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The idea of diversity was defined by Ramon Margalef several years ago

(Margalef, 1994). He proposed to use two words: biodiversity and diversity.

Biodiversity would be the total non-redundant genetic information in an ecosystem,

while diversity would be the collection of components which are active and abundant

at one particular time and place. The objectives of such techniques are to compare

communities, to identify the members of a community, and to quantify the abundance

of some or all of the members in the community.

2.1.1 Microbial Diversity

Biodiversity scrutiny is one of the current research topics in environmental

biology, trying to cover under-evaluated eco-systems and aimed basically to

understanding their individuals and their application in various aspects (Hertel, 2011).

Studies in biodiversity involves ecology, abundance of individuals, identification,

relation to each other, importance of individual in the ecosystem, and characterization

of individuals with number of species and individual’s in each species. Assessment of

the microbial diversity in the environment has long challenged microbiologists and

microbial ecologists. The initial focus of attention was directed to unravelling the

biodiversity of microorganisms inhabiting them. This may lead to the identification of

new interesting model organisms, enabling in-depth molecular studies (Aguilar,


Similarly, exploration of the ecology of the Rann of Kutch and studying the

diversity would entail about the individuals in microbial communities, abundance,

growth and metabolic activity, interaction between groups and adaptation with

physiochemical properties. While examining the samples, we find halophiles all over

the phylogenetic tree, in each of the three domains and in different branches of each

domain. The present study mainly focused on domain Archaea, in which many

species are still awaiting isolation and characterization.

2.1.2 Microbial Diversity of Different Ecosystems

So far, a large number of environments have been analysed for the evaluation

of microbial community which provide intensive output about microbial population

thriving there and their interaction. Many novel phylotypes from three domains have


been isolated and characterized from different microbial habitats, especially in recent

years many haloarchaeal isolates were obtained from ecoregions including open ocean

waters (Fuhrman et al., 1992), salt crystallizers (Maturrano et al., 2006; Mutlu et al.,

2008; Ochsenreiter et al., 2002), coastal waters (DeLong, 1992; Massana et al., 1997),

polar seas (Reysenbach et al., 2000; Vetriani et al., 1998, 1999), salt marshes

(Munson et al., 1997), freshwater lakes (Hershberger et al., 1996; Jurgens et al.,

2000), agricultural fields, forest soils, rhizosphere (Borneman and Triplett, 1997;

Buckley et al., 1998), paddy field soil (Chin et al., 1999; Gro kopf et al., 1998), hot

springs (Barns et al., 1994, 1996), deep-sea hydrothermal vents (Takai and Horikoshi,

1999a), mine water (Takai et al., 2001) and deep subsurface geothermal pools (Takai

and Horikoshi, 1999b).

Life is represented by all the three domains in hyper-saline environments

(Benlloch et al., 2002). The microbial flora of hyper-saline waters, with salinities

close to saturation, have been studied for many years, but only relatively recently has

it been possible to identify and to culture many of the dominant groups (Antón et al.,

2002; Burns et al., 2004a, b). The majority are extreme halophiles belonging to

domain Archaea, specially the family Halobacteriaceae (Oren, 2002), although

halophiles belongs to Eubacteria, and Eukaryota also are present, pointing to a diverse

group of microorganisms that can thrive in hyper-saline environments. In the Dead

Sea ecosystem, there are reports of characterized members belong to archaea, bacteria

and eukaryota (Oren, 1995; 2001; Blum et al., 2001). Many novel genus and novel

species of the halophilic archaea were isolated and characterized in recent years as

result of taxonomical analyses performed on such ecosystems.

Several new genera and new species have been discovered recently and

included into Halobacteriaceae family. Many unaffiliated groups isolated from

different geographical location areas are under characterization (Montalvo-Rodríguez

et al., 2000; Asker and Ohta, 2002; Ihara et al., 1997). New representatives from the

domain eubacteria can also be found from these environments. The genus

Thermohalobacter was isolated from a saltern (Cayol et al., 2000). Many members of

halophilic bacteria, like Salinibacter, were isolated and characterized (Antón et al.,

2002) from a hyper-saline environment. Today, huge lists of new species of

prokaryotes have been isolated from hyper-saline waters between few decades which

are considered as “lifeless”. Eukaryotic microorganisms can also be present in solar


salterns. Members belonging to domain eukaryota, fungi, algae and protozoa were

also isolated recently from different hyper-saline environments (Abdel-Hafez et al,.

1978; Buchalo et al,. 1998; Butinar et al., 2005; Gunde-Cimerman et al., 2000).

Diversity of species tends to decrease as salinity increases and therefore, only

a few microscopic organisms survive in hyper-saline region as brine acquires

saturation of salts. Some macroscopic organism also thrives in lower salinities

between 10% and 30% like brine shrimp (Artemia salina), larvae of brine flies (family

Ephydridae) (Grant 2004) and the alga, Dunaliella sp. (Cho, 2005) and they can reach

high populations densities. Dunaliella sp. can be observed at high salt concentrations

(up to 1.5 M NaCl) (Grant, 2004), though they are halotolerant rather than halophilic

(Oren, 2002a). Dunaliella salina is a phototrophic alga known for its β-carotene

pigments, which contributes to the red coloration of some salt lakes and saline


2.1.3 Cultureable Biodiversity and Uncultureable Diversity

Diversity of macro and micro organisms are differing significantly as one

group is visible to our naked eye and can be easily estimated but other is

complementary. During the last few decades, rapid and significant advances in

positive reception of the diversity of prokaryotic organisms have resulted from the

ecological surveys worldwide. Our current view of prokaryotic diversity of particular

ecosystem is mainly of two types i.e., culturabe diversity and diversity directly

retrieved by analysis of rRNA genes amplified from the environment (community).

Both point towards same direction, diversity, but there is a wide gap in result obtained

from both (Brambilla et al., 2001). Both diversity analysis, describing an ecosystem

or environment, have positive impact on microbial diversity over the last decade,

discovering the hidden treasure of microbial diversity. Only a few organisms in

environmental samples are, but it is unknown whether the cultured isolates from an

environment yield communities that resemble the communities from the original

habitat (Hallam et al., 2006). Obviously diversity is always defined and always less

than the actual representatives of an ecosystem. This issue in diversity is clearly

visible on comparing gene libraries from both cultured bacteria and uncultured

environmental samples.


Culture-based approaches give basic understanding of diversity, physiology,

metabolism and interaction, in a specific environment (Zengler et al., 2002; Webster

et al., 2006,). This study should be baseline for developing culturing methodologies,

media formulation, isolation strategies and basic standards. Diversity analysis should

start from “culturable” species and with this basic information proceed for

unculturable community. The long term goal of a diversity study is to understand each

and every member of community and understanding its cell mechanics and

interactions, which can only fulfilled after isolation and characterization of individual


Only 0.1% to 10% of the microbial community in a soil sample is retrievable

(Head et al., 1998). This drawback greatly reflects in all diversity anlaysis while

characterising the microbial community in a niche. Despite this, development in

cultivation methods are still required to isolate and characterise unculturable

microorganisms, which provide an insight into evolution and microbial ecology

(community structure and function) as well as physiology, metabolic pathways and

genetics of particular organisms. For example, the recently cultivated Haloquadratum

walsbyi was an important step in understanding the microbial ecology in hyper-saline

environments. The discovery of Salinibacter ruber provided a better understanding of

bacterial ecology in hyper-saline environments and refuted previous assumptions that

bacteria were outcompeted at high salinities (Antón et al., 2002). The completed

genome of this bacterium provided insights into the co-evolution of this bacterium

with the haloarchaea (Mongodin et al., 2005). In addition, the cultivation of the

dominant species in the environment may allow the isolation and characterisation of

novel haloviruses also present in the environment.

Culture independent methods adopted for diversity study by different aspects

include metagenomic sequencing, probe based microarrays, PLFA, DGGE, TGGE,

TRFLP, and DDRT-PCR with community DNA (Zheng 1996; Takai et al., 2000;

Raskin et al., 1994; Lozupone et al., 2007; Lueders et al., 2003). The haloarchaeal

diversity in various hyper-saline regions has been analyzed and compared with the

community culture independent biodiversity. Thus, the rRNA based approach for

studying in situ prokaryotic diversity has led to finding the methodology for the novel

unculturable individuals (Podar et al., 2007). It is a real fact that there are still plenty

of unknown “unculturable” species, hidden in different environments. With the advent


of these molecular techniques and the ease of sequencing reactions, microbial

communities of many environments have been characterised, including soil (McCaig

et al., 1999), water (Homer-Devine et al., 2003), the human mouth (Kroes et al.,

1999) and the human gut (Suau et al., 1999).

The traditional culture based techniques fail to recover those largely

predominant microorganisms basically due to lack of understanding of the basic

environmental factors, physiology and metabolism of individuals. Techniques so far

used for isolating haloarchaea are quite simple and do not mimic the natural growth

conditions (Kaeberlein et al., 2002). In some cases lower diversity is recovered by

molecular techniques than the actual diversity, while in other instances the cultivated

isolates are not related to the sequences retrieved directly from the environmental

samples (Benlloch et al., 2001; Ochsenreiter et al.,2002; Burns et al., 2004;

Maturrano et al., 2006). It has allowed detection of uncultivated organisms such as the

Korarchaeota and has given insights into community structure and function.

Culture-dependent and culture-independent methods were used to assess the

diversity of haloarchaea in hyper-saline regions. Haloarchaeal diversity of different

ecosystem provides a large number of individual to family Halobacteriaceae in last

few decades. This archaeal community are explored by means of cultivation

dependent and cultivation independent methods. The two methods yielded slightly

different results, an observation commonly shared by many similar studies (Benlloch

et al., 2001; Ochsenreiter et al., 2002; Burns et al., 2004 b; Maturrano et al., 2006).

Archaeal rRNAs had been recovered from either nonviable or viable but unculturanle

populations, i.e., the extremophilic archaea might be microbial relics. Halophilic

archaeal rRNA likely reflects the microbial activity and species distribution during the

period of deposition over the past two million years. Members of two main phyla,

Euryarchaeota and Crenarchaeota are deeply investigated species amoung archaeal

groups. Almost all previous studies describing the microbial diversity of different

ecosystems have relied on the identification and characterization of cells which may

only represent 0.1–1% of the total microbial community (Rapp´e and Giovannoni,


Culture-independent methods are increasingly used in environmental

microbiology to bypass the shortcomings of studying microorganisms, which is


laborious and high microbial skills are needed basically in culture handling and

characterization, but community based method is comparatively more easy by

extracting and analysing total nucleic acids, theoretically representing the entire

microbial population from environmental samples (Spiegelman et al., 2005). Many

studies have reported that the assessment of bacterial diversity by cultivation-

dependent methods generate erroneous information with regard to bacterial diversity,

owing to the existence of a host of non- bacterial species. The analysis of microbial

diversity has, therefore, shifted in the last two decades, from cultivation-dependent

approaches to 16S rRNA-based cultivation-independent approaches. This shift in

method has resulted in the discovery of many novel microbial taxa, theoretically, but

none in hand.

