2016 Beach Grass Volunteers



Information for UDAAP volunteers to work with DNREC on March 19, 2016.

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2016 DNREC Beach Grass Planting

YOUR BEACH NEEDS YOU! This winter’s stronger-than-average coastal storms damaged and, in some areas, completely destroyed dunes and the grass that keeps them stable. If you love the beach, take three hours out of your Saturday on March 19 and help us as we work with other DNREC volunteers to preserve the coastline we love! At last year’s planting event, more than 1,000 volunteers planted 110,000 stems of beach grass along three miles of coastline. Let’s see if we can do even more!

Our group has been assigned to the Read Street beach in Dewey from 9 a.m. to noon, and UDAAP students will receive a UD T-shirt for participating! This is a big event, so it will take place rain or shine; be prepared. See the instructions for what to bring with you.

You are welcome to bring friends or family members who would also like to volunteer, and AAP alumni are also welcome. See the attached instructions and email Erin Tanner at etanner@udel.edu with your T-shirt size, how many people will be joining you, and if you need transportation. Thank you for helping us save our beautiful beaches!
