2012 KQA Ganesh Nayak Memorial Open Quiz Finals



Finals of the 2012 KQA Ganesh Nayak Open Quiz for teams of 4 - by Vivek Karthikeyan (kiVI) and Venkatesh Srinivasan (Venky)

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XXIII Ganesh Nayak Memorial Open Quiz 2012



Vivek Karthikeyan and Venkatesh S

Written Round – 8 questions

Clockwise – 20 questions

Anti-Clockwise – 20 questions



8 questions

5 points each

Bonus of 5 for getting all correct

1. Which movie?

2. Two movies.. ID both. 2.5 points each

3. Which movie?

4. Which movie?

5. Which movie?

6. Which movie?

7. Which movie?

8. Which movie?

Answers follow…

1. Which movie?

1. Stalag 17

2. Two movies.. ID both. 2.5 points each

1. Stalag 17

2. Lawrence of Arabia; The Wild One

3. Which movie?

1. Stalag 17

2. Lawrence of Arabia; The Wild One

3. The Agony & The Ecstasy

4. Which movie?

1. Stalag 17

2. Lawrence of Arabia; The Wild One

3. The Agony & The Ecstacy

4. Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

5. Which movie?

1. Stalag 17

2. Lawrence of Arabia; The Wild One

3. The Agony & The Ecstacy

4. Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

5. Rosemary’s baby

6. Which movie?

1. Stalag 17

2. Lawrence of Arabia; The Wild One

3. The Agony & The Ecstacy

4. Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

5. Rosemary’s baby

6. The Sting

7. Which movie?

1. Stalag 17

2. Lawrence of Arabia; The Wild One

3. The Agony & The Ecstacy

4. Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

5. Rosemary’s baby

6. The Sting

7. All the President’s Men

8. Which movie?

1. Stalag 17

2. Lawrence of Arabia; The Wild One

3. The Agony & The Ecstacy

4. Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

5. Rosemary’s baby

6. The Sting

7. All the President’s Men

8. Ferris Bueller's Day Off



20 questions on Infinite Bounce +10 for direct and pass; no negatives

+10/-10 on Infinite Pounce


The top row represents the acceptable dress code and the bottom row, what is not acceptable. Issued by which organization, as the dress code for specific days, at which location?

Answer follows…

Issued by the Marylebone Cricket Club as the dress code on Match Days at the Lord’s Member’s pavilion and enclosure

Narendra Modi, as part of his election campaign has announced the carving out of four new districts in Gujarat. Two of these have been named to evoke regional pride – one after a famous structure and the other after a geographical feature that witnessed exploits of people like Rana Pratap.

Name both – no part points


Answer follows…

• (Gir)-Somnath • Aravalli

The term probably was first seen in the popular 1863 story "The Children of the Public", where Edward Everett Hale used it as a metaphor for any form of public spending to the citizenry. The term was further popularized by a 1919 article by Chester Collins Maxey in the National Municipal Review, which reported on certain legislative acts known to members of Congress as “___ _____bills”. He claimed that the phrase originated in a pre-Civil War practice of giving slaves a ___ of ____ as a reward and requiring them to compete among themselves to get their share of the hand-out. Which term, used in a derogatory fashion today to refer to a pattern of government spending?


Answer follows…

• Pork barrel spending / politics

"Bud, that's crazy!", I told him. "We've hardly even started yet. There's no way we can get it done by then." "I know," he responded, in a low voice, almost a whisper. "You know? If you know the schedule is off-base, why don't you correct it?" "Well, it's Steve. Steve insists that we're shipping in early 1982, and won't accept answers to the contrary. The best way to describe the situation is a term from Star Trek. Steve has a ______ ________ ______." "A what?" "A ______ ________ ______. In his presence, reality is malleable. He can convince anyone of practically anything. It wears off when he's not around, but it makes it hard to have realistic schedules. And there's a couple of other things you should know about working with Steve.“ Fill in the blanks with a famous phrase


Answer follows…

Reality Distortion Field

This term is used in a variety of businesses. Prominent among them is pharma, where patent owners at the expiry of patent periods make tiny changes to the formulations and get a new patent.

