20th Anniversary with a 20’s-styled Party Like …...“Діва днесь Пресущного...


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Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre -Winter 2016 Українсько-Канадський Осередок Опіки - Зима 2016

.... continues on page 4

Remarks from Bohdan Bodnaruk, President of the

Board of Directors It’s been my privilege to

serve as a Board member for 6 years

and President of the Board for two

years. I am very happy to have been

involved with the Ukrainian Canadian

Care Centre and I must say that the

Care Centre is a truly remarkable

organization in so many ways.

There are so many things

that make the Care Centre special

– the cultural uniqueness of the

building, its beautiful, aesthetically

pleasing welcoming environment,

the spaciousness of the Winter

Garden, the on-site Melnyk chapel,

the unique cultural celebrations and

outstanding variety of recreational

programs. Rooted in Ukrainian culture,

traditions and spirituality, the Care

Centre is a visible manifestation of

our community’s understanding of a

home. At the Care Centre, seniors are

supported, cared for and loved. The

Care Centre speaks so much of who

we are as Ukrainians– people who

honour the legacy of our predecessors

Save The Date

...continues on page 6

Care Centre celebrates its 20th Anniversary with a 20’s-styled

Party Like Gatsby Soiree

Honoring the foresight of our

community, embracing the


The Care Centre marked its 20th anniversary with a dazzling evening,

complete with 20s-styled spectacular musical and dance entertainment, exquisite

gourmet food and carving stations and cocktail bar featuring cocktail drinks and

meals of the parties of the 20s., casino-style charity games and silent auction,

held at the elegant venue, the Vue on Galaxy Boulevard, on November 5.

As the evening began, electrifyng sounds of jazz filled the hall and

Toronto’s most delightful trio of bewitching ladies, the Bettys made the return to


“Come Dance with Me” revue by Barvinok, featuring the invigorating rhythms of

the Charleston charged the evening with the irresistible dynamism of the roaring

20s and the dances couldn’t stop till after midnight.

Spring Art Show - April 29 - 30, 2017more details to come ...

Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will

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Dear Brothers and Sisters – Honoured Seniors!

“Today the Virgin gives birth to Him who is above all

being, and the earth offers a cave to Him whom no man

can approach. Angels with shepherds give glory, and Magi

journey with a star.

For unto us is born a young Child, the pre-eternal God.”

(Kondak of the Nativity of Christ)

Christ is Born! Glorify Him!

By the Grace of God the great feast of the Nativity of our

Lord, God, and Saviour Jesus Christ approaches, bringing

us joy in the salvation of mankind. The Pre-eternal God

through His great love for us willed to become man, that

he might abide with us. He took on our human nature, our

human soul, in order to free us from sin, which separates us

from the Creator. The consciousness of the nearness of the

Lord causes us with even greater inspiration and joy to sing:

“God is with us, understand, all you nations!”

Celebrating the Nativity of Christ, our Orthodox Church

calls all of us, her faithful children, to partake of the banquet

of faith and open our hearts to this supernatural joy and

spiritual solemnity. On this majestic day may our hearts be


mangers in which Jesus Christ, as a new-born babe, rests.

Beloved in the Lord! On the occasion of the feasts of the

Nativity of Christ, the Holy Theophany, and the new year

of 2017, I extend my most heartfelt greetings to all the

residents, the staff, volunteers, and members of the board

of directors of the Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre and the

St. Demetrius Residence for Seniors. May the New Year be a

year of God’s mercy, goodness, peace, and good health for

all of us, that we might pass through it in piety and purity, on

the way to Eternal Salvation.

With Archpastoral Blessings,

+ANDRIY, Bishop of the Eastern Eparchy, Ukrainian Orthodox

Church of Canada

Дорогі Брати і Сестри – Вельмишановні Сеньйори!

“Діва днесь Пресущного рождає і земля вертеп Неприступному приносить, ангели з пастирями славословлять і волхви зі звіздою подорожують. Бо ради нас народилося мале Дитятко, Предвічний Бог ” (Кондак Різдва Христового)

Христос Рождається! Славімо Його!

У день радісного свята Різдва Христового, всі християнські серця у всьому світі наповненні піснею ангелів “Слава на небі Богу,а на землі мир між людьми благовоління”.

