· 2017. 12. 14. · JiEYV-.? ,?? TRJBUNEb » NEWTOM MONDAY.JT'LY...


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    ?G Drmtrrsilc *? hl« «.carral C «miaitire.-?Ke.· s- vie»', . .G- . a · TLT.-i- !DAY EVENI.HO. July 6, et 3 i/c-ocA. at the Brgedwaytloaiie. By older

    J PHILLIP- PHiZSIX Chaltstaa.AHRaHAM h LAWKKMCtl Vice-Chat.

    I ttr-i R T.TL..« ? «?, ..,?..vsbs U laaaot»* , ** "'* * ..ill 1Tij** Trier« will be oo piper nmed from Tbe

    Tribune o£fi« o u> morrow at Jaly.Batvei«tyo'i* > etra have elapsed etnee our fure-

    latliers, appealm«; la OOatamfkONatBtB· opinion fura ftroper verdict »pon the r pr·-· ·¦rt»»il the vote ofcen»ure have ei

    (..peti immediate indignation hv timely withdrawal Irniu another rauta·· ? few, by a rcc ectu ? 84tore litio tone was made up. alcaline thus a march

    upon the people their tune will come lu » ?enti iHipulir reientiiient he none the le·· finm ap«wtiH)nement ol tu indulgence The people will" nur·· ihr ir wrath to keep it warm

    But aa tor Chapman Thompson Morse ot l.iWith al! the real nl thai contorted crew,Dealruruou ·??·1·?»? »hail do· them ai their heeli

    *lew>«llasB|t*hlre.Tbe election tint Ukei place in thi· State on

    Thuredey nelt la ol tK> ordinary importance BB lar.a the State or nation n concerned ami w e ilo I o¡ e

    thlt oar triend« tn the tw,. C ????·(?»»???·1 Dutrict·where election« are to he holtieu wtlltoru out in

    their full strc;i«tliYea»* they have hattletl tMJBBMl the tyranny nl

    donteelic ami the ini^nily of national U'Kitlatiniwithout a ho¡»e oi .mvesslui result Will tbeynow when city victorv n in theirrrup, be faithle·· lo their principle· and their former hiatm ? 1.W i.l they retreat before a diaheartened Hid deeptinrsf km 1Not one ol cmr '· allied " friend· «bould fortfi, tbe

    (knoin prit'ilette now accorded htm ot crowmnttpr ncip'e· with »occe·· Let tt be born· in mine!that eicb men · vote ,? the only ·??1?·??????1 evidette· thtt cm be olfered in tajBsaaBJBB· oi hi· prttictpl··. and tbe greiteel etfectukl a»»iiinicc to thea·· a ranee of their triumph

    Alnooel heiore thta \·?\ er can reach New Hempekira.betöre certainly it va ill be »ren hy many w hoire ircuiUmieil to rctii it.the election will bavetaken place but we earoeetly expect and beeeeahail to whom then prêtent· dV come, to employtbair moot atreououa exertion· m ltd of the m»b!ecite· hx which w·, in common, have ao loof kvbored

    It H to th· power of oar t!liod friend· in the twoI »telnets ?? tend to Ctrtisrrs» two Auti War. Anti6 evsvry member». It not thtl en alieufScient.umulint to exertion * Will not auch t victor)he fall compenattton fur the gretteat pcreootl ex¬erttoo· f

    TTot fnt*Oa »j Ltixrto fie ttgaaaTf fk»T»»g«>«-t»/.read t^ttttnf to tkt

    ·· Allot«" oj>'Sne HarnptArre.and b*g of ¡kernt it fraiiffrutg atwtrrr gfj (Ar t*«i »mat.

    f¿y PolK»emen. do your duty. tod»y. when yon.ce boy· or meo. not oo mitiury duty, ftrlog ?ß (une or

    p;»lol». Such · prectloc U not on'y dtogercui bul Itdepriree heedred· of pereoa· trim rejo) Log tot miei vr*In ttte »tr»·«.·*»·_fy Hemetnber, firin·· otf gum iriu piitoi· in

    the «tataai I« »>'t H* w»y U ceieureie the l'ourth. Let

    .rerySody pat« throogh oar City with «aiety end keepIn gJod tiituiv.-. ».t.- le» p i_t "'ty The Preiiden. of the United 8tatet.wt to he Bare Tueedey aaoroiog. He wil ?er ?. ve ia the Bay »tute, and leave liniuetilaito.y forWraniagloa.

    Fifteen Days later from Europe.Arrival ·? ibe falrri.oi«.

    toportciQt Coniinercla. Intelligence.ADVANCE IN COTTON.



    T!:» ita«'!,av ;· ."n-'e-i·'"" rt:»t G.?tt. trrirec]it m rauiD atr-ut ß 'clock y Mterrity morning·, hav-Ion «»¡led from Liverjx-oi on ti.e '.Bth ait-The foiit.witie »"»«tract of tbe new« waa tele-

    gr»pr>e»m»r Union Bailed from Cher¬

    che 1 *ith altThe foidiwit,»· tat.,e wi.l exrubit the decline in

    Hrcar. Wh:«;» B.I. Clarke. L.av In '.»44 the Dutrict gave ClayIBM ma,, .¡u '.!»45 it »·ß»? lìrulei Whi«; Bf Congreoa, IP.*.but why two Whki candidat ea in catOnirici G Is it giaai dir Whus l·» «MutenI v. i:h eachother Would it uot be better to act tetttether lor

    prtmctple» and tarn atthinsi polituctl oppcaseots '

