2010 Vmware Data Protection Report


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  • 8/4/2019 2010 Vmware Data Protection Report


    VMware Data Protection Report 2010

    The Survey of 500 Enterprises


    November 2010

  • 8/4/2019 2010 Vmware Data Protection Report


    VMware Data Protection Report 2010

    ANNUAL REPORT / Page 2


    Executive Summary.............................................................................. 3

    Survey Background .............................................................................. 4

    Introduction: Virtualization in the Enterprise................................. 4

    Mission-Critical Platorm......................................................................... 5

    Approaches to Virtualization Backup and Recovery..................... 7

    Management Concerns............................................................................ 7

    Wrong Tool or the Job........................................................................... 8

    Virtual Mindset.......................................................................................... 10

    Backup and Recovery Assurance....................................................... 11

    Overcoming the Physical Mindset........................................................ 13

    Testing Backups........................................................................................ 14

    Recovery Times......................................................................................... 17

    Thinking Beyond the Impossible........................................................... 18

    Summary and Conclusions.................................................................. 18

    About Veeam Sotware........................................................................ 19

    vPower........................................................................................................ 19

    Accelerating the Use o Virtualization............................................... 19

  • 8/4/2019 2010 Vmware Data Protection Report


    VMware Data Protection Report 2010

    ANNUAL REPORT / Page 3

    Executive Summary

    The signicant cost, power and eciency advantages

    o server virtualization are accelerating its adoptionacross the enterprise, and this trend holds the

    potential or all IT inrastructures to become virtual

    estates, including those that move to an IT as a

    service model based on private and public clouds.

    With the penetration rate o virtualization in the

    enterprise approaching 50 percent, CIOs must now

    look beyond the low hanging ruit o virtualizing

    le, print, and web servers and departmental

    applications towards mission-critical applications

    such as email, CRM, ERP, and databases.

    However, IT departments are now nding that

    virtualization is presenting entirely new risks and

    management challenges. The ollowing reportoutlines key ndings rom a worldwide study on

    virtualization and data protection. It includes trends

    in the current state o virtualization adoption in the

    enterprise, and a review o current approaches to

    virtual machine backup and recovery. It highlights

    how enterprise adoption o virtualization is actually

    being hampered due toears around the ability to

    successully back up and recover virtual machines.

    For example, nearly hal o businesses are not

    virtualizing mission-critical workloads due to

    concerns around their ability to backup and recover

    virtual machines.

    The ndings highlight how virtualization should moverom being viewed as a risk to an enabler o improved

    data protection within the enterprise. Enterprises

    must consider changing or augmenting their current

    management and data protection processes to take

    ull advantage o virtualization technology.

    The concluding section calls or a transormation

    o enterprise-level data protection strategies. More

    specically, it outlines the need or an entirely new

    category o solutions based on virtualization that

    enable advanced data protection capabilities that

    are either very expensive or not possible at all with

    traditional data protection and disaster recovery


    Vanson Bourne, an independent market research

    organization, conducted an online survey in August

    2010 o 500 CIOs rom organizations across the

    United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and France

    that employ more than 1,000 people.

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    VMware Data Protection Report 2010

    ANNUAL REPORT / Page 4

    Chart 1.1: Key benets o virtualization

    Survey Background

    The organizations in the research survey had a wide

    geographical spread o employees, with over hal

    o the businesses in the sample having employeesbased overseas. In addition, the companies were

    diverse, with the sample split almost equally between

    manuacturing (28 percent); nancial services (24

    percent); retail, distribution & transport (22 percent);

    and other commercial (26 percent). This ensured that

    the statistics generated were gathered rom many

    dierent types o commercial organizations across

    dierent market sectors.

    Introduction: Virtualization in the Enterprise

    In order to ully understand the implications ovirtualization or data protection, it is rst important

    to understand the true pervasiveness o this

    technology within todays typical enterprise-level

    organization. Here the research revealed some

    interesting trends, most o which may come as no

    surprise but at the same time highlight how critical

    it is to ensure that data protection strategies are

    capable o keeping pace with implementation o this


    0 % 10 % 20 % 30 % 40 %







    Retail, distribution or transport

    Financial services

    Other commercial


    Types o organizations responding to the survey

    0 %

    10 %

    20 %

    30 %

    40 %

    50 %

    60 %

    70 %

    80 %

    90 %

    Total UnitedKingdom

    France Germany USA

    Reduce or contain the number of physical servers (server

    consolidation)Improved data backup and protection

    Improved disaster recovery

    Improved availability and uptime

    Improved systems management

    Reduction in energy costs due to less power and cooling

    Improved security

    Reduced cost of datacentre space

    *Other (please specify)

    Physical server consolidation remains by ar the topbenet o virtualization or many enterprises (71

    percent). Nonetheless, ater consolidation, improved

    disaster recovery (54 percent) and data protection

    (51 percent) are the top two most important

    advantages o adopting this technology globally and

    in many regions.

