2015 annual review - Jewish Care ... - Jewish Care Scotland · for a number of years and has been...


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Every day people in the community go hungry and since it wasestablished in 2013, the Jewish Care Scotland Kosher Foodbank hasgiven out over 2,500 food parcels to individuals and families inpoverty. Rising food and fuel prices, loss of income, changes inbenefits, domestic violence and family breakdown are just some ofthe reasons why people go hungry and turn to Jewish Care Scotlandfor help.

“The Jewish Care Scotland Foodbank is a lifesaver”

With nowhere else to turn, a family with young children recentlyapproached the charity in desperation after a change incircumstances when the father was made redundant. Recent benefitcuts meant finances were so tight that they were facing eviction. JCSstaff were able to help the family move to rented accommodationand the provision of foodbank parcels enabled them to get througha very difficult time.

Donations can be made at The Walton Community Care Centreduring office hours or telephone 0141 620 1800 for moreinformation.

YOUR kindness makes a difference to people’s lives.

JEWISH CARE SCOTLANDScotland’s Leading Jewish Charity


NEWSYear in Pictures

PAGE 2 & 3



FINANCEFinancial Report


THANK YOUAnnual Update




TELEPHONE0141 620 1800

JEWISH CARE SCOTLANDThe Walton Community Care Centre,

May Terrace, Giffnock,Glasgow G46 6LD

The support of the community over the past year has enabled JewishCare Scotland to not only maintain but enhance the range and qualityof services provided. Changes made have sharpened the charity’sfocus and will ensure that Scotland’s Jewish community gets the careservices it needs. The recent appointment of a new Chief ExecutiveOfficer will introduce a period of stability and growth as JCS seeks tobe a modern, professional charity caring for the most vulnerablepeople in the community.

Jewish Care Scotland is delighted to welcome Kevin Simpson asChief Executive Officer. Kevin has wide experience in the charitysector with a background in youth work, disability and, most recently,as Head of Scotland for an international development charity.

Kevin said, “I’m excited to come into a charity with such atremendous history and, in particular, to join at a point when thereare so many opportunities to provide care in creative ways. I havebeen impressed at the commitment and compassion which I havealready seen within the Jewish Community here in Scotland and lookforward to contributing to the vital work that JCS does.”

This is a challenging period in the care and charitable sectors withsignificant cutbacks in public funding, but with YOUR help JewishCare Scotland is in a position to protect the interests of the familiesand individuals we support.

The care we give would not be possible without our professional staffand dedicated volunteers who help people to cope with compassionand respect. With the support of the community Jewish CareScotland will continue to care.

George Hecht CAChairman



JEWISH CARE ANNUAL REVIEW AUG 2015 19/8/15 17:06 Page 1

Art Group.

Birthday Girl Annie with Day Centre Manager Jane Carmichael.

Castlemilk High School pupils visit Day Centre.

Chanukah Party 2014.

David Strang chairs the monthly Question Time panel.

East Renfrewshire Provost Carmichael at Chanukah Party 2014.

Aline Isaacs with her husband Len celebrating her 80th Birthday.

Calderwood Lodge Primary School Deputy Head Mr Robson

presenting a cheque to volunteer Brenda Purcell for the JCS

Foodbank. The money was raised by the pupils for Pesach.

Castlemilk High School pupils with Club Members.

Club Members enjoy a visit from Castlemilk High School pupils.

Derek Harrison with JCS Honorary Vice President Melville

Robinson at garden opening.

Calderwood Lodge Primary School pupils visit the Day Centre.

Chanukah Party 2014.

Club Members enjoying Burns' Lunch.

Drama Students with Day Centre Manager Jane Carmichael.

The Year in Pictures 2

JEWISH CARE ANNUAL REVIEW AUG 2015 19/8/15 17:07 Page 2

Guests at JCS Ladies do Lunch.

Guests at JCS Ladies do Lunch.

JCS Chairman George Hecht presents Aline Isaacs with flowers

on her 80th Birthday.

