1JJA UNll?J~6J: ~~ ~'1' - Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering...


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!\SAHE~ A~lI~.b.~~ ~ 1JJA UNl"l?J~6"J:~'1'

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Revised Structure and. Syllabus I


.of Second Year Engineering .of II


[ Effective from - June, 2007 & onwards J/j




Schemeof Instruction and exarnination for Second Year ,~f(!dlllnlc(11/l'rorluctirl11Enginc:er ing (:2f107-08)

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ME 204 . ,ManufaCtunng Procr;sses I 04 -I-~' - I 04

t' 100 -'


.. =-tlQtt 03

. ME20S ' Str~~thofMate~ia!.'-- . '--T()4- 1-"':"~o2 i-06-- -100' 2'5'~ =-: ~25--' --03'---

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ME 209 I ElcctricH.1 Mllchines & Applied I 04--i- 02 m -r 06 ' i00 I

fl=~5 ..! I" j 03 !

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ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS - III(Common for all braches)

Exam SchemeTheory: 100marks for three hours

Teaching Scheme4 Hours/week

1. Vector Calculus: Differentiation of vectors. Radial, Transverse, Nonnal andTangential components of velocity and acceleration. Scalar and vector pointfunctions, Gradient of a scalar point function, Divergence and curl of a vectorpoint function, Solenoidal and irrotational fields. Line integral, Surface integral,Gauss's divergence theorem, Stoke's theorem, Green's theorem. Cylindrical,Sphericalpolar and Curvilinear coordinaies.

(14 Hours)

2. Fourier Transform: Fourier integral, Fourier sine and cosi~e int,egral, ComplexJorm of Fourier integral. Fourier transform. Fourier sine and cosine tra!1sforinand inverse transform.

(6 HOt~rs)

3. Linear'Differentjal Equation: Solution of linear differential equation of nthorder with constant coefficients. General method, Shortcut methods to findpmticular integral. Method of variation of parameters, Equations reducible tolinear form i.e. Cauchy's and Legendre's form, Solution of simultaneous lineardifferential equations. Application to civil, Mechal11cal, Electrical andElectronics Engineering. . ,'"

,..' .

(10 Hours)

4. Laplace Transform: introduction to Laplace transfonn, Properties andtheorems of Laplace transform, Laplace' transform of. special functions,Bessel's, Periodic, Error function, Heaviside Unit Step Function, DisplacedfIeaviside Unit Step Function, Dirac-Delta function(impulse function), InverseLaplace Transfonn. Methods to find inverse Laplace transfonn by (i) use ofLaplace transform table (ii) use of theorems (iii) use of partial fraction (iv)Convolution theorem. Solution of linear di fferential equation of 'nthorder withconstant coefficients and simultaneous linear differential equations by LaplaceTransfoITfl.

(10 Hours)



buoksText I

1. r2. r3. I4. I5. '







Note:- Section A: Chapter 1 and Chapter 2Section B: Chapter 3 and Chapter 4

More stress should be given on Engineering Applications.

Books Recommended:

1. A Text Book of Applied Mathematics(Volwne II and -III)P. N. Wartikar and 1.N. Wartikar

Pune Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan1786, Sadashiv Peth, Pune.

2. Advanced Engineering MathematicsH. K. Dass .

S. Chand and Company L~d.Ram Nagar, New Delhi 1]0055

3. Engineering Mathematics IIIG. V. KumbhojkarC. Jamnadas and Co.146-C Shamaldas Gandhi Marg.Mumbai-400002

4. Higher Engjneering MathematicsDr. B. S. Grewal.Khanna Publishers2-3 Nath Market, Nai Sarak,New Delhi-] 10006


r/ . "

(ME 203) Engineering Thermodynamics'

fheory : 4 HourslWeekPractical: 2 Hours/Week

TheoryI00 MarksTenn work 25Practical 25


1. First Law Of Thermodynamics Applied To Flow ProcessConcept of Flow work, control volume and steady flow process, asswnptions, steady flowenergy equation on time and mass basis, difference between steady flovv and non flowprocess, study and applications of SFEE to Some steady flow devices viz nozzles,diffusers, throttling valve, turbine, compressors~ L C 'Engine, Heat Exchangers etc.Limitations of First law of Thermodynamics, Concept ofPMM-L. (5 Hrs,)

2. Second Law Of ThermQdynamicsVarious statements, Heat engine, Refrigerator and Heat pump. COP of Heat pump andRefrigerator, Reversed heat engine, Equivalence of Kelvin-Planck and Clausiusstatements, PMM-II, Carnot theorem, Thennodyna.-nic temperature scale, (7 Hrs)

3. Entropy .. . .Cqncept of Entropy, Clausius Theorem,Clausius inequality, temperature-entropy diagrams,

'Entropy changes for an ideal gas during reversible processes, entropy of isolated system inreal processes, Principle of increase of Entropy, totai entropy changes, Applications of.Entropyprinciple, Available and unavailable energy. 5 Hrs) . .

