2018-2-15 O2-A2 Trainers Guide Report - ReCULM€¦ · 5 ReCULM Trainer's Guide 2. Course...


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ReCULM Trainer's Guide

O2-A2 “Development of training materials & VET integration


Output type: Intellectual Output O2

2 ReCULM Trainer's Guide

February 2018

Project acronym: ReCULM

Project name: A VET course for Cultural Mediators to address the refugee crisis'

skills needs

Project code:


Document Information

Document ID name: ReCULM_O2-A2_ ReCULM Trainer's Guide_<2018-02-15>

Document title: ReCULM Trainer's Guide

Output Type: Intellectual Output O2

Date of Delivery: 15/02/18

Activity title:

O2-A2 “Development of training materials & VET integration


Activity leader: UAL and UNIMORE

Dissemination level: Open

Disclaimer The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use, which may be made of the information contained therein.

3 ReCULM Trainer's Guide


1. Introduction .................................................................................. 4

2. Course materials .......................................................................... 5

2.1. Introduction ............................................................................... 5

2.1.1 Slides ...................................................................................... 5

2.1.2 Links ........................................................................................ 6

2.2 Content of the modules .............................................................. 7

3. Assessment Tools ...................................................................... 12

3.1. Case Studies ........................................................................... 12

3.2. Assessment Questions ........................................................... 14

4 ReCULM Trainer's Guide

1. Introduction

The present document, called “ReCULM Trainer's Guide”, puts together

the training materials and assessment’s tools of the MOOC training course that

has been developed by the Erasmus Project + ReCULM Up skilling Cultural

Mediation, specifically, those materials elaborated during the intellectual output

O2-A2: “Development of training materials & VET integration guidelines".

As we have mentioned, the aim of this guide is to set out the training

tools of the course (Slides), as well as the assessment methodology (Case

studies and evaluation assessment). These tools are intended for Cultural

Mediators that seek to update and acquire new skills to improve their work with

refugees, for students that want to become Mediators, as well as, for

organisations that are responsible for the education of these professionals

(academic institutions, NGOs, etc.).

This document, along with the development of the materials included in

it, is elaborated by the University of Almería and the University of Reggio Emilia,

UNIMORE, and is backed up by the agreements of rest of the ReCULM


The structure of the document is as follows: in the first part, the content

of the modular course will be laid out; secondly, we will present the evaluation

tools of the ReCULM Project, that is, the case studies, as well as the

assessment questions.

5 ReCULM Trainer's Guide

2. Course materials

2.1. Introduction

The materials derived from the O2-A2 stage of the ReCULM Project are

developed from the outcomes obtained in the previous stages.

The modular course consists in 6 unique learning units (Modules), whose

content is structured in 5 topics. It follows a slide format with an average

number of 10 to 41 slides depending on the module and topic.

These contents will be available for the Mediators’ community and for

training institutions through the webpage of the Project, which can be accessed

in an open and free way.

The elaboration of the contents and the slides was carried out by the

University of Almería.

2.1.1 Slides

The content is distributed in slides that follow the structure below. These

slides include: title page, index, content slides, additional resources,

bibliography and references.

6 ReCULM Trainer's Guide

2.1.2 Links

In the slides, there are external links to videos, platforms, documents

and images that will hold further information, in case students were interested in

delving into some of the contents.

These links normally appear at the bottom right or left corner of the slide,

followed by the symbol ( ) that indicates the type of content you will have

access to.


7 ReCULM Trainer's Guide

2.2 Content of the modules

Then, we will present the main materials and contents listed in each


Module 1.The basics about human migration, refugees and legal


Content’s Diagram:

Topics Contents Slides no. Topic 1. Analysis of the recent migratory fluxes (XXI century).

I. Introduction to migrations. II. The case of Europe.


Topic 2. Concepts and terminology.

I. I. Terms (Stateless person Internally displaced person, foreigner , etc.).

II. II. Figures (Schengen Agreement, Resettlement , Readmission Agreement , etc.).


Topic 3. Refugees: Contexts of origin, internal conflicts, social and cultural characteristics.