The term has been doing the rounds majorly in Indian legal circles as a large pharma company has been locked in battle against the Indian government over this clause in Indian patent law, for its drug, Glivec.

What term; which company?


Answer follows…

• Evergreening

• Novartis

In the 1980 Hockenheim Grand Prix, the German organizers, claiming that they had not budgets, did now allow “Prof” to enter the control room and provide him with the necessary equipment, as per the new rule introduced by Ecclestone. This irked Ecclestone so much that he threatened to stand in front of the starting grid and make all the drivers disembark till Prof was allowed to play his role and given facilities. The shocked organizers relented.

What was the fuss and who is Prof?


Answer follows…

• Prof Sid Watkins, the official doctor/surgeon of F1 for long, who revolutionised the principles and practice of driver safety

• Ecclestone had introduced the rule of Sid and an

anesthesiologist travel in a separate car in the first lap of the race, as well as have a helicopter ambulance on stand-by

• The following year Watkins returned to Hockenheim to find a brand new, well-equipped medical centre as well as a helicopter ambulance on standby for the whole weekend.



Answer follows…

• Epistolary novels – written in the form of a letter or documents / diary entries and so on…

A Bangladeshi filmmaker, Ahsanullah Moni, spent nearly $58 million to build this near Dhaka – it was completed in 2009 and irked Indian officials.

Now there is news that one will be built in Dubai, by Link Global Ltd., taking just 2 years, as opposed to the original 20 years. Spread across 200,000 sq. metres, it will be based on designs from the era of the original, but also include a 300-room luxury hotel, a mall and cocktail bars. The developers are also (appropriately?) pitching it as a wedding venue.

Indian officials have dismissed the fact that this development may have an economic impact on India.

What is happening?


Answer follows…

• Replica of the Taj Mahal, called Taj Arabia

The philosophy of the person on the right, influenced the works of this period (shown above), which marked the end of a culturally vibrant period, and uncertainty about what was coming. Which time period, what was it called – either the French name or what it was called in Russia?


Answer follows…

• The end of the 19th century, in Europe, France and/or Paris was called fin de siecle

• In Russia, it was called Silver Age

In 1974, after losing a game to his son and getting stuck in a traffic jam that prompted a dinnertime outburst directed at the oil companies, economics professor Ralph Anspach took matters into his own hands. He created something that showed the evils of ___________, which led to a 10-year long legal battle over a trademark, which ultimately led to him discovering that the original idea came from a patent by Elizabeth Magie in the early 1900s and was a public domain name – finally he reached a settlement with the company he was


What’s being described?


Answer follows…

• The board game, Anti-Monopoly

The two institutions on the right are named after the scientists on the left. In turn, these institutions gave their names to?


Answer follows…

• Flerovium was chosen for Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions in Russia, a facility where many superheavy elements have been produced. The lab is named after physicist Georgiy N. Flerov, who discovered the spontaneous fission of uranium, which led to the USSR’s development of an atomic bomb.

• Livermorium honors Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, which has been involved in the discovery of heavy elements 113 through 118. Another element, Lawrencium at 103, is already named after the lab’s founder, Ernest O. Lawrence.

Quickly-built mansions; a group of large houses built in the same style in the same area.

The fall of local culture in favor of a global culture prescribed by large corporations.

A low-paying job

A Latin American literary movement

A newspaper for the masses due to its simple prose and splash of colors

A term used by George Ritzer to describe how society is moving towards the culture of efficiency, calculability, predictability, control and culture – all essential elements of a certain type of business establishment

What’s common?


Answer follows…

• McWords • McMansion • McWorld • McJob • Mcondo • Mcpaper • Mcdonaldisation

This symbol most likely has origins from the Middle Ages. Many people were unable to write even their own names. For them, this became a convention used as a signature. With it also signifying the St. Andrews' Cross, one further affirmed his vow by doing this, signifying a connection with the signature beyond mere words.