4. Air Standard CycleConcept of air standard cycle, assumptions, Can10t, Otto, Diesel and dual air standardcycles with representation on P-V & T-S planes, mathematical analysis for efficiency,meaneffectivepressure and powerout put,comparison. (7 Hrs) .

5.FuelsAndCombustion -Definition of Fuel, calorific values, Definition of combustio~>--mass fraction, mol fraction.

combustion equation, stoichiometric air, excess air, and deficient air, analysis of product ofcombustion, gravimetric and volumetric analysis and their conversion, detennination ofactual and excess air quantity from combustion analysis and stoichiometric and actual air (0fuel ratios. Orsat apparatus, method to determine flue gas aJ1alysis-CO,C02O2 . (7 Hrs)

1.Properties Of Steam

',. .' Changeof phaseof water at constant pressure,Criticd stateand critical point parameters.. significanceof critical point, Wet, dry, saturated, superhearedstearn, Enthalpy, internal

energy and entropy of steam. First law of thermodynamics applied'to steam processes. Viz.constant. volume, constant pressure~ hyperbolic, isentropic and polytropic processes.Temperature-entropy and enthalpy-entropy diagrams of steam.Methods of determining thedryness fraction. (7 Rrs)

II 7. NonConventional Energy Principles

Principles of Nuclear and solar energy Conversions, Solar collectors and I>~vices andapplications of Nuclear and solar energy. (2 Hrs)








b'uoksText E1. 11

2. ~3. ~4. r5. r6. I7. I8. ]9. '




j.- / -

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1- - Term 'Work

The tenn work shall consist ofPerfonning/Studying following experiments. The candidateshall submit the report of each experiment and the assignments.

The list of experiments

1. Studyof determination of Calorific Value of Fuels by using different2. Dtetermination of exhaust gas analysis by using Orsat Apparatus. ~3. Determination of Dryness fraction by using different Calorimeters.4. Studyof solar energy device~ ~. ,5 Assignment on Topic No 036. Assignment on Topic No 4



List of H,ecommended Books'~ .


- "



I. EngineeringThennodynamics byP. K. Nag.2. ThennalEngineering by R. K.Rajput. .

3. Thennal Engineering by Arora and Domkundwar.4. Thennal Engineering by P. 1. Ballaney

5. Engineering Thennodynamics by J.B.Jones and R~E.Dugar PHI Publ,ications6. Thennal Engineering by B.K.Sarkar,Tata Me Graw I-Iill Pub. .'





-, (}



fhen!"}':- : 4 HouriWeekI 1. Pattern Making and Mould Design:

Introduction to basic manufacturing processes, Pattern materials, allowances, Types of patterns.-. Basicpr,inciple and Terminology of sand casting, gating system, types of gate ,Risers design,

Riscring aids, Directional and Progressive solidification. Analytical approach to riser design,General properties of moulding sands, testing of moulding sand, Mold hardness. Preparation of

's:;\ndmoulds of different types, Mou.1ding processes, core making. (06)

2. Technoiogy of melting and special casting methods: Melting furnaces pit, open hearth, gastirectcupola and electric hearth furnaces, cupola operation development in cupola melting, ElectricfUl1laces - Direct Arc, Indirect arc and electric induction furnace. ~lodernizati on and'Aechanization of Foundries, permanent mold casting, slush casti~g, shell molding, Investment or111s1WaXcasting, vacuum process, ce",trifugal casting, c9ntinuous casting, Die casting equi pments

..andprocesses for Gravity, pressure and vacuum casting methods. (06) -

3. Dcfects, Inspection and testing of casting: Origin and c1assification of defects, shaping faults,- Inclusionsand sand de~r~-as def'eCts, shrinkage defects, contraction defects, dimensional

\ors. Radiography..ult~EQdy.current testing, fluorescent penetrate test. (05)

'q. Mechanical working of meta.ls: P~-;~i-ple of H;-~~ working processes, Different typesof hot and cold working process~s. e.g. Rolling, types of rolling forging operations, extrusion,

. piercing,pipe andtube production, manufacture of seamlesspipe andtubing. Spinning,embossingandcoining, squeezing and bending operations. rotary swaging (05)-

.5. Processing of plastics: Compression, Transfer, Injection, Extrusion. Blow moulding. Rotationalmouldingand calendaring. . - - (03)

6. _.Joining processes: Introduction to riveting, soldering. brazing and welding. Gas " cJdiilg,

wlIrkingprinciple and its application, Arc welding: arc initiation, arc maintenance, and arc control,I .ansfer of metal across the "gap, ~lectrode efficiency, Types and purpose of Electrodes, TIG\vclding: working principle and its' ~pplication, MlG- welding: working principle and itsapplication. SAW - welding: working principle and its application" Resistance welding: - \VQrkiogprincipleand -itsapplications -. (08)

