19937d1257245093 All Projects Tybms Sem 6 Project Vitthal Bhawar Small Scale Industries


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    Under the guidance of



    Submitted to

    The Nis AcademyAnnamalai University(Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group)Shreya Nagar, Aurangabad.Ph. :( 0240) 2070042, 3207691 (Maharashtraa)

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    With immense pleasure, I would like to present thisproject report for Metro Metal Industries Aurangabad. It has been an enrichingexperience for me to undergo my summer internship program at Metro MetalIndustries, which would not have possible without the goodwill and support of the

    people around. As a student Of The Nis Academy (Reliance Anil Dhirubhai AmbaniGroup). I would like to express my sincere thanks too all those who helped meduring my practical training programme.

    Words are insufficient to express my gratitude toward Mr.Yunus Khan, the Managing Director of Metro Metal Industries.

    As we know research work needs hard work, keen insight andlong patience with scholarly vision based on content operation hence it becomes ahumble duty to express my sincere gratitude to Mr. Faruk Khan , Production incharge, and Mr. Barkat Khan, Marketing Department, who helped me at every stepwhenever needed and Mr. Jabbar khan, Finance Department at MMI. At last but notleast my grateful thanks is also extended to Mr. Ganesh Salunke (Director The NISAcademy Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group). And my thanks to all my faculty

    members for the proper guidance and assistance extended by them. I am alsograteful to my parents, friends, Mr. Sachin Satpute, Mr.Shivaji Tidke & Miss.Swapna Deshmukh to encourage & giving me moral support.

    However, I accept the sole responsibility for any possibleerror of omission and would be extremely grateful to the readers of this projectreport if they bring such mistakes to my notice.

    Date: 31st jule 2009Vitthal BhawarPlace: Aurangabadthe Nis Academy

    Duration: 1ST June to 31st Jule 2009


    The MBA programme is well structured andintegrated course of business studies. The main objective of practical training atMBA level is to develop skill in student by supplement to the theoretical study ofbusiness management in general. Industrial training helps to gain real lifeknowledge about the industrial environment and business practices. The MBAprogramme provides student with a fundamental knowledge of business andorganizational functions and activities, as well as an exposure to strategicthinking of management.

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    In every professional course, training is animportant factor. Professors give us theoretical knowledge of various subjects inthe college but we are practically exposed of such subjects when we get thetraining in the organization. It is only the training through which I come to knowthat what an industry is and how it works. I can learn about various departmentaloperations being performed in the industry, which would, in return, help me in thefuture when I will enter the practical field.

    Training is an integral part of MBA and each andevery student has to undergo the training for 2 months in a company and thenprepare a project report on the same after the completion of training.

    During this whole training I got a lot of experience andcame to know about the management practices in real that how it differs from thoseof theoretical knowledge and the practically in the real life.

    In todays globalize world, where cutthroatcompetition is prevailing in the market, theoretical knowledge is not sufficient.Beside this one need to have practical knowledge, which would help an individualin his/her carrier activities and it is true that Experience is best teacher.



    Page No


    Objectives of Project




    2Company profile26

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    3Company Introduction27


    Marketing Research






    7.My Findings




    9 Conclusion48



    I, Mr.Vitthal Bhawar, of The Nis Academy, here by declare that I havecompleted this project on ROLE OF SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES IN DEVELOPING NATION ANDADVERTISEMENT TOWARDS ITS SALES in the academic Year 2009-2010.The information submitted is true and original to the best of my knowledge.

    Mr. ViTTHAL BHAWARThe Nis AcademyAnnamalai University

    (Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group)Shreya nagar, Aurangabad.

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    1. To know details of Small Scale industries

    2. To know details of Metro Metal Industries.3. To study Market Research detail.4. Effective Advertisement towards Sales management.5. Customer Survey and its Findings.6. Performance and progress of Furniture


    INTRODUCTIONThe definition for small-scale industrial undertakings has changed over

    time. Initially they were classified into two categories- those using power with

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    less than 50 employees and those not using power with the employee strength beingmore than 50 but less than 100. However the capital resources invested on plantand machinery buildings have been the primary criteria to differentiate the small-scale industries from the large and medium scale industries. An industrial unitcan be categorized as a small- scale unit if it fulfils the capital investmentlimit fixed by the Government of India for the small-scale sector.

    As per the latest definition which is effective since December 21, 1999, forany industrial unit to be regarded as Small Scale Industrial unit the following

    condition is to be satisfied: -Investment in fixed assets like plants and equipments either held on

    ownership terms on lease or on hire purchase should not be more than Rs 10million.

    However the unit in no way can be owned or controlled or ancillary of anyother industrial unit.

    The traditional small-scale industries clearly differ from their moderncounterparts in many respects. The traditional units are highly labor consumingwith their age-old machineries and conventional techniques of production resultingin poor productivity rate whereas the modern small-scale units are much moreproductive with less manpower and more sophisticated equipments.

    Khadi and handloom, sericulture, handicrafts, village industries, coir, Bellmetal are some of the traditional small-scale industries in India. The modern

    small industries offer a wide range of products starting from simple items likehosiery products, garments, leather products, fishing hook etc to moresophisticated items like television sets, electronics control system, variousengineering products especially as ancillaries to large industrial undertakings.

    Nowadays Indian small-scale industries (SSIs) are mostly modern small-scaleindustries. Modernization has widened the list of products offered by thisindustry. The items manufactured in modern Small-scale service & Businessenterprises in India now include rubber products, plastic products, chemicalproducts, glass and ceramics, mechanical engineering items, hardware, electricalitems, transport equipment, electronic components and equipments, automobileparts, bicycle parts, instruments, sports goods, stationery items and clocks andwatches.


    Ministry of Agro and Land Rural Industries and Ministry of SSI have been mergedinto a single namely, Ministry of Micro Small & Medium Enterprises.

    The President under Notification 9th May 2007 has amended the Government of India(Allocation of business) Rules 1961, Pursuant to this amended Ministry of Agro and


    Industries (Krishi Evam Gramin Udyog Mantra lay) and ministry of SSI (Laghu UdoyagMantralay) have been merged into a single Ministry, namely, Ministry of MicroSmall & Medium Enterprises (Suksham Laghu Aur Medium Udyam Mantralay)

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    In most parts of the world the nomenclature used is smalland Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and the criteria for defining include the number ofemployees and /or the turnover. In India the Small Scale Industry evokes differentmeanings for different agencies and the financial institution. For example for thepurpose of excise and sales Tax Exemption, the turnover alone is the determiningcriterion. However in broader terms, currently, an SSI is defined in terms of

    investment ceiling on the original value of instilled plant and machinery.

