20 Wealthest men in the world



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20 Most Minted Men in the World

Bill Gates - $72.7 Billion

Vladimir Putin - $70 Billion


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Carlos Slim Helu - $66.8 Billion

Warren Buffett - $60 Billion

Amancio Ortega Gaona - $57 Billion

Ingvar Kamprad - $53 Billion

David Koch - $45.6 Billion

Charles Koch - $45.6 Billion

Larry Ellison - $41 Billion

Jim Walton - $36.6 Billion

S Robson Walton - $35.6 Billion

Bhumibol Adulyadej - $30 Billion

Li Ka-shing - $30 Billion

Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud - $29 Billion

Bernard Arnault - $29 Billion

Jeff Bezos - $28 Billion

Stefan Persson - $28 Billion

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