Kandu Club Birthday.


Volunteer Jennifer Watson and her mum

enjoying the Troon Outing.

Giffnock Shul Banqueting Suite set up for JCS Ladies do Lunch.

Hon President Maureen Solomons makes a presentation

to ERC Social Work Manager Christina Robb

as she leaves JCS after 17 years.

Jeremy Freedman addressing the Haggis at Burns' Lunch.

Laura Harrison with visitors at garden opening.

Art Group work.

JCS Board Members Paul Winocour and Richard Grodenwith JCS Director of Social Care Cathy Bell.

Art Group at work.

Rabbi Rubin visits Day Centre.

Troon Outing.

The Year in Pictures 3

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Services 4HOW DID WE HELP IN 2014?











DAVID & RAY’S STORYDavid and Ray Clark’s son Gary has been a JCS volunteerfor a number of years and has been trying to persuade hisparents to come along to the Aviv Club. David and Rayagreed to give it a try and have now been attending theClub for a couple of months

David said: “I would highly recommend it, I love the choir– you can really give it your all! Ray enjoys the pamperingtreatments and all the staff and volunteers are so kind.”

Ray said: “We both enjoy the cup of tea and toast when wearrive – it is so welcoming – and I have met people Ihadn’t seen for years.”

Gary said: “Through my volunteering for Jewish CareScotland I could see that the club would be a great benefitfor mum & dad and I am so glad they agreed to give it atry. Dad is really a full time carer for mum so coming alongto the club gives him some respite, which is soimportant.”

NORMA’S STORYNorma Woolfson has been attending Jewish Care Scotlandclubs for a number of years now and thoroughly enjoys thecompany and social activities.

Norma didn’t feel safe in her old flat. She says: “The areahad become quite run down with furniture left on thelanding, washing hanging over the banisters, too manypeople in the flats and noisy groups of peoplecongregating outside at night”

JCS staff suggested thinking about moving, but Normawas initially worried about the cost and the actual moveitself – how on earth would she manage on her own? Ann,her Jewish Care Scotland Support Worker, assured her thatshe would help her and Norma agreed to go ahead.

Norma says: “Ann & Angela were a marvellous help to me,I couldn’t have done it without them – they spent thewhole weekend clearing my old flat and Ann even hung myclothes in the wardrobe in the new flat and put everythingaway ready for me just to move in. I feel much safer nowand I am in a lovely area, very handy for Jewish CareScotland!”


Stanley Cohen turned to Jewish Care Scotland for supportwhen he was moving from the home he had lived in forover 70 years. With no family to help him, JCS staff wereable to support Stanley during this stressful time, helpinghim to clear out his old flat and with all the paperworkassociated with moving house.

Stanley says: “I am so grateful to Jewish Care Scotland fortheir support over the years, they have been there everystep of the way. Angela, my Support Worker, is a wonderfulperson who I see once a week and we go out for lunch. Sheis always chatty and cheery and willing to help me with anydifficulties I might have. I also look forward to my Mealson Wheels twice a week, which are always delicious!”

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Services 5REMEMBER WHAT WE DOHere is a guide to our services and the many different ways we can support, guide or help you.We provide advice, practical support and finance to help with day-to-day problemsand the unexpected circumstances that life brings along the way.

COMMUNITY SUPPORTAND SOCIAL CARE SERVICEWe have a qualified and experienced teamwho support individuals and families toenabling & empowering people to live theirlives with dignity and choice.

With extensive knowledge of the health,voluntary and social care world they provideadvice, support and advocacy throughoutScotland. JCS also strives to ensure that thereligious and cultural way of life of those wesupport should not be compromised in anyway by age or illness and all services shouldbe provided with a culturally sensitiveapproach.

BREATHING SPACE – we can provideshort-term grants to help families andindividuals keep on top of things, moreregular payments for the medium term and,depending on circumstances, loans when alarger sum is required.

