2017 Summer Assignment MATH 600: Basic Pre-Algebra … · 2017 Summer Assignment MATH 600: ......


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2017 Summer Assignment

MATH 600: Basic Pre-Algebra 6 Honors

1450 Newfield Avenue Stamford, CT 06905 (203) 322-3496www.kingschoolct.org

Knowledge for the Journey

Summer Math Review Packet MATH 600: Basic Pre-Algebra 6 Honors

Please complete the worksheets that follow and return them to your Grade 6 teacher in the fall.

Optional websites and apps that can offer additional math practice: • http://www.mathplayground.com/

o “Thinking Blocks” section specifically related to Singapore Math• http://www.thesingaporemaths.com/• http://www.coolmath-games.com/• http://www.multiplication.com/• http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/• http://kidsnumbers.com/math_magic/

o Thinking games for math• http://mathmastery.com/cyberchallenge/• http://www.aaamath.com/


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Solve fhe followÍng stoly problems" Show youf wo¡:k fln e below'-C"*ptØ"t€ û',tt wørd Prób1 6. There were 32 chitdren cf q pony. The¡'e were I more boys thon girls. lf I girls wore glosses,

what fraction of the girls wore gf osses of ihe parly?

iT. There \^¡ere i 04 people sf o museu*. å of the peopie were women. if there were 28

children st the museumr how msny men vfere fhere?

Anc had some money. She used t of it fc buy o pair of shoes which cost 596.lf she speni

cnoiher ] oi the money fo buy c dress, how nruch did she spend olfogether?


vt Singopore Molh ProcÍice Level 4A

l' ; ',..FA.f.J-i4aih i Excel-

Comptø{e- bCI'tfi pri:bLønnn5

F',4eina has f i2 siamps^

i of ihem are Lacai =iarnps anc ihe resi a.i'e fcreign siamcs.

{ai t-io,,.v rí'ìäi^Äi.*, ãor+!gn s:ar:rps ices she have?

ib) How i-rÌe-y íii*íe iocai =?ar:tps

then fai*ign sianips toGS she haL'e?

2. Th+ie arc 28F- rzze.rker= E¡-l e b+x"

* ai ihem are reü." The resi are blue.H

ia: Hcvr' ma.y'*iue;siarkers are th+re?

ibi É-iov.v ¡--iany ;--ûíe bli¡e mark+r= tha:.- r+C mark+rs aíe zher+?

,l ¿ ....',-



5i. A f+cicry makes 2,275 watches in o week" Hav-r mCIny wçtches does il make ìr- 3 dcys?

52. F. shi¡-i cosfs S2E3 and a ii= c+sls *7A" David baughi 4 shlns and 3 iies" How mr.¡ch dhe spe*d clåogeiher?

53. ê.au¡'secosås 4?imes ssrstuch+sadr+ss" if ih+ÐursecosÌs fi27*,'r¡ovtr,uçhdces.Anrsper:d an Ëhe purse und 3 dresses?



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b+ught 2 suflnaards f+r her ci:?Êeiren, whai was h+¡- t*+=*E?^:i;'?

I'84" -Êai!:r baked ?5* +upcekes fai ihe *a?.e saE+= Sfue scEci St% eí ih+cupca-k==s Ë;-r ih* æ*ri:Êng a*d Z*of, *f ihe rçm=ind+r å;'¡ i[:e afier*+*n= H*'-s

nÈai-iy +upcek+s did sh+ seÊi? H*w #=tE\í +up..;ak'"e-e iid n*É s+lË?

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Y "A rnavie thecfer scãi '! ,&5ç tlekeis on Thu¡'sdcy *nd åhree times cs s-r-rcÊiy tlckets on Friday'

Ho'w nltny fickeås dld it sell on bcth days?

i]) 3,3tr8 {3} &,&3&

í21 Å",ç77 {4} -ú ,2ç 5 i. i

Êu" ,ån,vc spent $4* and had $ 1 t lefå" V/hcÌ frqciicn oí her money did she spend?