Різдво Христове відкриває нам Божественну Правду. Христове Євангелія навчає нас любити один одного, нести один одного тягар, допомагати бідним немічним, ділитися всім тим , що посилає нам Господь.

Тому радіймо Різдвом Христовим! Звернімо наші серця до Вифлеємських ясел! Святкуймо всі разом цей день, що Господь нам дав, щоб духовно народитися і відродитися у Христі.

Сердечно вітаю всіх Вас мешканців, працівників і провідників Українсько-Канадського Осередку Опіки і Пансіону Св. Димитрія з нагоди Христового Різдва. Нехай Вифлеємська радість наповнює ваші серця і перебуває у ваших домівках!

Від усієї душі бажаю всім Вам радісних Різдвяних Свят і щасливого 2017 Нового Року.

З Божого Благословення, +АНДРІЙ, Єпископ Східньої Єпархії Української Православної Церкви в Канаді

Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will

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When the wise men set out “there, ahead of them went the

star…until it stopped over the place where the Child was”

(Matthew 2:9)

Christ is Born!

As we celebrate the birth of Christ may the star of Bethlehem

which guided the wise men to the newborn Saviour, also

lead us to Him today.


not spare His Son, but sent him for the salvation of all. As we

contemplate this, we are moved to express the love in our

hearts for our brothers and sisters, particularly those who

are lonely and miss their family and friends from whom they

are separated or who have passed away.

Let us welcome the Divine Child with a renewed faith

inspired by hope and love. May our gifts of love and our

voices joined in praise with the angels of Bethlehem glorify

our God.

I extend my sincere greetings to the Director, members of

the administration, the caregivers, and the residents of the

Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre. May the Divine Infant bless

you and all your families with His life, peace and love.

Let Us Glorify Him!

+ Stephen

І ось зоря, що її бачили на сході йшла перед ними, аж поки не підійшла і не стала зверху, де було Дитятко (Мт. 2:9)

Христос Раждається!

В цей святковий час, коли ми відмічуємо Різдво Христа-Дитяти хай Вифлеємська зоря, яка провадила мудреців до новонародженого Христа Спасителя, теж і нас провадить до Нього сьогодні.

Це велике таїнство нагадує нам безмежну любов Отця до нас, який не пощадив свого Сина, але дав Його на спасіння всіх людей. Коли ми це роздумуємо, ми спонукані виявляти любов нашого серця до наших братів і сестер, особливо до тих, які самітні і які віддалені від своїх рідних і дорогих, як також до тих, що вже відійшли до вічності.

Спонукані вірою, привітаймо Боже Дитя з повною надією і любов’ю. Хай наші дари любови і наш радісний спів враз із співом Ангелів у Вифлеємі прославляє Господа.

Я складаю сердечні побажання Пані Директорці, всій адміністрації, працівникам та мешканцям Осереку Опіки. Хай Боже Дитя щедро благословить Вас і всіх Ваших своїм миром, любов’ю і життям.

З Нами Бог!

+ Стефан

The Board of Directors, Management, Physicians, Staff, Resi-dents and Volunteers wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Рада Директорів, керівництво, лікарі, працівники, мешканці та добровольці бажають всім вам Веселих Свят і Щасливого Нового Року!

Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will

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.... continued from page 1

This special evening was

organized by an Event Committee, co-

chaired by Anna Martyniw, Chair of the

Care Centre’s Family Council and Mary

Kuschnir, Past Chair.

“I am eternally grateful to

all of the Care Centre’s donors and

volunteers who have helped make

Nothing could prepare us for so much fun and entertainment

Presenting Sponsor Mr James Cardinal and Bernice Cardinal Lavigne

Party like Gatsby? Better than that – it Was Gatsby’s party. The style, the quality of entertainment, the amazing décor, all made you feel straight from a Gatsby Novel.

the Care Centre such a wonderful

home for seniors. The Care Centre has

become my mother’s saving grace,

and the most precious gift she could

receive in the most fragile years of

her life. It has been an honour for me

to co-chair the committee with Mary

Kuschnir and work together with her

to make this celebration possible.”, says

Anna Martyniw in her heartwarming

welcoming speech.

