2011 - CNM · school of applied technologies 2011 yearbook 5We at the CNM School of Applied...


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school of applied technologies 2011 yearbooksUMMer 2010 – fall 2010 – spring 2011



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The CenTral new MexiCo CoMMuniTy College SChool of applied TeChnologieS

The CenTral new MexiCo CoMMuniTy College SChool of applied TeChnologieS iS CoMMiTTed To offering a handS-on learning environMenT. we offer Many innovaTive prograMS ThaT are in SynC wiTh The evolving needS of STudenTS, induSTry and The CoMMuniTy.

► Effective combination of theory and practical, hands-on learning ► Responsive to changes in the economy and the job market ► Fully-equipped facilities ► Programs proven to lead to successful careers ► Four program clusters: construction, design, manufacturing and

transportation, leading to:

16 degree programs 31 certificate programs

► Seven partnerships with local apprenticeship organizations ► Dual credit options for high school students ► Collaboration with the CNM Workforce Training Center for

non-credit training ► A growing number of distance learning and hybrid learning options

4 school of applied technologies 2011 yearbook

Table of ConTenTS

Overview ...............................................................................................................3

Dean’s Message .....................................................................................................5

Programs ...............................................................................................................6

Advisory Committees ............................................................................................9

Apprenticeships .....................................................................................................10

Green Initiatives ....................................................................................................13

Grants ...................................................................................................................15

Dual Credit ...........................................................................................................18

Marketing Efforts ..................................................................................................20

Goals .....................................................................................................................23

Professional and Program Development ................................................................27

Program Redesign .................................................................................................28

Scholarships ..........................................................................................................33

AT Student Clubs and Activities ...........................................................................34

School and Program Data .....................................................................................38

Graduation Data ...................................................................................................40

AT Demographics .................................................................................................41

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We at the CNM School of Applied Technologies (AT) appreciate your interest in our career and technical programs. AT is a community of students, industry partners and teaching professionals, coming together in an environment of hands-on, relevant learning. Our aim is to enable students to gain the satisfaction that comes from mastering new skills and to further their career and personal goals.

This year, AT has instituted many changes and additions to the curriculum we teach and the credentials students can earn. We have added a new Associate’s Degree program in Surveying Engineering; revamped and renamed the Plumbing and Gas Fitting and Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (HVAC) programs; increased the number of certificates offered by seven, to a total of 31; and solidified our sustainability/green offerings by offering a Certificate of Completion in Photovoltaic Installation and adding sustainable technology curriculum to the required course sequence in a number of programs.

Diane BurkeDean, School of Applied Technologies

dean’S MeSSage

6 school of applied technologies 2011 yearbook

degree prograMS

► Architectural/Engineering Drafting Technology ► Aviation Maintenance Technology ► Construction Management Technology ► Construction Technology (General Construction) ► Construction Technology (Electrical) ► Electronics Technology ► Geographic Information Technology ► Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (HVAC) ► Manufacturing Technology ► Metals Technology (Machine Tool) ► Metals Technology (Welding) ► Photonics Technology ► Plumbing and Gas Fitting ► Surveying Engineering ► Transportation Technology (Automotive) ► Transportation Technology (Diesel Equipment)

apprenTiCeShip prograMS

► Commercial Carpentry ► Electrical Trades ► Iron Worker ► Plumbing ► Sheet Metal

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CerTifiCaTe prograMS

► Airframe Maintenance Technician ► Architectural/Engineering Drafting Technology ► Architectural Woodworking ► Automotive Service Fundamentals ► Automotive Technology ► Carpentry ► Commercial, Industrial HVAC & Building Performance ► Computer-Assisted Drafting ► Construction Estimating and Scheduling ► Diesel Equipment Technology ► Electrical Trades ► Electronics Technology ► Film Crew Technician ► Framing ► Geographic Information Systems ► Geographic Information Technology (Surveying Concentration) ► Geographic Information Technology (GIS Concentration) ► Landscaping Construction Crew Leader ► Landscaping Maintenance Crew Leader ► Machine Tool Technology ► Manufacturing Technology (post-degree) ► Photonics Technology (post-degree) ► Photovoltaic Installation ► Plumbing and Gas Fitting ► Post Production Technician ► Powerplant Maintenance Technician ► Residential HVAC ► Residential Wiring ► Truck Driving Class A ► Truck Driving Class B ► Welding