    7.65 The small scale sector has played a very important role in the socio-economic development of the country during the past 50 years. It has significantlycontributed to the overall growth in terms of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP),employment generation and exports. The performance of the small scale sector,therefore, has a direct impact on the growth of the overall economy. Theperformance of the small scale sector in terms of parameters like number of units(both registered and unregistered), production, employment and exports is given inTable 7.15. 7.66 During the one year period i.e., 2000-01

    Over 1999-2000, the number of SSI units is estimated to have increased by1,58,000, production at current prices by Rs. 72,609 crore and at constant prices

    by Rs. 33,714 crore. Employment increased by 7,14,000 persons, while exports werehigher by Rs. 5,778 crores. 7.67 According to projections made by the Ministry ofSmall Scale Industries during 2000-01, the SSI sector recorded growth inproduction of 8.09 per cent over the previous year. The small scale industriessector has recorded higher growth rate than the industrial sector as a whole (4.9per cent during 2000-01). It contributed about 40 per cent towards the industrialproduction as a whole and 35 per cent of direct exports from the country. 7.68 TheGovernment has been taking various measures from time to time in order to enhance

    The productivity, efficiency and competitiveness of the SSI sector. Inpursuance of the comprehensive policy package announced last year, the major

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    developments that have taken place in the SSI sector during 2001-02


    An industrial undertaking in which the investmentin plant and machinery, whether held on ownership terms or on lease/hire-purchasebasis, does not exceed Rs.10 million (Rs.1 crore) is regarded as a small scaleundertaking. These include manufacturing and service units.

    Status of Small Scale Industries Undertakinga) Ancillary Industries Undertaking :- Engaged in manufacture of parts,componentSub-assemblies, The investment in fixed assets doesnt exceed 1 crore.b) Tiny Industries :- All small scale units, which investment on plant &

    machinery(excluding land & building) up to Rs.25 Lakhs.

    c) Export Oriented Units: - All small scale units, which export more than50% ofTheir output.

    Tiny Enterprises

    A unit is treated as a tiny enterprises where investment in plant andmachinery does not exceed Rs.2.5 million (Rs.25 Lakhs) irrespective of thelocation of the unit. Many shops,

    Export Oriented Unit [Eou]

    A unit with an obligation to export at least 30 percentof its annual production by the end of the third year of commencement ofproduction and having an investment ceiling up to Rs.10 million (Rs.1 crore) inplant and machinery is termed as an export oriented SSI unit.In India no separate definition of medium enterprises exists and as such there isno specific definition of Small and Medium Enterprises [SMEs.] Administratively,in the Indian context, the industry universe is divided into three major segments.Modern Small Scale Industries

    These cover SSI units [both in the factory and Non /Factory sectors] and

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    power loom units. Such units mostly use power driven machinery and possesssuperior production techniques. Units in this sub-sector are generally located inclose proximity to large industrial centers or urban areas. These industries aremoving away from the traditional products to knowledge-based products.

    Traditional Small Scale Industries

    This sector comprises tiny and cottage industry segments like handlooms, Khadi and

    Village Industries, handicrafts, sericulture and silk, rubber and coir. Theseunits are labor- intensive, are generally located in rural and semi-urban areasand are artisan based. Usually the capital invested is also nominal.

    How a person can start a small scale industries inIndian Scenario.

    1. For starting a Small Scale Industry other than the industries identified asthose of highly polluting nature by Pond cherry Pollution Control Committee(PPCC), entrepreneurs have to first apply to the Directorate of Industries and

    Commerce, Pond cherry, Branch office at Karaikal, Sub-office at Mahe and Yanam,depending on the location of the unit for Provisional SSI Registration in the formprescribed. In case of industries identified as those of highly polluting natureby PPCC, entrepreneurs will have to first get clearances from the PondicherryPollution Control Committee through the Directorate of Industries and Commerce andthen approach for provisional SSI registration after its clearance.2. All proposals for setting up of H.T. Industries will be referred to theElectricity Department for getting initial advice regarding the availability ofpower for the unit. In the case of such industries provisional registration / NOCwill not be issued unless the initial advice is received from the ElectricityDepartment.3. All the entrepreneurs irrespective of their size of investment, mayapproach the `Single Window Committee` (Functioning in the District Industries

    Centre) for getting the requisite clearances expeditiously.4. The regional office of the District Industries Centre will make available tothe entrepreneurs/ Industrialists, the prescribed application forms for obtainingclearances/ permissions from the following Departments (Photocopies andcomputerized forms in the format required by the concerned Department will also beaccepted): -

    (a) Municipality /Commune Panchayat, in whose jurisdiction the industry isproposed to be set up.

    (b) Chief Inspector of Factories;(c) Town and Country Planning Department;(d) Revenue Department;(e) Agriculture department; and

    (f) Electricity Department.

    5. Duly filled in application forms in prescribed format along with requiredcopies of the site, building & machinery layout plans and other relevant documentsshall be submitted to the District Industries Centre or its regional office forobtaining Clearances / Permissions from the various Departments. The District

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    Industries Centre or its regional office on receipt of the applications willforward the same to the concerned Department within three days of the receipt ofthe applications.6. After installing machinery. Entrepreneurs have to get licenses from theconcerned Municipality/ Commune Panchayat, License from Inspectorate of Factoriesand consent orders from the PPCC for operation of the unit.7. After commencement of regular production, the entrepreneurs have to apply forPermanent SSI Registration to the Directorate of Industries and Commerce..

    II Procedure for obtaining change in location, inclusion of additional activitiesin case of Small Scale Industries.

    Before commencement of production:- In case of Small Scale Industries theindustrial unit has to submit a requisition letter to this effect along with theoriginal certificate to the Directorate of Industries and Commerce/ branch officeat Karaikal/ Sub- office at Mahe and Yanam, depending on the location of the unit.Then the changes have to be effected in the Permissions/NOC issued by Municipality/ Commune Panchayat, Inspector of Factories and PPCC.2. After commencement of production:- Initially the unit has to obtain NOC fromthe Directorate of Industries and Commerce to this effect and amendment in thePermanent Registration Certificate. These changes have to be effected in thelicenses issued by Municipality / Commune Panchayat, Inspector of Factories and

    PPCC.After obtaining those changes, Industries Department will make


    National Entrepreneurship Development Institute

    National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development

    (NIESBD) Noida.