7. Other welding processes: Working principle and appJicatio~s of Friction Welding, ForgeWelding, Plasma Arc, and Thermit Welding. Ultrasonic. Electro slag, Electron Beam, laser

,'Iding.Welding defects, Testing and Inspection ~fwetds: Various welding defects, "YE;ldtesting

,,'clhods. Weld ability. - (06)'

8. Surface Treatment: Electroplating, electroforming, and iodizing, metal spraying. shotpenning,polishing, mechanical cleaning. (03

Theory: 100 Marks



Text Books:;'

/ I. WorkshopTechnology1B $ Raghuwanshi, Dhanpat Rai and Sons200 I:i. Workshop Technology Hajra Chaudhary, Dhanpat Rai and Sons 200 I, Manufacturing Process II H S Bawa, Tata Mc Graw hill Publishing Co. Ltd.20041. Production Technology, Jain.R.K., Khanna Publications 2000References 8001<5:

~. Processes and Materials of Manufactt.::-e By R A LindBerg PHI Pub 200 I

2. WorkshopTechnology,a.p. Khanna DhanpatRai and Sons-200I.",",t


buo ksText]


2. ]3. ]4. .









(ME 205) Strength of Material

Theory:.4 Hours/Week.Practical: 2 Hours/Week

Theory: ] 00 MarTerm work: 25M

1. Mechanical Properties. of Materials: Concept of direct, bearing and shearandstrains, stress-strain relations, Biaxial andtri-axialloading, elastic constants arelationship, stress-strain diagrams and their characteristics for mild steel, anmetals,factor of safety. (06)

2. Uni-axial Stresses ~~d Strains: Stresses and strains in compound ba:-sin utension and compression, temperature .stressesin sim.ple restrained bars and COlbarsof two Inetalsonly. . (06)

3. Axial Force, Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams: Beams, loadsupportconditions, bending moment, shear force and axial load diagran1sfor a111

. loadings fo'r simply supported beams, cantilevers and beams with overhangs,between shear force, bending mome9t.and loading intensity. (06)

.3. Simple or Pure .Bending Theory: Theory of simple bending, section ITmomentof resistance, bending stresses in solid,hollo\.v and built up section. (04) .

3. Torsion: Th~ory of torsion and assumptions; derivatiorl of torsion equatiOJn10dulus"tstresses in solid and hollow circular shaft, power transmitted by shaft.Shearstress distribution on beamcross sections. .

Thin and thick cylinders and thin spherical shells subjected to internal pressures.Strain energy under uni-axial tension and compression impact loads a!1t1-instanstresses. (08) .

4. Combined Direct and Bending Stresses: Combined direct and bending c;

applications to sho~ coll1:II1nswith eccentric loads. (03)

5. Principal stresses: Biaxial stress system, principal stresses, principal. planM?hr's circl~ of stresses, principai strains. (03)

6. Deflection of beams: Deflection in statically determinate (simply supported, caand beams with overhang) beams subjected to point loads, unifonnly distribute<momentsby double integration, McCauley's method. (04)

Practical: (Any.sixExperiments)

List of the ExperimentsI. Tension test on metals.

2. Compression test on materials.3. Shear test on metals.4. Impact test on metals.5. Hardness tc::S:on metals.o. Torsion test on metaJs.


1-.. "








7. Deflection of beams.

8. Modulus of rupture test.9. Bucking of columns.10. Deflection of springs

Books Recommended:

iText Books

I) Strengthof Materials,Stephel1Timoshenko,CBS Publishers,Delhi,First Edition] 986.2) Strengthof Materials, F.L.Singer: Harper and Row, New York.,FourthEdition Reprint1998.3) Strengthof Materials, Ramamruthm,DhanpatRai and Sons,NewDelhi,Thirteenth


Reference Books

I) Mechanicsof Materials, E.P. PopOV,PrenticeHililof India,New Delhi.2) Introductionto Solid Mechanics,***** Shames,Prentice HaJJof India,New Delhi.3). Mechanicsof Materials, Beer & Johston McGrawHill, New Delhi,MetricEdn. 1992.4) Mechanicsof Materials, B.C. Punmia, A.K. Jain, Arunkumar Jain, Laxmi Publications,New Delhi,2000.

5}. Strengthof Materials, A Practical Approach, Vol-I, D.S. Prakash Rao, First Edition University Press,'. ,Hydrabad. .


. .",











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; Teaching Scheme:Practical: 2 Hrslweek

Course Curriculum

Basic Communication Skills.