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adviSory CoMMiTTeeSAdvisory Committees partner with our programs to help ensure that the education and training we provide is relevant to the needs of employers in central New Mexico. We are very proud of the fact that these partnerships help our students obtain the skills they need to get good jobs and contribute to the workforce in our community.

The greatest value of the participation of industry and other stakeholders in our Advisory Committees is their input on curriculum. Because Advisory Committees include a large number of representatives from industry, they are best able to provide input on:

► Job descriptions and content ► Required exit competencies of graduates ► Specific equipment, hardware and software used in the local industry ► Emerging trends in the industry, locally and nationally ► Issues or challenges facing the industry ► Specific internship, co-op and job opportunities

Most Advisory Committees meet twice a year in the fall and spring terms to keep up-to-date on our programs and to share their perspective on workforce and emerging trends. Meetings are typically chaired by an industry member.

In Fall 2010, several program advisory committees were merged with similar programs to provide greater input on programs and industry as a whole. The following Advisory teams were combined:

► Plumbing and Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration (HVAC) ► Film and Post Production ► Electrical Trades and Carpentry ► Electronics, Photonics and Manufacturing

Advisory teams were instrumental in this year’s curriculum improvement and redesign. See the “Professional and Program Development” section of the yearbook on page 27 for more information.

We hope that by working together, we can help grow the industries and workforce in central New Mexico with students who become skilled employees.

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apprenTiCeShipThe School of Applied Technologies partnered with seven apprenticeship education organizations in 2010-2011 to award CNM credit for five trade areas:

► CCAP – Commercial Carpentry Apprenticeship ► ETAP – Electrical Trades Apprenticeship ► IWAP – Iron Workers Apprenticeship ► PLAP – Plumbing Apprenticeship ► SMAP – Sheet Metal Apprenticeship

All apprenticeship partner organizations are based in central New Mexico. Together, apprentices from the seven partners accounted for more than 30 percent of Applied Technologies enrollment in Fall 2010 and Spring 2011. A total of 183 certificates were awarded to apprenticeship students in Spring 2011.

2010/2011 ENRoLLMENT By AGENCy

Agency Fall Spring

Associated Builders and Contractors

142 130

Southwest Carpenters Education Fund

83 72

Joint Apprenticeship & Training Committee

143 134

Independent Electrical Contractors 268 234

Iron Workers Local 495 58 69

United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters

109 130

Sheet Metal Workers Local Union 49

61 49

Total 864 818

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Certificate Program 2010Appr



Air Conditioning, Heating and

Refrigeration3 9

Carpentry 0 6

Electrical Trades 34 64 14

Framing N/A 1

Plumbing 21 35

Residential Wiring 36 68

Total 94 183 14

*Only the Joint Apprenticeship & Training Committee for the Electrical Industry (JATC-E) holds classes in the summer.

This is an increase over only 1 AA or AAS Degree awarded between Fall 2004 and Fall 2008 terms.



GRADuATESAgency Students

Pre-Management 2

Construction Technology 6

Integrated Studies 4

Mechanical Technology 2

Liberal Arts 2

Project Management 1

General Studies 1

Geographical Information Systems


Total 19

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green iniTiaTiveS

Sustainable Technology LabIn a partnership between the CNM School of Applied Technologies (AT) and the Workforce Training Center (WTC), the High Bay at the WTC was reassigned as a space for teaching sustainable, “green” technologies including Photovoltaics, Solar Thermal, Weatherization and Energy Efficiency Programs for both credit and non-credit delivery.