Most agree that the other shortcut developed in the US, most likely around the late 1800s or early 1900s. Some believe that Jewish immigrants to the United States, unwilling to use the cross, adopted the “_” instead; given that tic-tac-toe developed at around the same time, perhaps the two are related, but that is entirely speculation.

What two commonly used shortcuts / symbols?


Answer follows…

• Xs and Os for kisses and hugs

The Samkos bush frog (scientific name Chiromantis samkosensis) is found in Cambodia. Due to the effect of a pigment biliverdin, a waste product usually processed in the liver, they have a strange phenomenon that occurs when the biliverdin is passed back into the blood; a phenomenon also seen in some lizards. This visible through the frog's thin, translucent skin, making it even better camouflaged and possibly even causing it to taste unpalatable to predators.



Answer follows…

• The frog is green-blooded and turquoise-boned

The sport of boxing dates back to the ancient Greeks. During the Roman era, to make the sport more interesting, the Romans made an important and fundamental way to the way the sport was played, and created a circular area.

Much later, when the sport was revived in England, the boxers would fight bare knuckled, with the crowd of spectators forming a loose circle around them.

What was the main difference between the way the way boxing was contested by the Ancient Greeks and how we know it today? What common term in boxing comes from what is described above?


Answer follows…

• Ancient Greek fighters remained seated face-to-face and pummelled each other until one was knocked unconscious

• The term / concept of a “ring” in boxing

In reponse to the ________ ______, a joint statement by Harry S. Truman, Winston Churchill and Chiang Kai-shek, outlining the terms of surrender for the Empire of Japan, Prime Minister Kantarō Suzuki used the word, Mokusatsu.

Legend has it that the word was misinterpreted, which led to the disastrous consequence of the atomic bombing of Japan.

Fill in the blanks – what was the misinterpretation?


Answer follows…

• Potsdam Declaration

• While Suzuki meant to say, “no comment for the time being”, it was interpreted that he meant “ignore”.

• The Potsdam Declaration ultimatum allowed for only one acceptable answer, unconditional surrender. Any other answer would, as the declaration warned, cause "prompt and utter destruction."

Give a work of art and a painter to connect; the most famous work of this painter is actually a sculpture (set of 4) that can be seen at Trafalgar Square, London since 1867. Which one?


Answer follows…

• Edwin Landseer – Monarch of the Glen

• The four lions around Nelson’s column

Connect the pictures and the video (removed – video of Vertigo opening titles)


Answer follows…

• Saul Bass

• Designed all those corporate logos

• Created title sequence of Vertigo

• The 14 reissued covers of the James Bond books were created by six separate designers; creative director Suzanne Dean briefed the designers to be inspired by Saul Bass

Connect – this is a non-exhaustive set from a total of 22 so far, expected to go to 26 and end in ‘Zero’. Pictures in the

bottom row are generic


Answer follows…

Malice, Alibi, Gumshoe, Fugitive, Noose, Burglar, Silence, Quarry Sue Grafton’s series of novels featuring Kinsey Millhone

The word comes from the original word which means to dance gracefully. Lyrics are mainly in an old language called Braj Bhasha and describes the dances which Lord Krishna performed with Radha and the Gopis of Vrindavan. The dance form faded away and it is totally a pure music genre. It was X, a great lover of music and dance and himself a great artist, who in the 19th century gave full patronage to these dance-songs and operas – he used the pen name “Akhtar” for ghazals and “Jaan-e-Aalam Piya” or “Akthar Piya” when he composed these. Who is X and what is the music form?


Answer follows…

Thumri Wajid Ali Shah



20 questions on Infinite Bounce +10 for direct and pass; no negatives

+10/-10 on Infinite Pounce


We know that this the rod of Asclepius, but aids

workers in Africa will tell you that this is rather a

depiction of a twig used to capture and extract _____


The _____ _____ got its common name when

Europeans observed a high incidence on the western

coast of Africa.

