2015 ANNUAL CONFERENCE Hydropower – the … · 2015 ANNUAL CONFERENCE Hydropower – the...


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Hydropower – the Foundation for Renewable EnergyFEBRUARY 17–19, 2015Portland Marriott Downtown WaterfrontPortland, Oregon

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Changing economics. Emerging legal and regulatory issues. New technologies. What is the outlook for these trends and how will they affect you?

The NWHA Annual Conference is a unique opportunity to examine the issues and opportunities facing our industry. Join the area’s leading hydro professionals to gain industry specific insights and understanding that will allow us to meet the challenges and celebrate the success of the Northwest hydropower community.


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today at



SponsorsA Special Thank You!Northwest Hydroelectric Association (NWHA) would like to recognize the following sponsor companies. We thank you for your support!

Note: Additional sponsorships will be included in the on-site program and conference signage if received by January 9, 2015.

Andritz Hydro Corp. www.andritz.com

Black & Veatch bv.com

Canyon Hydro www.canyonhydro.com

Cardno www.cardnoentrix.com

ERM www.erm.com

Eureka Software www.eurekasw.com

Gilbert Gilkes and Gordon Ltd www.gilkes.com

Golder Associates www.golder.com

HCMS www.hydro911.com

HDR Engineering www.hdrinc.com

Historical Research Associates hrassoc.com

Jacobs Engineering www.jacobs.com

JHP & Associates, Inc. www.jhpassociatesinc.com

Kleinschmidt Group www.kleinschmidtgroup.com

MacKay Sposito www.mackaysposito.com

Mavel Americas Inc. www.mavel.cz

Mead & Hunt www.meadhunt.com

Northwest Hydraulic Consultants, Inc. www.nhcweb.com

Parsons Brinckerhoff www.pbworld.com

Slayden Construction www.slayden.com

Stoel Rives www.stoel.com

Van Ness Feldman www.vnf.com

Voith Hydro voith.com

www.mave l . c z


Tuesday, Feb. 17

7:00 a.m. Registration OpensContinental Breakfast in Registration Area

8:00 a.m.–8:45 a.m.

WELCOMENWHA President Barbara Craig, Stoel Rives LLCKeynote (to be announced)

8:45 a.m.–10:15 a.m. New Vision for Hydropower The US Department of Energy is formulating a “Hydropower Vision” in its approach to the future of this vital renewable energy industry with assistance of a broad cross section of industry members. The Clean Hydro campaign continues to actively advocate for the industry in the Northwest through television ads and NHA advocates for the industry nationally, adding to the long-term vision.

Moderator: Barbara Craig, Stoel Rives, NWHA President

Panelists: Terry Flores, Northwest River Partners Clean Hydro Campaign Jeff Leahey, National Hydropower Association National Strategy to Promote Hydropower Brennan Smith, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Hydropower Vision Program: US Department of Energy

10:15 a.m.–10:45 a.m. Break in Exhibit Area

10:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m. Fish Passage Requirements: The What, the How, and the Cost How will the downstream fish passage requirement at your project be determined? How will you prove you’ve met the requirement? What happens if you don’t meet the passage standard? This round table discussion among a panel of experienced industry leaders shares how they addressed these issues at their hydroelectric projects, issues which can be among the most expensive and uncertain parts of your FERC license.

Moderator: John Esler, Portland General Electric

Panelists: Todd Olson, PacifiCorpKeith Underwood, Tacoma PowerTim Shibahara, Portland General ElectricKeith Truscott, Chelan County PUD

12:15 p.m. Lunch in Exhibit Area

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1:30 p.m.–3:00 p.m. What’s in Your Toolbox: The Latest in Modeling Applications This session will explore a range of modeling tools and applications that have been used to facilitate improvements to hydropower facilities and operations. The model applications presented will include tools used to facilitate the design process, evaluate biological impacts, and improve project operations and integration with other renewables. The focus will be on practical modeling applications that result in more efficient project evaluations, designs and operations.

Moderator: Lisa Larson, HDR Inc.