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Subieet EngÉ!sh idqfh Science Socicl studães

Grode t-t ?ü 6;3 ë a

1 1 . Wh,=i .+øas ihe ic?cË score fcr Liiy's beså åhree stsbiects?

i]] 21e i?j 234

12\ 22& t4j 24é

iZ. Vihat was the dlfierence beiween fhe highes? qnd the lov¡est sccres?

(li e (3) I8tzj 'E 5 lLJ 27 f


Sincii:nore l.¡icfh P¡-cciice Le'¡ei 4Açr







Add these fræúãans" Hfräãe esch #'&#i€er Êãs simples? færËEÊ"

-j -L. J'J.



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¿.ñ 1ft'-L.J- ¡ l-J


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=*Éåir;4 w*-*ks?

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*e f*r "z =rg.ai+b+=rd,

1 Vaer # *Eu**t¡¿ p=4== =i=4

^a ç-*=.ir +! 1æ+=V=,*=?

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-Éir--t= 't{rj--:- = ??



f=. tænk;s 4 *¡¡ed rsí-,=h "\oraaær" å*. ecr: h*ã<Ë *-,e*Eher 3"5 g+f a€, w*îer. Efj

V.'t g*i *í wæ'¿er ¡'i cËrie¿'".1b;t?ru lnt#<-,',*,çhfr-¡-F"r--Jaïir=rt *€ i?r+tar:k ¡s

içEE*4 ='¡; zt1-'=4{ =-lE?


&= ^,-ræ:rz Ê=?- ei4 þ, *t 1:3''i p"rri " ænd *r¡-Ëved r:'z eÉÉz¿ & æi 5:3* p=¡-;':.

E*u Ë4-¿n ze&- e'zza 7 c*,- *:&8 p"*. =*d- =-s-rive.d *-t ez-4 e æ Ç".** p=--,¡.

åf ch= =arer*ge sp==rs .=f ¿h= Ë-¡-=Ë¡'e ¡ræ¡- eh= vgl'leå= e;-ÉÐ 'r,'ss Ê5 iæiJh, ='sh*t-'rd'=s Ë¡Ì= dise**e= 'b=;tv"¡**+ eitg -å *.ri eËeg ei

r'_ -# +r =1,alra.

5n= '+=ed 17 fz cf i-i :i* rrzzi*:t *.fi eç?+T*J

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1 o€ ü e*rz^+çenr.lr ?-z*lås å eups æ€ -&'a-u+t, r3æ-ea' îÈ'ìf;-rÉ= euPS æí '*=i=rÅa

tdç=s = *i

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Ehe -rceea;:gãe= E?+Ê {Er*"t'rn E* se=ãe, h*s ?57é æí ¡æ *r*c s?¡=rËed"

The ¡'cci+ *€ tjæ+: ëærz*-.?t *€ z*e reeÊGn=å= z* i's e":i*.* is 9 : 4.ë+H!t<¡a cs e"E?e *{*æ *F -rh= itnså=*d=é pærr-V

LÍ E7 í.


L==JilZ =ijj=S eijlzz d-..¡És

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+4{TA9""-_e ¡tr= !L_ '3, f '

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g" Tg-¡= cË*ns=uer æE æ eåreT= is 35 E¡=" Fånd ehe eireui'*:fe¡er,ee +f ehe

eËc-eEc" {Fck-e =e =üL EE i*-Ë-tr ,-9 ¿ ÊE Ê"

B É€* ãn"

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ce¡?t=r of eh= eineåe fc-eiã? =ss?zlcä¡ ehe se¡æEeí¡-eåe w*s abË,sified"

Find e#+ perr*:ece r æf -=irees=írÉËe:E-eÉ=- f,ak=--e - = Ej

4 /, ?*

Í 65 Ër'¡.

22* en.