Nevertheless, this approach also has important limitations, and is often

confined to naming 16S rRNA gene clones or DGGE (denaturing gradient gel

electrophoresis) bands based on sequence similarity, and speculation as to the

ecophysiology of species, on the grounds of such similarities. Therefore, as PCR-

based approaches have biases which can distort community composition (Martin-

Laurent et al., 2001; Hur and Chun, 2004) cultivation remains the preferred method

for the acquisition of an accurate picture of the physiology and complex ecological

interactions in which microorganisms engage.

The impact of DNA-based methods has remarkably improved our knowledge

by providing both a new alternative classification system and critically, new

experimental strategies to identify non- species (Amann et al., 1995). The resulting

data have not only highlighted the true breadth of prokaryotic diversity but have also

changed some of our previous views of biological evolution. Phylogenetic analysis of

gene sequences retrieved from both cultured and uncultured bacteria has shown that

all cellular life can be ordered into three taxa (termed Domains) - bacteria, archaea,

and eukaryota. Intriguingly, this has resulted in a major taxonomic promotion for the

Archaea, which were previously thought to be a series of unusual bacterial species. In

addition, the use of DNA-based methods (Yokouchi et al., 2006; Uchiyama et al.,

2006; Rondon et al., 2000) to identify and catalogue non- species has radically

improved our knowledge of the diversity found within living prokaryotes.


The results obtained by culture-dependent techniques covered only those few

organisms that could be cultivated. Due to this well documented disparity between

cultivable and in situ diversity, it is often difficult to assess the significance of

cultured members in microbial communities. Several studies have employed culture-

independent techniques to show that cultivated microorganisms from diverse

environments often may represent very minor components of the microbial

community as a whole (Kimura et al., 2006; Abulencia et al., 2006). It is generally

accepted that cultivation methods recover less than 1% of the total microorganisms

present in environmental samples (Amann et al., 1995; Ward et al., 1990), therefore,

microbial investigations based only on cultivation strategies cannot be regarded as

reliable in terms of reflecting the microbial diversity present in art samples (Von

Wintzingerode et al., 1997; Singleton et al., 2001).

Differences in operon copy number causes bias towards microbes with higher

copy number, thereby overestimating diversity by counting multiple signals from

single organism. There is now a database providing information on operon copy

number in different organisms (Klappenbach et al., 2001). Heterogeneity of 16S

rRNA sequences can also overestimate diversity (Crosby and Criddle, 2003). For

example, Haloarcula marismortui has an inter operon difference up to 5% between

two 16S rRNA gene sequences (Mylvaganam and Dennis, 1992). Hence, slightly

different genes could originate from one strain, but may be interpreted as genes from

two closely related organisms. Although culture dependent method is a laborious and

time consuming method, it provides almost full information about organisms, full

biochemical, physiological, metabolic, full length 16S rRNA genes, other

phylogenitic markers available for analysis, revealing a complete picture regarding

structure, genetic diversity of the community and taxonomic identification of


2.2 Halophiles

Halophiles are one class of extreme organisms, which live in saline

environments. Microbial life can be found over the whole range of salt concentrations

from freshwater and marine biotopes to hyper-saline environments with NaCl

concentrations up to saturation (Brown, 1976, 1978; Tokuoka, 1993; Buchalo et al.,

1998, Ventosa et al., 1998; Almeida, 1999; Oren, 1999, 2002; Antón et al., 2000;


Gunde-Cimerman et al., 2000; Sleator and Hill, 2001; Lahav et al., 2002; Roberts,

2004). These organisms can be found in a wide range of environments from low-

saline marine environments to hyper-saline lakes such as the Dead Sea and Great Salt

Lake. Generally Halophiles fall into three categories depending on the salinity optimal

for growth: halotolerant (1-6%), moderate halophile (6-15%), and extreme halophile

(15-30%) (Garabito et al., 1998). Halophilic and halotolerant nature of

microorganisms vary significantly in three domains. (Buchalo et al., 1998; Antón et

al., 2000; Oren, 1999, 2002).

The study of microbial community and organisms from saline environments is

a field of research that has found increased interest in the past few decades. As with

all extreme environments, microbial diversity decreases as the salinity increases,

water stress of an aqueous environment increases, water activity (Aw) decrease and

only a few species grow under conditions of extreme water stress i.e. saturation of

salt. However, colonization of salt-loving or salt-tolerant microorganisms in hyper-

saline environments such as salt lakes (Buchalo et al., 1998; Gunde- Cimermann, et

al., 2000) , salted food products (Onishi, 1957; Takashina et al., 1994) is often highly

successful and may reach high population densities in such ecosystems (Oren, 1999).

New organisms are being identified and characterized from marine and salt lake

environments throughout the world, which has helped shed light on the ecology of

these microbes (Oren 1994; Ventosa et al., 1998; Dyall-Smith, 2004). Within the

domain Archaea, except few including methanogens, almost all halophiles belong to

the family Halobacteriaceae.

Table 2.1 Classification of microorganisms based on salt tolerance according to

Kushner (Kushner, 1978).

Category Range (M) Optimum salt concentration (M)

Non halophile



Slight halophile

Moderate halophile

Borderline extreme halophile

Extreme halophile
















In extreme salinities, halophilic archaea have been shown to be the dominant

population and most bacterial species have been shown to prefer lower levels of

salinity for optimal growth (Oren, 2002b). The bacteria are generally more diverse,

with halophilic groups found in several phyla. Although knowledge about these

organisms and their metabolic processes has increased over the years, it is limited by

the ability to culture halophiles. Many of these organisms have unique growth

requirements that can be hard to grow in the laboratory, and also with slow growth

rates, can hamper the isolation of certain halophilic strains and is reflected in the

outcome of non-culturing molecular methods and culturing methods (Amann, 1995;

Benlloch et al., 2001; Burns et al., 2004). By learning more about what they require

and finding better ways to imitate their environment, culturing techniques have

improved over the past few years and more “uncultivables” are being isolated

(Kaeberlein et al., 2002)

Among halophilic members of Archaea, the family Halobacteriaceae been

extensively studied. The extreme halophilic archaeal group are diverse, required salt

ranging from 8-32% and pH ranging from acidic to basic. Majority of Halobacteriales

are nonmotile, stained gram negative, reproduced by binary fission, do not form

resting stages, obligate aerobes, chemoorganotrophs and have very high GC content

in their genome. Some members of halobacteriales have multiple copies of genome,

and have remarkable DNA repairing mechanisms. Several members of this order have

unique light mediated ATP synthesis mechanisms and some thrive in salt crystals for

thousands of years (Vreeland et al., 2000; Leuko et al., 2011).

2.2.1 Extremophilic Halophiles in Three Domains

During the last hundreds of years, several discoveries were made in the field

of biodiversity in different ecosystems. From the starting ages of science, living

organisms are grouped based on their similarities and dissimilarities. The unique

properties of microbial extremophiles have also encouraged interest in several other

fields beside ecology and taxonomy. Evolutionists have been interested in extreme

organisms as the primordial earth was a very hostile environment, and some believe

that extremophiles are the best possible candidates for representing the first organisms

to grow and survive. Another emerging area of extremophile research is astrobiology

or looking for alternative life forms on other planets. Comparisons have been drawn


between Earth’s hostile environments and those found on Mars, Europa (Galilean

satellite), and comets (Litchfield, 1998; Landis, 2001; Stan-Lotter et al., 1999). By

researching more about the organisms found in Earth’s extreme areas, scientists hope

to be able to understand more about what other life could be discovered elsewhere.

Archaea have been recognized as the third domain of life in this planet since the late

1970s. Archaebacteria are phylogenetically distinct from eubacteria and eukaryotes.

Origin of Archaebacteria is estimated to be 3.5 billion years.

First taxonomist Linnaeus divided the world in to Plants, animals and minerals

(Linnaeus, 1735). In 1969 Whittaker proposed a five kingdom model consisting of

Monera, Protista, Plantae, Fungi and Animalia (Whittaker, 1969) Three Domain

classification is based on different classes of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and is believed

to be evolved from the Last Universal Common Ancestor which is the root base of

“Universal Tree of life”. The revision distinguished three domains called Eukaryota,

Bacteria and Archaebacteria (Woese et al., 1977) and in 1990, later was subsequently

renamed Archaea (Woese et al., 1990).

The knowledge about the archaea was little when the other two domains were

studied in detail and also it was assumed that the occurrence of archaea was taught to

be restricted to extreme environments, either with low or high pH, extreme

temperature, anaerobic conditions and salinity. Several studies in last decade, using

new cultivation independent molecular ecological studies revealed the existence of

archaea in all environments, cold environments, ocean water columns and sediments,

fresh water environments, etc.

Archaea domain is divided into five phyla, Euryarchaeota, Crenarchaeota,

Korarchaeota, Nanoarchaeota and Thaumarchaeota, (uncultivable Group), the

presence of which has been determined only by environmental DNA sequences

(Woese, 2007; Barns et al., 1996; Bano et al., 2004; Huber et al., 2002; Cavalier-

Smith 2002). Well-known and cultivated archaea generally fall into several major

phenotypic groupings like halophiles, methanogens, thermophiles, thermoacidophilic

and nano-archaea (DeLong, 2003). Halophilic archaea are classified within the order

Halobacteriales, family Halobacteriaceae which consists of a number of aerobic

extreme halophiles that live normally in hyper saline environments, such as solar

salterns, soda lakes, sea beds, etc. Phylum Euryarchaeota is best known and


extensively studied phylum in archaea, includes halophiles, methonogens and some

hyperthermophiles. The archaeal members of hypothermophiles on marine ENV

lineage are least known in archaeal domain. Most known members of halobacteriales

are extreme halophiles flourish from 8% to saturation point of salt. Metabolic

diversity of halophiles includes oxygenic and anoxygenic phototrophs, aerobic

heterotrophs, fermenters, denitrifiers, sulphate reducers methanogens, etc.

The characterization of archaea is based on many internal and external

characters including chromatin organizing histone proteins, long thought to be absent

from Crenarchaea, is present in Euryarchaea. This has been interpreted as a support

for the euryarchaea as an origin of the eukaryotic nucleus (Martin and Müller, 1998).

