in the Office of

Advancement at the University of Calgary. Matt’s other interests and hobbies include volunteering with the Make-A-Wish Foundation, sports, music, board games and everything Disney.


Karen was born into a Christian family and has spent her entire life in the church. She and her husband, Frederick, have been at Foothills since 1994. They have been blessed with two sons and two daughters. At Foothills, Karen has been involved in many different ministries. Currently, she serves withMercy Meals, mentoring, prayer teams and GriefCare. When not cooking and baking, Karen loves to read and garden.


Seyi grew up in Lagos, Nigeria, and has attended Foothills since 2009 when she moved to Calgary from Philadelphia. Seyi has served as an Usher, Alpha Table Host, Foothills Kids Small Group Leader, Part of the Strike Team, Life Group leader, and currently as a Support Leader in Extreme Kids. Seyi is also a Board Member for the Project Management Institute–Southern Alberta Chapter (PMISAC) and formerly served on the Pregnancy Care

Centre Banquet organization team. In her spare time, Seyi loves to meet new people, hang out with her family and friends, read, go to the theatre, hike and find new places to eat.


Sharon came to Foothills in 1979 as a young married. Originally from Chicago, she grew up in a Christian home, watching her parents demonstrate love and faithfulness to the Lord, their family and the church. She believes a vibrant, Christ-centered church is the best place to grow! At Foothills, Sharon’s been involved in: music/worship, Women’s Ministries, Christmas and Easter productions, kids musicals, and taught the toddlers and

two-year-olds in Foothills Kids. She has also served on the Nominating Committee. Sharon and Lloyd have three adult children, Alida (Colin), Esther Holmes, and Carl (Elyssa) and the most precious grandchildren. She enjoys time with the grandboyswho live across the driveway, reading, sewing/quilting, singing in the Laudate Community Singers and mowing acres of grass on the riding mower on their farm near Langdon.


Lawrence and his wife Joy have been attending Foothills since 1989, raising their two adult children. He currently serves on our Policy & Bylaws and Communicat ions C o m mittees and advocates mentoring future leaders to further Christ’s kingdom. Lawrence is a retired IT consultant and serves as the bylaws/governance consultant at the C&MA Western Canadian District and not for profit boards, including Ambrose University and reSource Leadership

International. His interests include anything electronic, researching and walking the grand dog.


Gord and his wife, Janice, have attended Foothills for over 30 years and have been actively involved in many areas. Gord is an exploration manager in the oil and gas industry and directs leadership and career development efforts. His great joy is spending time with his family and augments this time with walking, snowshoeing, reading and creating videos. Gord has previously served as an Elder and looks

forward to serving in this role once again. He strongly believes that by deepening our Christian faith together, we sharpen each other ‘as iron sharpens iron.This belief drives his passion for discipling others and developing their God-given talents.


Terry and his wife Susan have been attending Foothills since 1996 when they moved to Calgary. They have two young adult children, Andrew (Amanda) and Sarah (Mason). Terry was born and raised in a Christian home in southern Ontario and has always enjoyed ministry involvement. At Foothills, Terry has served with the Finance Committee, as a Life Group and Men’s Bible Study leader, with the Youth Parent

Advisory Committee, has taught financial management classes at the church and is currently involved in short term missions. Terry is employed as a commercial pilot and enjoys travel, photography, camping and time spent with family and friends.


Mandy grew up in Toronto and accepted the Lord as a teenager at Rexdale Alliance Church. Sensing a call to ministry, she attended Canadian Bible College and graduated in 1985. Shortly after, she married her husband, Brent. They moved to Calgary in 1986, where they planted and pastored RockPointe Church for 25 years. They began attending Foothills in 2011, where Mandy soon became involved in Intercultural

Ministries. Mandy and Brent have three grown children, Rebecca, Stephanie (Martin) and Michael, as well as three grandchildren. She loves spending time with her family and friends, playing with her grandkids and travelling with Brent!


Steve and his wife Denise came to Foothills in 2001 with their two (now) adult children, Ryan and Danae, who grew up going to Sunday school, youth and young adult events at Foothills. Steve has been involved in the Facilities Committee, the Short Term Missions Committee, and has led several Short Term Missions Trips. He most enjoys his monthly gig as a nursery volunteer and is privileged to host a Life Group with Denise. Steve

owns a furniture upholstery business and enjoys playing hockey and baseball, hiking, camping and playing around with his motorcycle. Steve is excited to see how Foothills can continue to honour God in our community and around the world!


