24 Mass Diagram



Balancing Earthwork Using Borrow and Waste Determined fromthe Mass Haul Diagram

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1CE 453 Lesson 24Earthwork and Mass Diagrams2Terrain Effects on Route LocationEarthwork is costl!ttem"t to minimi#e amount of earthwork necessar$et grade line as close as "ossi%le to natural ground le&el$et grade line so there is a %alance %etween e'ca&ated &olume and &olume of em%ankmenthtt"())www*agtek*com)highwa*htm3Earthwork !nalsisTake a&erage cross+sections along the alignment ,t"icall 5- feet./lot natural ground le&el and "ro"osed grade "rofile and indicate areas of cut and fillCalculate &olume of earthwork %etween cross+sections4!&erage End !rea Method!ssumes &olume %etween two consecuti&e cross sections is the a&erage of their areas multi"lied % the distance %etween them0 1 L,!1 2 !2.3540 1 &olume ,d3.!1 and !2 1 end areas of cross+sections 1 4 2 ,ft2.L 1 distance %etween cross+sections ,feet.5$ource(5ar%er and 6oel7 2--28$hrinkageMaterial &olume increases during e'ca&ationDecreases during com"action0aries with soil t"e and de"th of fill9$wellE'ca&ated rock used in em%ankment occu"ies more s"aceMa amount to 3-: or more;Com"uting 0olume ,E'am"le.$hrinkage 1 1-:7 L 1 1-- ft$tation 1(5round lineCut