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    National Institute of Micro Small and Medium Entrepreneur (NIMSME)Hyderabad.

    Formally National Institute of Small Industry Extension Training (NISIEI)

    Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship (IIE) Guwahati.

    OthersMSME Development InstituteTools Rooms

    Central Footwear Training Center- Agra & Chennai.

    Fragrance and Flower Development Center- Kannauj.

    Procer-Cum Product Development center- Agra.

    Electronics service & Training Center- Ram Nagar.

    Institute for Design Electrical Measumg Instrument- Mumbai.


    For running business finance is necessary. Owners of SSI need finance forfixed assets installation to start business & working capital for keep the runningcondition.Financial requirements of small scale industries can be classified into two heads:

    Equity Capital: - This is the investment by the owner of the small unit forsetting

    Up a unit. At the time of establishing business it is very much requiredthat the

    Owner contributes his own capital & then he collects funds from loan. it ispreferable

    To purchase all fixed assets from owner funds as the chances of success ashigh in

    That case. On the other hand depending upon interest beariy to outsidersloan acur-

    Ring fixed assets result to maximum payment to outsiders in from ofinterest and

    Very less amount left for entrepreneur as profit.

    Loan Capital: - In real condition entrepreneur doesnt have adequate funds

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    focuses on the role of SIDBI, SFCs and commercial banks in granting credit tosmall scale and tiny sector.


    1 National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC)

    Set up in 1955 to promote S.S.I.Corporate Term Loan Scheme to acquire land & building & working capital.Hire-Purchase Scheme to supply of indigenous & imported machinery &

    equipment.Equipment Leasing to expand these capacities or diversify or upgrade their

    technology.Working Capital Finance.

    Bill FinancingBills drawn by small scale units for the supplies made to the reputed and

    well establishedEnterprises and duly accepted by them will be financed / discounted by NSIC for amaximum period of 90 days.

    Working Capital Finance

    Finance for augmenting working capital of viable and well managed units, onselective basis in case of emergent requirements, to enable them to payoff theirpurchases of consumable stores and spares and production related overheadsparticularly electricity bills, statutory dues, etc.

    Export Development FinanceFinance for export development to export oriented units for meeting their

    emergent requirements. Pre and post shipment finance shall also be provided tosuch units at usual terms & conditions.

    Equipment Leasing Scheme

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    The object of the Leasing Scheme is to assist SSI Units to procureindustrial equipment for modernization, expansion and diversification of theirindustries.

    Hire Purchase SchemeSupply of indigenous and imported machinery and equipment on easy financial

    terms with special focus on women entrepreneurs, weaker sections, handicapped and

    ex-servicemen and SC/ST entrepreneurs

    BENEFITS100% financing at very liberal terms with easy repayment schedule.

    Simple formalities and speedy sanction.

    Single window system for imported equipment. The Corporation undertakes to

    complete formalities like procuring import license, opening of Letter of Creditetc.

    Tax rebate on full 5 year lease rental.

    2 Small Industries Service Institute (SISI)

    The scheme was launched on the auspicious day of 2nd October, 1993. the birthAnniversary of Mahatma Gandhi all over the country the main objective of the PMRYscheme was to provide easy subsidized financial assistance to educated unemployedyouth for starting their own enterprises in manufacturing, business and serviceand trade sectors initially the scheme was aimed at providing self-employment toone million educated unemployed youth in the country by setting up 7 lakh micro

    enterses through inducting service and business ventures over a period of 21/2yers. The scheme was a stupendous success and caught the imagination of the youth.Overwhelmed with the response and ever-increasing need, the government has decidedto mark it a permanent scheme and framed modalities and guidelines for itssuccessful implementation and fulfil the purpose for which it designed.

    Salient Features of PMRY Scheme

    This is centrall sponsored scheme The development commissioner (Small-Scale industries) under ministry ofSmall Scale and Rural Agro, Industries Government of India is the apex body forthis scheme. The respective commissioner/director of industries implements the scheme at

    the state level except the four metropolitan cities, with an overall monitoring bythe concerned Secretaries of industries. The implementation agencies at the grass root level are District IndustriesCentre (DIC) who would be instrumental for the grounding of the units. Small Industries Service Institute (SISI) located in the four Metropolitancities of Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai are the implementing agencies of thisscheme. The DCSSI has setup a special PMRY division in the headquarters under theable guidance of an IAS officer. DCSSI formulates the rules, regulations andguideline instruction and provides clarifications on all the matters pertaining toPMRY scheme. It has also devised complete feedback information by the means of

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    getting monthly, quarterly and annual progress reports from all the states toclosely monitor the implementation and progr ess of the scheme. Similarly at the state level, State level PMRY committee meetings monitorsthe progress of the scheme every quarter. The yearly target for number of beneficiaries for each state is fixed byDCSSI.

    3 NSIC

    NSIC assist and promotes SSI sector through various schemes. A compositeterm lone scheme assists existing and prospective entrepreneurs to acquire landand building, machinery, equipment and working capital at one place. Machinery andequipment are provided through hire purchase and leasing on easy financial termsand full financing. Working capital finance and off the shelf availability ofscarce materials are also provided. SSI units can get registered with NSCI toavail benefits of local /global tender and also for Government Store Purchase

    Programme. NSIC also does bill discounting up to a specified limit. The 5 NSICTechnical Service Centers and a number of extension centers provide technicallytrained manpower testing facilities and prototype modification. The TechnologyTransfer Centre provides on-line data on latest technology. The NSIC-STP complexprovides packaged infrastructure facilities for software export units to be set upin the complex NSIC also provides various marketing facilities (e.g. exhibitions,BSM, etc.). It also operates an Indo-Italian Line of Credit for select sectors.NSIC is also working out a programme for development of SSI sector in the North-Eastern Region. Once approved in principle, NSIC will implement a scheme aMentoring / Advisory services for SSI sector in select clusters. Technocrats andsuccessful firm owners will provide the service to SSI units on a payment basis,which will be supported by the scheme NSIC has offices all over.

