1.Basic Metrics and Measurement


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  • 8/6/2019 1.Basic Metrics and Measurement


    SQE Vol. 1 R.L. Probert, 2001

    MODULE 1: Quality,

    Process and Management


    MANAGEMENTManagement Objectives

    Measurements & Metrics

    (Ch. 3, 4. Of Kan)

    Process Metrics

    Product Metrics

    Cost of Quality


    Best Principles

    Best PracticesBest Automation Strategies

  • 8/6/2019 1.Basic Metrics and Measurement


    SQE Vol. 1 R.L. Probert, 2001

    Management Objectives

    Optimize product quality Development cost

    Time to market

    Personnel development

  • 8/6/2019 1.Basic Metrics and Measurement


    SQE Vol. 1 R.L. Probert, 2001

    An Example of the Waterfall Process Model



    and Analysis





    Subsystem Test

    RAISE System Test

    Early Customer

    Feedback and Beta

    Test Programs


    HLD: High-level design

    IO: HLD Inspection

    LLD: Low-level design

    I1: LLD InspectionI2: Code Inspection

    UT: Unit Test

    Raise: Reliability, Availability, Install,

    Serviceability, and Ease of use

  • 8/6/2019 1.Basic Metrics and Measurement


    SQE Vol. 1 R.L. Probert, 2001

    Development Process

    Requirements Gathering &

    Validation Design

    Design reviews and inspections


    Code inspection

    Debug and development test

    Integration (of components and

    modules to form the product) Formal machine testing

    Early customer programs

  • 8/6/2019 1.Basic Metrics and Measurement


    SQE Vol. 1 R.L. Probert, 2001

    Possible Testable

    Hypotheses For software projects, the higher

    the percentage of the designs andcode that are inspected, the lower

    the defect rate that will beencountered at the later phase offormal machine testing.

    The more effective the designreviews and the code inspections as

    scored by the inspection team, thelower the defect rate that will beencountered at the later phase offormal machine testing.

    The more thorough the developmenttest (in terms of test coverage)done before integration, the lowerthe defect rate that will beencountered at the formal machinetesting phase.

  • 8/6/2019 1.Basic Metrics and Measurement


    SQE Vol. 1 R.L. Probert, 2001

    Four Levels of Measurement

    Nominal scale Ordinal scale

    Interval scale

    Ratio scale

    Note that the measurementscales are hierarchical

  • 8/6/2019 1.Basic Metrics and Measurement


    SQE Vol. 1 R.L. Probert, 2001

    Basic Measures

    Ratio Proportion

    PercentageRequirements bugs were 15% of the total,

    design bugs were 25% of the total, codingbugs were 50% of the total, and other bugs

    made up 10% of the total.


    The project consists of 8 thousand lines ofcode (KLOC). During its development a total

    of 200 defects were detected and removed,giving a defect removal rate of 25 defectsper KLOC. Of the 200 defects,

    requirements bugs constituted 15%, designbugs 25%, coding bugs 50%, and other bugs

    made up 10%.

  • 8/6/2019 1.Basic Metrics and Measurement


    SQE Vol. 1 R.L. Probert, 2001

    Percentage Distributions ofDefect Type by Project

    Type of Defect Project A Project B Project C(%) (%) (%)

    Requirements 15.0 41.0 20.3

    Design 25.0 21.8 22.7

    Code 50.0 28.6 36.7

    Others 10.0 8.6 20.3

    Total 100.0 100.0 100.0(N) (200) (105) (128)

    Of the total 20 defects for the entire project of 2 KLOC,

    there were 3 requirements bugs, 5 design bugs, 10coding bugs, and 2 others.

  • 8/6/2019 1.Basic Metrics and Measurement


    SQE Vol. 1 R.L. Probert, 2001

    Percentage Distributions ofdefects Across project by Defect



    Type of Defect A B C Total (N)

    Requirements (%) 30.3 43.4 26.3 100.0 (99)

    Design (%) 49.0 22.5 28.5 100.0 (102)

    Code (%) 56.5 16.9 26.6 100.0 (177)

    Others (%) 36.4 16.4 47.2 100.0 (55)

  • 8/6/2019 1.Basic Metrics and Measurement


    SQE Vol. 1 R.L. Probert, 2001

  • 8/6/2019 1.Basic Metrics and Measurement


    SQE Vol. 1 R.L. Probert, 2001

    Reliability and Validity

    Reliability refers to the consistency of anumber of measurements taken using thesame measurement method on the samesubject Reliability can be expressed in terms of the

    size of the standard deviations of the

    repeated measurements. Index of variation (IV) is used

    IV = Standard deviationMean

    Validity refers to whether themeasurement or metric really measureswhat we intend it to measure.

    Construct validity:

    Validity of the operational measurement ormetric

    Criterion-related validity: Is predictive validity Content validity refers to the degree to which

    a measure covers the range of meanings

  • 8/6/2019 1.Basic Metrics and Measurement


    SQE Vol. 1 R.L. Probert, 2001

  • 8/6/2019 1.Basic Metrics and Measurement


    SQE Vol. 1 R.L. Probert, 2001

    Measurement Errors

    Systematic Random

    M = T + s + eM is the observed/measured score, T is the true

    score, s is systematic error, e is random error

    The correlation between the true score and theerror term is zero.

    Three is no serial correlation between the truescore and the error term.

    The correlation between errors on distinctmeasurements is zero.

    Expected value of observed scores is equal to thetrue score:

    E(M) = E(T) + E(e)= E(T) + 0= E(T)= T

  • 8/6/2019 1.Basic Metrics and Measurement


    SQE Vol. 1 R.L. Probert, 2001

    Assess the Impact of e onthe Reliability of the


    M = T + e

    Var(M) = var(T) + var(e) (var represents variance. Thisrelationship is due to the

    assumption on error terms)

    Reliability = Vm = var(T)/var(M)

    = [var(M)-var(e)]/var(M)= 1[var(e)/var(M)].

    Reliability of a metric varies between 0 and 1.

    If all variance of the observed scores is due torandomerrors, then the reliability is zero

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    SQE Vol. 1 R.L. Probert, 2001

    Test/Retest Method for

    Estimating Reliability


    e1 e2Test



  • 8/6/2019 1.Basic Metrics and Measurement


    SQE Vol. 1 R.L. Probert, 2001

  • 8/6/2019 1.Basic Metrics and Measurement


    SQE Vol. 1 R.L. Probert, 2001

    y = mx + b (straight line)

  • 8/6/2019 1.Basic Metrics and Measurement


    SQE Vol. 1 R.L. Probert, 2001

    Criteria for Causality

    1. The first requirement in a causalrelationship between two variablesis that the cause precedes theeffect in time or as shown clearlyin logic.

    2. The second requirement in a causal

    relationship is that the twovariables be empirically correlatedwith one another.

    3. The third requirement for a causal

    relationship is that the observedempirical correlation between twovariables is not because of aspurious relationship.

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    SQE Vol. 1 R.L. Probert, 2001

    Spurious Relationships




    X Z Y


    X Y

    ex ey