21st c. skills and web 2. 0 for aais


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Synergizing 21st c. Skills & Web 2.0

Jonathan Martin

Head of School

St. Gregory College Prep, Tucson, AZ





Defining Web 2.0 A Web 2.0 site allows users to interact and

collaborate with each other in a social media dialogue as consumers of user-generated content in a virtual community, in contrast to websites where users (prosumers) are limited

to the active viewing of content that they created and controlled.

Examples of Web 2.0 include social networking sites,blogs, wikis, video sharing sites, hosted services, web applications, mashups and folksonomies.

Source, Wikipedia, itself a Web 2.0 exemplar


Clay Shirky

click image to run video


A Vision of K-12 students today

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21st c. Skills

From the Partnership, the 4 C’s Communication Collaboration Creativity Critical Thinking


Tony Wagner’s 7 Survival Skills

Critical thinking & problem-solving

Collaboration across networks and leading by influence

Agility & adaptability Initiative and

entrepreneurialism Effective oral and written

communication Accessing and analyzing

information Curiosity and imagination


The Starting Place: Ourselves

We must become the change we seek.

Choose your poison: Educators as bloggers (

list of educator blogs) Educators on Twitter. Educators on Wikis Educators on Nings: ise

-net, edu-pln. Educators podcasting Educators vodcasting



Students Skills: Communications Blogging:

An award-winning student chem blog from Parish Episcopal.

A St. Gregory 7th grade student spanish blog.

AP US Govt’ Class Blog. Podcasting:

Spanish student blog. Voicethread Prezi Capzles: History Time-lines Edmodo: A twitter-like tool for

students & teachers. Google Fusion Tables:

Students use to visualize data


Collaboration Wikis

AP Gov’t Wiki Textbook Google docs: Video on

collaborative possibilities. HistoryPin: Students add

pictures to historical montages

Scribblar: On-line white-board for collaboration.

Folding Stories: Collaborative story-writing

On-line international collaborative project based learning at iearn.


Creativity Comics Online

10 tools for online comic creation Bitstrips

Glogster edu for on-line posterboard creation

Museum Box 3-D on-line dioramas

Digital Storytelling Storybird Oneword Flipbook

Video tools Google Search Stories Jaycut for editing online English 9 videos

Creaza Sharendipity: Game-making


Critical Thinking

National Archives Digital Vault Pathways Challenges:

Thinkquest competitions

Docsteach National Geographic Pu

zzles NyTimes

Census Mapping America


Investigation & Inquiry

Webquests Thinkquests Sweetsearch Boolify Goofram


Reverse Instruction & the Flipped Classroom

click image to run video


Resources Free Tech for Teachers Thumann Resources Teaching History with Technology Talking Tech with Robin The Tempered Radical Super [Free] Book of Web Tools for Education Web 2.0 guru Web 2.0 Wiki Livebinders Web 2.0 NYTimes Article:

Tech Tips For Teachers: Free, Easy and Useful Creation Tools Reverse Instruction & the Flipped Classroom The Electric Educator: Flip Your Classroom