Fill in the blanks.

Answer follows…

Guinea Worm

It is a major parasitic scourge in Africa, very debilitating to the victims.

The worms have a very long migratory path under the skin. They can be

up to a meter in length. The technique is still used as a treatment today

in many villages.


All of India’s supply comes from a single factory in Sasni, Uttar

Pradesh—Khandelwal Glass Works Ltd—who have been making them

since 1981. The supply goes mainly to Delhi, Punjab and UP, and the

southern states of Tamizh Nadu and Andhra Pradesh.

Patented by an Englishman in 1872, and considered an improvement

over the bowling pin-shaped “Hamiltons,” which tended to slip easily and

roll off surfaces, these became standard across the British empire. Prized

as collector items, they are now be found only in two places—in India,

and in Japan, for a curiously similar purpose (Ramune).

What object?

Answer follows…

Codd bottles, used for banta and paneer soda


From the Halls of Montezuma,

To the shores of Tripoli;

We fight our country's battles

In the air, on land, and sea;

First to fight for right and freedom

And to keep our honor clean:

We are proud to claim the title

Of ____ ____ ____.

Fill in the blanks and explain lines 1 and 2.

Answer follows…

United States Marine

Halls of Montezuma refers to the Battle of Chapultepec, during the

Mexican-American War, where a force of Marines stormed Chapultepec


Shores of Tripoli refers to the Barbary War


The painter of the first work is famous for his Rokeby Venus.

The creator of the second painting has another famous work titled

“Work”, spent the latter years of his life painting The Manchester Murals.

Name the two painters, and the subject (same in both


Larger pics follow.



Answer follows…

Diego Velázquez

Ford Madox Brown

Joseph’s Coat


Popular mythology assigned it a patriotic significance. The four pockets

were said to represent the Four Virtues: Propriety, Justice, Honesty, and


The five center-front buttons were said to represent legislation,

supervision, examination, administration and jurisdiction. The three

cuff-buttons symbolized Nationalism, Democracy, and People's

Livelihood. And in all symbolizing unity and peace.

What is being referred to?

Answer follows…

The Mao Suit

6. Connect the two vertical sets.

• French Open 1981

• Bjorn Borg

• 6–1, 4–6, 6–2, 3–6, 6–1

• US Open 1982

• Jimmy Connors

• 6–3, 6–2, 4–6, 6–4

• Australian Open 1983

• Mats Wilander

• 6–1, 4–6, 6–2, 3–6, 6–1

• US Open 1983

• Jimmy Connors

• 6–3, 6–7(2–7), 7–5, 6–0

• US Open 2008

• Roger Federer

• 6–2, 7–5, 6–2

• Australian Open 2010

• Roger Federer

• 6–3, 6–4, 7–6(13–11)

• Australian Open 2011

• Novak Djokovic

• 6–4, 6–2, 6–3

• Wimbledon 2012

• Roger Federer

• 4–6, 7–5, 6–3, 6–4

Answer follows…

Ivan Lendl’s losses

Andy Murray’s losses

Curiously, both of them share the record for losing their first four

Grand Slam finals


The 1707 grounding of four ships of Vice-Admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovell's fleet resulting in heavy loss of life, gave an impetus to the establishment of X. An act was passed in 1714, and the greatest scientific minds of the day were gathered to work on the problem, including Sir Isaac Newton.

Prizes were put up for those who could demonstrate a working device or method. The top prize was £20,000 for a method that could come within 30 nautical miles.

For decades none was able to come up with a practical solution to the problem. John Harrison who invented the marine chronometer showed that his method was the way of the future. However the board, to its discredit, never awarded the prize to Harrison, nor anyone else.

What was the Board constituted for?

Answer follows…

The Board of Longitude was constituted for determining the best

method to find the longitude when a ship was out at sea.