ADVICE & PRACTICAL HELP – when itis repeatedly hard to make ends meet andbills are mounting, we can help withpersonal debt advice and creditornegotiations, plus we provide subsequentmoney management support to avoid futureindebtedness.

MAKING CONNECTIONS – we provideaccess to specialist support to meet needsrelating to dementia, addiction or caring forthe elderly. Our volunteer befrienders makeregular telephone calls and undertake socialvisits to those who are at risk of socialisolation.

THE WALTON COMMUNITYCARE CENTRE – offering a wideprogramme of activities for people enablingthem to remain active and connected totheir community

Aviv Choir with Eddie Binnie.

Aviv Day CareWorking in partnership withEast Renfrewshire Council, theAviv Day Care provides a twiceweekly service for frail elderlypeople as part of a care andsupport package tailored toindividual needs. The CareInspectorate recently awardedthe Aviv the highest possiblescore of 6 for Care andSupport.

Providing a warm, welcomingatmosphere, the Aviv offers avariety of activities including amusic workshop, yoga, outings,art classes, and gentlemovement to music,discussion groups, interactivequizzes, and musicalentertainment. A favourite of allour members is a weeklytherapeutic programme,supported by the Jewish Blind

Society (Scotland), vital tohealth & wellbeing, whichincludes reflexology, massage,beauty therapy and hairdresser.The introduction of a regularvisit from a podiatrist hasresulted in a markedimprovement in members’mobility.

Kandu ClubTHE CLUB for younger adultscoping with enduring physicalillness meets on Tuesday andFridays with transport providedin our specially adaptedminibuses. Members enjoyregular shopping trips, moviesand lots of chat and tea andcoffee- and lunch!

Keep in Touch Volunteers make a weekly call topeople on their own and whomay be quite socially isolated.

Thistle ClubOUR HIGHLY popular sociallunch Club has over 100members and is a regular formany of our active older peopleon Tuesdays and Thursdays. TheChanukah party, summeroutings to Troon and Bonnytonand Burns lunch are enjoyedalongside activities includingArts and Crafts, movement tomusic, discussions, invitedspeakers, entertainers and more.

Thursday Night Club A WEEKLY social evening foradults with enduring mentalhealth problems who cometogether for a meal, socialactivities and therapies.

Thistle Culture Club A number of Thistle Clubmembers meet weekly toorganise holidays, theatre andsocial outings.

We understand that, for many reasons, people are often reluctant to ask for help – especially when they need it most. We therefore invite everyone toencourage friends and family who could benefit from our assistance to contact us. Your intervention could make all the difference.

All our services can be accessed by calling 0141 620 1800 in confidence, Monday to Thursday 8.45am–4.45pm and Friday 8.45am-3.55pm(until 2.30pm in winter). You can also email admin@jcarescot.org.uk.

Hat’s Amazing!

Art Group at work.

Art Group drawing.

Meals on WheelsSOUP and a main course arefreshly prepared in the JewishCare Scotland kosher kitchenand delivered on Tuesdays andThursdays to those who cannotcook for themselves due toillness or infirmity. Menuschange constantly to providevariety.

Sunday Club FRIENDSHIP on a Sunday afternoon at this club run inpartnership with the Jewish Blind Society (Scotland). Transport provided.

Thistle Bowling Club FITNESS AND FRIENDSHIP onoffer at Maccabi on Mondayand Wednesday mornings fornovice and experienced bowlers.New members welcome.

Art Group drawing.

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Volunteering 6

Social Care Agency Volunteers 2014-2015

SOCIAL CARE AGENCY - THE IMPACT OF VOLUNTEERINGOver 110 dedicated volunteers play a vital role in thecharity and enable Jewish Care Scotland to provideexcellent care throughout the organisation. Athorough recruitment process ensures that the skillsand abilities of the volunteers are matched to theneeds of the clients and the organisation. Regularmeetings are held with all groups to ensurevolunteers are informed and engaged with JewishCare Scotland.