    Gß?* The ? 0 Daily National eaye that it lenrnsoo good authority that Gen Taylor ? private affairewill demand hi« presence in the Tailed State» ? which time he wi.i apply lor leaveof ebset.ce We truat thcate of," our colere pereneswbo aliude to thi« report will riot etto The Tribuneoa authority a« many oí tbem did in relation to aaimilax report a atiort time tiuoe.aod on no better«.round We are uot the i»ra-an of lien Tay.oriaciitimemts. ooe the huthixiseti ohruiaii-ler ot bismovemenu


    LoUt*.for·bid» »ny aterra'*.»aa«xrtt»c act «*??) ¡ine »hai (or) aU tnooiat cf thajell'

    By gptcltJ Exprei* forth»* Sirti, Acereta ilo.U. 8. ?»

    ¦it MOI 1*4 IM AUfA ? ? »»?THI ? til».

    LATER MIli'I HatXH O.A1/:- /·' QENEi ¦'"-·

    iaTOKlll OKPERLI) Fit· THE ClPITAL.ft» (»·»»trirt of La. but fnar· they ?».«rive u,, tl.eir profcliinn to co to CotTgjrtaj·, It iddiALEXANDER Dr.CI.ot:rT it Ihr man. popular,

    wealthy, teg a I'jpenor ?'??',???? icholer, weil educate,). ahV «atti elnqient. He ¡? hyprofe»iioti a planter. T. e Lri'o· havo in t:|(r. Porter, wbo it electan,. Ltaac E. Morte, th.·,,! Mamlver aOoaeert Qao lay a heavy tax on TeaBa« Cou4'«·»·, to B| »'? MrPolk'· AilmittHtrntinn- -an 1 «.-"in-rHiiv lor tin» me··ures tad the meri m. st D iriooi to his country, »·

    ¦ciel bramala vani «???*·. bacbabb WTaoapaut ai Vigo, tbe VVbig caadidttt for theSovcnth Diat-i, t Imhoi is ¦ retai·,vaho went earl ? W.¦«». h: d Ihinnen la tta X.WIItn ?'··:_?·.«.The ?

    M states that it it pos».I.le thtl?. may "we lut r.e!. etimi ?·? tit·· First District

    to a certain Wh'«·, who has pot himsflt lorwarii a»? ?··, "ml (.'indi'iate. in to help O tt*·*·cannot hope to he electeil » er, » srcer . ·a tleviotia on·, he ia 'an Artful I.ready to tcrambtt lor power nmi to »? « ,hililv on either side VA|,.·-. wa« lie w I .Tav lor was censure 1.when II wss prwpnoed to tanTea tad < I ·· irhaa tl··· Rivet aodpasseii tha H ·»· when a pittati.-,· «*««

    ·* h.·,? tbe ioAérer· in Ireisn.l.aad »H in it t.'o .: I ·,-:,¦ | « I t tintG mon into ? panunclaimed .-Iter« ' F.i ?? bi,.«w·l)r Deri·, th·late Bpeaker renkte· to rao, »»·.«

    ;'. ?? ? ?. an?potei Jota l'a tt ¡r m the Eighth .1'ratt

    »o,l Cttthcart able men. an,I ?m ido app »peak Im

    at 411 pit' ra in tkhl Nial mi tn letttair oootfitoeam hear botf »id«?· Wi

    where '.?'?,?« Tt «VhtarricepliiL· the rote· ¦¦· · «BB ami ceil»ire Taylor, belore tin> p,uple ? -.« Na»G????? trica to explain, hu' it it uphill R

    ITfVThe Tiirt.ntor thelt"th nil »tat.·»that Win Mi loy ami l'atri, k Hall nd went acro»· Ir, inthat city to in·' ?? t>itui»ula tn « »kift with Mall, y · wit.·

    B· ."unday (lot drunk, were up»et in Iveft.-t w»fiertnd were drowned. A colored man rescued tli·· u··ei woman The men wer,· in the puni» t lit,.Ihe

    one a carpenter. Ihe other a miller.and or·· of themillallord) haJ but a few day« M tore arri», d here InniIreland with hi» mother vt ho i· now lelt childless and a. -ai ? in a strange land The »cene wa» hear¬ing wh. u the widow wa» Mitad to witnet» th» htly ot

    y BOB the n.i'|Hirt of her old »k». an·) wa» renter. ii tu .te ,!., ply ?,·).-cm,a i,y lb* inn. ,·> i.t play lu.nea» ofan intani In of Ma loy pall Bg ti e r,,y ,-,,.,? teatini *ot it» dead l'ar.-nt, an 1 pr, BOBBI lag tail lami l«r Bam·,writ e the mother, half drunk an.1 ha t .troait· .1. wa· lay-in. in » »tate ot in»eu»i'i|lity in an ed.i ilnit.·· room

    ff>* BOH Kmitiranf» arnveii at Uueher in nineretata* nn »".'th ult from 1 «tftetf I I trom Ire¬land. One »hip brought ?·«<

    l rom ihe -t i rola.Hiliaci ol a leltei il»t·.!

    - « p. «sat n, lefTAn opp.-rti itv ta-, iirrin«· I have tlmusthl it muht

    ? it lie liliioieietllUj· lo you lu letru · I tbe DM I Ilie ···

    G? t leaioti ol uncommon h «?? water on the Mk,tetIliad the orowema storm ahich io

    ? kg ai -i·«- · ?··· ?, toe ·,. it!, remain· »-aim VIS 8 S9g» plied up at ih- loWrr eudol the rem and the water ?» al » »tanti

    ty Tic a «· ir attentiveM intere) correspondent, received y etterdt; >the litt'Bt ;, in that »ci t:

    « ? »»».? Best·Kditob«» IVkit» Btara my .»»t there ha» ;.