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    ANNUAL REPORT / Page 5

    Not surprisingly, Microsot Windows (86%) is by ar

    the most requently virtualized operating system.

    According to the research, around 45% o businesses

    are using virtualized Linux-based servers.

    Mission-Critical Platform

    The unprecedented adoption o virtualization

    continues to grow, reaching the most importantpart o the IT estate mission-critical enterprise

    applications. Enterprises are virtualizing an average

    o 42 percent o their datacenter/server estates today

    and expect that this will grow to 63 percent in the

    next two years. In act, the popularity o virtualization

    is in essence establishing this disruptive technology

    as the de acto platorm within IT environments. This

    trend is only set to continue.

    Chart 1.2: Operating systems currently usedon virtual machines

    Chart 1.3: Percentage o datacenter/server estate

    virtualized now and in 24 months

    0 % 20 % 40 % 60 % 80 % 100 %







    Windows Linux

    Solaris BSD

    Novell *Other (please specify)

    0% 20% 40% 60% 80%








    In two years

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    VMware Data Protection Report 2010

    ANNUAL REPORT / Page 6

    Based on the ndings above, on average,

    approximately hal o all servers are viewed by CIOs

    today as mission-critical, and with 42% penetration,

    virtualization is ast approaching mission-critical


    Businesses are using virtualization or a broad

    range o workloads rom web servers to ERP/CRMapplications. Its thereore not surprising to see

    that in line with increased use o this technology,

    more and more business-critical workloads will be

    virtualized by mid-2012.

    Chart 1.4: Percentage o servers viewed as mission-critical

    Chart 1.5: Percentage o applications on virtualservers today and in the next two years

    0 %

    5 %

    10 %

    15 %

    20 %

    25 %

    30 %

    Total United Kingdom France Germany USA

    Approximately 10%

    Approximately 20%

    Approximately 30%

    Approximately 40%

    Approximately 50%

    Approximately 60%

    Approximately 70%

    Approximately 80%

    Approximately 90%

    Approximately 100%

    0% 20% 40% 60% 80%

    Web Servers

    Application Serve rs

    Messaging Applications



    Custom line of business


    In Two Years


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    VMware Data Protection Report 2010

    ANNUAL REPORT / Page 7

    Chart 1.6: Use o VMware vSphere, Microsot Hyper-Vor Citrix Xen now and within the next 12 months

    Chart 2.1: Percentage o enterprises not virtualizingmission-critical workloads due to concerns aroundbackup and recovery

    Alongside the increased investment, over the long-

    term it is also likely that enterprises will seek greater

    choices around virtualization solutions. Indeed,

    although VMware vSphere is the clear market leader

    today (73 percent), the research highlighted how

    businesses are now looking to increase adoption o

    the Microsot Hyper-V and Citrix Xen platorms rom28 percent and 27 percent respectively to 30 percent

    over the next 12 months.

    While much o this data is likely to be corroborated

    by other vendors and experts in the eld, in our view

    whats missing is a clearer picture o the management

    implications or virtualization. In order to explore

    this in more detail, it is rst important to build an

    understanding o exactly how virtual machines are

    being managed today. More specically, our research

    ocused on current approaches in the backup and

    recovery space.

    Approaches to Virtualization Backup and Recovery

    Management Concerns

    Despite the growing trend o businesses transitioningmore and more o their applications to virtual

    servers, particularly or mission-critical workloads,

    the research highlighted some areas o concern.

    Specically, enterprise adoption o virtualization is

    actually being hampered due to ears around the

    ability to successully back up and recover virtual

    machines. Nearly hal (44 percent) o respondents

    indicated that concerns around backup and recovery

    prevented them rom virtualizing certain mission-

    critical workloads.