• Volunteers work as receptionists at The WaltonCommunity Care Centre, ensuring a warmwelcome to our visitors and all who use ourservices.

• Many volunteers work in the clubs interactingwith clients and accompanying them on outings.Volunteers run arts & crafts classes, discussiongroups, singing groups, keep fit, bridge, bowling

and many other activities which are stimulatingand enjoyable for our clients.

• Over 40 volunteers carry out amazing andinspirational work on an outreach basis, visitingpeople in their own homes, taking them out forcoffee or lunch, helping to reduce social isolationin many cases. They also accompany them onsocial outings such as exhibitions and concerts,which they might otherwise be unable to attend. If a client is unable to leave their home, thevolunteer provides company and stimulation forth0se individuals who might otherwise have noother visitors. For many of our elderly clientswhose family live abroad, or who perhaps do nothave any family at all, the companionshipprovided by the outreach volunteers is invaluable.

• There are volunteers who carry out one-offoutreach work. For example, these volunteerssupport clients with personal tasks such asattending hospital, doctor or dental appointmentsetc. Many clients rely on this service as they haveno-one else to help them and would otherwisestruggle to make the appointments.

• A group of volunteers carry out work on anoutreach basis in Burnfield and Westacres CareHomes. They visit residents who may have nofamily or any other visitors. Some volunteers meetwith groups of residents within the homes andengage clients in discussions and reminiscence.This type of reminiscence work is a lovely pasttime for residents who often have memoryproblems with recent events but remember “thegood old days”.

• Our Keep in Touch service allows clientsthroughout Scotland who do not need social careinput to keep up to date with the community bytelephone on a weekly basis.

• The Bakers Group keep the clubs supplied withdelicious kosher home baking, giving clubmembers a daily treat.

• The Bus Escort Group work on a rota basishelping those who attend the various clubs to geton and off the bus and escort them into their ownhome.

If you would like to get involved with any aspect ofour work, please contact us on 0141 620 1800 andask for Margaret Lothian, Volunteer ServicesManager, or Jennifer Watson, Chair of the Social CareAgency or email agency@jcarescot.org.uk

SOCIAL CARE AGENCY CHAIRAngela Hecht (until August 2015)Jennifer Watson (from September 2015)

ARTS & CRAFTSCHAIR - Vivian Strang. Linda Berman, Abi Black, Jennifer Watson

AVIV CLUBCHAIR- Irene Bretman/Gary ClarkLinda Hecht, Freda Kostick, Claire Miller, Sandra Silverdale,Rona Statt, Lillian Wolff

BAKERSCHAIR –David StrangLisa Barnett, Helena Cohen, Marilyn Freedland, Lydia Freedman,Risha Freedman, Blanche Gordon, Faye Grossman, Lucy Jacobs,Lorraine Kersh, Martin Levy, Helmi Livingstone & Daughters,Linda Silver, Louise Solomon, Rona Statt, Eve Teiger, LouiseVulcan, Avril Wober

BOWLING CLUBCHAIR – Philip Cohen SECRETARY-Norman CohenRalph Freedman, Muriel Goldstein, Jack Jackson, Maurice Ross,Hilda Shenken

BRIDGE CONSULTANTSPhoebe Bennett, Joyce Benson, Sorelle Henry

CHOIRMaureen Abrams, Irene Bretman, Philip Bretman, Gary Clark,Muriel Goldstein, Linda Hecht, Maurice Ross

CULTURE CLUBFelicia Sellyn

DISCUSSION GROUPCHAIR – Carol BishopLinda Berman, Geoffrey Freedland, Barbara Landman, SandraSilverdale

FUNDRAISING SUPPORTShirley Brown, Andrea Fox, Brenda Purcell, Jennifer Watson

KANDU CLUBCHAIR – Natalie CahifBev Benshetrit, Gary Clark, Linda Hecht, Angela Rose, LennieWilson

KEEP-IN-TOUCHBarbara Landman, Linda Lewis, Manny Weleman


NEWARK CARE VISITORSLinda Berman, Linda Davidson, Rosalind Henry, June Hillman,Harry Tate, Amy Watters, Manny Weleman