Recent analysis of the Crenarchaeum symbiosum genome (Hallam et al., 2006) has

identified histones, ftsZ and the previously euryarchaea-specific DNA polymerase

polD, in conflict with the former distribution of these genes. Analysis of

environmental samples also indicates that histones were developed in ancestral

archaea (Cˇubonˇova´ et al., 2005). A group of DNA sequences from environmental

samples have been described as a third branch, the Korarchaeota. Korarchaea have

been sampled from geothermal environments (Barns et al., 1996), as well as from

hydrothermal regions (Marteinsson et al., 2001; Auchtung et al., 2006). A fourth

branch, Nanoarchaeota, has also been suggested (Huber et al., 2002). This group is

composed of extremely small organisms, only 400 nm in diameter, which grows in a

symbiotic/parasitic way on the surface of other archaeal species. Only one species of

this branch, Nanoarchaeum equitans, has been cultivated to date (Huber et al., 2002),

but sequences of others have been identified (Hohn et al., 2002).

Recent studies have suggested that the Korarchaea and Nanoarchaea may

represent fast evolving species within the Crenarchaeota and Euryarchaeota phylum,

respectively (Brochier et al., 2005; Robertson et al., 2005). Among three major

evolutionary domains of life on earth, members of the archaeal domain are the least

understood in terms of their diversity, physiology, genetics, and ecology.

Molecular phylogenetic studies have revealed that environmental archaeal

populations are diverse, complex and widespread, and that they frequently consist of

uncultivated and unidentified members (DeLong and Pace, 2001). As it is currently

impossible to construct culture-based phenotypic characterizations of many


environmental Archaea, the physiological significance of Archaea in nature has

remained unknown for a long time. When the phylogenetic features intrinsic to

archaeal communities are related to the environment, they may provide important

insights into the physiological functions and ecological roles of communities (Takai et

al., 2001). Several recent molecular studies (Bintrim et al., 1997; Jurgens et al., 1997;

Buckley et al., 1998) have demonstrated the ubiquity of Archaea in soil, particularly

those organisms belonging to the non-thermophilic Crenarchaeota lineage which

forms a deeply branching group with no close affiliation with any cultivated member

of Archaea. These organisms may constitute approximately 1% of the total soil

population (Whitman et al., 1998).

2.3 Domain Archaea

Archaea have long been considered as bacteria due to their prokaryotic

morphology, circular genomes, and gene organization in operons, but in 1977 Woese

could clearly distinguish archaea as a third domain of life by applying rRNA

phylogeny (Woese et al., 1990). Their status as a separate domain is further supported

by their unique features such as distinctive cell membrane phospholipids (Boris et al.,

2006). Genome -sequencing projects gave further insights into the nature of Archaea.

Haloarchaeal taxonomical studies started only few decades back with few isolates, in

last two decades, to a number of haloarchaea isolated and get characterized. Recently

a number of isolates were obtained from different ecosystems and is continuing by

adding new individuals to the Halobacteriaceae family. Current views of prokaryote

phylogeny are mainly based on 16S rRNA sequence data, which is only a small part

of the genome, which supposed to answer all our questions on archaeal evolution. In

prokaryote classification, polyphasic taxonomies are important in maintaining

flexibility and achieving a balanced picture.

2.3.1. Phylum: Euryarchaeota

In domain archaea, Halobacteriaceae familiy cover majority of extreme

halophiles, although several halophilic methanogenes are also known for its halophilic

nature. Only members of the Halobacteriaceae are usually considered as halophilic

archaea or haloarchaea. Up to now 33 genera of Halobacteriaceae have been defined

by rRNA sequencing and other criteria. The family is often collectively referred to as


“halobacteria” since the genus Halobacterium was the first halophilic archaeon to be

described and remains the best-studied representative of this group Archaea.

2.3.2. Phylum: Crenarchaeota

Several of this group are hypothermophiles (psychrophiles), but not much is

known about their taxonomy (Fuhrman et al., 1992). The Crenarchaeota has been

classified as a phylum of the Archaea domain, initially, the Crenarchaeota were

thought to be extremophiles but recent studies have identified them as the most

abundant archaea in the marine environment. Most of those are found in the 'Marine

ENV' branch on the Archaea tree. The hyperthermophiles have been studied more

thoroughly among cultured Archaea, in Crenarchaeota. Most are chemolithotrophs,

and in many extremely hot environments, they are the most important primary

producers (Könneke et al., 2005). The hyperthermophilic Crenarchaeota cluster

together on short branches on the tree, suggesting slow evolution, but not much is

known about their taxonomy. Most of these members are found in the 'Marine ENV'

branch on the Archaeal tree. They were separated from the other archaea based on

rRNA sequences; since then physiological features, such as lack of histones have

supported this division. However, some crenarchaea were found to have histones.

2.3.3 Phylum: Korarchaeota

The Korarchaeota have only been found in high temperature hydrothermal

environments. They appear to have diversified at different phylogenetic levels

according to temperature, salinity and geography. Korarchaeota have been found in

nature in only low abundance. The analysis of their 16S rRNA gene sequences

suggests that they are a deeply-branching lineage that does not belong to the main

archaeal groups (Elkins et al. 2008). These hyper thermophiles are known only from a

single hot spring in Yellowstone, and little is known about their ecology. They are

often discussed in the context of the 'slow evolutionary clock' idea. Briefly, the idea is

that hyperthermophilic Archaea appear to evolve more slowly than other lineages of

life (Cox et al, 2008). Interestingly, hyperthermophilic archaea seem to show the

same slow rate of evolution. One hypothesis is that this reflects the extreme

environment in which these organisms live: organisms at very high temperatures must

be under very strong selective pressure to maintain those genes that permit life there.


2.3.4 Phylum: Nanoarchaeota

These hyperthermophiles are one of the few examples known of Archaea that

are symbiotic with other Archaea. They are small, obligate symbionts, and have the

smallest cell-size known (Hohn et al., 2002). Report on cultivation of a new nano

sized hyperthermophilic archaeon from a submarine hot vent is avialble and this

archaeon cannot be attached to any of the existing groups and represent phylum

'Nanoarchaeota' and species, named as Nanoarchaeum equitans with a 400nm size

(Huber et al., 2002). They grow attached to the surface of a specific archaeal host, a

new member of the genus Ignicoccus. The distribution of the 'Nanoarchaeota' is so far

unknown. Owing to their unusual ss rRNA sequence, members remained undetectable

by commonly used ecological studies based on the polymerase chain reaction. N.

equitans harbours the smallest archaeal genome; it is only 0.5 megabases (mb) in size.

This organism will provide insight into the evolution of thermophily, of tiny genomes

and of interspecies communication.

Table 2.2 Classification of Domain Archaea

Phylum Class Order

Crenarchaeota Thermoprotei or


Acidilobales, Desulfurococcales,

Fervidicoccales, Sulfolobales,


Euryarchaeota Archaeoglobi












Methanocellales, Methanomicrobiales,







Thaumarchaeota Cenarchaeales


2.3.5 Phylum: Thaumarchaeota

Thaumarchaeota is a newly-proposed phylum of the Archaea, containing so

far four species, Nitrosopumilus maritimus, Cenarchaeum symbiosum,

Nitrososphaera viennensis, and Nitrososphaera gargensis. All organisms of this

lineage discovered so far are chemolithoautotrophic ammonia-oxidizers and may play

important roles in biogeochemical cycles, such as the nitrogen cycle and the carbon

cycle. Based on the first genome sequence of a crenarchaeote, Cenarchaeum

symbiosum, show that these mesophilic archaea are different from hyperthermophilic

Crenarchaeota and branch deeper than was previously assumed (Boussau et al., 2008).

2.4 Extreme Hyper-saline Environments

Hyper-saline waters are defined as those with total salt concentrations greater

than that of seawater. Concentrated salt solutions like salt or soda lakes, coastal

lagoons, salt marshes or man-made salterns are examples of hyper-saline

environments which are inhabited by only a few forms of higher life, other than

dominated prokaryotic microorganisms (Allers and Mevarech, 2005). Global salt

deposits show that evaporation of marine salt water and the development of hyper-

saline habitats is an ongoing process for millions of years and providing ample time

for the evolution of specialized halophilic bacteria and archaea. The major habitats of

halophilic microorganisms are salt waters (salt lakes, brines, ponds) and saline soils.

In the saline soils, the matrix potential of the soil adds to the water stress caused by

high salt concentrations. High saline waters originate either by seawater condensation

called Thalassohaline or by evaporation of inland surface water called


2.4.1 Chemical Nature of Major Hyper-saline Environments

The chemical composition and the predominant ions in harsh environment

depend on the surrounding topography, geology, and general climatic conditions and

indirectly point to the possibility of phylogenetically distinct archea extremophiles.

Hyper- saline environmentals are diversed with different factors including high

osmotic pressure, low metabolites, acidic to alkaline pH values, low oxygen

availability, high or low temperatures, presence of heavy metals and other toxic

compounds (Oren, 2002; Ventosa, 2006). Thalassohaline waters, as they are derived


from seawater, and initially at least, have a proportional composition of salts similar

to that of seawater. Solar salterns, where seawater is evaporated to produce sea salt,

are typical examples of thalassohaline environments. Calcite or Calcium Carbonate

(CaCO3), gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O), halite (NaCl), sylvite (KCl) and finally carnallite, a

hydrated potassium magnesium chloride, (KMgCl3.6H2O), precipitate out sequentially

as evaporation occurs.

The salt composition of thalassohaline waters resembles that of seawater with

NaCl as the main constituent. By contrast, athalassohaline waters are markedly

influenced by the geology of the area where they develop, for example by the

resolution of salt deposits from a previous evaporative event, or significant leaching

of ions from the surrounding geology (Williams 1996; Grant et al., 1998; Demergasso

et al., 2024; Jiang et al., 2006). The Dead Sea is an example of a hyper-saline

environment profoundly influenced by an earlier Mg2+

rich brine, somewhat depleted

in Na+. Eugster and Hardie (1978) have attempted to define the key geological and

chemical features that influence how hyper-saline brine develops. The Dead Sea is

slightly acidic because of the precipitation of magnesium minerals such as sepiolite

(Mg4Si6O15(OH)2·6H2O) a complex of magnesium silicate (Grant et al., 1998).

Furthermore, a high calcium ion alkaline environment can develop from low

temperature weathering of calcium and magnesium containing silicate minerals,

olivine and pyroxene, which releases calcium ions and hydroxide ions. Magnesium is

precipitated and carbonate is removed as calcite, but since there is an excess of

calcium ions, this results in a Ca(OH)2-

dominated brine with a pH of around 11 (Jones

et al., 1994). Clearly, the type of brine that develops influences the microbiota.

Athalassohaline lakes can differ in their ion composition from seawater derived lakes.

Some athalassohaline waters have a very high concentration of divalent cations (for

example, the Dead Sea with the main cation Mg2+

instead of Na+), while others are

free of magnesium and calcium due to the presence of high levels of carbonate.