The event raised $58,000 to support

the Care Centre’s vital work in providing

the best possible care and quality of

life for seniors with some of the most

complex health conditions.

Sponsors & DonorsPresenting Sponsor

Cardinal Funeral Homes

Patron SponsorUkrainian Credit Union Ltd.

BenefactorsAntoniw Family

The Dubczak FamilyStagevision - Roy and Olenka Wasley

Table SponsorsBuduchnist Credit Union

Knights of Columbus Sheptytsky Council

DonorsTaras Hrycyna, Mary Kuschnir, Walter and Anna Martyniw, Harold Sudeyko,

TD Bank Equity Capital Markets, TSC Wetclean, Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre’s Family Council Executive, Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League

Eparchy of Toronto, St. Mary’s Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League - Mississauga, Ukrainian Women’s Organization of Canada Toronto Branch

Donations In-KindAdvertek, Cardinal Funeral Homes, Dana Horoszczak - Remax,

Flower Fantasy, Halenda’s Meats, Mary Kuschnir, Lionhead Golf Club, Walter and Anna Martyniw, Newediuk Funeral Home Kipling Chapel and A Roy Miller Chapel, Rosedale Livery Chauffeured Services, Salon Crave,

Edward Szpular, Psyanka Mosaic by David Wasylyshen

Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will

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to physically take care of themselves,

and for such seniors the Care Centre

is the best place to go and continue to

live with dignity and quality of life.

Finally, I am very aware

that the need for financial support

is ongoing. To maintain such an

extraordinary spacious and beautiful

building requires a lot of resources.

I have seen nursing homes that rely

only on government support and the

difference is huge. Contributing to the

sustainability of the Care Centre is as

important to me as the contributions I

have made to help build it and expand


How does giving make you feel?

Giving gives me joy that I have

done something good with my life,

something greater than me. I see value

in community and I have a sense of

belonging and responsibility. I think

that a healthy and happy community

Jim Cardinal has generously

supported the Care Centre since its

beginning 20 years ago. He has made


of the Care Centre, its expansion and


In an interview with a Care

Centre’s staff, Jim shared his views

on philanthropy and motivation to

support the Care Centre:

You have made annual donations to

the Care Centre for 20 consecutive

years, and this is commendable. Why

do you support the Care Centre?

The Care Centre stands out

among other nursing homes. It is very

well maintained, very spacious and

beautiful, and the people there are

happy. As a business owner, I value

excellence and high professional

standards. I look around the Care Centre

and it has it all. This is a remarkable

organization which exemplifies how

seniors should be cared for in a society

who upholds the values of humanity.

The Care Centre makes you feel proud

to be part of it.

It is also part of my Ukrainian

heritage and I am happy to be

supporting our Ukrainian seniors,

these hard-working men and women

whose perseverance, resilience and

unshakable willpower are an inspiring

example for me.

I also realize that as people age,

they may become frail in the later stages

of life and may become simply unable

Why Giving MattersJim Cardinal, owner of Cardinal Funeral Homes and a long-term donor of the Care Centre shares his views on philanthropy and

motivation to support the Care Centre

is good for everyone. Giving fillsme

with optimism and positive energy

that I can make good things happen.


You are the third generation of men

in your family who have run a very

successful family business, each

building upon the achievements of

the other, and adding their mark.

Your sons are ready to take over and

become the fourth generation of

family business owners, and this is an

incredible achievement. What do you

think is the formula for a successful

family business?

It is right there in what my

favorite character, Fezziwig of Charles

Dickens novel A Christmas Carol says

“It’s not just for money alone that

one spends a lifetime building up a

business. It’s to preserve a way of life

that one knew and loved.”

And this is exactly what it is, the

(Left to Right): Karen, Jim, Andrew and Jimmy

.... continues on page 6

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Remembering Edward Topornickya great man who took great joy in doing good for others

A devoted community activist, a founder of Topper

Linen Supply, a Grand Knight of the Knights of Columbus for

many years, a member of the St. Demetrius Church Building

Committee and Past President of the Ukrainian Professional and

Business Association, when Edward Topornicky knew his end

was near he talked with his son Tim how he could do good for

others one more time. Ed asked that instead of people giving


inEd’sname. ItwasEd’swill foralldonationstogofirst tothe

Knights of Columbus and then designated to charities.

The Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre is a grateful recipient

of a donation in the amount of $5,000 in memory of Edward


“It gives me an endless joy in my heart, says Anne

Topornicky, Ed’s beloved wife for 66 years, to know that this

donation comes to the Care Centre, a wonderful place, where Ed

Anne along with John Gula and Jerry Chopiany , Past Grand Knight of Knights of Columbus, Sheptytsky Council, presenting the cheque to the Care Centre’s Resident Council.

and I were very actively involved in the beginning, and made donations to help build it. I am delighted with the great

work the Care Centre does for seniors. Ed was a great man who took great joy in doing good for others, and I am happy

this donation can bring joy in the lives of the residents of the Care Centre. ”

...Why Giving Matters article continued from page 5

way of life I have known and loved, and

my father and grandfather knew and


This is life in a close-knit family,

with a strong sense of belonging,

and along with it a feeling of loyalty

and responsibility to my family, my

community and my country.

Both my grandfather and

father fought in the First and Second

World War respectively. They served

their country, and that was important

for them. Being at war, they saw the

worst of life but they kept the vision of

what was the best. Our family business

was born out of honoring life to offer

a service that brings comfort to people

during difficult times. Our business is

rooted in our understanding of family

and community, our passion for life,

and a sense of a bigger meaning than

ourselves, that of helping others. My

father, for instance, would help people

and we would learn much later that he

had bought all the sports equipment

for a school and paid for an elevator.

For my father and grandfather, doing

things for others was just the right

thing to do, the way they lived their

lives and built up their business as well.

What would you tell a person to

motivate them to give?

I would rather lead by example

and then ask a question: When you

have the ability to help someone in

your community to live a happier and


Today, more and more charities

adopt the business language and

speak about return on investment

when they try to motivate people to

give. Is there a return on investment

in giving?

The return of giving is

remarkable – it lifts all of us spiritually -

those who give, those who receive and

those who get inspired to give. It makes

each of us a better person and this

leads to a happier community, which

is good for everyone. Giving upholds

an inspiring vision of humanity and

a meaning of life greater than us. Not

a coincidence, Christmas, the holiday

we anticipate every year the most, is

all about giving. Giving honours and

celebrates life.

In the end, the biggest return of giving is a meaningful life.

Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will

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.... continued from page 1 - Remarks from Bohdan

and have a strong sense of family and


The Care Centre was built and

operates on a strong foundation of

community leadership, community

partnerships and community

involvement. It is a caring community

of dedicated staff, physicians and

faithful supporters - our many

donors and volunteers. It is a unqiue

community asset which we are very,

very fortunate to have today when the

realities of seniors care have changed

dramatically from the time the Care

Centre was built.

In the last 6 years, our

government has shifted its resources

to advancing the Province’s strategy of

aging-in-place, requiring that seniors

who enter long-term care homes have

high and very high care needs which

cannot be met in a home environment,

and the Ministry has clearly stated that

they will not be building any new long-

term care homes. This means that if our

community had not come together over

30 years ago to build the Care Centre

and a second time in 2004 to build the

Michael and Sofia Witer Special Care

Unit and our expansion, today it would

not be possible to build such a home.

It would not be possible to take care of

our most vulnerable seniors at a time

when the need is in fact greater than

ever; and will continue to increase.

Today, people over 80 make

up the fastest growing group in

Ontario and as they age in their

homes, many will have to seek help in

their communities in the later stages

of their lives as they get frailer and

need assistance with their daily living.

According to the latest statistics, as of

2016, there are an estimated 564,000

Canadians living with dementia - plus

about 25,000 new cases diagnosed

every year. By 2031, less than 20 years

from now, that number is expected to

rise to 937,000, an increase of 66 per


As I think of the growing

complexity and demand of seniors’

care, I realize how important it is that

the Care Centre has stayed committed

to our community’s vision of seniors’

care, striving for excellence, mobilizing

its resources to address the growing

demand and complexity of seniors

care, building new competencies

and developing and implementing

innovative solutions to advance the

specialized care for seniors with some

of the most complex health conditions.