. Communicating with Peers

. Communicating FormaIly. Communicating Casually

. -Communicating for Daily Requirements

Personality Development

. Fonnal Dressing

. Casual Dressing

. Dressing up to the occasion. Interview Dressing. Body language. Eye Contact. Persona Management'"-

Effective Group Discussion


. What is Group Discussion'

. . Why are Group discussionsHeld

. What is judged in a Group Discussion. W"hatare the keys to a successful Group Discussion. Different topics for a Group Discussion

. biff~rent ways or Modulesof Group-Djscussion

Effective PublicSpeaking'

. How to deliveran Effective

. How to involvethe publicat large. Stage Courage. Effective crowd alertness and zinc,

Art of Effectivegnglish Communication

. Why is it so important

. Whatdifferencedoes itmake

. Motivation Therapy.

. New Avenuesfor improvedcommunication

. New therapiesfor inculcating'English

Exam SchemeTerm work: 50 marks




J,. .







>-.- .


Presentation for Aptitude Test

. What is an Aptitude Test

. Why are Aptitude .Test's Held

. What is judged in an Aptitude Test

. What are the keys to a successful Aptitude Test

. Different areas for an Aptitude Test

. Different ways or Modules of Aptitude Test

English Grammar

. Why is Grammar important?

. What are the different parts of English Grammer?

. How do we practice it?

Interview Techniques

. Typesof Interviews

. Whyis the InterviewHeld?

. Whatis judged in an Interview?

. Types and roundsof Interv'iews

. OperationsRound for an Interview

. fiR Round l'Oran Interview

. Technical Round for an interview"'" .

. Howto express freely and ethically in an Intervie~?

. Howto make a resume or a bio-data

. Things mea~t to be said in an InterViewandvice -versa

. Howto crack andget an offer from an Interviewer?

. Psychologicalaspects of question.

. Reading the Interviewers mind,

Telephonic Etiquettes. How to give telephonic .Interviews?. How to introduce yourself and speak on a'call ?. How to speak to anyone on the phone?. Whatare telephonicInterviews held for?. How to crack a Telephonic interview?

MockCall Handting.

. What is the benefit of Mock Calls?

. How does one benefit fTomthe Mock Call sessions?





.~. /"








Theory Exam: 100marksTheory: 4 hours/~

Theory Exam Time: 3 hours

1. FUNCTIONS OF COMPLEX VARJABLESIntroduction, Analytic' function, Cauchy Riemann equations in Cartesian and polar10r11l,Hannonic functions, Integration:-Line integral, COUnl~rimegral, Cauchy integraltheorem,extension and Cauchy if)tegralfommla(without proof).Taylor's andLaurent's series (without prooi). Singularities, Residues, Cauchy residue theorem(without proof).lntegration along unit circle and along the upper half semicircle,contormal transfc![!nation and bilinear transformation. (14 hours)


j'vleusuresQf dispersion, moments, skewness and kurtosis.Binomial, Poisson's and normal distribution (6 hours)

.,l NUl\'1ERICAL METHODSSolution of algebraic and Transcendental equations by Ne'W10n-Raphson method

- solution of linear simultaneous equations by Gauss Elimination and Gauss-Seidalmethod, Lagrange's interpolation formula, Numerical differentiation, solution ofordinary differential equations by Picard's method, Taylor's series method, Euler's

- modified method and Runge-Kutta fourth order method. , (10 hours?....

4. APPLiCATIONS OF PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONSSolurion of partial differential equations by method of separation of variables,Application to vibration of string(wave equation),one dimensiona! heat flow equation,two dimensional heat flow equation. .(6 nours)


Z-transform of elementary functions, properties ofz-transform (without proof), Inversez-transfonn, Solution of difference equation by z-transform. (4 hours)

~ ;:- 1)In all Numeri.calmethqds de~ivationsarenot expected.'~ .

Section A: -chapters1 and 2

SectionB: -chapters 3, 4 and 5.


I)A Text Book of AppliedMathematics Vo!.-I, II & IJI-- J. N. Wartikar & P.N.Wartik&r2)Higher Engineering Mathematics -- Dr.B.S.Grewal3)Engineering Mathematics . -- H.K.Dass4)t'JurnericalMethods forScientists and Engineers -- Dr.B.S.Grewal5)Numerical Methods --S.S.Shatry.

""""""""" -..". ...................~





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~ 209 Electrical Machines and Applied Electronics

Theory: 4 Hours/WeekPractical: 2 Hours/Week

Theory: 100 MarksTerm work: 25Marks

1. Concept of General Electric Drives: Classification and comparison of electric drivesystem, cooling and heating of electric motors, Theory and working principle of powertransistors, power MOSFET, SCR. (04)

2. Basic Characteristics of DC Motors: Torque equation, modified speed-torquecharacteristics, starting and braking of electric DC motors, comparison of mechanical andelectric braking methods, conventional speed control methods. (04)

3. Classification of AC Motors: Construction, types, characteristics of 3-phasc 1M,torque equation, applications, staring and braking of 3-phase 1M, conventional speedcontrol methods. ;

Thyristorised stator voltage control of 3-phase 1M, (VIF) control, slip-power recovery.scneme, thyristorised armature voltage control of DC motors using phase control andthyristorised chopper.

