


Balmullo Newsletter - June 2012

Citation preview

In this issue

Ina Cameron 2

Council Contacts 3

200 Club 3

What’s On? 5

Torch Relay 5

Announcements 7

Editorial 7

At The Gala 7

Rod Campbell M.S.P. 9

Mike’s Computer Page 11

S.W.R.I. 13

LD Gardening & Crafts 13

QR Code Safari 14

Primary School 15

Pharmacy Application 15

Beautiful Fife 2012 15

Councilor Maggie T. 17

Forret Curling Club 17

Gala Comments 18

Gala Dog Show Results 18

Gala Race Results 23

Ming Campbell M.P. 38

Olympic Torch Photos 39

Joe Forrester 40




Balmullo Newsletter 06 ISSUE

JUNE 2012

www.balmullo.com www.issuu.com/balmullo

Dawn Doherty

proudly carries

“The Olympic

Torch” into


12th June 2012

At the Balmullo Gala on 9 June, well- k n o w n l o c a l resident Mrs Ina C a m e r o n w a s presented with an award recognising her long and dedicated service to t h e B a l m u l l o Community. Ina has been a m e m b e r o f B a l m u l l o Community Council and Newsletter Editor for many years, organising t h e c o n t e n t , p r i n t i n g a n d distribution of over 700 copies of 10 issues each year. Ina also runs the 200 Club small lottery, which pays out £2000 in prizes each year, but more importantly raises funds to support the newsletter and gives the Community Council the means to provide floral displays, Christmas gifts for some of our older residents and donations to good causes. Earlier this year, Ina celebrated a very significant birthday


with family and friends at the Balmullo Inn. Her determination and ability to keep up all her good work was also recognised with a presentation at the April meeting of the Community Council. - Andrew Falconer

Members Chairman:

Zoë Sanders 1zoesanders@gmail.com

Vice-Chairman: Position Vacant

Treasurer: Andrew Falconer 870496 anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk

Secretary: Position Vacant

Minute-Secretary: Ann Falconer 870496 anfalconer@tiscali.co.uk

Newsletter: Ina Cameron 870253 twaauldgoats@btinternet.com

Councillors Alison Jeffrey 870674 alison@balmullo.net Rarmond Crush 871400

John Normand janormand1@gmail.com Jim Taylor 871070 jimrtaylor@hotmail.co.uk

Fife Councillors

Maggie Taylor 01382 552718 cllr.margaret.taylor@fife.gov.uk Tim Brett 01382 330905 cllr.tim.brett@fife.gov.uk Bill Connor 077 1866 8792 cllr.bill.connor@fife.gov.uk


Useful Contacts

Burnside Hall Keeper: Lynn Murphy 870466

The Minister Rev. Caroline Taylor 870038 caro234@btinternet.com

Dog Warden 0845 155 0022 Community Police Officer: P.C. Gavin Rae 0845 600 5702 RAF Aircraft Noise: 839471

GALA Committee: http://balmullogala.weebly.com

Advert Prices

Small £5 Half Page £10 Full Page £20

You can rent advertising space on a month by month basis or on a longer term basis. The Balmullo Newsletter has a circulation of 700 and is hand delivered FREE of charge. TO ALL ADVERTISERS – Please check your advert. If you would like to remove it or change it in any way, please let me know. Either by phone or email. My details are on page 3 of this newsletter - Ina Cameron.

Statements made or opinions expressed in this Newsletter do not necessarily

reflect the views of the Balmullo Community Council or any of its officers.


£50 Mr & Mrs Stokes, Lucklawhill

£20 Mrs Bedford, The Mount £20 Mrs Shanks, Park View £20 Mrs Beaton, Mansfield Road £20 Mr Parry-Richard, Pitcairn Drive £20 Mr Foy, Anderson Drive £10 Mrs Russell, Smithy Road

£10 Mr Hamilton, Lomond Place £10 Mrs Allan, The Mount £10 Mrs Auld, School Road £10 Mr Ross, Inchlaw



How to Join Our 200 Club?

It's easy to join the 200 Club. Call or email Ina at twaauldgoats@btinternet.com or call 870253. It only costs £1 per entry per month, and you can enter as many times as you like.

We are currently trying to raise money for various Balmullo community activities and projects.