OUTREACH GROUPJanine Beach, Lorraine Bennett, Joyce Benson, Carol Bishop,Philippa Bishop, Louise Brodie, Gary Clark, Doreen Cohen, SylviaCohen, Andrea Fox, Geraldine Gardner, Bill Gardner, MurielGoldstein, Barry Green, Laura Harrison, George Hecht, RaynerHoward, Jonathan Judah, Muriel Kitchener, Sonia Landa,Barbara Landman, Pamela Levin, Avril Levy, Melanie Lewis,Jacqueline Monk, Denise Morrison, Lorraine Remocker, LesleyRoles, Louise Russell, Sandra Silverdale, Sandra Skedgell, CecilySmith, Maureen Solomons, Alex Steen, Vicci Stein, Paul Tolley,Jennifer Watson, Elisa Walton, Amy Watters, Manny Weleman,Harold Woldman, Arthur Yaffy

RECEPTIONMaureen Abrams, Harold Baker, Lisa Barnett, Alan Brodie, IreneBretman, Doreen Hill, Monty Jacobs, Sonia Landa, RobertaLann, Sandra Links, Debbie Lott, Denise Morrison, Cecily Smith,Adrienne Spencer, Elisa Walton, Manny Weleman, Phyllis Yaffy

SUNDAY CLUBCHAIR – Linda LewisMuriel Goldstein, Freda Kostick, Barbara Maitles, Doris Seidlin.

THISTLE CLUBCHAIR – Avril LevyIrene Bretman, Audrey Brown, Marnie Davis, Charles Fogelman,Muriel Goldstein, Sheila Moorin, Abigail Peters, Lennie Wilson,Lillian Wolff

THISTLE CLUB BUS ESCORTSCHAIR – Geoffrey Freedland/Lennie WilsonNorman Abrams, Philip Bretman, Harold Blint, Ruth Castle,Gary Clark, Victor Cowan, Barry Green, Harry Tate, Lennie Wilson

Joan Sellyn & Alice Tankel retire after 50 years as JCS Volunteers.

Social Care Agency Chair Angela Hecht with Provost Carmichael.

Garden opening for Jewish Care Scotland.

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Financial Report 7For the year ended 31 December 2014

You can help in many different ways – donate, leave a gift in your will, volunteer -

please go to www.jcarescot.org.uk

or telephone 0141 620 1800 for more information

For a more detailed report and full financial statement, please contact Kevin Simpson, Chief Executive Officer

JEWISH CARE ANNUAL REVIEW AUG 2015 19/8/15 17:07 Page 7

Thank You ... 8to the organisations, charitable trusts, statutory bodies, individuals and volunteers whose generoussupport underpins everything we do and without whom so much of our work would not be possible.• Annual Appeal Donors • Annual Review Advertisers• Anonymous Donors• Aphyds Charitable Trust• The Arbib Lucas Charity• Association of Jewish Refugees• Clive Jay Berkley Foundation• Bonnyton Golf Club • Calderwood Lodge Primary

School• Celebrations & Anniversaries

Fund Donors and Celebrants• Chanukah Donors• Ethel & Joseph Collins Charitable

Trust• Community Security Trust• Convalescent Holiday Fund• Dr Max Freedman’s Charitable

Trust• Giffnock & Newlands Hebrew

Congregation• Congregants of Giffnock,

Garnethill, Langside, & NewtonMearns Synagogues forfacilitating an appeal over theHigh Holy Days

• The Glasgow Girls in London• Goldberg Family Trust• East Renfrewshire Council• East Renfrewshire Good Causes

• Edinburgh Orthodox Synagogueand Edinburgh Liberal JewishCommunity

• Frederick Miller Charitable Trust• Glasgow Jewish Community Trust• Glasgow New Synagogue • Iris Alexander Walker Naddell