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Þo *hesc prøblære¡s" Shosr øÊE rEæar wænk r:îeærlV Ø-f,P\AÆ

iv*r, c,:\e ei sã-d+ 3 cm !s ihi+-*¡n inå+ in= ?,=.k= ''Í{'-raÈ is ik+ n+'ø hei'=-ht cí thev..+Ée:- !n ii:+ icnl.:-j i3',v= y,3-i.ir ci:-r'''çe: i+rreæ Èc Ï decií'itci'=i+ee.i



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i€ så ei3i:3 Ërãa;o sã"iEpÐr ãtãå 'peFr;4= -ü=á.Åt sa!;û

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Sì+ FPa afrcìct\^ÄÐ

Ce¡rnpì.€-+€ €;z\l€;r\ {þ 6trn'ï'gA.. Fiq?d th= vslue øt æch æt the feËl*r¡ç'inÐ e:x:pre.ssïoæs whææ m = ?.ú,

E" FËæd Ëhe veãæe af eæeh st *he fellewf;ng ÊìãFrcssåæ*ls w-hem k = 7Ð"

ð=r* I

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ç -4+zg ¿4 + ç -éi- {,=i}

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n+ç-n+g 7*-Lë*7-,jt] í,?L'ì

+-87+û+HÐ s !-¿ ¿ l.-iZ + ç +rû - ûL içî=;

b + bg i"--i


"Ë-rræÍssêrdxe 6u¡øue¡¡e¡ eW gÐ q3Ëe $f$*;S ")


*s these probãems" sl?e-l,'' æll yøar zvsrk +rearÍy""Løl+Q-

T!:=i= cre 3? i.*c¿Ê cjit.* é.&,Í*iei=. =i+;n +s in c s?c=p o¡Lu*. Fffi wfr\

í=: ii-d tr=e :=rie -l zL^ .,.,n.;Lei- cf i-*;cci sicm i:s Éo ihe nun-rbe¡- ai icr=ign sici-:-¡+s

ib; FÉ+i *+ r'*t¡+ +l iln* *.,:,t-*e¡ *F -?+r=iFri

sÈairrps ?+ ii-= c=-¿i:-+Ler ai i,=:iri =?cnrps.

å:::T:t" 35û pcg+s Ën b*cfo,å, Sû* F##es ;* b+.*L Ð =r-,4 ZûtJ pæç.+s irz


í"i '-,::E tr:jã'_+_ ,oi!+ =F

t-e r":+=L+r cr .pæçes.

i¡:_bcoå- þ. ;-, tke;-¡u¡::Ler aí p*g+si¡= þcck B ic :E-,c nurz=L+¡-

=å o+g=s in ãa+k C?

åbi 'r¡.'+=Ë is Éhe ¡-aÈi+ +F ÊË-= ¡-,*n-Ler aF FGg+s i¡': b+ok B ;"+ i,ie icå=i r¡,;:--.,ber- c=:p+ges ír¡ L*+k=s å B =rz4 {?

Ct tttpail





's€r¡jr=4iåq ?ú*

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-s€?q åÐ


+ui+ åÐ u+ii]ÊJ4 = c:: ç=:åjlãåå,ìq +* Js'Ti.unu eÇå sse:d>rå iqi

'î+lgjei+fiq ++

rÊql:rfiu +1È jua ¡iûi{3*jj c s= s+=Î ¿= Jã=tÆiÈu €+ sss:¿b'=i= í*i

ssíËJej¿nq .Ð


Ð : j s: e;i:4rld Ð 'rå se:L.åj-=ååflq jc iÐç'=ã¡-lu +4j t+ s-+êt 3+ jêÎ-iÐ{lil -=t+ j+ =;4=; e{å ívi

' *!=1:i4= å PtãF Fss I ¡abrg

¿t =ir.:û31:: ¡=+Gí -3iìå i+3r €å.iiûtrËJ: ç_Ði=¡jå=c

¿_eüe,3u¡ 3,Ð!?¡.i4Êd 5¡ Û:3ijiti

'4i r r¡-rìi rt + E-,¡-¡ ã!r-r I ¡l'? . *'z¿tã=sê è-¿.J'CI:J!si Ê¡.ji+f, lji srÐss!ta?,'.é