08/06/12 Rustlers Subs / Wraps £1.39 To Highland Spring Water 8pk £1 30/06/12 Lenor Concentrate 1.4ltr £2.50 Terrys Toblerone 400g £2 Kettle Chips 150g £1 Aberlour Malt Whiskey 70cl £17 29/06/12 Mullerlight Greek yoghurts 4pk £1.50 To Al Forno Fresh Pizzas 2 for £5 21/07/12 Coca Cola 24 can pack £9.49 Mars Starburst bags £1 Spar Snacks 3 for £1 Echo Falls wine £5.99 20/07/12 Tropicana 1 Ltr 2 for £3.50 To Cadbury Bars 120g £1 11/08/12 Haribo Olypmic bags £1 Nestle Biscuit barrel mix £2 Spar Californian Wines £4.99

WHAT’S ON? JUNE 22nd BBQ & Dance in Bowling Club 8pm till late. Music Force Two Combo 24th Paths Group walk leave Burnside Hal l at 2pm JULY 1st SWRI Strawberry Teas 2–4pm at Mary Campbell’s details in newsletter 27th Olympic Opening Ceremony @ 9pm 29th Paths Group walk leave Burnside Hal l at 2pm AUGUST 2nd WRI Summer Outing to Monturpie Restaurant Upper Largo for 6.30pm 4th Gardening Club Summer Show in Burnside Hall at 1.30pm 12th Olympic Closing Ceremony 26th Paths Group walk leave Burnside Hal l at 2pm SEPTEMBER 6th WRI meeting in Burnside Hall at

7.15pm. Talk on Podiatry 10th Community Council Meeting & AGM in Burnside Hall at 7.30pm 15th Leuchars Air Show 19th Burns Club Music evening Robert Kerr 8pm in Balmullo Inn 29th Closing of Green Dance in Bowling Club 8pm till late. Johnny Duncan 30th Paths Group walk leave Burnside Hal l at 2pm NOVEMBER 30th Burns Club St Andrews Night in Balmullo Inn. DECEMBER 21st Christmas Dance in Bowling Club 8pm till late. Force Two Combo

Running an event? Email twaauldgoats@btinternet.com


The Olympic Torch relay visited North-east Fife on 12 and 13 June and while the route did not actually pass through Balmullo, there was lots of participation from the village. On 12 June, many of us joined the crowds at Guardbridge or Leuchars to see the procession. Dawn Doherty carried the torch from the end of Guardbridge into Leuchars. Dawn is the daughter of the well-known Kirkaldy family from Balmullo, twin sister of Kim and younger sister of our hall-keeper Lynn. Dawn’s nomination highlights her 20-year long service award for Rainbows, Brownies and Guides and her appointment as District Commissioner. One of the torchbearers in Leuchars was Sandie Kennedy from Balmullo, who has raised thousands of pounds for various charities by running marathons and also served in the RAF for 22 years, including time in Basra and the Falklands. Early in the morning of 13 June, 13-year old Joe Forrester from Balmullo carried the torch along the West Sands at St. Andrews leading a group of pupils from Madras College in a recreation of the famous scene from the Chariots of Fire film. Joe is a member of Fife Athletic Club and his dream is to run for Team GB in long distance events. Page 1 - Dawn Doherty - Page 40 - Joe Forrester A big thank you, to all the photographers that have submitted photos to the newsletter for this issue. Sue Forrester, Mike Collins, Lynn MacCabe, Simon Sanders, Chris MacKenzie, Mike Withers & Michael Grant.



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Some of the issues we discussed are normal for this time of year. Now that hedges etc are growing fast, please ensure that non of your bushes or hedging is overhanging the pavements. People passing should not have to step on to the road because the greenery is overhanging a fence or wall. Since the Council is cutting back on resources most of the verges within the village will not be strimmed or cut down. I was concerned about the small footbridge on Burnside not being visible to passing vehicles and the best I have been able to achieve is that the Council has strimmed either side of it but the rest of the Burnside will remain overgrown with the tall white weeds which are now over 4ft in some places unless you are able to strim the patch opposite your house. Please alert your children if they play near the burn that they will not be seen too well by passing vehicles. I have had phone call from some residents about the Newsletter now being just made up of adverts. I regret this too but since we cannot encourage residents to produce some interesting articles there is not a lot I can do about this. We will try and produce some new items when we start up again in September. If you have any interesting stories of your holidays why not send them in for all to read. The other thing that is annoying is that some of the events are already past by the time the Newsletter gets around the village. It would be helpful if organisations could send me an early list of their various events so that it could be included in the What’s On at least a month before the event. Have a lovely holiday and hope to see some of you attend our meeting in September.