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    1. Small Industries Development Bank Of India (SIDBI)The SIDBI was established in 1990 as the apex refinance bank. The SIDBI isoperating different programmers and schemes through 5 Regional Office and 33Branch Offices. The financial assistance of SIDBI to small scale sector iscanalized through the two routes- direct and indirect.

    a). Indirect Assistancea) SIDBIs financial assistance to small sector is primarily canalized through

    theExisting credit delivery system, which consists of state level

    institution, rural andCommercial banks.

    b) SIDBI provides refinance to and discounts bills of Primarily LendingInstitution (PLI)

    c) The Assistance is Available fori. Marketing of SSI product.ii. Setting up of new venture.

    iii. Availability of working capital.

    iv. Expansion.v Modernization.

    vi. Human Resource Development .vii. Diversification Of existing units for all activities.

    b). Direct Assistancea) The loans are available for new ventures, diversification technology upgradation, modernization and expansion of well run small scale enterprises.Assistance is also available for private sector.

    b) Small scale sector is eligible for maximum debt-equity ratio of 3:1.

    c) Foreign currency loan for import of equipment are also available to exportoriented small scale enterprises.

    d) SIDBI also provide venture capital assistance to the entrepreneurs for theirinnovative ventures if they have a sound management team, long term competitiveadvantages and a potential for above average leading to attractive return oninvestment.

    New Initiatives of SIDBIa) Two Subsidiaries viz. SIDBI Venture Capital Limited and SIDBI Trusteecompany Limited formed to oversee Venture Capital.

    b) Technology Bureau for Small Enterprise formed to oversee Technology

    Transfer,March making Service, Finance Syndication and facilitating Joint


    c) SIDBI Foundation for Micro Credit has been launched to providefinancial assistance to the poor to meet

    emerging needs of the micro finance sector especially in the ruralareas.


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    SIDBI's efforts have resulted in increased flow of credit to SSI sector sinceinception as indicated below:Year Sanction Disbursement1990-91 2410 18391991-92 2847 20281992-93 2909 21461993-94 3357 26721994-95 4706 3390

    1995-96 6066 48011996-97 6485 45851997-98 7484 5241

    2 Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI)IFCI was set up for the purpose of assisting the medium and long term projects forcapital expenditure on projects, expansion, and modernization and technological upgradation etc. it plays promotional and developmental role, particularly inrelation to the small and medium scale entrepreneurs.

    Main function is providing:Underwriting and guaranteeing facilities to the industrial concerns.

    Term loan and foreign currency loans are through foreign credit lines fromforeign banks and cooperative societies engaged in

    a. Manufacturing, preservation and processing of goodsb. Shippingc. Miningd. Hotel Industrye. Electricity generation and distribution etc.

    It concentrates mostly on medium and large scale projects .by an agreement withother Financial Institution and IDBI; the IFC specializes in financing of certainindustries like jute, cement, sugar etc.

    3 Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI)

    IDBI Bank Limited. -General Code of Conduct and Ethics (COCE) for IDBI Bank Ltd, Directors,

    Officers and EmployeesIDBI is the leader in the Indian Capital Market. It has both regulatory and

    development functions. The role of IDBI in the market is to promote and developindustries as per the planned projection of the Governmen that, to providetechnical and assistance for the expansion and modernization of the industry andfor rediscount and refinance facilities to financial institution. IDBI as theleader in the market coordinates guides and Monitors the credit facilities by allIndia and State level financial institution and development corporations. Itundertook the responsibility the promoting and financing the small and cottageindustries and also the import-export trade of the country until separate bodiesnamely Exim Bank and Small Industries Development Bank of India (IDBI) were set

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    Banks are required to compulsory ensure that defined percentage (currently 40%) oftheir overall lending is made to priority sectors as classified by RBI. Thesesector their include agriculture, small industries, export etc. The inclusion ofsmall industries in this list makes them eligible for this earmarked credit. Withthe liberalization of the Indian economy, greater emphasis was placed on meetingthe credit needs of SSIs. This was manifest through the following initiativestaken by RBI.

    a) Credit for tiny sector has been earmarked within overall lending to smallindustries. In order to ensure that credit is available to all segments of SSIsectors RBI has issued instruction that out of the funds normally available to SSIsector, 40% be given to units with investment inplant & machinery up to Rs. 5lakhs, 20% for units with investment between 5 lakhs to Rs. 25 lakhs and remaining40% for other units.

    b) Public sector banks have been advised to operationalise more specialized SSIbranches at centers where there is a potential for financing many SSI borrowers.As on March 2002, 391 specialized SSI branches are working in the country.

    c) Single Window Scheme was extend to all districts to meet the financialrequirements (both term loan & working capital) of SSIs.

    d) Laghu Udyami Credit Card (LUCC) Scheme was launched by the public sectorbanks for providing simplified & borrowed friendly Credit facilities to SSI, tinyenterprises retail traders & artisans.

    e) Composite loan limit was enhanced to Rs.50 lakhs from Rs.25 lacks.

    6 Indigenous Bankers Or Money LenderAs the funds from bank required lot of paper work, security & has combusomeprocedure the small entrepreneur have to borrow late of interest charged by moneylanders are high. The money lenders dont have specified interest rate, securitycondition and term of loan. It keeps on verify as per the goodwill of borrower.

    7 Public Deposits

    Public deposit means collecting funds by general public by issuing public deposit

    certificate. The small scale unit need not to keep any security against fundscollected by public deposit, but rate of interest is higher than the interest rateprovide by commercial bank.

    IDBI also borrows abroad and secures funds under arrangements with foreignfinancial institution, foreign banks and foreign governments and operates foreignlines of credit, secured by the Government.

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    Small Scale Industries (SSIs) have always been regarded for their highemployment intensity. SSIs today employ over 192 lakh persons and this is targetedto grow at 4% per annum during the 10th Plan period of 2002-2007. Though oftendescribed as ideal vehicles for promotion creation of jobs in the economy, at thesame time, it is also true that the nature of employment in the sector isundergoing change. Employment generation figure declined from 6.3 persons per SSIin 1987-88 (2nd Census) to 3.6 persons per SSI in 1999-2000 (Sample Survey).Expert committees which have looked at this issue have also come up with different

    sets of recommendations. The Task Force on Employment Opportunities under ShriMontek Singh Ahluwalia had identified SSIs as an important source of employmentand as an important incubator for entrepreneurship. The Task Force however calledfor a shift in policy from protection to promotion. The Task Force felt thatalmost 70% of the total employment opportunities generated over the next 10 yearswere likely to be in the services sector. On the other hand, a Special Group onEmployment for creation of 10 million employment opportunities per year over the10th Plan under Dr. S.P. Gupta has recommended that since more than 92% ofemployment generation in the economy is coming from small and medium enterprises,including agriculture - commonly defined as the unorganized sector, there is needto give special focused attention for meeting the requirements of small and mediumenterprises to enable them to create more jobs in the future.