-l ¿ei.:.¡+3-t Sr=SSt¡e'?-''c' Si €.Ji'*=U: ç,Êí=:jå=i iÐ ,;*ii3'r-iJj ZQ':Ê.Í',;\,\ey









qV, Pv'P Vg #ð*Ø\d,wPJ

ç : ? c:å*i =L;å r,!i +Æ ÐliåJ{si B'-¡3 3s5ãi+./f 5+ Êãilo3{ii e¡J E


?rao¿zir;= -ea+fuzct.íÀ=Õdd" +ts

,4-¡=.w== +ecÍ +î Èh= i+:i.:=+¡i-ç q'-:e=ii+=== S!':+¡¡ :JGiií !"ï=íl ?-1iÇ'+l!Ï= v--+":r

staå='--;= nîs =i ==ii t"'.

e-ñ i:.iz=ry'. -== 2** rçtar'ci=== : =i t*erz =-:=

ií'¿.+-, + +i zn?rrt are :=i' = ciË i. i rv¡J:iía ¡¡:i a1-'u' F. -''"-' 2:'t =lJ : __-: -, Í,L: -,Ti=t¡ ãie Q{¿}lt ?-c = +i î-= r+raaini=i ?--îG'¡,t-o!!*'+' *coi ='lt=1¿ç ';eü'tw

..¡e-fbi=-.= =ç:e:s

t= ?.=-:¿=?

,,-i=+a- i¿";i+ = cÍ -=r t+=-cs i3,íc3+ + e h=i.b=e-ds tci:fiã| c+C

-+ oi_ .r, i,Fj _


ih= i+St +î r¡=r bea-d= t+ .f=::riir.r.=ç. ti s.+ ft¿-d 3t =+a.#s tt=i'-. -t:w îiãilí

bee-is Cicå s-e ia:¡e zi iir="'3

l.= i¿ji* 5 : 3= 7-¿= *z:r.ricei aî 7;,elj=rick's calcs a-r¡d i?¡e -=¿r;¡==i cjí

SleV=nê Ca¡-cs =r= i*=rr¡+ reä* 4'.3. i'i i=-Sriit,.-as-i8 fG\'t'ei CaiCS ihan

7:=ó,=ri=u= *=w =ì

jiì:Þt ca-¡cs d+=s Si+ven '¡=:¡=?


Cømç@*e- od'd" +bB' Hew mõny c¡sbes ef cdge å eræ errc Reëded to bssüld euq,h sf rke

Salãewümg iubeËds?



'i5 cm



C* FËnd the hcight ef esch cuboid.

i'/ I\- ¿

5cmI û ct-n

= 4E cmz

!¡ I aVtiume = 3./Õ cîi,-"


Cø'irlp\Ø\€ eveÅn {#\Thevæluæe*! a'uvacden blsei< isikt* ern3. ÊÉs ie;rgåh !s 5 eæ inÐ{eihc* irs ".¡idíh.ií iis iengih is i û e¡-,:, iineË iis helghi"

iëi å reeie=gular tc;-x3* e:- *y2v- em b;"4û cä"i is | í;iled.,*.":ih.-*a?e¡-. H+.,v í**:Ìy3ii+ers +Ë -'"u¿æÞr ¡-r¡usi L€ c*dæd ,:e n**-e È!':e rsn'< i.;€ïi i: 4 = iûtei e;-3j

,å tank -î* e*i iang, j t cm ¿ol.je snd 5C¡ e*: high is fuå! *i .+¡çier. ii iile -!j,"Gieí ;sp+,,:ræåín',c c+ni'<=1,.r*n, **=;.rr!ng 5 e¡-¡-r Ë".,g- Ërui*r¿e+:-¡d ,!t c¡-¡: i!gl-* he*;riÌ**y s¡-¡eh c*r:ie í:,+rs ar+ ne+ded?

&rvq("e>\l3 H¡cr-rö?. Fi;-d the vcËue sf eaeh af ehe íeål+wing:


4â+37 .8



fl*\, 7 Áfr ,4,ñ ,¿ 7'\Èjl Ë =u - .rtJ ¡r i

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2. l-'tuÍelptg Cor^rrçtø'þ rÕrÐ + I a'v\á çÕuL7 #7


Shæde the spcees r¡,'hËeh e*rzËGlr¿ Éhe cns'sers É* the ab*v=" Y*u w1tjfrnd che prrzæ And¡ e"'r*' rrrrre.

