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Unit 2 Questions

Multiple ChoiceIdentify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Which of the following is an example of a push factor?a. cultural tolerance d. economic recessionb. Job Growth e. all of the abovec. good agricultural conditions

____ 2. Stage 2 of the demographic transition is characterized by:a. arithmetic growth. d. zero growth.b. moderate growth. e. low growth.c. high growth.

____ 3. Which of the following maps would work best for displaying the different crude birth rates of a country?a. Choropleth Thematic Map d. Isoline Topographicb. Mercatur Projection e. Robinson Projectionc. Dot Density Map

____ 4. The S-curve is best used to illustrate which geographic principle?a. The tendency for cities to be associated

with each other based on their population sizes.

d. The graph that demonstrates the migration route for migrants in World War II

b. The exponential growth of human population over time

e. the openness and stability of countriesver time

c. The model that describes the rise and decline of population growth as countries industrialize

____ 5. What revolution coincided with the world’s population explosion during the 19th century?a. Second agricultural revolution d. Third agricultural revolutionb. First agricultural revolution. e. Demographic revolutionc. Scientific revolution

____ 6. Total fertility rate is NOT closely correlated with which of the following?a. Industrial output d. Economic developmentb. Gender empowerment e. literacyc. Education

____ 7. The United States’s demographic data would differ from Venezuela’s in that the U.S. hasa. a lower average life expectancy d. more people who are rural dwellersb. a much higher percentage of women e. a larger percentage of people considered

dependents.c. a higher average life expectancy

____ 8.Students in City Y have come up with a new flavor of ice cream. If their innovation spreads hierarchically, which city’s residents will be the last to try the flavor?a. Z d. Ub. R e. Pc. W

____ 9. Over time, technological advances have increased, allowing people to live in regions previously uninhabitable, this technology has: a. decreased the world’s Crude Death Rate. d. increased the size of the ecumene.b. had little effect on the population of the

earth.e. decreased the size of the ecumene.

c. increased the world’s Crude Birth Rate.

____ 10. Which statement would best fit the Gravity Model in relation to migration?a. New York and Los Angeles are not linked

at all because of their distance.d. New York and Los Angeles are linked due

to their proximity to ports.b. New York and Los Angeles are linked due

to their populations.e. New York and Los Angeles are not linked

due to their populations.c. New York and Los Angeles are closely

linked based on their distance.____ 11. What is the population statistic that tells us the level of fertility at which a population will have just enough

births to replace parents and compensate for early deaths?a. Replacement Level Fertility d. Crude Death Rateb. Crude Birth Rate e. Total Fertility Ratec. Mortality Rate

____ 12. During the late 1800s, an important pull factor for immigrants to the United States was:a. a potato famine in Ireland. d. political persecution in Russiab. political unrest of Germany and Eastern e. the Industrial Revolustion in the U.S.

Europec. forced migration of slaves from Africa.

____ 13. Which of the following is the best description of global migration patterns today? a. People are moving from more developed

countries to less developed countries.d. People are moving from areas with colder

climates to areas with warmer climatesb. People are moving from the Eastern

Hemisphere to the Western Hemisphere.e. People are moving from the Southern

Hemisphere to the Northern Hemisphere.c. People are moving from less developed

countries to more developed countries.____ 14. Which of the following statements regarding historical North American migration streams is NOT correct?

a. Canada’s second major migration stream originated in the British Isles.

d. Canada’s first major migration came from France.

b. The first major migration wave to the United States originated in Europe.

e. The last major wave of immigration to the United States was from Latin America and Asia.

c. Canada’s third major migration stream came from Latin America

____ 15. What is the most likely reason that birth rates are high during the first stage of the demographic transition model? a. Religious practice encouraged

reproduction with the pronatal policy of providing public education.

d. the success of any infant could not be guaranteed so families had many children to increase the chance of some surviving to adulthood.

b. Early societies sacrificed many of their offspring for religious reasons.

e. A lack of birth control led to many unwanted pregnancies.

c. the success of an infant was guaranteed and more children led to greater status in the tribe.