Articles for the next newsletter should be sent to me by 10th September. - Ina


Our last meeting before we break for the summer was well attended. It did not last too long as we were just looking over things that needed to be done during the summer – will we ever get one, or have we already had it? It is hoped that work will start soon on the MUGA but this will not be till after the Olympic Games as the RAF Engineers will be doing the initial groundwork and they are at present in London. The Pharmacy Application. NHS Fife are undertaking a public consultation. They need further assurance that we really do want this pharmacy which is being applied for by Raymond Kelly. We are awaiting poster and paperwork from Catherine Hildings of NHS Fife and when this arrives we will attempt to see that it is available to all to respond. It will be possible to do this on line for those with this facility, others will be able to do a paper copy and either return it to the surgery or put it in a box at the post office as before.

Our next meeting is Monday 10th September at 7.30pm in Burnside Hall.


If I had known how difficult it was going to be to judge the very small children who turned up in fancy dress I would have run away. To all who dressed up - you were fabulous and if I could have given them all a prize I would have, disappointing people, especially small people is not something I enjoy. To crown it all I was then taken by surprise by being presented with a plaque from the Gala Committee. Having lived here most of my life I don’t do anything exceptional I just love the place and help out when I can. Since I have seen more Gala days than I care to remember I think this one will take a lot of beating. There just seemed to be so much going on and so many things to see that it was wonderful to be part of it. Congratulations and many thanks to all of the committee for their hard work and commitment. - Ina






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RODERICK CAMPBELL M.S.P. I am writing this on a wet, dreary Sunday following a week in which the Diamond Jubilee of the Queen has had much publicity t h r o u g h o u t Scotland, the rest of the UK

and the Commonwealth. It is perhaps appropriate, therefore, to reflect on changes during the last sixty years – Sixty years ago, before I was born, my parents were lucky enough to have bought their first house in Leith, but televisions and cars were some years away for them and most other Scots as rationing was a not too distant memory. The common market, and European Union as it was to become known, were years away from becoming the force they are now whilst the Euro and Eurozone were not even on the distant horizon, let alone Euro crises. But it was widely hoped that a new monarch would bring with it a new age – and be a positive force for change – there was certainly, I am told, a considerable feeling of optimism as the 1950s unfolded . Her majesty has, throughout the last sixty years, done her best to stay out of constitutional matters and has presided over the transformation from Empire to Commonwealth whilst vast changes to society and everyday working life have occurred throughout Scotland and the rest of the World. As we enter the sixty first year of her reign

what lessons can we learn here in Scotland? Clearly the class system remains with us even if divisions based on money have assumed greater importance and differences based on culture, history and tradition have become more prevalent in the political arena. Poverty has not gone way and young people, whilst better educated than ever, face more difficult times in getting on the employment ladder than for many years. Concerns about climate change and the environment have risen dramatically whilst technology has made many aspects of life far easier. Working lives are not less stressed, however. While the Cold War has given way to concerns about terrorism, famine and disease remain a daily reality for too many of our fellow human beings. However, we are in a world where inequalities are no longer accepted as right and discrimination in all its forms simply tolerated. So, while there may be much to concern us this summer particularly in relation to on-going problems in the economy, Eurozone and Syria there is, I believe, a thirst for a positive message. Negativity ultimately leads nowhere. We have the opportunity to shape our communities at a family, local and national level. We need not close our minds to opportunities and to change, but to embrace it whilst learning from our mistakes. Recognising the importance of tradition and continuity, but not of unthinking acceptance of what has gone before. The Queen presides over a vastly changed country but, as she herself has had to come to terms with change in her own family and the people she serves, she has never forgotten her sense of duty. We could all learn from that.

- Roderick Campbell MSP

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Many of the advantages SSD drives offer are directly related to the very thing that makes them different from traditional hard drives: no moving parts. Mechanical failure is the No. 1 reason traditional hard drives often "crash." Over time, the moving parts that make up a traditional hard drive wear out or simply fail. Solid-state hard drives work more like the flash memory cards used in digital cameras and the thumb drives that have all but replaced CDs and floppy disks. They use no moving parts for data storage, so they have a lower failure rate.