2.4.2 pH of Saline Systems

A solution of carbon dioxide forms carbonic acid, which is a weak acid that

undergoes ion exchange with the surrounding rock, this causes mineral to be leached

out. The final pH is influenced by the concentration of calcium ions (and to a lesser

extent, magnesium ions) in the surrounding rocks. Calcium ions form insoluble calcite


(CaCO3) which removes alkaline carbonate ions from solution; hence brines that have

a high concentration of calcium ions have a neutral pH. The Great Salt Lake in Utah

is one such environment (Baxter et al. 2005). Where the geology is deficient in

calcium and magnesium ions (where rocks of volcanic or metamorphic origin are

present and those of sedimentary origin are absent), carbonate becomes the dominant

ion. An increase in carbonate ions results in the precipitation of calcium, then

magnesium removing divalent cations from solution and allowing more soluble

carbonates of sodium and potassium to accumulate. This results in soda lakes such as

Lake Magadi in Kenya (Mwatha and Grant 1993; Grant et al. 1998). In contrast to salt

lakes, soda lakes are geologically very recent. In other environments, the precipitation

of minerals can contribute to the release of H+ ions, therefore reducing the pH.

Profoundly alkaline lakes develop in areas where the surrounding geology is

deficient in Ca2+

, for example in the East African Rift Valley. Here, surrounding high


trachyte lavas are deficient in both Ca2+

and Mg2+

, allowing the development of

lakes with pH values in excess of 11 (Grant and Tindall 1986; Grant et al., 1990;

Jones et al., 1998; Duckworth et al., 2004). Increased carbonate concentrations lead to

the formation of soda lakes, which have pH values well above 10 (for example, the

Wadi Natrun in Egypt). Levels of Mg2+

also influence the systems by removing CO3-2

as dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2), and in the case of the Dead Sea, whose composition is

markedly influenced by a previous Mg-rich evaporate, cause slightly acidic conditions

through the generation of Mg2+

minerals such as sepiolite, which generates H+ during

the precipitative process. High levels of other ions in the surrounding topography will

also influence the final composition, and there are exceptional hyper-saline lakes

dominated by Ca2+


2.4.3 Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations

The organic lake ecosystem contains salt concentrations of between 0.8 and

21% and an anoxic layer below a depth of 4 to 5 m. The water in the most hyper-

saline lakes is anoxic, with dissolved oxygen concentrations below 0.2 ppm (parts per

million). Saline waters often contain very little dissolved oxygen, it has been

calculated that oxygen solubility at 25 ºC is 2 mg/L at halite precipitation (Grant et al.,

1998). Hence salt lakes are high in salt and low oxygen environments with a range of

organic substrates available for growth. A few representatives of the halophiles may


overcome oxygen limitation by producing gas vesicles that enable them to float

toward the air-water interface. Presence of gas vesicles reduce the buoyancy of the

cells and enable them to float to the surface where light and oxygen conditions might

be more favourable for growth (Walsby, 1994). The gas vesicles observed are of

normal size, suggesting that the absence of oxygen does not always result in an

inhibition of their synthesis. An alternative strategy is to cope with the lack of

molecular oxygen with the use of alternative electron acceptors in respiration. Oxygen

was not detectable below 8 m depth in hyper saline lakes (Schink et al., 1983).

2.4.4 Dissolved Organic Carbon

Salt lakes often contain significant amounts of dissolved organic carbon

(DOC). Death and decay of organic matter from algae and plants growing nearby may

contribute to the carbon input. The major sources of organic compounds come from

the organisms themselves. For example, the decomposition of brine shrimp leads to

the deposition of chitin from their exoskeletons which will be used as substrate for

halophilic bacteria (Liaw and Mah, 1992). Furthermore, the decomposition of

bacterial cell walls releases sugars, proteins and lipids (Ollivier et al., 1994). A further

possible source of organic matter are compatible solutes (osmolytes) contained in the

organisms. These are organic molecules that help with coping with a high salt

environment. Release of such solutes is a further source of organic substrates (Grant

et al., 1998).

In saltern ponds with salt concentrations above 250 to 300 g l–1

, the only

primary producer is generally the unicellular green alga Dunaliella salina, which is

colored red-orange because of its high content of β-carotene. This alga is probably

responsible for all, if not, most of the primary production in salt lakes (Oren, 2002a).

Several cyanobacteria have been found in salt lakes that contribute to primary

production. Aphanothece halophytica and Daclylococcopsis salina are unicellular gas

vacuolated cyanobacteria that were originally isolated from Solar Lake in Israel.

However, large populations of cyanobacteria are not often seen in neutral salt lakes

but they are found in soda lakes. Anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria may also

contribute to primary production such as Ectothiorhodospira marismortui, isolated

from the Dead Sea, and Halorliodospira halophila (Grant, 2004).


Microflora have been found in all of the above types of saline systems,

indicating that halophilic microorganisms tolerate high to low salinity and can adapt

to different stresses like high pH or extreme temperatures (Allers and Mevarech,

2005). Surface hyper-saline lakes and solar salterns are the major habitats for

halophilic and halotolerant microorganisms, but there are other, less well-studied

high-salt habitats such as hyper-saline soils, salt marshes, salt desert, desert plants,

wall paintings, sea floor brines (such as the Atlantis Deep and the Discovery Deep in

the Mediterranean), oil field brines and ancient evaporate deposits, where isolations of

halophilic and halotolerant micro-organisms have been recorded (Oren, 2002). Saltern

crystallizer ponds are an ideal system to study communities of halophilic

microorganisms in their natural environment and diversity in all factors can be

observed throughout the globe. Salterns are found worldwide in coastal tropical and

subtropical areas; the nature of the microbial communities developing in the saturated

brines from which NaCl precipitates as halite crystals is very similar irrespective of

the geographical location: community densities are high, and the community structure

is very simple (Javor, 2002, Oren, 2002a, 2009). Hyper-saline marshes are located

between Gulf of Kutch, Great Rann Kutch and Little Rann Kutch.

2.5 Diversity of Halophiles in Saline Environments

In order to thrive in high salt concentrations, halophiles have to maintain a

cytoplasm that is at least iso-osmotic with the outside medium; otherwise they would

lose water to their environment or vice versa, since biological membranes are

permeable to water. Three domains use different strategies (Oren, 1999) to

compensate the osmotic pressure from the environment. The strategy whatever they

adopted should be energetically feasible and there is a need for all enzymes and

structural cell components to be adapted to ensure their function under these

conditions (Lanyi, 1974; Eisenberg et al., 1992). Protections against dehydration

during the salt crystallization, where there is a chance of losing cell water, into the ion

rich environment and how they are surviving in such condition make us think about

well evolved cell mechanisms of halophiles. In halophiles, the modification of

intracellular components, sugars, amino acids, fatty acids, osmolytes, sequence,

orientation, acidic and basic residue, charges of amino acids, are specially used to

maintain cell integrity. In hyper-saline condition, almost all cell activities of a non

halophile will be arrested due to the changes in physiology of bio- molecules which


lead to changes cell mechanisms, structures, chemical natures, metabolic and finally

inactivation of the activity of bio molecules by aggregating or precipitating.

Majority of the halophiles are aerobic. Therefore, for the growth of these cells,

the presence of oxygen and light for halophilic archaea is favourable due to the

presence of bacteriorhodopsin (BR) (Pfeifer et al., 1997, 2002). As the concentration

of salt increases, the concentration of O2 gets decreased and when crystallization

starts it blocks some amount of light. Therefore, due to lack of sufficient light energy

which is directly used to drive energy for bioenergetic processes, i.e. to grow photo-

organotrophically, growth will be impaired. In such conditions, these organisms have

evolved to change strategies to thrive under low oxygen and low light. Another

challenge haloarchaea faces in natural environment is the photo-oxidation by solar

radiation resulted into extensive damage to the genetic materials. However, archaea

lerned to devise effective DNA repairing mechanisms to circumvent such adverse


Communities of red halophilic archaea, halophilic eubacteria and unicellular

algae are some of the common living components in the brine, and they are generally

present in numbers as high as 107 to 10

8 cells per ml (Oren, 1994, 2006). Most

archaeal cells in salterns worldwide appear to belong to pleomorphic with the flat

square or rectangular, gas-vacuolated type first recognized by Walsby (1980), which

was only recently brought into culture and described as Haloquadratum walsbyi

(Burns et al., 2007). Different species of Halobacteriaceae are also present in

crystallizer brines, according to the physico-chemical properties of brine, but their

quantitative contribution to the community is poorly understood (Oren, 1994, 2002a,

b). The contribution of extremely halophilic members of the phylum Bacteroidetes

(Bacteria), in which some members are also coloured red, to the microbial

communities in saltern crystallizer ponds was recognized only quite recently (Antón

et al., 2000; Oren and Rodríguez-Valera, 2001; Oren, 2002b).

From the halophilic extremophile research, it is being pointed out that these

organisms are having astonishing mechanisms of adaptation. Initial studies on hyper

saline region on early days, evaluated with visible members of living things lead to

the conclusion of “No life area, Dead sea”, etc. The current research on halophilic

archea have a dominant consequence due to its novelty and extreme adaptation


features and shed light onto life in halophilic environments. Members of the

Halobacteriaceae require 1.5 - 4 M (8-23%) NaCl for optimal growth and majority of

halophilic archaea can thrive up to the saturation point, of sodium chloride around 5.5

M (32% of NaCl), (DasSarma, 2006). Although growth of some species is rather slow

at this salinity but haloarchaea are unable to grow below concentrations less than 1.5

M (8% of NaCl). In diverse environment they are abundant like sea surface,

subsurface, gas hydrate-bearing sediments and deep trenches (Gordon et al., 2004).

2.6 Adaptation of Archaea to Hyper-saline Environment

Haloarchaea do not survive at constant salt concentrations, but in many natural

settings they are exposed to changing salinities due to evaporation or rain, and thus

also the intracellular conditions change considerably. Thus due to this rapid

fluctuations in salinities, haloarchaea are excellent models to study osmoadaptation

over an extreme range of salt concentrations. Extreme halophiles like Halobacterium

salinarum require at least about 2 M salt, moderate halophiles like Haloferax volcanii

have a growth optimum slightly higher than 2 M but can grow from about 1 M to

saturation. Several terms describe the salt tolerance or requirement of organisms. The

term halophilic is generally restricted to those organisms that have a specific

requirement for salt (almost always assumed to be NaCl). Such organisms will not

grow in the absence of relatively high concentrations of salt, usually greater than 1.0–

1.5 M. Halotolerance is generally taken to mean that the organism has no specific

requirement for salt, but will continue to grow in the presence of high concentrations.

The regulation in the ion transport systems, biosynthetic pathways, secretion of the

extracellular proteins, intra cellular accumulation of osmolytes, etc. help moderate

halophiles for the adaptation. Several recent studies have identified genes that are

differentially expressed at different salt concentrations (Bidle, 2003; Choi et al., 2005;

Jäger et al., 2002) or detected de-novo synthesis of dimeric lipids upon an osmotic

down shift (Lopalco et al., ,2004), but the opportunities are clearly underexploited.

