1)Characteristics of fascist nations: - MILITARISTIC - AUTOCRATIC (“dictatorial, one-party...


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1) Characteristics of fascist nations:

- MILITARISTIC- AUTOCRATIC (“dictatorial, one-party rule”)- JINGOISTIC (loyalty to the state, obedience

to the leader)- OPPRESSIVE (persecutes minority groups –

racial, ethnic, religious, political)- RITUALISTIC use of images, symbols, flags, uniforms, political rallies- CAPITALISTIC (supported by middle & upper class industrialists)- AUTHORITARIAN (denial of individual rights)- TOTALITARIAN (state-controlled media,

secret police, censorship, propaganda) An ultra-nationalist, militaristic dictatorship.

2) Fascism grows after WWI (1920’s & 1930’s):

- Fascist leaders promise a strong response to economic crisis (inflation, unemployment).

- Fascist leaders promise to restore social order and national pride.

- Fascist leaders promise “justice” and vengeance, to punish those “responsible” for national problems.

- Resentment of the terms of the Treaty of Versailles

- No faith in new, weak democracies that lack the experience to fix problems (i.e. Germany).

- Fear of Communism spreading from the USSR, turning working-class fears into working-class

revolution across Europe!

3) Fascism v. Communism Alike: Both are autocratic, authoritarian & totalitarian,

putting the state ahead of the individual

Different: Fascism maintains a class hierarchy, generally

has support of middle & upper classes (top-down support), and is ultra-nationalistic

Communism seeks a classless society (of the proletariat), based on working class support (bottom-up). May use nationalism for support, but has more INTERNATIONALIST goals.

Mussolini… Il Duce

Demagogue – a leader who gains popular support by appealing to the anger, fear, prejudices, and anxieties of an audience.

4) Mussolini becomes fascist dictator of Italy:

- Powerful, charismatic speaker (DEMAGOGUE) …exploits popular discontent & unrest over economic problems, fear of the spread of communism, and resentment of the Treaty of Versailles.

- Uses party militia (“Black Shirts”) to attack political opponents (esp. Marxists, Communists, Socialists).

4) Mussolini becomes fascist dictator of Italy (continued):

- Italian Constitutional Monarchy is unable to fix national problems (economy, lost pride, social unrest).

- Mussolini gains support from middle & upper classes as fears of communism continue.

- Marches on Rome with his Black Shirts, coerces Italian king to transfer political power to him “legally”.

5) Mussolini tightens his grip on power:

- Implements autocratic rule, abolishes democracy → outlaws opposing political parties.

- Uses secret police (control through fear)

- State control of mass media: spread propaganda, censor opposing ideas.

- Takes control of the economy: outlaws labor strikes, maintains support of wealthy

industrialists (merging corporations and the state).

Unstable democratic politics:• Poor economy (unemployment, high

inflation, limited capital, etc.)• New government (inexperienced)• Weak constitution• Too many political parties• Party conflict (no compromise)• Ethnic / race conflict (domestically)• Class conflict• International threats / WAR (past, present)

6) Early Nazi ideology: - Abrogate (overturn) the Treaty of Versailles:

• Stop reparation payments• Restore a powerful German military• Irredentism: reclaim all lost German land

- Fight against the spread of communism

7) First attempt by Hitler & Nazis to gain power: Nazi militia marches on Munich to attempt an

overthrow of the government (an illegal coup).

1923 Beer Hall Putsch

Result: Short-term failure; Hitler

is arrested, convicted oftreason, sentenced to 5years (!) in prison…serves <9 months (!)…

…the Nazi party remains a small, fringe, radical party.

8) Hitler makes productive use of his time in jail… Writes Mein Kampf (“My Struggle”), which publicly outlines foundational Nazi ideology.

9) Hitler‘s explicit goals, published in Mein Kampf: Restore a strong and powerful Germany (a “thousand year Reich”): - Europe to be dominated by the German “master

race” (“Aryans”); non-German races & ethnicities are considered “inferior” (Jews, Slavs, Gypsies/Roma) - Reacquire all ethnically German land lost in the

Treaty of Versailles. - Conquer Eastern Europe & Soviet Russia for

farmland, resources, and “lebensraum” (living space for his master race); Jews are to be eliminated, Slavs are to be enslaved, then starved to death.