Speed is another advantage of SSD hard drives. Start-up time and disk-read time is faster in SSD hard drives than in traditional hard drives, again because of no moving parts. Traditional hard drives are literally "disk" drives; they must spin up at start-up and while processing data. With no disk to cue up, SSDs start and read data more quickly. Another plus to SSDs' lack of moving parts: They make little to no noise, compared with traditional hard drives.

A quick summery follows:-

1. Speed Up Your Boot-Up - with SSD just turn it on and begin working in less than 30 seconds.

2. Zip through File Searches - Remember the last time you attempted a simple e-mail search using a Hard Disk Drive (HDD)? Now imagine crunching that time so it's 5x faster. That's the power of an SSD.

3. Trim File Transfer Time by Almost a Third

Transfer and copy files thirteen minutes and five seconds faster than usual—just enough time to give you a head start on rush-hour traffic.

4. Start Applications in Seconds - Need to make a quick ten-second edit before an important meeting? SSDs load programs such as Adobe Photoshop and PowerPoint more than twice as fast as their HDD counterparts.

5. Double File-Compilation Power - Just because programmers sit behind a computer screen all day doesn't mean they're immune to slowness. An SSD boasts 2x faster file-compilation times than HDD.

6. Cut Downtime by Half - Routine maintenance tasks shouldn't disrupt your work flow. SSD cuts simple tasks such as virus scans by almost 50 per cent.

7. Reduce Power Consumption - SSD requires less energy than a conventional HDD and can add an average of 30 minutes to battery life.

8. Master Multitasking - SSD smoothly handles multiple programs so you can crop photos and load game maps nearly 3x faster than with HDD.

9. Cut Video-Editing Time - Render video file clips at over 30 per cent faster with SSD. You'll be able to edit quickly and move on to your next project in no time.

10. Take it Anywhere - For work that needs to extend beyond home or office walls, SSD exceeds expectations in handling shock, vibration, and temperature extremes. Go anywhere with it.

I installed a SSD into a Dell laptop this week. From powering on the laptop to being on the internet , it took only 20 seconds. Compared with the prior load and boot times, the difference was massive. Shutdown was even more impressive at under 5 seconds.

Using PassMark testing software, I ran a before and after test of disk performance., and here are the results. I was able to run a direct comparison between the original hard disk and the new SSD Drive:

Disk Mark 234.7 improved to 2186.9

Sequential Read 31.4 improved to 241.2

Sequential Write 31.2 improved to 205.4

Random Seek + RW 2.31 improved to 158.2

Another test showed the disk speed improving from 3.7 MB/Sec to 34.8 MB/Sec.

These are amazing figures, and the result is a laptop that is significantly faster. It boots quicker, applications load faster, and everything is snappier. It is well worth the investment.

So as you can see, that SSD’s make a huge difference to your computer experience. Finally your machine can truly cast off its reigns.

Have a great summer. - Mike




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Ingredients 225g short crust pastry 140g mixed dried fruit 50g butter 50g dark brown sugar 25g walnuts, chopped

25g glace cherries, chopped 1 egg, beaten Topping 110g icing sugar 1 tbsp lemon juice


Our June meeting was a visit to Stuart’s of Buckhaven, who recently opened a new, modern bakery at Harbour View, in the redeveloped docks area of Methil. Stuart’s family business was founded in 1857 and operate 16 bakery shops and 3 butchery shops. Members toured the bakery in 3 groups and were able to try their hand at making strawberry tarts, pancakes & crumpets and speciality Iron Brew sausages, which have won many awards. Afterwards, tea was served with a lovely selection of these bakery products and members were able to purchase goods from the well-stocked factory shop. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed their visit. The next event is our Strawberry Teas afternoon on Sunday 1st July from 2 - 4 pm in Mary Campbell’s garden at Loanhead, Lucklawhill - part of the fund-raising towards our Diamond Jubilee celebrations. Our summer outing is on Thursday 2nd August to Monturpie Restaurant, Upper Largo for 6.30 pm. The next indoor meeting will be on Thursday 6th September at 7.15 pm in Burnside Hall, when our speaker will be Fiona Podman talking about Podiatry. Competitions will be 3 Almond Macaroons, Baby Bootees and Flower of the Month. The bootees will all be donated to Ninewells Hospital.

New members are always welcome.