Panelists: Sue Nee, Pacific Gas & ElectricMizan Rashid, Alden Labs George Krallis, ERM Michelle Bowan, US DOE (invited) Phil Hilgert, R2 Resources

3:00 p.m.–3:30 p.m. Break in Exhibit Area

3:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Droughts, Fires, Landslides and Other Disasters—Managing Hydro Projects through Extreme Conditions Hydropower Projects can be subjected to extreme events—from excessive droughts to torrential floods. Wildfire, an increasingly common occurrence, can burn power poles and create access and debris management challenges. Similarly, natural disasters such as landslides and earthquakes can damage hydro facilities or access, necessitating recovery plans and creating operational challenges. Unknown design or engineering flaws can also result in surprises, often many years after a project is completed. This session will focus on case studies of extreme hydrologic events, unplanned incidents, and natural disasters in the western US, their impacts on project operations, response planning and management options.

Moderator: David Hanson, Sacramento Municipal Utility District

Panelists: Mark Andersen, California Department of Water Resources Recent Drought ExperienceKevin Marshall, Grant County PUD Wanapum Dam Speaker, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Project Operations during Recent FiresPaul Larson and Michelle Vargo, Seattle City Light Operating in a Landslide-prone Environment

5:30 p.m. (Leave hotel at 5:45)

Buses begin boarding for Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI) Event(see page 10 for details)



Wednesday, Feb. 18

7:00 a.m. Women in Hydropower Breakfast (All Welcome!)7:00 a.m. Registration OpensContinental Breakfast in Registration Area8:00 a.m.–8:30 a.m. Welcome and KeynoteKEYNOTERTom Eckman, Director, Power Planning Division, Northwest Power and Conservation Council

8:30 a.m.–10:00 a.m.The Economics of Hydropower…Does it Make Cents?US DOE Secretary Moniz has expressed his support for doubling the nation’s hydropower capacity, including upgrades or new development while many state RPS and tax credits are in effect. However, the economic viability of a project is often based more on energy markets than policies and credits. This session will discuss several questions, including:

n How do project purchasers or developers determine if a project is economically viable?

n What types of projects in the region are being acquired or developed?n What are the incentives available to take a project from marginal to possible?n Will projects get upgraded or built?

Moderator: Nate Sandvig, MWH Panelists: Diane Barr, Brookfield Renewable Power Joe Stimatz, NorthWestern EnergyJoe Eberhardt, EDF EnergyJohn Parrish, US Army Corps of Engineers (invited)

10:00 a.m.–10:30 a.m.Break in Exhibit Area

10:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m.What’s in that Powerhouse?For the benefit of our industry’s non-engineering members, this panel of experts will provide a general overview of a hydroelectric powerhouse and its equipment. Source flow, head, major equipment and resulting electrical generation will be featured with layouts, diagrams, photographs and audience interaction.Moderator: Stephen Spain, HDR, Inc. Panelists: Blaine Graff, CE, PE, HDR, Inc. Dam, Spillway and Plant Layout Carl Atkinson, ME, Voith Hydro, Inc. Hydraulic TurbinesNicholas Dehlinger, Phd EE, Alstom Hydroelectric Generators Ian Jones, EE, Grant County PUD Controls and SCADADanielle Reynolds, ME, Portland General Electric Balance of Plant

12:00 p.m.–1:30 p.m. Awards LuncheonPresentation of the Pamela E. Klatt Award



1:30 p.m.–3:00 p.m. Where the Rubber Hits the Road—Implementation in REAL LifeLicense, regulatory and code changes are a fact of life and occur with a vision of how they will affect the hydro system, but what really happens upon implementation? When implementing a license, regulator or code change at a brick and mortar hydro project is the vision realized? What intended or unintended consequences do projects with long histories and older equipment experience? What does implementation look like in the real world operation and maintenance?Moderator: Brad Spangler, Snohomish PUD Panelists: Fran Halpin, Bonneville Power AdministrationKeith Binkley, Snohomish PUDTed Sorenson, Arrowrock Dam Hydropower ProjectFrances Brinkman, Black & Veatch

