22nd Sunday in OT 22o Domingo del TO - Greenpoint · El Sábado, 7 de Septiembre se celebrará una...


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September 1st, 2019

22nd Sunday in OT

22o Domingo del TO

Morning prayers at 8:00 a.m.

Divine Mercy Chaplet will be prayed every Sunday at 9:15 a.m.

Saturday, August 31: 5:30+ Larry Stepinski (Happy Birthday in Heaven) by Wife & children Sunday, September 1: 9:15 - Divine Mercy Chaplet 9:30+ Kathleen O’Boyle by Family 11:00+ (Spanish) Blanca Ines Muñoz by Ricuarte Muñoz 12:30+ Christine Bianculli by Stanley Toniuk & Family Monday, September 2: 8:15+ Theresa, Vincent & Virginia Drew by Sister-in-law & Aunt, Alice Coughlan 12:15+ Edward Stagg by Stagg Family Tuesday, September 3: 8:15+ All Souls in Purgatory by Ana Ferreira 12:15+ Christine Bianculli (Happy Birthday in Heaven) by Family Wednesday, September 4: 8:15+ FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE PARISH 12:15+ Margaret O’Rourke by Geraldine Barbarite Thursday, September 5: 8:15+ Elizabeth (Betty) Smith by Michele Koslab 12:15+ All Souls in Purgatory by Ana Ferreira Friday, September 6: 8:15+ Tommasco Chieco by Azelia & Michael McCambridge 12:15+ Frank Drapola (16th Death Anniv.) by Wife 7:30 - (Spanish) Obispo DiMarzio por su feliz jubilación, larga vida y salud by Cofradía del Sagrado Corazon de Jesús

Saturday, September 7: 8:15+ Dorothy Stagg by Azelia & Michael McCambridge 5:30+ Margaret Sullivan by Rich & Pat Lasker

Sunday, September 8: 9:15 - Divine Mercy Chaplet 9:30+ Joseph Webber by D’Annunzio- Karamouzos 11:00+ (Spanish) Rojas, Ruiz & Quintero Family by Gloria Quintero & Family 12:30+ Modesto Sanchez (1yr Death Anniv.) by Daughter, Soribell Sanchez

Please remember those on our sick list in your prayers: Michael Anobile, Lottie Wo-jciechowicz, Maria Petrona Paiz Turcios, Jac-queline Elsasser, Catherine McClung, Valerie Bruno, Martha Banfield, Allen Ryczek, Levieva Svetiana, Molly Tyburczy, John Tyburczy, Julissa Garcia, Carolyn Lattanzio, Joan Dobkin, Laurie Rueckheim, Judith Ballaster, Steve Be-lus, Janice L. Whelan, James Cunniff, Joseph Buenos, Patty Behan, Donald Buddenhagen, Matthew Colasanti, Joseph Anthony D’Avino, Laura Borruso, Amy Pisarki, John Slattery, Jo-seph Lauron, Patricia Riordan, Carmelo Reyes, Marylou Ryan, Patricia Taranovich, Eugene Stonebreaker, Zofia Orlowska, Mary Sanz, Robert Keenan, Ryan Marshall, Anne Marie Stampf, Edward Pertell, Genowefa Biernaca, Elizabeth Malenik, Kataryna Gierczynska, Cait-lyn Geer, James Buddenhagen, Bill Wisniewski, Gary Normandia, Eleanor Heiber-ger, Brian Francis Campion, Gemma Ferrara, Frank Sarlie, Peggy Mae, Edwin Soto, Law-rence O’Donnell, Julia Silva, Theresa Good, Mary Knapp, Elizabeth “Betty” Gifford, Baby Jozef Ban.

Healing Mass

On Saturday, September 7th, a healing Mass will be celebrated at 5:30 PM.

The Sacrament of Anointy of the Sick will be offered.

Misa Curativa

El Sábado, 7 de Septiembre se celebrará una Misa de sanación a las 5:30 PM.

El Sacramento de la Unción de los enfermos será ofrecido.

From Fr. Davy’s Desk:


Labor Day is set apart to reflect and evaluate our job and thank God for the blessing of our job. We

should be grateful to God for the blessings we received in the past and look forward to a prosperous

future ahead. Usually when people meet they ask each other: “What do you do? What is your job?”

In our modern culture we all fall into the trap of pigeonholing people according to their work, and I

guess we all have a scale that ranges from the top brain surgeon to a person who cleans the public

toilets. We tend to relate to people and value them by what we think about their work. Some feel

valueless in the eyes of others when they are jobless.