Photovoltaic Certificate (ELTR)The development of the Sustainable Technology Lab was instrumental in enabling AT to expand its Photovoltaics curriculum from a single special topics course to a three-term, 38 hour Certificate of Completion program, to be offered for the first time in Fall 2011.

Special Topics Courses Embedded into the CurriculumSustainable technology instruction, formerly available only as special topics courses, has been added to the required course curriculum in several programs, including Plumbing and Gas Fitting, HVAC, Construction Technology (Carpentry and Electrical Trades), Construction Management and Auto and Diesel Technologies. Subjects include solar thermal; ductless, on-demand heating and cooling; green building; energy efficiency; water conservation; and alternative fuels, among others.

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granTSThE CARL D. PERkinS CAREER TEChniCAL EDuCATion imPRovEmEnT ACT of 2006The School of Applied Technologies’ greatest strength is providing students with relevant instruction and hands-on experience prior to graduation. Perkins support allows our programs to excel, ensuring our students meet the needs and expectations of business and industry.

Program Expansion & innovation ► Instructional media for classroom use across the Transportation, Manufacturing, Construction and Design clusters.

► Communication Board for ELVIS system in the Electronics program. ► Four welders with accessories, two oxy-acetylene set-ups, one manifold system for welding gases and one benchtop grinder for the Welding program.

► Heat exchanger for the HVAC/R program. ► Red One camera package for the Film program lab. ► New plotters for the Design cluster in the Advanced Technology Center (ATC).

► Virtual Welding Trainers that allow students to learn the concepts in a virtual world before going to hands-on practice.

faculty/Staff Professional Development ► Career Development Facilitator Training for the Career Technical Education School Advisor.

Student SupportAT was able to provide tutoring for program-specific math and other subjects, supported by Perkins funding.

Perkins funds are also used to provide an Applied Technologies School Advisor. The advisor was hired in fiscal year 2010 and is supported, via Perkins, through 2013. Having a dedicated Advisor has significantly enhanced students’ access to accurate program information and greatly improved the graduation process.

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nATionAL SCiEnCE founDATion (nSf)The NSF supports the GeoTech Center, a network of colleges with geospatial programs, including CNM. The main goal is to raise awareness of geospatial education at two-year colleges and support other schools with workshops, participation on advisory committees, etc. GIT instructor Amy Ballard has been involved with the creation of a SkillsUSA-type contest for geospatial technologies, since it was eliminated from the SkillsUSA competition in 2011. The new contest is open to students from two-year programs across the country; winners will present their work at a national conference in San Diego.

The grant has also supported creation of the Department of Labor Geospatial Technology Competency Model (GTCM), which covers the range of competencies that should be included for a degree in geospatial technology.

SCmE Grant Southwest Center for Microsystems Education(SCME), an NSF grant, funded curriculum development for the Manufacturing Technology/MEMS program in Fiscal year 2010-2011. The grant also provided professional development through faculty attendance at the Natural HITECH conference in Orlando, Florida.

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Science, Technology, Engineering and mathematics (STEm) Funds from the WIRED STEM grant were utilized to supply the Ted Chavez Hall 112 classroom with 20 high-end computers for an open computer lab available for AT students. AT will partner with the School of Adult & General Education (SAGE) to provide math modules and tutoring in the lab. The open lab feature will also serve as a space for students to work on projects.

The national Center for optics and Photonics (oP-TEC )A grant from OP-TEC was partially responsible for the funding of a photonics recruiter position to provide outreach and career pathways for high school students. The recruiter was with AT from March 2010 through February 2011. The recruiter made contact with close to 200 students through over 50 outreach events including career fairs, classroom presentations and CNM tours. The grant also partially paid for a Photonics Teacher workshop, which hosted 10 high school teachers for a two-day training program about photonics.

HS instructors who participated in the Summer 2010 Phototonics Workshop.

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dual CrediTIn the 2010-2011 school year, there were 164 dual credit students enrolled in School of Applied Technologies courses. These Dual Credit students earned 782 hours of college credit, as well as elective credits in their high schools.