I realise how important it is that

our community has stayed committed

to our community values and belief in

the importance of caring for seniors.

I also realise that it is only a

community with a heart who can

create and sustain a home with a heart.

It has been very inspiring to

serve as President of the Board of

such an illustrious organization and

contribute to the Care Centre but it is

the foresight and thoughtfulness of

our community of supporters. It is the

inspiring legacy of our donors and

volunteers, you and many others that

have made the Care Centre such a

wonderful home for seniors.

On behalf of the Board of

Directors, I would like to offer our

appreciation to the many people who

have contributed to make the Care

Centre a wonderful home for our

seniors, the Home with a Heart.


Bohdan Bodnaruk, PresidentSt, Demetrius (Ukrainian Catholic) Development Corporation

Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will

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Care Centre’s Team in the Toronto Waterfront Marathon Celebrates Another Year of Success and Friendship

For five years a team of

Care Centre’s staff, family members,

volunteers, Board Members and friends

of the Care Centre have come together

to walk or run in the Toronto’s Biggest

Charity Challenge – the Scotiabank

Toronto Waterfront Marathon and

raise much needed funds for the Care

Centre. This year the team raised

$18,225 which will go towards the

purchase of equipment needed in the

care of the residents at the Care Centre.

Not only that the Marathon has

become the biggest annual community

engagement and fundraising initiative

of the Care Centre but it has also created

an amazing vibrant community of

friends of the Care Centre which is ever

growing. “Coming to walk 5k every year

feels like a family re-union. The day of

the Marathon is marked in my calendar

along with other important family

celebrations. It gives me very positive

energy to be among people who share

the same values and beliefs and show

compassion for our seniors. I am very

happy to be doing the Marathon with

my Mom and my daughter” says Inessa

Abysheva, family member.

Consistently for five years, the

Care Centre’s participant’ return rates

are away beyond the average. And

even more, returning participants

create teams of family members and

friends to walk or run together. “This

event has become a celebration of our

community spirit and deep respect for

our seniors. It is inspiring to see that the

community of supporters is growing”,

says Bohdan Bodnaruk, President of the

Board of Directors and avid participant

for 5 years, since the first year of the

Care Centre’s participation.

As in previous years, after the

race the team got together for pirogue

lunch and fun games with prizes at the

Care Centre. Special guest to the post-

race party this year was James Keywan,

a committed donor of the Marathon,

and a former marathon runner whose

inspiring story of running the Midnight

Alaska marathon impressed everyone.

With all that amazing team spirit,

enthusiasm, dedication, creative ideas

and committed donors next year holds

the promise of taking the event to an

even higher level.

This event would not have

been possible without the generous

St. Demetrius Women’s Circle –Teresa Masliwec, Irene Moskaluk and Orysia Pawluk - A Starry Start for Superstars

“It was great being a part of the Care Centre’s team, it’s so easy to make friends with them and have fun together. Next year we want to have a big team. We also want to win the prize for the best costume, and we already have a costume theme, and will have a costume design workshop.”

Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will

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Proudly Sponsored bysponsorship of Cardinal Funeral Homes

who have supported the Care Centre’s

participation since the beginning and

have helped the Care Centre grow the

event and make it such a wonderful


Special thanks to our donors

Svitlana Nalywayko, owner of Breathe

Yoga Studio and Care Centre’s family

OUR TOP FIVE FUNDRAISERSAdrian Rotko, Care Centre’s Staff, Doing my best for our seniors “I owe my fundraising success to the tenants of the St.Demetrius Apartments and the Care Centre’s staff whose generous support motivated me to give my best, fundraise as much as I can and run 5k as fast as I can.

Daria Popovitch, Care Centre’s staff, Being on a mission!“I work in food services and I was motivated to raise money for new kitchen

equipment. I know how important this is and I went after every one, asking their support, and so many of my co-workers supported me! So inspiring to know that

the Care Centre means so much for staff and family members!”

The Taskey TeamCare Centre’s family members, Celebrating Success and Family “We are so glad that we decided to participate in the event together as a family and honour the life of my mother who is now a resident at the Care Centre. We completed the 5k walk together and had an amazing time doing it. We thank all of our supporters for their generosity.”