Sir Robert Swan is a polar explorer, environmental leader and public

speaker. He is the first person in history to walk to both the North and

South poles. Swan has dedicated his life to the preservation of Antarctica

and runs an organization called 2041.

Why is it called 2041?

Answer follows…

Antarctica is currently protected by the treaty prohibiting drilling and

mining. 2041 is when the Antarctic Treaty comes to an end, exposing

the continent’s unspoilt wilderness.


Identify the models and


Answer follows…

The James Webb Space Terminal, set to replace Hubble in 2018.

10. Banging the gavel on transactions running into millions of rupees

every day used to give a sense of great authority, says Ashok Batra,

chairman and managing director of Kolkata’s J Thomas and Co. Pvt. Ltd.

In 2009 AF Ferguson and Co., a consulting firm recommended

electronic disposal. The last open ______ was held in 2011 at the same

place where it all began, Nilhat House, almost 150 years after J Thomas

launched it.

Fill in the blank.

Answer follows…

Open outcry tea auctions.

Till last year they were done through open outcry auctions. But now it is

all done electronically.

11. This is in a region called Alto Patache in Chile. What is going on?

Answer follows…

Alto Patache is in the Atacama desert, the driest place on earth. These

nets are fog catchers. When fog passes through the net water

condenses into small drops before being collected into a water tank.


ID the


Answer follows…



It is now an established fact that a cataclysmic meteor strike had

occurred in Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula, and this led to the end of

dinosaurs and so on.

What was the most important finding that first led

scientists on the meteor track?

Answer follows…

Through the unusually high abundance of iridium in certain places.

Iridium is a rare element in the Earth’s crust. which is a rare element

that is found rare on Earth, but abundant in meteorites.


William Kidd and Jean Laffite were two such, who were

commissioned to attack enemy ships in a state of war. Their crews

were entitled to receive portions of the value of any cargo they

seized. Limiting them to the activities laid down in their

commissions was difficult, and the line between their activity and

piracy was often blurred.

What activity, and how has it been heard of in recent


Answer follows…

Mark Knofler, Privateering


It has a romantic background, that of a secret liaison between the

Lord Montagu of Beaulieu II, John Walter Edward Douglas Scott

Montagu, and his secretary. After it was created there are only two

instances when it was not installed.

The then Princess Elizabeth in 1950 got St. George on horseback,

slaying a dragon, designed by artist Edward Seago. Princess Margaret

chose Pegasus by Louis Lejeune.

What is being referred to?

Answer follows…

The Spirit of Ecstasy as a hood ornament on the Rolls-Royce


One of a dying breed this man

beats the drum and sings

traditional mâni in time for


What is he up to?

Answer follows…

Waking up people in time for a pre-dawn meal during Ramadan.


At some unknown time, or so the story goes, a man lived in a hut in the Luberon forest. A great plague, which caused an unquenchable thirst, struck the region.

Its only cure proved to be a potion the man brewed from herbs. Once the plague had subsided the man left for Marseille and sold his drink in a bar called ‘Au Bonhomee Passes-soif ’ (‘The Good-Natured Thirst Quencher’).

How do we know it today?

Answer follows…

Pastis, the quintessential Provencal aperitif.

18. 4th November 1996. What was to happen the following day?

Answer follows…

Clinton Elected

19. It got its name after Domingo Faustino Sarmiento chose to paint it pink.

What name? Which pop star gave a rally call of sorts from the balcony facing the plaza?

Answer follows…

La Casa Rosada, the presidential palace in Argentina

Madonna, in Evita


What are these awarded for? What device with a 6-letter name, used to compact or flatten granular material, are these modelled after?

Answer follows…


World Barista Championship


List It

1 question, 10 answers +2 per answer. Bonus of 5 for getting all correct.

The Danube passes through 10 countries from source to mouth, including four capital cities. Name all countries.



Austria (Vienna)

Slovakia (Bratislava)

Hungary (Budapest)


Serbia (Belgrade)





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