Due to unforeseen circumstances, Scotherbs were unable to attend our May Winter Talk. Thanks to our very own Leslie Bisset, who stepped in at the last minute, the evening turned out to be great success. In his imaginary, global garden, he showed some of the many ingenious ways by which plants have been adapted to survive and thrive, often in the most extreme conditions, from tropical swamps to the driest deserts. He illustrated examples of pollination by wind, insects, birds, bats and even a lowly freshwater shrimp, mainly to their mutual benefit. He demonstrated also equally diverse methods by which plants ensure their survival by exploiting wind, birds and animals to transport seeds from beyond the parental area to colonise new zones and reduce competition to ensure survival. He finished with an example of how worms, if allowed in our gardens, can drag pieces of vegetation underground to improve both humus levels and soil oxygen. Tidy gardens are not necessarily good for the planet. He mentioned the difficulty of balancing all these environmentally interdependent functions with attempts at conservation, particularly when much of the essential habitat has been destroyed. Our annual Summer Show takes place on Saturday 4th August, 2012, in the Burnside Hall, Balmullo. Doors open at 1. 30pm. We have a tremendous selection of outside attractions including Farm Produce, Garden Maintenance experts and lots of very varied local Crafts - too numerous to mention. So come along and support your local Flower Show - a very warm welcome awaits you as always!



Join in the fun at the next Balmullo Community Council meeting

on 10th September 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

Method Pre-heat oven to 180C or 350F. Roll out the pas-try and line a 7” baking tin. Gently melt the but-ter and sugar together in a pan. Leave to cool and then add the dried fruit, walnuts and cher-ries. Stir in the beaten egg. Place the mixture in the pastry-lined baking tin. Cook in oven for 25-30 minutes or until pastry is lightly browned. Al-low to cool. Mix together the icing sugar and lem-on juice and spread over the tart. Allow to set before serving. -Ann Falconer


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BALMULLO PRIMARY SCHOOL They do say that “Time flies when you are having fun”. If this is the case then we must have had a great deal of fun over the past year as I cannot believe that we are at the end of another school session already! Over the past year we have been involved with so many great experiences that have supported our learners in their development. Since last August we have formed links with a partner school in Mexico enabling our children to develop a sense of similarities and differences as well as an appreciation of a different culture. This has supported our work towards our Rights Respecting School Award and we hope to achieve level one of this before the end of term. Our learners have been involved more within the community and undertook litter picks, village history trails and lunchtime walks to further rise their awareness of what it means to be part of a community. This session we have also had a range of opportunities to come together as a school to look at national events such as the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee as well as the forthcoming Olympics. We held a very successful Jubilee garden party and Olympic themed sports day to compliment the work in class. Our continuing work with the MUGA committee will ensure that we have a sports legacy with which to foster wider community relations and provide a sports legacy for the village. I look forward to seeing this work come to fruition in the next session. We are always keen to work with the community and to open our doors to let you see the work of the school. As such I open an invitation to all to contact me with regards to activities that we could be involved in or support within our community. At this time of year we not only reflect upon the past year but look to the future. With this in mind we are preparing ourselves for next year’s classes and looking at how best to prepare our learners for the changes that they will experience. This is particularly relevant to those moving from our nursery to P1 as well as for those moving from Balmullo PS to bell Baxter High School. For those making the transition to high school the changes are more evident but we know that they are well prepared for the challenges that they will encounter and wish them well. We are also saying goodbye to friends and colleagues as members of staff move on to other posts or choose to retire. It is with this in mind that we say goodbye to Mrs Burnett who has served the school and its community well for the past 25 years. I know that many of you will have fond memories of her and will have either been pupils, or will have children, who passed through her hands. I know that you will join me in wishing her an enjoyable and fun-filled retirement. - Sarah Else ~ Head Teacher

PHARMACY APPLICATION, NEW UPDATE! NHS Fife Board has asked for another public consultation to be carried out on their behalf, in respect of the application from Mr Raymond Kelly for a proposed Pharmacy which will provide the full range of NHS Fife Pharmaceutical Services from a new facility within Pitcairn Practice premises.

It is primarily an on-line survey but paper copies of the survey are available at Pitcairn Surgery (also enclosed – return to Surgery) for those without access to the web. Posters will be displayed to raise awareness and the consultation period will run till Tuesday 14 August 2012. The survey is short and will take only a few minutes to complete. The web address is www.surveymonkey.com/s/HQWSZV9 It is obviously crucial that we again get a high level of response to ensure NHS Fife Board is made fully aware of the strong demand for a Pharmacy in Balmullo. B.C.C.

