20 Speaking Topics


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  • 7/29/2019 20 Speaking Topics


    people'sdeas. o what extent o you agreeor disagree ith his statement? iveyourreasons.

    2. Some eople refero spend heir ives oing hesame hings ndavoidinghange. thers,however,hink hatchanges always good hing.Discuss oth hese iews ndgive ourownopinion. "' ---'-''>.--.\3. Some ! oyeFeaselectrto o on(Srogqlly9This canprovidehemwith a senseof securivhndease n a foreigri ountrvwhere hey are unfamiliar ith he- ' - . - " - - - : - +.,1anguage)andustomsl ut t canalso estricthem romexperiencing lot of things bouthecountryheyhavecome o see.To whatextent s thisstyleof traveleffective?re herebetterways o travel verseas ndexperienceforeign ountry ndculture?

    4. Supportersf echnologyay hat t solves roblemsndmakesifebetter. pponentsrguethat echnologyreates ewproblernshatmay hreaten r damagehequality f ife.Usingoneor woexamples,iscusshesewopositions. hich iewof technologyoyousupport?whv?

    5. Childrenpend lot of timeplayingomputrames.Manyparents oint ut hatcomputerEames ave ittle ducationalalue.So childrenhould e preventedromcomputerames.Doyouagree r disagreeo hisopinion?

    6. Someimeago,education asconsideredeing omethingor youth.Now t seemso bealong{ime rocess eople ave o do during ll heir ives.To whatextent o youagree rdisagreeith his tatement?ive ome elevantxamplessing ouexperience.

    7. With headvent f computers,he roleof teacherss being aded n classrooms.o whatextent oyouagreeor disagree ith hisstatement? ivesome elevant xamplessing ouexoerience..8. People ttend ollege r universityormanydifferenteasonsforexample, ewexperiences,careerpreparation,ncreased nowledge...). hy do you think peopleattendcollegeoruniversity?se peciflceasonsndexamplesosupportouranswer.

    9. Somepeoplebelievehat university tudents houldbe required o attendclasses.Othersbelievehatgoingo classeshould eoptionalorstudents. hich oint fview oyouagreewith?Usespecificeasons nddetailso explain ouranswer.

    10 .Should overnmentspendmore moneyon improvingoadsand highways, r shouldgovernmentspendmoremoney n mprovingublicransportationbuses,rains, ubways)?Why?Usespecificeasons nddetailso develop our deas.

    11.Some eoplependheir ntireivesnoneplace.Othersmove number f imeshroughouttheir ives,ookingor a befterob,house, ommunity,r evenclimate.Which oyouprefer:stayingn one placeor moving n searchof another lace?Use reasons nd specificexampleso supPortour Pinion.12.Ooyouagreeor disagreewith he ollowing tatement? ith he helpof technology,tudentsnowadays an eammore nformation nd eam t morequickly.Use specific easons ndexampleso support ouranswer.

    Aoe.AuyocofiNd a re12 Cor'o t- Sq{'Ht g Aad.',lc Eogltth

  • 7/29/2019 20 Speaking Topics



    , - . . . , , , : : .. + , i ; . : . , ' .tS. peoptework becausehey needmoneyo live.What are someother easons hatpeoplework?Oiscuss ne or moreof these easons, se specific xamples nd details o support

    reasonsnddetailso supportouranswer.15. nyour pinion, hat s hemost mpodantharacteristicforexample,onesty,ntelligence,sense f humor..) hata person anhaveo be successfuln ife?Usespecificeasons ndexamplesrom ourexperienceo explainouranswer. hen ouwrite ouranswer,ouarenot imitedo the examplesisted n heprompt.

    16 .Some eople elievehata college r universityducationhould e availableo allstudents.Others elievehathigher ducationhould e available nly o goodstudents. iscussheseviews.Which iewdoyouagreewith?Explain hy.'17.The rising evels f congestionnd air pollutionound n mostof the worldcities an beattributed irectlyo the rapidlyncreasing umber f private ars n use. n order o reversethisdeclinen thequality f ife n cities, ttempts ustbe made o encourageeopleo usetheircars essand publicransport ore.Discuss ossible ays o encourageheuseofpublic ansport.18.The deaof going verseasoruniversitytudys an exciting rospector manypeople. utwhile t may offersomeadvantages,t is probably etter o stay homebecause f thedifficultiesstudentnevitablyncountersiving ndstudyingn a differentulture. owhatextent oyouagree r disagreehis tatement?ive easonsoryouranswer.19.Tourisms becomingncreasinglymportants a source f revenueo many ountriesut tsdisadvantageshould ot be overlooked. hatare someof theproblemsf tourism? oushould seyourown deas, nowledgend experiencend support ourargurnentsithexamDlesnd elevantvidence.

    20.Willmodernechnology,uchas he nternetver eplacehebookor hewritten ordas hemain ource f nformation?Y", - l/rtilf , V"t tl*"|,'- ' 6' \ ft cl,^so4{xn (1 *t'4!' , (O\"'. oLrslt-s"* (a *'.tre)r^a,in=,4.o l@ 4 Frfi" a{.^\c*rc"'a.,

    a fl.ort - \,'^ fta,A,AW&v,ruxt',\ -J .1 'r3 ' ,g ' ; - , , ,J , ,- f,* ,d.r6;alrcTffi; l*i^ O -. ^4,i 't fr' n!;^,:-it"r.,uli I ot't""no ^"G'g 'a:lYtc^,i jaq. r *{ 1'*,^l4ftrq{,lYtIr{ Ytu* Yond y! '-*\n \ (^,, ::;:::

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