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1aÊ aa 312.-"? 553.û9 354"77

Antiru*'+E's p: lze Ës a

T-s!'¡årc '*vAtch

Volume (31

Do fhese problems. Show oll your work cleorly'

(1) A recîongulqr tqnk 20 crn long, 30 cm wide qnd 40 cm highI ' ' *¡tt, *otãr. ll Srron took out i.S .e of wqter from the tonk, by

the woter level droP? 11 4 = 1000 cms)

Co*çlr.+<- Att

wos completely {illedhow mony cm did -


t2l A recfongulq¡" tqnk 30 cm long, 20 cm wide ond 50 cm high conïoins 7 I ol

woter. How mony liters of wqter sre needed to rqise the woter level to f "f th"

height of the tank?


Car"ç\e*€- ,qt ¡

ID c


l4l ABCD is o porollelogrom. Find zd.

(51 ABCD is o parollelogrom. AC / 1 FD* ^ABC

is on isosceles triongle. tind ze.

1 10"

DE c


(ól ABCD is o recfongle. ABEF is o porollelogrom. Find zf.










A. The pie chqrt below shows how Britney spenÌ her money ot themqrket lqsf Sundoy. She spent $5O in oll.

(l ) Whot percentoge of Britney's money wos spent on eggs?

(2) How much did Britney spend on fish?

(3) Whot froction of Brifney's money wos spent on beef?

(41 How much more did Britney spend on vegefobles thon oneggs?

(5) Whot is fhe rotio of the omount spent on fish to the omountspent on beef?


Grophs (31




Circles l2l

Do these problems. Show oll your work cleorly.

(1 ) The figure below is mode up of o semicircle ond o rectongle. Find the perimeter of

the figure. (Toke æ = !.t

(21 The figure below is mode up of three semicircles ond o rectongle. Find the totoloreo of the unshoded ports. (Toke n = 3.14.1


ó in.

I in.

(3) The figure below shows o quorter circle within o right-ongled triongle. Find the

totol oreo of the shoded ports. (Toke n = Ç.t

1Q in


Froctions:Division l2l

(t) How mony f t or" there in 2.5?



A. Filfo


Do these problems. Show oll your work cleorly.

How mony ]-euort glosses moy be filled from '12 quorts of lemonode?l2l


(3) How mony times must o f -euort sproy bottle be filled in order to use up B qt of

window cleoner?

Eoch guest ot o porty will eot * U of coshews. How mony guests will be served






(t I )JI


with I0 lb of coshews?



(41 Josh bicycled from town X to town Y which wos 25 km owoy. He left town X ot8:45 o.m. ond bicycled ot l5 km/h. At whot time did he reoch town Y?

(5) Jone troveled to town A by bus. The bus troveled qt 50 mi/h for 3 hours. Shethen wolked to her grondfother's house oI 2 mi/h for on hour ond o holf. Whqtwos ùe totol distonce troveled by Jone?

(ó) A motorist drove 108 km in I h 30 min. How for did he trovel in 50 min if hedrove ot the some rote throughout his journey?

(71 Cor A troveled 216 km in 3 hours ond cor B îroveled 260 km in 4 hours(o) Which cor troveled foster?(b) How much foster wos it?


volking is


Speed (U

A. Gomplete the following toble.

Do these problems. Show oll your work cleorly'


(41 Jo


(5) Jon



(61 A m,






(l ) The overoge speed of o cyclist is 20 ) U^tt',. How for does he trovel in 4 hours?

l2l An oirplone completed o 4250 km journey in 5 hours. Whot wos its overoge


How mony kilometers con Jeremy wolk in S ] h if h¡s overoge speed of wolking is

(7t Cor y'



Distonce Time Speed

3ó0 mi 5h

3h 65 ni/h

480 mi 80 milh

50 m/min?