Introduction, principle, construction and working of DC servomotors, stepper motors,brushless DC motors, classification of I-phase 1M, construction, principle, working andapplications,principIe and working of Universalmotor, linear 1M. (10)

4. Industrial Applic.~tions: Classes of duty, Selection of an Electric Drive forparticular applications such as s~el mi!1~paper mill, cement, textile mill, electric traction,coal mining,"etc. . (04)5. Sensors and Actuator: Application of sensors like Thermocouple, Air flow sensors,Gas sensors, LDR, Gas switches, Proximity switch sensors, Piezo sensors, Shaftencoder/decoder, Load cell etc. Actuators like as Opto.couplers solenoid valves, Relay(AC/DC) Buzzer, Beepers, Alarms, 7 Segments display & LCD Display.(Sensorsspeciation, Market code and Specific Use must be emphasize) .. (10)5. Industrial Electronics: Concept of Industrial Electronics, Devices Used in Industrial

" .'Electronic Circuits, Protection of Devices and size of heat sinks;Light Dimmer: circuit,RTCbased temperature controller, ON/OFF .andSequential Timer, (08) .

List of the Experiments

1. To perform speed control of d. c. shunt motor.2. Speed control of 3-phaseinduction motor by changing rotor resistance.3. . To perform load test on D.C. series motor.4. Rheostatic speed braking of D.C. shunt motor.5. To study single-phase inductionmotor. .

6. To identify different parts and understand workingof starters used for 3-phase LM.7. Study of D.C. motor starters.8. To study differenttypes of heating.9. To study po'.vermosfet.

, "











Books Recommended:

Text Books:

I. .J;lectrical Technology (AC and DC drives) by B. L. Thereja, voJ-I I and vo!-lli.

< EleCtric m"hlnes (seeood edition) by I. 1. N'grnth 'nd D. P. Koth"'i, rot, McGrnw Hm Mlishin.' Co. Ltd.,New Delhi. -

3. Utilization of Electrical Power, R.K. Rajput, Laxmi publications.

Reference Books:


Electric Motor Drives-modeling, analysis and COntrol by R. Krishnan, Lo\\.price Edition, Pearson Edu.Utilization of Electrical ~nergy, H. Pratab







I ,




~aChing SchemeTheory,.: 4 Hours/WeekPractical:2 Hours/Week

Examination SchemeTheory: 100 MarksTerm Work: 25Marks

practical: 50 Marks



1. Air Compressors. A) Classifications and working principle::;, reciprocating compressors.Terminologies used effect of clearance volume, actual indicated diagram, multistagecompression, (Numerical problems on reciprocating compressors)B) Rotary compressors, working principles, Roots blower, Vane type blower, Centrifugalcompressor, and axial flow compressor. Comparison between reciprocating and rotarycompressors. Vacuum pumps, air motor. (Descriptive treatment only) (06)



2.Steam Generators: Classification, constructionaldetail of processand power boilers, '"

equivalentevaporation, boiler efficiency, energy balaDce,steam generationcontrols, boiler:.draught, naJural and artificial draught, draught losses, regulation of chimney height,introduction to IBR laws, principle and working of high pressure boilers. (NumericalTreatment). (07)

I . 3 Ste~m Condensers: Classifications, comparison between Jet and Surface condensers,vacuum, vactmm efficiency, Dalton5law of partial pressure, vacuum measurement, maS5ofcirculating water required in a condenser, air removal, capacity of air extraction pumps,introduction to cooling towers. (Numerical Treatment). (06)4 Steam nozzles: Types of nozzles, equation of continuity of nozzle, isentropic flow throughnozzle, use of mollier chart, velocity of steam leaving a nozzle, effect of friction, mass ofsteam disc~arged, nozzle efficiency, critical pressure ratio and maximum discharge,supersaturated flow through the nozzle, effect of back pressure on nozzle characteristics.(Numerical Treatment). (06)5. Vapour Power Cydes : Carnot cycle \, ideal Rankinecycle, modifiedRankine cycle, . .

Reheat and Regenerative cycles with bleeding of steam, thermal efficiency, specific steam'consumption, work ratio, power output, effect of superheat, i:::Jetpressure and back pressureon performance of Rankine cycle.' (08)

. (NumericalTreatment).6. I.C. Engines: Classifications, components, working of2-Stroke, 4-Stroke Spark Ignition'and Compression Ignition engines. Valve timing diagrams, Carburettor, different circuits ofcarburetors such as idling~throttling, compensating, starting, etc.ignition systems, fuel pump, fuel injectors, fuel filters, lubrication system, Governing of l.c.engines, cooling system ofLe. engines, and their types. (Descriptive treatment only) (07)


. 13










The term work shall consist of Perfonning/Studying following experiments. The candidateshall submit the report of each experiment and the assignments.