Since 1993, Foothills Alliance Preschool and Kindergarten has been making a positive Christian impact in NW Calgary. With full enrolment, our school services 166 families annually (142 Preschool and 24 Kindergarten). Our Educators support learning through play. Play provides limitless possibilities for learning and development. Through play, children naturally learn about their surroundings, express their thoughts and feelings, advocate for their own points of view and learn to respond to other people’s perspectives. Our students hear the message of Christ through worship singing, Bible stories and prayer. We encourage our students to show the love of Christ totheir fellow students through sharing and praising, and to their parents by helping and obeying. They also show Christ’s love to their community by purchasing items for the Calgary Food Bank, for Operation Christmas Child, by filling Baby Bottles for the Pregnancy Care Center and playing board games with the church seniors. In the 2019/2020 school year, we expanded our services and started providing in-house Early Intervention Services. Through our programming, which we named “Solid Foundations,” we assess and provide support for children with special needs (i.e. ESL, speech, occupational therapy, behaviour, etc.) Solid Foundations allows us to offer families early intervention services not readily available at other schools. In March, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we continued to offer families support and education online. Teachers opened online classrooms and connected with children and families through Zoom. To end our year, staff hosted drive-by “graduations.” For more information about our school, check out our website at school.foothillsalliance.com.



2. These bylaws supplement the Local Church Constitution as adopted and approved by the General Assembly of The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada as amended from time to time. In cases where these bylaws conflict with the Local Church Constitution, theprovisions of the Local Church Constitution shall apply.

II. GOVERNMENT1. There shall be two classes of membership, Voting Membership and Associate Membership. They shall conform to the requirements for membership as set out in the Local Church Constitution and any additional membership policies approved by the Board of Elders.

2. There shall be an annual meeting held within six (6) calendar months of the fiscal year-end of the church, the exact date to be determined by the Board of Elders.

3. Notice of time and place of any meeting of the membership shall be given publicly on at least two consecutive weekends prior to the meeting date or by written notice to each active member of the church fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting. In the case of a special meeting of the membership called by the Board of Elders, notice shall include advertisement to the membership of the purpose of said meeting.

4. The quorum for any meeting of the membership shall consist of members present.For the purpose of determining quorum, a member may be present in person, by written signed proxy, or by electronic means approved in advance by the Board.

5. The business proceedings of any meeting of the membership shall be governed by the Constitution and Bylaws to the extent applicable. In other cases, the current issue of Robert’s Rules of Order shall apply.

6. The fiscal year shall end June 30th of each year.

7. Upon approval by the Board of Elders of a written request, a member may view specified church records in the presence of a member of the Board of Elders, subject to any additional requirements outlined in a Board of Elders approved Records Management Policy.

8. At the Board’s discretion any meeting of the membership can include participation by telephone, electronic or other communication facilities that permit participants to vote and communicate adequately with each other during a meeting of members in the manner provided by the policies and procedures of Foothills Alliance Church. A person participating in a meeting by such means is deemed to be present at the meeting.

III. BOARD OF ELDERS1. The maximum number of elders is twelve (12). The Board of Elders will annually determine the number of elders three (3) months prior to the annual meeting.

2. The quorum for a meeting of the Board of Elders shall be one half of its membership.

3. The officers of the church shall consist of chairman, vice-chairman, secretary and treasurer.

4. Elders are elected for a one-year term.

5. Elders are eligible to serve a maximum of six (6) consecutive years after which they must have a one-year sabbatical before becoming eligible to serve again. If an elder serves for a partial year, that year shall count as a full year of the consecutive years of service.

6. An elder will have been a member of Foothills Alliance Church for at least six (6) months prior to serving as a member of the Board of Elders.

7. If a member of the congregation wishes to have a candidate considered for eldership, they must submit in writing the person’s name and qualifications to the chair of the Nominating Committee at least five (5) weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting. The submission must have the signtures of at least three (3) members in good standing.

8. The Nominating Committee is responsible to ensure that all persons being nominated for eldership meet the qualifications required by Scripture as well as required by the Local Church Constitution and these Bylaws.