    During the 1990s, jobs in the organized sector grew at less than 1% per

    annum while jobs in the SSI sector increased by 3.5% every year. In the changingscenario, on account of globalization and liberalization, what shall be the impacton the creation of new jobs by SSIs? Does increase in capital intensity of SSIs,as they go in for technological up gradation

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    COMPANY PROFILEName of Company : Metro Metal Industries

    Address : Plot No. E-31/4, MIDC Area, Chikalthana,Aurangabad (M.S.) - 431 210, India

    Location : Beside Jhalani Tools, Near Wockhardt Research Centre

    Area of Factory : 800 Sq. Mtrs

    Buildup Area : 369 Sq. Mtrs. including Office Block & Manufacturing Unit

    Establishment of Company : Metro Metal Industries is established on4th September 2003 at Chikalthana, Aurangabad

    Available Human Resource : There are 25 skilled and highly experiencedemployees working honestly for the Company

    Availability of Power : Company has got sanction power supplyof 50 HP


    In the year 2003, I. K. Interior is a globally recognized name as a manufacturerand exporter of a versatile range of furniture that are used in various domesticand commercial sectors. We are briskly marching ahead in the global arena by ourwide-spreading collection of plastic, wooden, metal and other types of furniture.Along with that we have also executed some turnkey interior designing projects forsome top notch names of the industry.

    We have achieved a desirable position in the industry,owing to the competent management and futuristic approach of our mentor, Mr. Yunus

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    Khan. It is because of his sincere efforts, that we have been authorized with anenormous power supply of 50 H.P. Leveraging on our world class designing andfabrication amenities, we are able to craft a complete line of sturdy and highlycompatible products.

    Our view

    Our creative designers and imaginative craftsmen make use of our resources and

    create an inimitable range of universally appealing products that suits theaesthetic tastes of variegated sections of our society. We have wide-spreaddistribution network that enables us to meet the bulk demands of our customers ina short span of time, despite of being geographically apart.

    Application Areas

    Our company is widely acknowledged for its attention-grabbing and durable range offurniture items. Our innovatively designed and customized furniture range rae usedin diverse applications like:

    Hospitals Educational Institutions

    Offices Corporate Houses Hospitality sector Household sector


    We are a renowned for our diversified range of furniture that is used in diversecommercial and house-hold purposes all over the world. The basic material used forcrafting this furniture is plastic, metal, wooden and others. For metal furniturewe generally use CRCA sheet, mild steel, angle, flat pipe, paint, hardware and

    other allied material that are mostly purchased from Mumbai and Indore apart formother regions.

    Our furniture range can be broadly classified as Wood Furniture, Metal Furniture,Handcrafted Wood Furniture, Hospital Furniture, Educational Furniture, OfficeFurniture, Display Furniture, Tractor Trolley Panel, Slotted Angels, Racks,Modular and Steel Furniture, False Ceiling and many more.

    Some of the remarkable features of our furniture rage include:

    Durable Long-lasting Stylish and fashionable

    Available in conventional as well as ultramodern designs


    We cater to the furniture requirements of different sectors. So, we also offer ourclients the freedom to request for customized furniture to suit their requirementsin best possible manner. Our professionals listen to the requirements andpreferences of our clients and design the most appropriate products for them.After getting the approval of design from our clients side, we make judiciousutilization of our resources to fabricate furniture in exact specifications asprovided by the clients. We customize our furniture range in terms of sizes,

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    sittings, paint, finishing, material, design, and other alterable specifications.This facility has earned great appreciation from our clients side, as it givesthem the furniture that is their most worthy possession.

    Manufacturing Facilities

    We boast of a robust manufacturing facility that has all the amenities that arerequired for efficient and faster production of our products. Our huge factory is

    located in a plot area of 20300 sq feet, in which we have used a space of 9700 sqfeet to build our industrial unit. We use latest and technically advanced machinesthat enable us to achieve a huge production capacity of 5000 units. This resultsin executing faster order processing and placement of our clients.

    Some of the machines installed at our unit are:

    Shearing machine Press break machine (livdrolic) Tower press Power press

    Lathe machine Fly press break Folding press Trunk folding machine Spot welding Welding machine Gas welding machine Co2 welding machine Organ welding machine Powder coating machine Compressor unit Gas oven Hand drill machine

    Fly press Hydraulic pipe bending Manual pipe bending Cut of machine Bench grinder Three tanks de-rusting treatment

    In addition to these machines, we have a full-fledged powder coating unit toprovide superb finishing to the furniture, thereby ensuring longer functioninglife and classy appearance. Our powder coating unit uses Mitsuba system usingJapanese technology; electric and gas oven of size 12"x 7"x 4.5' ft; powdercoating booth of size TX 4"x 6' ft; Air compressor unit 5 hp offers on lineworking and other facilities. We also provide phosphate and clearing treatment on

    seven tank procedures. Our in-house designing unit is equipped with latest designsoftware to create innovative product range. Our manufacturing and designingfacilities are backed by our technical experts, artisans, designers and otherprofessionals.

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    Our workforce is an intrinsic aspect of our company and without them it would beimpossible to execute any task. They play an extra ordinary role in our successand it is because of them that we have achieved a highly respectable position in asmall period of time. Professionals belonging to different fields together makeour team, who work in harmony to create inimitable range of stylishly craftedfurniture. Our team members comprises of designers, craftsmen, quality auditors,

    administrators, sale & marketing personnel, technical experts and other personnel.Our professionals efficiently execute their duties and ensure uninterrupted supplyof products. They also assist our clients in availing custom designed furniture.