    Iitlfi» 0··??.a aa ?., ice ni,nm,i,i ,1 in op» Tne tat,jrtare ai loi!,,*, ,'t «

    Pite .nicani»· ,·· »? m-rit have been:? VV'.a.l .tn- ',,a'«t,,·- tl. ·

    wiilgo.., at> a as fita BAees -.«::··.here Uue f.m,,«Ly uf the Norm Caro.u,· reffiaaealh·· m.oel forwtrd to rialtillo Th» ,«t aadinerii· nl l.ln.oi· v.tlet>t»ers ami tne Arta: ,a,wi e«»e here Vv-dky for I'tinir^i where met e

    ¿»d from the s> rvice »r.,1 pail l'aym»«t· ·and i'arLrtii|e svtU go down with ihrm to make the ptymm·The ad?«nee on S»n l.nie will be de·".··· < , ..

    Uarte profcatiiy until taa-pu-iri-aar in conaquence ut theinadequacy M tBr f irce «t pre»ent in in:· .

    I was io camp th · m irning. but aaald .rsm no newtAh It qjiet 7ne rainy tra·, ? I thick ha» tatr y tei Lo? ? Dells. .'a?*-?»;_> ..?

    «¡TiHtTl. *??· tre ·.:. ¿eStci t ? ,lor the lo.lowii < extract Ion a ettc:hn ton. uiteat Tahiti. January II -.

    tato tata! to n'W parami*] quwl rrte» ha benir«t:rid !>et»r.ii l.'«e Kreuch »ni n«t.«.srestored tj ber aivereifntT over ber own m-vcu, aodw* Bave the pri«t,a-cl ni örtc,; uue ot mecol.»aie« lo tbe Pa;tftt In t«eive inuotb» trota th'i weshall h»»e abund«.tce ot everyihiog and woa.e «aaia crowd .urpv.rla, which thy bave «-la-doavellor lb« iati twj· .;. » .:.·. ; \¿.cariai lupp.irt [Hm J^u.-di.

    «V-B*"Tl;e ? liten A: »? Caa***raaa*At, ..tre k-'·lty ol Ih· K-L

    muntevi lo the La-V.aoJ »tata·· trai..aeovrr lt»l th.New " .

    iJ u,r ' tor · . riattai ta p«p*r. ke ariatind me »tory li me Ai.·· et WeJte-»d·« juer.uted w,io «· mean.t. ¦:.-.:»

    ¡3at tati «uy ramai ¡ ti. , «».y m

    The p*ragr«i,* rrlerrei ?from the ?, a? ora .-.t,-, ·? CraCUl as* a..::-.¡.»en bul lù the A; .- ., . te4 our? miseton. ani, ttateO t.itt me parattrai n «a, ^¡d hev«beee crédite·', u tee t « Boetoa Alla·.

    ».TraMHi'AT Collisi a.We. t-ra·» ia io tee Allia. a>a;t the wbeeu »t N-w» .-«t, wh.'ethe la'.ier »u 1} ?r «· «t tbe diarfc laadlcg aad takia| tapasaOsjtr·.carrjio» B*aJ . 4e. va» to*tj«.-J» two ot tbe ? - i one uf1er b»,. « . . H«»«ger« ttab.tlt ta···.· We fr m tSe Copiai î 1.ih t b ir leti s » v s , t.,..,.,. or .,Al.J. w«a al Cald Wall s Io-si. and .. la· avalal VVe.-t Poial Brtt.aber» toe Tr. y w» teo tor ber at lie law* reach»,· N^w' \.-¡¡h »r.e»d na^ ir.aJcfati to If.» deck anJ ,ar.d»ii ani lakrn in pastel B r» atne li»r«'.rl .ar¿a»y.when the Tr.y ran m;, tjbe.'- re ratea, »nd betöre the Ali Je na·: Harte i ..

    .sUtray Aigu».

    Bï THK «?????!. »AIL.Thla«. ?a Phli-idrIphle.

    Corrrapctaderac.· oí ? MPatLADSLrniA tarpi Mal

    W.» · relitti t-ri

    ., w .·

    « » . ¦-·'-¦ e »mcAttf fkaacmeol«: ? stortati It »»«¦«· to t«e now defeiely

    ' ,- ·.·.·-- t

    Matai te \l: ?:,: ? MM .rr-iri-v«· y

    1 oe advice· to-day received are tbe i«M «ceae ?a the· '.· rt tt

    th« cur.- ».?eke

    ltd co the «l· :.rated

    to atorro» ·» Bos BfsafS ir. - .·¦ ·· M) aeaf tMVu» ?» There · baa dio.r «od «oy

    -r»l Ptttrrwvo no F" '·'w«. a .ery pleeeant addai- aod »·* mutt gl.

    ·. -ie« very be»..·? tver· . , . -- «.. » « d

    Which atoi "tty.

    .prr»te much 00-Bnorikr}

    ? ¦ Entra Bye I\\h»«·.Ili-, · S :. . Mf' « » · vVl IteroL»rdct«

    ... .-· - F«r

    . .·- ? erari

    toba »e.Firn Board- . :

    Mato.·! ·?|

    . . tI - Mit l.o.n

    -· . d'in

    I ,»»k»

    ... A

    The Crop« in \t estero %ew \ ork and l'pper1«

    ? .-¦:»-·. .a.