I. What is a refugee? II. Where do they come from? III. Why do they come? IV. Where are they hoping to arrive? Where are they arriving? V. EU response to the refugees crisis.


Topic 4. Legal and political framework: national and European.

I. The human rights. II. ¿What is International Protection? III. International protection in Europe. IV. The situation in Spain, UK, Greece and Italy.


Topic 5. Special regulations and protocols of particularly vulnerable groups.

I. What do we understand as a vulnerable group? II. International protection of vulnerable groups in the European Asylum System. III. Situation in the Consortium countries. IV. Additional information resources (Topic 4 and 5).


Total: 129

8 ReCULM Trainer's Guide

Module 2. Cultural diversity and interethnic relation.

Content’s Diagram:

Topics Contents Slides no. Topic 1. Culture and diversity.

I. What is culture? II. What do we understand by human socialisation? III. The concept of diversity. Cultural diversity. IV. Cultural pluralism: Interculturalism.


Topic 2. Principles of social psychology and social cognition theories.

I. Principles of social psychology. II. Social cognition.


Topic 3. Theory of the social representations: stereotypes and prejudices.

I. Social representations. II. Stereotypes. III.Prejudices.


Topic 4. Migration and acculturation.

I. Ethnicity, ethnocentrism and cultural relativism. II. Social integration. III. Acculturation.


Topic 5. Social exclusion and discrimination.

I. Introduction. II. Discrimination. III. International Comparative Study of Ethnocultural Youth (ICSEY). IV. Disrimination and Prejudice Theories. The new racism. V. Discrimination against immigrants and refugees and the European Union’s response. VI. Social exclusion


Total: 105

Module 3. Conflict management: definition, prevention and resolution.

Interethnic conflict.

Content’s Diagram:

Topics Contents Slides no. Topic 1. Models and techniques to facilitate community harmony and inclusion

I. Introduction to Social Inclusion. II.Steps to Promoting Social Inclusion. III. Removing the Obstacles to Social Inclusion. IV. Goals for Integration of Refugees


Topic 2. Introduction to the conflict

I.Definition of Conflict. II. Theories of Conflict. III. Causes of Conflict. IV. Types of Conflict.


Topic 3. Psychological and socio-cultural aspects of the

I.Conflicts in Multi-Cultural Context. II. A Cultural Variability Perspective.


9 ReCULM Trainer's Guide

conflict: Interethnic conflict

III. Intercultural Conflict Resolution Styles.

Topic 4. Analysis of the conflict context.

I. What is Conflict Analysis? II. Key Messages. III.Tools for Conflict Analysis


Topic 5. Models and techniques of prevention and positive management of the conflict in cultural mediation.

I. Effective Conflict Management. II. Items for Individualists Dealing with Conflict in a Collectivistic Culture. III. Items for Collectivists Dealing with Conflict in a Individualistic Culture. IV. Positive Conflict Management in Cultural Mediation.


Total: 77

Module 4. Principles on psychological well-being and socio-emotional

health in refugee cases. Strategies for the mediator to support the target group

and their own self-care.

Content’s Diagram:

Topics Contents Slides no. Topic 1. Introduction to psychology

I. Attitude. II. Behaviuor. III. Personality. IV.Motivation. V.Emotion.


Topic 2. Psychological profile of the immigrant, refugee and vulnerable groups.

I.Introduction. II. Psychological manifestations in adults. III. Psychological manifestations in minors. IV. Psychological manifestations in vulnerable groups. V. Severe psychological impact: more common disorders.


Topic 3. Professional competences needed when working with the target population.

I. Introduction. II.Knowledge. III. Skills. IV. Attitudes. V. Reccomendations when contacting the refugee population.


Topic 4. Techniques and tools for self-care and improving the professional skills of the cultural mediator.

I. Introduction. II. Stress. III. Burn-out. IV. Wrath and aggressiveness. V. Inter-personal intelligence. VI. From self-care to group care.