3:00 p.m.–3:30 p.m.Break in Exhibit Area

3:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Telling a Good Story: Creative Cultural Resources MitigationCultural Resources can be an afterthought in the world of hydroelectric environmental compliance, even with equal standing in a FERC license. Hydroelectric operators have to juggle often-competing license articles that require attention to generation efficiency, fish, wildlife, and recreation, as well as cultural resources. There are times when avoiding an adverse effect to a historic property is impossible and mitigation is required. Many of us are familiar with the HABS/HAER reports but are these dry narratives really the best use of limited mitigation funds? This session presents new, creative forms of mitigation that showcase the role of utilities in preserving history.Moderator: Heather Lee Miller, PhD Panelists: Rebecca Ossa, Seattle City LightBrent Hicks, Historical Research AssociatesPat Buckley, Pend Oreille PUDGeorge Kramer, Kramer & CompanyAllyson Brooks, Washington Archeology and Historic Preservation

5:00 p.m.Annual Membership MeetingThe new board members will be introduced and we will briefly discuss current programs. Your input as a member is important to NWHA and we welcome your attendance. If you are not a member and consider joining, you are also welcome to attend.

5:15 p.m.Social

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Thursday, Feb. 19

7:15 a.m.Continental Breakfast in Exhibit Area7:15 a.m.NWHA Board Meeting8:30 a.m Welcome

8:45 a.m.–10:15 a.m.Emerging Legal & Regulatory Matters Impacting Northwest HydroThis panel will focus on emerging legal and policy issues affecting northwest hydro, including the latest on the Federal Power Act, Endangered Species Act, the Columbia River Treaty and EPA climate change rulemaking.Moderator: Matthew Love, Van Ness Feldman, LLP

Panelists: Robert Cromwell, Seattle City LightDavid Poe, Bracewell Guiliani, LLPJason Morgan, Stoel Rives

10:15 a.m.–10:45 a.m.Break in Exhibit Area

10:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m. What’s inside my Project Boundary…and what’s not?Please join us for a discussion on issues pertaining to license-related activities that transcend the FERC project boundary. We’ll touch on monitoring project impacts and proposing/implementing PM&E measures beyond project boundaries. How does a project boundary affect 401 requirements and 4(e) conditioning authority and vice versa? How do existing land uses affect new project development opportunities? What are licensees’ responsibilities to private landowners outside the boundary? Does FERC have a role and/or a responsibility beyond the boundary? Moderator: John Gangemi, ERM

Panelists: Mike McCann, Eugene Water and Electric Board Kristen Bonanno, USDA Forest Service Chris Stine, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Darold Perry, Sacramento Municipal Utility District

12:15 p.m.Conference Adjourns

HYDROVISION 2015 WORKSHOPNew Opportunities for Small Hydro and Pumped Storage DevelopmentTuesday, July 14, 2015 9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.NWHA, in cooperation with the European Small Hydro Association and other US regional hydropower associations, presents this workshop on current and emerging opportunities for hydropower development. The morning is dedicated to Small Hydro development issues and the afternoon centers on pumped storage technologies. For more information, visit the HydroVision 2015 website.



Exhibit Area

American Governor Company www.americangovernor.com

Andritz Hydro Corp. www.andritz.com

Barnard www.barnard-inc.com

Canyon Hydro www.canyonhydro.com

Cardno www.cardnoentrix.com

Copperleaf Technologies copperleafgroup.com

Eureka Software www.eurekasw.com

Gilbert Gilkes and Gordon Ltd www.gilkes.com

Golder Associates www.golder.com

Governor Control Systems www.govconsys.com

HCMS www.hydro911.com

Hellan Strainer Company www.hellanstrainer.com

International Water Screens www.internationalwaterscreens.com

JHP & Associates, Inc. www.jhpassociatesinc.com

Kamatics RWG www.kaman.com

Mason, Bruce & Girard, Inc. www.masonbruce.com

Mavel Americas Inc. www.mavel.cz

McMillen LLC mcmillen-llc.com

National Hydropower Association www.hydro.org

Nicholson Construction Company www.nicholsonconstruction.com

Northwest Hydraulic Consultants, Inc. www.nhcweb.com

PennWell www.pennwell.com

Schnabel Dam Engineering Inc. www.schnabel-eng.com

Smith-Root Inc. www.smith-root.com

Unit Electrical Engineering Ltd. www.uee.com

Voith Hydro voith.com

Wagstaff Applied Technologies www.wagstaffat.com

Whitney Equipment www.weci.com

www.mave l . c z


UUnit Electrical Engineering Ltd.