    I .re » re.i). ol oi WyooeBg l'i.unty in thi« Itane, aodw .· ha«. MOdO We»t

    aa:PnoatA .'

    ? stelo Lataet -· ·-, .1 .. ?

    i In aliada.un ? U'.er tn«n iA»t yeAr In Co


    1 tear ir. li " .t the | -.-ri ap.·¦ «rai -· t nui y··»' in any

    the !»'enee»uf the »»·«».,?Th" in··-· . . .

    lAW III th» |

    r.nw a greto fool w. re·· ttaaa ape· t· ·1... m son ifenre to na

    jrri.ig bere, i« ihe

    ? a ·-, . . a·., r ir m e».

    «Il 1 tile l!!i| »i.-rt maini· r ti! pi,.« »ll|retarla a » ·- H leek to m«r-y

    ¦ -ribaci year byyear a« Il » :¦ «y t: r·· ?« M under .»riir.»«» ««there j««-.l o :,e wiiei, in- p: iw Ooal 1 acaree y rt, ,».· r. ?????µ« A meo »re li, ?,G ·· ilegr, «· tti»n f OWit ?« oto *»« r» ??.?? that u BOOMS tiow BJ t>«r « farmweil «od eelavaaa it well afe -ward.

    There u » ire»t ile», f t ,,rn put tn thi» ye«r, »nd« . | ,ate a« ear.v hit -io »re chiefly

    «y ?- a «"-»t nier··»»·· It ? now a very·

    . «beri (-r ima naami ? µon ita lo aay eortlcatortrttek . iMtots th-re maybernnutb Ito m»n »od tr-eal upon tue anule.

    ·¦ «· ? e t.»tem'-nt. »o far »· it refer» to C»n«d», I«

    r.nt au bal «a thai nf ibe last rccmed 7 Iwhlrh »fhrin» teat a c«,,jr,t» fr«syj the priori^«! OnÉn-|i ?ahag dbaibaa iraoreraal tht· oaaanagWatel crip a«

    < . ? hetM haa MM VVIo» 1 tne market

    ? eli» ve j «reel Batato I OrntaaB th» U»t tewtlay«Ihe H.iiiaiitly which 0»» commuti · · ul re-

    Canada Mo «boaro '»· to the Wheat,oaiial remit ? he plani· which hef.ire appear

    ? ««·¦ faM !utLiii| yellow »L 1 Insorno ea*. i f«l.iu| to the gr

    ?) «? HAI ; ? a Ni.« pi no ¡, «fl ,s» _Wc! CBO

    hardly keep pace with th·· new piidltcMnin· it [MtturfhO v.riou« »ur.i-cii .1 uti ny !.. the t.»

    » -.··-lw, «ince, he tuned »n stlitlniihi Bttea a) with ?

    alOf tba nii'iu. route« in the Loite.l Sute·,ut «It: · !»y weh«i. « le-aiitOiil td.· l.oi.i.J ? .meentilied » Ilesrrlp-tioo «? th- cuy ,f Ne* York, with « brief «

    within« in-p« »r, a ·).··?·p?!|. ?

    h toll "I (.»rk« · ·

    gì collere« hurí he« dt. rary. aclentifle.-, « .· i,, ni «ml

    in- Barato« Mg» iher with BtBtfes 1· It «it ,i.t«,u»a great variety I in»trii ?? ?« I rt·.

    BBapra TnartM » new mmt )«· through theNorthern «' ilait· rn MaU-t aod ('»nmla with mtp««oil lliuttr»'. oi« I'rice $1 5o.

    Tea Northern Traveler eontninlng the Hudson River'nidi·. I. ui tu the .-sprilla« Lake i»et,ri¡e. aod tonada

    peeehoj BaTongl ik·· 'ie,,i|.· PitneWeooei1 h- Weitem Tin. ..-t "eoatateetatg the («nal »nd

    a idn rtSS !r ¦ 'o»ny»od Troy to Burial·· tod? - ? . ¦ t ·· -t.

    tu »-ir.tit and l'hic»» ? Prie» M cent«The New York ¡»tate »ioide coDUioiog tn «Iph«

    t-e'ic», im.,! fbeaeaaana it.»m. citie·. vina^e·, ??·?t» ? · · G with .".tate ra«p. |1

    Keil roed md .""U-anidal B «·« deirg n guide delaMO B e. l'hiladelpbla. New \ nik

    ? :· Mettra ¦·'. a to Butt« | and New »,,,rk lo Montre»,. Prn·« .'i cent*

    üu Je through the Middle. Northern and LuteroflaOtatl with map Price .',() crnU

    l'i. I r ». ?,·.,J.· to the Patti ot Nikgar« « manu»!I,,r vint..ri ,vm »n »c.oUDtof all the ot,ject» ol curl

    otlty iu ila vicinity , with mtpt «uri il.uitrati ·?? price¦·

    Paaeroraa M Ba Manara Hiver Jr«»o imm mleiier»».ddy Win vVada Pi».