Halophiles have developed different basic mechanisms of osmoregulatory

solute accumulation to cope with ionic strength and the considerable water stress.

These mechanisms allow halophiles to proliferate in saturated salt solutions and to

survive when entrapment in salt crystals or rock and were proven by the isolation of

viable halophilic archaea from several subsurface salt deposits of Permo-Triassic age


(Walsh et al., 2005). Archaea also synthesize and accumulate several unique solutes

for use as osmolytes. They have aquaporins which are a large family of membrane

channels involved in osmoregulation, K+ pumps and K

+ channel, osmotic stress

sensors and signal transduction mechanism for osmoregulation. Little is known about

how synthesis and accumulation of solutes are regulated in these cells. In fact, for

many of the compatible solutes examined, the biosynthetic pathway is unknown.

Thus, in order to identify osmosensors, first need to identify biosynthetic pathways,

metabolites and key enzymes in osmoregulation.

2.6.1 Salt-in-cytoplasm Strategy

Organisms following this strategy adjust the interior protein chemistry of the

cell to high salt concentration. The thermodynamic adjustment of the cell can be

achieved by raising the salt concentration in the cytoplasm. Halophilic archaea keep

the cytoplasm relatively free of sodium, instead, potassium accumulates in the cell (as

shown for Haloferax volcanii through an energy-dependent potassium uptake system)

and together with its counter ion Cl-. Due to this salt-in strategy, archaea accumulate

K+ in the cytoplasm and can be found in molar concentrations. Because the K


concentration inside the cell is 100 times higher than in the surrounding environment,

a part of the proton motive force must be used to maintain the ion gradient. Their

energy requirement for this pumping is obtained from light driven rhodopsins. Four

functional types of haloarchaeal rhodopsins are known. The H+ pump

bacteriorhodopsin (BR) uses light energy to create a proton electrochemical gradient

for Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production, flagellar rotation and other energy

requiring processes (Oren, 2002). The light-driven transport of chloride ions into the

cytoplasm by the Cl- pump halorhodopsin (HR), works to increase the electrochemical

potential of the proton gradient, while the two types of sensory rhodopsins present in

the haloarchaea are used for phototaxis under alternative maximum wavelengths of

light (λ max) (Sharma et al., 2007). Extreme halophilic archaea such as

Halobacterium and Haloferax are the archaeal examples that appear to use inorganic

ions exclusively as osmolytes.

In bacteria, this salt in strategy is normally absent and also there is evidence

that these organisms invest as little as possible energy in the maintenance of ion

gradients. Intra cellular accumulation of ions is also observed in members of bacteria


like Haloanaerobium praevalens, measurements of the ion composition in

exponentially growing cells of show that K+ is the dominating cation, but that Na


levels are also relatively high. Cells entering the stationary phase eventually replace

K+ for Na

+ (Oren, 2006). Analysis of Haloanaerobium acetoethylicum even suggests

that Na+ could be the main cation in stationary cells as well as in exponentially

growing cells (Oren, 1986). The effect of the accumulation of potassium and/or

sodium in the cytoplasm is that the cytoplasm is exposed to an increased ionic

strength. Although it is clear that the 'high-salt-in strategy' is energetically less costly

to the cell than the biosynthesis of large amounts of organic osmotic solutes (Oren,

1999). However, in habitats with saturated salt concentrations, halophilic archaea

outcompete organic-osmolyte producers, proving members of the “salt-in-cytoplasm

mechanism” as extreme halophiles.

2.6.2 Organic Osmolyte Strategy

Some halophilic organisms keep the cytoplasm, to a large extent, free of NaCl

and the design of the cell’s interior remains basically unchanged. The chemical

potential of the cell water is mainly reduced by an accumulation of uncharged, highly

water-soluble, organic solutes. The organic osmolyte mechanism is widespread

among Bacteria and Eukaryota and also present in some methanogenic archaea (Lai et

al., 1991; Roberts et al., 1992) in response to an osmotic stress, these organisms

mainly accumulate organic compounds like sugars, polyols, amino acids and/or amino

acid derivatives either by de novo synthesis or by uptake from the surrounding

environment. These non-ionic, highly water-soluble compounds do not disturb the

metabolism, even at high cytoplasmic concentrations and are thus appositely named

compatible solutes.

Halophilic cells using compatible solutes can basically preserve the same

enzymatic machinery as non-halophiles, needing only minor adjustments in their

interior proteins (i.e. ribosomal proteins), which are slightly more acidic than the

cytoplasmic proteins in Escherichia coli (Oren 2002). Halophiles employing the

organic- osmolyte mechanism are more flexible than organisms employing the “salt-

in cytoplasm strategy” because even though they display wide salt tolerance, they can

also grow in low salt environments. In addition to their function of maintaining an

osmotic equilibrium across the cell membrane, compatible solutes are effective


stabilizers of proteins and even whole cells. They can act as protectors against heat,

desiccation, freezing and thawing, and denaturants such as urea and salt. The reason,

why these organic compounds are compatible with the metabolism and can even act

as stabilizers of labile biological structures, is explained at the molecular level by the

preferential exclusion model.

The “low-salt-organic-solutes-in” strategy is based on the accumulation and/or

de-novo synthesis of water soluble organic solutes which do not interfere with the

activity or stability of normal enzymes (Oren, 2002). This mode has been observed in

moderate aerobic halophiles tolerating Na+ concentrations up to 1.5 M (Oren, 2008;

Ventosa et al., 1998). According to this theory, compatible solutes are absent from

protein surfaces due to the structural dense water bound to the protein. Compatible

solutes show a preference or the less dense free water fraction in the cytoplasmic

surrounding. They stabilize the two water fractions by fitting into the lattice of the

free water and allowing for the formation of hydration clusters. As a consequence,

unfolding and denaturation of proteins become thermodynamically unfavourable

(Wright et al., 2002). This explains why organisms adapted to other low water-

potential environments take advantage of the beneficial properties of compatible

solutes. It is not surprising that cyanobacterial species found in deserts accumulate the

compatible solute trehalose to compensate for the deleterious effects of desiccation

(Soppa, 2006).

The distribution of organic osmolytes found in archaea falls into the same

major classes as for bacteria and eukaryotes: (i) zwitterions (amino acids and

derivatives including betaine), (ii) neutral solutes (sugars and polyhydric alcohols),

and (iii) anionic solutes where the negative charge is supplied by a carboxylate,

phosphate or sulfate. Archaea also accumulate some very unusual solutes that have no

obvious bacterial or eukaryote counterpart, e.g., cyclic-2, 3-diphosphoglycerate or

cDPG, the most prominent solute in the hyper thermophilic Methanopyruskandleri,

and 1, 3, 4, 6-hexanetetracarboxylic acid , all polyanions (Roberts, 2000).

2.6.3 Other Mechanisms

It is reported that unusually high excess of the acidic amino acids glutamate

and aspartate in the Halobacterium proteins (Oren and Mana, 2002). The excess of

acidic amino acids in the protein composition could provide favoured sites for specific


water and ion binding to the tertiary or quaternary structure. To adapt the enzymatic

machinery to an ionic cytoplasm, proteins of halophilic anaerobic bacteria and

halophilic archaea contain an excess of acidic amino acids over basic residues. In low

saline environments, the excess of negatively charged ions will destabilize the

molecule’s structure, due to repulsion when the shielding cations are removed.

Possession of gas vesicles is generally considered to be advantageous to

halophilic archaea: the vesicles are assumed to enable the cells to float so it can reach

high oxygen concentrations at the surface of the brine and also occupy large

cytoplasmic volume and minimize the intracellular ion requirements for osmotic

balance (Walsby 1994). Since the presence of gas vesicles was first recognized in

bacterium Halobium, now Halobacterium salinarum, by Helena Petter (Petter, 1931;

Larsen, et al., 1967; Walsby, 1994), gas vesicles have become beloved study objects

in the biology of halophilic archaea of the family Halobacteriaceae.

In addition to aerobic respiration, a number of haloarchaea can ferment

arginine, while others can use sulphur, TMAO, DMSO or nitrate as alternative

electron acceptors. However, anoxic growth of Halobacterium salinarium PHH1

using DMSO or TMAO as terminal electron acceptor results in small, but gas vesicle

containing cells (Hechler and Pfeifer, 2009). The gas vesicles observed are of normal

size, suggesting that the absence of oxygen does not always result in an inhibition of

their synthesis. It is possible that the amount of energy gained by arginine

fermentation is less and not sufficient for the formation of gas vesicles of normal size.

Haloarchaea are most famous for their ability to generate a proton gradient

through the use of photo-reactive rhodopsin proteins that harness light energy

(Boichenko et al., 2006). The type 1 (microbial) rhodopsins are typically seven-pass

transmembrane proteins that use a retinal chromophore to absorb light energy for ion

transport or photo sensory functions (Schimz, 1981).

All halophilic archaea balance the high osmolarity of their environment by

having an at least equimolar intracellular salt concentration, KCl instead of NaCl in

well-energized cells. It was recognized long ago that typical haloarchaeal proteins

differ from mesohalic proteins by having a high fraction of acidic residues and a

reduced fraction of basic residues (Tebbe et al., 2005). The structure determination of

some soluble haloarchaeal proteins showed that they have a high concentration of


negative charges on the surface of the folded protein. Earlier it had been proposed that

this leads to the binding of a network of hydrated cations, but a few recent reports

have modified that picture and, in addition, have shown that the mode of

haloadaptation can be different for individual proteins. The malate dehydrogenase of

Haloarcula marismortui was an example and it is found to have strong binding sites

for some cations as well as anions, and loosely bound many more cations than

mesohalic enzymes in the natural solvent (Ebel et al., 2002). This might turn out to be

true for typical haloarchaeal proteins. While the haloadaptation of proteins has been

characterized in detail in several cases, similar studies have not yet been performed

for the adaptation of interactions of biomolecules, protein– protein or protein–nucleic

acid, to high salt concentrations.

2.7 Nutritional Sources in Hyper-saline Environments

Members of the Halobacteriaceae differ greatly in their nutritional demands.

Some have complex requirements that can only be met in culture by including high

concentrations of yeast extract or other rich sources of nutrients in their medium.

Others grow well on single carbon sources while using ammonia as nitrogen source.

In addition to simple substrates such as amino acids, sugars, and organic acids, certain

polymeric substances can be degraded by some halophilic archaea. Many species of

the Halobacteriaceae produce exoenzymes such as proteases, lipases, DNases, and

amylases which help them to sustain in extreme conditions (Oren, 2002a).

Organisms thriving in hyper-saline region are highly adapted to regulate the

metabolic path-way according to the environmental availability of metabolites.