Charitable Trust• Jewish Blind Society (Scotland) • Legacy Donors• Livingston Charitable Trust• The Alexander Stone Foundation• The Alma & Leslie Wolfson

Charitable Trust• The David & Carole Walton

Charitable Trust• The Fanny & Moray Glasser

Charitable Trust• The Meyer Oppenheim Trust• The Phyllis Shulman Trust• The Walton Foundation• Thistle Club Indoor Bowling Club

The Tree of LifeOur thanks for the new leavesand inscriptions added in theaccompanying Book of Life in 2014. • Safaa Baxter• Hilary Rosin

Special Birthdays, Anniversaries &Marriages celebrated in 2014:Leah and Charles AlexanderNigel AllonMaryon BennHarriet and Sydney BercottIrene BlackFrank BlinElla ClumpasMarian and Barry EdwardsMrs S FearnleyLetty GalpernCharles and Judith GillisLilah GillisHarold and Vera GoldRos GreenBarbara and Norman HaaseSteven KayneRaymond and Sylvia LevitusBernice and Derek LiptonHilary and Martin LivingstonLinda MinsterMarlene and Ian MorrisonRufus Ross

Mossy RubinMichelle ShenkinLynda SilverBernard SolomonsLeon SwanAlbert TankelLesley TenbyCarole WaltonDr Bert WinocourAlma and Leslie Wolfson

Celebrations & Anniversaries FundMazel Tov!Your celebration helped us to help others

ChairmanGeorge Hecht CA

Vice-ChairNatalie Cahif

Hon TreasurerBrian Fox

Company SecretaryHoward Beach

Chair Social Care AgencyAngela Hecht (until August 2015)Jennifer Watson (from September 2015)

TrusteesHoward BeachNatalie CahifBrian FoxRichard GrodenAngela HechtLucy JacobsHilary LivingstonMartin LivingstonPaul MorronElisa WaltonPaul Winocour

Honorary PresidentsMaureen Solomons and Albert Tankel

Honorary Vice PresidentsDavid BishopSylvia CohenMarcus GreenMelville RobinsonLesley RolesTrevor Schuster DavisJoan SellynDavid StrangVivian StrangAlice Tankel

BankersThe Royal Bank of Scotland

Investment ManagersBrewin Dolphin

AuditorsMartin Aitken & Co

SolicitorsMiller Samuel

StaffGail Anderson Day Care Manager & Outreach Worker ERC Joyce Arnott HousekeeperCathy Bell Director of Social Care Angela Bowie Day Centre OfficerElspeth Campbell Fundraising ManagerJane Carmichael Kandu, Thistle and Sunday ManagerJulie Conlin Day Centre OfficerAnn Coyle Case Worker Angela Curran Bank WorkerMarilyn Finnell Kosher Kitchen Catering ManagerSiobhan Gallagher Social Work Team Manager ERCChristopher Gibson Social Worker ERCJim Green Day Centre OfficerJoyce Greig HousekeeperBarbara Haniford Social WorkerLinda Hannigan Admin Assistant Gerry Herlihy Relief DriverHilda Keating Case WorkerLinda Lamb HousekeeperLesley Larah Social Worker ERCJane Lees Receptionist/Admin AssistantMartin Livingston Finance Officer Margaret Lothian Volunteer Manager Fiona McKenna Receptionist/Admin AssistantCaroline Miller Day Centre OfficerMaimi Muir Social Care Assistant/EscortLesley Robb Kosher Kitchen Cook ERCAnne Shand Admin Assistant ERC Kevin Simpson Chief Executive OfficerAlex Steen FundraiserHazel Tenby Office Manager

Registered OfficeThe Walton Community Care Centre,May Terrace, Giffnock, Glasgow G46 6LD Registered Charity No SCO 05267

