2014 JET Program Gifu Life Orientation Schedule Group A (7.30 ~ 7.31) Participants __ Group B (8.6 ~...


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2014 JET Program Gifu Life Orientation ScheduleGroup A (7.30 ~ 7.31) Participants __ Group B (8.6 ~ 8.7) Participants

Day 1Venue/Presenters

Day 2VenuePresenters

13:00 Arrival at hotelDrop off luggageBus to Orientation Venue: Gifu Prefectural Office

Hotel: Route Inn, Nishi Gifu (Group A)

Route Inn, Gifu Hashima(Group B)


BreakfastCheck outWalk to Gifu Prefectural Office

Hotel: Route Inn

9:00~9:40 PA/RPA SystemAJET intro and Gifu event schedule

Gifu International AffairsShane FordeGifu Educational CentreTammy Lin[PC, projector, screen]


Introduction to Gifu JET and The First Month

Handouts•Food / diet•On the road

Gifu International Affairs DivisionShane Forde[PC, projector, screen]


The Nitty Gritty

Contract, Rules and Admin

Gifu International AffairsShane Forde[PC, projector, screen]


Regional VideosRegional Guides

Gifu International Affairs DivisionShane Forde[PC, projector, screen


Climate / Natural DisastersLessons from Tohoku

Education CentreEndo Sensei[PC, projector, screen]


Japanese phrasing and analysis

Mino City BOEJasmine Bernhardt(Group A)Gifu Prefectural BOEJoelan Johnston (Group B)[PC, projector, screen]


Q&A•Work Ori intro(homework check)

Education CentreShane Forde[PC, projector, screen]

16:40 Return to hotel, prepare for dinner

Hotel: Route Inn 12:00 Handover to supervisors

18:30 Dinner @ Route Inn

Location: Gifu Prefectural Offices

Cont. Or. GroupJob Type

Last Name

First Name


Gifu Pref A ALT SimpsonRebecca


Gifu Pref A ALT Klockew Melissa F US

Takayama City

A ALT Moore Kiyomi F US

Mizunami City A ALT Wilson Josiah M US

Ena City A ALT Wilson John M US

Motosu City A ALT Cuerden Luke M AU

Yoro Town A ALT Mays MitchellM US

Sekigahara Town

A ALT GoldsteinAndrew M US

Cont. Organisation

Group Job TypeLast Name

First Name


Gifu Prefecture B ALT Jordan Meryl F USGifu Prefecture B ALT Ngo Binh F USGifu Prefecture B ALT Duvall Laura F USGifu Prefecture B CIR Mackley Laura F UK

Gifu Prefecture B ALTSamaniego

Chique F PH

Takayama City B ALT Lawton Keith M USTakayama City B ALT Rahela Rajeev M UKTakayama City B ALT Senecal Andree F CNHida City B ALT Ching Alix F USHida City B ALT Ashton Cynthia F USMotsu City B ALT Elrod Kristen F USMotsu City B ALT Parkes Michael M UK

Wanouchi Town B ALTHammami

Samar F CN

Ono Town B ALT Baham GulinigarF CN







Cormorant Fishing

Hida Beef

Gujo Tetsuya Odori

Cormorant Fishing for Sweetfish

UNESCO World Heritage Shirakawa Village

Mino Udatsu & Paper Lanterns

F.C. Gifu !

Gifu Nobunaga Festival

Magome Juku(Tono)

Back in the Sengoku (warring states) Period, securing Gifu was thought to be the key to ruling Japan, given its location between the east and west. The battle of Sekigahara (also on the Nakasendo, Gifu) in 1600 was decisive and resulted in a victory to the east, by the Tokugawa faction. The east then attacked the western stronghold at Osaka Castle in 1615. The Tokugawa Shogun and family then governed Japan until 1868.

The achievements of Oda Nobunaga, who lived in Gifu, were very much to thank for this victory. By 1582, he had conquered most opposing regions of Japan, making unification possible.

Gifu is made up of two Chinese characters, with "Gi" (岐) being taken from the name of a famous mountain used to unite China, matching Oda Nobunaga's ambitions for Japan, and "Fu" ( 阜 ) taken from QUFU, the birthplace of Confucius.

One of two major trade and travel routes from ancient Edo (Tokyo) to Kyoto. The NAKASENDO – literally, the ‘centre’ road, does not trek around the coast like the TOKAIDO, but instead goes straight through the mountains and down the heart of GIFU! One famous traveller’s rest spot is in Nakatsugawa, near Ena City.