Myroslava and Pawlo HorichCare Centre’s Family members – Happy in the rain

“We had such a great time walking 5k together, and the rain, oh, it reminded us of the time when we were very young. We are very grateful to all our friends

who generously supported our participation and made donations to the Care Centre. Our goal next year is to do half a marathon and we’d better start

training right now.”


Annalyn Manuel, Care Centre’s staff , and her unbeatable Squad Team of Best Friends – Andrew Ladouceur, Joel MacKenzie and Erica Magerman:“Seniors have worked hard to make life better for us than it was for them. We thought that running in the Marathon and raising funds for the seniors at the Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre would be a great opportunity to show how much we respect and honour what seniors have done for us. We live in a great city, and we owe it to them! It is very rare to find a long-term care home that actually feels like

home the moment you enter and at the Care Centre we felt just that! We were also happy to learn more about the Ukrainian culture and heritage, and the pirogies at the post-race party tasted really good! It is so touching to see how much seniors at the Care Centre are loved and cared for, it made us feel really good that we contributed to a great place, and made us so proud as Canadians.” – Erica Magerman

member for her donation of free yoga

passes to all walkers and runners; family

member Ed Szpular, for his donation

of the prize for the top fundraiser,

Supreme Pirogie for their donation of

pirogies for the post-race party.

Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will

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Christmas Bazaar Kicks Off the Festive Season at the Care Centre

Saturday, December 3 and the Care Centre’s Winter

Garden and Front Lobby were transformed into a spectacular

Christmas Bazaar, bringing the winter magic and festivity of the

season to the Care Centre’s residents, staff, family members and

friends. With sparkling Christmas gift items, classy jewellery

collections, warm winter accessories such as hats, ponchos


of unique traditional Ukrainian arts and crafts items, prints,

crystal and antiques in abundance, and a table of flavourful

home-made baked goods, there was something for everyone

- from the busy holiday shoppers to the treasure hunters and

baked goods lovers - all at a great price. A special highlight of

the Bazaar was the Café Corner where residents, their families

and friends, as well as visitors from the community could spend

time together over coffee and cake.

The Bazaar was organized by the Care Centre’s dedicated

volunteers of the Volunteer Development Committee Helen

Hodowany, Helen Kerekes, Natalie Lisowec, Irene Kucherenko

and Vivian Rico with the assistance of the Care Centre’s

Vivian Rico raised $1,000 for the Care Centre selling her own home-made products. Every year, for 10 years in a row, Vivian spends months preparing for the Bazaar, knitting scarves and hats making unique Christmas ornaments, and preparing salsa and pickled peppers. Vivian also knits an afghan – the Bazaar’s annual biggest raffle prize. Vivian donates 100% of her sales to the Care Centre.

Recreation Department staff.

Congratulations to the Volunteer Development Committee and the Recreation Department staff for a fabulous

Bazaar and over $3,000 raised to go towards the purchase of new kitchen equipment. Their creative energy, tireless efforts

and enthusiasm paid off!

The Care Centre extends a special thanks to Borys Wrzesnewskyj for his generous donation of scrumptious traditional

Ukrainian baked goods, i.e. pampusky, honey cakes and poppy seed cakes from Future Bakery. This wonderful donation

helped create a warm sense of home, family and tradition.

Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will

Give ONLINE Secure and Convenient www.stdemetrius.ca/donate


Care Centre Hosts a Meeting of 17 Program Managers of

Not-for -profit Long Term Care Homes Irena Dounets, Care Centre’s

Manager of Programs and Volunteer

Service initiated a new partnership

within the Alliance Group membership,

of which the Care Centre is a member.

The Alliance Group comprises not-for-

profit long-term care homes in the

Greater Toronto Area with the aim of

providing a forum to share information

and explore partnership opportunities

among the homes to improve

operation efficiencies and resident

care and services.

This new partnership capitalizes

on the great work the Alliance Group

of the not-for-profit long-term care

homes in the Greater Toronto Area are

already doing with regards to quality

improvement and quality assurance.