Primary productivity in many hyper-saline environments is mainly by halophilic and

halotolerant cyanobacteria, anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria, and also eukaryotic

algae of the genus Dunaliella may be the significant sources of organic compounds.

The upper limit of NaCl concentration for vertebrates and invertebrates is ca. 1.5 M,

although the brine shrimp (Artemia salina) is an exception, often present in extremely

hyper-saline brines but not in extremely alkaline types (Oren, 1994; Jones et al.,

1998). In solar salterns phototrophic productivity is probably greatest during periods

of dilution, due to high number of primary produces. During maturation of brine the

number of primary producers decreases and finally Dunaliella spp., and other

halophiles which can grow at saturation point for NaCl remain as carbon sources.


Between concentrations of 1.5 M and 3.0 M, prokaryotes become predominant, with

the haloarchaea and a few rare bacterial types such as Salinibacter ruber forming the

climax population at the point of halite precipitation (Oren, 1994; Anto´n et al., 2002;

Grant et al., 2001). A few unusual fungi and protozoa are also present, but these are

probably active at lower salt concentrations (Post et al., 1983; Gunde-Cimerman et

al., 2000, 2004). Within the domain Archaea, halophilic prokaryotes occur in three

families: the Halobacteriaceae, halophilic methanogens in the Methanospirillaceae

and the Methanosarcinaeae. Unlike the Halobacteriaceae, where members are all

extremely halophilic, the Methanospirillaceae and the Methanosarcinaceae have

representatives that are not halophilic.

When there is a significant increase in organic compounds, it generally

accelerates populations of aerobic heterotrophs that may form dense blooms that

impart colouration to the brines. Hyper-saline environments are relatively low in

oxygen due to reduced oxygen solubility (2 ppm. in saturated NaCl, compared with 7

ppm. in seawater) and shifting of aerobic to anaerobic conditions in the brines lead to

increase in population of anaerobic heterotrophs and also metabolic shift in archaea

from aerobic to anaereobic. Halophiles utilize majour compounds of hyper-saline

habitats such as glycerol and tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle intermediates that are

excreted by primary producers, Dunaliella and the cyanobacterium. It is possible to

make some predictions as to the roles played by different organisms in the utilization

and recycling of organics. Cyanobacteria and, species of the eukaryotic alga

Dunaliella are the key primary producers, although anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria

of the genus Halorhodospira may be significant from time to time (Grant and Tindall,

1986; Oren, 1994).

These primary productivity supports large numbers of halophiles mainly

aerobic heterotrophic Gram-negative bacteria including Proteobacteria, in particular

members of the Halomonadaceae (Duckworth et al., 1996; Ventosa et al., 1998a;

Arahal et al., 2002), heterotrophic Gram-positive bacteria of both the high G+C

Firmicutes and low G+C Actinobacteria (Ventosa et al., 1998a, 1998b). These

heterotrophic organotrophs are supported by primary productivity and deposition of

organic matter as they utilise various polymers and monomers. Additional

heterotropic members from the Gamma proteobacteria found in hyper-saline


environment include Halovibrios, Alteromonads and Pseudomonas halophila (Grant,

2004; Sorokin et al., 2006).

Extreme halophilic archaea derive energy from the organic substrates formed

by primary producers (Grant, 2004). A large amount of glycerol is released from

Dunaliella cells when they die, which is a suitable carbon source for almost all of the

haloarchaea (Oren, 1994). Furthermore, haloarchaea have been shown to degrade

aromatic hydrocarbons, though it is not known to what extent they utilise these

substrates in their habitat (Oren, 1994). In contrast, it was found that the main

constituent of the archaeal community in the Dead Sea (where waters are slightly

acidic) was Haloferax, suggested by the presence of significant amounts of their

glycolipids (Oren and Gurevich, 1993). Methanogenic archaea may also be present in

some salt lakes, depending on salinity and are able to utilise methanol or methylamine

as substrates for the production of methane. Halomonads are able to utilise a range of

sugars and amino acids as carbon sources (Mata et al., 2002). However, Halomonas

organivorans is unusual in that it can utilise a variety of aromatic organic compounds.

The Halobacteriales tend to make up the main component of the biomass in hyper-

saline environments (Oren, 2002a).

2.7.1 In vivo Nutritional Requirements of Halophilic Archaea

Members of the Halobacteriaceae diverge greatly in their nutritional demands.

As culturing is necessary in order to study the unique properties and applications of

these organisms, new techniques have since been designed to try and increase the

number of cultured organisms. Some are simple in nutrition but some need specific

amino acids, vitamins etc. (Oren, 2002a). Most halophilic archaea preferentially use

amino acids as carbon and energy source, but also utilize other compounds of hyper-

saline habitats such as glycerol and tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle intermediates.

Almost all archaeal halophiles (haloarchaea) belong to the order Halobacteriales,

family Halobacteriaceae. This order contains 33 validly published genera (till June

2012) and some are nutritionally specific. In vivo growth of haloarchaea occurs in

basal salt medium with carbon and nitrogen sources.

Most of haloarchaea are very easy to grow and maintain in the laboratory and

their nutritional requirements are simple, the majority being able to use a large range

of compounds as the sole carbon and energy sources. In Halobacteriacaea there are


both fast as well as slow growers. Using different carbon sources that simulate the

environment has also been shown to help target more fastidious organisms (Dyall-

Smith, 2004). Some have complex requirements that can only be met in culture by

including high concentrations of yeast extract or other rich sources of nutrients in

their medium. Simple sugars such as glucose and sucrose are not readily used by all

members of the Halobacteriaceae, while amino acids are the preferred nitrogen

source for most species, some can use ammonia or nitrate, and some need thiamine

and biotin as stimulatory vitamins. Others grow well on single carbon sources while

using ammonia as nitrogen source. In addition to simple substrates such as amino

acids, sugars, and organic acids, certain polymeric substances can be degraded by

some halophilic archaea. Many species of the Halobacteriaceae produce exoenzymes

such as proteases, lipases, DNAses, and amylases.

The nutritional demands of Halobacterium salinarum, the best known archaeal

halophile species, are complex. Defined media designed for the growth of different

isolates may contain between 10 and 21 amino acids, in some cases supplemented

with vitamins, up to 5 different nucleosides, and glycerol (Dundas et al., 1963; Grey

and Fitt, 1976; Onishi et al., 1965; Shand and Perez, 1999). When Halobacterium

salinarum was grown in a defined medium containing inorganic salts, five

nucleosides, 21 amino acids, glycerol, and the vitamins folic acid, thiamine, and

biotin, a complex growth curve was obtained in which a number of phases could be

discerned within the "exponential" growth phase, each with a different growth rate

(Shand and Perez, 1999). There are some indications that even rich media based on

yeast extract, peptones, etc. may not provide all the compounds required by some

fastidious members of the group. When attempting to enumerate halophilic archaea

present in saltern evaporation and crystallizer ponds, Wais (1988) reported that colony

recovery rates greatly improved when the medium was amended with a lysate of

Halobacterium salinarum cells as a source of additional growth factors. Some

members can grow on simple compounds such as succinate, acetate, and others as

single carbon and energy source. Inorganic salts may supply the need for nitrogen,

sulphur and other essential elements (Rodriguez-Valera et al., 1980, 1983).


2.7.2 pH Requirements of Haloarchaea

Haloarchaea is isolated from diverse environments that vary from neutral

(neutrophiles) to alkaline (alkaliphiles). Acidophilic types of halophilic archaea have

not yet been reported. The Dead Sea with a pH of around 6.0 is probably the most

acidic environment in which mass development of halophilic archaea has been

observed (Oren, 1983c; Oren et al., 1988; Oren and Gurevich, 1993). The alkaliphilic

haloarchaea, include members of the genera Halorubrum, Natrialba,

Natronobacterium, Natronococcus, Natronomonas, Natronorubrum (Grant et al.,

2001), Halalkalicoccus (Xue et al., 2005) and Natronolimnobius (Itoh et al., 2005).

Many alkaliphilic haloarchaea have been isolated from the soda lakes of the Kenyan

Rift Valley, including Halorubrum vactiolatum (Mwatha and Grant 1993; Kamckura

et al., 1997), Natrialba inagadii (Tindall et al., 1984), Natronobacterium gregoryi,

Natronococcus occultus (Tindall et al., 1984) and Natronococcits amylolyticus (Kanai

et al., 1995), and the recently reported Nanoarchaeota (Huber et al., 2002). The

family Halobacteriaceae includes neutrophilic halophiles includeing many members

of Halobacterium, Haloferax, Haloarcula, Halovivax, Haloterrigena, Haloquadratum

and Natrinema.

A pH of 6 approximately coincides with the lower boundary of the range of

pH values that support growth of members of the Halobacteriales (Martin, 2006). As

more acidic hyper-saline environments seem to be rare or altogether nonexistent, the

halophilic archaea appear to be well adapted to the whole pH range occurring in

hyper-saline brines in nature. Many strains grow at neutral to slightly alkaline pH, and

some only at alkaline pH. However, no strain has been reported to grow only in acidic

pH conditions within the family Halobacteriaceae. Members of Halococcus are

moderately acidophilic haloarchaea able to grow only at pH 4.0–6.0. Extreme

acidophiles have optimum pH for growth of < 3.0 and that moderate acidophiles grow

optimally at pH 3–5. Currently, no strain has been reported to grow optimally at pH

3–5 within the family Halobacteriaceae (Goh et al. 2006; Wang et al., 2007).

2.8 Application of Haloarchaea

As haloarchaea are genetically tractable, they are an excellent model for

archaeal genetics. Furthermore, these extremophiles also have considerable

biotechnological potentials (Vidyasagar et al., 2006). They possess unique


bacteriorhodopsin, enzymes active in extreme conditions, liposomes, pigments, novel

enzymes, osmolytes, antibiotics, halocins, biopolymers and many other substances

with wide range of application. Understandings of these products or its applications

will ultimately be used to improve the efficiency of biocatalysis, which will heavily

contribute to the development of industrial biotechnology or environmental


The halotolerance of many of their enzymes can be exploited wherever

enzymatic transformations are required to function at low water activities, such as

found in the presence of high salt concentrations. Enzymes from halophilic archaea

are mainly exoenzymes such as amylases, amylo-glucosidases, proteases, and lipases

that function at high salinity with a wide range of application in biotechnology. Some

halophilic archaea are used in traditional Korean fermented sea foods.

Many of halophilic hydrocarbon-degrading archaea can grow on hydrocarbons

like tetradecane, hexadecane, eicosane, heneicosane, pristane and aromatic

hydrocarbons like acenaphtene, phenanthrene, anthracene, 9-methylanthracene, etc. It

is also proved that degradation between 48 and 88% of the straight-chain

hydrocarbons or 19-24% of the aromatic hydrocarbons added at a concentration of 0.5

g/l were achieved after 30 days of incubation at 32°C. Therefore, from the preliminary

studies it is clear that halophilic archaea can be recommended for recovery of oil spill

in hyper-saline regions.