    0 % 20 % 40 % 60 % 80 %


    12 Months

    VMware Hyper-V

    Citrix Xen None






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    VMware Data Protection Report 2010

    ANNUAL REPORT / Page 8

    On average, only 68 percent o production-level

    virtual estates are currently being backed up; more

    specically only 29 percent o organizations back

    up their entire virtual estates. This may not be an

    immediate cause or concern, as even in the physical

    IT environment not all data is backed up. Naturally,

    the research highlighted how businesses appliedstronger processes to backing up critical servers over

    Wrong Tool for the Job

    Part o the virtual machine backup issue can be

    associated with current approaches to backup and

    recovery. Virtualization is clearly a undamentally

    dierent platorm than physical inrastructure, yet

    nearly two-thirds (63 percent) o enterprises today

    use a single product to back up both physical and

    virtual estates. With this approach they are still

    treating virtual machines as physical servers and

    thereby limiting their ability to use the technology

    to its ull potential. Consequently, enterprises do nothave the optimum level o protection needed or

    virtualized mission-critical workloads.

    Chart 2.2: Percentage o production-level virtual servers being backed up

    Chart 2.3: Percentage o enterprises that currentlyuse a single product to back up BOTH physical AND

    virtual servers

    0 % 20 % 40 % 60 % 80 %









    non-critical (both virtual and physical). However,

    given the cost and resource eciency o virtual

    machines in areas such as hardware and storage, it

    is reasonable to question why enterprises are still

    making choices around what is backed up and what

    isnt one could argue that in an ideal world, its

    important to protect all data, whether its mission-critical or not.

    0 %

    5 %

    10 %

    15 %

    20 %

    25 %

    30 %

    35 %

    40 %

    45 %

    50 %

    Total United Kingdom France Germany USA


    Approximately 10%

    Approximately 20%

    Approximately 30%

    Approximately 40%

    Approximately 50%

    Approximately 60%

    Approximately 70%

    Approximately 80%

    Approximately 90%

    Approximately 100%

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    VMware Data Protection Report 2010

    ANNUAL REPORT / Page 9

    Backup tools designed or physical servers are

    being used or virtual machines, but there are some

    limitations to this approach. Indeed, CIOs highlighted

    several shortcomings o using traditional tools

    or virtual machine backup o which the top three

    included high costs (51 percent), slow recovery

    (40 percent), and the need to install an agent(40 percent).

    With traditional backup tools, perorming standard

    recovery processes, such as a le-level restore roma backed-up virtual machine, requires IT departments

    to either recover the entire virtual machine rst and

    then restore the individual le (38 percent) or keep

    two backups, one at a system level and another at

    Chart 2.4: Shortcomings o traditional backup tools or use in virtualized environments

    Chart 2.5: Approaches or recovering a single le rom a virtual machine backup

    0 %

    10 %

    20 %

    30 %

    40 %

    50 %

    60 %

    70 %

    Total United


    France Germany USA


    Slow recovery as need to recover the whole virtual machine

    Need to install an agent

    Complex to implement and manage

    Long backup windows

    Require more storage

    They impact host performance

    Does not allow for CDP or near CDP at an affordable cost

    a le level (28 percent). These complicated restore

    methods stem rom applying traditional backupstrategies to virtual machines. Herein lies the core

    issue around virtualization and data protection.

    Simply put, enterprises today are using the wrong

    tool or the job.

    0 %

    5 %

    10 %

    15 %

    20 %

    25 %

    30 %

    35 %

    40 %

    45 %

    50 %

    Total United


    France Germany USA

    We have one back-up from which we can do both image and

    file level recovery, but we nee d to restore the whole VM first

    to restore the files

    File level recovery can be perfor med directly from an imagebackup file WITHOUT restoring the whole VM first

    We keep two back-ups, one at a system level and another at

    file level, so that we can recover a single file without having to

    do an entire restore of the whole vir tual machine

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    VMware Data Protection Report 2010

    ANNUAL REPORT / Page 10

    Virtual Mindset

    The challenge o using physical tools in the virtual

    world is a point thats being recognized. CIOs

    acknowledge that aster recovery (63 percent), aster

    backup (56 percent), and lower cost (54 percent) are

    their top reasons or deploying virtualization-specic

    backup tools.

    Chart 2.6: Benets o deploying virtualization-specic solutions to back up virtual servers

    Chart 2.7: Businesses planning to deploy

    virtualization-specic solution or serverbackup and recovery

    Fity-nine percent o businesses are now planning to

    deploy a virtualization-specic solution to back up

    virtual servers.