Trustees, Staff & Professional Advisers


Supports Jewish Care Scotland

29 Admiral Street,Glasgow G41 1HP

Telephone: 0500 454549

Master Re-Upholsterer3 piece suites etcNo job too small

JEWISH CARE ANNUAL REVIEW AUG 2015 19/8/15 17:07 Page 8

With Compliments


3 Clairmont Gardens Glasgow G3 7LWTel: 0141 332 1205 info@robertsoncraig.co.ukFax: 0141 332 8035 www.robertsoncraig.co.uk




2Gether House | 25 Daisy Street | Glasgow G42 8JN

T: 0141 423 9859 | F: 0141 433 2857

E: george@2gethergroup.co.uk

With Compliments

Emreco International Ltd,69 Springkell Avenue,

Glasgow G41 4NU, ScotlandTel: 0845 345 1914Fax: 0141 423 2997

email: info@emreco.co.uk www.emreco.co.uk

With Compliments


T: 01355 244344F: 01355 224433


7 St Marnock Street

Kilmarnock KA1 1DZ

Tel: 01563 551100

Fax: 01563 551188

E-mail: info@mortgagemasters.co.uk

With Compliments

7 Cambuslang Road

Cambuslang Investment Park

Glasgow G32 8NB

0141 641 7369


1008 Pollokshaws Rd,Shawlands, Glasgow G41 2HG

Tel: 0141 632 0202Fax: 0141 636 9385www.edzellgroup.cominfo@edzellgroup.com

Property Investment, Portfolio Managementand Residential Letting.

With Compliments

Gilliland & CompanyChartered Accountants

Richard Gilliland CA

216 West George Street,Glasgow G2 2PQ

Tel: 0141 226 8484 Fax: 0141 204 4387


257 West Campbell StreetGlasgowG2 4TT

Tel: 0141 221 6000

JEWISH CARE ANNUAL REVIEW AUG 2015 19/8/15 17:07 Page 9



With Compliments

Tel: 0141 931 5533

40 New City Road,Glasgow G4 9JT

Tel: 0141-353 3502 Fax: 0141-353 3063

email: info@freemanmacleod.comweb: www.freemanmacleod.com


JEWISH CARE ANNUAL REVIEW AUG 2015 19/8/15 17:07 Page 10

With best wishes from


Annette &

all the family

Air Conditioning andRefrigeration SpecialistsIndustrial Refrigeration Services

All type of project work welcome• Installation • Sales• Service • Maintenance

Providing You withall Leading Brands52 Strathmore Road,Balmore Industrial EstateGlasgow G22 7DWDay: 0141 336 7774/5 24 Hours: 0141 336 7775Fax: 0141 336 5559Email: info@cmenvironmental.co.uk

Incorporating C&M Industrial RefrigerationEstablished 1972

Best Wishes from

44 Ayr Road, G46 6SA

Tel: 0141 639 5055



Hair & Make-Up by

HayleyMobile Hairdresser & Make-Up Artist

Hairdressing & Make-Up Service

Available in the comfort of your own home

Telephone: 07591 827412

With Compliments

T.M. McGowan & Sons

Monumental Sculptors

602 Lainshaw Drive

Glasgow G45 9QP

Tel: 0141 634 8515


JEWISH CARE ANNUAL REVIEW AUG 2015 19/8/15 17:07 Page 11

Reardons Central24 Hope Street, Glasgow 0141 221 4646

Reardons Southside1060 Pollokshaws Road, Glasgow 0141 632 0007






Best wishes from

Stelmain LtdProperty Management

Suite 207-214, Baltic Chambers

50 Wellington Street, Glasgow, G2 6HJ



0141 226 5252Space to grow your business

With Compliments



With Compliments

Allans FurnitureWarehouse

61 Wallace Street, Glasgow G5 8DJ

0141 429 1874www.allansfurniture.com

JEWISH CARE ANNUAL REVIEW AUG 2015 19/8/15 17:07 Page 12

Slugletting Company07836 700999

It’s been a good year for the Slug

(but not for the roses)