The role of halophilic archaea in the production of solar salt was investigated

and it shows that the C50 bacterioruberin derivatives are the main carotenoids of the

Halobacteriaceae and contribute as well toward the absorption of light energy, by

trapping solar radiation. These microorganisms raise the temperature of the brine and

the rate of evaporation, thereby increasing salt production capacity. To improve salt

production in salterns that do not develop a sufficiently dense archaeal community,

fertilization with organic nutrients has even been suggested (Javor, 1989, 2002).

The light-driven proton pump bacteriorhodopsin has many properties that

make it an attractive material for a large number of possible applications (Hampp,

2000a, 2000b; Margesin and Schinner, 2001; Oesterhelt et al., 1991). Hundreds of

patents have been issued related to different applications of bacteriorhodopsin

(Hampp, 2000a). Other potential uses of bacteriorhodopsin include conversion of


sunlight to electricity, ATP generation, desalination of seawater, use in chemo- and

biosensors, and ultrafast light detection. Bacteriorhodopsin was also suggested for use

in a bio-photo-electrochemical reactor for photochemical hydrogen production and

also as a light sensor which can create a charge by changes in the shape, generating an

electrical signal.

The retinal-based light-driven chloride pump halorhodopsin has also found

potential biotechnological applications. A chloride-sensitive biosensor has been

developed using an ion-sensitive field effect transistor on which membrane vesicles

containing halorhodopsin had been immobilized. When illuminated, this sensor reacts

to the concentration of chloride (Seki et al., 1994). In short, it can be used in

holography, spatial light, modulator, artificial retina, neural network optical

computing and volumetric and associated optical memories.

Halophilic archaea also produce biopolymers, considerable amounts of poly-

beta-hydroxyalkanoate, (copolymer of β-hydroxybutyrate and β- hydroxyvalerate),

which accumulated to values between 19 and 38 percent by dry weight, dependent on

salinity and is used for the production of biodegradable plastics. The highest

concentrations were observed in cells grown in salt (Fernandez-Castillo et al., 1986).

Downstream processing and purification of the product should be relatively simple as

the cells are easily lysed in water (Ventosa and Nieto, 1995). Also, the high genomic

stability of the organism and the reduced danger of contamination are clear assets.

Another extracellular polymer that may find interesting biotechnological applications

is poly Y-D-glutamic acid excreted by Natrialba aegyptiaca which can be used as a

biodegradable thickener, a humectant, or a drug carrier in the food or pharmaceutical

industry (Hezayen et al., 2000).

Archaeal ether lipid liposomes ("archaeosomes") have been tested as delivery

systems for vaccines and drugs. However, the liposomes prepared from

Halobacterium salinarum proved much leakier than those made from methanogens or

from Thermoplasma (Patel and Sprott, 1999). Archaeosomes prepared from total

polar lipids with divergent lipid compositions had the capacity to deliver antigen for

presentation via both MHC class I and class II pathways. Lipid extracts from

Halobacterium halobium and from strains of Halococcus morrhuae contained

archaetidylglycerol methylphosphate and sulfated glycolipids rich in mannose


residues, and lacked archaetidylserine. Another potential application of haloarchial

product halocin is to reduce injury during organ transplantation (Alberola et al.,


2.8.1 Halophilic Archaea as Model Organisms

The haloarchaea are one among the easiest archaea to grow and manipulate in

the laboratory (Papke et al., 2007). Their physiology metabolism and adaptations help

to try possible combinations for genetic models; neither do they require extreme

temperatures for growth nor strict absence of oxygen. Since many molecular

biological methods have been adapted for application under high salt conditions

(DasSarma and Fleischmann, 1995; Dyall-Smith, 2009), several haloarchaeal species

are excellent model organisms that can be used for the investigation to resolve many

biological questions.

2.9 Ecology of Rann of Kutch

2.9.1 Features of Rann of Kutch

The Rann of Kutch (Rann- literally means "salt marsh", Kachchh- literally

means something which intermittently becomes wet and dry) is shallow wetland

which submerges in water during the rainy season and becomes dry during other

seasons. This uniqueness of the Rann of Kutch, with both white salt desert during

summer and marshy during monsoon explain why it is called by its peculiar name, the

Rann of Kutch. The word Rann, according to Pakistan, in Hindi language means a

battlefield, but there is no historical record of any battle ever having been fought on

this field, which is "almost absolutely level". Sometimes, the Rann is said to be a

corruption of "Aranya", or it is equated with "Irina" in Sanskrit, meaning a salt

ground, saline soil.

Geologically, Rann of Kutch comprises of old lower Jurrassic formation to

recent alluvial formation. The extreme northern part of Kutch district in Gujarat state,

comprises of Great saline Rann. In South, along seacoast, it is represented by recent

alluvial formation, in West Tertiary formation is seen in Lakhpat and Abdasa talukas.

Saline formation is seen in the Rapar taluka. Central and Southern part of the district

of Kutch is covered by basalt (volcanic rock). Groundwater in most area is brackish to


saline. Kutch’s geology, climate and topography are intriguing, making it a

fascinating and challenging place to study.

The Rann of Kutch has two hyper-saline marshy regions mainly Little and

Great Rann of Kutch. The Great Rann of Kutch with an area of 18,000 sq. km lies

almost entirely within Gujarat state in India along the border with Pakistan. This arid

region was an extension of the Thar desert which is extending from central Pakistan to

north-western India. The major portion of Thar desert are located between 68.5º to 75º

east longitude and 23º to 30 º north latitude in the Indo-Pakistan subcontinent. The

Little Rann of Kutch extends northeast from the Gulf of Kutch over 5,100 sq. km. The

Great and Little Rann of Kutch are highly specialised arid ecosystems. In the

summers, they are similar to a desert landscape. However as these are low-lying areas

near the sea, they get converted to salt marshes during the monsoons. The Low lying

saline-marshy areas that get flooded due to sea water due to tidal effect as well as

from rain water during monsoons in the north are covered by flat, marshy, saline


Kutch has a semi-arid type of climate where it rains a few days per year,

temperature ranges from 45 degrees centigrade in the summer to 2 degrees in winter.

The region which is the low lying, generally called Rann. There is practically no

vegetation and potable water resources are scarce in this region. Scanty rainfall,

reoccurring draught and absence of perennial rivers have hindered the development of

the district. Kutch is mineral rich region with very large reserves of Lignite, Bauxite

and Gypsum among other minerals. July to September monsoon rains flood the vast,

flat area to a depth of about 0.5 m.

Some surveys conducted in Kutch by local authorieties evaluated that the TDS

varied from location to location from 48 to 75,292 mg/ l, chloride from 19 to 34,830

mg/l, sulphate from nil to 3642 mg/l and bicarbonate from 7 to 956 mg/l. Kutch, is the

largest single saline area in the country. The ground waters vary from medium to

highly saline (EC 1000- 6,650 mmhos)

Normally a salt clay desert covering some 10,800 square miles, the Rann of

Kutch becomes a salt marsh during the annual rains. It is nestled between the Gulf of

Kutch in India's north-western state of Gujarat and the mouth of the Indus river in

southern Pakistan. Patches of high ground become a refuge for wildlife during the wet


season. River Luni, flows in a south- western direction through the State, losing itself

finally in the marshy ground at the head of the Rann of Kutch. The Kutch Peninsula

forms the western most part of the Indian sub-continent. The mainland Kutch is a

peneplain (low-relief plain representing the final stage of fluvial erosion) occupied by

Rann of Kutch sediments and volcanic basalts.

Elevation of majority of the hypersaline regions of Kutch ecoregions is around

5- 15 meters above the sea level. The colour of these crystallizes vary from clear

transparent, muddy, pink, bright red, etc. due to the concentration of salt as well as

due to microbial population. The microscopic observation of samples from such

extreme salt environment is very amazing and contains large microbial population

along with salt crystals. In this salt crystallizers, salt concentration of water varies

from time to time and most of the time it acquire almost saturation, only extreme

halophiles can survive, and in the present study biodiversity of extreme halophilic

archaea is focused for exploration.

2.10 Taxonomy of Halophilic Archaea

Halophilic archaea are classified within the order Halobacteriales, family

Halobacteriaceae, which contain a number of aerobic halophiles which thrive in

extreme hyper-saline environments. They are characterised mainly by their

requirements for high concentration of NaCl for the optimum physiological activity

and growth and it may range from 8-30%. Currently family Halobacteriacaeae

contains 33 genera comprising 126 species, and are diverse in physiology,

metabolism, adaptation against various stresses like salinity, pH, temperature, etc.

There are also reports of the presence of haloarcheon in low salt regions, low pH and

also cold conditions, showing the extents of their adaptation. Halophilic archaea can

be extreme halophilic archaea, which are adapted to survive in environments with

extreme salinity, and which are unable to survive in low salt concentration especially

concentration below 2.5M and moderate halophilic archaea which show ability to

grow over a wide range of salinities optimally ranging from 0.5-2.5 M but can grow

in less salt as well as saturated salt conditions. Moderately halophiles are more

adapted for the environmental changes especially in variation of salinity (Rodríguez-

Valera et al., 1985).


Halobacteriales are best known and extensively studied amoung archaea.

Taxonomy of halophiles follows haloarchaeal taxonomy, mainly based on

morphology, molecular and biochemical characterisation. Halobacteria are among the

most halophilic organisms known and require at least 1.5 M NaCl for their growth.

They contain one order, Halobacteriales and one family, Halobacteriaceae (Grant and

Larsen, 1989). Before the 1970s, halobacterial taxonomy was mainly based on

standard biochemical tests and morphology (Gibbons, 1974). At the end of the 1970s,

however, the situation changed dramatically. 16S rRNA-DNA hybridization studies

demonstrated that the halobacteria should be classified into nine clades of two groups

(Ross and Grant, 1985). The polar lipid compositions of these isolates as well as

hydrolysis of protein, gelatine, starch, tween 20, etc. had proven particularly useful in

the classification of halobacteria. Indole production from tryptophan, oxidase,

catalase, growth in single carbon source like glucose, mannose, fructose, xylose,

maltose, trehalose, cellobiose, raffinose and glycerol were also used for identification.

Apart from above mentioned properties, acid production from fructose, arabinose,

ribose, xylose, lactose and sucrose, etc. helped in identification (Oren et al., 1997).