    0 %

    10 %

    20 %

    30 %

    40 %

    50 %

    60 %

    70 %

    80 %

    90 %

    Total United


    France Germany USA

    Faster rec overy

    Faster backup

    Lower cost

    Allows us to reduce the time it takes to perform backup and

    therefor e fit within our backup window

    Requires less storage

    They are simpler to use for our virtualised estate

    They do not affect host performance

    Makes CDP or near CDP affordable

    *Other (please specify)

    0 % 20 % 40 % 60 % 80 %









    Already doing so

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    VMware Data Protection Report 2010

    ANNUAL REPORT / Page 11

    Chart 2.8: Businesses planning to re-evaluate dataprotection because o virtualization

    Chart 3.1: Percentage o organizations that suferedsome orm o data loss in the last two years

    Sixty one percent will now also re-evaluate their data

    protection approach because o virtualization.

    Breaking ree rom the physical world mindset

    and moving toward virtualization-based data

    protection requires a deep understanding o the new

    possibilities this technology brings. At a strategic

    level, a thorough review o existing policies and

    procedures must be undertaken. Problems that might

    previously have been thought impossible to address

    and thereore brushed under the carpet can now

    be addressed. More specically, businesses should

    question exactly what has in the past been viewed as

    an acceptable level o risk and start to consider how

    this can be reduced, or even removed, by applying a

    virtual mindset.

    Data protection remains an ongoing challenge or

    businesses. In the past two years alone, nearly hal

    (43 percent) experienced some orm o data loss,

    which suggests there is much still to be done in this


    Backup and Recovery Assurance

    0 %

    10 %

    20 %

    30 %

    40 %

    50 %

    60 %

    70 %

    Total United


    France Germany USA



    0 % 20 % 40 % 60 % 80 %









    Already done so

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    VMware Data Protection Report 2010

    ANNUAL REPORT / Page 12

    Continuous data protection (CDP) is seen as a way

    to improve data protection but most organizations

    agree it is too costly a solution to implement.

    More than hal o all organizations are having to

    do the best with what they have as data protectionbudgets remain fat (45 percent) or decrease (15

    percent) over the next two years.

    Chart 3.2: Percentage o organizations that use or

    would like to use continuous data protection (CDP)

    to improve disaster recovery plans and businesscontinuity but dont because the cost o CDP is

    too high

    Chart 3.3: Data protection budgets over the nexttwo years

    0 %

    10 %

    20 %

    30 %40 %

    50 %

    60 %

    70 %

    80 %

    90 %

    Total United


    France Germany USA



    0 %

    10 %

    20 %

    30 %

    40 %

    50 %

    60 %

    Total United


    France Germany USA



    Staying the same

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    VMware Data Protection Report 2010

    ANNUAL REPORT / Page 13

    Unortunately, nearly two-thirds (63 percent) o

    organizations experience problems every month

    when attempting to recover a server (be it physical or


    Chart 3.5 Frequency o problems when attempting to recover rom a backup

    Chart 3.4: Scenarios leading to the need or data recovery

    Overcoming the Physical Mindset

    Virtualization currently augments data protection

    strategies. For example, it is well understood that

    virtualization can reduce the physical server ootprint

    in areas such as backing up data to o-site disaster

    recovery locations. However, the study showed thatthere is still a clear need or change in the area o

    backup and recovery assurance.

    A major consequence o a physical IT mindset is that

    problems endured in this world continue to be seen

    0 %

    10 %

    20 %

    30 %

    40 %

    50 %60 %

    70 %

    80 %

    90 %

    Total United


    France Germany USA

    Server failure (hardware or software)

    User or operator error (e.g. deleted files or application item)

    IT problem (misconfiguration, etc.)

    External security threats (virus, hackers, etc.)

    Power outage

    Natural disaster

    Other (please specify)

    as acceptable risks. The recoverability o backup

    les is a problem that is as old as data loss itsel.

    Organizations routinely need to recover servers and

    data. According to the research, hardware ailure

    is the most common reason or backup recovery(experienced by 68 percent o organizations in the

    last year), closely ollowed by a general IT problem

    such as misconguration (63 percent), and user

    or operator error (56 percent) where someone

    accidently deleted a le or object.