Topic 5. Techniques and tools to work with the target population.

I. Introduction. II. Intervention with adults. III. Intervention with minors. IV. Intervention with vulnerable groups. V. Psychological first aid or


10 ReCULM Trainer's Guide

psychological first help (APA). Total: 115

Module 5. Communication and interpreting in contexts of cultural


Content’s Diagram:

Topics Contents Slides no. Topic 1. Communication theory and models.

I. What is communicating? II.Communication Characteristics. III.Elements of communication.


Topic 2. Techniques used in cultural contexts.

I.Introduction. II. What do we understand by Intercultural Communication? III. Key Principles of Intercultural Communication. IV. Intercultural Communication Strategies. V. Cultural Apects to be considered in VERBAL COMMUNICATION. VI.Cultural Aspects to be considered in the NON VERBAL COMMUNICATION.


Topic 3. Competencies and values needed to communicate with different social agents.

I. Introduction. II. Intercultural Communicative Competences Model. III. Dimensions. IV. Training of the communicative competences.


Topic 4. Interpreting and its use in cultural mediation.

I. Introduction. II. Interpreting specialisation areas III. Types of interpreting. IV. The interpreter. V. Strategies for a faithful interpreting.


Topic 5. Interpreting deontology code.

I. Introduction. II. Deontology. III. Conceptual difference: ethic VS deontology. IV. Deontology of the interpreter’s profession and ethic principles. V. Health Interpreting. VI. The interpreting situation in Europe: the Consortium Countries.


Total: 109

11 ReCULM Trainer's Guide

Module 6. The practice of cultural mediation in the reality of refugees.

Content’s Diagram:

Topics Contents Slides no. Topic 1. Cultural mediation context in Europe.

I. Cultural Mediation (IM): Context, Definition, models and principles. II. Cultural Mediation (IM) in Europe. III. Experiences and Practices of IM in Europe.


Topic 2. Cultural mediator.

I. The Cultural Mediator’s Profile. II. Programme Stages Actions and Techniques. III. Intervention Areas in the work with individuals and families of the Partnership Countries.


Topic 3. Relationship and coordination of the cultural mediator with other professionals.

I. The limitations of the mediator’s role and the importance of knowing when to delegate cases. II. Roles of different professionals within the multidisciplinary team in different fields. III. Team work: introduction to the importance of the professional group. IV. Principles of team work.


Topic 4. Community intervention techniques.

I.Introduction. II.Assessment. III.Awareness raising activities.


Topic 5. Intercultural Mediator deontology code

I.Introduction. II.Deontology code Basic principles. III. General rules applying to professional conduct. IV. Deontology codes for cultural mediation in Spain, Greece, Italy and the UK. V. Specific deontology issues in the healthcare sector.


Total: 89

12 ReCULM Trainer's Guide

3. Assessment Tools

3.1. Case Studies

These following case studies were elaborated by the University of

Modena and Reggio Emilia from interviews realised with mediators and other

experts of mediation. The interviews were collected by the ReCULM partners in

their respective Countries: the University of Modena e Reggio Emilia in Italy, the

University of Almeria in Spain, the University of Glasgow in the United Kingdom

and the National Centre for Social Research

(Ethniko Kentro Koinonikon Erevnon) in Greece.

The case studies are designed as education tools to stimulate reflexivity

and reinforce mediators’ knowledge and competences acquired through the

ReCULM course.

They reproduce situations in which mediators have to cope with in their

daily work and dilemmas concerning their profession and mediation practices.

Part of them are focused on issues involving refugees and asylum seekers.

They are composed by three parts: a life scenario or a reflection about

mediation, a short synthesis to help the readers to focus on the rising topics,

some questions to stimulate thinking, considerations or debate.

The case studies and the related questions can be selected depending

on the different educational needs and strategies. They can be used for

individual training or self-training or within groups to favour a debate about


As you can see in the table above, all the case studies are linked to the

course’s modules, which means that they help to reflect about the topics treated

in the modules. Each case study can be connected to different modules,

depending on the manifold issues they rise. Different cases can rise similar

issues and questions.