9. The Nominating Committee will nominate sufficient qualified candidates to fill the number of specified board positions. Women and men are eligible to be elected as elders provided they meet all other qualifications in the by-laws. The Nominating Committee is allowed to present as many candidates as it finds suitable.

10. To be elected, nominees for the position of Elder will require a two-thirds majority of ballots cast by members voting at a meeting of the membership.

IV. NOMINATING COMMITTEE1. The Nominating Committee shall consist of the Senior Pastor or his appointee and a minimum of four (4) members with equal representation from the Board of Elders and the membership.

2. The Senior Pastor, or his appointee, shall serve as chair of the Nominating Committee.

V. AMENDMENTS1. These Bylaws may be amended from time to time by a three-quarters (3/4) majority vote at the annual meeting or a special meeting of the membership called for such purpose.

2. Proposed amendments to the Bylaws shall be posted at least two (2) weekends prior to the meeting of the membership at which they are to be considered.


Garrick gave his heart to Christ at Bible camp in 1973, spending the next four decades figuring out what that honestly meant. Obviously, he is very appreciative that our God is a patient God. Garrick married Angelika in 1986, and praises God daily for the amazing wife and best friend he choose for Garrick to do life with. They have raised three adult children, Ashleigh (Josh), Taylor (Raychelle) and Kirsten. The family was

blessed with a grandson in 2016, and he continues to be a source of amazing joy and unending chatter. Garrick and Angelika are passionate about mission work. Through Samaritan’s Purse, they have led STM teams to interesting parts around the world, spreading the Gospel and pouring love on their neighbours. Garrick is a Senior Construction Manager with a large North American development company.



PreambleThe board is recommending that the Foothills membership adopt bylaw changes to give the board of elders the option to use proxy voting and virtual congregational meetings. This is to accommodate gathering restrictions when in place (eg COVID-19) and allows for members greater access to the meetings.

Foothills Alliance Church operates under the Constitution of the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada. The Local Church Constitution (LCC) outlines the operational policies for churches, including those policies which are at the discretion of the local congregational membership. These are placed into our bylaws. Bylaws are required to be filed with the denominational office and the government, as Foothills is corporately chartered as a charity.

The following bylaws changes are proposed. Changes are in red.Article II Government

Bylaw 4 The quorum for any meeting of the membership shall consist of members present. For the purpose of determining quorum, a member may be present in person, by written signed proxy, or by electronic means approved in advance by the Board. New Bylaw 8 At the Board’s discretion any meeting of the membership can include participation by telephone, electronic or other communication facilities that permit participants to vote and communicate adequately with each other during a meeting of members in the manner provided by the policies and procedures of Foothills Alliance Church. A person participating in a meeting by such means is deemed to be present at the meeting.

You will note that we are using a proxy vote before the membership votes on this motion. With the pandemic the courts and the Alberta Government are allowing boards to approve bylaw changes with immediate effect if they are a benefit to the membership. In this case to allow for members to vote by proxy versus being forced to attend an in-person AGM. The Board of Elders have approved these changes. The members must approve board approved bylaws revisions at this AGM.

Article V Amendments Bylaw 1 These Bylaws may be amended from time to time by a three-quarters (3/4) majority vote at the annual meeting or a special meeting of the membership called for such purpose.

Under the Alberta Societies Act “special resolutions” must have a three quarters (75%) majority. “Bylaws Amendments” are defined as a special resolution. Foothills Alliance is registered with the Alberta Government as a ‘branch’ of the C&MA WCD (Western Canadian District). The WCD is registered under the Alberta Societies Act. The Alberta Societies Act supersedes the LCC and our bylaws. That is, Foothills bylaws amendments have required a 75% majority to pass irrespective of what our bylaws state.

This is not a new change. The Alberta Societies Act had this stipulation since 2000, it has just been missed. Bylaws change are not typically a controversial issue. The reason this is more relevant is that the change to allow women as elders is a bylaw change and 75% vs simple majority (50%) is relevant. In fact, the policy committee had to check our women as elder’s bylaw amendment vote that Foothills members had in 2009. We assumed at the time that we needed 2/3 majority when in fact we needed a 75% majority. Luckily, we passed with a 76% majority.

The National Office was required to change the LCC this last Assembly as a two-thirds for passing special resolutions was written into our governing documents and this needed to change for churches in Alberta registered under the Societies Act.