Sites and Apps

• Hyperdia (Hipurrdia/hyper-dee-ah)www.hyperdia.com is a website that many JETS use to get from point A to point B on the train . It is available in English or Japanese

• Gifu BusThe search feature on the website is only available in Japanesehttp://navi.gifubus.co.jp/Frm_0000.aspx?ge=t3_1kv_4nz_5fr_67j&cm=1Or search Gifu Bus Navi

• 乗換案内 (norikaeannai)This is a popular iOS app used by many Jets. It accepts input in Romaji.

Summer holidays! You may be at school, but find yourself at a desk wondering what to do. Use this time as well as you can to prepare for work, plan team teaching exercises, and your nude intro for the Work Orientation. Also, why not get to know your colleagues and town? Show them that you are keen to help around the office too!

Your first salary will be paid on or about the 21st of August

Group A (8)Wednesday, July 30th & Thursday, July 31st

Group B (12)Wednesday August 6th & Thursday, August 7th

Fresh off the bullet train from Tokyo, we will take a short rest before launching into the Gifu life-specific orientation programme. Two half days of useful information, after which your Supervisor will come to pick you up. Relax, absorb the information and enjoy the (hopefully) witty Regional Welcome Videos that our RPA (Regional Prefectural Advisors) have filmed just for you ! You will have ample time to read materials in detail before the school term starts.

Tuesday, August 19th & Wednesday August 20th (Groups A and B): After a few weeks of settling in at home and work, we’ll be seeing you all again at the mid-August Gifu Work Orientation! We have a lot of great workshops planned for helping you get adjusted to working in Japan and Gifu. A delicious dinner will ensue !

Food/CookingHelp to buy the

sugar and not the salt

DrivingMini guide for the glovebox

You will/should have been issued with a RESIDENCY CARD.

The likely flow of events for new JETS in 2014 is as follows:

1) You received your Residency Card at the airport upon arrival

2) The number of incoming JET participants was too high and the airport could not prepare enough cards on the day, so you will need to follow the below procedure with help from your supervisor:

a) Firstly, obtain your Juminhyo (record of residency) from the Municipal Office in your city (this registers your address)

b) Receive your Residency Card from the Immigration Office in Gifu City (shows all your information, including period of stay and nationality). This MUST be carried everywhere you go in Japan, or you may be arrested.

Card Validity: 7 yearsCheck your period of stay

If you … change your address:

Go to Municipal Office in both your old and new region

If you … Want to change any other item on

the card:Go to the Immigration Bureau

Move objects in the office (or anywhere) with your feet Chew gum Throw your rubbish out without checking where it should go Put your hands in your pockets when speaking / greeting Feel like you are ‘walking in your predecessor’s shadow’

We all have something new and unique to offer Be concerned if somebody does not talk to you – it does not mean they dislike you

Remember the names of people you meet, obtain a name list in romaji, or make notes on meishi (business cards)

Locate printers, photocopiers, laminaters, stationary compartments Find out your weekly schedule and the number of students you will assist Locate your predecessor’s files and use them as reference Ask what lunch is and whether you are required to eat it with the students Handout souvenirs or leave them on your co-workers desk even if they are not

in the office (if you brought any) Take off your coat before entering (unless freezing!)



• Japan has three major phone company providers. #1 2# 3#

• Free calls and texts to people on the same network. • Plans offered by each company are relatively similar in features and price however, Softbank has

gained a reputation for being cheaper whereas NTT is known for the quality of its coverage. • Models offered vary between companies. • The majority of JETs are on Softbank. • You will likely be asked to enter into a 2 year contract. • If you do not possess a credit card you will most likely be required to pay for a headset up front. • The Japanese government limits the amount of data which you can download via 4G. • In a 3 day period you may not exceed 1GB or 7GB in a 30 day period.

• You have many options to choose regarding internet connections.

• Many of the mobile phone carriers on the previous page over 4G internet plans with tethering

• You also have mobile internet available as an option. (Wi Max, Softbank)

• Wired services are fast and reliable (However they can take well over a month to be installed.) (Hikari Fletts, Comyufa)

• Find out about rubbish, when to put it out, do you need special bags? etc etc.

• If you have a car find out the rules about getting to school. • For most people it will help to get in contact with the JETs in

your area. • Find the nearest station and when the train goes (this is

important even if you drive).• Setting up a bank account.• How do you pay for bills? What bills do you have?• Find out where you can eat so you don’t die.