13 ReCULM Trainer's Guide

ReCULM Modules Related case studies 1. The basics about human migration, refugees and legal framework.

Cases 13, 17, 18, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 37 and 39.

2. Cultural diversity and interethnic relations.

Cases 2, 3, 7, 9, 12, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37 and 40.

3. Conflict management: definition, prevention and resolution. Interethnic conflict.

Cases 1, 2, 7, 22, 24, 26, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 and 40.

4. Principles on psychological well-being and socio-emotional health in refugee cases. Strategies for the mediator to support the target group and their own self-care.

Cases 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 28 and 39.

5. Communication and interpreting in contexts of cultural mediation.

Cases 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 12, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 25, 32 and 38.

6. The practice of cultural mediation in the reality of refugees.

Cases 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40.

As an example, we present one of the 40 case studies that are part of

this assessment tool.


Job profile, boundaries and collaboration with other professionals A SHORT STORY ABOUT MEDIATION Mediators who work in collaboration with other professionals - such as doctors, psychologists, social workers and so on - need to be aware of the limits of their role. Sometimes, mediators who have worked in medical environments and have witnessed various cases feel that they are in a position to take the initiative to advise refugees about medical issues without doctors’ or medical staff’s permission. Especially if mediators come from the same Country and culture, refugees trust the mediator more than the medical staff and take very seriously their advice. These initiatives on behalf of the mediator put in danger the life of refugees and creates tension and bad communication among the group of professionals that is trying to offer support to refugees. (Field Expert, Medical ONG, Greece) WHAT IS THE POINT This story explains how difficult could be for mediators to define their own task and the boundaries of their role in relation to the other professionals, in this case a medical staff. It points out the importance to respect the different competences as part of their role. This avoids health risks for refugees, who trust them – especially if they come from the same Country - and follow their advices, and conflicts within the work team.

14 ReCULM Trainer's Guide

SOME QUESTIONS TO REFLECT - Do you agree with the story-teller’s consideration about the role of mediators? Do you think neutrality is a professional requirement for mediators? - Have you ever experimented or observed any conflict related to the definition of reciprocal professional boundaries? How did you behave in that situation? - Do you think that belonging to the same Country could be problematic for building a balanced relationship between mediators and beneficiaries? - What are the advantages/disadvantages for immigrants who meet a mediator from their own Country? - What could be the difficulties for a mediator working with people who are from their own Country?

3.2. Assessment Questions

The Q&A were elaborated by the University of Modena and Reggio

Emilia (Q&A Modules 1, 3, 5, 6), and the University of Almeria (Q&A Modules 2,


They are educational tools to be used by Mediators for self-assessment

purposes for or by Teachers and Trainers who work with them for assessment

aims. They aim to reinforce Mediators’ knowledge and contribute to improve the

competences acquired through the ReCULM training course.

They are directly connected to the 6 Modules of the course.

18 close questions are associated with each module, thus they are 108 in

total. They can be selected depending on the different educational needs and

strategies of Mediators, Trainers and Teachers.

Each question is correlated with three answers, which can be: all correct,

two correct, or only one correct.

For each correct answer, it is indicated the source - Module, Topic and

PPT Slide – in the course in which to find explanation and deep information.

An example of the assessment question is the following:


Q1. According to the UN, which are the three elements whose combination depends on the different types of mobility and establishes who is a migrant or not?

15 ReCULM Trainer's Guide

□ a) Change of usual residence (Space), Time of staying in the destination, and Motivation of the mobility. □ b) Legal condition, Capacity of economic self-sustainment, Housing stability. □ c) Country of Origin, Country of Destination and Legal condition. Q2. (...) CORRECT ANSWERS: MODULE 1 Q1. a) Change of usual residence (Space), Time of staying in the destination, and Motivation of the mobility. Source: Module 1, Topic 1, Slides 4, 5 and 6.Q2. (...)