Bylaw Motion

Motion adopt the highlighted changes to the Foothills Alliance Church Bylaws.

Article II Government Bylaw 4 The quorum for any meeting of the membership shall consist of members present. For the purpose of determining quorum, a member may be present in person, by written signed proxy, or by electronic means approved in advance by the Board.

New Bylaw 8 At the Board’s discretion any meeting of the membership can include participation by telephone, electronic or other communication facilities that permit participants to vote and communicate adequately with each other during a meeting of members in the manner provided by the policies and procedures of Foothills Alliance Church. A person participating in a meeting by such means is deemed to be present at the meeting.

Article V Amendments Bylaw 1 These Bylaws may be amended from time to time by a three-quarters (3/4) majority vote at the annual meeting or a special meeting of the membership called for such purpose.

NOTE: All numbers in thousands of dollars












































Glacier Ridge Church

Under the direction of Pastor Cam Loewen and Pastor Eric Mok, GRC began worship services in the Fall of 2018. GRC has been funded by Foothills, the Western Canadian District and individual contributors. Foothills has signed a lease in Royal Oak for 5 years. GRC moved to this location in Apr 2020. Foothillsprovided GRC $126k for lease improvements which was partially offset with donations received for this specific project. GRC 2019-2020 total expenditures were $346k.







Horizon Church

Horizon Church is a cluster of multiplying missional communities led by one of our own, Nathan Hildenbrandt. The primary “parent church” is Capstone. Foothills is functioning as the “grandparent church,” providing coaching, encouragement, prayer and financial support. Horizon 2019-2020 total expenditures were $164k.







NOTE: all percentages rounded up to the nearest whole number

Where We Spend a Dollar


Adult Ministries22%


Bank Loan13%

Facility Upgrades2%

Maintenance Reserve Fund1%

Global Advance10%


Camp Chamisall1%

CDN Ministries1%

Justice & Compassion3%

Personnel Support1%


Youth Min5%

Children’s Min4%





GENERAL (Ministry)

Budget 2020-2021 $3,020,000

Click here to view our audited financial statements.

HORIZON CHURCHThis past year saw us launch a weekly Sunday gathering, and our average weekly attendance doubled in size. We continued to run regular Alpha courses to engage U of C students, and we began an ESL ministry that met in a local cafe in Brentwood. When the pandemic began and forced churches into moving online, our leadership team sensed that the Holy Spirit wanted to use COVID to lead us into new ways of thinking and operating as the church. Since June we have made the pivot to becoming a network of house churches that meet every Sunday morning in homes as well as together throughout the week. We currently have five house churches that meet together, with plans to begin two more in the coming months. We have an ‘all-in’ gathering coming up this month which will be a chance for our entire church to come together for worship. We would appreciate your prayers for that service, and for our leaders as we continue to make this shift! Please pray that many would hear and respond to the good news about Jesus through the efforts of our house churches.

GLACIER RIDGE CHURCHGlacier Ridge Church (GRC) launched fall 2018 with its first public service on September 16. At GRC we want to be a people who are on a Journey with Jesus, who Invite Others to join in that journey, and be Together Transformed into the image and character of Christ. While we spent the first year and a half of our existence primarily meeting at Ken Taylor School in Evanston, we also worked to establish a more permanent space for our church. In March 2019 we entered into an agreement to lease 5000 square feet in the Royal Vista business park. In September 2019, the Calgary city council approved our rezoning and development permit applications. In October we received our Building Permit and construction began. We completed our construction, with magnificent contributions from dozens of volunteers in planning, guiding, laboring, painting,cleaning, decorating and set up on February 29th. We deeply appreciate Foothills support and expertise in our building project and your financial assistance with the build out costs. We held our first service on March 1, 2020 in our new location and were able to get one more service in before we were forced to close for Covid-19 lockdown.While our building project consumed significant time and energy, we celebrated 3 baptisms in the Bow River this year at our St. Patrick’s Island park picnic! Again, we supported Ken Taylor’s school Christmas hamper program and enjoyed a great relationship with the school. We look forward tousing our new location to serve our surrounding communities, reach people for Christ and see them transformed into his image. We are so grateful for Foothills! Thanks for all your prayers and encouragements – we continue to covet them.

On behalf of GRC,Pastors Cam and Eric



NOTE: All numbers in thousands of dollars

Worship Arts10%