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School Fy09-10 Fy10-11

Applied Technologies 1403 782

Business & Information Technology

1932 3428

Communication, Humanities &Social Sciences

4576 4904

Health, Wellness & Public Safety 745 577

Math, Science & Engineering 2360 1702


School Fy09-10 Fy10-11

Applied Technologies 212 164

Business & Information Technology

533 1004

Communication, Humanities &Social Sciences

808 902

Health, Wellness & Public Safety 259 193

Math, Science & Engineering 462 323

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MarkeTing efforTSDuring the 2010-11 school year, the School of Applied Technologies continued a fruitful collaboration with the CNM Marketing and Communications Office to develop and execute marketing plans for programs, clusters and Applied Technologies as a whole.

New commericals were shown on cable television to promote the Machine Tool, Landscaping and Photonics programs. In a first for CNM, these spots were also edited and shown as in-theatre movie advertisements. Another new venue - digital outdoor - was explored, with billboards aimed at increasing enrollment in many programs, including Aviation Maintenance, Construction Management, Diesel Technology, Landscaping, Photonics, Photovoltaics and Truck Driving.

Results of the marketing program continue to be encouraging. For example, declared majors in the two Landscaping certificate programs increased by more than 300% over the previous year. Declared majors in Electronics, which is also the core program for Photonics and Manufacturing, increased from 157 to 228, a jump of 45 percent. Graduate awards in Machine Tool Technology rose from 8 to 21, an increase of 162 percent. All these programs received significant marketing support, including TV spots during fall and spring enrollment periods, website enhancements and public information distribution in print media.

new program brochures ► Architectural/Engineering

Drafting ► Construction Management ► Geographic Information

Technology and Construction Technology: General Construction and Electrical

updated brochures ► Electronics ► Film Crew ► Landscaping ► Machine Tool ► Manufacturing (MEMS) and

Photonics programs

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goalSThe following goals have been established for the School of Applied Technologies

Program master PlansyEAR oNE GoAL – Create five-year plans for each program to guide their development and sustainability.

year Two: Changed name of five-year plans to Program Master Plans. Master Plans have been reviewed and validated by program clusters. Next steps: AT Program Master Plans to be integrated into Academic Affairs Master Plans for all CNM Schools which includes migration into an electronic database.

Program marketing PlansyEAR oNE – Develop marketing plans for each program that include the uniqueness of industry needs and scheduling.

year Two: Completed marketing plans for all Construction Cluster programs. Hosted program information sessions for Film, Film-Post Production, Surveying Engineering and E-Group programs.Next steps: Continue marketing plans for Photovoltaic, HVAC, and E-Group programs. Complete program brochures for Surveying Engineering, Plumbing, HVAC and Transportation Technology programs. Plan and implement information sessions for Launch “Branding/Public Awareness” campaign for Diesel Technology, Automotive Technology and Truck Driving programs.

CurriculumyEAR oNE – Have all syllabi and lesson plans for each course electronically accessible by faculty, staff and students.

year Two: Completion of master syllabi, course syllabi, master course outlines for all AT programs.Next steps: Implement Academic Affairs standardization and automation of course syllabi through interactive software.

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faculty mentorshipyEAR oNE – Mentor part time faculty so they are an integral part of our programs.

year Two: Ongoing updates to the AT Faculty Guidebook originally created for start of Fall 2010 term. Mentoring for new full-time faculty implemented through Cooperative for Teaching and Learning (CTL). Two AT faculty members serve on the team developing the training. Collaboration with CTL to develop college-wide, Academic Affairs, mentoring system. Next steps: School wide implementation of CTL mentoring and increased participation by full-time faculty to mentor part-time faculty.