    Duthiii»f 1'ki-hii ?» BlACfl ? ? ? ?r ?lj. ut ??,a?. iu»t t)..*ü Iroin ::.· «'» Hiver, in!· rato u« to«! ·? the «th met the run rominrE

    ? »? ui«t pbaM Moto » ¦ I OOB m Bat m'rüiug. aod byIM ·. a. ? .' lee! p«-r¡ienilii-u «r loghi.

    lu the Br.t two hour» It roer· ei«tit The cuose. . . M of pr.iuerty in u

    -1., at id» Paito Wa« muted Iroinlaiioüt Bhual · «tra ?»,Stopp A V«

    . DllOe · aod Levici « »? d 11,, · mi. · were a.? BBS,l ..'»nia.··-1 », a» to te uae.e·· Ktriy boom uO ther v.-r a«. · r, l.n »? d »very thii.» th>-y cntaioed »w.^t.w«y Bgon < · t «up^-raed todote t^ec e··!,.tri,, t' d in » m»i.nrr perlect.y .«le »H1 rotei, a -· total 1 at li - Il

    ... · »- a mil-

    « »

    .onlaii,. 1 a .· » ,· ,a«nUUe« ol».a-

    y BJ

    K.iw Lvn Ni .m -Th« i Hoysaarkat-»t|l.a!r. .«ti I jll. ol Ite tlStlVt-S »uà Ulte II Ut Binili. Do wrre ott.rlect· I the piece ·»-

    .- ri ». me

    A w»r o! w· rdt :»l*eeij ? rae it.e L«ii»e»and a party M Inih coded io a ?????? to a·?· the po-tce til w.icn were ca ..-d at aol »ever», irmu mitir

    me p»rlie» «rre.u-J. ti»'We»tr. were tim.ei .mmeoitle yiu the |r«vap it the oirtil aotl 'Ue or two ot Ihe

    tagston w. re a«eeiiite«l UtO meet.Dg MM al'-·up t.ue ln»om»o wricrae l.t'· wa» eodaogered by tuemob, wra earned into »üe watch! u»e t. r .«i.iy-.tur,fay

    Vu aVatea bn · aVsekaa c'Ar«.«axy·»« aule». BtM ? kto ? · rouget

    I Batpori cttrged w.u. «u-«..l| B«i,t· »m«rkei ti » Ov« ·?«?>?? fiv»10 cent» »od »..ver »e.e ·,·.)· Arpt r change. Leovut w«t ,a Kr,v»te w»uOUieo roupi-.yeri oy toe

    «t ,ii«ii my·!-»red «sjaietirue nuce « trun ?.«?·«-? ,c L. »«in ?


    a$tU «¦ :. · rat t ? « |. JO. , «it M.y iroin UiiJ

    I'tiaouL««) . a .. WM anatl t c.». to «atacrUe boat ca-ioed two Bvja lo tra turaratad »>o a charge ol

    bnetatf »tu-mpteil ? »et tre lo ih· Merchanu nonaOtra «ran act-u.tied ine in»r raut to the Uouaa ol helor·

    ¦Beatoti t a·· ¡juod m Leaviii · Boute, «nd·«

    .rara .:.,. ·. ? ;-- »:· « i .»e | ;ur

    .-l,-«lon»nl W· reeller stteMM^tn '.corvi : K«..r. «4.a large amo«.Lt ,

    tljuiunu., ·· .lio«. luAaaB..

    Air ?a? «? ».G. S I .-i dJ Aany «ampler, which rn.,itJ .u it-·

    Je«ui ot the

    , , . : -JiM S«d lorwo»« e» and

    « «toe Mr t:drew « lM «Cst 2-e4 ·..---·· f. -? »? Ite «sittereitaaf

    V · U.r.CAlJ liXCl. JUlB

    tpr IBVtVfl r»st his risen.,., .

    G lX.Ui it

    a·· s-eu lor many year· «lepri» ·> ,scoo»'.uBM that u Las o«ran ooe loot ? gber tt«n was ever

    hwSore koowo by ine ontrit ¡ncso.iaat. but ie bow». -. ¦ tent itti, «aJ Adv.

    G?** Tt ·-¦ Wto-rAios" Unte») «.«¦ Bnabeea g.»ue ,i«r ??ßß?? Paia iu tac Keo

    Betrac ... d.y je LIAI ta e it it ·s».matB] aacuh, maJuo| tceii

    ILV Lara t-'r.ja. t-t old

    w«a me o»rr by a car attaarh ao wee aSSMBOOO aod latiog. y criuriea hi« leg» w«re cui öS lio deelh wai


    Ce** ? plan ??' tignola by beacon are», rucket*i. · . « L 11 w. a a

    toavi. tur inluriavuiAg doorar» ol Uva pneoe ol fvivir 4lc.


    ?a?t??t Pa-WUi «o Piociiiioni t? datlì »aeri·. Brig fica ·


    Btatf·:· ,t-d »nd » Nf -«·«.'« to be

    âredfro-a the Battery-»y th» '.:--·» »·' BB

    ber* by G-· .r«« th» Third lo protect the C »ionie·.

    t v y ;.-.» erst j-.v.ii «n f tne Itala.tradirthe e.airo«e3. ....

    a~ Ue uniformed e .· fl » parade oo thesal by the .Sum »e

    Brig viaja. ? -?» « .···· Bf >neral» Baiatolo h* flred previo-,? ti tu« revew on the Battery

    .? « c -'irrn sni tak· uptbe tta* f march up Whitehall at to the Bow'in.-Gr.n

    .· j hatoat th» hj «1w«y H VV»r-»n ·'¦1, »nw -- e. ByemBr ,···? ? «¦.??-?