The list of experiments


I.Study of any two boilers.

2.Study of boilermounting and accessories. 1 '

~.~y of conde.

nsers andcooling towers~. -"-~~ '?~( 0 \per S~~~~y ofcontemporarycarburetor. . \.J .

-5.Studyof fuel pump and fuel injector ofLC. Engine D....6.S~udyof conventional ignition systems of I.C. Engine . q~l7. St,:dy of lu~ricatin~ sys~em of I.C. Engine. - ~ '" ~8.Tnal on reclprocatmg aIr compressor. -' .'~--" ()y (J '''' '" ),-::;,

9 Assignment on topic no.1 / ,-I '" 1./ -

10. Assignment on topic no.5

List of Recommended Books...' .

I.Engineering Thermodynamics by p~K. Nag:"'2.Thermal Engineering by R. K. Rajput.3.Thermal Engineering by Arora and Domkundwar.4.Thermal Engineering by P. L. Ballaney' ,5. Engineering Thennodynamics by J.BJones and R.E.Dugar PHI publications6. Thermal Engineering by RK.Sarkar,Tata Mc Graw Hill Pub.






P'.' '" ,'.




# F?

(ME 211) Mechanism of Machines

Teaching SchemeTheory; 04 hours/WeekPractical: Olhourslweek ~/


Theory; 100 Marks.Term Work: 25 Marks

Practical: 50 Marks

1. Basic Concepts: introduction, Mechanisms and Machines, Kinematic pairs, Kinematic chainsand their classification, Classification of mechanisms, Grashofs law, Class-I and Class-IImechanisms. Different four bar mechanisms, Inversions of single slider, double slider, kinematics'hain, Grubler's criterion Kutrbach's theory, (04)

2. Kinematics Analysis of Mechanisms: Displacement analysis, Transmission angle, couplercurve and their properties, radius of curvature of coupler curves, body and space centriods.

Velocity analysis (Graphical): Relative Velocity 'method, instantaneous center of rotation. method,

Acceleration analysis(Graphical) Relative acceleration method, Corriolis component ofacceleration, analytical method for slider crank mechanism, Klein's construction for slider crank

mechanism and Ritterhaus construction, four bar mec~anism (l0)

3. Synthesis of Mechanism: Introduction to type, Number and dime~sional synthesis, graphicalmethod of two positions, three position and four position, synthesis for Input output co-ordination. Overlay's method, Frendentein's equation (04)

4. Special Purpose Mechanisms: Straight-line motion mechanism, steering Gear mechanism,quick return, and toggle mechanism. (02)

5. Cams: Introduction, Classification of carn and follower, Radial cam Nomenclature, different,110tionsoffollowers, graphical layout ofcam profiles, pressure angle, (06)6. Dynamic Force and Motion Analysis: Motion of rigid body subjected to a system of forces,Principals of Virtual work, D' Alembert's Principal and Dynamic Equilibrium, Dynamic force

,,' ,...analysisGraphical method and analytical method." (05) .

7, Balancing: Importance ofBalancing,Balancingof revolvingmassesinone plane anddifferentplanes. Bala.T1cingof reciprocating parts in engine mechanism, primarj and secondary forces.Balancing of locomotives: Uncoupled and coupled locomotives, Variation in tractive efforts,Swaying couple and hammer blow. Balancing of symmetrical and asymmetrical in line engines,Determination of primary, secondary or highe~ o~der forces and couples for two stroke' and fourstrokes engines. Principle of direct and reverse cranks, balancing of radial and V Engines,Balancing of V8 and Wl2 Engines. Principle construction and working of dynamic balancingmachine. (09)



'...istof Experiments:.

1. To draw invcrsions of four bar kinematics chain locating end points and explain working ofmechanisms.

2. To. draw inversions of single slider crank chain, locating points and explain working ofmechanisms.

3. To draw inversions of double slider cranks Kinematic chain locating end points and explainsworking of mechanisms. ,

4. To determine relative velocity of given links in mechanisms by relative velocity method orinstantaneollscenter of rotation.















5. To detennine relative acceleration of links in mechanism:; by relative acceleration method.. 6. To layout profile of earn graphically for given follower with its specified motion.

7. Mini Project on working toys with operative mechanism or Clutch or Brake system Itrequired to select these contrivances from working system. With suitable sketch explaworking of system.

.8. Gear trains -case study.9. Balancingof revolving maSsesin different planes. .

, 10. Balancing of reciprocating masses for inline cylinder Engine.