It is not easy to get a job today. We should have a positive attitude towards employment. God

created us to be active and useful and we will therefore be most happy doing what our creator

intended. In the New Testament, Saint Paul writes to Thessalonians 3:10: “If anyone is not willing to

work, let him not eat.” So Paul commends hard work and condemns laziness. Christians are called

to work hard - whatever the work might be.

There was a time people were ready to do any job regardless of their family status or educational

qualification. From the Gospel today we read about the parable of the wedding banquet people

recline at table in the place of honor. Some don’t have humility to do any work, not a job of high

honor. Any job is rewarding. The new generation feels like some jobs are substandard. There aren’t

people who consider looking for such jobs. As a result people from other countries get job in the US

and the citizens become jobless.

We need to promote the young generation in doing any job. Self-employment is one way of

eradicating unemployment. All the factories and firms we see around were the initiative of someone

out there who had a vision. In the same way let everyone think of finding new ways of opening doors

to others instead of waiting for a telephone call or email invitation to a new job. Let all who are

working hard be blessed with good health and peace. Let all those who are looking for a job may

find one soon. Labor Day greetings to all!

Fr. Kavungal Davy , CMI


Mensaje del Padre Davy:


El Día del Trabajo se distingue para reflejar y evaluar nuestro trabajo y agradecer a Dios por la ben-

dición de nuestro trabajo. Deberíamos estar agradecidos con Dios por las bendiciones que recibi-

mos en el pasado y esperar un futuro próspero por delante. Por lo general, cuando las personas se

encuentran, se preguntan: “¿Cuál es tu trabajo?”

En nuestra cultura moderna, todos caemos en la trampa de encasillar a las personas de acuerdo

con su trabajo, y supongo que todos tenemos un doctor hasta la persona que limpia los baños

públicos. Tendemos a relacionarnos con las personas y valorarlas por lo que pensamos sobre su

trabajo. Algunos se sienten sin valor a los ojos de los demás cuando no tienen trabajo.

No es fácil conseguir un trabajo hoy. Deberíamos tener una actitud positiva hacia el empleo. Dios

nos creó para ser activos y útiles y, por lo tanto, estaremos muy felices de hacer lo que nuestro

creador pretendía. En el Nuevo Testamento, San Pablo escribe a Tesalonicenses 3:10: "Si alguien

no está dispuesto a trabajar, que no coma". Así que Pablo elogia el trabajo duro y condena la pere-

za. Los cristianos están llamados a trabajar duro, sea cual sea el trabajo.

Hubo un tiempo en que las personas estaban listas para hacer cualquier trabajo, independiente-

mente de su estado familiar o calificación educativa. Del Evangelio de hoy leemos acerca de la

parábola del banquete de bodas que la gente se reclina en la mesa en el lugar de honor. Algunos

no tienen humildad para hacer ningún trabajo, no un trabajo de gran honor. Cualquier trabajo es

gratificante. La nueva generación siente que algunos trabajos son deficientes. No hay personas que

consideren buscar tales trabajos. Como resultado, la gente de otros países consigue trabajo en los

Estados Unidos y los ciudadanos se quedan sin trabajo.

Necesitamos promover a la generación joven en cualquier trabajo. El autoempleo es una forma de

erradicar el desempleo. Todas las fábricas y empresas que vemos son iniciativa de alguien que tu-

vo una visión. Del mismo modo, deje que todos piensen en encontrar nuevas formas de abrir puer-

tas a otros en lugar de esperar una llamada telefónica o una invitación por correo electrónico para

un nuevo trabajo. Que todos los que trabajan duro sean bendecidos con buena salud y paz. Deje

que todos aquellos que están buscando trabajo puedan encontrarlo pronto. ¡Feliz del Día del Traba-

jo a todos!

Padre Kavungal, Davy CMI



Weekend of August 24 - 25, 2019

Attendance - 574 Collection - $ 4, 183.00

Air Conditioning Collection - $1,317.00 Votive Candles - $ 1,086.00

Last year’s attendance - 478

Last year’s Collection - $ 2, 629.00 Last year’s Air Conditioning Collection -$750.00

Last year's Votive Candles - $ 702.00

Newly Baptized

The parish family welcomes the newly baptized:

Brianna Grace Marlin

Just Married

Congratulations to the newly married:

William Auther & Allison Villasenor August 23,2019

Happy Birthday

August 30: Frank Picon September 1: Carol & Gary Quintero

September 1: Minerva Gomez September 1: Diego Pelaez

September 3: Christina Bianculli September 6: Ruby de la Tur


Classes will be every Thursday from 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM

For more information contact one of the following:

RCIA coordinator, Fr. Jossy: 916-260-7914

Parish Office: 718-383-3339 Fr. Davy: 718 290 3691.