    .» ?. «.«ht md Oaaatato t.tHr ««dwty down Br«l»t» ··("jeraber· ani -"..»»ti 11 the Park. H··--

    ·- ? ·

    .ivi a me to tee v|ay,,r ani111.8 alter wmch a jta it joit will ae 3G««4. ln theci. si i the Parade ifitmitee.i ali without ,· jn«, s tv

    .a« ri 1 r»«tury¦ a» atBswmtom «" ? parali tot

    ic-m>r» s, » -.··· ¦.· Btorm sci

    M ··« and th»nceÉ av»n i» ari BtttJ t· -.rth «L

    where »:1 ,.·- ck tbe comer »tone .t the new -·,?-

    » , i Th» ·· , rte.i

    by the· militar«/ under ?. »? Storm», who will »uper-.n.. .

    . . « ? «Waal ? ? th>». ism.· « is ta«»o »t Jiflepent time« from nation·

    with wmch th» c· miry hit be.-n «t war.. w»y up the proce··; ? will »t.,? tt Hamilton

    » - wh»n the IV»»h'.ngtoß Monument Aasocistionw, lake p· sie··;, ? ,! the ¿round appropriated to them

    ? f la v». ·· erected «ni · national »aiuto Bred.At th» «ame bottr. Capi Tsylor of th» New v, ,rk Valuiiteers, who was at the taking of Vera Cruz, and h«· hutlately relumed from Mexico, will tire · saint.· at K-J

    I ? J in honor ut Ibe Jay and tbe enterprise st-ib se

    ? 1) Thompson proprietor offtta l'a ani« Jin.n<bas presented to the oniimrnt Association a

    beautiful American rt»«· wtiich will be raised st sunrisea M n lay morning, under a salute ordered by Gee..-tonni for the occasion

    »t?- . w. Tho'i··ur p?;»·t.» wi uke advantage of the d»y to get

    . »'jht st tb>» «re.-n fields nt the country and Jraw a. ? it Hy a glance at what I . ?

    they will see thst there will be no want of conveyances[y· From th» t ml at Tana, st the steamboat· K»ank

    ??,???? An.nxtt aod B' rrkt-o will cirry y.u to Bull'·

    Ferry Tilhetudlem and Fort I.ce They leave everyBttaaj tt tfc« tag ot Htmnaond snd Nineteenth

    . tree's\y l'yiu «uh f,r th,· »ea.reere anda cháncelo

    o»h. ttep oo board the bwwtaal ani go to the horn Bat·. » F rta*s*TBOf bwetog, Ae seetdvettitement.*"¿*"" The Mr>r«fritvtii will carry you to Bridgeport

    from the f,.,t at Market it. 1-aving fit8|t lock thisµ etr'y aod go.ibat I» »uppoiing you

    » Tilbune in tun« to make tar tiefet useful£lp** Une of the pleattnteit exruriiont of the diy will

    be tnat ot theiplendid boti C. VjuVoebbilt down thehay IBB ctrtliy C ?. y Telan i will ittract thotiiandi to-day The¦ a wi take you there Tbe regulkr Ferry Boats.

    tie ?'.,.: ? ani lev w:, ais«, run as usual. î»ee adtert .ti,.nts.

    ty ir all luxurn s, bathing, lithing. lea air and a¦-¿ht at the t r.»i of the B«y go on board the Oars orthe Edwin Lx«is Tne former at I and the latter ali»A VIty The Santa < lacs makes an excursion to Pough-

    and wi'l return at en early hour Thi» will »f-lord an opportunity o! mJ0jta| thu icenery of the Hidson

    Çy Three excursions Will be made by the UioHn:ri In tro- morion«· »h.· pea· down the bay and ai

    far att!· randy II » k :n th» »tt. r? ¦ ar mad "taten I,land arid In the evening down the

    l)»y. giving · view of the firework· at "att Hamiltonand in the City at th.» same lime.

    \y The t ta to t.A« leave» the foot ot Du»ne »t-»t ? tkl» morning and 4 thi» afternoon to connect with

    th·- car» of the hill Kailbojd at Piermont. which will

    cany you to tbe latid ol unsnphtst,· «led strawb,rn.«and cream namely (Hange and Ho.-k and ( untns

    ata leave at 4 will get back by about n Leg. Ac Ac wbicb are to be.Wat· torougbout me eoure dty and evening.ty «? «-ten tbere win be the moti variety

    of recreation·.»mung them the Bee performance oltie Bpaa tbe ugnt r ,pe. Thi« 1» ooe of the mue!

    ilauigattwi. place« of raeort ;n the Cuy. in the morningti ani afJord · good opportunity to wtmera the ·???·-Uoai oa the Bstteryty The Ladira of Berge» Beck hold their Anouii

    Fair a: toe bout* ul Wm. (.' Vr.-e.aod. half way betweenJers«y City aad Berge« Point, commencing »t ?0 thi·

    g The pri·? m H schwell'·¦hand ataabra 4'*1 cate» »?.* lit' dutter cecker·.