2.10.1 Three Letter Code for Halophilic Archaea (33 Known Genera)

Three-letter abbreviations for genera of the family Halobacteriaceae are as follows:

Haladaptatus (Hap.), Halalkalicoccus (Hac.), Halarchaeum (Hla.), Haloarcula

(Har.), Halobacterium (Hbt.), Halobaculum (Hbl.), Halobiforma (Hbf.), Halococcus

(Hcc.), Haloferax (Hfx.), Halogeometricum (Hgm.), Halogranum (Hgn.), Halolamina

(Hlm.), Halomarina (Hmr.), Halomicrobium (Hmc.), Halonotius (Hns.), Halopelagius

(Hpl.), Halopiger (Hpg.), Haloplanus (Hpn.), Haloquadratum (Hqr.), Halorhabdus

(Hrd.), Halorubrum (Hrr.), Halosimplex (Hsx.) Halostagnicola (Hst.), Haloterrigena

(Htg.), Halovivax (Hvx.), Natrialba (Nab.), Natrinema (Nnm.), Natronoarchaeum

(Nac.), Natronobacterium (Nbt.), Natronococcus (Ncc.), Natronolimnobius (Nln.),

Natronomonas (Nmn.) and Natronorubrum (Nrr.).


Table 2.3 Taxonomy of Known Members of Family Halobacteriacaea


Genus I. Halobacterium

Halobacterium salinarum, Halobacterium jilantaiense,

Halobacterium noricense, Halobacterium piscisalsi

Genus II. Haladaptatus

Haladaptatus paucihalophilus, Haladaptatus cibarius,

Haladaptatus litoreus

Genus III. Halalkalicoccus

Halalkalicoccus tibetensis, Halalkalicoccus jeotgali

Genus IV. Haloarchaeum

Halarchaeum acidiphilum

Genus V. Haloarcula

Haloarcula vallismortis, Haloarcula amylolytica,

Haloarcula argentinensis, Haloarcula hispanica,

Haloarcula japonica, Haloarcula marismortui,

Haloarcula quadrata, Haloarcula salaria, Haloarcula


Genus VI. Halobaculum

Halobaculum gomorrense

Genus VII. Halobiforma

Halobiforma haloterrestris, Halobiforma lacisalsi,

Halobiforma nitratireducens

Genus VIII. Halococcus

Halococcus morrhuae, Halococcus dombrowskii,

Halococcus hamelinensis, Halococcus

saccharolyticus, Halococcus salifodinae, Halococcus

thailandensis, Halococcus qingdaonensis

Genus IX. Haloferax

Haloferax volcanii, Haloferax alexandrines, Haloferax

denitrificans, Haloferax elongans, Haloferax

gibbonsii, Haloferax larsenii, Haloferax lucentense,

Haloferax mediterranei, Haloferax mucosum,

Haloferax prahovense, Haloferax sulfurifontis

Genus X. Halogeometricum

Halogeometricum borinquense, Halogeometricum


Genus XI. Halogranum

Halogranum rubrum, Halogranum amylolyticum,

Halogranum gelatinilyticum

Genus XII. Halolamina

Halolamina pelagica

Genus XIII. Halomarina

Halomarina oriensis

Genus XIV. Halomicrobium

Halomicrobium mukohataei, Halomicrobium katesii

Genus XV. Halonotius

Halonotius pteroides


Genus XVI. Halopelagius

Halopelagius inordinatus

Genus XVII. Halopiger

Halopiger xanaduensis, Halopiger aswanensis

Genus XVIII. Haloplanus

Haloplanus natans, Haloplanus aerogenes,

Haloplanus vescus

Genus XIX. Haloquadratum

Haloquadratum walsbyi

Genus XX. Halorhabdus

Halorhabdus utahensis, Halorhabdus tiamatea

Genus XXI. Halorubrum

Halorubrum saccharovorum, Halorubrum aidingense,

Halorubrum alkaliphilum, Halorubrum aquaticum,

Halorubrum arcis, Halorubrum californiense,

Halorubrum chaoviator, Halorubrum cibi,

Halorubrum coriense, Halorubrum distributum,

Halorubrum ejinorense, Halorubrum kocurii,

Halorubrum lacusprofundi, Halorubrum lipolyticum,

Halorubrum litoreum, Halorubrum luteum,

Halorubrum orientale, Halorubrum sodomense,

Halorubrum tebenquichense, Halorubrum terrestre,

Halorubrum tibetense, Halorubrum trapanicum,

Halorubrum vacuolatum, Halorubrum xinjiangense

Genus XXII. Halosimplex

Halosimplex carlsbadense

Genus XXIII.


Halostagnicola larsenii, Halostagnicola alkaliphila,

Halostagnicola kamekurae

Genus XVIV. Haloterrigena

Haloterrigena turkmenica, Haloterrigena daqingensis,

Haloterrigena hispanica, Haloterrigena jeotgali,

Haloterrigena limicola, Haloterrigena longa,

Haloterrigena saccharevitans, Haloterrigena salina,

Haloterrigena thermotolerans

Genus XV. Halovivax

Halovivax asiaticus, Halovivax ruber

Genus XVI. Natrialba

Natrialba asiatica, Natrialba aegyptiaca, Natrialba

chahannaoensis, Natrialba hulunbeirensis, Natrialba

magadii, Natrialba taiwanensis

Genus XVII. Natrinema

Natrinema pellirubrum, Natrinema altunense,

Natrinema ejinorense, Natrinema gari, Natrinema

pallidum, Natrinema versiforme



Natronoarchaeum mannanilyticum

Genus XXIX.


Natronobacterium gregoryi


Genus XXX. Natronococcus

Natronococcus occultus, Natronococcus amylolyticus,

Natronococcus jeotgali

Genus XXXI.


Natronolimnobius baerhuensis, Natronolimnobius


Genus XXXII.


Natronomonas pharaonis, Natronomonas moolapensis



Natronorubrum bangense, Natronorubrum aibiense,

Natronorubrum sediminis, Natronorubrum

sulfidifaciens, Natronorubrum tibetense

2.11 Phylogenitic Approaches for Comparing Community Structure

Conventional biological identification methods are available for only limited

range of archaeal species. Now molecular approach to microbial identification has

broadened with wide range of phylogenetic markers. Molecular identification is

concerned with nucleic acids, proteins and lipo-polysaccharides. They are the only

macromolecules which carry enough information in their sequences to allow a simple

uniform approach to the study of microbial diversity. Among extremely halophilic

microorganisms, the distinction of halophilic archaea from all halophilic bacteria

became apparent in the 1970's through the molecular phylogenetic work of Woese,

who proposed the three-domain view of life (Woese and Fox, 1977). Historically,

methods used to isolate and characterize macromolecules have involved complex and

time‐consuming methods which have prevented their introduction into routine

microbiology laboratories. DNA‐based methods are emerging as the more reliable,

simple and inexpensive ways to identify and classify microorganism. A number of

different phenotypic and genotypic methods are presently being employed for

microbial identification and classification.

Molecuar methods have revolutionized diversity studies with immense

molecular and bioinformatics tools. Now broader aspects of molecular methods like

16S rRNA sequencing, DNA-DNA hybridization, DNA- rRNA hybridization,

Phospholipids profiling, DNA microarray electrophoresis modifications, 16S rRNA

sequences, 23S rRNA sequences, 16S-23S intergenic spacers (ISR) sequencing

(Lepage et al., 2004,) etc. are collaborated to minimize the workloads as well as the


accuracy of the analysis. The minimal standards for characterization of halophiles also

include characterization of polar lipids, G+C content along with other characters

(Oran et al., 1997). The full genome sequence of the model halphilic organism reveals

some of the general characters of halophillic archaea.

2.11.1 Molecular Techniques to Characterise Microbial Diversity

Molecular approaches used to characterise the microbial community in the

environment involves extraction of community genomic DNA and then amplification

of the 16S rRNA gene by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) using universal primers

designed against conserved regions near the ends of the gene. This mixture of PCR

products is then subject to a range of molecular approaches. Other dominant genetic

markers used in phylogenetic studies that clearly defined and separated domains are

supported by genes for several highly conserved proteins: the elongation factor Tu (1

alpha); heat shock protein Hsp60; and RNA polymerase subunits, aspartyl–, leucyl–,

phenylalanyl–, tyrosyl–, and tryptophanyl– tRNA synthetases. The rRNA-based

bacterial phylum concept is, at least, partly supported by all alternative markers. If

multiple approch is using in phylogenetic trees, dynamic structures that may change

their local topologies as new data become available.

Electrophoretic analysis provides a genetic fingerprint of the whole

community by differential migration of the mixed PCR products by electroporation

through agarose or polyacrylamide. This can be dependent on size amplified

ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA), terminal restriction fragment length

polymorphism (t-RFLP), ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (RISA), random

amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) or sequence denaturing gradient gel

electrophoresis (DGGE), temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE). The

methodology of these techniques has been reviewed elsewhere (Ranjard et al., 2000).

However, these techniques are generally only useful in looking at changes in

microbial community over a period of time by taking several fingerprint profiles at

certain time intervals. In order to characterise the microbial community, bands must

still be extracted and sequenced.

The limitations of some of these techniques have been discovered by others

(Rees, 2002). However, there are drawbacks to PCR-based methods. Templates with

high mole% G+C content may be discriminated against during PCR due to the low


efficiency of strands separation. The fidelity of DNA polymerases used during PCR

may also vary which results in miss-incorporation of nucleotides and may lead to

assumptions of novel taxa present in the sample (Head et al., 1998). In addition,

studies have shown that a proportion of amplified sequences from a mixed community

form chimeras during PCR (Kopczynski et al., 1994). They are formed when DNA

synthesis begins at one end of a sequence but is interrupted and continues on another

template sharing some degree of localised homology to the original. This results in

two or more fragments from different genes joining, which is introduced into the PCR

as a full length template to be amplified. It has become increasingly important that

chimeras are recognised and removed from diversity studies as novel lineages could

be erroneously assigned and give misleading impressions of biodiversity (Hugenholtzt

and Huber, 2003).

These sequences could be deposited in public databases inducing the quality

of such repositories. Furthermore, primers are not completely universal. In fact, a

previous study showed that alternative bacterial primers designed against a different

section of the 16S rRNA gene sequence was able to amplify a proportion of the

microbial community in sputum samples that was not obtained with the universal 16S

rRNA primer, 27-917b. Therefore, the widespread use of these 'universal' 16S rRNA

primers can lead to a significant part of the microbial community.

Therefore, in the present studies, continuous sampling, isolation, and

identification using molecular methodology was employed on different cultivated

organisms from Rann ecoregion. There is little information available about the

diversity of halophilic archaea in this largest single hyper saline region in India. As it

is the first report of haloarcheal community in Rann ecosystem, there were potentially

many novel archaeal lineages that remain to be discovered. Traditional cultivation

methods that mimic the natural conditions of Rann of Kutch minimizes the failure to

cultivate most microorganisms (Kaeberlein et al., 2002). Successful approaches are

those that mimic the natural environment, i.e., novel halophiles were isolated from the

Red Sea by using media close to the composition of the Red Sea brine (Eder et al.,

2001). Similarly cultivation methods are standardized according to physiology of the

Rann ecosystem.