2 The main challenge facing the modern oil industry is to improve the resource efficiency of oil...


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The Development of Intelligent Systems to Create Resource-saving Technologies

for Producing Motor Fuelsfrom Hydrocarbons

Maria KirginaPhD student


Main Objective

The main challenge facing the modern oil industry is to improvethe resource efficiency of oil refining and the quality of oil products

National Research Tomsk Polytechnic UniversityInstitute of Natural Resources

Department of Fuel Engineering and Chemical Cybernetics

Main objective of the department - creation the theoretical principles of intelligent systems development to improve energy and resource efficiency of oil-refining industrial processes.

Maria KirginaNational Research Tomsk Polytechnic University mkirgina@gmail.com http://portal.tpu.ru/SHARED/m/MKIRGINA/eng


Structure of Intelligent Systems

Software implemented mathematical models

Knowledge about the industrial processes

Database from industrial plants


User Expert

Maria KirginaNational Research Tomsk Polytechnic University mkirgina@gmail.com http://portal.tpu.ru/SHARED/m/MKIRGINA/eng


Stages of Intelligent Systems Creation

Maria KirginaNational Research Tomsk Polytechnic University mkirgina@gmail.com http://portal.tpu.ru/SHARED/m/MKIRGINA/eng

Decision of inverse kinetic problem, definition of kinetic parameters such us constants of speeds and activation energy for different marks of catalysts;

Creation of kinetic model;

Creation of formalized scheme of chemical transformations;

Thermodynamic analysis of the chemical reactions;

Creation of reactor model, including hydrodynamic and heat transfer models and model the catalyst deactivation;

5Maria KirginaNational Research Tomsk Polytechnic University mkirgina@gmail.com http://portal.tpu.ru/SHARED/m/MKIRGINA/eng

Based on kinetic models of multi-component catalytic


Take into account reactivity of substances, lifetime of the catalyst and non-additivity properties of hydrocarbon


Intelligent Systems


Intelligent Systems

«Izomer» - intelligent system for forecasting and optimization of light naphtha isomerization process.

«Compounding» - intelligent system for calculation of gasoline blending recipes.

«Activ+C» - intelligent system for forecasting and optimization of fixed-bed and moving-bed catalytic reforming process.

«Catalyst control» - intelligent system for platinum catalysts testing.

Maria KirginaNational Research Tomsk Polytechnic University mkirgina@gmail.com http://portal.tpu.ru/SHARED/m/MKIRGINA/eng

7Maria KirginaNational Research Tomsk Polytechnic University mkirgina@gmail.com http://portal.tpu.ru/SHARED/m/MKIRGINA/eng

Industrial Applications

development of gasoline blending recipes meeting the requirements of ecological standards.

testing and selection of catalysts;

comparison of different units work efficiency and choosing more suitable variant of process optimization;

optimization and prediction of processes operating parameters;

Intelligent systems can be used for:

8Maria KirginaNational Research Tomsk Polytechnic University mkirgina@gmail.com http://portal.tpu.ru/SHARED/m/MKIRGINA/eng

Computer Modeling System «Compounding»

calculation of gasoline streams research and motor octane numbers;


calculation knock characteristic of gasoline blend with antiknock and oxygenate additives;

development of gasoline recipes meeting the requirements of ecological standards;


The average absolute error doesn't exceed 1 point.

Octane number МОN calc. RОN exp. RОN calc. ∆ RОN

Reformate №1 82,3 94,5 94 0,5

Reformate №2 84,8 96 95,5 0,5

Alkylate 86,2 93,3 93,1 0,2

Isomerizate №1 85,9 86,7 87,7 1

Isomerizate №2 72,8 75,5 74,6 0,9Catalytic cracking gasoline 75,8 86 85,5 0,5

Gas fractionation plant gasoline 73,5 82,8 83,2 0,4

Тable. 1 Comparison of calculated and experimental octane numbers


10Maria KirginaNational Research Tomsk Polytechnic University mkirgina@gmail.com http://portal.tpu.ru/SHARED/m/MKIRGINA/eng

Gasoline Blending Recipes




13% 8%



4% 4%




Reformate Isomerizate Alkylate n-butane MTBE

92 RON Gasoline 95 RON Gasoline

98 RON Gasoline

11Maria KirginaNational Research Tomsk Polytechnic University mkirgina@gmail.com http://portal.tpu.ru/SHARED/m/MKIRGINA/eng


Accuracy of calculations and Predictive ability;

Advantages of intelligent systems:

Take into account the hydrocarbon composition of raw materials, lifetime of the catalyst and non-additivity properties of hydrocarbon mixtures;

Improve resource efficiency by saving expensive components.

12Maria KirginaNational Research Tomsk Polytechnic University mkirgina@gmail.com http://portal.tpu.ru/SHARED/m/MKIRGINA/eng

Scientific Events and Projects for Collaboration

1. Joint projects of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) and the Austrian Science Foundation (ANF).

2. World Congress on Sustainable Technologies (WCST-2013), London, UK, December 9-12, 2013.

3. The 8th International Chemical Engineering Congress and Exhibition (IChEC 2014), Kish International Convention Center, Kish Island, Iran, February 24-27, 2014.

4. XXI International Conference on Chemical Reactors «CHEMREACTOR-21», Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands, September 22-25, 2014.

5. International Forum on Strategic Technology (IFOST), Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology, Bangladesh, 2014.

13Maria KirginaNational Research Tomsk Polytechnic University mkirgina@gmail.com http://portal.tpu.ru/SHARED/m/MKIRGINA/eng

Project TeamDepartment of Fuel Engineering and Chemical Cybernetics

Member of the team Major research interests E-mail

Ivanchina Emiliaprofessor, PhD

mathematical modeling andoptimization of oil-refining

industrial processes


Ivashkina Elenaassociate professor, PhD

petrochemical processes ivashkinaen@tpu.ru

Sharova Ekaterinaassociate professor, PhD

fixed-bed catalytic reforming process sharova@sibmail.com

Chekantsev Nikitaassociate professor, PhD

light naphtha isomerization process domik86nik@mail.ru

Frantsina Evgenia, PhD diesel fuels production processes evf@tpu.ru

Gyngazova Maria, PhD moving-bed catalytic reforming process maria.gyngazova@gmail.com

Kirgina Maria, PhD student high-octane gasoline blending processes mkirgina@gmail.com


Contact Information

634050, Russia, Tomsk, Lenin Avenue, 30Tel.: +73822563443, +79138099117

e-mail: mkirgina@gmail.com

Maria KirginaPhD student


Thanks forAttention!

Maria KirginaNational Research Tomsk Polytechnic University mkirgina@gmail.com http://portal.tpu.ru/SHARED/m/MKIRGINA/eng