    . nd had th ot it MOMI might h»ve got up · ienething better Ble I have Beat sbottitiM »eone heptiT 'h Igtri t.» the ?,·1,: .... and Tl ritaerttM ''oy·

    . I will tbu· add to my own happint t» oo theHit ot Jay

    It haa »iwaya afforded me pieature to «.-e mv »ppr»nneat «o i »Il other h»,p» in my own buin.ii male bsppy CAB thl «t| 'flore «eckii'à grat:t)cati.»n logmyself M ,a> retp-ciful'y your». J\MH- BELLIM«» «Lira I'ilih. «etra SupertnteuJeut Ann« llou «e

    G?· Tlu« ? ii! of tl a Caledonia MtB Bi>«ton at I? M je«.cr,ÌHy »nd will doubtle·» be re»dy for dlitri-dut;, ? th'- morning

    ["ST \Ularn·· \i.iia Biihop. the '.lutinKumhetltinger, wm one ot tha p«»»erger· BÌ the Caledonia

    Thc NorirH Carolina .The Secretary nf theNtvr lia« dec meri gr»ol|ng a re,)ue«t that the North('»rollo« de moored to the ? rtb River thi« Summer t, rthe reeeon th·» there n now oo ordioary" belonjlo»« tothe y»rd·. «nd that the difficulty of «bipplog mm «ndth» pre»»lng w«Bt« of the «ervlce for them aa toon ra.hipped, will not permit M it« rtA«r»bii«hment.

    Sun Boil BIBB in tlee* York..There are now. to ibia t'lty on« »te«iner tor the Hrenieu Lio»I New York »i.d N-w()rle«o· lone, one Wtr

    .learner ?>l TUO too« for the Peruvian I iovernmeol, aodne iieamer !o run betweeo NewtlrleaD« aod Modi'·.

    Alio l'J «hip« of 1000 ton· «od upwtrd and 5 of ??? tolag BwfBBB any nuantuy of tmalier cralt

    Mni'i« t »a ? a ?··«« l'ertone desirous oibelog exempt from military duty during Ihe pres«iityear can d·· »o by p«ylog » commutation fee Of 75 rent»to the Ken '». r t laana »I hi» ittico ,n tbe Park diti iothe day of the «onual parade

    Deithi i!» THt Ofl t .From January 1 tn June? the whole nuiuder ul death» in the city w»· ri 570. ofwhich 1 *rifj wore at vartou» Ho«pitol« aod other publicinstitution* -

    Mm· vi .The violin ot Arditi and double baaaof ? ansatati were never more perfect th»n on Saturdayevening, l'hey were heard with delight tuch tt lew»null nan ?????? We 00*01 participated ,n tu « L*A8B Tne »VteestaBj Pet» «ay·that The Brooklyn Advertí»«'» tel'.« « |ood «tory, it«oh} ftnna being that the name ni tbe Iblei 1« uot gir

    eu. kAicA ia «kAittia«·« tt e» ?

    Id'i n » .A black, mat al cailetl Bmnffja» Battu-i'wa« «Treated oo -»»unity on · otaSTfO of durgl«rou«lyenterm* the dwel ir,g li.niae oi the BM tier ·>? ? atriertueMat ll.-nry ·»« occupiet» ny Mi KrulmW Brown, »lealmg tlnreirom · «liver l.v.r watch, valued a» |IU Thew«lch wa« raeOTOted krosa Muiphye pawn thnp InCatharire »t where it had te-t-n pawned by the thi· 1Judice llnnker lock.··) him up for trial.A Dutch¦nan y the n»me ot Kinanuel l'»dlew»ler. was arri at. ri .ti Saturday afternoon I.y nifi -«t Hlckey, til the I u.tWard, in a che'ge of dreaalng him»elt up Hi f«tn»l attire and parading »bout Washington »t rreatiog a brach

    I th.· peace t ,, n Ma '«BOM tekioti him into cu.mriytwo tlier I.un-bmen. called Jecob Kahl* »nd Charle«PeraSOO, eodeavored to reten» ihn »ccuied trom hi«'¦usit.dy 'u .loiiig tt tbey »i««ulle,l the offlc.-r, whichact rauiril the arre«t ot »Il partie», who were .«citeddel.·?- Juatice I'riiik.-r. who bela the disorderly l.ulchmeo to I,«ii id f.ttJii each, to keep the peace.Ihn..¦booner Bats w Vork md ·.van obtained the itforaa>

    The r· a» ley 'he owner nf the ríate hu.h »teprvd Into·. ·· , « a» ·- .· e »-- ,t ·» »r».1 «o

    th» proprietor preeeeird a biii of %·£. formata 1 btt wa«a torra be d in ? eseeetramera wito taltal «· 1

    . f toea pu.' .''ed th· I- he . rr'.'d ar-,1 iKlItm.f,,t . rt.,,rT ·¦ h,.r,or F'e'ooiM···

    i'or in no km» h irtior. howevr be ···· antri eacì ?re f ·,',!. r.,t Bta aal 1 th» oftve ll.i» fn'ii.l on.·sjirt ,-ii ?, aVeofctya aad toeetty alb» ? fitsed ta ra "·- fother mea'· rreae » · , tely i»qra«4»'d hy «" nine* r.wh ha,| an ug'y r n ,-t pat«, r In hi· hand to t»k» a jauntloth.» city ol churrhea »here h» w.ntl.l introduce himto ('« dumtari-a ol ih. ,),,'¦·,., rtl-e wh > were «nt.!. ulfri Interro,«!.· h m raspe, t r.· a Inclita·· «nd lar. e« ?

    .ad BasBag I . tini arata keiiupnnmit» ,?, t> ,. ,?... ka «·» ? - '·· » '? ?


    t,·..! the t'.:' ol I·**. p«v t» VV'asblnkl· ?