    0 %

    5 %

    10 %

    15 %

    20 %

    25 %

    30 %

    35 %

    40 %

    45 %

    Total United


    France Germany USA





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    VMware Data Protection Report 2010

    ANNUAL REPORT / Page 14

    Failed recoveries cost the average enterprise more

    than $400,000 every year, highlighting how this

    problem appears to be a pain that businesses will live


    Chart 3.7: How many backups are made each year or all servers

    Chart 3.6 Cost o ailed recoveries annually note average = $400,000

    Testing Backups

    On average, enterprises make 323,000 backups each


    0 %

    5 %

    10 %

    15 %

    20 %

    25 %

    30 %

    35 %

    40 %

    Total United


    France Germany USA

    Approximately 1000

    Approximately 10,000

    Approximately 100,000

    Approximately 500,000

    Approximately 1,000000

    Approximately more than 1,000,000

    0 %

    10 %

    20 %

    30 %

    40 %

    50 %

    60 %

    Total United


    France Germany USA

    Approximately $100,000

    Approximately $250,000

    Approximately $500,000

    Approximately $1,000,000

    Approximately $2,000,000

    Approximately $3,000,000 or over

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    VMware Data Protection Report 2010

    ANNUAL REPORT / Page 15

    Testing the recoverability o backups can help

    eliminate the problem o ailed backups; however,

    only two percent o all backups are tested annually.

    On average backup tests are perormed once every

    two months, leaving businesses with up to 60 days o

    bad backups.

    Chart 3.8: How many backups are tested or recoverability each year

    Chart 3.9: Frequency o backup tests perormed note average = 2 months

    0 %

    5 %

    10 %

    15 %

    20 %

    25 %

    30 %

    35 %

    40 %

    45 %

    Total United


    France Germany USA

    Approximately 1

    Approximately 10

    Approximately 100

    Approximately 1,000

    Approximately 10,000

    Approximately 100,000

    Approximately more than 100,000


    0 %

    5 %

    10 %

    15 %

    20 %

    25 %

    30 %

    35 %

    40 %

    Total United Kingdom France Germany USA

    Approximately every week

    Approximately every month

    Approximately every 3 months

    Approximately every 6 months

    Approximately every 12 months


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    ANNUAL REPORT / Page 16

    Respondents say testing the recoverability o a single

    backup takes IT teams an average o approximately

    13 hours.

    A lack o human resources is the top reason (61

    percent) why IT departments do not test the

    recoverability o more backups.

    Chart 3.10: Amount o time required to test the recoverability o a backup

    Chart 3.11: Barriers to testing the recoverability o every single backup

    0 %

    5 %

    10 %

    15 %

    20 %

    25 %

    30 %

    35 %

    40 %

    45 %

    50 %

    Total United


    France Germany USA

    Approximately 3 hours

    Approximately 6 hours

    Approximately 12 hours

    Approximately 24 hours

    Approximately 48 hours

    Over 48 hours

    0 %

    10 %

    20 %

    30 %

    40 %

    50 %

    60 %

    70 %

    80 %

    90 %

    Total United


    France Germany USA

    Cannot be done with the curre nt technology (No automated testing)

    Lack of people resources (Manual testing require s too much time)

    Lack of hardware and storage resourc es

    Lack of financial and budget resourc es

    Not seen as priority by management

    *Other (please specify)

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    VMware Data Protection Report 2010

    ANNUAL REPORT / Page 17

    With the proper tools, 25 percent o ull server

    recoveries could be eliminated. Currently, 25 percent

    o such recoveries are being perormed to recover asingle le or application item. Moreover, 72 percent

    o all data recoveries involve granular recoveries o

    a le(s) or application item(s). This highlights the

    importance o using a backup product that oers a

    ast and simple way to recover les and application

    items rom an image-based backup.

    Chart 3.12: Comparison between physical and virtual

    server recovery times.Note: Average or physical = 6 hours and virtual = 5hours

    Chart 3.13: Scenarios o data recovery approaches

    Recovery times

    While its widely accepted that a virtual machine can

    be built and deployed in minutes, CIOs indicated that

    on average, perorming a ull recovery o a backed

    up virtual machine still takes nearly ve hours a

    relatively small improvement in the six hours required

    to recover a physical server.










    Recover an applicaon item

    (an email or a record in database)

    Recover a few files

    Recover the whole ser ver or virtual

    machine because it is the easiest or only

    way to recover a few files or applicaon


    Recover the whole ser ver or virtual










    Physical Virtual

    Less than 1 hour 1-2 hours

    2-4 hours 4-8 hours

    8-12 hours 12-24 hours

    More than 24 hours

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    ANNUAL REPORT / Page 18

    Thinking Beyond the Impossible

    A major consequence o a physical IT mindset is

    that problems endured in this world continue to

    be seen as acceptable risks. However, the physical

    world limitations highlighted in this study are no

    longer applicable in the virtual world. In act, withIT directors reporting that they plan to expand the

    use o virtualization in their server inrastructure

    rom 42 percent to 63 percent during the next two

    years, businesses are in a much better position to

    nally address these issues i they deploy the right

    virtualization-based data protection strategies.