Once again, Balmullo has been asked to take part in the Beautiful Fife campaign. We achieved the level required for a Silver award in 2010 and 2011, as shown by the signs at each end of the village.

Judges will again visit the village around the end of July and walk around the main streets to make their assessments. Marks are awarded under 3 main headings:- Horticultural Achievement, Environmental Responsibility and Community Participation, with the total mark determining whether we achieve the Gold, Silver Gilt, Silver or Bronze standard.

We certainly hope to maintain at least a Silver award, but there is quite a lot of improvement needed to reach the next level of Silver Gilt (like St. Andrews for example). We have 2 new floral tubs at the pedestrian entrance to Burnside Hall and hope to make all the displays just as attractive and colourful as last year.

However, we still rely on all of you keen gardeners to help us out again this summer. The judges were certainly impressed with the large number of well-kept and varied gardens on their last visit – keep up the good work! - Balmullo Community Council


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It seems such an easy question and I normally give it a straight forward answer. If I am asked “What exactly does a councillor do?” my reply is simply, “I try to represent the community and deal with the issues.”

For example, I have on my computer files a request from Balmullo Community Council to sort the potholes out in School Road. That is filed under potholes and you can guess it is quite a busy file. There are as you would expect other files on street lights, waste collection, education etc. The biggest file is one on dog fouling which I hope reduces as we get more dog wardens in to catch those irresponsible dog owners who let their pets foul the pavements, park and play areas.

But then I have another file which I have just labelled “HELP” and this contains a number of problems I have been asked to sort out which seem to be way beyond the remit of my being a local authority councillor.

One example being just after I had been elected away back in 2000, I received a phone call from an elderly lady telling me that the swans has disappeared from Tayport Pond and could I do something about it.

At first I thought if was a hoax call to a beginner councillor but when she told me her name, I knew she did live across from the pond. She told me she took great delight sitting at her window watching the swans. I said that I would see what I could do but there was nothing about migrating swans in the hefty “What to do” book given to all new councillors.

And there the problem rested over the next couple of days at which point, I received a phone call from the lady thanking me very much. She said I was wonderful because the swans had flown back. I didn’t tell her that I had done nothing, just thanked her graciously.

Quite a number of the issues in my HELP file come in by phone including one from a man who said that his phone was not working properly and what should he do? Again it is difficult to resist the temptation that the call is a wind up.

But I admit I found it less easy to be polite to the man who phoned me at 10.45pm on a Saturday evening saying that he hoped he was not bothering me, but he wished to report a street light out in a street. I hasten to add that the call did not come from a Balmullo resident.

Some of the most upsetting calls come from people who are either homeless or are in unsuitable accommodation when they expect the councillor to be able to get them a house. As a councillor I am thankful that the system which Fife Council uses leaves the letting of any houses to the officers working to agreed priorities.

So a councillor does all the things you would think she should do but then she is asked a few more that are not just as easy to solve or good for her future.

I did once judge a fancy dress competition and after choosing the winner, I was walking away when this old friend pointed out to me “that may be one vote you have won but you have just lost ten.”


“Summer may have arrived but there’s no let up in curling club activity as rinks are drawn and fixtures confirmed in ample time for a September season start. Preparations are also underway for the club’s annual golf outing next month to Ladybank. The two sports seem to complement one another extremely well with their different seasons and is a combination which seems to find favour with many of the club members. The club has also approached Kinross Ice Rink for the date of their free Come and Try in September to enable it to send its various newcomers along.

Forret also found itself making its debut at the Balmullo Gala. Its stand gave it the opportunity not only to renew auld acquaintances with some of its former members but also to familiarise visitors, firstly, with curling and, secondly, with the existence of a local club. To many, it was a great surprise to learn that a club so rich in history and success had its

original base in nearby Logie. Gala day saw the Forret stand offering a curling board game, display of the Rink Cup trophy which was presented to the club by Rathillet farmer, J D Harper in 1901 and a “Guess the Weight of the Curling Stone” competition which proved to be a big attraction with many of the very generous and equally imaginative Balmullo public. Honorary member and local celebrity, Mary Campbell showed her terrier like skills by persuading many to have a punt. The day proved not only to be very enjoyable but also very rewarding. The club plans repeating the same promotional exercise at Gauldry, another of Forret’s catchment areas, at its Gala day in August.