    Irving, br K«v Hr Crelghton. Mr WiliUm ? ()»1u·· IIol lugle.nle Otpatya (? tu Mia* l'hartiilfie Irving, tlaath-ter ot Fb)-nrter Irving. M.q and uiece of Wasblii^ionliving, Erq _

    DIED ?tin Sunday the 4th in.t SA ? All F.l.17. ??G.?? wile

    of (.»,,rte ? leiford latta 3H fear at*Irr ageThe friend· and a, ¦piaintaii.'ei of the fain; y am

    Invited to atteint her futir ral on I'ti· «day imnuiig the»ithlnat at l'Io clock Irori, 7'» II ratio ,?Un Saturday July I. JANi.T l'AIFR-dN a native ol

    I snaikshire, Scotland, wit» of Jotn i'ateraou aged J(tyearaTh« friends and relallvet are reijtectfully invi».l to

    attend her tuueral. Irom hi-r late residence t oraer ofIr. er,wich avenue and Hank st A'··, the member» of

    th» latota K'li-voleut A«»ocl«tloti, thi» M'Bday» »tiernoon at 4 ocliark

    I· We.hiiiet.-ii City li c atta) latto·! HKRRIOTBKoWN «daughl-rot the late J,.».|, Id .«.ul ih:· 'l'y

    Uuimui'jù Notile«.·' Ri,·' Diavi ai, f» iiarrn «loi I r*sa» TailMSH

    atrf Rei-oilaet itala Ben ?* f-«r sale.nny »t J Y li>t»I'l,:»2 fu Houli We Intend lo keep it In the fi,,? ta ? a, ?rot · low any iham peo to be ·?|.| ml er III fia«· Al Itthey »le the ben n,,I cbrtpett fient In ihe (*·*}· Oihrrgold pen· from 7 ceoiB lo Ii Vn, wliu »t.ver peurll«.

    (i"(.o Fkaa-for th» beai «nl che«pe«t all go in J VA'(, Co. 71 Cr,|«r«L (up nalr· Thev tell furI ' r elite!, the ··,,,., pmi inai ulAer» Mil fur ?*. ?'?of all kinds, from 7S reni» une, aid.

    Aw«tt?iíia '.The ·??!?»? riners are prepared to msk»;ami put up Iron Aanlng Post· an 1 i tit es «ecordlag toplan adopted by the Common Counell ot thi· City »nd.hown it the Street CoruinlMioner » írríce

    II UN It y c etiiTT »ndTHOMAS CABBLBY,

    >?BJ*_____ !" *"d '»','1 ? Ii· ./.in generally thront',.an it·aatea ?·,-» ti ,.. · ·. ,? «, .. afa heaara fih» a».

    Ol V4 |,tAt » BaLIAM 01 VV il. fi» fistili Till« Is IataBmal erraci .f VA nd Cherry «od T.r. *.v«r,b dy. low· mat Wild Cherry po« ho.g uae peroieiiei.l iau-1. · u.. ?«..«yiOiLg estuiou.g io- ueiu« tri e reu.esly 1 oad, e»melier uf cuairee, to«« ·.. cuotldM-«*· in meuie.oe ( Bald

    ,ng 1 w»» l:.d.cad.r.oi «???.??? re.ucuoee, I e »tora ?a »? 'Li tuua t EUctsi acri ¡.» nevi ? '.

    »a weea». accorriiug io ihariiraciieo« · ? «ô my 'jlleraurpiUH·.·· wel, a« ·· tototSMn, IMtoeM. y uiiil.-in uf IO. JLt»-«voe no» left ota. 1 t'iloB li due a a«Ur. L paino aod m »tei tu m«a« in ? mi atti.

    O. W. MlLÜA.4, lete of la« L'. ri 14.oaw-YuBA LBaTiricart.

    Lina Sin.In r/ip.y io your*. «* io woatbar I bava rraabiuea.ed by of Ur. Lpooo.'· K-ec'.uary.f.-r ut« i»of loe pilot I wuu-d ilifjroi you I tv«a »e-'rre.yfor two year« with lie wurat kind, aod wa« for rarao "untole tu aiiend to i.u»!oe«· ai au Darlag ttra dtr.e ? ?*ev«ry varrai) of tto BOatrum« which are«dveu»ed Miure ear·, aad after givtog loem all a fair crane·, I .PPU>to my regular poysiciao» a.uim.i leceiv.og »oy too*fioio e,lo«»r. Uj'iug a very «avere aod parafai e·.if»neo-ri oí aodaealforUr L'«iOam,wtio piee- ri'.rd tu ?


    lunry.ecd lu roí man ¦ week I wa« abran» godowoiushotlaoii «od in a very short um«, by ina ua» of »?* *·._,^ «IC«ata, ? * »s

    WI..CQrecooirnenoisure ?a beano«· «tuiiuioi.y to it· ethcecy.

    ··, and in a very toon time, by loa ua· o- ¦·¦¦» ¦

    a .· euure.y Ir··, «ori a.venu« ira··troubled He«

    it BhOSU a year »g - I have no a·.··»'·'"··'' *

    roenoiog Ma uraiîcloe of D' l'»som. aaS lose | -«tg «otltioob)· iu ??» «vteeecy.*"'VA'TI"??*Gcm ss, u Wnttarac

    .Ves l'i«, JiM¿i. i·' urviTT AkirCHtlSo.d, ·nutran.ana._r.-ai; by WTATT; fc «T««It ratioruggiti«


    0o.d. whuteoaeans.·.··· -/ «,_-,, .»,1 by diva. Pa ina-ei Ur cr· iaU. IB *»*"h ·*"'"* °rrtl gòavraraiiy tor.7a|»tout itoUnnto Wm+g^jrwt