____ 16.

The country represented by the population pyramid above is most likely characterized bya. adequate healthcare for the elderly d. low death rates for women in childbirth.b. readily available birth control. e. low rates of heart disease.c. a high infant mortality rate.

____ 17. Which of the following regions is currently experiencing the fastest population growth?a. Tropical Africa d. Northeast United Statesb. Northern Asia e. Sun Belt

c. Eastern Europe

____ 18. The demographic equation summarizes population change over time in an area by combining:a. spatial interactions and migrations d. natural change and net migrationb. distance decay and step migration e. immigration and emigration ratesc. push and pull factors for migration

____ 19. What stage of the demographic transition model do most demographers agree the United States is in?a. Stage 1 d. Stage 3b. Stage 4 e. Stage 2c. Stage 5

____ 20. The use and spread of English within 19th century India is an example of what type of diffusion?a. Stimulus d. Migratoryb. Contagious e. Relocationc. Hierarchical

____ 21. The baby booma. was limited to California and the West d. was fostered by economic prosperity and

relative peace.b. occurred in the years following World

War I.e. was described by the off-beat author

Douglas Coupland.c. was a result of free love during the late

1960s.____ 22. Which country below is best represented by a population pyramid with a broad base that slopes quickly to a

narrow top?a. Italy d. Austriab. Russia e. Ugandac. France

____ 23. Ermst Ravenstein’s demongraphic studies focused mainly on:a. population density d. migrationb. less developed countries e. birth ratesc. death rates

____ 24. Which country is in the region with the highest concentration of people?a. United States d. Czech Republicb. Nigeria e. South Koreac. Brazil

____ 25. Which of the following migrations would be most likely to occura. a Chinese Family of three moves from

Shanghai to a rural Chinese Village. d. a middle-aged single man moving from

London to rural Germanyb. a young, single woman moves from Lima,

Peru, to a rural Peruvian village.e. a young single man moves from rural New

York to Albany, New York, and the to New York City.

c. a married man and woman with three small children mover from the United States to China

____ 26. Which of the following region is not characterized as one of the four major world population centers?a. Europe d. South Asia

b. North America e. East Asiac. Southeast Asia

____ 27. Life expectancy has increaseda. worldwide d. due to the green revolutionb. only in the most developed countries e. only in the least-developed countriesc. due to increased food production

____ 28. According to Thomas Malthus:a. population growth would exceed food

production.d. population would increase arithmetically

and food production geometrically.b. food production would match population

growth.e. all of the above

c. food production would exceed population growth.

____ 29. Which of the following is true of the Natural Increase Rate (NIR)a. The NIR rises along with the Crude Death

Rated. A decrease in NIR always leads to a

decrease in world population levels. b. The NIR does not take immigration into

account.e. The NIR is unaffected by an increase in

the Crude Birth Rate.c. The NIR has steadily increased over the

last 50 years.____ 30.

Year Crude Birth Rate

Crude Death Rate

1975 45 121980 46 131985 40 121990 35 11

Based on the demographic transition information above for country Z, which stage of the demographic transition model best fits Country Z in 1990

a. Stage 4 d. Stage 1b. Stage 5 e. Stage 2c. Stage 3

____ 31. Which of the statements below correctly describes immigrants living in Europe?a. Muslim immigrants from North Africa are

well integrated into Europe. d. They enjoy the same treatment as received

by immigrants to the United States. b. Most find citizenship easy to get in host

countries.e. Immigrants to European cities rarely bring

their families.c. They are usually restricted to certain

neighborhoods.____ 32. Which of the following has little or no impact on mortality rates in developing countries?

a. Famine relief d. Pesticidesb. Improved birth control methods e. New medicinesc. Improved Vaccines

____ 33. How might a government impact or change population growth to meet goals?a. sex education d. one-child policies

b. eugenics e. all of the abovec. expansive Policies

____ 34. Which of the following is most clearly a policy that would promote a high birthrate (pronatalist)?a. forced sterlization programs d. giving families cash for not having more

than three children.b. offering parenting classes for new parents. e. awarding tax breaks to families with three

or more children.c. a one-child per couple policy

____ 35. Which of the following North American associations is NOT correct?a. Quebec and northern Maine - French

Americans and French Canadiansd. Southern California - Hispanic Americans

b. Southern prairie provinces - African Americans

e. Oklahoma and Southwest - Native American

c. Southeast-African American

____ 36. Which of the following is not a major reason given for the possible emergence of stage 5 of the epidemiologic transition?a. all of the above are major reasons for the

the emergence of stage 5 of teh epidemiologic transition.

d. Improved travel means that interaction between regions of the world has increase allowing disease to spread as well.

b. Infectious disease microbes have evolved in response to enviromnental pressure put on them by drugs.

e. Many people are turning to alternative medicine instead of traditional medicine to treat infectious disease.

c. Poverty in some areas limits the availability of drugs used to control infectious disease.

____ 37. The Sun Belt includesa. Southern Nevada, southern California, and

South Floridad. the Rocky Mountain states

b. Texas and New Mexico e. Alabama and Louisianac. Florida, Georgia, Alabama, and South

Carolina____ 38. Which stage of the demographic transition model is characterized by high birth rates and rapidly declining

death rates?a. stage 3 d. stage 2b. stage 5 e. stage 4c. stage 1

____ 39. The number of people a region can reasonable support, given its landscape, resources, and trading ability, is know as a. carrying capacity d. physiological densityb. infrastructure e. overpopulationc. age-sex pyramid

____ 40. Which of the following countries would you expect to have the densest population?a. Columbia d. Belgium b. China e. Peruc. Mexico

____ 41. A possible stage five of the Epidemic Transition Model predicts:a. the return of war and famine. d. the eradication of infectious diseaseb. an increase in crude birthrate following

pronatal policiese. zero population growth

c. the reemergence of infectious and parasitic disease.

____ 42. What is the function of the U.S. Census?a. to count the population d. to assign seats on the U.S. senateb. to review economic data e. none of the abovec. to improve economic conditions

____ 43. During what 20-year period has the United States seen the greatest immigration in terms of raw numbers?a. 1900-1920 d. 1850-1870b. 1960-1980 e. 1980-2000c. 1920-1940

____ 44. What accounts for the spreading of human settlement from a small part of the planet to most of the world? a. migration d. Brain drainb. innovation e. assimilationc. hierarchical diffusion

____ 45. Which of the following is the best description of demography?a. the study of how technology is

hierarchically diffused.d. the scientific study of over-population in

urban centers.b. the scientific study of population

characteristics such as age, gender, occupation, fertility etc.

e. the study of how culture moves from place to place.

c. the detailed study of election results.

____ 46. Europeans migrated to the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, southern Africa, and southern South America largely because:a. Ice trading was an important part of the

economy during Renaissance Europe.d. these locations were uninhabited

b. local populations asked Europeans to come and rule them.

e. There are more precious metal deposits in temperate climates.

c. the temperate climates allowed farming practices used in Europe to work in those locations as well.

____ 47. The number of live births per thousand people per year is called the:a. total fertility rate d. infant growth rateb. exponential growth rate e. natural increase ratec. crude birth rate

____ 48. Which of the following is a push factor?a. dissatisfaction with current job d. safer communities elsewhere. b. higher-paying jobs elsewhere e. an attractive retirement communityc. a pleasant climate

____ 49. The most important tool for geographers is the census. In the United States, every 10 years, the U.S. Bureau of Census conducts a survey of all U.S. households. What is one major problem with the U.S. Census? a. People in the inner city are more likely not d. The survey is not conducted often enough,

to complete the census which gives a lower census count and representation for ethnic minorities.

in countries like Great Britain, the census is conducted every year.

b. Data from the census often takes too long to analyze and a city’s or country’s demographics can change in that time.

e. The survey doesn’t ask enough questions.

c. Census takers are usually racially biased.

____ 50. The Chinese government’s population policies since 1979 have resulted in:a. a disproportionately large number of

young Chinese women.d. tighter restrictions for family sizes of

ethnic minorities than for the Han Chinese.

b. an overall reduction in the country’s population.

e. a rapidly aging population.

c. a strict one-child policy for all families.

____ 51. Refugees are produced througha. chain migration d. economic migrationb. cultural migration e. internal migrationc. forced migration

____ 52. A rectangle-shaped population pyramid indicates a country that is:a. experiencing high immigration rates d. growing slowly or not at allb. highly dependent on the economically

productive generationse. composed mainly of the older age classes

c. growing rapidly

____ 53. Which of the following countries is most likely to be showing the lowest natural increase rate?a. Chile d. Chinab. Liechtenstein e. Afghanistanc. United States

____ 54. Thomas Malthus predicted thata. the Green Revolution would provided

agricultural technology to support increasing populations.

d. population would outpace food production

b. the environment would allow less food to be grown in the future

e. the distribution of resources would be a continuing problem

c. technology will offset population growth

____ 55. In what stage of the demographic transition model are most LDCs?a. First d. Secondb. Third e. Fourthc. Fifth

____ 56. Since the 1970s changes in the social roles, lifestyles, and employment patterns of women in Europe, Canada, and the United States have affected the overall population through which of the following?a. Increased total fertility rates d. Decreased death ratesb. Increased infant mortality rates e. Increased death ratesc. Decreased total fertility rates

____ 57. Which of the following areas of the world generally have net out-migration?a. Latin America and Africa d. Asia and North Americab. Europe and Oceania e. Europe and Asiac. North American and Latin America

____ 58. World population tends to be concentrated:a. in the tropical lowlands along lake beds. d. in the desert.b. at higher elevations. e. in continental interiors.c. on continental margins.

____ 59. ______________ occurs when a population is adding a fixed percentage of people to a growing population each year.a. doubling d. exponential growthb. overpopulation e. arithmetic growthc. demographic accounting

____ 60. A person is trying to move from Miami to San Diego but decides to stop and stay in Dallas because of a good job. This is an example of what?a. Distance decay d. Environmental pull factorb. Intervening obstacle e. Intervening opportunityc. Voluntary migration

____ 61. Which of the following statements is a law of migration according to E.G. Ravenstein?a. most migrants consists of families d. every migration flow creates a return or

counter migration.b. most international migrants are senior

citizense. most migration is urban to rural

c. most migrants move a great distance

____ 62. Many recent college graduates and young professionals move to large, vibrant cities - such as New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles - with nightlife, cultural amenities, and job opportunities. These attractions are examples ofa. mobility opportunities. d. push factorsb. pull factors. e. suburban amenities.c. economic factors.

____ 63. Thomas Malthus argued that while food supply increased arithmetically, population increased ______________ , which would eventually cause over-population issues. a. geometrically d. demographicallyb. hierarchically e. agricultruallyc. physiologically

____ 64. Which is most likely true of stage 4 of the demographic transition model in England?a. The Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) is

increasing. d. The Crude Death Rate is much lower than

the Crude Birth Rateb. the Crude Birth Rate is much lower than

the Crude Death Rate.e. the Natural Increase Rate (NIR) continues

to go up.c. the total fertility rate is less than 2.1

____ 65. Carrying capacity is a function of a. natural resources d. A, B, and D

b. resource allocation e. limiting factorsc. technology

____ 66. What is the seasonal migration of livestock to pasture lands where food is more plentiful called?a. Natality d. Transhumanceb. Sustainability e. Interval migrationc. Step migration

____ 67. Which of the following examples best demonstrates how scale of inquiry could affect the study of migration?a. Migration happens differently at different

times.d. Most migration maps don’t represent the

demographics of the groups.b. Migration maps don’t accurately show the

destination of immigrants. e. Migration patterns could be different in

different countries.c. A country with little net migration might

show great internal migration from rural areas to urban areas.

____ 68. When baby boomers have reached retirement age, what will the population pyramid for the United States look like?a. Pear-shaped, wide at the bottom, but

narrow at the top.d. An hourglass, wide at both top and bottom

b. Relatively rectangular, with a slight bulge near the top.

e. None of these

c. Carrot-shaped, a narrow bottom and wide top.

____ 69. Which one of the following statements below best describes an application of the “S-curve?”a. graph of growing human population since

their first appearence on earthd. case study explaining how countries gain

stability and a sense of “openness” over time.

b. graph of Bantu migration e. model showing decrease in population growth for several countries after they industrialize

c. chart showing how cities associate with one another based on their population sizes

____ 70. Which is a characteristic of immigrants according to Ravenstein?a. They are older, with families. d. They move from urban areas.b. They move from rural to urban areas. e. all of the abovec. The move to rural areas.

____ 71. In the 1930s, thousands of “Okies” fled the Dust Bowl of the southern Great Plains and moved to the fertile agricultural regions of California to start a new life. This is an example of:a. forced migration d. external migrationb. eco-migration e. political migration c. economic migration

____ 72. What is the main difference between population clusters in Asia and Europe?a. In Asia, most people make their living in

the secondary sector of the economy.d. In Europe, most people make their living

in the primary sector of the economy.b. In Asia, the tertiary sector of the economy

is stagnant.e. In Europe, most people live in urban


c. In Asia, most people live in urban areas.

____ 73. Millions of _____________ came to the United States during the early years of the 20th century.a. refugees d. colonistsb. suburbanites e. emigrantsc. immigrants

____ 74. Which one of the following demographic factors characterizes stages 4 and 5 of the demographic transition model? a. high birth rates d. high sex ratiosb. high mortality rates e. zero population growthc. overpopulation

____ 75. Which of the following was predicted by Thomas Malthus in the late 18th century?a. Population in Europe would be checked

by increased colonization and immigration.

d. Population growth in the future would be checked by industrial development.

b. Population Growth in the future would be checked by disease, famine, and wars.

e. Population growth in the future would be supported by increasing food supplies.

c. Population growth in the future would have no checks to slow it down.

____ 76. Karl Marx would most likely have agreed with which of the following statements?a. Overpopulation is a direct result of not

having enough subsistence farmers in an economy

d. The unequal distribution of resources creates surplus population.

b. surplus population is impossible e. death rates must exceed birthratesc. Overpopulation results from exponential

population growth and arithmetic growth of food supply

____ 77. Throughout human history, world population hasa. grown most rapidly in the developed

worldd. been confined to countries in the southern

hemisphereb. experienced numerous periods of dramatic

declinee. grown at a steady rate

c. grown most rapidly over the last 200 years

____ 78. What reason best explains why the rate of natural increase is greater in less developed countries than in more developed countries?a. In less developed countries, people have

more children due to having an agricultural society.

d. In less developed countries, people have fewer children due to having a tertiary society.

b. In less developed countries, people have fewer children due to having an industrial society.

e. In more developed countries, people have less children because children are economic assets.

c. In more developed countries, people have more children due to having an agricultural society.

____ 79. The process whereby an immigrant learns the values, language, and customs of their new country is called:a. amalgamation d. diffusionb. agglomeration e. adaptation

c. acculturation

____ 80. Suburbanization is most evident in a. regionally planned Canadian cities like

Torontod. older American cities like Boston

b. newer American cities like Las Vegas e. large European cities like Madridc. large South American cities like Sao Paolo

____ 81. The three largest population clusters in the world are in:a. Africa, South Asia, East Asia d. Africa, Australia, North Americab. Africa, East Asia, Europe e. East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia.c. East Asia, South Asia, South America

____ 82. Which of the following is true of the world’s ”over-population” problem?a. over-population will lead to the extinction

of the human race.d. Over-population is a problem in every

country in the world. b. In the next couple of years, the earth will

not be able to produce enough food to feed its growing population.

e. over population is a threat in some areas of the world, but not others.

c. geographers typically don’t study over-population problems.

____ 83. The first stage of the demographic transition exhibits:a. high birth rates but fluctuating death rates. d. high birth rates with declining death rates.b. declining birth rates with continuing high

death rates.e. low birth rates with continuing high death

rates.c. high birth rates with low and stable death

rates. ____ 84. The increasing interconnectedness of different parts of the world through economic, political, and cultual

interaction is called:a. globalization d. hierarchical diffusionb. development e. culturec. core-periphery model

____ 85. Which of the following is not true of the affect of European migration on world culture?a. Indo-European languages are now spoken

by half of the world’s population. d. Europeans took natural resources back to

Europe instead of promoting industry in the colonies.

b. Christianity became the most popular religion in the world.

e. European political and economic systems diffused to regions that were previously sparsely populated.

c. European colonists respected the rights and cultures of existing populations, nurturing the advancement of all people.

____ 86. Which of the following branches of Geography examines the affect of disease on human populations? a. epidemiology d. physiologyb. mortality e. topographyc. fertility

____ 87. The five toos - too hot, too cold, too wet, too dry, and too hilly - refer to which term?a. transmigration d. ecumene

b. distance decay e. cohortc. intervening opportunity

____ 88. Within the United States, overall life expectancya. is limited by an unusually high infant

mortalitiy rated. both (B) and (C)

b. varies between various cohorts within the larger population

e. varies between regions, with people in the southwest living longer on average

c. all of the above

____ 89. Which of the following countries is at stage two of the demographic transition model?a. Denmark d. San Marinob. Russia e. Finlandc. Nigeria

____ 90. Which of the following demographic statistics best measures the level of reproduction occuring in a population?a. CDR d. TFRb. natal rate e. CBRc. composite birth statistics

____ 91. Literacy is a demographic indicator of:a. religion d. type of government.b. social condition. e. none of the abovec. taboos

____ 92. Which of the following best describes India’s population?a. very large and concentrated in a few big

cities.d. reliant on food from outside sources in

order to feed its exploding popualationb. small, but growing rapidly. e. Large and mostly rural.c. Small and mostly urban.

____ 93. The movement of persons from the rust belt to the sun belt is an example of which type of migration?a. Intercoastal d. Internationalb. Interregional e. Interurbanc. Intercontinental

____ 94. The theory that most migration occurs over a short distance and in steps is attributed to:a. Harris and Ullman d. von Thunenb. Burgess e. Ravensteinc. Rostow

____ 95. Which of the following is the best example of a economic push factor?a. Revolution erupts in Nicaragua, causing

people to flee for their lives.d. A factory is built in San Juan Costa Rica,

and people move away because of the pollution.

b. An extended drought hits the midwest causing farmers to look for work in the cities.

e. A large office is built in Buenos Aires bringing professionals to Argentina

c. Slaves are moved from Africa to Haiti to work on sugar plantations for French

colonists. ____ 96. Which of the following regions is considered to be in the five primary areas of population density in the

world?a. Far-northern Europe: Finland, Norway,

and Swedend. Sub-saharan Africa

b. Central Asia: western China and Mongolia e. Eastern South America: Argentina and Uruguay

c. South Asia: India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh

____ 97. Country Populationville has a crude birth rate of 25 and a crude death rate of 13 while the country of Demograville has a crude birth rate of 40 and a crude death rate of 25. Which country will experience the fastest natural increase rate?a. Each will have a negative natural increase

rate.d. Each will have a positive natural increase

rate.b. Populationville e. Demogravillec. Neither

____ 98. The best example of intraregional migration would occur in which of the following examples? a. A single man moving from Mexico to

Argentina in search of job opportunities.d. A Canadian businessman moving to

Ecuador to take advantage of the booming economy.

b. Chinese workers coming to Panama to work on the canal

e. A family of four moving from Florida to North Dakota because of a preference for snow in the winter.

c. a single mother moving from Chicago to Detroit to be closer to her family.

____ 99. Which continent has the highest total fertility rates?a. Australia d. South Americab. Africa e. Asiac. Europe

____ 100. Which of the following is an accurate statement about the population of the world?a. Most people live in the Western

hemisphere.d. Major population centers are found in the

center of continents to avoid the unpredictable weather events near the oceans.

b. Most of the world’s population is spread out evenly between the tropics of Capricorn and Cancer

e. Major population centers are found on coasts and in river valleys.

c. Few people live in temperate climates.

____ 101. Most of the world’s people live ina. the developed d. the southern hemisphereb. the world’s poorest countries e. Chinac. urban areas in the developed world

____ 102. Which one of the following statements is most characteristic of a refugee?a. They take all of their physical possessions

with them.d. They usually move with official

documentation.b. Their first steps are often made on foot, by e. Their chief motivation is to get new jobs.

wagon, or bicycle.c. They move at a leisurely pace.

____ 103. Which of the following counties instituted a one-child policy?a. Malawi d. Indiab. Singapore e. Italyc. China

____ 104. The demographic transition model suggests that:a. birth rates will fall with development. d. life expectancy will decrease with

development.b. birth rates will increase with development. e. all of the abovec. death rates will increase with

development.____ 105. Which form of migration below are farm workers from another country most likely to be practicing during the

year?a. political migration d. International travelb. Chain migration e. Cluster migrationc. Circular migration

____ 106. Which of the following countries would have the highest birth rate?a. China d. Nigeriab. Canada e. Indonesiac. France

____ 107. By the early 21st century, crude birth rates were highest in:a. Europe, North America, and Latin

Americad. North America, Africa, and Asia

b. Asia, Europe and Africa e. Latin America, North America, and Asiac. Asia, Latin America, and Africa

____ 108. India and China are the world’s two most populous countries. While China has instituted a strict population policy, India a. does not endorse birth control because of a

catholic majority.d. encourages lower fertility through

education and access to family planningb. has a similar policy as China e. for cultural reasons, encourages women to

continue to reproduce.c. becasue of their agricultural system,

encourages reproduction.____ 109. The demographic accounting equation does NOT take into account _________________ when calculating a

country’s population.a. natural increase over time d. the death ratesb. emigration e. instances when natural increase is

negativec. immigration

____ 110. According to Demographic Transition Theory at which stages in a country’s development is population most likely to increase? a. Stages 2 and 4 d. Stages 2 and 3b. Stages 3 and 4 e. Stages 1 and 2

c. Stages 1 and 4

____ 111. Which of the following countries would be expected to have the lowest infant mortality rate?a. Rwanda d. Indonesiab. Kazakhstan e. Singaporec. the United States

____ 112.According to the population pyramid above, which one of the following statements is correct?a. Gender numbers are nearly identical until

the older age cohort is reached.d. The economically active and productive

population is too small to support the youth and old-age population.

b. The death rate exceeds the birth rate e. The population is experiencing a rapid growth rate.

c. The population is experiencing a high mortality rate.

____ 113. Population policy usually involves limitations ona. All of the above d. fertility levelsb. both (A) and (B) only e. immigration levelsc. education levels

____ 114. Shital embarked on her move to California from New York. On her way she stopped in Des Moines, IA to visit some old friends. She fell in love with Iowa and stayed there. In this migration, Iowa represents a(n)a. intervening obstacle d. intervening opportunityb. push factor e. pandemicc. remittance

____ 115. Which of the following regions is the least densly populated?a. Europe d. Northeast United Statesb. East Asia e. South Americac. South Asia

____ 116. During the last half of the 20th century, people have moved to the south because of warmer climates. Warmer climates are a:a. Environmental push factor d. Cultural pull factorb. none of the above e. Cultural push factorc. Environmental pull factor

____ 117. Which of the following is mostly the result of chain migration?a. Colonization of the American frontier d. The formation of Israelb. French colonial rule e. San Francisco’s Chinatown c. The African slave trade

____ 118. Why does the rate of natural increase (RNI) not accurately demonstrate population change for subglobal regions?a. RNI data do not include immigration and

emmigrationd. Epidemics can drastically affect RNI data

b. Higher fertility rates lead to a higher mortality rate in less developed countries (LDCs)

e. RNI data are not specific enough to focus on women and children

c. The RNI does not change in a region without a cultural decision to change the birthrate

____ 119. Population density is best represented by:a. dot maps d. GISb. a population pyramid e. a pie chartc. isoline topographic maps

____ 120. You are planning to move from your hometown to Pittsburgh. Along the way, you stop in Columbus, Ohio to visit a relative and decide to stay and make Columbus your new home. This decision is an example of:a. transhumance. d. involuntary migration.b. intervening opportunity. e. distance decay.c. environmental push factors.

____ 121. Which of the following is least likely to have a high population density?a. maritime provinces of Canada d. coastal areas of Brazilb. beaches in Costa Rica e. plains of Montanac. suburbs of New York

____ 122. Which of the following trends matches the urban migration pattern of the 1880s noted by Ernst Ravenstein?a. Countercurrents of migration tend to be

larger than original streams.d. The majority of migrants move long

distances.b. Migrants who move long distances tend to

move to large cities.e. Rural dwellers tend to be less migratory

than urban dwellersc. Most migrants are young children

following their young parents.____ 123. The key factor Thomas Malthus failed to recognize in his theory was:

a. population is limited by their means of subsistence.

d. all populations have the potential to increase more than the actual rate of increase.

b. populations will always increase if the means of subsistence increase.

e. technology’s ability to raise the earth’s carrying capacity.

c. wars and famine inhibit population’s reproductive capacity.

____ 124. The idea that once a culture locates in another area, the original customs and traditions eventually die our or are less strong, is best characterized by which term?a. transhumance d. gravity modelb. acculturation e. Place utilityc. distance decay

____ 125. The typical family in a more developed country (MDC):a. has remained relatively constant in size

over the last 500 years.d. contains more people than in the past

because parents have economic incentive to have more children.

b. contains less people than in the past because parents are having fewer children.

e. contains less people than in the past because nuclear war and disease have decimated populations.

c. contains more people in the past as medical advances mean more babies survive.

____ 126. The spread of coffee shops around the U.S. in the 1990s is an example of a. stimulus diffusion d. hierarchical diffusionb. periodic movement e. relocation diffusionc. contagious diffusion

____ 127. Which of the following is a characteristic of infant mortality in the United States?a. It is the highest in the world. d. It is higher than expected for a developed

country.b. It is the lowest in the world. e. none of the abovec. It is increasing.

____ 128. Which of the following is true of the United States in terms of arithmetic, physiological, and agricultural density? a. The United States has a relatively low

arithmetic density, a low physiological density, and a low agricultural density.

d. The United States has a very high arithmetic density, a high physiological density, and a low agricultural density.

b. The United States has a relatively low arithmetic density, a low physiological density, and a high agricultural density.

e. The United States has a relatively low arithmetic density, a high physiological density, and a low agricultural density.

c. The United States has a relatively low arithmetic density, a high physiological density, and a high agricultural density.

____ 129. Which of the following countries is more likely to be in the 2nd Stage of the demographic transition model?a. Mexico d. The United Statesb. Canada e. Cape Verde Islandsc. Chile