    Quality is the key to our success and we strictly adhere to it during theexecution of all our activities. We ensure that the material used to craftfurniture is of high grade and are subjected to stringent quality checks, prior totheir usage. Our commitment to provide durable and comfortable range of furnituremakes us to cautiously test and inspect all products at different productionstages. We employ latest techniques to ascertain that our products meetinternational standard of quality. Several parameters on which our products are

    checked are:

    Durability Finishing Material Preciseness in dimensions and designs Wood Polishing Powder coating Sturdiness Inspection for risky edges and paint

    Our careful vigilance and uncompromising approach towards quality compliance hasenabled us to offer qualitative and cost effective range of furniture.


    Our company caters to the requirements of a wide-spread clients belonging todifferent sectors and countries. We specialize in providing furniture for ourclients ranging from hospitals, corporate houses, industries, educationalinstitutes and other sectors. Our products are also availed by shopkeepers,restaurateurs, and various government and private offices. Some of our highlyvaluable clients are: Customers hailing from educational sectors

    Pravara Educational Trust Shri Shivaji Madhyavartt Sahakari Grahak Bhandar Ahmadnagar Chate School D.k.m.m. Homeopathic College Bhagwan Homeopathic College Queens College Of Education Sant Sadguru Horticulture College And Primary School Maharashtra Public School Rajshri Shau Vidyalay And D.Ed College Rashtriya Charitable Trust

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    Uttamrao Patil Nursing College Md. Ali Johar D.Ed College New Azeem D.Ed College

    Handcrafted Furniture

    Empowered by our full fledged designing and manufacturing facilities, we are ableto create an incomparable range of furniture that are crafted from different

    material like plastic, metal, wood and many more. Our furniture is used in severalsectors for furnishing purposes and is helpful in providing them a distinct classalong with comfort ability and functionality. Our all-embracing range of furnitureincludes:

    School Furniture

    We offer school furniture, which are manufactured from quality wood & steelmaterials. This education furniture are perfectly designed to provide sittingarrangements in the classroom. Constructed with a view to provide good sittingpostures to the students, thus making them comfortable for sitting. These areavailable at most competitive prices.

    Hostel Furniture

    Our company also offers hostel furniture, which are perfectly designed to providebest comfort level to the children at hostel. These are manufactured from qualitywood & steel thus making them durable in the long run. They have sufficientshelves for keeping the utilities. The side stairs are also well set to provideconvenient to children while climbing to the upper bed. These are available atmost reasonable prices.

    Industrial FurnitureOur company offers industrial furniture for the usage in industries. These aredesigned to provide more space and the materials can be stored well without anyfear of damage. Our ranges of industrial furniture are manufactured from

    qualitative raw materials. These are available at most competitive prices.

    Library FurnitureOur library furniture is manufactured from qualitative raw materials, thusproviding complete storage solutions to library. These furnitures have manyshelves, thus providing more space for keeping books. These are designed perfectlyto occupy less space. This furniture is available at most competitive prices.

    ICU Equipment

    We offer ICU equipment, which is widely used in the hospitals and thus providingcomfort to the patients. These are manufactured from top grade raw materials toprovide durability & long service life. Our ranges of ICU equipment are available

    at most competitive prices.

    Supplementary Equipment

    We offer supplement equipment, which are manufactured from qualitative rawmaterials, thus providing complete storage solutions. This equipment is used forstoring many things at a time. The wheels in the legs are helpful in carryingthings from one place to another. These are available at most competitive prices.

    Ward Equipment

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    Our company is engaged in the manufacturing of ward equipment, which ismanufactured from qualitative range of raw materials, thus providing them longservice life. Its wheels are also manufactured from top grade rubber to give themmore durability. The equipment is perfectly designed to provide comfort to thepatients.

    Dual Desk

    We are engaged in the manufacturing of dual desk, which are manufactured fromquality wood & steel materials. This furniture is perfectly designed to providesitting arrangements in the classroom. These dual desks are very comfortable insitting and thus prevent from any backache. These are available at mostcompetitive prices.

    Television Stand

    Our company is engaged in the manufacturing of T.V. stand is perfectly designed togive complete support to the television. These are manufactured from qualitativeraw materials thus, providing they long service life. Our range of T.V. Stand isavailable at most reasonable prices.

    Slotted Angle StorageOur company offers a wide range of slotted angle storage, which is manufacturedfrom top quality metal sheets, thus providing storage solutions. These storagestands can be used in departmental stores, shops and other industrial usages. Ourranges of slotted angle storage are available at most competitive prices.

    Cable TrayWe offer cable tray, which is known for its high performance & cost-effective.Manufactured from qualitative range of raw materials, our range of cable trayprovides solutions to different industries. These are available at mostcompetitive prices.

    Stretcher With Trolley

    Our company is engaged in the manufacturing of stretcher with trolley, whichprovides numerous solutions to hospitals. These are manufactured from qualitativerange of raw materials so as to give them long service life. The trolley attachedwith the stretcher is very beneficial for moving the stretcher from one place toanother. Our ranges of slotted angle storage are available at most competitiveprices.

    AVAILABLE ULTRA MODERN MACHINERIESAmbikaMake - 2500 mm X 4 mm thick under crank Shareing MachineAcme Make-30 Tonne Power PressDigvijay Make -10 Tonne Power Press90 Folding Machine-8'

    Rajesh Make - Hand Operated Folding Machine - 5'Press Brake Screw Type MachineDrilling Machine - 15 mmCut-offMachine-12"Welding Machine-4 Nos.Spot Welding Machine -15 KvBench GrinderParkin Make - 5 HP. Heavy Duty Compressor MachinePOWDER COATING UNITMitsushita, Japan makes System Powder Coating UnitElectric & Gas Oven- Size 12' X7'X4.5I

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    Powder Coating Booth-7'x4'x 6'Air Compressor Unit - 5 HP offers on line workingAlso offering Phosphating & Clearing treatment on three tank & 7 time procedures.

    RAW MATERIAL AND THEIR SOURCESMajor Raw Material is SRC A Sheet, MS Angle, Flat Pipe, and Paint & Hardware.

    Company prefers vendors of Mumbai & Indore to purchase above mentioned material.The vendors are also ensuring the Value for money and time to procure the same ontime to avoid late delivery.Besides that Company is purchasing Paints from local market, since the customer isking of market and Company is providing what is, how is, required by customer. Toavoid major inventory & shade difference it is necessary to purchase Paints fromlocal market.


    Marketing research plays an important role in the process of

    marketing. Starting with market component of the total marketing talks. It helpsthe firm to acquire a better understanding of the consumers, the competition andthe marketing environment.