Distance LearningyEAR oNE – Increase Distance Learning (DL) in Applied Technologies; this includes an increase of DL certified faculty and DL/Hybrid course offerings.

year Two: Deployment of courses taught by AT instructors who completed the “Teach Track” training provided by Cooperative for Teaching & Learning (CTL).Next steps: AT Faculty receive Quality Matters training to be certified to observe and evaluate online courses to ensure quality of courses.

facilitiesyEAR oNE – Increase the amount of instructional space for AT programs, including offering classes at additional locations and ensuring that labs have the latest technology.

year Two: Started construction phase (Phase 1) of 4700 Alameda NE. Expected occupancy date is Fall 2011. AT offered photovoltaic courses at Workforce Training center starting Spring 2011. Next steps: Offering the following programs at the Advanced Technology Center: Film, Truck Driving, Aviation Maintenance, Geographic Information Systems, Architectural/ Engineering Drafting, Landscaping and Construction Management. Relocation of programs within the

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Ted Chavez Building (TC) to spaces/labs vacated by programs moving to the Advanced Technology Center: Electrical, HVAC and Plumbing. Offer Solar Thermal courses at Workforce Training Center.

nEW 2011-2012 GoalsHiring and orientation of a number of full-time faculty positions left vacant through retirement, which will account for approximately one third of total full-time faculty. In the Fall 2011 CNM launched the New Faculty Institute, a college-wide effort to support new faculty members during their first year of teaching. Full implementation will include peer support, a forum for academic dialogue and other measures.

Note: Year-One refers to the 2009-2010 school year, Year-Two refers to 2010-2011, Next Steps refers to 2011-2012

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profeSSional and prograM developMenT

program industry credentialsMany programs in the School of Applied Technologies present students with, or prepare them for, industry credentials recognized throughout the state and nation. We have compiled a list of all industry certifications within our school, which can be found online at: cnm.edu/AT.

E-GroupStarting in the Fall 2010 term, Electronics, Photonics and MEMS implemented new curriculum and course sequencing. This integration of curriculum into a single program provides students with more comprehensive skills.

Surveying EngineeringIn April 2011, CNM and NMSU signed an articulation agreement for transfer of the new CNM Associates of Science Surveying Engineering degree to NMSU. The new program will start in Fall 2011.

oShA Training In May 2011, five AT faculty members completed OSHA 510 and OSHA 500 training sponsored by the WIRED Grant. Faculty completed online training and attended a four day training session which certifies them to instruct students in OSHA Construction standards and regulations. Participants were Jerry Knuckles, Tony Cacciotti, David Ruff, David Kaminski and Carlos Nevarez.

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prograM redeSign iMpleMenTed fall 2011Many AT programs participated in a College Curriculum Committee process in 2010-11 to redesign programs. Changes included increased credit hours, new prerequisites and new programs. Below are the new programs and certificates (including program name changes) to be offered starting Fall Term 2011.

►Carpentry - Certificate of Achievement in Precision Woodworking changes to Architectural Woodworking (17 Credits) ►Electrical - New Certificate of Completion in Photovoltaic Installation (38 Credits) ►Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration - New program name: Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (HVAC)(AAS 72 credits) w New Certificates of Completion - Residential HVAC (32 credits) - Commercial, Industrial HVAC & Building Performance (58 Credits) ► Plumbing - New program name: Plumbing and Gas Fitting (AAS 70 credits) w New Certificate of Completion in Plumbing and Gas Fitting (37 Credits) ►Geographic Information Technology w New Certificate of Achievement in Geographic Information Technology - Geographical Information Systems concentration (38 Credits) - Surveying concentration (40 Credits) ►New Associate’s Degree in Surveying Engineering, which transfers to New Mexico State University Bachelor’s Degree program ► Film Crew Technician – New program name - Film Technician w New Certificate of Completion - Post Production Technician (31 Credits)

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faCulTy and STaff reCogniTion

accomplishments ► Barton Bond, Film Instructor, was named as the CNM Faculty Senate President in Fall 2010. ► The national magazine “Techniques”, a publication of the Association for Career and Technical Education, featured a story on the CNM Achievement Coach model and the AT Achievement Coach. ► Kay Hamby and Robert Ulibarri, Welding Instructors, were awarded the Section Educator Award by the American Welding Society in January 2011. They were recognized for their quality instructional performance devoted to the promotion and expansion of welding skills and knowledge. ► Amy Ballard, GIS Instructor and Design Cluster Program Chair, was named Chair of the CNM Chair Council in Spring 2011. ► Two Architectural Drafting/Engineering Technology instructors, Rita Rocca and Phyllis Cece, were recognized in March 2011 by the American Association of Women in Community Colleges (CNM Chapter) for providing outstanding support to women in non-traditional careers. ► Sionna Grassbaugh, Director of Employer Based Programs, was appointed to the New Mexico State Apprenticeship Training and Advisory Committee.

