2014 Prepositions of Place Info Gap Fill Pictures




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Part 2 Ask your partner. Write the answer. Its ~ the ~.hat? ________________________________________.

basketball? ________________________________________.

takoyaki? __________________________________________.

poster? __________________________________________.

teddy bear? __________________________________________.Part 1 Look at the picture. Fill in the blanks.Wheres theclock? Its ____ the painting.bag? Its ____ the chair.dancing sushi? Its ____ the book.fan? Its ________ the sofa and the table.iPhone? Its _______ the table.Part 2 Ask your partner. Write the answer. Its ~ the ~.BPart 1 Look at the picture. Fill in the blanks.Wheres thehat? Its ____ the cat.basketball? Its _______ the table.takoyaki? Its ____ the sofa.poster? Its ________ the painting and the window.teddy bear? Its _______ the chair.clock? ________________________________________.

bag? ________________________________________.

dancing sushi? __________________________________________.

fan? __________________________________________.

iPhone? __________________________________________.