Coming out of prison, Hitler has learned his lesson! Instead of planning illegal coups, he will use his organization & communication skills to persuade the public (demagoguery!), and work from within existing, legal political systems to gain power!

10) Hitler acquires power... - Strong, charismatic, speaker & organizer... relentless

political campaigning, rallies, propaganda.- The Nazi Party had its own paramilitary organization: the “Brown Shirts” (a.k.a. “stormtroopers, or the SA), used to intimidate and terrorize Nazi enemies… and who outnumbered the German national army.

- Uses skills as demagogue to exploit economic & political chaos of the Treaty of Versailles, a weak Weimar Republic, fear of communists, and, ultimately, the desperation of Germans from the effects of the Great Depression.

• In (January) 1933, a coalition of Weimar Republic leaders appoint Hitler as Chancellor of Germany,

thinking he, his party, and the SA can be controlled.

• In (February) 1933, the Reichstag (German parliament) burns down following an arson attack... the communist party gets blamed, and Hitler issues an “emergency decree” that arrests communist leaders and outlaws their party.

• In (early March)1933, new parliamentary elections are held, without communist party opposition; the Nazis win a large plurality (not majority), but convince other conservative parties to join them in a coalition, in order to form a Nazi-led parliamentary majority.

• In (late March) 1933, a Nazi-led majority passes a new law: the ENABLING ACT, which gives Hitler total dictatorial powers as the “Fuhrer” of the German Third Reich.

"I solemnly prophesize that this accursed man will cast our Reich into the abyss

and bring our nation to inconceivable misery. Future generations will damn you in your grave for what you have done.”

- Retired WWI General (and former Nazi Party member) Erich Ludendorff, in a letter to German President Hindenburg, February, 1933.

11) Hitler maintains power:- Uses the legal political process to create laws reinforcing

his autocratic rule.- All other political parties are banned, and opponents are

arrested, imprisoned, or killed.- Highly organized intimidation: first the Brownshirts (SA),

later the Gestapo (secret police) and S.S.- State-controlled media (newspapers, radio films) are used

to spread Nazi propaganda; opposing ideas are censored (inc. book burning ceremonies).

- Uses public education for indoctrination (i.e. the “Hitler Youth”)

- Took over the economy, employing Germans to build industry, infrastructure, and re-arm the military; labor unions and strikes are outlawed.

- All members of the military must swear an oath of allegiance to Hitler directly, not Germany.

12) Pre-WWII Nazi persecution of Jews: - Nuremberg Laws,1935:

German Jews are stripped of all citizenship rights, branded for targeted abuse (Star of David patch).

- Kristallnacht (“Night of Broken Glass”), 1938: Government-organized

persecution and terrorism of German Jews (pogroms); public mobs attack Jewish homes, businesses,


13) 1930’s… democracy, or dictatorship?- Nations with strong democratic traditions,

experience, and constitutional structure will manage the effects of the Depression.

- Nations lacking democratic experience are unable to manage this economic crisis, and instead turn to strong dictators to fix


14) HOW will dictators “fix” this?Militarism and imperialism:Fascists will build up their militaries for economic and national strength, and then use the military to conquer neighboring nations, and steal from them to pay for their economic recovery.

15) Reasons for voluntarily voting away your freedoms:

- desire for PERSONAL SECURITY - ECONOMIC fear & desperation

- desire for a stronger, more effective government - membership in a group with privileged status (favorable treatment at the expense of others)

- nationalistic pride - always EASIER to follow than lead! - human susceptibility to propaganda & demagoguery


HOW TO PRESERVE YOUR FREEDOMS:READ! A LOT! (multiple, independent sources)

EMBRACE YOUR EDUCATION (esp. history!); watch out for indoctrination!

THINK CRITICALLY, QUESTION! (esp. authority and the status quo)







loudest and tells you what you want to hear… without providing details)


DEMONSTRATE (be the squeaky wheel!)