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CollaboraTionS ► Instructor James Berry’s third term welding students completed several projects for other programs in the Spring 2011 term including:

•Designedandbuiltaventilationunitstandfortheplumbing students to use while working on the Green Cottage.

•Designedandbuiltanenginestandincollaborationwiththe Automotive Technology.

•Repairedaclothingdonationboxfor“ClothesHelpingKids.” •SpotweldingasrequestedfortheDieselProgram.

► Lawrence Simons, Machine Tool instructor, designed and milled 13 aluminum awards for the Women in Non-Traditional Careers event in March 2011. ► Quentin Doherty and Victoria Maestas led Landscape Program students in the landscaping of the TC building as a student project and provided potted gardens student recognition events. ► Kay Hamby, Welding Instructor, guided welding students in the design and manufacturing of metal sculpures used for faculty and student recognition events. ► Carpentry students and faculty, Joseph Hirschfeld and Tom George, created two hand-crafted benches from the trees that stood at the site of the new Student Resource Center. The benches were placed inside the new building to honor Wells Fargo for 20 years of support to the CNM Foundation.

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SCholarShipS Pnm Renewable Technology Student Success ScholarshipTwelve CNM students, including eleven from the School of Applied Technologies, received the scholarship, awarded to outstanding students who demonstrated a commitment to improving their futures through education and skill improvement. Each $500 scholarship award is to be used for certification or testing fees, equipment, tools or other expenses related to entering the workforce. AT scholarship recipients represented the Architectural/Engineering Drafting, Aviation Maintenance, Construction, Diesel Technology and Electrical Trades programs.

Daniels opportunity Scholarship fund A total of 122 students from across CNM, including 31 from AT, were awarded Daniels scholarships, which provide $200 per term for non-traditional students such as adults pursuing education later in life, GED recipients, returning military personnel, young people from the foster care system, students exiting juvenile justice programs and those studying for their EMT or paramedic certificates. Daniels scholarships awarded to students in AT programs totaled $10,800.

new mexico facility manager networkOne AT student was awarded a scholarship from this endowed fund at the CNM Foundation.

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STudenT ClubS and aCTiviTieS

clubsDigital Art Team Club(Advisors: Barton Bond and Jim Graebner)In Fall 2010, the Film program in AT and BIT’s Digital Media program collaborated to form the DAT Club (Digital Arts Team). Automotive Club (Advisors: Barry mills, Jim Gore and Curtis Garand)The club is open to all students, but aimed towards those in the automotive certificate and transportation degree programs. Students meet on Saturdays to restore a classic car as a group project.

Green Builders Club (Advisor: Tom George)Green Builders club investigates green issues, legislation and technology surround-ing the construction industry. The club is open to all CNM students and employees but is especially recommended for students in the Construction Technology and Construction Management programs.

activities and accomplishmentsStudent Accomplishments

► In late September 2010, Tim Bartosh, a current CNM student and graduate of the welding program in the School of Applied Technologies, won the top prize in a nationwide welding contest sponsored by Miller Electric, one of the country’s leading equipment manufacturers. The event took place at Miller’s headquarters in Appleton, Wisconsin; the competition drew entries from all around the U.S. ►Cheryl Douglass, Electrical Trades Student, was named Women in Non-Traditional Careers’ Student of The Year by the American Association of Women in Community Colleges (CNM Chapter) in March 2011.