If you would like to learn more about curling, the free Come and Try session or, preferably, more about Forret membership, please don’t hesitate to contact Secretary, Linda Mould, on 01334-828248 or Mary Campbell on 01334-870328.” - Bill Rollo



Thanks to all those that attended the Gala and made it a very enjoyable weekend apologise to any inconvenience caused to the neighbouring streets. This year our event began on Friday evening with a hugely successful football tournament. The event was organised by Stevie Thaw and the match referees being Gordon Bird and Grant Sampson. The Junior Football was won by Markinch Boys and was sponsored by A&R Finnie. The Senior Football tournament was won by Tayport Thistle and was sponsored by Award Driving School. Gala day began with the procession from Burnside Hall led by piper Bill Duff, thanks to Beaver, Cubs, Rainbows, Brownies and the children entering the pre school fancy dress competition for taking part in the procession. Gala Queen, Beth Forrester opened the event. The Gala Committee made a presentation to Ina Cameron for her Outstanding Contribution to the Community. Overall the day appeared to go well and the weather was an improvement to last year, which enabled us to enjoy the Scottish Terrier Racing, various dance groups and children's’ races. Thanks to the Gala Committee who worked tirelessly throughout the year in order to bring you the Gala this year, hopefully putting on an attraction that the community of Balmullo appreciated. We also held our 1st Dog Show which was single handedly

organised by Sue Forrester with some help from Mike Booth. I wish to thank the committee for all their efforts who are: Alison Couper, Bill Foy, Brian Nicoll, Cherie Caithness, Claire Barr, David Ferrier, Daz Moore, Feonagh Grant, Fiona Fraser, Graeme Rattray, Kirsty Geddes, Lisa Bird, Lynne Moore, Stevie Thaw, Stuart Normand, Susan Forrester, and Sue Nicoll. Throughout the weekend much help was relied upon from friends and family of the Committee members as well as from other village organisations and businesses which include Allyson and Dave Christie, Stewart Rattary and his many friends, Jamie Fraser, Neil Geddes, Gavin Couper, Stuart Pattie, A&J Joiners, Fife Thistle, the Gardening Club, Burnside Hall, the Burns Club & Park Committees for the use of their resources. A special thanks to Martin Smith and John Love who provided us with a solution to our own on-going electrical problems throughout the day and during the evening. Thank you for attending and if you feel you can contribute to next year’s Gala please be in touch via facebook. Gala Parade: Piper: Bill Duff Gala Queen 2012: Beth Forrester Attendants: Lauren Douglas Lucy Campbell Herald: Neil Chalmers Page: Ryan Pattie

Overall Winner Spaniel called Duke won a Dog Cake from

Fisher’s & Donaldson Thanks to Other Sponsors: Happy Mutts Dog Kennels & Day Care &

Walkies – 2 prizes & goodie bags Ben McLeod – Grill House / Dolls House /

etc – 2 main prizes Watts of Cupar Costas, St Andrews – coffee coupons Starbucks, St Andrews – coffee coupons Spar, Balmullo – Sweets Bella Vista – meal vouchers & raffle Crop Services, Pitscottie – Bag of Dog Food Tailend Fishbar – Meals Adamson – meals & raffle Cupar Garden Centre – shoes & garden

shoe box

Rogersons Shoes, St Andrews – shoe & garden shoe box

Thanks also go to: Catriona Main & Mike Booth for helping

me on the day Judges – Leanda Loosemoore, Cupar Yvonne & Dawn from 2nd Chance Daz Moore for being my commentator Cherie Caithness for the certificates Chris MacKenzie for taking the

photographs. If you want to see all the dog photographs with a view to buying one you can go into his website at Chris Mackenzie photography.co.uk Go to the Clients Area, then Lifestyles, then Balmullo Dog Show. Password – bds001

- Sue Forrester












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1st 2nd 3rd Nursery Fancy Dress Braydon Strothers Scott Sampson Sophie Bell Garden in a Shoe Box (7 and Under) William Martin Niamh Grant Eoin Grant Garden in a Shoe Box (8 and over) Emma Sampson Amaidh Grant Cara Pattie Floral Display in a Shoe Feoangh Grant Hannah North Jan & Katrina Redpath