    Marketing research is a systematic gathering, recording and analysis marketingproblem to facilitate decision making.- Coundiff & Still.

    Marketing research is a systematic problem analysis, model building and fact

    finding for the purpose of important decision making and control in the marketingof goods and services.- Phillip Kotler.


    Defining the Marketing Problem to be tackled and identifying the market researchproblem involved in the task.(1) Define the problem and its objectives.(2) Identify the problem.

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    (3) Determine the information needed.(4) Determine the sources of information.(5) Decide research methods.(6) Tabulate, Analyze and interpret the data.(7) Prepare research report.(8) Follow-up the study.(1) Define the problem and its objectives: - This includes an effective job inplanning and designing a research project that will provide the needed

    information. It also includes the establishment of a general framework of majormarketing elements such as the industry elements, competitive elements, marketingelements and company elements.

    (2) Identify the problem: - Identifying the problem involves getting acquaintedwith the company, its business, its products and market environment, advertisingby means of library consultation and extensive interviewing of companysofficials.

    (3) Determining the specific Information needed :- In general the producer, themanufacturer, the wholesaler and the retailer try to find out four things namely:-

    (1) What to sell(2) When to sell(3) Where to sell(4) How to sell

    (4) Determine the sources of information:-(a) Primary Data: - Primary data are those which are gathered specially for theproject at hand, directly e.g. through questionnaires & interviews. Primary datasources include company salesman, middleman, consumers, buyers, tradeassociations executives & other businessman & even competitors.(b) Secondary Data: - These are generally published sources, which have beencollected originally for some other purpose. Source are internal company records,government publication, reports & publication, reports & journals, trade,

    professional and business associations publications & reports.

    (4) Decide Research methods for collecting data :- If it isFound that the secondary data cannot be of much use, collection ofPrimary data become necessary. Three widely used methods ofgathering primary data are

    A) SurveyB) ObservationC) Experimentation

    A) Survey Method: - In this method, information gathered directly

    from individual respondents, either through personal interviews or through mailquestionnaires or telephone interviews.

    B) Observation Method: - The research data are gathered throughobserving and recording their actions in a marketing situation. This technique ishighly accurate. It is rather an expensive technique.

    C) Experimental Method: - This method involves carrying out a smallscale trial solution to a problem, while at the same time, attempting to controlall factors relevant to the problem. The main assumption here is that the testconditions are essentially the same as those that will be encountered later whenconclusions derived from the experiment are applied to a broader marketing area.

    D) The Panel Research: - In this technique the same group of

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    respondents is contacted for more then one occasion; and the information obtainedto find out if there has been any in their taste demand or they want any specialquality, color, size, packing in the product.

    a) Preparation of questionnaireb) Presetting of questionnairec) Planning of the sample

    (5) Tabulate, Analysis and Interpret the Data :-The report must give/contain the following information:-

    a) The title of researchb) The name of the organization for which it has been

    Conductedc) The objectives of researchd) The methodology usede) Organization and the planning of the reportf) A table of contents along with charts and diagrams used in the reports

    g) The main report containing the findingsh) Conclusion arrived at end recommendations suggestedi) Appendices (containing questionnaire / forms used sample design,instructions.)

    (6) Follow-up the study: - The researchers, in the last stage, should follow upthis study to find if his recommendation are being implemented and if not, why


    Advertising is a paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas,goods or services by an identified sponsor.


    Increase the awareness level of Metro Metal Industries

    Seek the general perception of consumer towards Metro Metal Industries

    To find the performance of Metro Metal Industries vis--vis other Brands.

    To know the consumer psyche and their behavior towards Metro MetalIndustries

    2. Research Objectives & related sub objectives

    To know the relationship of sales with the advertisement.

    To know awareness of people towards Metro Metal Industries

    To know in which segment furniture are mostly like/preferred.

    To know which advertisement tool is mostly preferred by people.

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    To know the preference of Metro Metal Industries with comparison to othercompetitive brands.

    To know the factors which affects consumers buying behaviorto purchase Furniture

    3. Information requirement

    First, I had to know about all the competitors present in the furnitureSegment (Reputed and well established brands as well as Local brands).

    Before going for the survey I had to know the comparative stile andPrices of all the competitors existing in the market.

    As furniture is different product, the main information needed is the

    various types of furnitures available in the market, their calorific value andvarious other stile. They can be termed as :

    As Metro metal advertisements are mainly done through hoardings but on Newspepar the advertisement

    METRO METAL PRODUCT is made from Steel, Wood, MDF wood,

    4. Choice of research design alternatives & choice

    Despite the difficulty of establishing an entirely satisfactory classificationsystem, it is helpful to classify marketing research on the basis of the

    fundamental objectives of the research. Consideration of the different types,their applicability, their strengths, and their weakness will help the student toselect the type best suited to a specific problem.

    The two general types of research are:


    Exploratory research seeks to discover new relationship, emphasis on discovery ofideas.Marketing researches devote a significant portion of their work on exploratorystudies when very little is known about the problem being examined.

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    Conclusive studies attempts to determine the frequency with which something occursor the relationship between two phenomenons. Usually conclusive studies assumecertain under underlying characteristics of the market or have some precisestatement of research questions/hypothesis.


    If one wants to know what type of dentifrice people use, what they think of,television commercials, or why they buy particular brands of cars, the naturalprocedure is to ask them. Thus, the questionnaire method has come to be the morewidely used of the two data collection method. Many consumers are now familiarwith the telephone caller who greets them with We are making a survey, and thenproceeds to ask a series of questions. Some interviews are conducted in person,others by telephone, and others by mail. Each of these has its special advantagesand disadvantages and limitations. The questionnaire method in general, however,has a number of pervasive advantages and disadvantages. Discussion of particularvariations will be more meaningful if these characteristics of the general methodsare brought out first.A questionnaire consists of list of questions to be asked from the respondents and

    the space provided to record the answer / responses. Questionnaire can be used forthe personal interviews, focus groups, mails and telephonic interviews. The choiceamong these alternatives is largely determined by the type of information to beobtained and by the type of respondents from whom it is to be obtained.

    The common factor in all varieties of the questionnaire method is this reliance onverbal responses to question, written or oral.Questionnaire in the project consists of:

    Multiple choice questionsDicthomusMultiple Choice Questions:

    Questions of this type offer the respondents an alternative to choose the rightanswer among others. It is faster, time saving and less biased. It alsosimplifies the tabulating process.