    With the right tools, virtualization can make the

    impossible, possible.

    Summary and Conclusions

    CIOs oten cite enhanced data protection as one o

    the primary reasons to virtualize, but the technology

    holds a huge amount o potential that businesses

    arent currently tapping into. Although virtualizationis improving IT costs and eciency, this survey

    highlights how similar strides have not been made

    in data protection. The state o virtualization-based

    data protection today has revealed the ollowing key


    Virtualization is ast becoming a business-

    critical platorm moreover, it holds the

    potential to become the de acto platorm or

    all IT inrastructure within the enterprise.

    Fears around data protection are a major

    barrier to increased adoption o virtualization

    in the enterprise. Businesses are recognizing that using

    traditional, physical backup and recovery

    tools or virtualization carries signicant

    limitations and, subsequently, risks around data


    Virtualization backup and recovery strategies

    are currently applied with a physical world

    mindset, but the right tools can transorm the

    entire eld o data protection.

  • 8/4/2019 2010 Vmware Data Protection Report


    VMware Data Protection Report 2010

    About Veeam Sotware

    Veeam Sotware is an innovative provider o VMware data protection, disaster recovery and VMware

    management solutions or virtual datacenter environments. This is the rst annual report, and Veeam will

    continue to track the progress o enterprise strategies around virtualization-based data protection. Based on

    these ndings, Veeam is optimistic about the maturity o this specic aspect o virtualization management.Through our industry-leading technology, we will evangelize the signicance o Virtualization-Powered

    Data Protection.

    In October 2010, Veeam releasedVeeam Backup & Replication v5. This new version o Veeams award-winning solution includes ground-breaking vPower technology or Virtualization-Powered Data

    Protection. With ve patents pending,Veeam Backup & Replication v5not only overcomes the limitations

    o traditional backup and recovery, but undamentally transorms the market or data protection solutions.


    vPower leverages virtualization and Veeam innovation to overcome the limitations o traditional backup

    and provide ast, exible and reliable recovery or disasters both large and small. vPower includes the

    ability to run a virtual machine in production or in an isolated virtual lab directly rom a compressed and

    deduplicated backup le on regular backup storage. As the orce behind theVeeam Backup & Replicationv5, vPower oers ve industry rsts:

    1. Instant VM Recovery: Restore an entire virtual machine rom a backup le in minutes. Users

    remain productive while IT troubleshoots the issue. This massively reduces lengthy recovery times

    that respondents in the survey currently experience when recovering virtual machines. Recovery

    time objectives (RTOs) are improved rom hours to minutes without additional cost.

    2. U-AIR (Universal Application-Item Recovery): Recover individual items rom any virtualized

    application, on any operating system, without additional backups, agents or sotware tools.

    Eliminates the need or expensive special-purpose tools and extends granular recovery to all

    applications and users. This removes the current inefcient processes IT department have to

    undergo when recovering ull virtual machines just to recover individual les and application items.

    It dramatically improves RTOs rom hours to minutes or the most common recovery scenarios.

    3. SureBackup Recovery Verifcation: Automatically veriy the recoverability o every backup,

    o every virtual machine, every time. Eliminates uncertainty and sets a new standard in data

    protection. The vast amount o time and resources needed to test backups are essentially removed

    in one go.

    4. On-Demand Sandbox: Create test VMs rom any point in time to troubleshoot problems or test

    workarounds, sotware patches, or new application code. Eliminates the need or dedicated test

    labs and the overhead that extra VMware snapshots place on virtual machines.

    5. Instant File-Level Recovery or any OS or fle system: Recover an entire VM or an individual le

    rom the same image-level backup. Extends instant le-level recovery to all virtual machines.

    Accelerating the Use o Virtualization

    By usingVeeam Backup & Replication v5, IT departments can oer a much better service at a much lowercost. More importantly, Virtualization-Powered Data Protection oers businesses a solid oundation to

    virtualize more applications and accelerate the adoption o virtualization.


    Virtualization-Powered Data ProtectionTM


    100% Reliability


    Best RTOs


    Best RPOs


    VMware vSphere