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SkillsuSAThe following AT students won gold medals in the New Mexico state competition and placed in the top ten in SkillsUSA National Competition, Kansas City, Missouri, in June 2011:

► Ben Weiss, Extemporaneous Speaking, 4th ► Jeff Henderson, Welding Sculpture, 4th ► Michael Sanchez, Job Interview, 5th ► Trevence Bruno, Job Skill Demonstration open, 6th ► Robert Jaramillo, Plumbing, 9th ► Gregory Kenneth, Job Skill Demonstration, 9th ► Damian Stone, Kevin Snow, Lorenzo Goodluck,

Welding Fabrication Team, 9th

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inTernShipSIn spring 2011 several CNM students competed with others throughout the state for coveted internships with Los Alamos National Labs, Sandia National Labs and Kirtland Air Force Base. Jeff Schnakenberg, a student in the Metals Technology program, was chosen to work as an intern at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Jeff already has his certificate of completion in Machine Tool Technology, and expects to graduate with an associate’s degree in Metals Technology in December.

Several students in the Geographic Information Technology (GIT) program served internships during the year. Srini Vasan interned in the Division of Government Research at UNM, and Daniel LeVrier served with the U.S. Forest Service.

community servicehabitat for humanity (Advisor: Alain Archuleta)In Summer and Fall 2010, Electrical Trades students volunteered time to work on a Habitat for Humanity house on Townsend Avenue SW; in the Spring, they worked on a house on Gonzalez Rd. SW. Students worked on the home for several days installing electrical systems. Each term elected students participate in the project to gain real world experience and help the community.

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SChool and prograM daTaFor a link to detailed information in table form, please visit cnm.edu/depts/at/about/yearbook/

enrollment data

Applied Technologies Total Enrollment

0 800 1,600 3,200 4,200

FY 10/11FY 09/10FY 08/09

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Enrollment by Programs of Study 2009-2011

FY 09/10 FY 10/11

0 100 200 300 400 500 600

Air Conditioning, Heating & RefrigerationArchitectural/Engineering Drafting TechnologyAutomotive TechnologyAviation TechnologyCarpentryConstruction Management TechnologyDiesel Equipment TechnologyElectrical TradesElectronics TechnologyFilm Crew TechnicianGeographic Information TechnologyLandscapingMachine Tool TechnologyManufacturing TechnologyPhotonics TechnologyPlumbingTruck DrivingWelding

40 school of applied technologies 2011 yearbook

Note: This graph shows the percentage of graduate awards to enrolled students.

FY 09/10 FY 10/11

0 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

FY 09/10 FY 10/11

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Air Conditioning, Heating & RefrigerationArchitectural/Engineering Drafting TechnologyAutomotive TechnologyAviation TechnologyCarpentryConstruction Management TechnologyDiesel Equipment TechnologyElectrical TradesElectronics TechnologyFilm Crew TechnicianGeographic Information TechnologyLandscapingMachine Tool TechnologyManufacturing TechnologyPhotonics TechnologyPlumbingTruck DrivingWelding

Graduation Rates by Programs of Study 2009-2011

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applied technologies demographicsApplied Technologies Enrollment by Gender

Applied Technologies Enrollment by Ethnicity

0 500 1000 1500 2000

White, Non-Hispanic



Asian/Pacific Islander

American Indian/Alaskan Native

Black, Non-Hispanic

42 school of applied technologies 2011 yearbook

applied technologies demographicsApplied Technologies Enrollment by Age

diSTanCe learning

0 750500 1000 1250 1500250



Over 50


18 and Under


AT ENRoLLMENT FY09/10 FY10/11Distance Learning 268 331

DL OVERALL PROGRAM FY09/10 FY10/11Architectural / Engineering Drafting Technology 31 22

Construction Management Technology 132 110

Construction Technology 41 114

Geographic Information Technology 23 28

Manufacturing Technology 32 18

Photonics Technology 16

Truck Driving 11 31

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(505) 224-3711cnm.edu/depts/at/


School of Applied Technologies

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