    In this type respondents are free to answer in their own words and express the

    ideas they think are relevant, such questions are good as first questions oropening questions. They introduce the subject and obtain general reaction.


    These are the questions which are Boolean in nature. These answers arestraightforward and respondents have to answer them in a straight way. That meansthe answer can only be either Yes or No.

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    Sample design is a definite plan of obtaining some items from the wholepopulation. The sample design used in this project is two state sampling i.e.Cluster and convenience. In the probability sampling methods, each items in thesample is chosen one at a time from a complete list of universe elements. Inmarketing research practice, it will sometimes be more expedient to selectclusters or groups of universe elements, rather than to choose sample items


    Sampling methods in which universe elements are chosen in groups ---- rather thanindividually -- are called cluster-sampling methods. They are widely used in thesampling of human populations. When no complete universe listing exists, a type ofsampling is called area sampling may be the only practically feasible form ofprobability sampling.


    The non structured techniques for attitude measurement are primarily of value inexploratory studies, where the researcher is looking for the salient attributes ofgiven products and the important factors surrounding purchase decisions as seen bythe consumer. Structured techniques can provide a more objective measurement

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    system, one which is more comparable to a scale or a yardstick. The term scalinghas been applied to the efforts to measure attitudes objectively, and a number ofuseful scales have been developed.


    Sample design is a definite plan of obtaining some items from the wholepopulation. The sample design used in this project is two state sampling i.e.

    cluster sampling and convenience sampling. The whole city was divided into somegeographical areas and I have chosen Memnagar, Ashram road, Sattelite, Bopal,Bodekdev, Vastrapur, Navrangpura, Usmanpura, Maninagar and Narayanpura. The totalsample size was 200.


    Here the whole area is divided into some geographical area and a definite numberof consumers were to be surveyed.


    This type of sampling is chosen purely on the basis of convenience and according

    to convenience.I visited Education Institute, Hospital, Offices, Industries,Choching classes, Superstores, Theatres.


    1. Sampling Technique : Non probability sampling

    (A nonprobability sampling technique is

    That in whicheach element in the

    Populationdoes not have an equal

    Chance ofgetting selected)

    2. Sample Unit : People who buy furniture available

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    In retail

    outlets, Company showrooms etc

    3. Method : Direct interview through questionnaire.

    4. Data analysis method : Graphical method.

    6. Area of survey : Aurangabad District.


    Questionnaire was prepared keeping the objective of research in mind.

    Questions were asked to respondents as regards to there willingness topurchase furniture.

    The help of questionnaires conducted direct interviews, in order to getaccurate information.

    In order to get correct information I had to approach consumers ranging fromcostumer requierment.

    I visited as many respondents as I can and asked them their real likingsabout any furniture and also got an idea, How a Furniture should be?

    It is really a Herculean task to understand Consumer Behaviour, as the

    definition suggest, Consumer behaviour is a physical activity as well as decisionprocess individual engaged in when evaluating, acquiring, using and disposinggoods and services.

    In order to collect accurate information I visited to Education Institute,Hospital, Offices, Industries, Choching classes, Superstores, Theatres.Each and every question was filled personally by the respondents and checkedproperly.

    People were not willing to answer, when they were contacted between 1.00 pmto 5.00 pm, the time when most of the people take rest during the scorching heat.

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    Advertising is a paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas,goods or services by an identified sponsor.


    Customer Survey Questioner

    Name: _________________________________________Address: _________________________________________Mob. No: _____________

    1) Why do you buy Furniture?Business use Personal use both.

    2) On what occasion you are buying Furniture?

    Festival Before exam Celebration General.

    3) Why do you prefer to buy Metro metal furniture?Technology Looks Price.

    4) What was the effect of advertisement?Very good Good Fine.

    5) What was your experience while buying Furniture?Got full info All doubts are cleared Behaviour of sales executive.Very Good Good Satisfactorily.

    6) Did you get Stylish Furniture as per your requirement?Yes No

    7) What was your experience about service?Good Satisfactorily Excellent.

    8) What do you feel having a metro metal Furniture?Stylish Technology advanced Satisfied.

    9) What features would you like to see in our Furniture?i) ________________ ii) ________________ iii) ________________


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    Limited time available for interviewing the respondents. As a result of thisit was not possible to gather full information about the respondents.

    When I interviewed children and teenagers, sometimes they use toGive answers under the influence of their parents or elders.

    As summer training is going under summer season so sometimesPeople are less interested in filling up questionnaire.

    Sometimes the problem which I face is language problem for which I have tomake them understand.

    Non-cooperative approach and rude behavior of the respondents.

    If the respondents answer does not falls between amongst the options giventhen it will turn up to be a biased answer.


    During the survey it was found that still there are 40% people who have notusing metro metal furniture

    Lake of Awareness in consumers. Many people are not know about Metor metalfurniture specially institute and Hospital.

    As I found that the main product of Educational furniture is and companyfirstly wants to capture maximum market in Furniture market which is approx. 66%,

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    Advertisement can be done with the help of NEWS PEPAR that attractsEDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE and HOSPITAL because FURNITURE is consumed largely in thissegment.

    Company should launch FURNITURE in new STANDARD STILE.


    As we know that METRO METAL is small scale organization andmarket leader in FURNITURE products. It has maximum market share in Educationaland Hospital furniture, which are its main/core products. As we know Metal is aco-operative organization but furniture industry is a profitable industry we cantignore it. With the help of research, company can find out its week points inproduct and can increase its market share through rectify mistakes. People have

    believed in METRO METALs product and they will accept its furniture also ifeffective actions were taken.

    The survey resulted into following conclusions:

    Metro must come up with new promotional activities such that people becomeaware about Metro metal like educational, official, hospital and industrialfurniture.

    Quality is the dominating aspect which influences consumer to purchase Metroproduct, but prompt availability of other furniture and aggressive promotionalactivities by others influences the consumer towards them and also leads toincrease sales.

    People are mostly satisfied with the overall quality of METRO METAL , butfor the existence in the local market METRO must use aggressive selling techniques

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    1. www.metrometal.co.in2. www.goggle.com

    3. www.rediff.com4. www.marketresearch.com5. www.nsic.com6. Research Methodology. ( Harper W.Boyd, C. R. Kothari )7. Study Book.8. Local Area market.