You will also find information about the RCIA at ecatholic2000.com/rcia.

Religious Education

The first day of CCD classes for Pre-Communion and Communion will begin on, Wednesday, September 25 at

5:30 PM.

Continued classes for Confirmation will begin on Thursday, September 26 at

5:30 PM.

For more information please contact:

CCD Coordinator, Mrs. Janneth Cali Cell: 347-933-1459

Email: jannethcali@yahoo.com

Prayer for Labor Day

Lord on Labor Day, we thank You for the blessing of work. We ask for strength to

complete each day. We ask for rest when we are weary. We ask Your guid-ance for everyone seeking employment,

and we ask that You be with those whose faces we might never see but who work tirelessly each day for the

good of us all. Amen.

Thank you to all the generous individuals who made a pledge/gift to the 2019

Annual Catholic Appeal.

100% of any excess amount will go towards the Parish account.

Pledged: $39,081.75 Total Paid: $34,125.00 Balance: $5,850.75

Please remember to send in your pledges.

Many blessings.

The Catholic University of America

This weekend, parishes in your arch/diocese are taking up the National Collec-tion for The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. By giving to the Na-

tional Collection, you will help support more than 6,000 who are seeking faith-filled education at an institution that sup-ports cutting-edge research in multiple

fields. Through research, new academic programs, and dialogue, the project brings together the clergy and lay leaders to de-velop solutions to the issues facing our

Church and bring about reforms.

Thank you for your generosity. ore at : collection.catholic.edu

Every month the parish raises funds with the 50/50 Club. Envelopes are available

in the back of the church. Please feel free to take additional envelopes for

neighbors and friends.

Minimum donation is $2.00

Donacion minima son $2.00

$2.00 = 1 chance to win

$5.00 = 3 chances to win

$10.00 = 6 chances to win

Please make sure your name, phone number and dollar amount are on each

50/50 envelope. (We will make sure your contribution is converted into the

proper amount of chances to which you are entitled.)

St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry

Our food pantry is in need of the following items:

rice Cereal

canned bean canned tuna fish

canned vegetables peanut butter & jelly

macaroni and cheese instant mashed potato

Canned meats (Spam, ham, corned beef

Healing Mass

On the first Saturday of every month a healing Mass will be celebrated. It will be held during

the 5:30 P.M. Mass.

The Sacrament of Anointy of the Sick will be offered.

Misa Curativa

El primer sábado de cada mes se celebrará una Misa de sanación. Sera durante la Misa de

5:30 P.M.

El Sacramento de la Unción de los Enfermos será ofrecido.

Birthday Announcement

If anyone is celebrating a birthday, we would like to announce it in the bulletin. Please email Fr. Davy or call the rectory and leave the name of the person, the month and day of their birth. (Email address can be found on the front of the



Baptisms are celebrated in English on the last Sunday of the month at 1:30 p.m. and Spanish baptisms are celebrated on the first Saturday of

every month.

Arrangements must be made at the Parish Office in advance. The birth certifi-cate must be presented. Instructions are re-

quired for parents and godparents before Baptism.


Arrangements should be made six months in advance. Pre-Cana Conferences are part of

preparation. The website address is: http://www.pre-cana.org/


Priests are available anytime. Ministers of the Eucharist can be invited to bring Communion to

the home of the sick.


Wednesday: Pre-Communion and Communion Classes

5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Thursday: Continuing Classes to Confirmation, Pre-

Confirmation and Confirmation 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.


Please register at the Parish Office. Any letters for Sponsorship, Baptism/Confirmation, as well as a letter for Immigration, you must be a regis-

tered member of the Parish.


Meets each Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in Church

#006099 St. Anthony—St. Alphonsus 862 Manhattan Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11222 718-383-3339 Contact: Elizabeth Cano Software Using: Win XP Pro SP2 Publisher 2007 AA9 Transmission: Pages Sent: 8 Bulletin for: September 1, 2019 Instructions: