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Arab-Israeli Conflict. Iran-Iraq War. Persian Gulf. War on Terror. Random/Iran. 100 pt. 100 pt. 100 pt. 100 pt. 100 pt. 2 pt. 2 pt. 2pt. 2pt. 2 pt. 3 pt. 3 pt. 3 pt. 3 pt. 3 pt. 4 pt. 4 pt. 4pt. 4 pt. 4pt. 5pt. 5 pt. 5 pt. 5 pt. 5 pt. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Arab-IsraeliConflict Iran-Iraq War Persian Gulf War on Terror Random/Iran

The term given to the Jews being kicked out


Israel was attacked by Egypt and Syria on this holiday giving this

war a certain name

What is the Yom Kippur War?

What did the disengagement plan call for?

What is the removal of all Israelis from the Gaza and part

of the West Bank

Yasser Arafat was the leader of this group?

The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)

1978 Peace Accords between Israel and Egypt were called


1978 Camp David Peace Accords

The political party Saddam was apart and took over the gov’t in


What is the Baath party?

Who was overthrown in 1979 in Iran?

Who is the Shah?

What was the end result of the Iran-Iraq war?

Neither, stalemate

What did the nations of the ME fear with the Iranian Revolution?

Their governments would be overthrown

What was a reason why the Iran-Iraq War started?

Battle over oil fields, Saddam feared a revolution, Church and


What did Iraq claim Kuwait was stealing?

Oil-Slant drilling

What was the goal for the US in the Persian Gulf War

Kick Iraq out of Kuwait

The United States and this world organization fought in the

Persian Gulf

Who is the United Nations

What was the name of the program the UN and US

proposed for Iraq

What was the Oil for Food Program?

After the war, inspectors were looking for these in Iraq?

What is WMDs

This event started the War on Terror

What is 9/11

The goals of the war in Afghanistan was to do what

To find Bin Laden and remove the Taliban

The Patriot Act gave more power to the government to do


Search personal information

What organization was Bin Laden the leader of

What was Al-Qaeda

This foreign policy allowed the US to attack before they could


What is the Bush Doctrine?

What was the reasoning for the US to enter Iraq in 2003?

Threat of WMDs, ties to terrorist

What is the name of the base that has been under fire due to

human right issues

Guantanamo Bay

What event caused the US to break diplomatic ties with Iran

Hostage Situation

Selling weapons to Iran through Israel was known as

The Iran Contra

What does Iran say their nuclear program is for

Civilian usage