Flat Races: 1st 2nd 3rd Pre School Girl Sasha North Abi Clarke Lucy Clark Pre School Boy Scott Sampson Patrick Thaw Eoin Grant P1 & P2 Girl Fallen Shaw Ella Clarke Niamh Grant P1 & P2 Boy Calum Piner Rhys Egan Calum Strothers P3 & P4 Girl Ariane Ngassam Esme Thoms Liberty Robb P3 & P4 Boy Ewan Goodwin Calum Moore Alex North P5 & P6 Girl Erin Moore Chantelle Mochan Abbie Taylor P5 & P6 Boy Scott Thaw Declan Foulkes Daniel Birnie P7 & S1 Girl Morgan Middleton Shona Watson Aoife Dillon P7 & S1 Boy Neil Chalmers Scott Petrie Connor Foulkes

Skipping Race 1st 2nd 3rd P1 & P2 Girl Niamh Grant Mackenzie Headon Isla Watson P3 & P4 Girl Emma Sampson Roxanne Stenson Ariane Ngassam P5 & P6 Girl Chantelle Mochan Kayla Easton Toni Galloway P7 & S1 Girl Emma Duncan Aoife Dillon Katie Hain

Sack Race 1st 2nd 3rd P1 & P2 Boy Kyle Thaw Calum Strothers Calum Munro P3 & P4 Boy Calum Moore Finlay Adamson Ewan Goodwin P5 & P6 Boy Declan Foukles Scott Thaw Fraser Reid P7 & S1 Boy Neil Chalmers Connor Foulkes Scott Petrie

Championship Races: Overall winners: 1st 2nd 3rd Junior Girl Evie Horn Erin Moore Amaidh Grant Junior Boy Neil Chalmers Scott Thaw Declan Foulkes Senior Girl Morgan Middleton Naomi Middleton Sophie Land Senior Boy Ben Drew Joe Forrester Callum Thaw

100m 1st 2nd 3rd Junior Girl Erin Moore Amaidh Grant Emma Sampson Junior Boy Neil Chalmers Declan Foulkes Scott Thaw Senior Girl Naomi Middleton Morgan Middleton No entry Senior Boy Ben Drew Joe Forrester Callum Thaw

200m 1st 2nd 3rd Junior Girl Evie Horn Abbi Taylor Amaidh Grant Junior Boy Neil Chalmers Scott Thaw Fraser Reid Senior Girl Morgan Middleton Naomi Middleton No entry Senior Boy Joe Forrester Ben Drew Callum Thaw

400m 1st 2nd 3rd Junior Girl Evie Horn Erin Moore Amaidh Grant Junior Boy Neil Chalmers Scott Thaw Bradley Jackson Senior Girl Morgan Middleton Naomi Middleton Sophie Land Senior Boy Ben Drew Joe Forrester Callum Thaw

Hill Race Overall Winner: David Adam (pictured) Senior Girl Winner: Morgan Middleton Junior Girl Winner: Esme Thoms Senior Boy Winner: Callum Thaw Junior Boy Winner: Robert Withers

Balmullo 5’s Football Tournament:

Senior Winners: Tayport Thistle Junior Winners: Markinch Boys



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“In June I had the privilege of lighting the Olympic torch when it came to St Andrews. I did so in my role as Chancellor of St Andrews University. In that moment two aspects of my life combined to give me considerable pleasure: my involvement with sport and being Chancellor of Scotland’s oldest university.

Everyone will remember the public launch of the St Andrews University 600th Anniversary campaign which began with the visit of the campaign’s Patron Prince William and Kate Middleton, both graduates of St Andrews. The University aims to raise £100 million which it will devote to a number of projects, not least one which aims to ensure that able and deserving students who lack the necessary funds will be supported if they choose to study at St Andrews. The University has raised £30million so far, already enabling it to attract world-class professors and lecturers and to provide new state-of-the-art teaching facilities. But there is a great deal to do.

St Andrews University was founded about 1410 (the precise date is lost in history!) and is the oldest University in Scotland. During its 600 year history many of its graduates have made a considerable impact in the worlds of science, medicine, politics and international relations. It was the St Andrews educated James Wilson for example who will forever be remembered for amending the line ‘We the States’ to ‘We the people’ in the American constitution and in the process creating one of the most important constitutional statements there has ever been, not only for America but the world. America has not forgotten the contribution St Andrews made to its development and has returned the favour many times over: in a film commissioned to mark the 600th Anniversary, Sir James Black, the Nobel prize-winning discoverer of beta blockers points out his father who worked in the Fife coalfields could never have afforded the St Andrews fees but Sir James was able to complete his medical degree because of a scholarship gifted by an American philanthropist, Edward Harkness.





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