201 A Systems



MARKETPLACE FACTS Mario Denton Marketplace facts: The world versus God’s Marketplace facts: The world versus God’s To understand and learn from various marketplace facts so that you can: • Adapt and benchmark your marketplace practices and principles discussed in this series. • Use these material to facilitate the work of evangelism. Marketplace facts: The world versus God’s Marketplace facts: The world versus God’s

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Marketplace facts: The world versus God’s systemMarketplace facts: The world versus God’s system




Mario Denton

Marketplace facts: The world versus God’s systemMarketplace facts: The world versus God’s system

Overall purpose of this series on Marketplace

To understand and learn from various marketplace facts so that you can: • Be more effective and anointed wherever you are in the marketplace.

• Adapt and benchmark your marketplace practices and principles discussed in this series.

• Use these material to facilitate the work of evangelism.

Marketplace facts: The world versus God’s systemMarketplace facts: The world versus God’s system



Marketplace facts: The world versus God’s systemMarketplace facts: The world versus God’s system


• 1. Competition versus compassion• 2. Use people versus serve people• 3. Accumulate power/control versus

relinquish power/control

Marketplace facts: The world versus God’s systemMarketplace facts: The world versus God’s system


• 4. Independent versus interdependent

• 5. Protect rights versus release rights

Marketplace facts: The world versus God’s systemMarketplace facts: The world versus God’s system


• 6. Fear versus faith

Marketplace facts: The world versus God’s systemMarketplace facts: The world versus God’s system

1. Competition versus compassion

• Are you taking intentional measures to insure that compassion toward people is not crowded out by the drive to win?

“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.” (2 Cor. 8:9)(See: Isa. 40:11; 42:3)

Marketplace facts: The world versus God’s systemMarketplace facts: The world versus God’s system

2. Use people versus serve people

• In your dealings with people, are your primary motive to get what you can from them in accomplishing your goals? Or are you genuinely committed to serving them with their best interests at heart?

“For we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake.” (2 Cor. 4:5)  (See Mk. 10:35; Phil. 2:3, 4)

Marketplace facts: The world versus God’s systemMarketplace facts: The world versus God’s system

3. Accumulate power/control versus relinquish


Who really controls your business affairs? God or you? Were you to lose it all, would your response

resemble Job’s when everything was taken from him?

Marketplace facts: The world versus God’s systemMarketplace facts: The world versus God’s system

Job’s response• “At this, [the news of his great loss] Job

got up and tore his robe and shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground in worship and said: ‘Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.’" (Job 1:20,21)

Marketplace facts: The world versus God’s systemMarketplace facts: The world versus God’s system

4. Independent versus interdependent

• Are you an independent operator, accountable to no one as you wheel and deal?  

• Or have you chosen to involve yourself with others by drawing from their strengths, wisdom, and experience? 

Marketplace facts: The world versus God’s systemMarketplace facts: The world versus God’s system

4. Independent versus interdependent

• Are you giving back what you have received?  

• Do you have a person or group to whom you are accountable?  If not, why not?

Marketplace facts: The world versus God’s systemMarketplace facts: The world versus God’s system

Independent versus interdependent

• “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up.

• But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!” (Ecc.4:9 10)

Marketplace facts: The world versus God’s systemMarketplace facts: The world versus God’s system

5. Protect rights versus release rights

-“I have my rights!” That may be true. But the Lord Jesus

calls us to give up our rights. Have you?  Do you?

Marketplace facts: The world versus God’s systemMarketplace facts: The world versus God’s system

5. Protect rights versus release rights

• “If anyone wants to follow in my footsteps, he must give up all right to himself, carry his cross every day and keep close behind me. For the man who wants to save his life will lose it, but the man who loses his life for my sake will save it.” (Lk. 9:23, 24 – Phillips Translation)  (See Lk. 14:33)

Marketplace facts: The world versus God’s systemMarketplace facts: The world versus God’s system

6. Faith versus fear• Whom do you really believe determines your

future?  If you believe it is God, then you are at rest at the core of your being.  If you believe it is you,  you are probably plagued with fear and anxiety.

“You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.”  (Isa. 26:3)

Marketplace facts: The world versus God’s systemMarketplace facts: The world versus God’s system


•  God has sovereignly chosen to utilise the crucible of our work experience to purify and mold us into Christ likeness.

Marketplace facts: The world versus God’s systemMarketplace facts: The world versus God’s system


Are you cooperating with Him in this process?

Marketplace facts: The world versus God’s systemMarketplace facts: The world versus God’s system

Prayer Focus• Father, In the name of Jesus, I

surrender myself to walk in the Word in the marketplace. Your word living in me produces the Life in this world.

• The word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. It makes my way plain before me.

• I boldly and confidently say that my heart is fixed and established on the solid foundation – the Living Word of God! Amen

Marketplace facts: The world versus God’s systemMarketplace facts: The world versus God’s system

Learning, application and commitment: James 1: 22-25

• “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves.

• Do what it says. • Anyone who listens to the word but does not do

what it says is like a man who looks at his face in the mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.

• But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it - he will be blessed in what he does.” (NIV)

Marketplace facts: The world versus God’s systemMarketplace facts: The world versus God’s system

Learning, application and commitment

• One of the principles that I have learned from this lesson was …

• I intend to apply this principle in my marketplace by: …..

• With the help of the Holy Spirit, I will begin applying this truth immediately.

Marketplace facts: The world versus God’s systemMarketplace facts: The world versus God’s system

Jesus said: Take what I have given you and change the world!

Marketplace facts: The world versus God’s systemMarketplace facts: The world versus God’s system

Let's keep the good marketplace vibes alive. Let's network.

Become a member of the Crown Companies Marketplace Coaching Forum.


Tel (w) + 27(0) 82 88 29903. e-mail address:mario@crown.org.za

Website:  www.crown.org.za

Blessings from Dr Mario Denton as the Africa: Continental Programme Director - Marketplace

Marketplace facts: The world versus God’s systemMarketplace facts: The world versus God’s system

Sources and acknowledgementCHRIST@ WORK NEWSLETTER

• Copyright Notice• © 2005 FCCI- Limited permission to copy without altering text or

profiteering is granted subject to inclusion of this copyright notice. Copy is limited to member and/or FCCI small group use.

• The “Facts of the Matter” is also available through the Internet: www.factsofthematter.org. 2003 R. Dwight Hill. 

• Slides compiled by Mario Denton. • Please commit yourself to inform us of the results regarding the

effectiveness thereof should you wish to use this material.