. " Text Book~:'1. Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, P.L. Ballaney, Khanna Publi3hers Delhi, 3'd Edition, 2000,11. Theor)' of Machines, S.S. Rattan, Tata Mc-Graw Hill Company, New Delbi, 2ndEdition, 2005.

Reference Books:

I. TheT,peoryof Machines,Thomas Beven,CBS Publishers and Distributors, 3'd Edition,2000

2. ~ry of Machinesand Mechanisms, Joseph Edward Shigleyand Johan Joseph Uicker Jr., McGraw-Hili, Inc2nd Editions, 1995.

,..' .





. I r



Teaching SchemeTheory: 4 Hours/WeekPractical: 2 Hours/Week

Examination Scheme

Theory: 100 MarksTenn Work: 25Marks-~ ~

Metal Cutting and Cutting Tools .

Intr<?duction, types of cutting tools, orthogonal and oblique 'cutting, types of chips, chip

~e~ers, cutting tool nome~clatur~, cutting a~tion of hand tools, c~ttin.g,feed an? speed,fnctlon and heat sources In cuttmg, tools lIfe and wear, machmablhty. cuttmg toolmaterials, cutting fluids, economics of machiI?-ingGear Cutting.Gear cutting methods, fom1ed cutter methods, gear cutting by formed disc cutter,indexing and dividing heads, indexing methods, gear cutting by fOffi1edend mill, gearcutting by formed single point tool, gear cutting by shear speed process, broaching gearteeth, template gear cutting, generating methods, rack cutter generating method, pinioncutter generating method, gear hobbi~g, bevel gear generating process

I.Drilling, Boring and Broaching machinesDrilling- Introduction, types of drill, twist drill nomenclature, types of drilling machines,work holding devices, tool holding devices; drilling machine operation; speed, feed andmachine time, Boring- Introduction, classification of boring machines, boring bars,boring heads, boring defects, Broaching- Introduction, principle parts of broarch,broaching machines, appli.cation of broach~ advantages of broaches, limitations ofbroaches and broachingtools ...

Grinding Machines~nJroduction~ grinding wheels, manufacturing of artificial abrasives, bonds and bonding,

'processes, grit, grade and structure of grinding wheels, types of wl1eels, method ofspecifying grinding wheel, selection of. grinding wheels, dressing and truing of grindingwheels, types of grinding machines.

Non Traditional MachiningIntroduction, classification of ~nachining process.es1 -abrasive jet machining (AlM), ultrasonic machining (USM), Chemical. machining (CHM), electrochemical machining(ECM),Electrochemical grinding (ECG),electro discharge machining (EDM),electron beammachining (EBM), laser beam machining (LBM), plasma arc machining (PAM), ionbeam machining


Practical on (AnyTwo Machines). 1. Turning: Study of differentoperationsto be carriedon the lathe machine using tail

stpck, taper turning methods (Gilculations), internal cutting tool operations, internalthreading, facing, finishingcuts, performingjobs related to above operationsMilling Study of differentoperations to be carried on the Millingmachine, Face milling,

'",:~w:,:Side face milling, etc, Machiningtime calculations. performingjobs related to above:;::operations .











. .





3. Grinding: Study of different operatiGns to be carried on the Grinding machine andperforming jobs related to above operations

4. Drilling Study of different operations to be carried on the Drillingmachine andperforming jobs related to above operations


1. Gerling, "All about Machine Tools",2. Krar S. F., "Technology of MachineTools",

3. Boothroyd, "Fundamentals of Metal Machining and Machine Tools",4. Raghuvanshi B.S., "Workshop Technology", Vol I

. ~c/5. Hazra Choudhary, "Elements of Workshop Technology", Vol I,.. 6. Jain-R.K., "Production Technology" .

7. Bawa H.S., "Workshop Technology", Vol I





.; . ,.' f '., ".'. '.





Teaching SchemePractical: 2 Hrs / week

Examination. Practical: 50 Marks(Duration 8 hours)

l.Machine Shop: Study of different operations to be carried on lathe machine.External threading, Soaring, knurling etc.Job: Preparing ajob on lathe machine performing the above operations.

2.YVeldingShop: Study of arc welding machines & equipments, tools and machinesused in fabrication. Like angle cutters, portable grinder, drill etc..Job: Prepare one utility items using welding operations like cutting, bending, joining,finishing. (It can be a furniture, grill or any suitable utility item which may be taken upin a group. However, the work must be sizable for each student in the group) Workingon M.I.G. welding is recommended.3. Forging : Study of forging operations. Forging temperatures, processes.Job: Preparing ajob involving upsetting, elongation, bending, tapering, changes incross section.Job to be done by hand forgings performing the above operations.

Termwork .

1 Submission of a journal including all the section as mentioned above.2 The job prescribed for each section with a workshop diary for the work done.

