2012-sept-20 epa releases sanitary survey for pine view estates



EPA Region IX's Environmental Engineer (Roger Yates) releases his consultant's sanitary survey report for Pine View Estates.Cover letter dated Sept. 20, 2012; sanitary survey dated July 2, 2012.CC:d to SBP, (operators for the Pine View Estates water system only).EPA's consultant, Sleeping Giant, conducted a sanitary survey of Pine View Estates on July 2, 2012. At the time, there were 192 water connections and an estimated residential population of 400. (page 1)The consultant noted, "The development had several aerated septic systems used for wastewater disposal. These systems were reported to be ineffective. The closest septic system to the [drinking water] well is about 250 feet away. There are several septic systems about 700 feet away from the well." (page 3)The consultant noted 7 deficiencies and recommendations (pages 4-6), including the following:1. a roof hatch that was not sealed2. no well casing vent 3. no cross-connection control programSource: EPA Prehearing Exchange, Exhibit 24.

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