The purpose of the new partnership is

to create a Program Managers’ Network

to provide a forum to the Alliance

Group members’ Program Managers

to share knowledge, ideas, skills and

areas of expertise and help each other


the evolving needs of long-term care


“Program Managers in today’s

not-for-profit long-term care homes

experience growing challenges as

the profile of today’s residents has

changed. Today’s residents in not-for-


care needs, which means that their

health condition is complex, requiring

daily care and assistance. To sustain

the quality of life of our residents, we

need to apply more individualized

approaches in our recreation activities.

We need to do more one-on-one and

small group recreational activities.

However, the funding we receive from

our government is based on staffing

needs for big group activities. We

need to find a way to come up with

new solutions to ensure that each and

every resident sustains their quality

of life for as long as possible. The

fact that today’s meeting was so well

attended means that we all share same

pressing challenges and that we are

all committed to find solutions”, says

Irena Dounets, Care Centre’s Manager

of Programs.

Along with the broader

discussion of the purpose of the new

Program Managers’ Network and the

ways of collaborations, the Program

Managers took a close look at recreation


programs to best meet the needs of

residents with complex dementia.

After the meeting, Irena

Dounets gave the participants a tour

of the Care Center and shared the Care

Centre’s experience in quality of life


“It was important that the

first meeting struck at the heart of

our concerns and provided space for

sharing ideas of new type of activities

for residents with complex dementia

and discussed the importance of

committed well-trained volunteers.

The meeting had practical benefits

for everyone and that was the most

important. We all felt very enthusiastic

that we can achieve more when we

cooperate with each other”, concluded

Irena Dounets.

Give ONLINE Secure and Convenient www.stdemetrius.ca/donate


The Care Centre is honoured to receive donations from families and friends made in tribute to the following individuals:

In Memory OfDaria CybulskyAlexander CzemerynskiJohn DziubanJanet EwaskoMary FedorukJoseph GulkaDora KamadKsenia KrywulskyVictoria Kubiw

Jeannette KunanecBohdanna LeibyczKazimira LibowyczAnna LopatkaAndrew MackoAnna MakeyRosalia NestorowskyMichael StutnykOrest Subtelny Verna Witiuk

In Honour OfDeacon Walter SheremetaEd Slobodian


St. Demetrius (Ukrainian Catholic) Development Corporation

Bohdan Bodnaruk, President; Daria Kowalyk, Vice-President; Dmytro Dutka, Secretary/Treasurer; Orest Kobylansky, Past President; Frederick R. Babbie; Alexander Daschko; Sylvia Kowal; Alex Ochrym; Roman Pendzey; Michael Tkach; Maxym Trojan; Nadia Woloshyn; Marta Yurcan

Supportive Care Services

Walter W. Chandon, President; Lesia Dmytryszyn, Secretary Treasurer; Daniel Zadorozny, Past President; Ania Diakowycz; Irene Holubiec; Yarko Kordiuk; Jacob Y. E. Krekhovetsky; Orysia Perun

2016-2017 Board of Directors

We are currently accepting donations of gently used Ukrainian ceramics (plates, bowls,cups,mugs,etc),Ukrainianfigurines,novelswritteninEnglish,collectibles,crystal and bone china. Donations can be dropped off at the reception desk of the Care Centre during business hours 8:30am - 9:00pm. All proceeds raised from the gift shop support programs and activities for our seniors. Thank you for your sup-port!

Gift Shop is open Mon-Fri from 10am-4pm, Sat & Sun 1pm-4pmFor more information please contact Anna 647-725-0844.

Care Centre’s Gift Shop

Contributors: Anna Denkova, Anna Do and Mary KuschnirPhotos: Courtesy of Martha M. Humeniuk and Anna Do

Layout: Anna Do

To contribute a story call Anna at 647-725-0843.

Make that old car live again in the form

of a donation through Charity Car! CharityCar.

ca is a licensed eco-friendly Auto Recyclers who

accept the donation of old vehicles on behalf of

charities. 100% of the proceeds are donated to

the Care Centre. CharityCar has been trained to

dispose of the environmentally hazardous ma-

terials in vehicles that have reached the end of

their useful lives. For more information please

call Anna 647-725-0844.

Donate through Charity Car

From September 10, 2016– December 13, 2016

Make A Donation Today!647-725-0843 | www.stdemetrius.ca/donate

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