Learn more about resources available from these NWHA member companies who are also among the region’s leading technology and service providers.


Join us for our Tuesday evening networking event at The Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI), one of the nation’s leading science museums and a world-class tourist attraction.

OMSI has long been recognized for the large retired steam turbine from its days as a PGE power plant. More recently, the Museum also opened a new permanent, Renewable Energy exhibit that offers visitors the chance to learn more about emerging sources of energy, including how alternative technologies can be integrated into the existing power grid.

The reception is after the Museum’s normal hours, so NWHA members and guests will have exclusive

access to the full range of exhibits in the Turbine Hall area, including the newly renovated Earthquake House, where you can experience simulations of two earthquakes that happened in the Pacific Northwest.

Your $70 ticket also includes complimentary hors d’oeuvres, a complimentary ticket for the cash bar and complimentary shuttle service to/from the conference hotel and OMSI.

Also take the opportunity to meet NWHA board member candidates at the event.

Tuesday, February 17 • 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.(Buses begin loading at 5:30 and depart for OMSI at 5:45. They will return from OMSI every half hour beginning at 7:00.)

Celebrate Science. Celebrate Energy.

HotelMake Your Room Reservations Directly!The Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront Hotel is offering special NWHA room rates of $149 as well as a limited number of rooms for government entities at $113. Reservations made after January 26, 2015, are subject to higher rates and availability.

Call (1) 800 228-9290 to make your room reservations directly, or go to www.nwhydro.org and click the Annual Conference link.

Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront1401 SW Naito Parkway, Portland, Oregon 97201 Phone: (1) 503-226-7600 Fax: (1) 503-221-1789

Register online

today at



Conference at a Glance

Continental Breakfast, Lunch, Breaks and Socials will be in the Exhibit Area.

Tuesday, February 17

7:00 a.m. Registration Opens/Continental Breakfast in Registration Area

8:00 a.m. Welcome and Keynote

8:45 a.m. New Vision for Hydropower

10:15 a.m. Break in Exhibit Area

10:45 a.m. Fish Passage Requirements: The What, the How, and the Cost

12:15 p.m. Lunch in Exhibit Area

1:30 p.m. What’s in Your Toolbox: The Latest in Modeling Applications

3:00 p.m. Break in Exhibit Area

3:30 p.m. Droughts, Fires, Landslides and Other Disasters—Managing Hydro Projects through Extreme Conditions

5:45 p.m. Buses Leave for OMSI Event

7:00 a.m. Women in Hydropower Breakfast

Wednesday, February 18

7:00 a.m. Registration Opens/Continental Breakfast in Exhibit Area

8:00 a.m. Welcome and Keynote

8:30 a.m. The Economics of Hydropower…Does it Make Cents?

10:00 a.m. Break in Exhibit Area

10:30 a.m. What’s in that Powerhouse?

12:00 p.m. Awards Luncheon

1:30 p.m. Where the Rubber Hits the Road—Implementation in REAL Life

3:00 p.m. Break in Exhibit Area

3:30 p.m. Telling a Good Story: Creative Cultural Resources Mitigation

5:00 p.m. Annual Membership Meeting

5:15 p.m. Social

Thursday, February 19

7:15 a.m. Continental Breakfast in Exhibit Area

7:15 a.m. NWHA Board Meeting

8:30 a.m. Welcome

8:45 a.m. Emerging Legal & Regulatory Matters Impacting Northwest Hydro

10:15 a.m. Break in Exhibit Area

10:45 a.m. What’s inside my Project Boundary…and what’s not?

12:15 p.m. Conference Adjourns