Practical Examination: Practical examination will comprise of two jobs. Onejob inmachine shop is compulsory and another in any remaining shops. The jobs shpuldinvolve all the operations studied during the semester. Duration will be four hours foreachjobs. Questions paper will be set by univers.ity. ' . .

Two examiners wlll assess the jobs, one will be'the internal and other will be external.The examiners will be appointed by university. .

. .





.'. ';".! '., .' '~~'., ", ~ ,',


CIRCULAR NO. ACAD / NP / Engineering /18 / 2009

It is hereby informed to all the concerned that the

Ho;;.1ble Vice-Chancellor has accepted the following Kevised

5!J//abi on behalf of the Academic Councd under 5ection-1 +(j)

of the Maharashtra Universif:!} Act; I}'}'+ :-



B.E. r E.C. I E &T.e. I I.E. I E. & Comm. ],

Fourth Year Architecture[Teaching and Examination Scheme],

[3] B.E. [Production],


All c<?ncerned ~re requested to note the contents of this circular for

their information and necessary action.

University Campus,Aurangabad-431 .004:REF.No. ACAD/NP/ ENGG./2009/

14684-95Date:- 15-07-2009.



~~/~!lor,(Board of cotlege antI

Vn~1Jersity ([)evefopment.

Copy forwarded with compliments to:-

1] The Principals, affiliated concerned Colleges,Dr. Babasaheb funbedkar Marathwada University.

.Copy to :.;

1] The Contr.oller of Examinations,Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad.

2] The Assistant Superintendent, [Engineering Unit],'Dr. Baba-saheq Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad.

2]' The Record Keeper,Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University.





..,_.,...,,'. "',',' , ;T':,;,,' ,':: -:',,':'



Theory: 4 Hours/WeekPractical: 2 Hours/ Week

'Th~t""Y ~rvt ~- ~ HYS.

Theory: 100 MarksTermwork: 25 MarksPractical: 50 Marks

SECTION -A1. Engineering curves: Conic sections, i.e. ellipse, parabola & hyperbola, cycloid curves, i.e. cycloid,epicycloids & hypocycloid, Involutes of circle, semicircle, pentagon & hexagon, Normal and tangent tocurves (06)

2. Advance Isometric views: Isometric scale and true scale, Isometric view of complex objects andmachine Parts.

. (05)3. Auxiliary views: Auxiliary views of inclined objects and surfaces of complex objects and machine parts.


4. Intersection of Surfaces: Intersection of Solids, prism to prism, cylinder to cylinder, cylinder to prim,cone to cylinder, cone to prism. Curves on forged parts.

t) 0 SECTION -B1 Development of surfaces: Development of surfaces of Cylinders, Prisms, Pyramids, cones and theirfrustum and truncated objects.



6. Latest ISI Conventions: Conventions covering the standard practice in machine drawing. Conventionsfor various components like bearing, gear, springs key and key ways, threads, tap holes and materials.Symbolic Representative: Working drawing for welded joints, Use of specification for limits, fits andtolerances, conventions used for surface roughness i.e. machining symbols .M/c allowance symbols.Constructional details and working of various' machine elements such as, Rivets and_Rivetedjoints, keys,cotters and cotter joints, knuckle joints and couplings. Bearing and bearing mountings.

(06)7. Detailed and assembly drawing :Preparation of detailed and assembly drawing-of simple machine partsand engines like pedestal bearing, simple eccentric ,stuffing box ,cross head, connecting rod, tail stock, toolpost ,c-cl;:lmp,screwjack, non return valveetc. . .


Term workPart AFull Imperial sheets and problems on followingTopics (SelectPractical Problems)

1. AdvanceIsometricviews& Auxiliaryviews.2. Intersectionof Surfaces& Developmentof surfaces.3. Assemblydrawing.4. Detaileddrawing.

Part BSket~hBook should contain

1.' Engineeringcurves2. LatestISI conventions




"' ~"-" "~"'T'~

~"" ~.

b"uoksRecommended:Text Books:

1. Machine Drawing N.D. Bhatt Charotar Pulisher,2003, 38 thedition

2. Machine Drawing N. Sidheshwar, Shastry,Kanhaiah.Tata McGraw Hill 20053. Machine Drawing Narayanan .K.L.,Reddy KY,New Age International Publisher 2004,2 ndEdition4. Machine Drawing RK Dhawan S.Chand and Co.,200S5. Machine Drawing ,PJ. Shah Publishers, 1997, 3 rdedition6. Machine Drawing ,Mali and Choudhri , vrinda publication7. Engineering Drawing N.D, Bhatt Charotar Pulisher.8. Machine Drawing exercise, Bugolibov, Moscow publication. Russia.9. MachineDrawing,Dubey, Nandu Publications

. j

Practical Examination

Practical Examination should be based on Viva-Voce on the above syllabus.



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