With Compliments


Established 1928160 Hope Street,Glasgow G2 2TL

Tel: 0141 332 0902Fax: 0141 353 3190

Email: mail@mellicks.co.ukWeb Site: www.mellicks.co.uk

noah116 Elderslie StreetGlasgow G3 7AWT: 0141 847 0501

E: info@noahdevelopments.comwww.noahdevelopments.com

With Compliments


Supports Jewish Care Scotland

6 Burnfield RoadGiffnock

Glasgow G46 7QB

Telephone: 0141 638 8947

28 High StreetPAISLEY PA1 1BZ

T: 0141 889 1010F: 0141 889 0320

E: property@brucegroup.co.uk

Property Specialists

In fond memory of Max and Marie Sluglett


0141 644 8960

Joyce, Paul

& Family

With Best Wishes

JEWISH CARE ANNUAL REVIEW AUG 2015 19/8/15 17:07 Page 13


SUPPLIES LTD20 Rosa Burn AvenueEast Kilbride G75 9DE

Tel: 01355 248971E-mail: wissta@btconnect.com

Proud To ServeJewish Care Scotland

Suppliers of all Office EquipmentStationery/Machines/Rubber Stamps

Janitorial/Catering/Cartridgesand much more.

Local Independent CompanySupporting The Local Community.


Best Wishes from

John MillarEngineering

Unit 4c, Burnfield Avenue, Burnfield Road,Giffnock, Glasgow, G46 7TP

Phone: 0141-637 8822 or 0141-637 0234Fax: 0141-571 0156

Mobile: 07710 497725Email: millermotors@btconnect.com

Best wishes toJewish Care Scotland


and Family

The Alexander StoneFoundation

(registered Scottish charity: SC008261)

120 Bothwell Street Glasgow G2 7JLTel: 0141 248 4933 Fax: 0141 204 1601

With best wishes

Sam & VickyReid

& Family

JEWISH CARE ANNUAL REVIEW AUG 2015 19/8/15 17:07 Page 14

With Compliments


Harry & EstherLivingstone

Charitable Trust

3 Fitzroy PlaceGlasgow G3 7RH

With best wishes

Eric & LindaReid

& Family

With Compliments

EmescoComputing Ltd

Sage Accounts & Payroll

Supply, Install & Training

info@emesco.com0141 571 0784

With best wishes

Bernard &Maureen Solomons

JEWISH CARE ANNUAL REVIEW AUG 2015 19/8/15 17:07 Page 15

Jewish Care Scotland Annual Review

If you would like information or to discuss any aspect ofour work or to receive an email copy of this Review pleasecall us on 0141 620 1800 or email admin@jcarescot.org.uk

Printed 2015

With Compliments



Tree of Life

An engraved leaf onour beautiful copperTree of Life and aninscription in theaccompanying Bookof Life, is a lovely wayto commemorate aspecial occasion or aloved one and helpthose in need at thesame time. Pleasecall 0141 620 1800for more details.


Why not ask friends and family to donate to Jewish Care Scotlandinstead of giving presents at your celebration or anniversary?

A donation to our Celebrations & Anniversaries Gift Fund is a greatway to acknowledge a birthday, bar or batmitzvah, wedding/civilpartnership, anniversary or just to say thank you to someone special.You will be also be helping us make a real difference to individuals &families.

For further information or to make a donation

• Please call us on 0141 620 1800or email admin@jcarescot.org.uk

• Go to www.jcarescot.org.uk and click on “Donate Now” andfollow the instructions

• To send by post, please enclose a covering letter with thefollowing information:

o your address and telephone numbero the type of celebration or anniversaryo the name and contact details of the person celebrating

Fundraising DepartmentJewish Care ScotlandThe Walton Community Care CentreMay TerraceGiffnockGlasgow G46 6LD

JOIN THE 500 CLUBWin cash prizes for

just £5 per month in ourMonthly Prize Draw!

For further information pleasecontact Elspeth Campbell

on 0141 620 1800 orelspethc@jcarescot.org.uk


JEWISH CARE ANNUAL REVIEW AUG 2015 19/8/15 17:07 Page 16
